13th Local Authority Treasurers Investment Forum - Room 151

Page created by Harry Perkins
13th Local Authority Treasurers Investment Forum - Room 151
Lead sponsor

                                       Produced by

     13 Local Authority

           Forum              16th September 2021
                        The London Stock Exchange

13th Local Authority Treasurers Investment Forum - Room 151
                                                     LEAD SPONSOR

2    Lead sponsor

3    Welcome letter

4    Sponsors                  CCLA has managed local authority funds for over 40 years and
                               charities for 60 years.
      Aegon Asset
      Management               The Public Sector Deposit Fund is a money market fund
                               developed together with the public sector to meet their cash
      Aviva Investors
                               needs. It is UK domiciled, FCA authorised and wholly aligned
      BNY Mellon Investment    with the principles and values of the public sector. Public
      Management               sector deposits in the fund have the advantages of scale and
                               diversification, while spreading and sharing the costs of the
      Federated Investors
                               expert management required in a fast-moving world. The
      LGIM                     minimum deposit is £25K.
      M&G Investments          The Local Authorities’ Property Fund has an objective of
                               providing a high income and growth over time. This fund has
                               an excellent record of generating investment income and of
                               consistent long-term outperformance relative to its benchmark.
6    Agenda                    The Fund provides direct exposure to commercial property
                               through a portfolio of good quality assets, diversified by sector
8    Exhibitors                and location across the UK. The portfolio is actively managed
      Fidelity International   and has a clear focus on the individual assets held – which are
                               selected for the potential to produce outperformance through
      J.P. Morgan Asset        hands on management activity. This product is only available
      Management               to professional or elective professional clients. The minimum
      Morgan Stanley           deposit is £25K.
      Investment Management    The Diversified Income Fund is a balanced multi-asset
      Royal London Asset       investment fund, which aims to provide an attractive and
      Management               rising income with the potential for increased capital values
                               over time. Risk control is a key part of the investment
                               approach: the fund is structured to provide a higher income
9    Attendees at the last     than cash but with lower risk than property or longer dated
     live edition              bonds. The minimum deposit is £1M.
                               In an environment of persistent low interest rates, some
10   Registration page         allocation of long-term funds to higher yielding assets is
                               increasingly considered a prudent diversification of resources.
                               These funds benefit from strong governance and transparency.
                               CCLA Investment Management Limited and CCLA Fund
                               Managers Limited are authorised and regulated by the
                               Financial Conduct Authority.

                               Kelly Watson                      Mark Davies
                               relationship manager              market development
                               020 7489 6105                     07904 657815
                               kelly.watson@ccla.co.uk           mark.davies@ccla.co.uk

London Stock Exchange             —2—                                   16th September 2021
13th Local Authority Treasurers Investment Forum - Room 151
Welcome                                                                       13thLocal Authority
   Dear Treasurers,

   It feels like a very long time ago since we welcomed you all to the
   London Stock Exchange for our annual treasurers’ investment forum.
   Fingers crossed, this September 16th will be the one where colleagues
   and friends throughout the sector get a chance to mingle once again,
   and discuss the next set of challenges facing council treasury managers.
   Revisions to the prudential code loom large as CIPFA explores various
   avenues for dealing with the investment trends that generated adverse
   press. What will the consequences be, intended and unintended, for
   treasury investment strategies and governance?
   Themes of sustainable investing and ESG continue to make inroads
   into TMS thinking as do various alternative investment themes
   requiring due diligence and scrutiny. As always we shall provide our
   regular macro-economic discussions, UK and global, and shall hear
   from various local authority practitioners about their experiences.
   This year, LATIF and the FDs’ Summit will be run as separate events,       “It is a very good
   creating more space and ease of movement at the venue for both             conference, that is
   conferences. And with your safety and security in mind we’ll be
   working closely with the venue to adhere to a strict set of Covid
                                                                              relevant and thought
   practices. If capacity constraints and/or delegate requirements emerge     inspiring. Definitely
   closer to the conference date we will of course keep you posted.           one of the best
   For further information about the FDs’ Summit and our other events,        conferences of the
   visit https://www.room151.co.uk/calendar                                   year.”
   While we’d love to say with absolute certainty that the wait for live      finance manager –
   conferences is over, we are proceeding with caution; planning for the      treasury & capital
   worst and hoping for the best.                                             Oldham Metropolitan
                                                                              Borough Council (2019)
   All being well, we’ll see you on September 16th for the 13th annual
   LATIF but rest assured if Covid intervenes once again, we’ll be
   managing the event online as we did earlier this year.
   Either way we look forward to your support and collaboration.

   Best wishes,

   Peter Findlay
   Publisher, Room151

London Stock Exchange                               —3—                           16th September 2021
13th Local Authority Treasurers Investment Forum - Room 151

Aegon Asset Management is an active           Aviva Investors is the global asset            BNY Mellon Investment Management
global investor. Our 380 investment           manager who chooses the power of               is one of the world’s largest investment
professionals manage and advise on            integration. With £349bn assets under          firms. We believe the right results begin
assets of £331 billion (as of 30 June         management (as at 31 March 2021)               with being relevant to every client,
2020) for a global client-base of pension     across fixed income, equities, real            whether it is engaging with them to
schemes, local authorities, insurance         assets and multi-assets, our clients can       create solutions, offering diversified
companies, banks, wealth managers,            benefit not just from our significant local    strategies or providing insights for
family offices and foundations. We            knowledge and experience, but also             better-informed decisions. That is why
organize our investment capabilities          from the extensive global investment           we designed a model built around
around four focused investment                resources at our disposal. By pooling our      investors’ needs to offer the best of both
platforms where we have deep asset-           knowledge, skills and creativity across        worlds: world-class investment firms
class expertise: fixed income, real assets,   major asset classes, disciplines and           with best-of-breed talent and unique
equities, and multi-asset & solutions.        regions of the world, we seek to uncover       cultures combined with the global scale
Each platform has dedicated teams,            great investment opportunities for our         and strength of BNY Mellon Investment
organised globally and committed              clients. From large institutional investors    Management. We connect investors with
to maximising client benefit from             to individuals saving for retirement, we       opportunities across every major asset
their specialist areas. These platforms       bring it all together to deliver meaningful    class, globally. Today, we have eight
are supported by teams dedicated              outcomes for our clients, now and over         investment firms: Alcentra, ARX, Dreyfus
to responsible investing and multi-           the long run. The value of an investment       Cash Investment Strategies, Insight
management. By organising our                 is subject to ups and downs. Investors         Investment, Mellon, Newton Investment
investment teams globally, we harness         may not get back the amount originally         Management, Siguler Guff and Walter
our expertise and research resources          invested.                                      Scott.
across regional boundaries. We                Source: Aviva Investors as at 31 March 2021.
believe this enhances our performance         The figures shown above are for the group      BNY MELLON INVESTMENT
potential and generates better                of companies trading as Aviva Investors, the   MANAGEMENT
                                              fund management arm of the Aviva Group.
investment outcomes for clients. Across                                                      Sarah Jarrett
platforms, we share a common belief                                                          institutional liquidity sales
                                              AVIVA INVESTORS
in fundamental, research-driven active                                                       020 7163 5271
                                              Julian Webb
management, underpinned by effective                                                         sarah.jarrett@bnymellon.com
                                              sales director, liquidity – Europe
risk management and a commitment                                                             www.bnymellon.com
                                              07384 906465
to responsible investment. We are a
global business: Our 1,200 employees
work across the UK, Continental
Europe, the Americas and Asia. Aegon
Asset Management is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Aegon N.V., a leading
                                                                                                     “An excellent event,
global financial services business.                                                                  great organisation,
                                                                                                     well-informed and
Alexandra Ross                                Federated Hermes, Inc. is a leading                    thought-provoking
institutional relationship manager            $625.0 billion global investment
07740 897044                                  manager. Guided by our conviction                      presentations, round-
alexandra.ross@aegonam.com                    that responsible investing is the best                 table opportunities
www.aegonam.com                               way to create wealth over the long
                                              term, Federated Hermes offers world-                   to discuss with peers
                                              class investment management and                        their respective
                                              engagement services to public sector
“A really useful day to                       clients, government entities, pension                  approach to current
focus on current treasury                     funds, intermediaries and nonprofits,                  investment issues and
issues and excellent                                                                                 time to network with
networking opportunity.”                      FEDERATED HERMES                                       colleagues.”
                                              Gavin Haywood
general manager – resources                   director                                               principal accountant
Purbeck District Council                      020 7292 8624                                          Rugby Borough Council

London Stock Exchange                                           —4—                                         16th September 2021
13th Local Authority Treasurers Investment Forum - Room 151

Legal & General Investment                 M&G Investments is a global asset           PFM started with the simple insight
Management (LGIM) is one of Europe’s       manager with a long history investing       that the public sector would benefit
largest asset managers and a major         and innovating across both public and       from independent financial advice from
global investor, with total assets under   private markets. As an active manager       people it could trust. Our unwavering
management of £1.3 trillion*. We work      we build solutions around what              commitment to putting our clients
with a wide range of global clients,       matters most to our clients whether it      first has helped us become the largest
including pension schemes, sovereign       be investing for growth or income, to       independent financial advisor to the
wealth funds, fund distributors,           meet future liabilities, protect capital    public sector in the US. Through our
retail investors and direct investors.     or invest responsibly. Together, through    UK practice, we offer our specialist
Throughout the past 50 years we have       a strong sense of partnership and           knowledge and client focus to help
built our business through understanding   collaboration, we support a culture of      tackle your challenges, sharing PFM’s
what matters most to our clients and       continued innovation to build long-         ethos of independence, resourcefulness
transforming this insight into valuable,   term relationships as needs evolve          and sustainability. PFM is the managed
accessible investment products and         over time. We offer access to a broad       service provider to the UK Municipal
solutions. We provide investment           range of capabilities that span both        Bonds Agency and has established
expertise across the full spectrum of      public and private assets including         LACC, a company whose sole purpose is
asset classes including fixed income,      fixed income, equities, multi-asset,        to generate sponsorship of services and
equities, multi-asset, real assets and     real estate, infrastructure and private     assets to earn much needed income for
cash. Our capabilities range from index-   equity. Globally we manage over £284        councils.
tracking, active and exchange-traded       billion (at December 2020) on behalf
strategies to liquidity management         of individual and institutional investors   PFM ADVISORS LLC
and liability-driven risk management       including pension funds, endowments         Christian Wall
solutions.                                 and foundations, insurers, sovereign        director
* Source: LGIM internal data as at 31      wealth funds, banks and family offices.     020 3530 7515
December 2020. The AUM disclosed           We’re part of M&G plc, an international     wallc@pfm.com
aggregates the assets managed by LGIM in   savings and investment business with
the UK, LGIMA in the US and LGIM Asia in
                                           the ambition to deliver long term value     June Matte
Hong Kong. The AUM includes the value of
securities and derivatives positions.      for our investors, while working together   managing director
                                           to create a more positive future.           020 3530 7510
LEGAL & GENERAL                                                                        mattej@pfm.com
INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT                      M&G INVESTMENTS                             www.pfm.com
Gemma Bjarnason                            Lucy Williams
head of liquidity distribution             head of investor relations and business
020 3124 3438                              development, M&G Real Estate
gemma.bjarnason@lgim.com                   020 3977 1035
www.lgim.com                               lucy.williams@mandg.com

“An excellent                                                                                 “It was also a really
conference, provides                                                                          good chance to
a great opportunity to                                                                        meet up and discuss
network and connect                                                                           issues with fellow
with local treasurers.”                                                                       practioners.”
head of client relationship                                                                   business support manager
management                                                                                    St Helens Metropolitan
State Street Global Advisors                                                                  Borough Council

London Stock Exchange                                       —5—                                      16th September 2021
13th Local Authority Treasurers Investment Forum - Room 151
Agenda                                                                                              13thLocal Authority

 Thursday                                                             PANEL DISCUSSION
 16th September 2021                                                  Is treasury investment governance fit for
 08:30 - 17:00                                                        purpose?
                                                                      CIPFA’s scrutiny of treasury management practices in recent
                                                                      years, has generated much discussion about the treasury
                                                                      investment governance regime in local government. Our
                                                                      panel explore areas for improvement and feedback on the
                                                                      Prudential Code consultation.
                                                                      Danny Mather
 UK ECONOMY PANEL                                                     head of corporate finance
                                                                      Warrington Borough Council
 The UK macro-economic overview: the post-
 Covid investment landscape                                           David Green
                                                                      strategic director
 In the wake of Covid and Brexit, the UK looks towards
 inflationary pressures, a complex trade picture, and a vague
 levelling-up agenda. Our panel of senior economists put it           Luke Webster
 all into perspective for council treasurers.                         CEO
                                                                      The Pension Super Fund
 Stephen Jones
 global chief investment officer, multi asset solutions and
 equities                                                             ENVIRONMENT, SOCIAL & GOVERNANCE STRATEGY
 Aegon Asset Management Europe                                        Driving positive outcomes through
 James Carrick                                                        engagement, not divestment
 global economist                                                     The demand to see positive ESG outcomes from cash
 Legal & General Investment Management                                investments is on the rise. But is divestment the way
                                                                      forward or should managers be working with counterparties
 Stewart Robertson
                                                                      to drive change?
 senior economist (UK and Europe)
 Aviva                                                                Gavin Haywood
                                                                      Federated Hermes
 CCLA/Room151 Annual Investment Survey
 2021                                                                 The case for clean air: how local authorities
                                                                      can lead the clean air revolution
 The results are in for our 6th annual survey of council
 treasurers. Don’t forget to take part!                               Speaker to be confirmed
                                                                      BNY Mellon Investment Management Insight Investment,
 John Kelly
                                                                      a BNY Mellon company
                                                                      Lunch and networking
 Networking break

                                                                                                              Continued on page 7

                                                                                                                Lead sponsor

London Stock Exchange                                           —6—                                      16th September 2021
13th Local Authority Treasurers Investment Forum - Room 151
Agenda                                                                                                     13thLocal Authority

Continued from page 6

 Alternatives to cash: sourcing income &
 managing risk
 The now perennial headache of low yields and squeezed
 budgets has driven increased allocations to so-called non-
 specified investments. Where are managers and treasurers
 finding satisfactory returns for palatable risks?
 Charlotte Ryland
 co-head, equity
 Victoria Worsfold
 lead specialist (finance) & deputy s151 officer                    Networking break
 Guildford Borough Council
 Other speakers to be confirmed                                     PROPERTY FOCUS
                                                                    How to move to a more “sustainable”
                                                                    investment portfolio
 Strategic debt management: a reappraisal                           How to integrate ESG into investment decision making and
 of council borrowing                                               drive progress. Net zero: how do we plan to get there?

 With funding streams uncertain, settlements short and cost         Nina Reid
 demand rising how can treasurers look differently at debt          head of responsible property investment
 management on their balance sheets?                                M & G Real Estate

 Christian Wall
 director                                                           PANEL DISCUSSION
 PFM                                                                Global economic update: Covid, COP-26 &
                                                                    Britain’s place in the world
 PANEL DISCUSSION                                                   Our closing panel of CIOs and macro economists take your
 Treasury risk management: hedging with                             questions and examine the state of the global economy.
 derivatives and the appetite for alternative                       James Bevan
 investments                                                        chief investment officer
 Does local government have the tools to manage the risk?
 What will the impact of the revised CIPFA codes around             Other speakers to be confirmed
 investment be?
 Mike Jensen                                                        Wrap up and close of conference
 director for investment
 Lancashire County Council                                          17.00 DRINKS RECEPTION
 Martin K Easton
 independent, formerly head of capital and treasury                 • Speakers and timings subject to change at the discretion of the organisers

 Birmingham City Council
 Other speakers to be confirmed                                                                                            Lead sponsor

London Stock Exchange                                         —7—                                                 16th September 2021
13th Local Authority Treasurers Investment Forum - Room 151
Exhibitors                                   “…invaluable in
                                             broadening my
                                                                             “..I know that this is
                                                                             one of the best, if not
                                             understanding                   the best, conferences
                                             of some key                     I have been to. The
                                             investment issues               content is relevant
Tom Jeffery
                                             and opportunities.              and the speakers offer
head of UK institutional clients             It was also a very              different views on
020 7961 4961
tom.jeffery@fil.com                          welcoming, friendly             the subjects that are
                                             and enjoyable event.”           discussed.”
                                             principal finance officer       treasury manager
                                             Rotherham Metropolitan          Tonbridge and Malling
                                             Borough Council (2021)          Borough Council (2019)

Julia Kozlowska
client advisor
020 7742 4943

Sarah Pollicott
vice president
020 7425 9354

                                             “A very timely and              “I thoroughly enjoyed
                                             topical programme,              the conference. I
ROYAL LONDON ASSET MANAGEMENT                with first class                appreciate that I have
Kate Parker                                  speakers. Thoroughly            scored everything at
institutional business development manager
020 3272 5334                                worthwhile                      the top end but really,
www.rlam.co.uk                               attending.”                     I couldn’t fault it!”
                                             executive director of finance   strategic director – resources
                                             Surrey County Council           Castle Point Borough Council
                                             (2019)                          (2019)

London Stock Exchange                          —8—                                    16th September 2021
13th Local Authority Treasurers Investment Forum - Room 151
Attendees at the last live edition
• Arun District Council                                                                • Oadby & Wigston Borough Council
                                                                                       • Oldham Council
    Basildon Council
    Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council
                                                “An excellent day,                     • Oxford City Council
•   Bedford Borough Council                     thought provoking and                  • Plymouth City Council
•   Belfast City Council                        very useful.”                          •   Reading Borough Council
•   Birmingham City Council
                                                                                       •   Reigate & Banstead Borough Council
•   Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West       treasury management
                                                                                       •   Rother District Council
    Norfolk                                     accountant                             •   Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea
•   Bournemouth, Poole & Christchurch           Blackpool Borough Council
    Council                                                                            •   Rugby Borough Council
•   Bracknell Forest Council                                                           •   Runnymede Borough Council
•   Braintree District Council                                                         •   Rushcliffe Borough Council
•   Brentwood Borough Council
                                                                                       •   Scarborough Borough Council
•   Bright Space Solutions Ltd via CCLA
                                                                                       •   Sevenoaks District Council
•   Brighton & Hove City Council            • Ipswich Borough Council
                                                                                       •   Solihull MBC
•   Cambridge City Council                  • Kent County Council                      •   South Cambridgeshire District Council
•   Canterbury City Council                                                            •   South Gloucestershire Council
                                            •   Lancashire County Council              •   South Holland District Council
•   Castle Point Borough Council
                                            •   Leeds City Council                     •   South Northamptonshire Council
•   Cherwell District Council
                                            •   Leicester City Council                 •   South Oxfordshire DC & Vale of White
•   Chichester District Council
                                            •   Lichfield District Council                 Horse DC
•   City of Westminster
                                            •   Lincolnshire County Council            •   Southend-on-Sea Borough Council
•   Cotswold District Council
                                            •   Liverpool City Council                 •   Spelthorne Borough Council
• Dacorum Borough Council                   •   London Borough of Barking & Dagenham   •   Stevenage Borough Council
• Dartford Borough Council                  •   London Borough of Bexley               •   Stockport MBC
• Durham County Council                     •   London Borough of Bromley              •   Stroud District Council
                                            •   London Borough of Camden               •   Suffolk County Council
•   East Northamptonshire Council
                                            •   London Borough of Croydon              •   Surrey County Council
•   East Riding of Yorkshire Council
                                            •   London Borough of Enfield              •   Surrey Heath Borough Council
•   East Staffordshire Borough Council
                                            •   London Borough of Hackney
•   East Suffolk Council                                                               •   Tamworth Borough Council
                                            •   London Borough of Hammersmith &
•   East Sussex County Council                  Fulham                                 •   Teignbridge District Council
•   Elmbridge Borough Council               •   London Borough of Haringey             •   Telford & Wrekin Council
•   Enfield Council                         •   London Borough of Harrow               •   Test Valley Borough Council
•   Epsom & Ewell Borough Council           •   London Borough of Havering             •   Three Rivers District & Watford Borough
•   Exeter City Council                     •   London Borough of Hillingdon               Councils
                                            •   London Borough of Hounslow             •   Thurrock Council
• Folkestone & Hythe District Council
                                            •   London Borough of Lambeth              •   Torbay Council
•   Gloucester City Council                 •   London Borough of Merton               •   Transport for London
•   Gravesham Borough Council               •   London Borough of Newham               •   Tunbridge Wells Borough Council
•   Greater London Authority                •   London Borough of Redbridge            •   Warrington Borough Council
•   Guildford Borough Council               •   London Borough of Southwark            •   Waverley Borough Council
•   Gwynedd Council                         •   London Borough of Sutton               •   West Berkshire Council
•   Hampshire County Council                •   London Borough of Tower Hamlets        •   West Suffolk Council
•   Harrow Council                          •   London Borough of Richmond Upon        •   Westminster City Council
•   Hart District Council                                                              •   Winchester City Council
                                            •   London Borough of Wandsworth
•   Hastings Borough Council                                                           •   Woking Borough Council
•   Hertfordshire County Council            • Maidstone Borough Council                •   Wokingham Borough Council
•   Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council     • Maldon District Council                  •   Wycombe District Council
•   Horsham District Council                • Manchester City Council
•   Huntingdonshire District Council        • Medway Council
                                            • Mendip District Council
                                            • Middlesbrough Borough Council/
                                                                                           “A very informative and
    “Intense but rewarding.
                                              Teeside Pension Fund                         well run conference.”
                                            • Mole Valley District Council
    Essential networking.”                                                                 treasury and corporate
                                            •   Newark & Sherwood District Council
                                            •   Newcastle City Council
    lead accountant                         •   Norfolk County Council
                                                                                           Solihull Metropolitan Borough
    Coventry City Council                   •   North East Lincolnshire Council            Council
                                            •   Norwich City Council

London Stock Exchange                                          —9—                                       16th September 2021
13thLocal Authority
 PUBLIC SECTOR DELEGATES REGISTRATION                                      WHERE AND WHEN?

Please read carefully                                                     Thursday 16th September 2021
Limited free places are available only to qualifying finance officers     Registration: 08:30 – 09:30
at UK local authorities and other public sector bodies.                   London Stock Exchange
                                                                          10 Paternoster Square,
Please only complete the registration form if you fully expect to         London, EC4M 7LS
attend the conference                                                     Tel: 44 (0)20 7797 1000
Delegates who register and then do not attend may be charged
                                                                          Nearest Tube: St. Paul’s (Central Line)
to attend future Room151 conferences.
                                                                          Delegates are responsible for arranging and paying
                                                                          for their own accommodation and travel
Registration for public sector delegates is only available online
Please complete the registration form here
https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LATIF                                     TIMINGS

                                                                          08:30   Registration
Delegate places are subject to availability and the terms                 09:30   Opening Remarks
and conditions outlined in the registration form.                         13:00   Lunch
                                                                          14:00   Afternoon Session
 PRIVATE SECTOR DELEGATES REGISTRATION                                    17:00   Closing Remarks / Drinks Reception

Private sector places are only open in 2021 to sponsors and exhibitors.   Room151 will be following Government
For further information places contact events@room151.co.uk               guidelines with regard to Covid-19 and
                                                                          this may necessitate changes to the event,
                                                                          including location, timings, operations and
                                                                          agenda. Room151 will communicate any
                                                                          changes as soon as possible via email.

                          Lead sponsor

London Stock Exchange                                 — 10 —                                   16th September 2021
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