Income Investing Strategies for an Uncertain Market
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Special Report for subscribers to Kiplinger’s Investing for Income Income Investing Strategies for an Uncertain Market A t Kiplinger we are forgiving Indeed, the stock and real estate accumulated enough savings for life, when an otherwise triumphant rebounds of second-half 2020 and or if you are retired and do not antici- stock, fund, or sector goes into a widespread 20% gains of 2021 have put pate earning much or any new money tailspin. We also are not delirious over real money in your pocket. And the to replace losses, it is essential to limit any rapid and powerful rally. Investing U.S. economy, for all the disruptions, is risk. We strive to identify and explain hath no guarantees. Sometimes you get lucky, but other times, an experienced money manager or team of analysts We strive to identify and explain income ideas and traders make a series of question- able decisions, saddling you with an well-positioned to hold their value and unexpected loss. And some events are just plain impossible to trade around or maintain (or increase) their distributions when through. That is why we were not un- and if the economic situation deteriorates. nerved in early 2020 when every listing in our Kiplinger 25 for Income, and virtually every blue-chip stock on earth, riding high compared to the rest of the income ideas well-positioned to hold got slammed by the original COVID world. But as you read this, Wall Street their value and maintain (or increase) outbreak and the sight of lockdowns brims with righteous concern that 2020 their distributions when and if the eco- and business closings. Nor are we and 2021 have pilfered considerable nomic situation deteriorates. De-risk- exceptionally bullish for 2022 after a investment gains from the next year or ing has different meanings, depending year and a half of powerful economic two. And we should be prepared for on your personal finances. It can mean recovery, the pandemic notwithstand- wild swings in asset prices and financial- simply cashing in profits from appreci- ing, that keeps producing excellent market attitudes as higher-than-usual ated stocks, funds, real estate invest- corporate earnings and high dividends. inflation and Omicron incite savers and ment trusts and other winners. It can investors of all ages, sizes, sentiments, refer to building cash reserves instead and political persuasions to alternately of robotically reinvesting your interest inhale and exhale. and dividends. Most of all, if you are Hence one of our bedrock beliefs fortunate to have enough savings to in this newsletter is that if you have live forever, you can “take a knee” and Copyright 2022 • The Kiplinger Washington Editors • 1100 13th Street NW • Suite 1000 • Washington, DC 20005
Income Investing Strategies for an Uncertain Market declare victory. Game over. No more the yields on new mortgages are low, Union Pacific and Norfolk Southern. adventures. Perhaps your final check seasoned fixed-rate loans pay more. A rule for income investing is to follow really will bounce. Representative GNMA funds from where money is flowing fastest through However, we are also optimists and Fidelity, Pimco, Vanguard and oth- the economy and invest to become an presume that any investment, whether ers have variable monthly payouts owner-operator as well as a customer. cyclical such as a pipeline, or inher- but should pass along more than BBB CORPORATE BONDS. This ently risky like a leveraged closed-end 2%, with that climbing if mortgage category is unusual in that it scuffled stock fund, that is surviving or thriving rates rise. The spike in the consumer in pre-coronavirus 2020 but has since does so on merit, backstopped by the price index has opened a window for closed any return gap compared to Federal Reserve and its effective money inflation-linked government securi- long-term Treasuries during the pan- bombs. So another message to new demic. Most big companies balance readers is that we are still living in an sheets are fine, and BBB bonds pay one investor’s world. Individuals and finan- to two percentage points more interest cial institutions have such enormous So another message than T-bonds—enough for bond man- buying power that they effortlessly bid agers to say there are always good buys up the values of a limited inventory to new readers despite a surge in corporate borrowing. of time-tested quality income-paying is that we are The PIA BBB Bond Fund has returned investments, including junk bonds, an average 7.8% the last three years and tax-exempt debt, and shares of high-in- still living in an with a current yield of almost 3% helps terest rate lenders. A few famous firms, investor’s world. to fight inflation. including Boeing, Disney, and General NECESSITIES. No shock here, as Electric, have specific management the stubbornness of COVID is less or business issues that have hurt their of a threat to goods and services such share prices and dividends, but they ties to pay even higher rates. Series as food, water, medicines, and e- are outliers. Diversification remains an I savings bonds are posting a rate of commerce than it is to, say, travel and extremely helpful remedy. 7.2% through April 2022 and will pay entertainment. This broad description Remember, dividend cuts, bond de- nearly as much over the subsequent applies to such dividend stalwarts as faults, and other hallmarks of danger- six months. A fund of Treasury Infla- American Water, American Electric ous markets get headlines—but they tion Protected Securities, or TIPS, Power, Kroger, Verizon, Walmart, and are rare. And we don’t mind it much should also serve you well. Also, for plenty of others whose products and when the Dow Jones industrial average a back-door way to tap the Treasury’s services you have surely relied upon falls 500 points every now and then. guarantee, federal landlord Easterly if you have been marooned at home We get more nervous when reliable Government Properties, a real estate during the health crisis. If you are not income investments suffer unexpected investment trust, has returned 16% a a fan of owning individual stocks, cash squeezes. The following strategies year for three years and finished 2021 funds like Legg Mason’s LVHD, can help you invest safely even when with a dividend yield of 4.8%. which stands for Low Volatility High unforeseen events cause trouble. THE SUPPLY CHAIN. It is on the Dividend, own an extensive list of FULL FAITH AND CREDIT. The news daily: delayed shipments, over- these investments. LVHD’s dividends world loves dollars—and savers burdened warehouses, trucks parked are running close to 3%. and investors also love government- for want of drivers. But if you literally HEAVY TRADING. Investors of all guaranteed debt. If you suspect that put yourself in the driver’s seat and buy strains, from day traders to massive mortgage and rent delinquencies trucking stocks or invest in firms that banks, are busier than ever. The opera- might spike, start with a fund that own distribution centers and other tions of the financial markets adjusted owns pools of U.S.-backed mortgages, critical property, you can benefit from quickly and smoothly to remote work, commonly known as GNMAs or this business. Among REITs, supply- while stock and bond trading volume Ginnie Maes. If a borrower skips a chain specialists include Duke Realty, and traffic in exchange-traded funds payment, the Treasury ensures that Prologis, Americold, and of course are soaring. That is great news for the investors collect “timely payment of Amazon, though it pays no dividend. investment business, which includes principal and interest.” And although But UPS does, and so do railroads like Wall Street leaders like BlackRock Copyright 2022 • The Kiplinger Washington Editors • 1100 13th Street NW • Suite 1000 • Washington, DC 20005
Income Investing Strategies for an Uncertain Market and Goldman Sachs as well as regular banks, whose profit margins and divi- Timely Tactic dends are extraordinarily strong. There is nothing to equal the 7.2% tag on Series I savings bonds—although they have This is not to say all the above are sure things now that stock indexes a minimum holding period and a $10,000 limit, and they will be a repriced in April. But have reached records and interest an unorthodox idea for storing cash and angling for a high return is riding the dollar’s rates on bonds and bond alternatives global strength with UUP, the Invesco DB U.S. Dollar Bullish ETF. This is a direct wager are still low despite the pressure on on whether the dollar will gain or lose exchange value against a basket of major Western inflation. That is why we think senti- currencies and the yen, as measured by a Deutsche Bank index that determines the ment will bop around sharply and fund’s share price. As the U.S. puts more economic distance between itself and the rest share prices and funds’ net asset values of the world, prospects are high that UUP will approach or match its 2021 return of 6.5%. will alternate hot streaks with sharp The fund last paid a dividend in 2019, and no return is guaranteed, but risk is low, and the declines. But as the disparate effects of Federal Reserve is apt to bolster the buck whenever it hikes rates. the pandemic and the public’s changes in behavior become permanent, pro- fessional investors will successfully fil- ter the adapters and the beneficiaries. higher interest coupons to compen- index of toll-road bonds has a three-year Get on the right side of the struggle sate) is crazy high, and the supply of annualized return of 5.6%, although the against COVID rather than let it scare new debt is limited. So muni trading bonds current yield 2.8% to maturity, you from participating. volume is at its highest since 2008 and so you’ve actually enjoyed some capital active bond-fund managers and trad- appreciation. Partly, that’s low interest Risks Versus Values in ers continue to unearth “mispriced” rates, but it is also investor recogni- bonds. And many of the issues that did tion that turnpikes can and do raise Tax-Exempt Bonds suffer trading setbacks during the early tolls faster than inflation and benefit Once again in 2021, municipal bonds days of COVID have recovered value from surging truck traffic. We found made money, despite headwinds from and are once again solid investments. a Central Texas Turnpike bond with a inflation, economic stress, and the An illustration: The New York 3% coupon, due in 2040, whose price earlier assumptions that unemployment Metropolitan Transit Authority, a state sank from 110 before COVID to 85 in and other effects of COVID would agency, owns New York City’s bridges, March 2020, sending the current yield leave state and local budgets in tat- tunnels, subways, and commuter rail- briefly above 4%. Just before Christmas ters. There was serious talk of airports, roads. When traffic and ridership dried the bond changed hands for 109, a colleges, public transit and even water up, the value of MTA bonds fell 20% current yield of 2.1% but a fat gain for and sewer systems have trouble pay- or so—but have now recovered all the those who saw the opportunity early ing their bills, let alone the interest on paper losses. The MTA, though—and in the economic recovery and stability their bonds. Then came help from the this is most important—never had to for those who bought the bond when federal government and a promise of skip or postpone or renegotiate any originally issued. Airport bonds have support from the Federal Reserve, and payments to its bondholders, as ana- a similar story and a three-year average the gradual economic recovery that has lysts accurately regarded the authority return of 5.0%, nearly a full percentage rescue property values and income-tax as “too big to fail.” It did not lose its point per year above the typical state receipts. States and counties are now in investment-grade credit rating. Besides, general obligation bond. their strongest positions in years. So, the markets are tolerant when public Our longtime belief is that tax- starting in April 2000, and continuing agencies do discuss ways to work out exempt bonds are essential to everyday to the present, municipal bonds have temporary budgeting gimmicks, such life and commerce. Unless you get been one of the best places to put your as withdrawing from rainy day funds. greedy, or are the recipient of terrible savings. Demand for tax-exempt debt This experience suggests that you advice, and buy a bond backed by a and taxable municipal bonds (with should snap up and hold onto all A-list vanity project or something out of transportation bonds, such as those favor like a for-profit prison, your odds from the Atlanta and Dallas-Fort of getting stiffed are minuscule. Even Worth airports and our forever favor- bonds issued to build and run sports ites, toll roads. The Standard & Poor’s stadiums and convention centers sur- Copyright 2022 • The Kiplinger Washington Editors • 1100 13th Street NW • Suite 1000 • Washington, DC 20005
Income Investing Strategies for an Uncertain Market vived their year of cancelled events and November 30 (December’s poor arrived. Companies move mountains zeroed out parking and food-service market results will trim the final score). to stay on this list once they have made income, helped by their share of local These dividend aces had more than it. But in May 2020, the discount- sales tax revenue and cash reserves. proven their value anyway, especially if clothing retail chain Ross Stores sus- Bond experts tell us almost all tax- you keep the shares for years and watch pended its dividends despite knowing exempt borrowers with a public-service dividends mount as a percentage of it would be excommunicated. (Ross mission can last two or three years and has now reinstated dividends at the few are on the cusp of failing due to same rate it paid until 2020, but it is off Omicron. We would always be wary of the roster). buying individual bonds from poor cit- To mangle a cliché, So, prospects looked bleak. But in ies and towns or anywhere that popula- dividends are 2021, not only did the most downtrod- tion and real estate values are falling, den sectors from the previous year even if they offer a sky-high interest too vital to fail. bounce back, but we have seen a general payment. But those dicey issuers make rebirth of dividend boosts, including up a tiny slice of the indefatigable $4 gigantic raises such as 33% by Lowe’s, trillion municipal universe. Also, if you original cost. That is inevitable if you 23.5% by Nucor, and 23.1% from are worried that interest rates will take get dividend growth, and that is what Sherwin-Williams. Dividends are thriv- off and undermine the value of bonds, the Aristocrats stand for: those S&P ing again, and so we envision the list of municipals are much less interest-sensi- 500 members that have raised divi- Aristocrats growing rather than shrink- tive than other kinds of long-term debt, dends 25 consecutive years. ing. We suggest you grab a piece of the especially Treasuries. That is because The largest cohort is big traditional entire pie with the exchange-traded there is much less trading. So buy, and industrial champions: Caterpillar, fund whose fitting symbol is NOBL, hold, with confidence. Chevron, General Dynamics, 3M, and the ProShares S&P 500 Dividend Aris- PPG Industries. There are a bunch of tocrats ETF. NOBL looked on track to The Aristocrats Lose— banks and financial companies, several end 2021 with around a 25% gain—and real estate investment trusts, a few na- a dividend yield of about 2%. Dividends and Regain—Their Luster tional retailers, and famous consumer are also still apt to be “qualified,” or Here is a stunner. Despite the puny brands such as Procter & Gamble and lightly taxed. The relatively superior and falling savings rates that promote Sherwin-Williams. The onset of the performance of preferred stock, most the appeal of cash dividends, the pandemic did challenge some mem- real estate trusts, and taxable municipal 65 stocks known as the Standard & bers, such as banks, which were banned bonds shows that the quest for yield is Poor’s Dividend Aristocrats barely for a while from raising dividends unabated. To mangle a cliché, dividends broke even for 2020, even as the until further notice—which has now are too vital to fail. broader blue-chip market indexes recovered from the COVID crash and finished 2020 with double- figure gains. This pratfall, which in Timely Tactic hindsight had much to do with the As Americans crowd highways and airports after grumpily spending last Christmas (temporary) collapse of oil prices and and New Year’s at home, and with the return of international visitors, travel-related bank profits, prompted us to ask if investments are timely. Dividends are still scarce, but analysts expect that 2022 will the Aristocrats’ profitable reign were see hotel companies return to profitability and that 2023 will be grand. It may be done with and it would be silly to early, but hotel-owning REITs will eventually be able (and likely obligated) to resume look to this small group for high yield and then gradually raise their quarterly cash payouts. There are 15 lodging REITs, so and dividend growth. choosing is a bit of a guess, but the group is still priced at 12% below net asset value. Well, as we said years ago, we do not Throw darts, or pair a luxury REIT like Host Hotels (HST, no yield) with a family- quit on a successful investment idea or strategy because of an occasional and weekend-oriented group such as Chatham Lodging Trust (CLDT, no yield). Both stumble. The Aristocrats are back previously paid good dividends; they will again. with a 29% return for 2021 through KIISUM14 Copyright 2022 • The Kiplinger Washington Editors • 1100 13th Street NW • Suite 1000 • Washington, DC 20005
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