Incentives for Support in the Free State of Saxony

Page created by Katherine Rice
Incentives for Support in the Free State of Saxony
Incentives for Support
in the Free State of Saxony
Incentives for Industrial Setups
Fall into Three Basic Categories


                                     Incentives for R&D,         Employment and
       Support in investments        technology transfer and     qualification support

    Financial                          Support of:
    and             Loan               •   Individual and        Employment      Qualification
    monetary        Programs               joint projects        Support         Support
    incentives      and                •   Technology transfer
                    Equity Support     •   Innovation bonus
    • Investment                       •   Innovation experts
      grants                               (“InnoExpert”)
                                       •   Transfer assistant
    • Investment                       •   Innovation teams
      loans                            •   (“InnoTeams”)
                                       •   KETs pilot lines
                                       •   HORIZON bonus

Joint Scheme/GRW Investment Grant
❙       Support programme: Joint Federal Government/Länder Scheme for
        'Improving regional economic structures’ -GRW

❙       Kind of support: Grant

❙       Eligible: intended for businesses of commercial industries, including tourism,
        in the Free State of Saxony as well as non-profit, extra-university, business-
        oriented research institutions

❙       Body for application and approval: Sächsische Aufbaubank – Förderbank –
        (SAB)/Saxon Economic Development Bank

❙       Legal basis: inter alia, the respectively applicable Coordinating Framework
        of the German Federation as well as the Directive (RIGA) of the Free State of
Eligibility for Support

Kind of investment                                SME   Major enterprises

Setup investment                                  Yes   Yes

Expansion investment                              Yes   No

Diversification                                   Yes   Yes

Principal modification of the entire              Yes   No
manufacturing process

Acquisition of assets of operational sites that   Yes   Yes
have been closed down or that are threatened
by closure

Subsidy Value Cap Maximum*
2014 – 2020
Directorate / Rural          Period           Major          Medium          Small
District                                   enterprises      enterprises   enterprises

Directorate/             2014 – 2017          15 %             25 %         35 %
Directorate/             2018 – 2020          10 %             20 %         30 %

Görlitz Rural District   2014 – 2020          20 %             30 %         40 %

Leipzig Directorate      2014 – 2020          10 %             20 %         30 %

* reduced rates of support for investment projects ≥ € 50 million
Subsidy Value Cap Maximum
2014 – 2020

    Directorate   10%

                             15%                                                   Görlitz
                        (from 2018 10%)                                            Rural
                                                 Dresden                           District

                                          + 10 % for medium-sized businesses
                         Chemnitz         + 20 % for small businesses
                                                   Territorial zoning as per Jan 01, 2014

Investment Costs

❙       eligible:
          ❙   material expenses: acquisition and manufacturing costs of new tangible assets
              (buildings, machinery/plants), intangible assets or
          ❙   labor expenses: jobs of above-average qualification (annual gross salary at least
              € 35 thousand)
❙       max. € 500 thousand per secured permanent job and max. € 750 thousand per
        additionally created permanent job
❙       subsidized assets and jobs are subject to a binding period of five years following the
        completion of investment project

❙       non-eligible: for example, expenses for purchasing property or investment substitute

Investment Incentives
Support Requirements

▌   Eligible parties: commercial businesses, including the touristic sector with cross-regional
▌   Secured overall funding of the project

▌   The contribution by the beneficiary of the grant to funding the investment project must
    amount to at least 25 % of the overall funding.

▌   This minimum contribution must not include any subsidy-relevant elements.

▌   The share of equity to be contributed by the beneficiary of the grant
    must be at least 10 % of the overall funding.

Investment Support
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises*

Small enterprises (SE) are independent companies that

    ▌ employ fewer than 50 staff and
    ▌ have a maximum annual turnover or annual balance total of € 10 million.

Medium-sized enterprises (ME) are indpendent companies that

    ▌ employ between 50 and maximum 249 staff and
    ▌ have a maximum annual turnover of € 50 million or a maximum annual balance total of
      € 43 million.

No SME bonus is granted for major investment projects (> € 50 million).

* Definition acc. to Annex I to EC Regulation No. 800/2008

Single-business Investment Support
 for Improving the Economic Structure

                     Combined Product: RIGA and RINA
                    RIGA = Investment Grant (GRW)                       RINA = Subordinated Debt
                   • Increase in SME productivity                • Strengthening the capital structure in SME
                   • SME shall be supported in their
                     capability of participating in the growth
                     of regional, national and international     • Protection of securities
                     markets as well as in the innovation
                   • Improvement of the profitability of
                                                                 • Improvement in liquidity
                   • Creating and maintaining permanent jobs

                   INCENTIVE EFFECT: effective by                INCENTIVE EFFECT: to be shown
                   applying prior to starting an investment      comprehensively in the application
                                                                 (Section 3.5 Regional Aid Guidelines)


     Combined product RIGA  RINA                 can be applied for individually or in combination

     Support requirements                         the same as for RIGA
     Securing permanent jobs                      at high investment volume also for securing existing
                                                  permanent jobs
     INCENTIVE EFFECT                             RINA is notified with respect to incentive law in
                                                  accordance with Regional Aid Guidelines; hence,
                                                  from the perspective of incentive law,
                                                  complementary requirements
     Increased overall volume for the supported   substantial increase in the overall volume of the
     project                                      fund (now € 80 million ERDF and € 20 million €
                                                  national co-funding)

                                  SUPPORT CONDITIONS
     Target group     Small and medium-sized enterprises acc. to SME definition
                      Exclusion from support as with RIGA
                      Setup of an operational site
                      Expansion of capacities of an existing operational site
     projects         Diversification of production into products not previously manufactured
                      (book-value criterion)
                      Principal modification to the production process
                      (criterion: depreciations effected)
                      Takeover of operational sites closed-down or threatened by closure
     Special effort   Either: by creating an additional 10% in permanent jobs
                      Or: by high investment volume (depreciation criterion ‘AfA’)
                            + securing existing jobs
     Equity           At least 25 % of eligible costs


                                   DEBT CONDITIONS
                     min.              € 20,000 (new: lower than before)
     Amount loaned
                     max.           € 5,000,000

                     capped         per permanent job created                  € 500,000
                     calculation    per job maintained                         € 250,000
     Term            max. 15 years (new: longer than before)
     Repayment       max. 5 years grace period, unscheduled repayment at any time
                     in equal, quarterly instalments
     Interest rate   more reasonable than in the capital market
                     tailor-made, dependent on creditworthiness and rating by the ‘house bank’
                     fixed throughout the term
     Securities      none


                             Technology Founders Funds
                             (Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen + /TGFS +)
                             •   Innovation-driven business foundations (seed and start-up stage)
                             •   young businesses with a regional focus
     Focus of investment     •   up to seven years after their foundation
                             •   basically open to all sectors
                             •   with their location/site in the Free State of Saxony
                             open minority holdings at conditions typical for venture capital, possible in combination
     Financial instruments
                             with mezzanine capital
                             • between EUR 0.1 and 4 million, max. EUR 5 million per business,
     Amount of interests
                             • generally termed for five to eight years
                             Aid acc. to Commission Regulation (EC) 800/2008 (General block exemption
                             EUR 66.4 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as well as
     Fund assets
                             funds from private investors
     Fund investors          • The Free State of Saxony
                             • Sparkasse (savings banks) equity holdings
                             • CFH Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH
     Fund management         TGFS Management GmbH & Co.KG

Equity Investments WMS

                                                     Growth Fund SME Saxony
                                             (Wachstumsfonds Mittelstand Sachsen/WMS)
                             • SME as well as young technology-oriented businesses
                             • strong growth to be expected
     Focus of investment     • primarily manufacturing industry and supra-regionally active service companies of a
                               high structural effect
                             • with their location/site in the Free State of Saxony
                             open minority holdings at individually agreed conditions, possible in combination with
     Financial instruments
                             mezzanine capital
                             • generally between EUR 0.5 and 2.5 million, max. EUR 1.5 million within twelve months
     Amount of interests
                             • Generally termed for five to eight years
                             Aid acc. to Commission Regulation (EC) 651/2014 (General block exemption Regulation)

                             EUR 40.1 million public funds from the Free State of Saxony as well as funds from private
     Fund assets
     Fund investors          • The Free State of Saxony
                             • Sparkasse (savings banks) equity holdings
                             • CFH Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH
     Fund management         WMS Management GmbH & Co. KG

Equity Interests SBG / MBG

                       Saxon Equity Holding                                   SME Equity Holding
      Funds                 (Sächsische                           (Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft
                   Beteiligungsgesellschaft/SBG)                                    /MBG)
                 • small and medium-sized businesses          • foundation, succession: business founders up to
                   headquartered or located with their          three years, young businesses, business acquirers
                   operational site in Saxony                 • growth and innovation: established businesses
Focus of         • growth, re-orientation, succession,        • micro-mezzanine: smallest and small enterprises
investment         innovation                                 • direct: small and medium-sized businesses
                 • basically open to all sectors
                 • focusing on the processing trade and
                   service provision close to production

Financial        • open minority holdings                     • open minority holdings
instruments      • mezzanine-financed                         • mezzanine-financed

                 • between EUR 0.1 and 1 million,             •    foundation, succession, growth, innovation:
                   in single cases EUR 2.8 million            •            dormant holding EUR 25,000 to 2.5 million
Amount of
                 • generally termed five to ten years         •    micro-mezzanine: up to EUR 50,000
                                                              •    direct: open minority holding up to EUR 0.5 million
                                                              •    term: max. ten years
                 • dormant holdings subsidy-free;             • may contain a subsidizing element (de-minimis
                 • open holding subject to de-minimis rules     rules)
                 SBG, daughter of the Saxon Development       MBG
Fund assets
                 Bank (Sächsische Aufbaubank)
Fund investors                 

Saxon Technology Support 2014 - 2020

     ERDF Technology Support
          a.   R&D project support (individual and joint projects)
          b.   Technology-transfer support
          c.   InnoBonus
     ESF Technology Support
          a.   InnoExpert
          b.   InnoTeams
          c.   Transfer Assistent

     Support of Pilot Linien in the Field of Key Technologies (KETs pilot lines)

     HORIZON Bonus

EFRE Technology Support
      2014 - 2020
     R&D Project Support
      support of businesses (associated with other business, also with universities and
       research facilities) in developing new products and processes in fields of future-
       oriented technologies
      individually or jointly pursued R&D projects
      open to technology or branch of industry
      incentives for, e.g., human resources, material, third-party services (e.g., assigned
       research), patenting expenses (for SME only) and depreciation of facilities and
       equipment required to implement the project

        Basic support:    20% experimental development or 45% industrial research
        Extras:           10% for medium-sized or 20% for small-sized businesses
                          (up to 250 or 50 staff respectively)
                          15% for joint projects
                          5% for projects of importance to the technological policy

     Optionally: full cost flat rate of 25% on direct costs

EFRE Technology Support
      2014 - 2020

      Technology-transfer support

      support for procuring technological knowhow and for consultancy
      beneficiaries: SME

      adjusting developments are also eligible (with own staff, assigned research)
      no* support for tangible investments
      uniform rate of support up to 50%
      no maximum limit of support (previously € 500 thousand per annum and applicant,
         € 200 thousand for consultancy)

     * Necessitated by amendments to EU state-aid law, applicable from 2014

EFRE Technology Support
      2014 - 2020


      support for
        third-party R&D services prior to innovation regarding products, processes or
           services and
        technical aid in the implementation stage.

      beneficiaries: SME, including handicraft businesses, providers of engineering services
       and business start-ups

      conditions for support:
          up to two “InnoBonuses” per calendar year
          rate of support up to 50%
          maximum rate of support totaling a maximum of € 20,000 per calendar year

ESF Technology Support
     2014 - 2020
     Innovation Assistant
     • For newly recruiting graduates and young scientists to be assigned specific,
       technology-oriented projects
     Senior InnoExpert
     • For newly recruiting highly qualified and professionally experienced staff (researchers
       and engineers) to work on an R&D topic
     • For newly recruiting staff having graduated from a facility of higher learning in the
       fields of economics/business administration, sciences or engineering in order to set
       up or optimize the management of innovation in the business
     Senior InnoManager
     • For newly recruiting professionally experienced staff (older than 54), holding a
       university degree, for initiating and accompanying innovation processes

     All these instruments are aimed at SME (except: support for innovation assistants in social
         welfare and health enterprises is irrespective of company size); max. rate of support 50%;
         max. term 30 months (except: max. term up to 36 months for female innovation assistants)

ESF Technology Support
     2014 - 2020
                                                                       Joint R&D projects

                    • Creation of innovation teams of scientific and
         SME          technical staff from industry and research         Research
                    • Enabling those involved to transfer                 facilities
                      knowledge and set up networks
                    • SME participation is compulsory
                    • Research topic of importance to Saxony’s
                      future development
                    • Large businesses will not head the
                    • Min. three, max. twelve people
                    • 48 months of support                             Facilities of


ESF Technology Support
       2014 - 2020
       Transfer Assistant
                                         • technology agencies
                                         • technology transfer centers
• consultancy to SME
                                         • technology incubation centers
• train SME staff
                                         • transfer bodies of university or
• transfer innovation-relevant
                                           extra-university facilities
  know-how to SME
                                         • consultancy businesses

                                                Technology                    Research
                                              intermediaries                   facilities

                                         Transfer Assistant

a grant of up to 50% of eligible labor
                                                                              Facilities of
costs for up to 48 months (max. €
                                                Chambers,                       higher
60,000 per person and year of                   associations                   learning

Key Technology (KETs) Pilot Lines
new instrument, ERDF-funded (2014 – 2020)

                                                  •   Support of pilot lines in the field of key
     Microelectronics                                 technologies for transferring
                                                      technological knowledge to lines ready
     Information and communication technologies       for production
                                                  •   Entitled to applying: businesses and
     Nanotechnologies                                 research facilities (in conjunction with
     New materials
                                                  •   Main responsibility for the project result
                                                      with (manufacturing) business, which is
     Advanced production technologies                 entitled to exploitation
                                                  •   Pilot line in an operational site located in
                                                  •   High expectation of subsequent
                                                      industrial production in Saxony

Key Technology (KETs) Pilot Lines
Maximum rates of support

Beneficiary:    Individually   In conjunction In conjunction In conjunction

                               with Research      with
                                   Facility     Non-SME         with SME
                70 per cent     80 per cent    80 per cent     80 per cent
                60 per cent     75 per cent    75 per cent     75 per cent

Non-SME         50 per cent     50 per cent    50 per cent     65 per cent

                Not eligible    Not eligible   50 per cent     65 per cent
facility (RF)

Key Technology (KETs) Pilot Lines
Costs eligible for support

 Type of costs                  Individual costs   Overheads
 Researchers, technicians,      completely         25% flat
 other staff
 Instruments and equipment      completely         25% flat
 Costs for buildings            completely         -
 Assigned research, third-      completely         -
 party performance, patents
 Operational costs (material,   completely         25% flat
 travel expenses)

 Instrument of support, funded out of federal-state funds

 Objective:           To introduce SME to projects of the Framework for Research
                      and Innovation of the European Union “HORIZON 2020”

 Subject:             To support (50%) third-party services in the context of
                      envisaged participation in “HORIZON 2020”

 Contents of services:
                       To prepare, develop, design and accompany applications for
                        HORIZON 2020 (initial stage Euro 2,500 “simple”
                        participation or max. Euro 5,000 if acting as a coordinator
                       To establish project management and controlling (an
                        additional Euro 10,000 in the start-up stage if acting as a
                       To evaluate reasons for refusal in the event of failed
                        applications (analysis Euro 1,000)

Incentives for Employing the Unemployed
     The Job Agencies will support you in screening suitable staff and their placement. For example, upon
     request all incoming applications may be pooled and pre-selected according to your requirements.
     Furthermore, you may benefit from all legal incentive instruments and support programmes for the
     professional integration of unemployed persons, e.g. familiarisation grants and measures for
     activation and professional integration of unemployed persons at employers’ premises.
     (§§ 44 et seq. and 88 et seq. German Social Code, Book III).*
      Familiarisation grants                                                      Measures for activation and professional
      • For phasing-in employees who may be disadvantaged                         • Especially for unemployed people or jobseekers
         in placement and for balancing a reduced capability                         threatened by unemployment
      • Up to 50% of eligible remuneration
      • Up to twelve months                                                       • Costs for appropriate participation costs for integration
      • Up to 36 months for employees aged 50 and older                              measures taken over by the Job Agency
        (limited to 31 December 2019)
      • For persons with disabilities or severe disabilities                      • Up to six weeks for training measures conducted on the
             • Up to 70 % of eligible remuneration                                   premises of or by the employer; longer support for
             • Up to 24 months (in special cases up to 96                            training measures conducted at or by an external
                months)                                                              training facility

     * Examples shall serve just to give an initial overview of options of support. More information will be provided by your local Job Agency/the
     institution responsible for providing for the basic needs of jobseekers.

Incentives for the Qualification of
     Employed Staff Supported by the
     Federal Job Agency
     ❙       The Job Agencies may support certified further training which is performed within the
             framework of existing employment and by continued payment of remuneration for that
             employment. Financial support is also possible with new employment. Participants must
             be trained in knowledge and skills that are generally exploitable in the job market.
             Qualification which an employer is statutorily obliged to provide (WeGebAU Programme)
             is exempt from support.

     ❙       Possibilities of promoting further training have been reorganized with the Qualification
             Chance Act that came into force on January 1, 2019. Promotion of female and male
             employees is facilitated regardless of training, age or company size, thus being opened
             further to enable those employees to enjoy adjustment or further development in their
             professional competences who exercise professions that can be replaced by
             technologies, who are otherwise affected by structural change or envisage further
             education to train into a sought-after job. The further training costs and grants towards
             remuneration require co-funding by the employer.*
         * Examples shall serve just to give an initial overview of options of support. More information will be provided by your local Job Agency.

Incentives for Qualification
     Supported by the European Social Fund
     If you plan to optimally qualify new staff or prepare longstanding members of your staff for new
     responsibilities: the Free State of Saxony is able to support precisely fitting qualification for your
     investment project. Support is provided with view of the project as a grant towards eligible expenses and
     regardless of investment-related incentives, for example. Such qualification may also be provided abroad.

                                          Pay-check for Further In-house Training
                              (for businesses with their headquarters or a subsidiary in Saxony)

                         Company                                             Maximum rate of support

      SME (up to 250 employees) and                                                       50%
      social organisations employing up to 500 staff

      Social organisations employing more than 500
                                                                                          40 %

                                                               70%, if all participants in the qualification measure
      SME (up to 250 employees) and                              are apprentices, low-qualified staff without any
      social organisations employing up to 500 staff            completed vocational training, elderly employees
                                                                                  aged 50 or older
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