Indian Air Force acquisition - Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters Getting greener

Indian Air Force acquisition - Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters Getting greener

       A quarterly publication of   and

        Air Force                                 Getting greener
                                                HCCI vs. conventional
        acquisition                              engine technologies
        Dassault Aviation
        Rafale fighters                    Student competitions
                                           • Baja SAEINDIA highlights
                                              • Rise of the underdogs

                                                            Volume 2, Issue 2

                                                               June 2015

1506ME.indb 1                                                              5/11/15 5:25 PM
Indian Air Force acquisition - Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters Getting greener
ME Molex Ad 0615.qxp_Mobility FP 4/29/15 8:00 PM Page 1

                 Decades of automotive experience and innovations
                 developed for the consumer and telecom industries give
                 Molex the right expertise to help you develop the next
                 generation of vehicles.
                 What will we make together?

 1506ME.indb 2                                                            5/11/15 5:25 PM
Indian Air Force acquisition - Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters Getting greener
       38 Getting greener AUTOMOTIVE                                 49 Slick solutions for friction
                POWERTRAIN                                              reduction AUTOMOTIVE POWERTRAIN
       To meet upcoming fuel economy and emissions regulations,      Suppliers and engine designers are attacking every
       the developmental homogeneous charge compression              potential source of internal friction—no longer a “low-
       ignition (HCCI) engine shows promise, but pursuit of more     hanging fruit”—as the battle to squeeze more mechanical
       conventional engine technologies may be the better path.      work from less fuel intensifies.

       40 Highlights of Baja SAEINDIA                                53 Hydraulics still in control of
                STUDENT COMPETITIONS                                    off-highway needs OFF-HIGHWAY
       The 2015 event, the 8th edition with the theme of Beyond            ELECTRONICS | HYDRAULICS
       Boundaries, was won by the College of Engineering, Pune.
                                                                     Engineers continue to master electronic controllers and
                                                                     software to help systems manage engine speeds and
       43 Rise of the underdogs STUDENT                              boost efficiency to the ultimate benefit of both OEMs and
                COMPETITIONS                                         end users.
       Problem-plagued effort last year spurs Baja SAE team from
       VIT University of India to overhaul itself and its car.

       45 Testing reality in an increasingly
                                                                                                 The Indian Air Force plans to
          complex design space                                                                   acquire 36 Rafale fighters.
                AEROSPACE SIMULATION                                                             The cover image shows a
                                                                                                 single-seater in full “Air-Air”
       Digital simulation tools have transformed the designing and
                                                                                                 configuration and a two-seater
       testing of new aircraft, as well as the way they are
                                                                                                 in mixed configuration.
       manufactured and sustained.

                follow us @SAEAutoMag

       MOBILITY ENGINEERING                                                                                       JUNE 2015 1

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Indian Air Force acquisition - Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters Getting greener
ME Alta

           4 Editorial                                                  26 Denso displays more compact HVAC design
                                                                                 AUTOMOTIVE INTERIORS
       		 High-voltage developments
                                                                        27 Automakers see possibilities, limits for gesture
           6 Focus                                                         controls AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS
       		 Building the SAEINDIA brand                                   28 The quest for the self-cleaning car AUTOMOTIVE BODY
           8 SAEINDIA News                                              30 Brunel pursues ultrasound for ‘greener’ production of
                                                                           aluminum alloys AUTOMOTIVE MATERIALS
            8 AWIM National Olympics held in Chakan
                                                                         31 MTU develops new turbine blade material in record
          10 KLU hosts National Student Convention
                                                                            time AEROSPACE MATERIALS
          12 New 3D printing event
                                                                        32 Lightweight steel is stronger than titanium
         13 Industry News                                                        AUTOMOTIVE | AEROSPACE MATERIALS
                                                                        34 Automatic collision avoidance added to inspection
         15 Technology Report                                              software AUTOMOTIVE SIMULATION
          15 Schaeffler developing novel powertrain for 2015/2016
                                                                        35 X-ray testing for large composites AEROSPACE
             FIA Formula E season MOTORSPORTS POWERTRAIN                         TESTING
          16 New yeast strain enhances biofuel production               36 NanoSteel powder alloys advance 3D printing of
                                                                           high-hardness parts MANUFACTURING
          17 Cummins in production with ‘simplified’ Tier 4 Final
                                                                         37 Altair optimizes 3D-printed structures for complex,
             engines OFF-HIGHWAY POWERTRAIN
                                                                            lightweight designs MANUFACTURING
          18 Aerojet Rocketdyne gets a boost from additive
             manufactured components AEROSPACE PROPULSION              56 Global Vehicles
          19 Military technologies aid the fight for improved           56 Next-gen NSX: A twin-turbo, multi-material
             off-highway efficiencies OFF-HIGHWAY ELECTRONICS              Ferrari-fighter
          21 Audi details piloted driving technology AUTOMOTIVE         60 Cabin key to Komatsu America’s new T4F hydraulic
                ELECTRONICS                                                excavator
          22 Flight vision system for rotary-wing aircraft AVIONICS      61 New XF moves to Jaguar’s aluminum architecture
          23 Counterfeit electronic parts: Manufacture of and         63 Companies Mentioned
             avoidance AEROSPACE ELECTRONICS
                                                                      63 Ad Index
          24 Johnson Controls presents interior concept for
             autonomous driving at 2015 NAIAS AUTOMOTIVE              64 Q&A
                INTERIORS                                             		 Michael Tinskey, Ford’s Global Director of Vehicle
          25 Portable shade proposed for cooler interiors                Electrification and Infrastructure

                                                                       © SAEINDIA and SAE INTERNATIONAL reserves all rights .

                                                                       No part of this publication and/or website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
                                                                       transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the Publisher. Permission is only deemed
                                                                       valid if approval is in writing. SAEINDIA and SAE International buys all rights to contributions, text and
                                                                       images, unless previously agreed to in writing.In case of Address/addressee not found return to SAE
                                                                       INDIA, No 1/17Ceebros Arcade, 3rd Cross, Kasturba Nagar, Chennai -600 020. Telefax: 91-44-2441-1904,
                                                                       Phone: 91-44-4215 2280.

       2 JUNE 2015                                                                                                                    MOBILITY ENGINEERING

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Indian Air Force acquisition - Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters Getting greener
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Indian Air Force acquisition - Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters Getting greener
ME Sain

       Kevin Jost
       Editorial Director
       Asit K. Barma

                                             High-voltage developments
       SAE India Editor
       C. V. Raman
       ED, MSIL
       Arun Jaura                            The concept of higher-voltage vehicle electrical       Validation Manager for Controlled Power
       VP, SAEINDIA                   networks between those for 12-V conventional and       Technologies, because 48-V hybrids are cur-
       Bala Bharadvaj                        200- and 600-V full hybrids and electric vehicles is   rently the most cost-effective way of meeting
       MD, Boeing R & T           not new, with development experiencing fits and        stringent CO2 emissions in the buildup to 2020
       Mathew Abraham                        starts over the past few decades. However, tight-      European regulations. This is compounded
       Sr. GM, Mahindra           ening efficiency and emissions regulations and         potentially by a shift from the current NEDC to
       Dr. Venkat Srinivas                   increasing demand for onboard electrical power         the more aggressive WLTP test.
       Vice President & Head - Engineering
       & Product Development, Mahindra &     means that higher voltages, in the form of supple-         Electric engine boosting could benefit from
       Mahindra Truck and Bus Division          mental 48-V subsystems, are nearing production.        48-V networks. Hyundai and Kia are developing
       Jean L. Broge                             One sign of this was on display at the 2014 Los    a mild-hybrid diesel powertrain using an electric
       Managing Editor                        Angeles Auto Show. The Audi Prologue show car,         supercharger in conjunction with a 48-V net-
       Lindsay Brooke                        which provided a glimpse of the company’s              work. According to Bloore, electric boosting
       Senior Editor                       design future, also more quietly previewed a new       using energy recuperated, rather than lost in fric-
       Ryan Gehm
       Associate Editor
                                             48-V electrical system coming to future Audis.         tion from the brakes, not only reduces emissions,                             The company attributed some of the large           but also can have a positive impact on vehicle
       Zach Nocera
       Editorial Assistant                   show car’s relatively low fuel consumption and         performance and drivability.
       Patrick Ponticel                      CO2 emissions to the new 48-V system. Powered              The rapidly growing interest in 48-V networks
       Membership Editor                      by a belt starter generator, the set up enables        was also discussed at the SAE International 2015
       Lisa Arrigo                           mild powertrain hybridization with brake-energy        Hybrid & Electric Vehicles Technologies
       Custom Electronic
       Products Editor                       recovery. The displacement of high-wattage             Symposium held in Los Angeles in February. Dr.
                                             loads to more efficient 48-V networks is               Mazen Hammoud, Ford’s Chief Engineer for
       Contributors                          expected to be the next step in the development        Electrified Powertrain Systems and SAE Fellow,
       Kami Buchholz
       Detroit Editor                        of a new generation of mild hybrid vehicles.           said that the 48-V working voltage is the best com-
       Stuart Birch                              In addition to improved fuel economy and           promise for mild hybridization. (See http://articles.
       European Editor
       Jack Yamaguchi                        reduced emissions, 48-V systems could poten- 
       Asian Editor                          tially save costs on new electrical features and           Although the higher voltage provides no real
       Steven Ashley
       Dan Carney
                                             help better address the emerging needs of future       electric-only drive capability, there is better
       Terry Costlow                         drivers. A new report from Autelligence on 48-V        capacity for capturing braking regen energy, and
       Richard Gardner
       Jenny Hessler                         automotive electrification analyzes the technol-       it’s a good stop-start enabler, Hammoud said. A
       John Kendall
       Bruce Morey                           ogy and provides an outlook on future introduc-        mild hybrid can provide more than 3% increased
       Jennifer Shuttleworth
       Linda Trego                           tions. The report notes that the new technology        engine-off time versus a 12-V stop-start vehicle
       Paul Weissler
                                             is “extremely economical because it can be easily      in real-world driving conditions. In addition,
       DESIGN                                integrated into an existing vehicle architecture       according to ECE-R 100 regs for direct current
       Lois Erlacher                         and the small 48-V battery means battery costs         under 60 V, shock protection is not required for
       Art Director
       Ray Carlson
                                             are reasonable,” said Christopher Breitsameter,        48 V, helping to lower cost.
       Associate Art Director                Head of Business Development and Strategy,                 The consensus of global forecasts suggests
                                             Continental Powertrain Division.                       that 48-V mild hybrids will soon come to domi-
       SALES &                                   Challenges to 48-V system implementation           nate the market. Compared with 200-600 V full
       MARKETING                             remain. At the 2nd International Conference on         hybrid and battery electric vehicles, the low-
       K. Shriramchandran
       SAE India                             Advanced Automotive 48V Power Supply                   er-voltage approach avoids the need for high-
       No.1/17, Ceebros Arcade
       3rd Cross Kasturba Nagar              Systems organized by IQPC Automotive in                cost safety features and large battery packs.
       India 600 020                         Düsseldorf last November, experts from car mak-        CPT estimates that if 48-V and related emis-
                                             ers and suppliers discussed the need for an inter-     sions-reduction strategies could be universally
       Marcie L. Hineman                     national 48-V standard. Initial steps have already     applied to the more than 100 million vehicles
       Global Field Sales Manager
                                             been taken with a LV148 standard proposed by           forecast to be produced per year from 2020—                       Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche, and Volkswagen.           98% of them with gasoline and diesel engines—
                                                 It makes sense to have a common global             annual CO2 emissions could be reduced by 100
                                             standard, according to Paul Bloore, Product            million t globally per year.

       4 JUNE 2015                                                                                                         MOBILITY ENGINEERING

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Indian Air Force acquisition - Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters Getting greener
ME Saint-Goban Bearings Ad 0615.qxp_Mobility FP 4/29/15 7:25 PM Page 1

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Indian Air Force acquisition - Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters Getting greener

                                                                                                            BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                                                                            Dr. Aravind S. Bharadwaj
                                                                                                            Mr. Shrikant R. Marathe
                                                                                                            Immediate Past President
                                                                                                            Dr. R.K. Malhotra
                                                                                                            Sr. Vice President & Chairman,
                                                                                                            Finance Board
                                                                                                            Dr. Bala Bharadvaj
                                                                                                            Vice President & Chairman,

       Building the SAEINDIA brand                                                                          Aerospace Board
                                                                                                            Dr. K.C. Vora
                                                                                                            Vice President & Chairman, Sections
       In retrospect, the 2014-15 season for            and the fun, excitement, and joy of children        Board
       SAEINDIA has been truly one of consolida-        who participated in the competition and won         Mr. I.V. Rao
       tion in putting systems in place, evolving       prizes should be seen to be believed.               Chairman, Meetings & Expo Board
       policies for the future, resolving long out-         We have made important decisions to             Dr. Venkat Srinivas
                                                                                                            Secretary & Vice Chairman,
       standing issues in administration. We creat-     acquire premises for SAEINDIA Western and           Development Board
       ed Operating Boards to plan and decide           Bangalore Sections, which will help our offices     Mr. C.V. Raman
                                                                                                            Vice Chairman, Sections Board
       their activities and empowered them to bud-      to function with lot more autonomy and pro-
                                                                                                            Dr. Arun Jaura
       get their plans and implement them.              fessionalism and accelerate our programs and        Chairman, Automotive Board
                                                        activities. This has been amply proved by           Mr. Prakash Sardesai
                                                        SAEINDIA Southern Section, which is func-           Chairman, PDP Board
                                                        tioning from its own premises and conducting        Mr. Sanjay Deshpande
                                                                                                            Chairman, Membership Board
                                                        many programs and workshops strengthening
                                                                                                            Mr. Asit K. Barma
                                                        its operations and finances.                        Chairman, Publications Board
                                                            We are also making all preparations to          Mr. Devendra Bahirat
                                                        organize ITEC INDIA 2015, a unique event            Chairman, Off-Highway Board
                                                                                                            Dr. S. Thrumalini
                                                        partnering with IEEE IAS (Industry                  Chairman, Engineering Education Board
                                                        Applications Society), and we expect the            Mr. B. Bhanot
                                                        event to galvanize the electric mobility indus-     Chairman, Development Board
                                                        try to double up its pace in the coming years.      Mr. P.K. Banerjee
                                                                                                            Jt. Secretary, Vice Chairman,
                                                            We have lined up professional development       Engineering Education Board
                                                        programs including the International Lecture        Dr. Arunkumar Sampath
                                                        Series and are also planning webinar programs       Treasurer, Vice Chairman,
                                                                                                            Meetings & Expo Board
                                                        through a newly created web platform.
                                                                                                            Mr. M. Kannan
                                                            The Aerospace Board and Off Highway             Vice Chairman, PDP Board
                                                        Board are planning major programs during the        Mr. Arun Sivasubrahmaniyan
                                                        proposed visit of Mr. Richard Greaves, President,   Jt. Treasurer & Vice Chairman,
                                                                                                            Publications Board
                                                        SAE International to India in July 2015. The
                                                        Aerospace Board is planning a seminar on the        Representing
                                                        Make in India concept announced by Mr.              SAE International
                                                        Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the country.       Dr. David. L. Schutt
                                                                                                            Chief Executive Officer
                                                            The symposium organized by SAEINDIA’s
                                                                                                            Mr. Murli M. Iyer
                                                        Northern Section on fuels, lubricants, and          Executive Advisor-Global Affairs
                                                        after-treatment devices in April 2015 in Delhi      Office of the Chief Executive Officer
       Dr. Aravind Bharadwaj                            received robust support from the Industry and
                                                                                                            Presented by SAEINDIA
       President, SAEINDIA                              the registration of delegates. This symposium       Media, Communications and
                                                        will address issues critical to the industry as     Publications Committee
           As a new initiative, we started Knowledge    government is making the manufacturers              Mr. Asit K. Barma
       Round Tables in Mahindra Research Valley and     compliant to Euro IV emissions, bringing India
                                                                                                            Mr. Arun Sivasubrahmaniyan
       UCAL Fuels and provided a forum for the          in tune with the global norms.                      Vice Chairman
       members within the organization to exchange          We are chalking out a plan to build the         Mr. Rajesh Kumar
                                                                                                            Vice Chairman
       ideas and information on cross functional dis-   brand SAEINDIA as a professional society            Dr. Ramesh
       ciplines and invite experts to address them on   committed to the cause of development of            Member
       topics of current relevance and importance.      the mobility community by creating knowl-           Dr. Saravanen
       Plans are also underway to start a similar       edge-sharing platforms and conferences that         Prof. J.M. Mallikarjuna
       forum at WABCO and for other major indus-        address issues of critical importance for the       Member
       tries where we have sizable members.             future to make SAEINDIA move forward as a           Dr. S.S. Thipse
           AWIM National Olympics was organized in      society with deep and abiding concern for the       Prof. Sudhir Gupte
       the month of January in Chakan, Maharashtra,     industry as a technology leader.                    Member
                                                                                                            Mr. Anupam Dave
                                                                                                            Mr. Vasanth Kini
                                                                                                            Prof. Ravishankar
                                                                                                            Mr. Deepak Panda

       6 JUNE 2015                                                                                          MOBILITY ENGINEERING

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Indian Air Force acquisition - Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters Getting greener
ME AR Associates Ad 0615.qxp_Mobility FP 4/29/15 8:09 PM Page 1

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 1506ME.indb 7                                                                                                                                                                                          5/11/15 5:25 PM
Indian Air Force acquisition - Dassault Aviation Rafale fighters Getting greener
ME Borg

       AWIM National Olympics held in Chakan
       A World In Motion (AWIM), abiding by its
       unique name, rightly amalgamates fun,
       challenge, teamwork, and leadership. The
       7th AWIM National Olympics was held
       from the 10th to 12th of January 2015 at
       Mahindra Vehicle Manufacturers Ltd. in
           This was a great opportunity for little
       champions’ dreams to come true by
       taking their machines to an automobile
       manufacturing proving grounds. A total
       of 152 students, 76 teachers, and many
       industry volunteers from 17 cities across
       the nation attended this event.
           On the 10th of January, the teams
       were registered for the event, and all
       teams were briefed on the rules and
       marking format.                               AWIM National Olympics inauguration.
           On the 11th of January, the main
       event began, for which student design
       teams from class 5th and 6th grade par-
       ticipated by making “skimmer” and “jet-
       toy” vehicles for the track, and they also
       designed dream cars that they per-
       ceived as future cars of the science age.
       About eight teams for skimmer and 30
       teams for jet-toy participated in the
       grand finale.
           Mr. Vijay Dhongde, CEO, MVML, wel-
       comed Dr. Pawan Goenka, Executive
       Director, Mahindra & Mahindra, and
       briefed how his vision helped to increase
       the AWIM initiative from two cities to 17
       cities across India.
           Dr. Pawan Goenka’s presence raised
       the energy among the children (they were
       pumped with enthusiasm); his vision of
       benefiting children getting a boost. He
       visited the skimmer and jet-toy tracks and
       also witnessed presentations made by the      Students’ presentation.

                                                                                            little champs. Later he shared his
                                                                                            thoughts, interacted, and guided children
                                                                                            to be better engineers in the future, and
                                                                                            expressed that these children are the
                                                                                            future of our country.
                                                                                                 He also appreciated the efforts of the
                                                                                            volunteers across the country who
                                                                                            invested their time in teaching children
                                                                                            beyond their textbook knowledge. He
                                                                                            visualized how seeds of “Make in India”
                                                                                            have been well sown at schools with
                                                                                            activities such as AWIM. He relived his
                                                                                            school days while spending time with
       Dr. Powen Goenka’s interactions during the AWIM Olympics.                            these children. He also reiterated the fact

       8 JUNE 2015                                                                                        MOBILITY ENGINEERING

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ME Sma

       that the automobile industry has helped
       Indian society to grow and develop day
       by day.
          On 12th of January, teams visited the
       Chakan plant with a lot of enthusiasm;
       the bright minds excited to see the plant.
       They were on a tour to Maxximo BIW,
       Maxximo TCF, and Gyanodaya where
       they were explained vehicle manufactur-
       ing details.

                 AWIM National Olympics winners.

       KLU hosts National Student Convention

                                                                                                The host school, Kalasalingam University,
       Student presentations.                                                                   put on a bike show.

       The 9th SAEINDIA National Student            Balasubramanian, Chairman, SAEISS,          These events were focused on the
       Convention was held at Kalasalingam          and the Presidential address was given      nation’s goal of “Make in India.”
       University (KLU) in Krishnankoil,            by Thiru. K. Sridharan, Chancellor,            Technology Theatre: SAEINDIA SS
       Virudhunagar Dist., on the 30th and 31st     Kalasalingam University. The chief guest    conducted the 4th Technology Theatre
       of January 2015. Every year, the             for this prestigious event was Mr. Oba      for student members. The topics
       SAEINDIA collegiate chapters get an op-      Noboru, Vice President, RNTBCI, and the     included “Challenges in Integrating High
       portunity to discuss, display, and cele-     vote of thanks was given by Dr. M.          Voltage on Automobile” by Mr. R.
       brate their success of the past year. This   Uthayakumar, Organising Head, KLU.          Ramachandran from Mahindra &
       is also the occasion when the winners           On day 1, the winners of Tier 2          Mahindra, Chennai; “Digital
       from the six zones meet and battle it out    regional events competed at the national    Manufacturing for Automotive Industry”
       to find the best in the competitions held.   level, the battle among the six divisions   by Mr. Aiyappan Ramamoorthy from
       This year’s event saw active participation   of SAEINDIA SS (Southern Section). The      Siemens, Chennai; “Automotive crash”
       of over 1000 students from 86 colleges.      events were: Business Plan Contest, Aero    by Mr. Aditya Malladi from Mahindra &
           The inaugural function began with the    Design and Fabrication Contest, Auto        Mahindra, Chennai; and “New Product
       welcome address by Dr. S. Saravana           Quiz, Technical Paper Contest, Modeling     Development of Passenger Car” by Mr.
       Sankar Vice-Chancellor, Kalasalingam         and Animation Contest, Computer Aided       Shanmugavel from Renault Nissan
       University. The student convention brief     Manufacturing Contest, and Analysis         Technical Business Centre India, Chennai.
       was given by Dr. D. Muruganandam,            Contest & CAE. Along with the existing         Collegiate Club Presentation &
       Student Convention-Champion; the             events, SAEINDIA SS made history by         Display: The club presentation show-
       inaugural address given by Mr. N.            successfully conducting 12 new events.      cased the achievements, strengths, and

       10 JUNE 2015                                                                                          MOBILITY ENGINEERING

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ME Smalley Ad 0615.qxp_Mobility FP 4/29/15 7:46 PM Page 1

 1506ME.indb 11                                             5/11/15 5:26 PM
                                                                                                   high power bikes of above 1000 cm3, which
                                                                                                   really attracted the student members.
                                                                                                       Valediction & Prize Distribution
                                                                                                   Ceremony: The convention was brought
                                                                                                   to a close in the valedictory function later
                                                                                                   in the evening. The welcome address
                                                                                                   given by Dr. V. Vasudevan, Registrar,
                                                                                                   Kalasalingam University; the Presidential
                                                                                                   address was given by Dr. S. Saravana
                                                                                                   Sankar Vice-Chancellor, Kalasalingam
                                                                                                   University; and the review of convention
                                                                                                   by Dr. R Kannan, EEC, Champion.
                                                                                                       The Chairman of the SAEINDIA SS,
                                                                                                   Mr. N. Balasubramanian, addressed the
                                                                                                   gathering by giving a glimpse of future
       The convention was brought to a close in the prize distribution and valedictory function.   mega events by the section like Baja
                                                                                                   South and an additional 10 events at the
       unique activities of various SAE colle-        met and discussed the various aspects        next student convention. The chief guest
       giate chapters. The club display compe-        of running a collegiate club, ways to        for the valedictory function was Dr.
       tition and technology theatre ran in           improve the SAE activities, and also the     Aravind S. Bharadwaj, Sr. Vice President,
       parallel at different venues. Various          new SEC members for the year 2015-           M&M, and President, SAEINDIA. This was
       working mechanical models, presenta-           2016 were announced.                         followed by the distribution of prizes and
       tions, and charts were put on display.            KLU Bike Show: The host college also      mementos and the vote of thanks by Mr.
       The SAEI SS Students Executive Council         conducted a bike show where they displayed   S. Shanmugam, Secretary, SAEI SS.

       New 3D printing event
       A new advanced technology called additive manufacturing/3D
       printing (AM/3DP) is transforming engineering. 3D printing is
       an innovative manufacturing technology that can transform
       digital designs into tangible parts in one step without using
       conventional tools.
          The International Conference on Additive Manufacturing, 3D
       Printing, and 3D Scanning (ICAM-3D) was conducted at Vel
       Tech University and The Hilton, Chennai, India, on February
       5th to 8th, 2015, along with ICAM-3D Car Design Challenge for

                                                                             Opening ceremony of the ICAM 3D car design challenge.

                                                                             young engineers. Forty teams were registered from all over
                                                                             the country for this event, and six of them were selected to
                                                                             present their model at the event. The top three teams were
                                                                             selected on the basis of their design and knowledge.
                                                                                Dr. Chidambaram, The Principal Scientific Advisor to the
                                                                             government of India, was the chief guest and inaugurated the
                                                                             ICAM-3D Conference. Dr. Tim Morris, NAFEMS Global, gave the
       Inauguration By Dr. P. Chidambaram, Principle Scientific Advisor      awards for the winners and short listed teams of ICAM-3D Car
       for the government of India.                                          Design Challenge.

       12 JUNE 2015                                                                                              MOBILITY ENGINEERING

1506ME.indb 12                                                                                                                             5/11/15 5:26 PM
       Truck racing demonstrates new                                      Indian Air Force to acquire 36 Rafale fighters
       technology, aero design
                                                                          The Indian Government recently announced its intention to fi-
       Season two of the T1 Prima Truck Racing Championship took          nalize the acquisition of 36 Rafale fighter aircraft from Dassault
       place this spring at India’s F1 track, the Buddh International     Aviation at conditions necessary to meet the security needs of
       Circuit (BIC), with Stuart Oliver of Team Castrol Vecton winning   India. Dassault Aviation, which has been a supplier to the
       for the second year in a row in the 16-lap final race, helping     Indian Air Force for more than 60 years, is grateful for the op-
       Team Castrol Vecton win the team title. Steve Thomas of Team       portunity to pursue and extend their partnership, said Eric
       Allied Partners, who qualified fastest on the first day, was the   Trappier, Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation. “Just as we
       first runner-up, with Steven Powell of Team Tata Technologies      are delivering the first upgraded Mirage 2000, I am delighted
       Motorsports clinching the second runner-up spot.                   by the decision of the Indian Authorities which gives a new im-
                                                                          petus to our partnership for the next decades and comes with-
        The Tata Prima 4038.S                                             in the scope of the strategic relationship gathering France and
          for the T1 Prima Truck
         Racing Championship                                              India,” he said in a statement announcing the deal.
            features 370 bhp at
                2100 rpm and an                                                               Patrol flight of two Rafales: a single-seater
        increased top speed of                                                                 in full “Air-Air” configuration—6 MICA + 3
              130 km/h over last                                                                         supersonic drop tanks of 1250 L—
                 year’s 110 km/h.                                                                                and a two-seater in mixed
                                                                                                                  configuration—2x SCALP
                                                                                                                   + MICA + 3 drop tanks of
                                                                                                                          2000 L. (Dassault
                                                                                                                    Aviation - K. Tokunaga)
           Six teams—also including Team Cummins, Team Dealer
       Warriors, and Team Dealers Daredevils—each raced two Tata
       Prima Model 4038.S trucks built for purpose. Compared to
       Season 1, the Tata Prima race truck boasts 10% increased top
       speed—up to 130 km/h (81 mph)—10% increased acceleration,
       and 10% weight reduction, along with a new aerodynamic
       design. Key modifications made to the trucks to meet a mix of
       safety and performance guidelines per the British Truck
       Racing Association included significant changes to the fuel
       tank, brake cooling system, propeller shaft guards, seats and
       safety belts, exhaust, and steering wheel. The trucks went
       through multiple quality checks, with major testing being
       undertaken at the BIC and Tata Motors Jamshedpur’s testing
       facility, for high speed run and control.
           Tata Motors also introduced a new strategic driver selection
       and training program in conjunction with the race, to induct and
       mold Indian truck drivers for future T1 races. Cummins, WABCO,
       JK Tyres, Castrol, and Tata Technologies were the main sponsors
       of the truck racing championship. Setco Automotive was one of      Zen Technologies, Rockwell Collins
       the sponsors for Team Allied Partners. The T1 Prima Truck Racing
       Championship is organized by Madras Motor Sports Club and
                                                                          develop next-gen flight simulator for
       conducted under the aegis of FIA (Federation Internationale de     Indian market
       l’Automobile) and the Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of India.   Zen Technologies and Rockwell Collins recently unveiled a
                                                                          next-generation rotary wing simulator to serve the “burgeoning
                                                                          need” of the military flight simulation market in India. The com-
                                                                          panies had previously signed a Memorandum of Understanding
                                                                          (MOU) to combine their strengths in simulation and training to
                                                                          offer advanced and high-fidelity aviation solutions. With the
                                                                          rotary wing platform launch, both companies plan to become
                                                                          key partners to the Indian armed forces. The configurable
                                                                          Rotary Wing Simulator is housed in an ergonomically de-
       Key modifications made to meet safety and performance              signed cockpit and addresses both the flight and mission as-
       guidelines included significant changes to the fuel tank, brake    pects of rotary wing aircraft. Realistic training scenarios are
       cooling system, propeller shaft guards, seats and safety belts,    provided using geo-specific cultured terrains, operations
       exhaust, and steering wheel.                                       flight profiles, and avionics that can be used to train both new

       MOBILITY ENGINEERING                                                                                                JUNE 2015 13

1506ME.indb 13                                                                                                                          5/11/15 5:26 PM
       and experienced pilots before missions.
       The training continuum is customizable
       for all types of military platforms.
            The jointly developed simulator was
       revealed within four months of signing
       the MOU, noted Colin Mahoney, Senior
       Vice President, International & Service
       Solutions for Rockwell Collins. “This is
       just the first step in our collaboration,” he
       said. “We see tremendous opportunity
       to provide indigenous, affordable, and
       highly effective simulation and training
       solutions to India’s defence forces
       through our alliance with Zen.”
            “Over the next few years, the Indian                                                            The EC130 T2’s cabin is suitable
       defence forces will be strengthening their                                                           for one pilot and up to seven
       aircraft portfolio, both fixed and rotary                                                            passengers. More than 70% of
       wing. Moreover, there are a number of exist-                                                         the EC130 T2’s airframe structure
                                                                                                            has been modified from the
       ing simulators which may need some mid-                                                              previous EC130 B4 version.
       life upgrades both in terms of technology
       and aircraft concurrency,” said Ashok Atluri,
       Managing Director, Zen Technologies.            has approximately 8890 m2 (95,700 ft2)       Airbus Helicopters’ EC130
       “Therefore, we see a very large opportunity     of manufacturing space and the capaci-       T2 enters Indian market
       for full mission simulators, flight training    ty to produce 2 million units consisting
       devices, and part task trainers, amongst        of heat exchangers, HVAC modules, and
                                                                                                    with two launch customers
       others...Our alliance with Rockwell Collins     air-conditioning lines. HVCC claims it       Airbus Helicopters has signed Indian mar-
       marks the first time that a global simulator    has the ability to double its capacity at    ket launch orders for its single-engine EC130
       [OEM] has teamed with an Indian simulator       this facility based on business needs.       T2 with Sanjay Ghodawat Group and
       manufacturing company to cater to the           The company has a regional office in         Global Vectra Helicorp Ltd. (GVHL), which
       Indian defence market.”                         Chennai and operates four plants in          plan to introduce the single-engine EC130’s
                                                       India—Chennai, Pune, Bhiwadi (near           enhanced version later this year for passen-
       Halla Visteon expands                           Delhi), and Gujarat.                         ger transport services in Kolhapur and Delhi,
       HVAC production                                     “India is one of the fastest growing     respectively. The customers ordered one
       capability in India                             economies in the world and is poised to      EC130 T2 apiece. The Sanjay Ghodawat
                                                       emerge as one of the top passenger           Group is a diversified conglomerate with
       Halla Visteon Climate Control Corp.             vehicle markets in near future, and we       presence in consumer products, energy,
       (HVCC) recently began production at its         want to be prepared for the tremendous       mining, chemicals, and agribusiness. GVHL
       new facility in Sanand, in the state of         growth opportunity this market offers,”      is India’s largest private helicopter company,
       Gujarat, India. The full-line supplier of       said YH Park, President and CEO, HVCC.       which will assign the EC130 T2 to Birdie—its
       automotive thermal management solu-             “This new plant in Gujarat expands our       on-shore operations division offering char-
       tions is using the Gujarat facility to sup-     manufacturing footprint to encompass         ters and religious tourism services.
       port its growing business with global           all of the major automotive hubs in India         The EC130 T2’s cabin is suitable for one
       vehicle manufacturers and to cater to           and allows HVCC to bring world-class         pilot and up to seven passengers. More than
       the requirements of OEMs in the state           thermal management technology to             70% of the EC130 T2’s airframe structure has
       of Gujarat and western India. The facility      vehicle manufacturers in India.”             been modified from the previous EC130 B4
                                                                                                    version. New and updated features include
                                                                                                    the use of a more powerful Turbomeca
                                                                                                    Arriel 2D turboshaft engine and upgraded
                                                                                                    main gearbox, along with the incorporation
                                                                                                    of an active vibration control system and
                                                                  Halla Visteon Climate Control’s   improved air-conditioning, distribution, and
                                                                  new facility in Gujarat, India,   demisting systems. Performance of the
                                                                  can produce 2 million units
                                                                                                    EC130 T2 has been improved for a higher
                                                                  consisting of heat exchangers,
                                                                  HVAC modules, and A/C             maximum gross takeoff weight (2500 kg for
                                                                  lines—and has the ability to      internal loads, and 3050 kg when external
                                                                  double its capacity based on      loads are carried), and a speed increase of
                                                                  business needs.                   up to 10 kts from the EC130 B4.

       14 JUNE 2015                                                                                                MOBILITY ENGINEERING

1506ME.indb 14                                                                                                                               5/11/15 5:26 PM
       Schaeffler developing novel powertrain for 2015/2016
       FIA Formula E season
                                                                                                              All FIA Formula E cars are using
                                                                                                              identical specification
                                                                                                              technologies in the inaugural
                                                                                                              2014/2015 season. Cars are
                                                                                                              built by Spark Racing
                                                                                                              Technologies. The chassis is
                                                                                                              from Dallara. McLaren
                                                                                                              Electronic Systems supplies the
                                                                                                              electric motor and electronics.
                                                                                                              Williams Advanced Engineering
                                                                                                              provides the 28-kW/h Li-ion
                                                                                                              battery pack. Racecars get
                                                                                                              unique powertrains for the
                                                                                                              2015/2016 season.

       All 40 cars in the world’s first all-electric
       racing circuit run a standardized power-
       train, but the uniformity ends in the
       2015/2016 season when each carbon
       fiber/aluminum monocoque chassis FIA
       Formula E racecar can be fitted with a
       unique electric powertrain.
           “We are in the process of developing
       an electric motor and a new transmission
       in the defined specification that FIA
       came up with,” said Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter
       Gutzmer, Deputy CEO and Chief
       Technology Officer for Schaeffler AG.
           Gutzmer and Schaeffler’s CTO for the        A race crew member prepares dry ice for       In the paddock area, Schaeffler’s Jeff
       Americas, Jeff Hemphill, sat down with          the air intake ports of the Audi Sport ABT    Hemphill looks at an Audi Sport ABT
       Automotive Engineering prior to                 all-electric racecars. (Kami Buchholz)        racecar with the electric motor, battery
       Formula E’s March 14 street race in                                                           pack, and other electrified powertrain
       Miami, the first U.S. stop in the 2014/2015     apply that systems approach to this           components exposed. All FIA Formula E
                                                                                                     racecars in the 2014/2015 season have a
       inaugural season of all-electric racing in      development task.”
                                                                                                     power output for practice and qualifying
       Europe, Asia, and the Americas.                    Each Formula E racecar in the              of 200 kW. The power output for the race
           As Team ABT Sportsline’s exclusive          2014/2015 season uses a 57-lb (26-kg)         is 150 kW, plus an additional power
       technology partner, Schaeffler is develop-      motor to accelerate the single-seat car       output of 30 kW by fan voting for three
       ing a novel power unit to replace the           from 0 to 62 mph (100 km/h) in 3 sec-         drivers. (Kami Buchholz)
       McLaren Applied Technologies power-             onds. The motor mates to a Hewland
       train. “We are now starting to get parts in     Engineering five-speed paddle shift           under-development powertrain are being
       for the prototype model,” said Gutzmer.         sequential gearbox.                           publicized. “I hesitate to talk too much.
           Schaeffler technical specialists are           Audi Sport ABT driver Daniel Abt           There are seven competitors producing
       leveraging their extensive application          told Automotive Engineering that the          electric motors for next season, so it’s
       development know-how together with              electric racecar’s instant torque means       getting very interesting,” said Gutzmer.
       the ABT race team and other technology          “whenever you hit the throttle, it just          Jacky Eeckelaert said the next race
       experts to develop jointly a powertrain         goes. There is no delay. And there’s a lot    season is all about increasing the power-
       for Team ABT Sportsline. Said Hemphill,         less noise than if you had a screaming        train efficiency. “And the whole package
       “One of our strengths in the automotive         V8 engine behind your back.”                  will be lighter and at a lower center of
       arena is systems engineering, and we’ll            Virtually no technical details about the   gravity,” Eeckelaert, race engineer for

       MOBILITY ENGINEERING                                                                                                  JUNE 2015 15

1506ME.indb 15                                                                                                                            5/11/15 5:26 PM
                                                    New yeast strain enhances biofuel production
                                                    A team of researchers from the Cockrell        lipids at a rate that was more than 2.5
                                                    School of Engineering at The University of     times as fast as the previous strain.
                                                    Texas at Austin have developed a new, mu-          “This significant improvement in our
                                                    tant yeast strain that could lead to a more    cell-based platform enables these cells
                                                    efficient and economical biofuel production    to compete in the biofuels industry,”
                                                    process, and from non-food sources.            Alper said. “We have moved to concen-
                                                        Hal Alper, Associate Professor in the      tration values that begin to align with
                                                    McKetta Department of Chemical                 those in other industrial fuel processes.”
                                                    Engineering, and his team engineered a             Alper and his team improved the per-
                                                    special type of yeast cell, Yarrowia lipo-     formance of Yarrowia through a combi-
                                                    lytica, to significantly enhance its ability   nation of metabolic engineering and
                                                    to convert simple sugars into lipids that      directed evolution, which involves muta-
       Audi Sport ABT drivers Lucas Di Grassi,      could then be used in place of petro-          tion and selection to identify and culti-
       left, and Daniel Abt. During FIA Formula
                                                    leum-derived products.                         vate the high-performing cells. The
       E races, all drivers make a mandatory pit
       stop to swap racecars. There are 10 race         “Our re-engineered strain serves as a      researchers recognized that cells with
       teams, each with two drivers and four        stepping stone toward sustainable and          high lipid content would float to the top
       racecars. Each temporary street course       renewable production of fuels such as          of a tube, whereas cells with lower lipid
       race lasts about one hour.                   biodiesel,” Alper said.                        content would settle down to the bot-
                                                        Previously, the team successfully          tom. The researchers used this “floating
       ABT team driver Lucas Di Grassi, told        combined genetically engineered yeast          cell scheme” to identify the best-per-
       Automotive Engineering.                      cells with ordinary table sugar to pro-        forming cells. Researchers used those
           While Schaeffler has supplied bearing    duce what Alper described as “a renew-         high-performing cells, which produced
       components and alternator overrun sys-       able version of sweet crude,” the              more lipids and at a faster rate, to obtain
       tems for baja, endurance, and touring        premium form of petroleum. Building            the final yeast.
       series cars powered by internal-combus-      upon that approach, “a combination of              In addition to using lipids for biofuels,
       tion engines, developing an electric race-   evolutionary engineering strategies” was       the cell-based platform is able to pro-
       car powertrain is new territory. Said        used to create the new strain of Yarrowia      duce oleochemicals, including nutritional
       Gutzmer, “This is the first time that        that produces 1.6 times as many lipids as      polyunsaturated fatty acids, waxes, lubri-
       Schaeffler will be providing a functional,   their previous strain in a shorter time,       cants, oils, and industrial solvents.
       complete unit.”                              reaching levels of 40 grams per liter, a           The researchers’ method and plat-
           One desirable for the Schaeffler pow-    concentration that could make yeast            form are patent pending. Alper’s lab is
       ertrain is improved cooling efficiency.      cells a viable platform in the creation of     continuing to work on ways to improve
           Team owner Hans-Jurgen Abt spoke         biofuels. The strain’s high lipid yield        how the yeast strain converts sugar into
       with Automotive Engineering while a          makes it one of the most efficient organ-      lipids, and on the types of lipid products
       crew member put dry ice inside the air       isms for turning sugar into lipids. In addi-   they can produce.
       intake ports for the battery cooling sys-    tion, the resulting cells produced these                                      Jean L. Broge
       tem and the engine cooling system.
           “The dry ice can lower the tempera-
       ture about 25°C. We need to pull the
       temperature down because then you can
       increase the power. In the race you have
       only the cooling from the air, and it
       doesn’t help if you have not the right
       temperature to start,” Abt said prior to
       the 39-lap, 1.34-mi (2.16-km) Miami race.
           Developing an electric powertrain for
       a racing application will mean challenges
       and victories.
           “You have to work with suppliers on
       different materials; that’s a challenge.
       You have to have a very fast loop of
       re-engineering if re-engineering is nec-
       essary,” Gutzmer said, referencing some
       of the challenges. “But the knowledge        Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin used a combination of metabolic
       that we gain during this process will be     engineering and directed evolution to develop a new, mutant yeast strain that could
       fruitful for future developments.”           lead to a more efficient biofuel production process and potentially make biofuels more
                                   Kami Buchholz    economically competitive with conventional fuels.

       16 JUNE 2015                                                                                               MOBILITY ENGINEERING

1506ME.indb 16                                                                                                                             5/11/15 5:26 PM
       Cummins in production with ‘simplied’ Tier 4 Final engines
       Cummins is in production with the Tier 4
       Final versions of its four-cylinder QSF2.8,                                              The Tier 4 Final QSF2.8, QSF3.8, and QSB4.5
                                                                                                 (shown) are fully integrated with exhaust
       QSF3.8, and QSB4.5 engines will that offer                                                        aftertreatment systems designed and
       a “simplified technology approach” fo-                                                              manufactured by Cummins Emission
       cused on compact installation packages for                                                          Solutions with “right sizing”
       space-constrained construction and mate-                                                            efficiency to match the aftertreatment
       rial handling equipment across the 49- to                                                          size and technology to the engine
       173-hp (37- to 129-kW) output range.                                                               output and the equipment types they
                                                                                                           are intended for.
           The 2.8-, 3.8-, and 4.5-L engines offer a
       range of engine displacements and incre-
       mental performance across a broad prod-
       uct range. The ability to power-match is
       also realized with the potential for instal-
       lation downsizing at two pivotal points—
       with a new, lower 74-hp (55-kW) rating
       for the QSF3.8 and a higher 173-hp (129-
       kW) rating for the QSB4.5.
           “With these downsizing opportunities,
       Cummins is redefining the ability of
       four-cylinder engines to power compact
       equipment with simpler technology for
       applications including skid steers, forklifts,
       excavators, wheel loaders, telehandlers,            The Tier 4 Final QSF2.8 (shown), QSF3.8,
       air compressors, and more,” said Brian             and QSB4.5 are fully integrated with exhaust
       Wilson, Cummins General Manager—                           aftertreatment systems designed and
       Global Compact Business. “We antici-               manufactured by Cummins Emission Solutions
       pated the need to reduce the impact of                   with “right sizing” efficiency to match the
                                                           aftertreatment size and technology to the engine
       Tier 4 Final at specific power points, as
                                                         output and the equipment types they are intended for.
       that option would allow some types of
       equipment to move to a much simpler
       and more cost-effective installation solu-       fuel consumption savings of up to 10%.         works as an integrated system with the
       tion without any loss in performance.”                The QSB4.5 is performance-upgraded        engine combustion so that DEF use is
           Equipment positioned in the 75- to           for Tier 4 Final with a compact variable       reduced to as low as 3% of fuel consumed.
       90-hp (56- to 67-kW) power band can              geometry turbocharger specifically devel-      The SCR system is designed to last the life
       transition to the new QSF3.8 rating at 74        oped by Cummins Turbo Technologies for         of the engine, helping to enhance the resid-
       hp (55 kW) and take advantage of using           the engine platform to provide higher          ual value of the equipment.
       a simple Cummins diesel oxidation cata-          boost at all engine speeds with impres-            The SCR system is used in combina-
       lyst (DOC) in place of selective catalytic       sive levels of torque response.                tion with a DOC for higher outputs up to
       reduction (SCR) aftertreatment or a die-              The QSF2.8, QSF3.8, and QSB4.5 are        the 173-hp (129-kW) QSB4.5 for premium
       sel particulate filter (DPF) system. The         fully integrated with exhaust aftertreat-      performance equipment. The Cummins
       3.8-L displacement ensures that machine          ment systems designed and manufac-             DOC-SCR system allows a greater latitude
       capacity and low-end torque perfor-              tured by Cummins Emission Solutions            within the in-cylinder combustion formula
       mance are retained at the lower 74-hp            with “right sizing” efficiency to match        to realize faster engine response and
       (55-kW) rating.                                  the aftertreatment size and technology         improved fuel efficiency.
           Compared to an SCR system, the               to the engine output and the equipment             Emissions control of the exhaust is com-
       Cummins DOC reduces the aftertreat-              types they are intended for.                   plemented by a light-flow, cooled EGR sys-
       ment space claim by more than 50% and                 For QSF2.8 and QSF3.8 ratings below 75    tem, sized to fit within the QSF and QSB
       eliminates the onboard diesel exhaust            hp (56 kW), the Cummins DOC provides a         engine envelopes. Due to the high efficiency
       fluid (DEF) tank and the associated cost         “fit and forget” solution, completely trans-   of the aftertreatment in removing emis-
       of replenishing the fluid.                       parent to the equipment user as it functions   sions, the EGR system needs to recirculate
           Increasing the top rating of the             as a filter-free device able to reduce emis-   only a low proportion of the exhaust gases
       QSB4.5 to 173 hp (129 kW) for Tier 4             sions from the exhaust without the need for    back to the in-cylinder combustion, allow-
       Final presents the opportunity for equip-        regeneration or any service cleaning. For      ing the engine to not work as hard while
       ment using a six-cylinder engine at a            applications above 75 hp (56 kW), the          allowing equipment users to get the same
       similarly rated power to downsize to a           Cummins SCR system achieves very high          level of service from a four-cylinder engine
       much smaller four-cylinder QSB4.5                emissions conversion efficiency with fil-      as they have from six-cylinder engines.
       installation, with the added benefit of          ter-free, flow-through operation. The SCR                                     Jean L. Broge

       MOBILITY ENGINEERING                                                                                                      JUNE 2015 17

1506ME.indb 17                                                                                                                                5/11/15 5:26 PM
       Aerojet Rocketdyne gets a boost from additive
       manufactured components
       Aerojet Rocketdyne recently completed                                                                            Aerojet Rocketdyne
       a series of hot-fire tests of additive man-                                                                      recently completed
       ufactured components for its AR1 boost-                                                                          hot-fire testing of a
       er engine at its Sacramento test facility.
                                                                                                                        main injector for the
       AR1 is the first advanced hydrocarbon                                                                            AR1 rocket engine
       large liquid rocket engine in develop-                                                                           that was completely
       ment by Aerojet Rocketdyne since the                                                                             built using additive
       merger of Aerojet and Pratt & Whitney                                                                            manufacturing.
       Rocketdyne in June 2013.
           The single-element main injector hot-
       fire tests were conducted to evaluate
       various main injector element designs
       and fabrication methods. Several injec-
       tors were fabricated using selective laser
       melting (SLM), a form of additive manu-
       facturing (AM). AM has become so ubiq-
       uitous throughout the industry because
                                                     Aerojet Rocketdyne
       it allows for the production of complex       has conducted hot-
       engine components at a fraction of the             fire testing of a
       cost of those produced using traditional            multi-element
       manufacturing techniques.                       preburner injector
           Aerojet Rocketdyne has invested             for the AR1 rocket
       heavily in developing SLM capabilities            engine. A similar
       for application to its rocket engines.
                                                      injector built using
       Tested in excess of 2000 psi, Aerojet                      additive
       Rocketdyne believes the AR1 single-ele-        manufacturing will
       ment hot-fire tests represent the highest        be hot-fire tested
       pressure hot-fire test of an AM part in a               this spring.
       rocket engine application. In the main
       injector alone, AM offers the potential for   Office (AHPDO) in Huntsville, AL.             structure that are required with an AR1
       a nine-month reduction in part lead              Rapid development and certification        solution, this approach is clearly the best
       times, and a 70% reduction in cost.           of the AR1 for current and future national    path toward finding a replacement for
           The AR1 is a 500,000-lb thrust-class      security launch vehicles is a key focus for   the RD-180,” said Linda Cova, Executive
       liquid oxygen/kerosene booster engine         AHPDO, particularly in terms of engine        Director of Hydrocarbon Engine
       currently in development as an alterna-       cycles, materials, and AM. The AHPDO          Programs at Aerojet Rocketdyne.
       tive to the Russian-built RD-180. The         office will integrate AR1 development             Development of AR1 is currently
       2015 National Defense Authorization Act       and production activities across Aerojet      being funded by Aerojet Rocketdyne
       calls for the RD-180 to be replaced by an     Rocketdyne’s various sites. The compa-        with assistance from United Launch
       American-made alternative for national        ny’s Los Angeles and Sacramento facili-       Alliance (ULA). Aerojet Rocketdyne and
       security space launches by 2019. The AR1      ties will offer advanced large rocket         ULA also continue to support the Atlas
       is expected to be a catalyst for U.S.         engine engineering and specialized man-       and Delta launch vehicles such as the
       launch providers to compete more effec-       ufacturing expertise, the West Palm           RS-68A, RL10, and AJ-60A.
       tively in the global commercial launch        Beach facility will offer additional manu-        Work on the AR1 full-scale design has
       marketplace.                                  facturing and assembly work, and              been progressing steadily with the team
           AR1 development began in 2014 and         Aerojet Rocketdyne’s Stennis facility will    achieving significant milestones over the
       builds on Aerojet Rocketdyne’s staged         be used for AR1 engine final assembly         past months, including the completion of
       combustion experience gained through          and could begin to test as early as 2017,     a System Requirements Review, full-
       technology development programs as            with certification targeted for 2019.         scale single-element main injector hot-
       well as its recent AFRL Hydrocarbon              The AR1 is designed to integrate with      fire testing, subscale preburner testing,
       Boost Technology Demonstration and            the Atlas V launch vehicle, as well as pro-   and turbopump inducer testing.
       the NASA Advanced Booster                     vide a versatile propulsion solution for          Completion of a vehicle-level system
       Engineering Demonstration/Risk                multiple current and future launch vehi-      concept review and a main propulsion
       Reduction program. All three programs         cle applications. “When you consider the      system Preliminary Design Review are
       are part of the company’s Advanced            minimal changes to the Atlas V launch         planned major milestones for 2015.
       Hydrocarbon Propulsion Development            vehicle, launch pad, and related infra-                                     Jean L Broge

       18 JUNE 2015                                                                                              MOBILITY ENGINEERING

1506ME.indb 18                                                                                                                            5/11/15 5:26 PM
       Military technologies aid the fight for improved
       off-highway efficiencies
       There is a never-ending need for tech-                                  Vehicle
       nologies that can improve the efficiency                                boom
       of off-highway equipment, while en-
       hancing safety for both operator and the
                                                                                                         Laser              Construction
       machine. The defense sector of the in-
                                                                                                         Beam               Vehicle
       dustry has an upper hand in the invest-
       ment and invention of such technologies,
       some of which could, and probably                                            wood log about to hit
       should, find their way into equipment                                        the vehicle while swing
       used for agriculture, construction, forest-                                  operation
       ry, and mining. Radar is one such exam-
                                                         Shown is a depiction of swing operation with the wood log position being monitored by
       ple of technology that was once used              using LIDAR. Currently, swing operation is done manually. If LIDAR were implemented,
       just in combat applications, and was very         automated swing operation could result in higher efficiencies, saving both time and fuel.
       costly, but is now being widely used in
       vehicles for various applications.
                                                                              LASER from LADAR
           Once closely guarded, many of these
       technologies are now commercially avail-                                                              Construction Vehicle
       able. However, as these technologies are
       made to order and not being mass pro-
       duced, at present their cost is higher com-
       pared to other technologies being used in
       off-highway equipment. But once they are
       introduced in vehicles and have higher
       volumes, the cost will go down.                   LIDAR is also a candidate for pit geometry measurement. A laser beam would
                                                         continuously scan the surface and measure the geometry of a pit being dug. The
                                                         captured data would be displayed in the vehicle real time.
       SWIR and range-gated
       imaging                                                In the absence of these lights, SWIR             Long-range identification may be criti-
       Short-wave infrared (SWIR) works in               cameras can provide excellent visibility          cal in such cases. Simple SWIR cameras
       wavelengths from 0.9 to 1.7 µm, which is          at night due to their night radiance              cannot improve visibility in these types of
       not visible to the human eye. Although            capabilities.                                     environmental conditions, so adding a
       not visible, light in this wavelength has              Since water is opaque to SWIR, such          range-gated imaging (RGI) feature aids in
       the same behavior as visible light, so the        cameras can also sense moisture content.          imaging at long ranges, minimizing the
       images taken from a SWIR camera are               Objects having moisture content appear            effect of adverse environmental conditions.
       very similar to those taken from cameras          dark in the image taken by a SWIR cam-                Similar to radars, RGI uses pulsed
       working in the visible wavelength range.          era. The more moisture content, the               laser for illumination of objects. Light
       However, they are black and white.                darker the image. Agricultural vehicles           reflected from these objects is sensed by
           In the military, SWIR is used for sur-        such as harvesters can leverage this tech-        a camera. Here the exposure time (or
       veillance, reconnaissance, and night              nology to determine moisture content in           “gate”) is very short. Delaying of the
       imaging. This technology can find many            a harvested crop, and thus help estimate          gate enables the camera to capture only
       applications in off-highway equipment.            the reduction in weight that can happen           the light reflected from an object. Using
           Off-highway equipment often has to            when grains are completely dried out.             this technology, one can see over a much
       work or drive in low-light conditions.            This may help in estimating accurately the        longer range in low visibility conditions.
       Work lights and drive lights provided on          cost of the harvested crop in advance.                RGI technology can also provide under-
       vehicles may not be sufficient during                  In case of adverse environmental con-        water visibility up to 50 to 100 m. Thus, it
       dark and moonless nights. Also, these             ditions such as rain, fog, smoke, dust, etc.,     can be used effectively in excavators to
       lights often provide illumination only in         visibility can be reduced to a level where        monitor underwater excavation work.
       close vicinity of vehicle.                        it is not possible to see beyond a few feet.          At present, most off-highway vehicles
           There is also a possibility of these lights   And there would be no way for the oper-           do not have anything that can see
       getting damaged due to various reasons            ator to know if such conditions were              through clouds of dust, smoke, and smog,
       like damage to an electronic control unit,        restricted to a few meters or spread over         and best practice in such cases is to halt
       fuse or filament burn out, or smashed bulbs       a broader terrain. The operator may keep          the work until the operator deems work
       due to flying stones or timber, further           driving the vehicle in an attempt to cross        conditions are safe and suitable, which
       reducing the intensity of light available for     a low-visibility patch, which may lead into       may not always be correct. Use of RGI to
       performing the job or the driving vehicle.        even worse climatic conditions.                   improve visibility in adverse conditions

       MOBILITY ENGINEERING                                                                                                          JUNE 2015 19

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