MOTION A WORLD IN Systems Engineering Vision 2025 - Incose
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A WORLD IN MOTION * * Systems Engineering Vision • 2025 Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering
The purpose of the P R O M OT E Vision 2025 is to * S YS T E M S inspire and guide ENGINEERING the direction of RESEARCH systems engineering across diverse stakeholder communities, which include: • Engineering ALIGN Executives S YS T E M S ENGINEERING • Policy Makers I N I T I AT I V E S • Academics & Researchers • Practitioners • Tool Vendors ADDRESS FUTURE This vision will con- S YS T E M S tinue to evolve based ENGINEERING on stakeholder inputs CHALLENGES and on-going collabora- tions with professional societies. BROADEN THE BASE OF * Used with permission of SAE In- ternational”. This license explicitly S YS T E M S does not extend to any use of the “A WORLD IN MOTION” mark on ENGINEERING or in conjunction with any STEM- related products or services that P R AC T I T I O N E R S INCOSE provides or may provide in the future. Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering i
Contents T H E G LO B A L CO N T E X T F O R S YS T E M S ENGINEERING 1 Realizing the vision Education Societal needs and training G PA ES Global trends Roles and competencies 1-14 Engineering Systems challenges engineering Systems Engineering foundations Technology trends Transforming focuses on ensuring systems engineering System trends and the pieces work together Applications A D VA N C E AND INFUSE characteristics of systems S YS T E M engineering ENGINEERING The work to achieve the 3 environment objectives of the whole. G PA ES PAGES 23- 47 15-22 Reference: Systems Engineering Body THE CURRENT of Knowledge (SEBoK) THE FUTURE S TAT E O F S TAT E O F S YS T E M S S YS T E M S ENGINEERING ENGINEERING Current practices and challenges Historical 2 trends Foundations Diversity of and standards application domains ii Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering iii
S TAT E O F S YS T E M S ENGINEERING S Y S T E M S E N G I N E E R I N G SYSTEMS SOLUTIONS IMPERATIVES Expanding the APPLICATION of systems engineering across industry domains. Embracing and learning from the diversity of systems engineering APPROACHES. THEORY & PRACTICE OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Applying systems engineering to help shape policy related to SOCIAL AND NATURAL SYSTEMS. Expanding the THEORETICAL foundation for systems engineering. LEARN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING APPLY SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Advancing the TOOLS and METHODS to address complexity. Enhancing EDUCATION and TRAINING to grow a SYSTEMS ENGINEERING WORKFORCE that meets the increasing demand. P R AC T I T I O N E R iv Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering v
1 The Global Context for Systems Engineering The vision for systems engineering in 2025 is shaped by the global environment, human and societal needs, policy and business challenges, as well as the technologies that underly sys- tems. The evolving work environment, following global trends, both constrains and enables the manner in which systems engineering is practiced. In this section, we highlight the nature of evolving systems and the global context that systems engineering must respond to. Human and Societal Needs Global Trends TH E EN V I RON MEN T TH E ENVIRONMENT Grand Technology Engineering Trends Challenges SYSTEMS SOLU TIONS THE EN ABL ERS System Trends TO I N SPI RE AN D GUI D E Work Environment Trends Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Global Context • 1
GENERAL HUMAN AND S O C I E TA L N E E D S Human and Societal Needs Give Rise to Engineering Challenges Human needs have hardly changed over the centu- ries. Societal needs are similar throughout the world, Humanity has always attempted, through engineer- When we look for ways to meet fundamental and systems must respond to such needs. ing and technology, to make the world a better human needs, we see that the solutions often lead place. With our ever-evolving society, however, to large and complex engineered systems — come new and ever greater challenges. systems that can only be successful if they are socially acceptable and provide value to society. FOOD AND S H E LT E R CLEAN WAT E R Human Needs Translate Human Welfare To . . . H E A LT H Y and Prosperity of Society ( P H YS I C A L ) ENVIRONMENT ACC E S S TO Societal Health, Mobility, H E A LT H Needs That Energy, Food, Shelter, Are Satisfied By . . . Security, Communications, CARE Education, Environment, etc. ACC E S S TO I N F O R M AT I O N , CO M M U N I C AT I O N , Natural Resource Management Systems E D U C AT I O N Energy and Transport Systems System Financial and Insurance Systems Solutions Agriculture and Food Management Systems Ecological Systems T R A N S P O R TAT I O N Information Systems, etc AND MOBILITY E CO N O M I C S E C U R I T Y Needs Drive Systems – Systems Satisfy Needs AND EQUITY SECURITY AND SAFETY 2 • The Global Context Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Global Context • 3
G LO B A L TRENDS Global Trends Shape the Systems Environment Global trends include changes to both socio- time, systems solutions and technology itself can economic conditions and changes in our physi- adversely impact air and water quality. There are cal environment. These global changes impose clearly many other examples of these interdepen- new demands on the types of systems that are dencies, both positive and negative. Global inter- INCREASING STRESS ON THE I N C R E A S I N G P O P U L AT I O N needed, yet are often impacted by the very dependence often amplifies the impact of these S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y O F N AT U R A L G R O W T H A N D U R B A N I Z AT I O N R E S O U R C E S D U E TO technology and system developments meant to changes. The global community is calling for more . . . results in changing population satisfy the human needs. For example, increased attention to how systems can positively contribute . . . consumption of non-renewable distributions, “smart” cities, larger population growth and urbanization impose to our social condition and natural environment to resources and higher demand markets and greater opportunities new challenges on transportation, health, and help advance our quality of life. resulting from population and eco- other modern infrastructures, while at the same nomic growth require better global . . . but also great societal stress, management, recycling, sustainable I N C R E A S I N G G LO B A L I Z AT I O N urban infrastructure demands, and policies, and supporting systems increased system challenges for . . . results in higher levels of political agriculture, environmental health . . . creating system challenges for and economic interdependence, and sustainability. more efficient resource utilization, the need to share resources and better use of renewable resources, interconnect systems for global waste disposal, and re-use opportu- partnerships nities. . . . but also results in new collabo- ration mechanisms and new system I N C R E A S I N G LY I N T E R D E P E N - G LO B A L I Z AT I O N – D E N T E CO N O M I E S CO U N T R I E S , P E O P L E , challenges for global disaster relief, I N D U S T R Y, T R A D E information and communication . . . have become globally inter- P O P U L AT I O N G R O W T H & U R B A N I Z AT I O N security, and sharing of knowledge twined, relying upon the effective- E N V I R O N M E N TA L C H A N G E INCREASING and technology. ness of national, regional and local S O C I O - E CO N O M I C INTERDEPENDENT E CO N O M I E S . . . results in major shifts in living infrastructure systems CHALLENGES conditions, and impacts biodiversity, P E R S O N A L A N D S O C I E TA L S E C U R I T Y . . . but require improved coordina- weather, sea level, and the availabilty tion mechanisms and global policies of water and other natural resources. to meet economic and financial INCREASING G LO B A L . . . which in turn is affected by water system challenges while remaining P H YS I C A L E N V I R O N M E N TA L C H A N G E and other natural resources, global, balanced and equitable. ENVIRONMENT regional and local policies and deci- CHALLENGES S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y O F N AT U R A L R E S O U R C E S sions to mitigate anthropogenic environmental impacts. 4 • The Global Context Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Global Context • 5
HUMAN AND S O C I E TA L N E E D S DRIVE ENGINEERING CHALLENGES Engineering Challenges Engineered Systems are Key to Satisfying Human and Restore and Societal Needs Improve Urban Infrastructure Manage the Engineer the Tools The US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Nitrogen Cycle of Scientific NAE ENGINEERING GRAND CHALLENGES Discovery identified Grand Engineering Challenges for the 21st Century. Linking these to human and societal needs highlights the diversity and landscape of F O O D A N D S H E LT E R domains to which the discipline of systems engi- 11. Make solar energy economical neering should contribute. Enhance 2. Provide energy Virtual C L E A N WAT E R 2 Reality Large and often complex engineered systems from fusion Provide Energy Provide Access From Fusion To Clean Water are key to addressing the Grand Challenges and satisfying human and social needs that are physi- 3. Develop carbon ACC E S S TO I N F O R M AT I O N , 3 Make Solar CO M M U N I C AT I O N , A N D E D U C AT I O N sequestration cal, psychological, economic and cultural. However, methods Energy Economical these systems must be embedded in the prevailing Advance ENERGY SECURITY AND social, physical, cultural and economic environ- 4. 4 Manage the S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y Personalized nitrogen cycle Learning ment, and the technologies applied to system solutions must be tailored to the relevant local or Engineer 5. Provide access Better regional capabilities and resources. Full life-cycle 5 Medicines ACC E S S TO H E A LT H C A R E to clean water analyses and safe, robust and sustainable imple- mentation approaches, along with stable gover- 66. Restore and Reverse T R A N S P O R TAT I O N A N D Advance nance environments are enablers for successful improve urban Engineer MOBILITY Health infrastructure the Brain Informatics system solutions. 7. 7 Advance health H E A LT H Y ( P H YS I C A L ) E N V I R O N M E N T informatics 8. Engineer better E CO N O M I C S E C U R I T Y A N D 8 Develop medicines EQUITY Carbon Sequestration 9. Reverse-engineer Methods 9 SECURITY AND SAFETY the brain 10. Prevent nuclear 10 terror Secure Cyberspace 11. Secure cyberspace 11 Prevent 12. Enhance virtual 12 Nuclear Terror reality 13. Advance 13 personalized learning 14 14. Engineer the tools of scientific discovery 6 • The Global Context Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Global Context • 7
I N F LU E N T I A L T E C H N O LO G Y D E V E LO P M E N T S Technology Development and Infusion Impact the Nature of Future Systems Technological advances in basic components, sub- and products will both depend upon and result in systems and infrastructure will produce innovations new, evermore complex systems. CO M P U TAT I O N A L P O W E R S E N S O R T E C H N O LO G I E S at an increasing pace, leading to sophisticated new . . . continues to increase while comput- . . . provide information to a multitude of services and products. The internet, for example, With technology infusion rates increasing, the ers are getting smaller and more efficient. systems about location, human inputs, envi- has progressed from an emerging technology to pressure of time to market will also increase, yet cus- Extensive reasoning and data management H U M A N - CO M P U T E R I N T E R AC T I O N ronmental context and more. For example, having a profound impact on commerce and our tomers will be expecting improved product func- capabilities are now embedded in everyday . . . technologies enable the exploration of GPS now provides complete and accurate personal lives in just 20 years. These new services tionality, aesthetics, operability, and overall value. systems, devices and appliances, yet data virtual environments allowing engineers to information about a system’s geographic centers exhibit very high power densities interact more deeply and comprehensively position - information that was previously requiring more sustainable power and ther- with systems before they are built. They unobtainable. Advances in medical systems, mal management systems. also advance human control by integrating Geographic Information Systems and many multiple information streams into manage- industrial systems are based upon ever better able pieces. and more efficient sensor technologies. 100 Microwave TV Electricity Phone CO M M U N I C AT I O N T E C H N O LO G I E S 1953 1926 1873 1876 90 . . . bring our world closer together and P E N E T R AT I O N I N TO T H E M A R K E T ( % ) enable systems that are aware of and can re- B I O - T E C H N O LO G Y S O F T WA R E S YS T E M S 80 spond to much greater environmental stimuli . . . contributes to health and human N E W T E C H N O LO G I E S Video recorder Car . . . embody algorithms that manage system C H A N G E O U R D A I LY 1952 1886 and information needs. welfare, but can have unintended conse- 70 state but also reason about the system’s L I F E AT A N E V E R quences. I N C R E A S I N G R AT E external environment and accomplishment Source: Forbes magazine 60 of objectives. As systems become more Internet “intelligent” and dominate human-safety 50 1975 PC critical applications, software certification 1975 and system reliability and integrity become 40 more important and challenging. Mobile Phone 30 1983 20 M I N I AT U R I Z AT I O N 10 . . . of system components provides increased M AT E R I A L S C I E N C E capabilities in smaller and more efficient 0 . . . new capabilities lead to systems with 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 packages but can contribute to hidden improved properties, such as weight and YEARS levels of system complexity. volume, electrical conductance, strength, sustainability or environmental compatibility. 8 • The Global Context Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Global Context • 9
S YS T E M C H A R AC T E R I S T I C S System Trends Sustainable Stakeholder Expectations Drive System Trends Across a wide variety of domains, stakeholders Scalable System performance expectations and many sys- are demanding increased functionality, higher inating dom sy tem characteristics will reflect the global societal reliability, shorter product life cycles, and lower re e st prices. Stakeholders are also demanding environ- h and technological trends that shape stakeholder Safe t em to values. Examples of system stakeholders are: mentally and socially acceptable solutions that pr g assure safety and personal security while deliver- I N T E R CO N N E C T E D Leadin oper System Users ing more value to the users. In maximizing value Smart • The general public to stakeholders, systems engineers have to cope INTERDEPENDENT ties • Public and private corporations with greater levels of complexity and interdepen- Stable • Trained System Operators CO M P L E X dence of system elements as well as cost, sched- System Sponsors ules and quality demands. Simple • Funding organizations • Investors • Industrial leaders and politicians S U S TA I N A B L E Secure S O C I A L LY systems take into ACC E P TA B L E Policy Makers account: acceptable Socially Acceptable social, environ- • Politicians Ei er s cost of total owner- gh mental and eco- tk old • Public/private administrators ship; full product life ey eh nomic concerns cycle management; sys stak interact. management of tem by SECURE chara red product diversity; SCALABLE cteristics desi system complexity, Stakeholder systems are adapt- global connectivity pre-planned product acceptability of able to a range of and IT-dependence evolution; upgrades SAFE systems is increas- E N V I R O N M E N TA L SIMPLE give rise to system while operational; performance and ingly influenced Viable natural environment systems, driven by systems are main- vulnerabilities. S YS T E M S O F T H E & conservation of system capabilities SMART S TA B L E by socio-economic software-intensive tainable and avoid The challenges for FUTURE NEED natural resources. without breaking systems are able to systems of the future issues and con- designs, are increas- operator error. averting unwanted their fundamental cope with a chang- must be stable and cerns of sustain- TO M E E T M A N Y, ingly being used in intrusions or for miti- architecture. This ing and unknown reliable in order to: ability. S O M E T I M E S CO N - Systems engineers applications in which Systems engineers gating the results must be able to is an important trait environment, assist meet key operational must strive to find of intrusions have FLICTING NEEDS system safety is a because of the high human operators, or requirements and solutions that have grown enormously. balance sometimes significant concern. cost associated with self-organize to pro- availability needs; simple architectures contradictory vide unanticipated achieve customer and interfaces, are Systems engineers demands. initial infrastructure Systems engineers products & services . acceptance; investments or understandably must analyze must be able to as- operate efficiently; failure tolerant and cyber threats and non-recurring avoid liability; and sure ever-increasing Systems engineers easy to use. contribute to global Sustainable engineering. must integrate provide expected levels of safety and security policies development resilience in the face social, functional system value. ensuring cyber Systems engineers and physical of increasing systems security and cyber must deal with demands to create Systems engineers defense against both complexity. SOCIAL E CO N O M I C scalability and valuable system must validate sys- ad hoc and organized Nurturing adaptability from solutions that are tems to be consistent threats. Sufficient the project start and resilient in their with customer community economy reconcile the conflict operational environ- expectations across with product opti- ment. a wide variety of mization for single use cases and stress applications. conditions. 10 • The Global Context Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Global Context • 11
Trends of Emerging System Properties The Work Environment Inter-connectivity and interdependence are char- of the coupling. Interconnectivity produces acteristics that, by themselves provide no instrinsic vulnerabilities and risks that need to be analyzed value. Value is gained by building systems with and exposed for systems managers, sponsors and these characteristics to address stakeholder desires. public policy decision makers. These properties Global competition drives innovation and enter- The systems engineering workforce of the future In doing so, complexity, both necessary and unnec- will drive future systems design regardless of dif- prises. In the face of competition, industry collabo- is geographically dispersed, culturally diverse, essary, emerges from the system designs because ferent markets and applications domains. ration, is increasing worldwide, with an emphasis gender agnostic, multi-disciplinary and trans- on dispersed, multi-disciplinary teams. Collabora- generational. tive engineering for global product development via international supply chain partnerships extends A new generation will be rapidly taking the place the scope of enterprises. Innovation in this com- of retiring engineers as the “Baby Boomer” genera- petitive environment is driving industry to time- tion matures, requiring a strategy for transitioning compressed product cycles. knowledge Business environment System of systems T H E R O OT S Enterprise, organizational FOR GROWING governance (decentralized) LEVELS OF Time-compressed IT-leveraged S YS T E M S product cycles CO M P L E X I T Y Network intensive Increasing complexity, Software intensive cumulative ambiguity, “Cooperative “lack of Cost-constrained KEY ASPECTS OF Competition” control” T H E E V O LV I N G Workforce environment S YS T E M S E N G I - Electronic, isolated NEERING WORK islands of software ENVIRONMENT Adapted from the AFIS Vision Globally dispersed Diverse distributed Mechanical and electrical elements The work environment Multi-disciplinary impacts the way in which systems engineering is practiced 12 • The Global Context Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Global Context • 13
SUMMARY THE SYSTEMS OF THE FUTURE 2 The Current State of Systems Engineering To understand the desired future state of systems engineering, it is essential to un- derstand the current state. This section highlights key aspects of the current state of … need to respond to … need to become … need to be engi- practice to help predict and guide its future directions. an ever growing and smarter, self-organized, neered by an evolving, diverse spectrum of sustainable, resource- diverse workforce societal needs in order efficient, robust and which, with increas- The previous section provides a global context for systems engineering, by character- to create value safe in order to meet ingly capable tools, can izing systems that systems engineers help develop and the work environment in which stakeholder demands innovate and respond to systems engineering is practiced. Today’s systems engineering practices and challeng- … need to harness competitive pressures es are greatly influenced by the global context. These practices have evolved differently the ever growing body … need to be aligned across different industries but are built on common foundations and standards. of technology innova- with global trends in tions while protecting industry, economy and against unintended society, which will, in consequences turn, influence system needs and expectations Historical Application Trends Domains CORE PR AC TI CES D I VER SIT Y ction 1 Se System Trends Foundations Work Environment and Standards GLOBAL CON TEX T CODIF IC ATION Current SE Practices (examples) Challenges for the future of SE 14 • The Global Context Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Current State • 15
Historical Trends in Systems Systems Engineering Across and Systems Engineering Application Domains Some consider systems engineering to be a young ers are demanding and the advancement in tech- Systems engineering is an accepted practice in product or a service are all factors that influence discipline, while others consider it to be quite old. nologies that enable these capabilities. the aerospace and defense industry, and is gain- the practice. Whatever your perspective, systems and the prac- Other factors have impacted systems engineering. ing recognition as a discipline in other industries. tice for developing them has existed a long time. Advancements in technology not only impact the Systems engineers have different names in these Systems engineering is being adapted to support The constant through this evolution of systems is kinds of systems that are developed, but also the different industries, and each application domain many application domains in both common and an ever increasing complexity which can be ob- tools used by systems engineers. System failures may have unique drivers that impact the systems industry-unique ways. Embracing the diversity of served in terms of the number of system functions, have provided lessons that impact the practice, engineering practice. The extent to which the in- practice while leveraging practices that deal with components, and interfaces and their non-linear and factors related to the work environment dustry is market-driven or government-contracted, common system challenges enriches the disci- interactions and emergent properties. Each of remind us that systems engineering is a human whether a product is delivered as a subsystem of a pline. these indicators of complexity has increased dra- undertaking. A look back in time can provide larger system or whether it is delivered as an end matically over the last fifty years, and will continue insight into the factors and trends that will impact to increase due to the capabilities that stakehold- the future directions of systems engineering. S YS T E M S ENGINEERING I S P R AC T I C E D Information D I F F E R E N T LY Number of Components AC R O S S M A N Y A P P L I C AT I O N Number of Functions DOMAINS Consumer Energy Number of Interactions Electronics Aerospace Biomedical Application and Defense Domains Systems Engineering Tools Transportation A LO O K AT Automotive T H E PA S T SHEDS LIGHT ON THE Public FUTURE Policy 5000 BC 1200 AD 1750 AD 1850 AD 1900 AD 1980 AD 2010 AD 16 • The Current State Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Current State • 17
DIVERSITY OF DIVERSITY OF P R AC T I C E P R AC T I C E I N CO N S U M E R I N A E R O S PAC E ELECTRONICS AND DEFENSE S YS T E M S W H AT S YS T E M S E N G I N E E R S A R E C A L L E D W H AT S YS T E M S E N G I N E E R S A R E C A L L E D tems Sys Arc tec oduct De System A tem Platfo Pr on Sys hi n rm io ve rc si New Mi s hite loper ystem E t ct S ss De u ng Mi od vel ct oduct Pla Pr in Pr op ee tfo er r rm Engine Analyst ssion Develop Mi Mis ion er ew s er N Ch ie Archite fS Ne yst o d uc t ct w ystems Engine em Engine nS er Pro io Pr iss d u c t En g Advanced M er ne e r E n gi n e ng i sE ne i em er er o d uc t st Sy Ne on Pr w Develope Missi rm Pro r uct Platfo d uc t E te m E ng chnical Dir Te b-Sys n ine ec gi nee od tor r er Pr Su W H AT S YS T E M S E N G I N E E R S C A R E A B O U T W H AT S YS T E M S E N G I N E E R S C A R E A B O U T APPLIANCES HOME ELECTRONICS MOBILE ELECTRONICS CO M M E R C I A L S PAC E DEFENSE • Time to Market • Time to Market • Time to Market • Critical Mission Performance • Critical Mission Performance • Critical Mission Performance • Optimize Against Variation • New Technology Infusion • New Technology Infusion • Survivability • Survivability • Survivability • Cost and Quality Balance • Modular Design • Performance, Cost and • New Technology Integration • Enabling New Technology • New Technology Integration Quality Balance of Innovation • Product Architecture Reuse • Performance, Cost and Balance • Safety, Performance, and Cost • Extensible Capability • Product Cost vs. Operational Cost • Consumer Configurable • Product Architecture Reuse • Performance vs. Operational Cost • Product Architecture Reuse • Product Architecture Reuse 18 • The Current State Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Current State • 19
CURRENT P R AC T I C E EXAMPLES Foundations and Standards Grown from the need to deal with complexity in the aerospace and defense industries, systems en- gineering practices have been based primarily on experience — trial and error. Over time, heuristics Today’s researchers are revisiting current sys- were developed to tackle complex problems sys- tems engineering practices to ground them S YS T E M S tematically and holistically. This systems engineer- in a sound foundation built on mathematical M O D E L I N G , S I M U L AT I O N , A N D V I S UA L I Z AT I O N S YS T E M O F S YS T E M S E N G I N E E R I N G ENGINEERING ing body of knowledge today is documented in theory and science. Further development of B O DY O F When Boeing unveiled its latest jet, the 787 Dreamliner – it was a The Thameslink Rail Capability Programme is a £5.5Bn rail KNOWLEDGE a broad array of standards, handbooks, academic this theoretical foundation is needed to allow virtual rollout. Boeing virtually created parts, and integrated and upgrade program to improve North-South commuter traffic into literature, and web-resources, focusing on a variety systems engineering to expand into new assembled the system prior to cutting metal. London. It is led by Network Rail and overseen by the UK De- of domains. A concerted effort is being made to domains and deal with increased complexity, partment for Transportation. Systems engineering approaches continually improve, update and further organize without having to repeat a costly trial-and- Visualization and simulation helped identify incompatibili- have been applied to ensure that the rolling stock, signalling, this body of knowledge. error learning process. ties in interfaces and assembly processes early in design new stations, and railroad can meet all needs (including number before hardware costs were fully committed, avoiding costly of passengers, target journey times, and system safety). redesign late in the system design life cycle. Source: Understanding this complex system of systems requires the plane_01-09.html use of comprehensive systems approach to analyze not only Current Systems Engineering Practices the traditional technical issues, but also the policy issues and Challenges and the human behavior of the users. Current systems engineering practice, based on stakeholders, but in the future, the systems com- well-defined processes and innovative analytic munity must tackle many new fundamental inter- approaches, has demonstrated significant value to disciplinary and integration-related challenges. FIVE 1 4 Mission complexity is growing faster than our S YS T E M S Knowledge and investment are lost between ability to manage it . . . increasing mission risk D E S I G N T R AC E A B I L I T Y BY M O D E L - B A S E D S YS T E M S ENGINEERING projects . . . increasing cost and risk: dampen- from inadequate specifications and incom- ENGINEERING CHALLENGES ing the potential for true product lines. plete verification. Adapted from Todd P R O D U C T - FA M I LY A N D CO M P O S A B L E D E S I G N Bayer, Jet Propulsion The software and electronics of modern automobiles are Laboratory becoming increasingly complex. Ford Motor Company has Scania trucks is a Scandinavian company that provides custom- been applying model-based systems engineering to manage izable solutions for long haul, distribution, construction and 2 5 System design emerges from pieces, rather Technical and programmatic sides of projects design complexity including architecture, requirements, inter- special purpose trucking. Clients have the ability to customize than from architecture . . . resulting in systems are poorly coupled . . . hampering effective faces, behavior and test vectors. their vehicle by selecting the cab, engine, chassis, engine, trans- that are brittle, difficult to test, and complex project risk-based decision making. and expensive to operate. Ford has established digital design traceability across mission and accessories. their onboard electrical and software systems by applying Scania’s composable approach starts at the component level multiple integrated modeling technologies including UML, – with common engine cylinders, push rods and combustion Most major disasters such as Challenger and 3 Knowledge and investment are lost at project SysML, Simulink with an underlying CM/PDM system. 6 Columbia have resulted from failure to recognize chambers to drive up parts interchangeability, and drive life cycle phase boundaries . . . increasing and deal with risks. The Columbia Accident In- Source: Presenter Chris Davey. down variations for maintenance. development cost and risk of late discovery php?media=mbse:03-2013_incose_mbse_workshop-ford_automotive_complex- vestigation Board determined that the preferred Source: products-services/trucks of design problems ity_v4.0-davey.pdf approach is an “independent technical authority”. 20 • The Current State Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Current State • 21
. SUMMARY CURRENT STATE OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 3 The Future State of Systems Engineering By 2025, Systems Engineering will have made significant strides in meeting the challenges and Systems engineering Systems engineering Integration across continues to evolve practices are still disciplines, phases needs described in the Global Context for Systems Engineering. Its relevance and influence will in response to a long based on heuristics, of development, and go beyond traditional aerospace and defense systems and extend into the broader realm of engi- history of increasing but a theoretical projects represents neered, natural and social systems. system complexity. foundation is being a key systems engi- established. neering challenge. Systems engineering will grow and thrive because it brings a multi-disciplinary perspective that Systems engineering is critical to system product innovation, defect reduction and customer satisfaction. Systems is gaining recognition Cross fertilization of engineering will be recognized broadly by governments and industry as a discipline of high value across industries, systems engineering to a wide spectrum of application domains because the above contributions, combined with academia and practices across governments. industries has begun assessment and management of risk and complexity, are key to competitiveness in many industries. slowly but surely; Systems engineering however, the global need ction 1 Broadening Systems Engineering Se System Trends and Work practice varies across for systems capabilities Application Domains Environment Trends industries, organiza- has outpaced the progress tions, and system in systems engineering. types. ction 2 Se Current Systems Engineering Methods and Tools Practice, Gaps and Challenges Education Theoretical Foundations The Path Forward 22 • The Current State Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Future State • 23
Transformative technologies are difficult to predict but one can be certain that disruptive tech- Applications of Systems nologies such as 3D printing, autonomous transportation systems, and new kinds of materi- Engineering als will impact both the nature of systems as well as the way in which systems are developed. Systems engineering practices will adapt to and be transformed by new technology as efforts become more IT-centric and globally distributed among diverse collaborating enterprises. Applying Systems Engineering Across Industry Domains Changes in the social, economic and political environments in which emerging technologies are F R O M T O infused will impact the market drivers for system capabilities as well as the work environment Systems engineering is a recognized discipline Systems engineering is broadly recognized by within Aerospace and Defense, and is applied in global economic and business leaders as a val- where systems engineering is performed. Systems engineering will assist in the assessment of many other domains as well. However, it is only ue-added discipline related to a wide variety of public policies designed to mitigate the negative aspects of technology on our social-physical recently being recognized as a formal discipline commercial products, systems and services, as systems and help shape the global societal trends of the future. in other industry domains such as automotive, well as government services and infrastructure. transportation, and biomedical. The lack of This broad community of practitioners result recognition of systems engineering as a formal in the sharing and maturation of more robust Systems engineering’s theoretical foundations will advance to better deal with complexity and discipline in other industry domains limits the systems engineering practices and foundations. the global demands of the discipline, forming the basis for systems education as well as the ability of systems engineering practitioners to methods and tools used by practicing systems engineers for system architecting, system design share and mature their practices. and system understanding. Systems engineering must scale and add value and healthcare. Systems engineering will also Methods and tools, based on solid theoretical foundations, will advance to address the market to a broad range of systems, stakeholders, and contribute to assessments and analysis of socio- demands of innovation, productivity, and time to market as well as product quality and safety by organizations with a diversity of size and complex- physical systems such as the global climate system harnessing the power of advancements in modeling, simulation and knowledge representation, ity. In particular, the discipline will be increasingly to inform stakeholders and decision makers of the relevant to global socio-technical and large-scale emergent impacts of organizational and public such as domain-specfic standard volcabularies, thereby meeting the needs of an increasingly di- enterprise systems such as urban transportation policy actions. verse stakeholder community. The methods and tools will also keep pace with system complexity that continues to be driven by customers demanding ever increasing system interconnected- ness, autonomy, ready access to information, and other technology advances associated with the SHARING OF digital revolution, such as “The Internet of Things” (reference IEEE Computer, Feb. 2013 ). Systems P R AC T I C E S A N D K N O W L E D G E AC R O S S engineering will lead the effort to drive out unnecessary complexity through well-founded archi- DOMAINS (AND ADD- tecting and deeper system understanding. I N G VA LU E TO E AC H DOMAIN) Biomedical Transportation Consumer Products Education and training of systems engineers and the infusion of systems thinking across a broad range of the engineering and management workforce will meet the demands for a grow- ing number of systems engineers with the necessary technical and leadership competencies. Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge Automotive Energy 24 • The Future State Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Future State • 25
PERFORMING ASSESSMENTS TO S U P P O R T POLICY MAKING • Diverse application domains such as consumer products, biomedical, healthcare, automotive, and energy production T H E S YS T E M ENGINEERING • Geographic scope, both regionally and nationally DISCIPLINE WILL An assessment is produced by systems engineers to prepare knowledge from ex- E X PA N D I T S • Enterprises from small to medium to large APPLICABILITY perts’ and other stakeholder inputs for use by decision makers. This helps ensure A N D R E CO G N I - • Government projects and policy at international, national and local levels decision makers have the information they need, and in a form they can act on. T I O N A LO N G SEVERAL FRONTS • Breadth and scope of systems from individual systems to large scale system of systems. Knowledge . . . assesses the usability of expert knowledge • Increased emphasis on downstream life cycle phases such as sustainment Certification by non-experts (e.g. policy makers). Applying Systems Engineering to Policy Knowledge . . . provides knowledge from different sources, and is Assembly integrated to meet the needs of the decision maker. F R O M T O Public policy decisions are often made without Systems engineering takes its place with other leveraging a well-defined systems approach to systems-related, integrative disciplines such as . . . converts complex concepts into “decision-ready” forms understand the diverse set of stakeholder needs economics, human ecology, geography, and eco- Knowledge that frame decision options and motivations for action in and the implications of various policy options. nomic anthropology to structure more objective Translation politically, economically, and culturally aware terms. cost, benefit and risk assessments of alternative policy executions. The addition of a formal sys- tems approach helps decision-makers to select cost effective, safe, and sustainable policies that are more broadly embraced by the stakeholder Knowledge . . . connects the knowledge to a government system, the forum community. Delivery by which decision makers can use the knowledge. • Modeling and simulation is widely used to support integrated planning for a better representation of real-world constraints and solutions • Capabilities for generating characterizations and visualizations for complex policy issues The state of the Earth system will be made widely available in near real time. are greatly improved and are approachable by policy makers and other stakeholders Earth Continuous awareness of the Earth system state will be communicated to deci- Understanding sion makers and the public. By blending technologies, policies and institutions, • Observational data sources and models are assessed for uncertainty and applicability for On Demand specific decision-making needs a knowledge-dense cyber-infrastructure will provide an always-on management service that communities and industries everywhere can access on demand. • Tools and methods better integrate physical and socio-economic information into holistic and sustainable solutions *Adapted from Knowledge Action Networks: Rethinking the Way We Think About Climate Change Assessments. Charles F. Kennel. 26 • The Future State Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Future State • 27
Transforming Systems Complex System Understanding Engineering F R O M T O Today, stakeholders are demanding increasingly In 2025 and beyond, standard measures of capable systems that are growing in complexity, complexity will be established, and methods Value Driven Practices for Developing Systems in 2025 and Beyond yet complexity-related system misunderstand- for tracking and handling complex system ing is at the root of significant cost overruns and behaviors and mitigating undesired behaviors Systems engineering practices will continue system failures. There is broad recognition that will be commonplace. ADAPTABLE AND SC AL ABLE ME THODS to evolve from current practice to meet the there is no end in sight to the system complexity demands of complex systems and work environ- curve. Systems engineering methods will be scalable to sys- ments of the 21st century. Leveraging informa- tem and organizational complexity and size. The meth- tion technology and establishing the theoretical ods will also be tailored to the application domain. foundations for value driven systems engineering Method selection will be value driven to optimize Systems engineering practices will include both indicators of system health, similar to how a per- practices will pave the way for meeting these project schedule, cost, and technical risk. Methods and formal and semi-formal methods for identifying son’s temperature and white blood count are used demands to enhance competitiveness, manage tools will scale from small and medium sized enter- emergent behaviors and dealing with unantici- to indicate the presence of infection. Capitalizing complexity, and satisfy continuously evolving prises to multi-billion dollar projects. pated behaviors. Analytical techniques will be on this understanding to develop systems that are stakeholder needs. TA I LO R E D TO T H E D O M A I N commonly used to explore huge system state more fault tolerant, secure, robust, resilient, and The methods will be tailored to the domain and spaces to identify and eliminate undesirable adaptable will be a fundamental part of systems scalable to project and system size and complex- system states. Techniques will be developed to engineering practices. ity. Collaborative engineering across national correlate a diverse range of system parameters as boundaries, enterprises, and disciplines will be the norm. Systems engineering practice will deal with systems in a dynamically changing and fully inter- S C A L E D TO P R O J E C T S I Z E connected system of systems context. Architecture design and analysis practices will enable integra- PREDICTING AND M O N I TO R I N G CO M P L E X tion of diverse stakeholder viewpoints to create M O N I TO R I N G S YS T E M S YS T E M S F O R U N D E S I R A B L E more evolvable systems. Design drivers such as H E A LT H S TAT E S PREDICTING AND cyber-security considerations and resilience will M O N I TO R I N G be built into the solution from the beginning. CO M P L E X Composable design methods will leverage reuse B E H AV I O R S S C A L E D TO S YS T E M CO M P L E X I T Y and validated patterns to configure and integrate components into system solutions. Decision sup- port methods will support more rapid analysis of a large number of alternative designs, and optimiza- tion of complex systems with multiple variables and uncertainty. A virtual engineering environ- ment will incorporate modeling, simulation, and visualization to support all aspects of systems engineering by enabling improved prediction and analysis of complex emergent behaviors. 28 • The Future State Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Future State • 29
Leveraging Technology for Systems Engineering Tools Collaborative Engineering: Integrating Teams and Organizations Across All Boundaries F R O M F R O M T O Current systems engineering tools leverage computing and information technologies to some Today, systems engineering processes are In 2025 and beyond, systems engineering will degree, and make heavy use of office applications for documenting system designs. The tools have often not well integrated with program man- be a key integrator role for collaborative enter- limited integration with other engineering tools. agement and discipline-specific processes such prise engineering that span regions, cultures, as hardware, software, test, manufacturing, organizations, disciplines, and life cycle phases. operations, and logistics support. As an example, This will result in multi-disciplinary engineer- T O program and product change processes require ing workflows and data being integrated to time consuming and manual coordination support agile program planning, execution, The systems engineering tools of 2025 will facilitate systems engineering practices as part of a fully inte- among development teams and supply chain and monitoring. The collaboration will extend grated engineering environment. Systems engineering tools will support high fidelity simulation, immersive participants. across the supply chain so that customers, technologies to support data visualization, semantic web technologies to support data integration, search, primes, subcontractors, and suppliers are inte- and reasoning, and communication technologies to support collaboration. Systems engineering tools will grated throughout all phases of development. benefit from internet-based connectivity and knowledge representation to readily exchange information with related fields. Systems engineering tools will integrate with CAD/CAE/PLM environments, project man- agement and workflow tools as part of a broader computer-aided engineering and enterprise management environment. The systems engineer of the future will be highly skilled in the use of IT-enabled engineering tools. Cloud-based Advanced search high performance query, and ana- Automated workflow, computing lytical methods data integration, and T E C H N O LO G Y supports high support reasoning CO L L A B O R AT I V E networked communi- DRIVEN ENGINEERING cations are critical to fidelity system about systems S YS T E M S P R AC T I C E S simulations agile program execu- ENGINEERING TO O L S tion, such as when implementing a change process. Immersive Net-enabled technologies tools support support data collaboration visualization 30 • The Future State Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Future State • 31
System Design In a System of Systems Context Architecting Systems to Address Multiple Stakeholder Viewpoints F R O M T O F R O M Limited technical guidance is available to The Internet of Things extends the SoS chal- Systems architecting is often ad-hoc and does not effectively integrate architectural concerns from engineer complex systems of systems and as- lenge beyond interconnected computers and technical disciplines such as hardware, software, and security, nor does it fully integrate other stake- sure qualities of service. Current emphasis is on users, to include increasingly interconnected holder concerns. architecture frameworks and interoperability systems and devices that monitor and con- standards. trol everything from household appliances to automobiles. A diverse set of stakeholders will T O increasingly demand SoS to provide informa- tion and services, leveraging value from the Systems architecting methods are well established and address broad stakeholder concerns associated pieces. with increasingly complex systems. System architecture, design and analysis is integrated across disci- plines, domains and life cycle phases to provide a single, consistent, unambiguous, system representation. This ensures integrity and full traceability throughout the systems engineering process, and provides all stakeholders with multiple system views to address a broad range of concerns. System of systems engineering (SoSE) methods of service, continuous verification, and methods will be used to characterize and evolve the SoS, for managing the integration of systems in a dy- and include design for interoperability, analysis namic context with limited control. and prediction of emergent behaviors and quality The European Extremely Large Telescope Courtesy of the European Southern Observatory. Engineering SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PRACTICES Views 8. Techniques for analyzing interactions among independent systems and Construction understanding emergent behaviors in Views SoS must mature and become common- place (e.g., agent based simulation). New measures will be developed to charac- I N T E G R AT I N G 7. 2. S TA K E H O L D E R terize the SoS and its quality character- VIEWS istics. SoSE will employ new continuous Science verification methods as changes occur Views without central control. Design of ex- periments is one such methodology for optimizing a verification program with many parameters and uncertainty. Re- quirements management will evolve to address even more diverse stakeholders, “A SoS is an integration of a finite number of constituent systems Maintenance in the face of uncertain organizational which are independent and operable, and which are networked Views authority. Methods for establishing evo- together for a period of time to achieve a certain higher goal.” lutionary interoperability agreements — Jamshidi, 2009 among SoS constituents will become more robust. 5. Management Views 32 • The Future State Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Future State • 33
CO M P O S A B L E DESIGN: A KEY TO PRODUCTIVITY Architecting and Design of Resilient Systems F R O M T O Fault detection, isolation, and recovery is a com- Architecting will incorporate design mon practice when designing systems so they approaches for systems to perform their can recover from failures, and/or off nominal intended function in the face of changing performance and continue to operate. Fault circumstances or invalid assumptions. Composable design methods in detection is based on a priori designation and Reuse Ref: Engineering Resilient Space Systems, Final Report, a virtual environment support characterization of off-nominal behavior. Keck Institute for Space Studies, Sept. 2013 Architecting Resilient Systems rapid, agile and evolvable designs of families of products. By combin- ing formal models from a library of • •• • component, reference architecture, RESILIENT DESIGN OF AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS and other context models, different system alternatives can be quickly The deployment of autonomous vehicles in transportation and delivery systems illustrates the need for resiliency. compared and probabilistically eval- Configure uated. Composable design methods and Autonomous vehicles, especially those that operate in inhabited areas, must be designed to be robust to provide a systematic approach for Compose operate in a wide range of environmental conditions, adaptive to unexpected conditions, and capable of anticipating and recovering from failure conditions. In this example, the vehicle must be capable of capturing, selectively reusing, and assessing its current state and the state of its environment, and develop strategies to recover and return integrating organizational intellec- to normal operations. tual assets that includes reference • •• • architectures and component speci- The delivery system must be tolerant to invalid assumptions related to conditions such as: fication, design, analysis, verification, • weather conditions • animate surface hazards • air space congestion • human safety manufacturing, and other life cycle • inanimate surface hazards • failure modes data. Image courtesy of TEN TECH LLC Composable design approaches Integrate AIR DRONES and are industry best practices in IN FLIGHT Verify commercial electronics and building design, and will be adopted more broadly by the systems engineering community to drive cost effective solutions. 34 • The Future State Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Future State • 35
Cyber Security — Securing the System Decision Support Leveraging Information and Analysis for Effective Decision Making F R O M Systems, personal and national security are increasingly being compromised due to the digitally intercon- F R O M T O nected nature of our infrastructure. Engineers are hard pressed to keep up with the evolving nature and Systems engineers explore a limited number of Systems engineers rapidly explore a broad increasing sophistication of the threats to our cyber-physical systems. Cyber-security is often dealt with design alternatives primarily based on determin- space of alternatives to maximize overall value, only as an afterthought or not addressed at all. istic models of performance, physical con- based on a comprehensive set of measures straints, cost and risk. including performance, physical constraints, T O security, resilience, cost and risk. Systems engineering routinely incorporates requirements to enhance systems and information security and resiliency to cyber threats early and is able to verify the cyber defense capabilities over the full system life cycle, based on an increasing body of strategies, tools and methods. Cyber security is a fundamental system attribute that systems engineers understand and incorporate into designs using the following strategies: Decision support tools must comprehensively will be able to perform increasingly detailed trade support each aspect of the decision making studies and analyses. Optimization tools will be process. Through composition of reference used broadly, taking advantage of vast, inexpen- • Continuous threat and system behavior • Supply-chain diligence components and scenarios, a much broader set sive cloud-computing resources to identify system monitoring • Certification and accreditation standards of system architectures will be defined and con- alternatives that are most likely to maximize life • Management of access rights and privileges • Formal methods for identification of sidered. A decision support dashboard will assist cycle value under uncertainty. Visualization tools • Use of testbeds for assessing new threats in vulnerabilities the systems engineer in using sensitivity and will enable interactive analysis from many dif- fielded systems uncertainty analysis to analyze a system design ferent stakeholder-specific viewpoints, allowing from all relevant perspectives across the entire life decision makers to gain new insights, perform cycle. While adding fidelity to models, adapting what-if analyses, and make decisions with confi- modeling formalisms, and combining multiple dence. C YB E R T H R E AT S concurrent modeling efforts, systems engineers Addressing security concerns in modern systems and systems of systems requires understanding the boundary of the system and analyzing what portions of that boundary need to be protected. This protection comes at a price, often with systems engineering needing to trade performance for security. In context of the air travel system of systems, physical and cyber security is traded for passenger convenience and cost. DECISION MAK- E R S W I L L H AV E Understanding and characterizing threats, the system boundary, and trades among key performance parameters MORE INFOR- and security, is critical for achieving the right balance of security and overall capability. M AT I O N , A N D OPTIONS FROM W H I C H TO D R AW Ticketing System Access Ground and Traffic Control Arrivals CO N C LU S I O N S . DEPARTURES 36 • The Future State Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering Copyright 2014 International Council on Systems Engineering The Future State • 37
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