Page created by Wallace Owen
    Rafael Schmuziger Goldzweig
    Bruno Lupion
    Michael Meyer-Resende

    Iskra Kirova and Susan Morgan

    Ros Taylor

© 2019 Open Society Foundations

uic b n dog.
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Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019


  3              FOREWORD

  5              EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

  7              INTRODUCTION

  9              CONTEXT
  9              Threats to electoral integrity in social media
  9              The framework of international election observation
 10              The Declaration of Principles of International Election Observation

                 MEDIA DISCOURSE?


 17              European civil society
 19              A glimpse beyond Europe
 21              Non-government initiatives: Europe & beyond
 23              Topics/objects of analysis
 24              Platforms
 26              Monitoring tools

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019

    27           GUIDELINES FOR EOMS
    27           Monitoring of social media vs traditional media
    29           Cooperation between actors and information exchange partnerships
    29           Dealing with data
    29           Working in different contexts
    31           SWOT analysis for EOMs in social media monitoring

    32           RECOMMENDATIONS


                 (based on interviews)
    36           a. Non-governmental initiatives
 40              b. Governmental/inter-governmental initiatives

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019


Concern over online interference in elections is now                      parties can easily become manipulative too – whether
widespread – from the fallout of the Cambridge                            it is the use of bots and paid trolls to engineer false
Analytica scandal to the pernicious effects                               debates and narratives, the misuse of personal data
messaging apps have had in elections in Kenya or                          or the targeting of political advertising at voters.
Brazil. Yet regulatory and monitoring efforts have                        Some of this activity might be illegal, but much of it is
lagged behind in addressing the challenges of how                         unregulated – to the detriment of our electoral rights.
public opinion can be manipulated online, and its
impact on elections.                                                      As the authors of this report point out, freedom
                                                                          from manipulative interference of any kind is a
The phenomenon of online electoral interference is                        core element of the right to vote and participate
global. It affects established democracies, countries                     in political life, and enshrined in the International
in transition, and places where freedom of expression                     Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
and access to information are tightly controlled.
                                                                          Until recently independent election observation
At the Open Society Foundations we have supported                         missions and their assessments represented the
research looking at a wide variety of electoral                           most authoritative voice on the conduct of elections.
contexts – ranging from the last German federal                           Not any more. Traditional election observers have
elections to the Brazilian presidential election, the                     found themselves entirely unprepared to address
American midterms and the European Parliament                             these new challenges, particularly since there has
elections. As this experience revealed domestic and                       been little rule setting in this new field.
international, state and non-state actors manipulate
information online in order to shape voters’ choices                      The regulatory gap between online and offline
or simply confuse and disorient citizens, paralyze                        political communication and elections is staggering.
democratic debate and undermine confidence in                             Even as monitors track broadcast media and
electoral processes. These players often act in ways                      advertising, elections are manipulated online.
that are indistinguishable, with some direct and
indirect cooperation taking place.                                        Initial responses by recent international electoral
                                                                          observation missions in Kenya, Georgia and Nigeria –
The result is detrimental to the quality of our public                    as described in this report – have aimed to highlight
debate and our ability to deliberate issues and seek                      false information or hate speech disseminated during
common solutions as societies.                                            election periods. This approach follows a similar
                                                                          focus by regulators and platforms on uncovering and
Much attention has focused on foreign threats,                            removing false or harmful content online. Germany’s
following the revelations of Russian interference                         NetzDG and the UK’s white paper on Online Harms
in the US 2016 presidential elections, or on the                          are examples, as are content oversight boards such
hyperactivity of the far right online which pushes                        as the one established by Facebook. These types of
anti-establishment views into the center of debates.                      measures can harm free expression and offer only
Yet digital campaigning by mainstream political                           partial solutions.

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019

Content moderation has limited impact, as it is easy                      selling users’ personal data for targeted advertising
to circumvent red-flag language caught by algorithms                      in order to generate revenue. The current debates
and much of it still relies on users’ own reporting                       on data protection and microtargeting, and the rules
of problematic material. Most importantly, it raises                      put in place by Facebook and Google to ban foreign-
free speech concerns and serious questions about                          funded advertising at election times, are a start.
the legitimacy of online platforms – or governments
for that matter – to act as arbiters for online speech.                   But fundamental questions of what should be legal
Deep knowledge of specific contexts – to address                          and illegal in digital political communication have
challenges like the misuse of Facebook to spread                          yet to be answered in order to extend the rule of
radicalization in Myanmar, for instance – is also                         electoral law from the offline to the online. Answering
critical, or important cultural tropes will be missed.                    these questions would help determine the right
Places where there is a history of election-related                       scope for online election observation, too.
and other violence are particularly sensitive in this
respect.                                                                  This scoping report explains why social media is
                                                                          one of the elements of a democratic, rule-of-law
From the perspective of election observers, trying to                     based state that observer groups should monitor.
cope with the volume of information and the speed                         It aggregates experience from diverse civil society
at which stories or memes can go viral has made the                       and non-governmental initiatives that are innovating
task of monitoring content on social media around                         in this field, and sets out questions to guide the
elections seem impossible.                                                development of new mandates for election observers.

In this new landscape, balanced and comprehensive                         The internet and new digital tools are profoundly
oversight of elections and the online sphere will                         reshaping political communication and campaigning.
require innovation. In addition to focusing on the                        But an independent and authoritative assessment
content, we need to start thinking about the online                       of the impact of these effects is wanting. Election
architecture that enables these distortions of the                        observation organizations need to adapt their
democratic debate and the influence of malign                             mandate and methodology in order to remain relevant
actors. Much of this architecture stems from the                          and protect the integrity of democratic processes.
business model of web platforms, which relies on

Iskra Kirova and Susan Morgan
Open Society Foundations

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019


The international election observation community                          • Disinformation initiatives have a headstart: they
has lagged in its response to new threats to                                  have already been experimenting with methods
electoral integrity in social media. Challenges from                          of monitoring social media and in reporting
disinformation campaigns, incitement to violence                              on outputs. They have technical knowledge
and manipulative public relations campaigns                                   of tools for monitoring, even though there is
online hardly figure when international election                              no established overall framework to address
observers report their findings. During the many                              social media/online disinformation in elections.
recent controversies on disinformation in elections,                          While some initiatives try to approach the issue
international Election Observation Missions (EOMs)                            with intensive technological developments
contributed little, because the traditional election                          using software and AI solutions, others focus
observation methodology did not provide any means                             on content-specific aspects of disinformation,
to analyse this emerging area of concern. A survey of                         narrowing down the analysis to lines of enquiry
eight major election observation organizations shows                          that are specific to their political contexts.
that they understand the problem and are ready to
address it, although only a few have taken concrete                       • Reactive vs long-term observation: initiatives
                                                                              to tackle disinformation tend to be reactive.
steps to do so (see Annex 1 for details).
                                                                              Often, they try to follow developments in real
                                                                              time and to intervene by debunking stories
The European Union and the National Democratic
                                                                              and alerting platforms, authorities or the wider
Institute (NDI) have been more proactive, as have
                                                                              public. Traditional election observation does not
smaller election specialists from MEMO98 (Slovakia)
                                                                              directly react to electoral developments, to avoid
and Democracy Reporting International (author of
                                                                              becoming part of the campaign. For this reason, it
this report). The much-needed connections between
                                                                              usually only provides an overall assessment of the
election observers and other communities such as
                                                                              electoral process after election day.
data analysts and journalists, academic researchers
and disinformation experts are beginning to be                            • Ecosystem vs single players: Several initiatives
made.                                                                         to fight disinformation work in coordination with
                                                                              other groups, such as factcheckers or journalists.
Feedback from the principal international election                            The major EOMs are stand-alone actors. They
observation organizations and the outcome of                                  exchange information with other groups but aim
interviews with experts from 18 governments and                               to give an overall verdict based exclusively on their
non-governmental actors that engage in monitoring                             own findings. EOMs tend to be more visible, but in
disinformation on social media (details in Annex                              recent elections reports by disinformation groups
2), highlights the contrasts as well as the space for                         may have eclipsed the coverage of traditional
synergies:                                                                    election observers’ findings.

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions     May 2019

• Experimentation: Disinformation groups                                  the challenges - such as the size of the data, the
    experiment with social media monitoring focusing                      shortcomings of existing software for social media
    on different tools, platforms, actors and forms                       monitoring and the comparison between contexts.
    of expression. International election observers
    follow their set methodologies. International                         These provide a lot of material for election observers
    election observation is a politically sensitive                       to consider and to develop further. To make the
    activity, mostly based on an invitation by the host                   analysis of social media in elections more effective,
    government, so international observers have little                    we recommend:
    scope for experimentation.

• Guidelines & methodology: International                                 • That disinformation monitors and election
                                                                              observers create more links and co-operate more
    election observers follow a detailed methodology,
    the essence of which is written into the Declaration
    of Principles for International Election Observation                  • Civil society initiatives provide a set of best
    from 2005. In the disinformation field there is no                        practices that do not put the reputation of EOMs at
    agreed framework, and discussions on overall                              risk when monitoring the impact of social media
    questions of methods, tools, approaches and                               during elections. These initiatives should be
    ethics of social media monitoring are still in the                        adopted.
    early stages. Reports on disinformation usually
    include neither assessment nor measurement of                         More recommendations can be found at the end of
    the impact or relevance of certain disinformation                     the report. The organizations and initiatives covered
    campaigns.                                                            in this report do not provide a comprehensive list of
                                                                          each relevant actor or method used. However, the
Given that disinformation monitoring by non-EOMs                          case studies provide ideas and approaches that can
is more developed, there are good practices to                            guide the monitoring efforts of EOMs.
be found in the work of these groups on many of

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions      May 2019


Social media platforms have become a major                                are having positive results. Some of the companies
influence on elections: they are increasingly                             behind these platforms have enforced self-regulatory
being used to shape political opinion and beliefs                         measures which usually increase the requirements
generally, and in electoral periods they influence                        for users running political ads or advertise on matters
voter choices. Reports from many countries have                           of national interest. They have created several Ad
shown that disinformation attempts to manipulate                          Libraries to increase transparency about who runs
elections, be it via discrediting campaigns, external                     such ads and which groups are being targeted.
influence or trying to suppress voter turnout. Some                       Legislative efforts may help guide monitoring
may represent violations of electoral or other rules,                     efforts in the future, but regulatory initiatives both
while others may not be illegal in national legislation,                  at the national1 and international2 levels need to
but are nevertheless inconsistent with the idea of                        be developed further before they can provide clear
fair campaigning as outlined in international law.                        guidelines for electoral observers.
Besides disinformation, social media also facilitates
the placement of paid political and issue-based ads,                      Election Observation Missions – whether
targeted to the preferences of different groups of                        international missions or domestic observer groups –
voters.                                                                   used to provide an authoritative voice on the integrity
                                                                          of a given election. However, with social media
Referring to legislation when it comes to social                          now an important aspect of electoral dynamics and
media monitoring poses an additional challenge                            legislation failing to respond to its challenges, these
to initiatives that wish to use it as guidance when                       missions have lost relevance, since their assessment
defining the scope of their analysis. So far, regulation                  does not usually include an analysis of the role of
on what is acceptable or not when it comes to social                      social media. Instead, it has been left to investigative
media use for political purposes is very fragmented,                      journalists, monitoring initiatives, data protection
and in the very few countries where laws have been                        groups, intelligence services and factcheckers to
put in place, it is still too early to assess whether they                reveal disinformation on social media.

1    The NetzDG is an example of legislation applied by Germany to address hate speech on social media platforms. Other initiatives
     aiming at regulating aspects of social media have been attempted in France, UK, Italy, Czech Republic and others (in Goldzweig et.
     al (2018) “Beyond Regulation: Approaching the challenges of the new media environment”, Dahrendorf Forum. Available at: https://
2    Such as the EU Action Plan against Disinformation. Available at:

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019

Election observers have only belatedly woken up                           • State actors in the EU that track disinformation;
to the challenges. Some have started introducing
expertise to their missions and a few have published                      • Non-state actors that look at disinformation in the
                                                                              EU, with a few examples from beyond the EU.
initial scoping papers and results. This paper will look
at these emerging practices, identify good examples
                                                                          The study is based on oral and written interviews or
and compare them to disinformation analysis done
                                                                          surveys with eight election observation organizations
by non-election observer groups (groups that do
                                                                          and with interlocutors from 18 governments or
not observe elections as their core business). We
                                                                          non-governmental organizations that monitor
have studied three main groups of actors for this
                                                                          social media for political purposes. We also
                                                                          reviewed published documents from six initiatives.
                                                                          This study was researched and written by Rafael
• The main organizations that deploy international                        Schmuziger Goldzweig (DRI Social Media Research
    election observation missions based on
                                                                          Coordinator), Bruno Lupion (researcher) and Michael
    the ‘Declaration of Principles’, the leading
                                                                          Meyer-Resende (DRI Executive Director).
    methodological document;

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions     May 2019


IN SOCIAL MEDIA                                                           ELECTION OBSERVATION
The Oxford Internet Institute notes:                                      The reference framework for election observation
                                                                          is grounded in human rights. The principle
“The number of countries where formally organised                         organizations that deploy observers either apply
social media manipulation occurs has greatly increased,                   obligations and commitments that their member
from 28 to 48 countries globally. The majority of growth                  states freely adhered to - for example in the case
comes from political parties who spread disinformation                    of the Organization for Security and Co-operation
and junk news around election periods. There are                          in Europe (OSCE), the African Union (AU) and
more political parties learning from the strategies                       the Organization of American States (OAS) – or to
deployed during Brexit and the US 2016 Presidential                       international human rights obligations, in the case
election: more campaigns are using bots, junk news, and                   of countries that deploy observers to countries other
disinformation to polarise and manipulate voters.”3                       than their own. This is the case for the EU, the NDI
                                                                          and the Carter Center.
While it is clear that social media is used to
manipulate discourse and opinions around elections.                       The right to vote in elections and to stand as a
The way this is done varies according to a set of                         candidate (Article 25 International Covenant for
variables still to be defined. Are they being carried                     Civil and Political Rights) provides the cornerstone
out by domestic actors or foreign powers? Is it a                         in this framework, with other political rights
coordinated action or attempts from several groups?                       being equally essential - such as the freedoms of
Do they rely on automated bots, human trolls, paid                        expression, opinion and assembly and the right
advertising or sharing by sympathetic networks?                           to an effective remedy (independent courts) to
Which narrative strategies do they use? What type                         address possible rights violations. The framework of
of disinformation should be tracked when it comes                         election observation encompasses the elements of a
to electoral influence? The guiding principles of                         democratic, rule-of-law based state which observer
electoral observation missions can shed light on                          groups monitor for an extended period – belying the
some of these questions.                                                  journalistic caricature of a blind focus on election

3    Bradshaw, S., Howard, P.N., Challenging Truth and Trust: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation, p3

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019

Discourse on social media fits into this framework
from several perspectives. Most importantly,
                                                                          THE DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES
freedom of expression implies that ”everyone shall                        OF INTERNATIONAL ELECTION
have the right to freedom of expression; this right
shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of                         Initiated by the NDI in 2005, several leading
frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in                      international election observation missions – under
the form of art, or through any other media of his                        the aegis of the UN – endorsed the Declaration of
choice.” (Article 19 ICCPR).                                              Principles of international election observation, which
                                                                          have been backed by more than 60 groups. They
Social media are an important tool to expand                              form the basis for the annual meeting of leading
these freedoms, but when manipulated they can                             international observer organizations. The principles
undermine them. Much of the debate on freedom                             set out the recognised international approach for
of expression is concerned with restrictions, and                         election observation, and serve as a quality seal
less with a manipulative use of social media and                          that contrasts the practices of fake observer groups
other online content. However, the right to vote                          that have sprung up in authoritarian states. They
and to participate in political life is also concerned                    elaborate the foundation of democratic elections in
with the systemic aspects of opinion formation                            human rights.
(and not only expression). The UN’s Human Rights
Committee (the monitoring body of the International                       They define international election observation as:
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), noted in its                     “(...) the systematic, comprehensive and accurate
General Comment 25 (the right to vote and political                       gathering of information concerning the laws,
participation):                                                           processes and institutions related to the conduct
                                                                          of elections and other factors concerning the
“Persons entitled to vote must be free to vote for any                    overall electoral environment; the impartial and
candidate for election and for or against any proposal                    professional analysis of such information; and
submitted to referendum or plebiscite, and free to                        the drawing of conclusions about the character of
support or to oppose government, without undue                            electoral processes based on the highest standards
influence or coercion of any kind which may distort or                    for accuracy of information and impartiality of
inhibit the free expression of the elector’s will. Voters                 analysis. (…) observer missions must make concerted
should be able to form opinions independently, free of                    efforts to place the election day into its context and
violence or threat of violence, compulsion, inducement or                 not to over-emphasise the importance of election day
manipulative interference of any kind.”4                                  observations.”5

4    UN Human Rights Committee, General Comment 25, 1996, point 19
5    Point 4 of the Declaration

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions     May 2019

The Declaration also states that its endorsers                            • Accuracy: the analysis of social media is a new
“recognise that international election observation                            field with many discussions about the accuracy of
missions must be of sufficient size to determine                              different methodologies. There are wide-ranging
independently and impartially the character of                                debates, for example, on what a social bot is, what
election processes in a country and must be of                                disinformation means and how to measure the
sufficient duration to determine the character of                             sentiments of written texts.
all of the critical elements of the election process
in the pre-election, election-day and post-election                       • Impartiality: disinformation and hate speech can
                                                                              emanate from many political sources. Observers
                                                                              would need to follow all of those that may have a
                                                                              significant impact.
Applied to social media, these principles raise several
challenges, especially in view of the huge amount                         • Drawing of conclusions: the research on the
of material being posted on social media during an                            impact of social media on political opinion
electoral period:                                                             and voter choice and behaviour is not rich,
                                                                              and it is difficult to determine the impact of
• What would a systematic gathering of discourse on                           disinformation. 900,000 Americans saw the
    social media look like? What would be the criteria                        headline that falsely claimed that Pope Francis
    and the plan for doing so?                                                had endorsed Donald Trump as the best candidate
                                                                              for President. But how much weight does one false
• Comprehensive: is it realistic that observers could                         story carry when people consume news every day?
    comprehensively assess the social media sphere?
    As the US 2016 elections showed, unexpected                           • Sufficient size: if it was possible to gather a
    problems may be discovered much later, such                               comprehensive, accurate and systematic view of
    as the disinformation campaigns by the Russian                            flaws in social media discourse, how big would
    ‘Internet Research Agency’. Will observers be able                        that mission be?
    to detect significant problems while an election is
    unfolding?                                                            This paper surveys the practice and intentions of
                                                                          international election observer groups on social
                                                                          media monitoring and explores what other groups
                                                                          are doing in this field, in particular in the EU, in order
                                                                          to provide inspiration for tradition election observers.

6    Point 19 of the Declaration

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019


International EOMs have only belatedly started to                         data collection and analysis tools. It has an internal
pay attention to social media discourse. The question                     guidance note on ‘disinformation and electoral
of social media figured in discussions of the annual                      integrity’.
meeting on the Declaration of Principles, the main
meeting of international election observers, in 2017                      The EU included a chapter on the analysis of ‘online
and 2018. However, while this forum has addressed                         related content’ in its Election Observer Handbook9. It
many questions of methodology in detail, it has only                      follows the chapter on the monitoring of traditional
discussed the bigger picture when it comes to social                      media, and mostly explores the role of online
media. Of the international groups, the NDI and the                       media and looks at freedom of expression issues
EU seem so far to have been the most agile.                               (restrictions of content) and hate speech issues. It
                                                                          does not cover the question of public discourse on
The NDI included in its 2017 Kenya report a                               social media and the disinformation threat. So far
paragraph summarizing the country’s social                                EU EOMs have only provided limited information on
media landscape and highlighting examples of                              online content and social media.
disinformation campaigns. They also addressed
the problem of disinformation in the mission sent                         Recent EU EOMs sometimes included a short
to Liberia on that same year, despite not addressing                      chapter with an overview of the social media
specifically the role of social media due to extremely                    landscape (main networks, numbers of users)10
limited internet penetration7. The organization                           and some impressions on their use, but most of
posted a long-term ‘disinformation analyst’ to its                        them contained little information on social media
Georgia election observation mission in 20178. In its                     discourse, and no structured monitoring nor
support of domestic election observer groups, NDI                         quantification of social media activity during the
has started providing technical assistance, including                     campaign.11

7    NDI. Available on pp42-43 at:
8    NDI. Available on p12 at:
9    EU Election Observer Handbook, Third Edition, 2016
10   Final Report EU EOM to Pakistan, 2018
11   Final Reports of EU EOMs to Lebanon 2018, Zimbabwe 2018, Tunisia 2018, Liberia 2017

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019

The EU is currently undertaking many activities to                        These initiatives are in addition to a wide-ranging
improve the capability of EU EOMs, including                              effort to deal with EU internal disinformation
• the inclusion of a digital analyst in an EU EOM for
   the first time (Nigeria);                                              Annex 1 provides an overview of the status quo of the
                                                                          principal international election observation groups.
• a workshop on EOM monitoring of online
   campaigns, held by the EODS project;

• Democracy Reporting International will bring
   together a working group under the EU-funded
   Supporting Democracy project to develop a
   methodology for social media monitoring in
   elections for the use of any interested group
   (international or national).

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019


Overall, governments seem to take a more cautious                         Governments and intergovernmental bodies appear
approach to social media monitoring than civil                            to mainly deal with disinformation as it relates to
society organizations do. This is probably because                        factual inconsistencies around the electoral process
it may be perceived as surveillance of individual                         and, when it comes to the origins of disinformation,
citizens or that a government is trying to get an                         external actors (state and non-state alike). The
informational advantage - even if only publicly                           following table summarizes some initiatives.
available data (public posts on social media)
are monitored without a focus on individuals.

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions         May 2019

Government initiatives on social media monitoring

Body                Country /        Has ever monitored or is         Focus on domestic       Scope              Range        Software/
                    organization     monitoring elections?            actors or foreign                                       tools used
                                     Which ones?                      influence
NATO StratCom       NATO /           Round the clock                  Both                    Monitors           Twitter      Tools built
Center of           Based            monitoring not specifically                              automation,        and          in-house
Excellence          in Latvia        in election periods                                      bots and           VKontakte

Swedish             Sweden           Swedish 2018                     Both                    Monitors           Twitter      Tools built
Defence                              elections                                                influence          and          in-house
Research                                                                                      operations,        discussion
Agency                                                                                        threats to         boards

East StratCom       EU               Yes, but not exclusively.        Focused                 Monitors           TV,          BrandWatch
Task Force                           Got budget and new               on Russian              disinformation     webpages,
                                     employees to monitor run-        influence on                               Facebook
                                     up to the 2019 European          the Eastern                                and
                                     Parliament elections             Neighbourhood                              Twitter

German              Germany          No. Initiatives to counter       Both, with a greater    Positive
Ministry of                          disinformation by                focus on foreign        narratives
Foreign Affairs                      disseminating German             influence               regarding
                                                                                                                         -         -
                                     facts/narratives in foreign                              Germany
                                     countries as a public                                    to counter
                                     diplomacy tool                                           disinformation

Policy             France            Yes, but not                     Foreign                 Monitors
Planning                             comprehensive. Published         influence               disinformation
Staff (CAPS),                        a concept paper & case                                   campaigns,
Minister for                         study on the ‘Macron leaks’                              harmful
                                                                                                                         -         -
Europe and                                                                                    narratives,
Foreign Affairs12*                                                                            media
                                                                                              bots and trolls

Inter-ministerial Denmark            No. Issued an action plan        Focus on                Monitors
task force:                          to build resilience ahead of     Russian                 influence
Ministry of                          the 2019 General Danish          influence               campaigns
                                                                                                                         -         -
Justice, Defence                     Elections                                                (disinformation)
and Foreign

Centre against      Czech            Yes, 2017 Presidential           Focus on                Monitors
Terrorism and       Republic         Elections. The Centre            Russian                 disinformation,
Hybrid Threats                       monitors threats related to      influence               foreign
                                                                                                                         -         -
(Ministry of                         the internal security of the                             propaganda
the Interior)14*                     Czech Republic, including                                and terrorism
                                     disinformation campaigns                                 threats

* Based on desk research and not interviews.

12   Available at:
13   Available at:
14   Available at:

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019

Government initiatives are generally more focused                         Obviously, governments may do much more
on geopolitical aspects of electoral monitoring -                         through intelligence agencies, which cannot
namely attempting to avoid external actors (state and                     be assessed by this study (a report by Privacy
non-state alike) from influencing national elections.                     International15 explores the limits of data collection
This is the case when we look at the French, German,                      from intelligence agencies, but does not cover
Czech and Danish examples, which also focus on                            how intelligence services monitor social media in
questions related to security and terrorism threats.                      elections).

When it comes to initiatives monitoring national                          Two intergovernmental initiatives – the East
elections, the Swedish government seeks to avoid                          StratCom Task Force and the NATO StratCom
factual inconsistencies around the management                             Center of Excellence – have different scopes: the
of the electoral process. It monitored online                             former is an EU initiative to spot, debunk and
commentary and discussion boards on Swedish                               compile disinformation narratives led by Russia,
websites to look for posts that conveyed a threat to                      while the latter is a research centre that channels
the Swedish elections, such as planned attacks on                         expert opinion to NATO.
polling stations.

15   Available at:

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019


The following sections map 17 initiatives from
non-governmental actors in the field of social media
                                                                          EUROPEAN CIVIL SOCIETY
monitoring during elections. They were selected                           Many initiatives are experimenting with social
based on desk research on the 28 EU member                                media monitoring of political trends in Europe. We
states and relevant initiatives in the US and other                       interviewed nine initiatives at the European level
non-European countries. Potential interviewees                            to understand details on the monitoring exercise
were contacted via email from 17 December 2018                            they have done, as well as the phenomena they are
onwards, and interviews were conducted between                            monitoring on each platform and the tools used for
19 December 2018 and 24 January 2019. A more                              the analysis. The following table summarizes the
comprehensive description of each organization/                           initiatives.
initiative can be found in Annex 2 of this study.

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions          May 2019

Non-governmental initiatives on social media monitoring (Europe)

                                                    NON-GOVERNMENTAL INITIATIVES
                                     (civil society, academia, think tanks, consultancies)

Organization/       Country      Has monitored or will           Domestic          Phenomena            Range                 Software,
Initiative                       monitor social media in         actors or foreign                                            tool or
                                 which elections?                influence                                                    service used
EU Disinfo Lab       Belgium      Italian 2018 Federal            Both               Disinformation      Twitter               Visibrain,
                                  Elections                                          and                                       Gephi

Prague               Czech        Czech Parliament Election       Both               Disinformation,     Websites and          Versus
Security             Republic     in 2017 and Senate and                             but also looking    Facebook public
Studies                           Presidential Elections in                          at broader          pages
Institute                         2018. Will monitor the EU                          context
                                  Parliament Election in 2019            Lithuania    Not the main focus, but         Prioritise         Disinformation      Websites and          Tool built
                                  will monitor Lithuanian         foreign                                Facebook public       in-house
                                  Presidential and Municipal      influence                              pages. Plans
                                  Elections in 2019                                                      to include TV
                                                                                                         broadcasters and
                                                                                                         video using speech
                                                                                                         to text technology

Stiftung Neue        Germany      2017 German Federal             Both               Disinformation      Websites,             TalkWalker
Verantwortung                     Elections                                                              Facebook public
(SNV)                                                                                                    pages and posts
                                                                                                         and Twitter

European             Czech        Czech Presidential              Foreign            Disinformation      Websites and          -
Values Think-        Republic     Elections in 2017 and           (Russia)           and hostile         Facebook pages
Tank / Kremlin                    Parliament Elections in                            influencing
Watch                             2018                                               activities

Oxford               UK           Not the main focus, but         Both               Political           Facebook and          Tools built
Internet                          monitored the 2017 UK                              bots and            Twitter               in-house
Institute (OII) /                 General Election and                               disinformation
Computational                     several others

Bakamo.Social        UK           2017 French Election            Both               Disinformation      Twitter               TalkWalker
                                                                                     and thematic
                                                                                     or emotional

                                                                EASTERN EUROPE
Atlantic             Ukraine      2019 Ukrainian Presidential     Foreign            Disinformation,     TV broadcasters       Semantic
Council /                         Election                        influence,         cyberattacks,       and webpages          Visions
Ukrainian                                                         mainly Russia      kinetic
Election Task                                                                        operations

International        Georgia      Georgian 2018 Presidential      Both               Violation of        Facebook              Fact-a-lyzer
Society for Fair                  Elections                                          electoral laws,
Elections and                                                                        disinformation
Democracy                                                                            and Russian
(ISFED)                                                                              narratives

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019

European initiatives by civil society during elections
have multiplied since 2017. Without an overarching
                                                                          A GLIMPSE BEYOND EUROPE
methodology to follow, the projects focused on                            To complement the survey of European initiatives,
different aspects and adapted to the restrictions                         it is useful to consider some specific projects from
of data that can be collected (especially in relation                     outside Europe that focussed on monitoring social
to Facebook), as well as the needs of the specific                        media in elections. Non-governmental initiatives
political contexts. In terms of phenomena, the focus                      around the world are helpful in identifying rising
was on monitoring disinformation (during and                              trends and challenges that can inform the work of
outside elections); in the case of Eastern Europe,                        EOM on social media monitoring. This section lists
with a particular focus on disinformation campaigns                       eight organizations in the US, Brazil and Nigeria that
coming from Russia.                                                       are working nationally or globally in topics related to
                                                                          disinformation, Russian interference and monitoring
Some initiatives explored in detail the use of social                     of paid ads.
media in specific elections (, ISFED,
SNV, Prague Security Studies Institute), while others
tried to actively fight disinformation in partnership
with factcheckers ( Selected best practice
from such initiatives will be featured in the final
section of this report.

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions                 May 2019

Non-governmental initiatives on social media monitoring (outside of Europe)

                                                    NON-GOVERNMENTAL INITIATIVES
                                      (civil society, academia, think tanks, companies)

                                                      OUTSIDE OF EUROPE / GLOBAL
Organization/          Country     Has monitored or will         Focus on domestic Phenomena               Range            Monitoring
Initiative                         monitor social media          actors or foreign                                          software, tool or
                                   in which elections?           influence                                                  service used
Alliance for            US           Monitored electoral          Foreign               Disinformation      Twitter          Own platform
Securing                             content during the           influence                                                  based on
Democracy /                          run-up to the US 2018        (Russia)                                                   Twitter API.
Hamilton 68                          midterm elections                                                                       Version 2.0
Dashboard                                                                                                                    developed by

Atlantic Council        US           French and German            Both, highlights      False               Several,         Buzzsumo,
/ Digital Forensic                   elections in 2017,           when foreign          accounts, false     including        CrowdTangle,
Research Lab                         Mexican and Brazilian        influence             narratives,         Facebook,        Sysomos and
                                     elections in 2018,                                 bots and            Twitter          Twitonomy,
                                     European Parliament,                               disinformation      and              among others
                                     Indian and South                                                       YouTube
                                     African elections in

International           US / EU      Monitoring also              Both, with a          Disinformation      Websites,        Versus
Republican                           captures run-up to           greater focus         and hostile         Facebook,
Institute /                          elections                    on foreign            foreign             Twitter
Beacon Project                                                    influence             influence

Getulio Vargas          Brazil       2018 Brazilian General       Domestic,             Polarisation,       Facebook,
Foundation                           Elections                    with some             disinformation,     Twitter,
/ Digital                                                         references to         bots                YouTube
Democracy Room                                                    foreign

Center for              Nigeria/     2019 Nigerian                Not specified         Disinformation      WhatsApp         Surveys and
Democracy and           UK           presidential elections                                                                  focus groups
West Africa
(CDD) &
University of

Who Targets Me*         UK /         Monitored political          Not specified         Not specified       Facebook         Browser
                        Global       ads since it was                                                                        extension for
                                     launched in 2017                                                                        Chrome or

Political Ad            US           Monitored political          Not specified         Not specified       Facebook         Browser
Collector /                          ads since it was                                                                        extension for
ProPublica*                          launched in 2017                                                                        Chrome or

Ad Analysis /           US /         Monitored political          Not specified         Not specified       Facebook         Browser
Mozilla*                Global       ads since it was                                                                        extension for
                                     launched in 2018                                                                        Firefox

* Based on desk research and not interviews

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019

Overall, such projects share the same trends as                           In light of its promise to make ad libraries available
the European initiatives: some are more focused                           in other countries, Facebook temporarily blocked
on one specific topic (the Hamilton 68 Dashboard                          access to such tools in January 2019, citing privacy
focuses on Russian influence) while others take the                       concerns. In response to this move, ProPublica said
broader national context into consideration (Digital                      that the information provided by Facebook was
Democracy Room looks into political polarisation                          incomplete and that the organization has routinely
and public discourse online in Brazil).                                   publicised ads run by organizations that were not
                                                                          recorded in the archive17. According to Who Targets
It is worth highlighting three initiatives that tried to                  Me, the core functions of their extension are still
address the need for transparency regarding paid                          working and able to collect data from ads, but
ads on Facebook, a concern that gained traction after                     Facebook has blocked access to some components of
the Russian Internet Research Agency placed paid                          the extension.
ads during the 2016 US election which were seen by
10 million people, according to Facebook16. Three
initiatives (Who Targets Me, Political Ad Collector                       NON-GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES:
and Ad Analysis) tried to bypass the lack of data
disclosure surrounding paid ads by asking users to
                                                                          EUROPE & BEYOND
install browser extensions that scraped details about                     Table 4 summarizes the actions of non-governmental
Facebook ads shown to them. The first two, launched                       initiatives in Europe and around the world,
in 2017, offered details about targeted political ads on                  comparing monitored phenomena and platforms.
Facebook, while the third, launched in October 2018,
has not had much time to be tested.

16   Facebook Newsroom. Available at:
17   The Verge (2019). Available at:

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions       May 2019

Non-governmental initiatives matrix

                                                                                                              Websites /    Traditional
                             Facebook             WhatsApp               Twitter             YouTube          discussion      media
                                                                                                                boards      (TV, radio)
Disinformation/         Debunk.                CDD &              Hamilton 68             Digital           Debunk.         Ukrainian
information             eu, Prague             University of      Dashboard, EU           Democracy         eu, Prague      Election
manipulation            Security Studies       Birmingham,        Disinfolab, SNV,        Room,             Security        Task Force
                        Institute, SNV,        Digital            Oxford Internet         Digital           Studies
                        Kremlin Watch,         Forensic           Institute,              Forensic          Institute,
                        Oxford Internet        Research           Digital Forensic        Research          Kremlin
                        Institute,             Lab                Research                Lab               Watch,
                        Digital Forensic                          Lab, Beacon                               Ukrainian
                        Research                                  Project, Digital                          Election
                        Lab, Beacon                               Democracy                                 Task Force,
                        Project, Digital                          Room, Bakamo.                             SNV, Beacon
                        Democracy                                 Social                                    Project,
                        Room, ISFED                                                                         Digital
                                                                                                            Research Lab

Bots/trolls             Digital Forensic                          Oxford Internet
                        Research Lab                              Institute,
                                                                  Digital Forensic
                                                                  Lab, Digital
                                                       -                                         -                  -            -
                                                                  Room, Hamilton
                                                                  68 Dashboard,
                                                                  EU Disinfolab,

Russian       ,                                Hamilton 68                               Debunk.         Ukrainian
influence               Kremlin Watch,                            Dashboard,                                eu, Kremlin     Election
                        Beacon Project,                           EU Disinfolab,                            Watch,          Task Force
                        ISFED                                     Beacon Project,                           Ukrainian
                                                       -                                         -
                                                                  Bakamo.Social                             Election
                                                                                                            Task Force,

Political ads           Who Targets
                        Me, Mozilla
                        Ad Analysis,

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions     May 2019

Topics/objects of analysis                                                Lastly, the link between disinformation and paid
                                                                          political or issue ads remains a central aspect when
Most of the initiatives covered focus on                                  it comes to social media monitoring. As mentioned,
disinformation, with investigations of Russian                            the browser extensions Who Targets Me, Ad Analysis
influence associated with many of them. Bots,                             and ProPublica18, which tried to collect information
trolls and the role of internal groups were studied                       on ads, had difficulties to access Facebook data.
mainly by initiatives looking at different political                      Facebook has started providing information about
debates online, not necessarily during elections                          political ads through its Ad Library. The Ad Library
(namely the Oxford Internet Institute and the Digital                     is officially available for all countries and territories
Forensic Research Lab). Some projects focused on                          – from Antarctica to Western Sahara. What is
the role of internal groups and their use of social                       unclear, however, is the amount of data included in
media. Stiftung Neue Verantwortung research                               each of the Ad Libraries. Browsing for information
concluded that the Alternative für Deutschland                            within them, we notice that libraries in the U.S., UK
party and far-right groups used disinformation as an                      and Brazil are much more complete than the ones
important political mobilisation strategy during the                      available for Nigeria and Tunisia, for example. There
2017 German parliamentary election campaign. The                          are similar discrepancies in the Ad Libraries available
Digital Democracy Room also found that right-wing                         for EU countries. So far, detailed information is
groups were prone to use disinformation to mobilise                       available about active and inactive ads in the U.S.,
voters during the Brazilian elections.                                    with a consolidated list of organizations that paid for
                                                                          political ads and data easily searchable by keywords in Lithuania stands out for its use of                          or organization names. For other countries (Nigeria,
AI to automatically spot news articles with a high                        for example), none of this data is available. One can
probability of being disinformation, and the support                      only look into active ads and search for the pages
of a network of volunteers and newsrooms to confirm                       who are running them – it is not possible to check for
and debunk them. Beacon Project developed a web                           inactive ads or search for ads using keywords19.
crawler that scrapes and sorts predefined sources
within a given country. It offers a free tool to partner                   Google also launched an EU-wide searchable ad
organizations, one of which is the Prague Security                        library for political ads, but it allows only searches for
Studies Institute, which will use this platform to                        candidates and advertisers – not by topic20. Twitter
monitor the 2019 European Parliament elections                            committed to make all political ads related to the
in the Czech Republic. Another initiative in the                          European Parliament elections available in its Ads
Czech Republic is Kremlin Watch, which looks                              Transparency Centre, providing a list of all registered
for disinformation supporting Russian interests                           organizations allowed to place political campaign
in around 40 websites in the Czech language and                           advertising21. As with Facebook, these measures do
their Facebook pages, not necessarily related to                          not apply in several other countries.
elections. The Ukrainian Election Task Force focused
on the March 2019 presidential elections and aims                         Apart from their efforts to make political ads
to highlight disinformation to an international                           more transparent, the companies increased the
audience, rather than to the Ukrainian public.                            requirements for those posting political ads on

18   ProPublica (2019). Available at:
19   More detailed information about the differences between ad libraries in the US and the EU is available here: https://democracy-
20 Google Ad Library:
21   Available at:

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions   May 2019

their platforms. These include the obligation to                          have been influential in the recent elections in Brazil.
prove registration in the relevant country, which                         The private messaging app is widespread in the
makes foreign funding of political campaigns more                         country, and actions taken by Facebook and Twitter
difficult. For example, Facebook requires residency in                    to fight disinformation networks in their platforms
Australia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Israel, Thailand,                    may have prompted campaigners to become more
Ukraine, UK, EU countries and the U.S. to run ads                         active on WhatsApp, an encrypted platform.
in these countries22. Google requires all election ads
to show a disclosure identifying who paid for them                        The use of WhatsApp is being monitored in the
and, like Facebook, says that sponsors of posts must                      current election campaign in Nigeria. Researchers
be registered in the country where the political ad                       who analysed its impact in Sierra Leone indicated
is being run. However, this currently applies only                        that its use is closely related to offline social
to the EU, India and the U.S.23. The certification                        structures. The mean size of groups in West Africa
process was also implemented by Twitter in the                            and Latin America is bigger than the ones in Europe,
U.S., Australia, India and the EU24. While these                          meaning that the viral aspect of such platform varies
requirements do not apply to all countries where                          from country to country and is related to cultural
these companies do business, they are being                               habits, socioeconomic conditions and the level of
gradually implemented, and can influence the scope                        connectivity available to users (particularly when it
of observation by EOMs. The more data companies                           comes to mobile vs fixed broadband access).
make available, the more there is to observe and
analyse. Assessing the stated policy of the firms and                     Facebook has received attention outside Europe
whether it is being implemented is an obvious area                        because of its political importance as the most
for observation.                                                          popular social media platform. Twitter attracts
                                                                          similar attention for the ease of collecting and
                                                                          analysing data and because it is a service typically
Platforms                                                                 used for political debates. WhatsApp is a rising
In Europe, non-governmental initiatives have                              platform for the manipulation of public opinion
focused on two platforms: Facebook and Twitter.                           in elections in Brazil and Nigeria. A few of the
Websites, discussion boards and traditional media                         researched initiatives mentioned the role of
are also seen as relevant, mainly in countries that fear                  YouTube, but none of them monitored platforms
Russian interference, given the relative prominence                       such as Instagram, Reddit and Gab, or Telegram,
of state-backed Russian media outlets such as Russia                      VKontakte, WeChat or Weibo. Research has been
Today and Sputnik.                                                        done on some of these platforms2526, but they were
                                                                          not mentioned in the interviews conducted by this
Beyond Europe, the fact that WhatsApp and YouTube                         study.
are hardly monitored or analysed leaves gaps, given
the influence both platforms have in shaping political                    The social media landscape is dynamic, and
opinion and voter choice. WhatsApp was reported to                        observers should stay tuned to trends and monitor
                                                                          those that are relevant.

22 Available at:
23 Available at:
24 Available at:
25 Bandeira, Luiza (2018) “#ElectionWatch: Migration to Gab in Brazil“, DRFLab. Available at:
26 Nithyanand, Rishab (2018) “Russian propaganda spread on our site before 2016 election“, Data and Society. Available at: https://

Experiences of Social Media Monitoring During Elections: Cases and Best Practice to Inform Electoral Observation Missions    May 2019

Social media landscape and dynamics

  Great focus of analysis on the importance                                          “Free speech” platforms gaining
  of Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter                                                  ground (US, Brazil)

        Video and image content becoming central                                          Non-western social media platforms
        to information consumption (especially                                            (VKontakte, Weibo, Telegram, WeChat...)
        when it comes to spreading disinformation)                                        with presence in Eastern Europe and Asia

Other social networks such as Gab and Reddit are                          information consumption on social media. On
benefitting from the shifting preferences of social                       Twitter, video content generates ten times more
media users, and gaining attention from users who                         engagement than text-only tweets28. Disinformation
question the community guidelines enforced by                             often uses manipulated or misleading video content.
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and others.                           This trend makes platforms such as Instagram and
Brazilians and U.S. Americans are among the top                           YouTube important tools for disinformation, but few
users of Gab, with spikes in registrations during the                     of the initiatives researched for this study have been
Charlottesville unrest and the recent presidential                        looking at these platforms.
elections in Brazil27. While neither is likely to
overtake other social media platforms in popularity,                      Lastly, non-Western social media such as Weibo,
they are spaces where extremist groups can organise                       WeChat, VKontakte and Telegram, among others,
themselves online without controls, offering them a                       present a challenge when it comes to social media
quick way to coordinate disinformation campaigns                          monitoring in contexts where they coexist with
and inflammatory speech on other social media                             Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. This is the case in
platforms.                                                                some Eastern European countries, where VKontakte
                                                                          and Telegram have a relatively important presence,
When it comes to content, visual forms of                                 alongside Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.
communication are increasingly central to

27 APublica (2018). Available at:
28 Twitter Business. Available at:

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