Independent Office of Audits and Investigations - Updated 02/2021

Page created by Stephen Vazquez
Independent Office of Audits and Investigations

                                      LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES’ (LGA)
                                           (ICAP/ICRP) SUBMISSIONS

      FOR ALL SUBMISSIONS: To expedite your request, please be sure your submittal
      contains all required documents: checklist, certification, identification of entity
      responsible to review and approve a LGA’s indirect rate(s), report of funding source(s),
      Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) or Single Audit Report (SAR). For
      questions and to submit packets, please email
      Please note: Reviews will be performed once all required information is received.
      For ICAP/ICRP purposes, LGAs are the individual operating agency (governmental
      department or agency) that proposes an indirect cost rate. A LGA can be a City,
      Town, County, Department of a County (e.g. Department of Transportation) or City
      (e.g. Department of Public Works), a Metropolitan Planning Organization, a Regional
      Transportation Planning Agency, or a Special District.
      Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 200 Appendix VII D. 1. b. identifies the
      authorized entity to review and approve a LGA’s rate(s) as either the LGA’s federal
      cognizant agency (i.e. the federal agency giving the largest direct value of federal
      awards to a LGA); OR, where a LGA only receives federal funds as a subrecipient,
      the pass-through entity is the responsible entity to review and approve the LGA/
      subrecipient’s indirect cost rate(s).
      Per Title 2 CFR 200 Appendix V F. 1. and 2 CFR 200.513 the entity responsible for
      reviewing and accepting indirect cost rate(s) will remain responsible for five years as
      follows: FY 2018/19; FY 2023/24; and every fifth year afterwards.
      Each LGA must submit a report of funding source(s) which shows a breakdown of
      federal funds by federal agency (ex. CAFR, SAR, revenue reports etc.) for
      FY 2018/19. If a LGA did not receive any federal funds, either directly or passed
      through in FY 2018/19, then they must submit their most recent report of funding
      source(s). For a sample report see ICAP-ICRP_Funding_Source_Example (XLSX).
      (See ICAP/ICRP Submission Processes and Documentation of Proposal (PDF))

Local Government Agencies ICAP/ICRP Checklist - Revised 2/2021                                   1
Independent Office of Audits and Investigations

                                             LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES’
                                        STREAMLINE REVIEW ICAP/ICRP CHECKLIST

 Name Of Agency:                                          Date Completed:

Name Of Preparer:                                   Rate(s) for Fiscal Year:

 Title Of Preparer:                                     Cognizant Agency:

                                                                               Yes   No   N/A
  LGA determined Caltrans is responsible to review and approve ICRP
  based on ‘Report of Funding Source’ and attached the report.
  [Eligibility Check]

      •   Has the LGA received more than $35 million in direct federal

      •   Has there been a change in the ICAP/ICRP calculation
          methodology since the last ICAP/ ICRP acceptance?

      •   Has the most recent ICAP/ICRP required an indirect cost rate
          change due to an improper, inaccurate, or unsupported rate
          calculation? If yes, provide report of change.

      •   Has there been major changes to the financial management
          system (i.e. processes or accounting software) since the last
          ICAP/ICRP acceptance?

      •   Is this the first ICAP/ICRP submission?

  If all answers above are “No”, then LGA is qualified for the Streamline process.
  Please submit the following documents along with this checklist.

      •   ICRP Certification

      •   Carry-forward Schedule (if applicable)

Local Government Agencies ICAP/ICRP Checklist - Revised 2/2021                                  2
Independent Office of Audits and Investigations

                                            LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES’
                                         COMPLETE REVIEW ICAP/ICRP CHECKLIST

 Name Of Agency:                                          Date Completed:

Name Of Preparer:                                   Rate(s) for Fiscal Year:

 Title Of Preparer:                                     Cognizant Agency:

                                                                               Yes   No          N/A
  LGA determined Caltrans is responsible to review and approve ICRP
  based on ‘Report of Funding Source’ and attached the report.
  [Eligibility Check]

      •   Has the LGA received more than $35 million in direct federal

      •   Has there been a change in the ICAP/ICRP calculation
          methodology since the last ICAP/ ICRP acceptance? If yes,
          include documentation of change.

      •   Has the most recent ICAP/ICRP required an indirect cost rate
          change due to an improper, inaccurate, or unsupported rate
          calculation? If yes, provide report of change.

      •   Has there been major changes to the financial management
          system (i.e. processes or accounting software) since the last
          ICAP/ICRP acceptance? If yes, explain the changes.

      •   Is this the first ICAP/ICRP submission?

  If any of the answers above are “Yes”, then the LGA must continue completing this checklist.
  (if all answers above are “No”, then the LGA is qualified for the Streamline process.)
  Please submit the following documents along with this checklist.

Local Government Agencies ICAP/ICRP Checklist - Revised 2/2021                                         3

                                                                              Yes   No   N/A

  •   Ensure costs included in the rate calculation schedule(s)
      (schedule showing component costs used in the calculation of
      the rate(s) proposed) are cross-referenced and reconciled to the
      financial data mentioned below.

  •   Include subsidiary worksheets that show the following:
      For ICAP/ICRPs based on actual costs: A schedule(s) of actual
      direct, indirect, and unallowable costs incurred by cost category
      type (i.e. rent, utilities, depreciation, etc.) and by departmental
      unit with total costs reconciled to audited financial statements.
      For ICAP/ICRPs based on budgeted or estimated costs: A
      schedule(s) of budgeted or estimated direct, indirect, and
      unallowable costs by cost category type and by department unit
      supported by Board-approved budget or prior year’s actual costs.
      FY 19/20(17/18)

  •   When a fixed rate is used, include a schedule showing the
      calculation of the over/under carry forward amount with
      component costs cross-referenced to ledger reports that cross-
      reference to audited financial statements. (Include the carry-
      forward calculation worksheet.)

  •   Include a copy of the financial data (audited financial statements,
      comprehensive annual financial reports, single audit reports and
      management letters, including notes, if applicable, etc.) on which
      the rate(s) is based.

  •   If applicable, include fringe benefit rate computations. If not
      including, please explain why.
      Note: A fringe benefit rate computation and plan is only required if
      the LGA bills using a fringe benefit rate. If the LGA bills based on
      actuals, no calculation or plan is required.

  •   Include an organizational chart identifying the agency’s structure
      during the period for which the proposal applies along with a
      functional statement noting the duties and/or responsibilities of all
      departments/divisions included.

Local Government Agencies ICAP/ICRP Checklist - Revised 2/2021                                 4

                                                                            Yes   No   N/A

  •   Include the applicable Certification, dated and signed by
      an appropriate official. (See IOAI’s website for Certification

  Central Service Cost Allocation Plan Checklist (if applicable):

  •   Submit the LGA’s approved central service cost allocation plan
      (only if approved by LGA’s cognizant agency.

  •   Submit the allocation schedule showing the central service costs
      allocated to the LGA.

  Additional Information:

  •   If the ICAP/ICRP includes significant changes from procedures
      as reported in the previous year cost plan, include an explanation
      of the significant changes.

  •   If the ICAP/ICRP was audited for compliance with 2 CFR 200 in
      accordance with Government Auditing Standards, please provide
      a copy of the audit report.

  •   For Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Governmental
      Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 45 Compliance:
      Note: In accordance with Federal Highway Administration
      (FHWA) Policy, the amortization period for compliance with
      GASB 45 must be a minimum of 20 years to ensure equitable,
      consistent, and reasonable OPEB reimbursement rates for all
      local agencies within the state of California receiving Federal
      funding from the FHWA. Therefore, only an amortization period
      of between 20 to 30 years will be allowed to calculate the
      reimbursement rate for OPEB benefits.

  •   If applicable, include a Certificate of Actuarial Assumption, dated
      and signed by a responsible official, that identifies the OPEB
      liability and amortization schedule.

Local Government Agencies ICAP/ICRP Checklist - Revised 2/2021                               5
Independent Office of Audits and Investigations

                                          LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES’

 Name Of Agency:                                          Date Completed:

Name Of Preparer:                                   Rate(s) for Fiscal Year:

 Title Of Preparer:                                     Cognizant Agency:

                                                                               Yes   No         N/A
  LGA determined Caltrans is responsible to review and approve ICRP
  based on ‘Report of Funding Source’ and attached the report.
  [Eligibility Check]

      •   Has there been a change in the ICAP/ICRP calculation
          methodology since the last ICAP/ ICRP acceptance?

      •   Has there been major changes to the financial management
          system (i.e. processes or accounting software) since the last
          ICAP/ICRP acceptance?

      •   Is this the first ICAP/ICRP submission?

  If any answer above is “Yes”, then LGA is not qualified for the Predetermined Rate Process.

  Please submit the following documents along with this checklist.

      •   Submit copy of any audit report with outstanding audit
          finding(s) that would impact the indirect cost rate(s).

      •   If there were any substantial changes to your structure
          for the period of the predetermined rate(s), submit a new
          organizational chart.

Local Government Agencies ICAP/ICRP Checklist - Revised 2/2021                                        6

                                                                           Yes   No      N/A
  •   Submit a summary schedule showing the accepted ICAP/ICRP
      rate(s) for the last five consecutive years.
      (If rates were audited, the audited rates should be included)

  •   If the last five consecutive submissions accepted by our office
      were fixed rate(s), include a schedule of the rate(s) recalculated
      based on actual costs.

  •   Proposed predetermined rate(s) based on the lower of either:
      The lowest of the last five year’s accepted/audited fixed rate(s),
      or the lowest of the last five year’s actual rate(s) reduced by
      fifteen percent of the rate(s)?

  •   For Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Regional
      Transportation Planning Agencies only - include the current
      year’s approved Budget.

  •   If the LGA used a fixed rate for prior year(s), include a schedule
      showing the calculation of the over/under carry forward
      amount(s) with component costs cross-referenced to ledger
      reports that cross- reference to audited financial statements.

  Prepare a schedule to resolve the carry-forward for the last two approved fixed rate
  year(s) by providing one of the following:

  •   Evidence that Caltrans was reimbursed for projects over-billed,
      or evidence that an invoice was adjusted to compensate Caltrans
      for the over- billed, or

  •   Dividing the over-recovery amount by the number of years in the
      predetermined period and reduce the total indirect costs used in
      the proposed predetermined rate by this amount.

Local Government Agencies ICAP/ICRP Checklist - Revised 2/2021                                 7
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