Indeed Selected Works by Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss - April 2014

Page created by Shawn Torres
Indeed Selected Works by Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss - April 2014
Selected Works by
Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss
 April 2014
Indeed Selected Works by Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss - April 2014
Indeed — Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss    Selected Works

Exhibition at gallery Linda in St. Pauli, Hamburg during the
artist exchange »Betriebsausflug Hamburg-Leipzig«,

    The investigation and thorough reflection    Linda for the purpose of presenting them at       agencies, movie-production companies and
of spaces as a way to explore foreign loca-      the exhibition. The selection of the object was   trendy hairdresser settle down in St. Pauli.
tions were the central conceptual elements       then left to the owner of the shop.               This changes the socio-cultural environment
and strategies of the exhibition »Aufnahme«          The goal of this conception was to            of the district and leads to rising prices for
(german for admission/recording/»on the          present a statement about the neighborhood        housing and living. Through the transition of
record«), 26. May 2012 – 9. June 2012.           through social interaction and the process        the various objects from the different shops
                                                 of communication. The selected object thus        into the gallery, the exhibition »Aufnahme«
    The district St. Pauli in the city of        became a medium of information through            displayed the heterogeneity of the different
Hamburg is considered as in a strong             the decontextualization at the shop and the       lifestyles coexisting in St. Pauli.
environmental change. It was therefore both,     recontextualization inside gallery Linda.
the aim and the strategy of the exhibition           While the process of decontextualizing             In the second part of the exhibition, the
to approach this structural changing of the      the various objects was carried out completely    various objects were recontextualized in an
environment. Also, the concept developed         by the shopowner, the recontextualisation         associative process and rearranged inside
within the context of the artist exchange        them was performed by Paula Kanefendt             the gallery. This practice, generated new
»Betriebsausflug« between Hamburg and            and David Voss. Here, the title »Aufnahme«        relationships between the different objects
Leipzig.                                         means the photographic picture taken at the       and consequently new narrative structures.
                                                 particular moment, as well as the process of           Without being explicitly noticeable, the
     As it was the case with previous works of   accommodating the different objects inside        experience of collecting the objects had an
Kanefendt / Voss, the intensive exploration      the gallery.                                      implicit influence on the arrangement. This
of spaces with their inhabitants, history and        Due to the strong structural and              enabled a new way of interaction with the
structures was basis for the conception of       environmental changes in the district of          objects for the visitor of the gallery. The
»Aufnahme«. To reach this aim, the artistic      St. Pauli, this process seemed particularly       spectator could therefore develop an own
material of the exhibition was exclusively       appropriate. The old cultural institutions        associative approach to interpret the
collected in the immediate environment of        such as bars, movie theatres and erotic           different objects and their meaning for the
gallery Linda in St. Pauli: The artists asked    establishments develop into artificial tourist    neighborhood of St. Pauli.
for objects in the various shops surrounding     attractions, while young, innovative design
Indeed Selected Works by Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss - April 2014
Indeed Selected Works by Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss - April 2014
Indeed Selected Works by Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss - April 2014
Indeed Selected Works by Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss - April 2014
Indeed Selected Works by Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss - April 2014
Indeed — Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss    Selected Works

In der Tat
Concept for [10].lindenau art center, Leipzig

     »On the 24th of may 2012 the collective       groups and the general heterogeneity of it's       should art have in such a context? Can and
Indeed will break all ten window panes of the      population. On a broader perspective this          should it provide and produce legitimation
Kunstraum[10].lindenau offspace with flagging      work referred to the ambivalence of promotion      and moderation of integration into a urban
stones. These windows, part of the facade          of cultural activity and the question of           environment?
of the Kaufland-Supermarket complex at the         freedom of art.
Lindenauer Markt square, will be destroyed                                                                 Beyond those immediate intentions the
and rendered unusable.«                                 On the 24th of may no stone was               happening shows, that in Lindenau already
                                                   supposed to be thrown — all showcases would        exists a well developed scene of independently
     [10].lindenau art center is a newly created   have stayed unbroken. »In der Tat« was about       organized art-spaces. It currently consists of
place for exhibitions, that consists of ten        a process, that, by the public announcement        over 20 places,in which public or semi-public
display windows in the facade of the recently      of the destruction of the showcases, realizes      art is being showed and/or produced.
built Kaufland-Superstore, situated in             itself in the heads and by that way initiating a        The second aspect of »In der Tat« was
Leipzig's Lindenau district. The program of        personal positioning and a public controversy.     the donation of the better part of the sum
this space is put out to tender in an open-call-        For that the gesture of destruction was       provided for the promotion of the project
procedure. The establishing was initiated by       chosen deliberately: as experiences with           to already existing spaces of art in the
the city administration, however there is no       similar projects and conflicts in leipzig          Lindenau district.
galerist directly responsible.                     show, anger and speechlessness regarding
                                                   projects of urban development often manifest            We would have used the high attention
     »In der Tat« (english: »Indeed«), as          themselves in acts of vandalism. By the            of the audience and press to read a statement,
the opening of the space, was supposed,            artistic use of the idea of destruction the        in which our position and background would
by it's provocative and radical gesture, to        potential for aggression is channelled. At the     have been presented. We gladly would
generate a high amount of attention. It was        same time the speechlessness of the district's     have faced the discussions prior to and after
supposed to initiate a discussion about sense      inhabitants, that in it's most radical forms       the event.
and senselessness of such an artistically          can lead to destructive outbursts, can be               Regrettably our project was not accepted
statement. It's goal was to move into focus        overcome.                                          and thus remained unrealized.
several questions about the building of a
shopping mall and it's integration into a               The event further asks about the role of
tension-filled environment of the district's       art in a partly public, but mostly commercial
high and subculture, it's politically active       project of construction. What function
Indeed Selected Works by Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss - April 2014
Indeed Selected Works by Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss - April 2014
Indeed — Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss    Selected Works

Related Links
– From knowledge- to information-based society
Interdisciplinary Workshop at the
Braunschweig University of Art (HBK)

     Initially, you had been looking for this       in an exhibition within the framework of the           Main goal of the workshop was to provide
one information and after hours of following        universities open house walkabout.                the participants with strategies for the process
various paths and approaches, you are neither           The working process consisted of two          of idea-development and highlight ways to
able to remember the orginal question nor           parts. As a starting point students were asked    substantiate and implement their ideas. We
to reconstruct the paths that you have been         to theoretically approach possible definitions    tried to strengthen cognitive capabilities and
taking through the vast supply of information.      of the term »information« through research        provide guidance for conscious, consequent
This seems more and more to become an               and teamwork. Based on that process us and        approaches, that allow the translation of
everyday experience. Not only in the internet       the students further approached the topic         theoretical content into visual strategies.
we are exposed to enormous amounts of               and developed interesting questions and
information – but: are we really able to access     interrogations into the theme.                         The workshop adressed students from all
and accumulate more knowledge than we did               The main part of the workshop then            fields taught at the university. By including
in the past? Or do we live in a state of constant   focused on practical experiments of               students from various programs such as fine
random noise and blind spots?                       information transfer and appropriation, based     art, communication- and industrial design as
                                                    on the developed questions and interrogations,    well as art- and media science a calculated
    The workshop was concerned with                 in either individual or teamwork. We disussed     and explicitly wished for intertwining of
questions revolving around the reflection           and looked for strategies of selecting and        different disciplines was triggered.
of how we nowadays process information.             forms of transferring information. The most
We would be searching for strategies of             workable and appropriate solutions were               The workshop took place from February
selecting information and forms of information      carved out as the work progressed.                13th until February 16th 2012 at Braunschweig
acquisition. During the workshop we tried to            The resulting exhibition besides from         University of Art.
translate these ideas into workable forms and       book-objects, free collages, stickers and
media – from posters to interventions into          works directly on the wall also consisted of an
public space. The final results were shown          audio piece.
Indeed Selected Works by Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss - April 2014
Indeed — Paula-Marie Kanefendt & David Voss    Selected Works

City walk Weißenfels
part of the Exhibition »WSF 2050 — City visions Weißenfels«

    As part of the Project »WSF 2050 – City        progressed, though, other facets of Weißenfels      former ballrooms, bars and cafes, active fan
visions Weißenfels« (12. — 21. September           came to light. The inhabitants of the city          groups and the city information as places for
2009) of Architects Moritz Ahlert and Robert       were involved in many cultural projects and a       gathering and exchange.
Friebe, Paula-Marie Kanefendt and David            variety of initiatives enriched social life.            The walk turned into a conversation
Voss were asked to contribute a project to the          Due to their reservation, many inhabitants     between the residents about their daily life in
supporting program.                                of Weißenfels were not aware of this range of       a shrinking city. The numerous participants
                                                   possibilities. Networking between the various       exchanged views on their individual
     The city of Weißenfels is located on the      initiatives was rare, each acted individually.      approaches. In this endeavor, potential for
northeastern edge of Saxony-Anhalt. It was              To show this potential to Weißenfels’          joint activities became visible.
once the center for shoe manufacturing of          citizens became the aim of our project. By              The walk was perceived by all participants
the GDR. Of this industry nothing is left          raising awareness of the inhabitants own            as enriching their view of the city. It allowed
today. The city suffers from depopulation,         abilities and their current manifestations          for a change of perspective and reassessment
which results in the increasing decay of its       we wanted to enable a more positive                 of their surroundings on the part of citizens.
buildings. The townscape is characterized by       identification with the place. In addition, we      As outsiders, we then had to withdraw again.
an abundance of empty property, especially in      saw an opportunity to actively transform the        Sustainable change within the urban fabric
the center.                                        city through its inhabitants by the means of        can only arise from the initiative of inhabitants
     We approached the city through several        concerted interaction.                              themselves. We hope that we have helped to
visits. Initial conversations with the residents        A city walk with inhabitants seemed an         bring this about.
already showed that they had internalized          appropriate approach to us. On this ‘discovery
the decline of the cityscape. The behaviour        tour’ we visited places with relevance to past
of residents towards outsiders was mostly          and current city life. We met local activists and
defensive and pessimistic. As conversations        let them talk about their activities. We visited
The aim of Indeed (Paula-Marie
Kanefendt & David Voss) is to give thought-
provoking impulses and create awareness.
It focuses on identifying, imparting and          Paula-Marie Kanefendt (*1980 in
                                              Goslar) creates works of liberal art as well
sharing knowledge as well as developing       as art education projects. She studied art,
and testing new and concrete courses          history and education in Leipzig. Paula-
                                              Marie Kanefendt has worked in museum
of action.                                    education and dealt with the communication
                                              of contemporary art, amongst others at the
                                              Gallery of Contemporary Art in Leipzig.
    Paula-Marie Kanefendt and David Voss          She is an active member of D21 art space.
                                              Currently she is completing a semester at the
have already cooperated successfully on       Academy of Visual Arts in the Department of
                                              Media Arts.
several projects. Previous activities have
explored the space between contemporary           David Voss (*1980 in Leipzig) is a graphic
                                              designer and a former master student of the
art and culture, transfer of knowledge        Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig (HGB). He
                                              currently runs his own office with a focus on
and teaching as well as urban development     concept and design in the fields of art, culture
and research.                                 and architecture in Leipzig. He previously
                                              worked for design studios in New York, Berlin
                                              and Munich.The work of David Voss has
                                              repeatedly been published and exhibited both
                                              nationally and internationally and has won
                                              several awards.
                                                  Next to working at his office, David Voss
                                              organises projects that explore the space
                                              between art, urban planning and education
                                              together with various partners. He is also
                                              involved in teaching at several universities.
                                                  David Voss is an active member of
                                              »Kreatives Leipzig«, a non-profit organisation,
                                              as well as the Leipzig-based artist residency
Recent Exhibitions (Selection)

“Untitled yet” — 22 Rue Mueller, Paris (F) / Soloshow / 2014
“VOLK” — Westwerk, Leipzig / Groupshow / 2013
“International Poster and Graphic Design Festival” — Chaumont (F) / Groupshow / 2013
“Not in my our Backyard(s)” — Werkschau, Spinnerei Leipzig / Groupshow / 2012
“Aufnahme” — Gallery Linda, Hamburg / Soloshow/ 2012
“Golden Bee” — 10th Internationale Bienniale, Moscow (R) / Groupshow / 2012
“24th Internationale Bienniale” — Brno (CZ) / Groupshow / 2010

Lectures (Selection)

“An exhibtion, an intervention, a workshop” — Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design, Wrocław (PL) / 2013
“On Chinese Elements” — China International Cultural Industries Fair, Shenzhen (CN) / 2012
“Related Links” — Anhalt University of Applied Sciencens, Design Department, Dessau / 2012
“On Gentrification” — Distillery, Leipzig / Panel discussion / 2012

Workshops (Selection)

“26th Internationale Bienniale” — Brno (CZ) / 2014
“Strategies of the Invisible” — Kunsthochschule Kassel / 2013
“VOLK — Grafic-Design Summercamp” — We make it, Berlin / 2013
“Not in my our Backyard(s)” — Schloßakademie Solitude, Stuttgart / 2012
“Drei Tage Selbsterfindung” — University of Applied Sciences, Design Department, Bielefeld / 2012
“Related Links” — Universtiy of Arts, Braunschweig / 2012
“Public Sculpture” — Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences / 2010
“Your Book Is Mine” — Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design, Halle (Saale) / Workshop / 2009


Indeed c/o David Voss, Härtelstraße 4, 04107 Leipzig
+49 (0) 341 / 26 46 41 38 +49 (0) 173 / 44 666 05 david @
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