Independent B2B fund platform with 360 - Service - ifsam

Page created by Jason Mueller
Independent B2B fund platform with 360 - Service - ifsam
simple. digital. personal.
                                                                1st edition Q1/2021

Independent B2B
fund platform with
360°- Service
  Fund Dealing / Execution Services Fund Custody            Trailer Fee Management   Fund Research
  Fund Data Tech Solutions Distribution Support

ifsam is an independent fund platform, regulated by the CSSF. We offer institutional
investors access to more than 125,000 investment funds worldwide. Benefit from
our One-Stop-Shop solution: Order execution – global custody of funds – trailer fee

ifsam – our dedicated                                          Asset Management
hedge fund service                                             New distribution agreements

                                                               New Website
Sales –
New Sales Manager
Expansion into UK & Ireland                                    Funds in Spotlight
                                                               – Legg Mason GF Plc – Brandywine
                                                                 Global Income Optimiser Fund
                                                               – Metzler China A Share Equity
ISA 3000 Report
                                                               – Eastspring Inv – China Bond Fund
ifsam passes ISAE 3000 milestone
                                                               – GS Funds SICAV – Emerging
                                                                 Markets Equity ESG Portfolio
                                                               – Thematica SICAV –Future Mobility

ifsam – the art of fund business
We understand ourselves as a comprehensive interface between distributors and investment companies.
With over 20 years of experience coupled with our integral approach, we aim to provide not only personal advice
and support, but also automated and greatly scalable services at the highest technological level.

This is what we understand as “The Art of Fund Business”.
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    ifsam – our dedicated
hedge fund service

We have a strong proven track record spanning over two               In a nutshell:
decades offering our clients a first class service in hedge
fund activities.                                                      Central point of access to mutual funds and hedge funds.

In addition to our mutual fund processing, we provide a di-           High-touch service from order capture throughout
rect execution and custody service for more complex struc-            execution to custody of hedge funds.
tures including AIF.
                                                                      A seamless order flow architecture which enables our
ifsam provides access to a universe of more than 125,000              clients to track the order from initiation through to
funds (ISIN) and more than 750 Fund managers covering                 placement, execution and settlement via our online
traditional, and alternative fund products.                           system.

Our dedicated team in Luxembourg offer you a highly per-              Trade and transaction reporting via our ifsam-online
sonalised, top quality service to suit all of your hedge fund         portal.
and alternative investment needs from start to finish.
                                                                      Processing of corporate actions data related to holdings
                                                                      in hedge funds.

                                                                      Timely communication with regards to your cash-account
                                                                      debits enabling you to run cash management smoothly
                                                                      and efficiently.

Other services provided

We offer a pricing service to clients that provides either interim
or final hedge fund pricing in order to value holdings swiftly
and accurately.

ifsam has the ability to set up segregated accounts for cli-
ents with hedge fund holdings. This includes being able to
add their contact details to the distribution lists of the ac-
count statements and/or fund information.

    Mutual                                                               Funds
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        Sales – New Sales Manager                                         ISA 3000 Report
Expansion into UK & Ireland                                      ifsam passes ISAE 3000 milestone

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Christopher Mcleod           High service quality confirmed by first class awards –
has joined our team as a senior sales Manager.                   ifsam is proud to announce the achievement of the ISAE
                                                                 3000 Type II certification for its order management and cus-
                                                                 tody function as well as information technology controls in
                        Chris began his career in Barcelona in   relation to these processes.
                        Foreign exchange options trading and
                        sales, and went on to work in Tokyo in
                        wealth management sales, Frankfurt,        ISAE 3000 is an international auditing standard that reg-
                        and then Luxembourg in Financial ser-      ulates the audit of the internal control system of ifsam.
                        vices sales. Chris’s profound knowl-       We are audited once a year by PwC Luxembourg, that
                        edge of the financial service industry     verifies the compliance and efficiency of our internal con-
is a great asset and he looks forward to addressing your fund      trol procedures.
services needs.

Chris’s main focus will be looking after private banks, IFAs     For ifsam it is an essential part of the firms’ values to show
and funds of funds companies located predominately outside       that we are trustworthy and committed partner for our
the German-speaking countries such as the UK and Ireland.        customers and our counterparts. The Management of ifsam
As a long-standing and experienced sales manager, Chris has      is committed to a strong control environment and culture
the necessary expertise and know-how to find the right an-       throughout the organization. The ISAE 3000 certification
swers to todays challenges for our customers.                    shows that we master our processes and assure the proper
                                                                 execution, processing and custody of our customer’s assets.
Together with Mr. Rodja S. Reisky, Head of Business Devel-
opment & Sales, he is always at your disposal, no matter what    Dr. Danny Stutz, Head of Business Management, says: “Creat-
your investment fund needs are in order to discuss the ad-       ing a transparent environment with adequate risk control pro-
vantages of partnering with ifsam.                               cedures is a shared responsibility of all participants, including
                                                                 fund platforms.”
Chris, welcome on board!
                                                                 Mr. Gerrit Mundt Managing Director added: “This is an import-
                                                                 ant milestone for our firm and confirms our commitment to the
                                                                 highest industry standards and best practices. More and more
                                                                 clients look for this stamp of approval when choosing a service
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        Asset Management                                        SPP Fonder
                                                                We have implemented a new distribution agreement with
New distribution agreements                                     Sweden’s largest fund company SPP Fonder. Together with
                                                                their parent company Storebrand, they are pioneers in sus-
Corum Butler                                                    tainable asset management and all funds are managed with
We engaged with Corum Butler and are now able to of-            high sustainability. SPP Fonder manages several strategies
fer our clients access to trailer fees on the fund range. The   in the area of index-related funds, active fixed income funds
asset manager specializes in fixed income and real estate       and generation funds to factor fund and we are happy to be
strategies and operates in 7 Offices worldwide with 170         able to offer our clients trailer fees on the fund range.

TCW Funds Distributors
We have implemented a new distribution agreement                         New Website
with TCW Funds Distributors. The company manag-
es one of the largest mutual fund complexes in the US           We are delighted to officially announce the launch of our
and has 10 offices worldwide with more than 650 em-             new website!
ployees. TCW offers fixed income, equities as well as al-
ternative strategies. We are pleased to offer our clients       Mr. Jean-Luc Lanners, Managing Director says: “The goal for
trailer fees on the fund range of the TCW Funds SICAV.          the new site is to present our services in a refreshingly modern
                                                                way to provide visitors with an intuitive user-friendly experience
Cliens Kapitalförvaltning                                       that clearly states who we are and what we stand for”.
We engaged with the Swedish asset manager Cliens Kap-
italförvaltning and are now able to offer our clients trailer   Among the new features, the site contains a blog to keep
fee for 6 share classes. The Asset manager specializes in       you updated on all ongoing developments within ifsam,
small/micro cap, multi asset and bond strategies.               and the opportunity to sign up for our quarterly published
                                                                Newsletter with useful insights that we believe are worth
Eastspring Investments                                          sharing.
We are proud to offer our clients access to trailer fees
within the framework of a new distribution agreement            We invite you to view the new website on
with Eastspring Investments (Luxembourg) S.A. Eastspring        Feel free to send us any suggestions, feedback, questions
Investments is the Asian asset management business of           or queries to Thank you!
Prudential plc, one of the world’s largest financial services
firms. The asset manager provides investment solutions
across a broad range of asset classes including equities,
fixed income, global asset allocation, alternatives and ESG.
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        Funds in the spotlight
At ifsam, we have been selecting funds for about 20 years.        As a B2B fund platform, ifsam works closely with many of the
Over time, ifsam has developed and refined a selection            market participants in the asset management industry. As such,
process that employs both quantitative and qualitative criteria   ifsam frequently comes across novel ideas as well as some
to identify funds that have the potential to outperform the       proven strategies with extensive track records. Below you will
market and deliver superior risk-adjusted returns.                find a bit of both; all are worth having a second look at.

 IE00BBT3JP45 – Legg Mason GF Plc - Brandywine Global Income Optimiser Fund USD A ACC

The Brandywine Global Income Optimiser Fund is an                       Legg Mason GF Plc – Brandywine Global Income
all-weather bond fund that can help investors navigate the              Opmiser Fund USD A ACC
challenges of global bond markets throughout the entire eco-                  2017               2018                2019           2020   2020
nomic cycle. The strategy aims to analyze the current market      140
environment to generate attractive returns while providing                                                                                 129.29
downside protection. The fund is characterized by the 3Ds:
diversified, dynamic and defensive.
1. diversified: The dual approach combines macroeconomic          110

   analysis with individual security assessment to provide a      100
   holistic view of global investment opportunities                90
2. dynamic: the active rotation within the global fixed income
   investment universe leads to a diversification of potential
   sources of return
3. defensive: drawdown management follows a defensive ap-          60
                                                                        Jan 2017          Apr 2018            Apr 2019         Apr 2020    Apr 2021
   proach. Responsive and focused risk assessment provides                Legg Mason GF Plc – Brandywine Global Income Opmiser Fund
   efficient downside management
Brandywine is also committed to ESG principles through the
                                                                   The performance figures displayed above relate to the past and past performance
Brandywine Global Income Optimiser Fund. We believe that           should not be seen as an indication of future returns.
relevant and material ESG factors can have a meaningful im-
pact on investment performance.

 IE00BF2FK071 – Metzler China A Share Equity Fund Sustainability EUR X ACC

China-Investment: Metzler offers local stockpicking exper-              Metzler China A Share Equity Fund Sustainability
tise and ESG competence (according to Art. 8 of the Disclo-             EUR X ACC
sure Regulation).                                                                  2018                   2019                  2020         2021

                                                                  200                                                                      151.75
The Chinese stock market offers investors good prospects.
Three sectors in particular have high growth potential: the
highly innovative technology sector, consumer spending            160

and the healthcare sector. Chinese A-shares of more than          140
4,000 listed companies in mainland China also offer valuable
diversification advantages due to relatively low correlations
to the stock markets of the industrialized countries and the      100

emerging markets. The special structure of the Chinese mar-
ket needs an active portfolio management approach, our ESG
expertise adds additional benefits. Investors will find both            Jan 2018           Jan 2019                 Jan 2020               Apr 2021
within the Metzler mutual fund.                                           Metzler China A Share Equity Fund Sustainability

To make the best use of the special features of the Chinese
                                                                   The performance figures displayed above relate to the past and past performance
equity market, Metzler has engaged with its renowned lo-           should not be seen as an indication of future returns.
cal cooperation partner China Asset Management Co., Ltd.
to manage this strategy. ChinaAMC is a signatory to the UN
PRI and was named “Best Fund Management Company for
Responsible Investment” in China in 2019.
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  LU2254195311 – Eastspring Inv - China Bond Fund USD A ACC

The Eastspring Investments China Bond strategy allows in-                  Eastspring Inv – China Bond Fund USD A ACC
vestors to participate in the growing opportunities of China’s                        2020                                 2021              2020
yuan-denominated bond market. The onshore bond market                105
has grown to be the second largest in the world, offering
plenty of investment options for global investors. Its com-                                                                                  103.08
pelling yield pick-up and low correlation to the developed           103

markets provide the potential for investors to enhance their
portfolios’ risk-adjusted profile.

The strategy seeks to capture these opportunities by invest-         100
ing across a broad spectrum of yuan-denominated bonds
issued by, not only government and quasi-government enti-
ties, but also corporate issuers. A benchmark unconstrained           98
                                                                           Nov 2020          Jan 2021           Feb 2021        Mar 2021     Apr 2021
approach is adopted as the Fund seeks to nimbly value add                    Eastspring Inv – China Bond Fund
through the management of duration and yield curve po-
sitioning, while active allocate and select its exposures to
                                                                      The performance figures displayed above relate to the past and past performance
non-benchmark corporate bonds. At the same time, an over-             should not be seen as an indication of future returns.
all high credit quality of the portfolio is maintained to mitigate
downside risks.

 LU1876476224 – GS Funds SICAV - Emerging Markets Equity ESG Portfolio USD I ACC

Given the increasing challenges of climate change and unsus-               GS Funds SICAV – Emerging Markets Equity
tainable environmental practices, companies must help solve                ESG Porolio USD I ACC
current problems in order to achieve greater environmental                  2018                  2019                          2020         2020
sustainability in the long term. We believe that incorporating       180                                                                     159.30
ESG factors can help to manage such risks and uncover new
opportunities.                                                       160

The GS Emerging Markets Equity ESG Portfolio aims to deliver
strong and sustainable alpha returns by identifying opportu-         120
nities through a rigorous and bottom-up stock selection pro-
cess. It is a differentiated portfolio designed to take advantage
of opportunities in emerging markets. Mid and small caps as           80
well as off-benchmark companies are also included to achieve
substantial alpha. The portfolio focuses on investing in solid             Sep 2018    Apr 2019     Sep 2019         Apr 2020     Sep 2020   Apr 2021
companies with a significant focus on attractive valuations. In              GS Funds SICAV – Emerging Markets Equity ESG Porolio
order to achieve this goal, we strive to continuously analyse
these companies in order to make an informed investment               The performance figures displayed above relate to the past and past performance
decision.                                                             should not be seen as an indication of future returns.
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 LU1807299091 – Thematica SICAV - Future Mobility USD I1 ACC

Thematica – Future Mobility fund offers exposure to pure                Themaca SICAV – Future Mobility USD I1 ACC
play companies that are focused or could benefit from the                           2019                            2020                    2021
transition to clean and sustainable transportation and en-        360
ergy storage solutions. Within the energy transition, the
fund focuses on companies that will benefit from the elec-
trification. Areas include but are not limited to the following
categories: Critical Battery Materials, Battery and Fuel Cell     240

Technology, E-Mobility, Energy Storage Solutions, Smart           220

Grid, Electricity Generation and Efficiency and Renewable         180
Energy, Charging Infrastructure, Hydrogen Production and
Fuelling Technology.

The fund is actively managed and puts its focus on smaller        60
                                                                        Feb 2019           Oct 2019      Apr 2020          Oct 2020          Apr 2021
innovative companies. The concentrated portfolio consists                 Themaca SICAV – Future Mobility
of 25-50 stocks, selected fundamentally out of a universe of
around 200 stocks without being limited to specific regions
                                                                   This is a marketing communication. The binding baseline for the purchase of the
or industries. In 2021 the fund received the Golden Bull as        fund are the key investor information (KIID), the currently valid sales prospectus
fund innovation of the year from the German publishing             or the articles of association, the most recently published and audited annual
                                                                   report and the most recently published unaudited semi-annual report, which
house finanzenverlag (             are available in English free of charge from IPConcept (Luxembourg ) SA, 4, rue
                                                                   Thomas Edison L-1445, Strassen, Luxembourg, (see also
                                                                   The tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each individual
                                                                   investor and may be subject to changes in the future. Please refer to the current
                                                                   sales prospectus for information on opportunities and risks. No assurance can
                                                                   be given that the investment objectives will be achieved. This announcement is
                                                                   addressed exclusively to interested parties in those countries in which the afore-
                                                                   mentioned fund is authorized for public distribution. The fund was launched un-
                                                                   der Luxembourg law and is approved for distribution in Luxembourg, Germany
                                                                   and Switzerland. The fund may not be publicly offered for sale in the United
                                                                   States of America (“USA”) or for the benefit of US persons. Past performance,
                                                                   simulations or forecasts are not reliable indicators for future performance. Due
                                                                   to the composition of its portfolio or the portfolio management techniques used,
                                                                   the fund has increased volatility, i.e. the unit price can be subject to significant
                                                                   fluctuations upwards and downwards, even within short periods of time. In ad-
                                                                   dition, the return on foreign currencies can rise or fall as a result of currency

                                                                   We hope you enjoyed reading this edition and remain at your
                                                                   disposal for any questions you may have.

                                                                   Kind regards,
                                                                   Your ifsam Team
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ifsam – 360° service for your activities in third-party funds

                                                            Fund Dealing /
                                                              Execution                          Fund Custody

                           Distribution                                                                                               Trailer Fee
                             Support                                                                                                 Management

                                            Tech Solutions                                                         Fund Research

                                                                                  Fund Data


Next steps – we are here to serve your needs

                         Mr. Rodja S. Reisky CIIA/CEFA                                                               Mr. Michael König
                         Senior Officer                                                                              Senior Officer
                         Head of Business Development & Sales                                                        Head of Fund Partner Network

                         Telephone: +352 27 07 31-626                                                                Telephone: +352 27 07 31-612

Imprint and Disclaimer

                                                                                          International Fund Services & Asset Management S.A.
                                                                                          25, rue Edmond Reuter
                                                                                          L-5326 Contern

"No information published constitutes an offer, a request or a recommendation             Any investment in units of a collective investment scheme entails or is associated
to buy or sell any investment instruments. Potential investors are personally             with equity market, bond market, exchange rate, interest rate, credit, volatility and
responsible for informing themselves about the applicable tax laws and provisions         political risks. The value of the units may accordingly rise above or fall below the
and for complying with them in connection with the subscription, purchase, holding,       purchase price. No assurance can therefore be given that the investment objectives
sale, redemption or distribution of investments. Nothing contained constitutes            will be achieved. The contents of the pages made available by International Fund
financial, legal, tax or other advice, nor should any investment or any other decisions   Services & Asset Management S.A. have been reliably and carefully prepared to
be made solely based on this content. Good performance in the past does not               the best of our knowledge. International Fund Services & Asset Management S.A.
guarantee good performance in the future.                                                 but assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the
Independent B2B fund platform with 360 - Service - ifsam Independent B2B fund platform with 360 - Service - ifsam
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