IN THIS ISSUE: Town of Needham

Page created by Geraldine Henderson
IN THIS ISSUE: Town of Needham
March/April                                                          2021





       COVID - 19




                               THE CENTER AT THE HEIGHTS
                    300 HILLSIDE AVENUE, NEEDHAM HEIGHTS, MA 02494
                    PHONE 781-855-3629 | WWW.NEEDHAMMA.GOV/COA
IN THIS ISSUE: Town of Needham
        No Medical Exam Needed!
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 3859 Washington St., Roslindale, MA 02131                                                 304 Chestnut Street, Needham, MA
          Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • Friends of The Center At The Heights, Needham Heights, MA   06-5329
IN THIS ISSUE: Town of Needham
                          A Letter To Our Community:
                          What a year it has been! When the calendar flipped to 2021, I really wanted to
                          put the terrible year of 2020 behind me.

                          In the past 50 years, as seniors’ needs have changed and grown, we have never
                          stopped evolving in order to provide our clients with the most responsive pro-
                          grams and services. In the past 10 months alone, we have taken on remote pro-
                          gramming, implemented federally-funded nutritional innovations in response
                          to seniors’ health needs, developed a tablet technology pilot for homebound
                          seniors, and introduced extensive virtual programming in response to the
                          COVID-19 pandemic. While we continue to adapt to better serve our seniors,
                          offering a caring community will always remain at the center of our work.

  BOARD OF                From art and music programs to Tai Chi and workshops on caregiving and
  DIRECTORS               health and wellness, from sewing classes and field trips to critical social services
                          and life-sustaining meal programs, we are committed to empowering and in-
                          spiring seniors to live healthy, creative, and vibrant lives.
    Pat White             To all our seniors, friends, partners, and supporters: The Center at the Heights is
  Carol Ditmore           your home. This is your network and our promise to you is:

   TREASURER:             We will always go above. You will always belong.
    Anne Brain            Sincerely,
                          LaTanya Steele
Beverly Pavasaris
                                  Dear March - Come in - (1320)             I got your Letter, and the Birds -
                                                                            The Maples never knew that you were com-
BOARD MEMBERS:                    by Emily Dickinson                        ing -
Isabelle Avedikian                                                          I declare - how Red their Faces grew -
                                  Dear March - Come in -                    But March, forgive me -
 Clifton Holbrook                 How glad I am -                           And all those Hills you left for me to Hue -
                                                                            There was no Purple suitable -
    Jay Kaplan                    I hoped for you before -
                                                                            You took it all with you -
                                  Put down your Hat -
  Lee Ann Keeler                  You must have walked -
                                  How out of Breath you are -               Who knocks? That April -
                                  Dear March, how are you, and the Rest -   Lock the Door -
  EX-OFFICIOS:                    Did you leave Nature well -               I will not be pursued -
                                  Oh March, Come right upstairs with me -   He stayed away a Year to call
 LaTanya Steele                                                             When I am occupied -
                                  I have so much to tell -
  Aicha Kelley                                                              But trifles look so trivial
                                                                            As soon as you have come

                                                                            That blame is just as dear as Praise
                                                                            And Praise as mere as Blame -


    "Are You OK?" -Free service that calls every day to      National Weather Service: 508-822-0634
    check on the well-being of Norfolk County senior         National Grid: 800-322-3223
    citizens. For more information call 1-866-900-7865
                                                             Power outages: Call Eversource, Needham's electrici-
    Other important Needham phone numbers:                   ty provider for assistance at 800-592-2000

    Police Department: 781-455-7570                          Know who your internet and phone carrier is:
    Fire Department: 781-455-7580
    Town Hall: 781-455-7500                                  Verizon: 1-800-837-4966
    Council on Aging: 781-855-3629                           AT&T: 1-800-288-2020
    Public Health Department: 781-455-7940                   T Mobile: 1-800 937-8997
                                                             Comcast: 1-800- 266-2278                                      3
IN THIS ISSUE: Town of Needham
781-449-4040                          WE BUY
                                            150 Lincoln Street, Needham
                                                                                COMIC BOOKS
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                                                                                         Steven Conroy - Owner                       Construction Debris
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                       “Find a Natural Organic Alternative”Topical Creams
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 1096 Great Plain Ave, Needham, located in Needham Center! Pet products
                                                           Bath and Beauty products
        Call 781-400-5614 • Shop Online

                                                                                               Celebrating Over 200 Years
                                                                                                   of Dedicated Service

           Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • Friends of The Center At The Heights, Needham Heights, MA   06-5329
IN THIS ISSUE: Town of Needham
Daily Highlights                                         Hire-A-Teen
Emails:                                                  The COA has partnered with Youth and Family Ser-
                                                         vices to offer a list of Needham’s teens looking for
Our Assistant Director, Aicha
                                                         work. Our Hire a Teen Program is great for odd jobs
Kelley, produces a daily email
                                                         around the home such as raking, shoveling, painting,
that is chock full of valuable
                                                         mowing, dog walking, etc. Call us at 781-855-3629
supports and random surpris-
                                                         and we will get you the list so you can reach out to
es (e.g., Mother/Father Day
Goodies, plant deliveries,                               teens and negotiate job details.
sweet treats, etc.). She in-
cludes everything from health updates, links to our      Phone-Pals:
remote classes and videos to exercise your mind, body
                                                         The CATH has partnered with Youth and Family Ser-
and funny bones! Please note that Zoom ID’s to our
remote programs are subject to change so "Daily          vices enabling student volunteers an opportunity to
Highlights" is the best way to stay connected to         reach out and chat with older adults to minimize their
the Center. See page 9 for how to access or call 781-    feelings of isolation and build community connection
855-3629 to subscribe to email.                          while earning their community service hours. Please
                                                         call us to help out Needham’s Youth at 781-855-3629
                Lunch Delivery:
                Needham seniors, aged 60 and older
                or residing in income based housing
                                                         Wonderful Wednesdays
                supported by Springwell Elder Ser-       Some people call it "Hump Day" - we call it Wonderful
                vices can signup to receive lunch de-    Wednesdays! Every Wednesday, while the Center is
                livered daily Monday thru Friday.        closed, we drop off goodie bags with a special theme
                Council on Aging drivers will keep       to the first 50 people who register. The items could
                their social distance and leave your     be a deck of cards, and pens or lotions, essential oils,
meal at your doorstep. To sign up call us at 781-855-    or games and puzzleswhatever it takes to make your
3629 or email                        Wednesday Wonderful! Thank you to the Needham
                                                         Community Council for sponsoring this program one
                                                         week each month.
Grocery Delivery:
Call the Center to sign up and receive a weekly bag of
staple items from Trader Joe’s delivered to your door-
                                                         Sunday Supper Club:
step by Council on Aging drivers once a week. Please     Some people call it "Hump Day" - we call it Wonderful
note, we are unable to accommodate specific re-          Wednesdays! Every Wednesday, while the Center is
quests or substitutions. Call 781-855-3629 or email      closed, we drop off goodie bags with a special theme to sign up! Cost: $20                to the first 50 people who register. The items could
Checks payable to Town of Needham. For scholar-          be a deck of cards, and pens or lotions, essential oils,
ship information email              or games and puzzleswhatever it takes to make your
                                                         Wednesday Wonderful! Thank you to the Needham
                                                         Community Council for sponsoring this program one
               Freshness Delivered:                      week each month.
              Start your year New Year off right with
              fresh fruit and veggies! The COA has
              partnered with Katsiroubas Brothers to
                                                         Vaccine Registration:
              bring you a selection of fresh and deli-   When you are eligible to get your COVID-19 vaccine,
              cious, grade A produce delivered           the state has provided a number to call, 2-1-1, to find
              straight to your door by our wonderful     an appointment or you can register online at
volunteers! Cost: $5 (discounted from $12.50!) Checks If you need help determining
payable to Town of Needham. For scholarship infor-       your eligibility or signing up online for a vaccine,
mation email                        please contact us at 781-855-3629 and someone will
                                                         return your call.
IN THIS ISSUE: Town of Needham
                      TAXI SERVICE                         Gratuity is NOT included, so please be pre-
                                                           Please be aware that strict guidelines for sani-
                       Needham’s Aging Services
                                                           tizing and mask-wearing by both passengers
                       Division is proud to support
                                                           and drivers must be followed.
Needham’s seniors and to increase their mobility
options. This service is supported by a grant from    **If you are experiencing any possible symptoms
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts through             of COVID-19 per CDC guidelines, have tested posi-
the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, and is        tive for COVID-19, or are awaiting the results of a
only possible because of that funding. If you are     COVID-19 test we are unable to provide transpor-
interested in supporting the costs of future trans-   tation through this program. If you have any
portation endeavors, you may be interested in         questions or concerns, please contact the Center
making a donation to the Aging Services’s dona-       at the Heights at 781-855-3629.
tion account which supports a number of similar
programs.                                             To make your reservation, choose one of the
  Riders must be 18+ years of age                     1) Complete the Taxi Request form at……
  Travel limited to 35+ mile radius.
  Make reservation by noon the business day           2) Call our Taxi Request line between 9:00AM -
  before your appointment.                               4:00PM Mon - Fri. at 781-343-1258 or,
  Phone reservation hours 9:00AM-4:00PM,              3) Email, with
  Mon - Fri.                                             the Subject Line: FORM PLEASE and we will
                                                         send you a ride request form.
  Rides are available Monday - Saturday,
  8AM - 6PM.

    Having trouble getting to a medical appoint-          Call the office at 781-444-2415 to schedule
    ment? You do not need to be income-eligible to        Rides are offered M-F from 9 am - 3 pm
    benefit from this program Needham Communi-            Rides must be requested at least 24 hours in
    ty Council provides a LYFT Transportation pro-        advance by calling 781-444-2415.
    gram to Needham residents.
                                                          No requests will be processed on weekends or
                                                          holidays when the Council office is closed.
    All rides provided by a Lyft driver (fee-based ser-
    vice) will be paid for with Community Council         Riders must be able to get to and from the car
    funds; tipping is not necessary; tax-deductible do-   and in and out of the car independently
    nations are always greatly appreciated, but not       Maximum distance is 5 miles outside Need-
    required, to support our programs.                    ham [eg. includes Newton-Wellesley Hospital;
    Thanks to BID-Needham for their support of            Elliot, Riverside & Newton Highlands T Sta-
    the Needham Community Council transporta-             tions; JCC, etc.] We are not able to provide
    tion program.                                         transportation into Boston or Brookline.

IN THIS ISSUE: Town of Needham
                             Welcome Aboard Jessica Rice!
                             Jess Rice, a Boston University Masters in Social Work candidate and Coun-
                             cil on Aging intern, attended Williams College as an undergrad, majoring
                             in Psychology/Neuroscience.
                             After years spent working in Marketing and the non-profit world, Jess and
                             her husband Bob started their own Needham-based non-profit, Jog Your
                             Memory 5K, Inc. in 2014 in honor of her mother Carol, who was diagnosed
                             with Alzheimer’s in 2007. Jess is passionate about helping others in her
                             community, and is thrilled to work with the Council on Aging. In her free
                             time, she loves any and all forms of exercise, with running at the top of
                             that list. Jess lives in Needham with her husband Bob, their three children,
                             and their dog Caneel.

  NEEDHAM CATH                                          ADDITIONAL SERVICES
781-855-3629—Our team is happy to pro-
                                             Outpatient Care: 617-969-4925 You and a Riverside clinician can
vide Needham residents with counsel-
                                             participate in virtual therapy or psychiatry appointments using
ing, support and information and referral
services on a variety of issues including,   secure, easy-to-use video-conferencing technology. There are
but not limited to: housing, transporta-     many benefits to this type of therapy (flexibility, reduces trans-
tion, traveling meals, SNAP benefits, un-    portation issues) and results have been proven to be comparable
employment benefits assistance, mental       to in-person therapy.
health counseling, long term care plan-
ning with families, caregiver resources,     Emergency Services: 800-529-5077 –Provides 24/7 mental
and health insurance benefits counsel-       health and substance use evaluations to people in crisis. Instead
ing.                                         of going to the emergency room, services can be provided to
                                             you over the phone, in your home, at school, or in another com-
                                             munity setting
PROGRAM                                      INTERFACE
The Social Workers at the Center at the      Looking for a Mental Health Provider? Call the INTERFACE Refer-
Heights are here to help. In addition to     ral Helpline 888-244-6843 (toll free) Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm -
our ongoing services, we are offering a      This is a free, confidential mental health outpatient referral ser-
new free 8-week Tele-Therapy Program         vice for children, adults, and families in Needham
to help individuals 60 and older devel-
op coping strategies in response to the      NAMI Helpline
COVID-19 pandemic. If you are interest-      Monday – Friday 10am-6pm, 800-950-6264 . The NAMI Helpline is
ed in learning more or signing up for the    a free, nationwide peer-support service providing information,
program, please contact Kerrie Cusack,       resource referrals and support to people living with mental
LICSW at 781-855-3629.                       health conditions, their family members and caregivers, mental
                                             health providers and the public. Helpline staff and volunteers are
                                             experienced, well-trained and able to provide guidance.           7
IN THIS ISSUE: Town of Needham
                                                      CATH COFFEE HOUR*
                                                       First Wednesday of every month
                                                       Time: March 3 and April 7 at 9:00 AM
                                                       Meeting ID: 409 252 1447
                                                       Password: 12345
ARE YOU A CAREGIVER?                    *Join our Kristen for a time to socialize, catch up, see familiar and
                                        new faces and just talk. Anything is up for discussion in this
CAREGIVER                               friendly Coffee Hour! Pour a cup and join us!
Mondays, March 8 and April 12 at        WORDS OF WISDOM DISCUSSION GROUP*
4PM                                     Time: Weekly Wednesdays at 12:00 PM
                                        Meeting ID: 409 252 1447
Email Jessica Rice to Receive Zoom
                                        Password: 12345
This group offers the opportunity for   *Join Kristen in her weekly discussion group. They had a great
members to share experiences, in-       group last week. Anything is up for a discussion and chatting
formation and encouragement.            about simpler times, getting through these times, and just be-
Caregiving can be a lonely and iso-     ing together. She loves new faces so stop by!
lating experience but, this group
helps to connect individuals with
others facing similar challenges.       CATH GARDEN PROJECT
Group members share new perspec-        Time: Tuesdays, March 9th, April 13th at 11:00AM
tives, tools and approaches related     To Join Zoom Meeting: Please contact Kristen at
to the caregiving journey. Guest
speakers will also be invited to at-    The CATH Garden Project is back in action and will meet re-
tend intermittently to provide infor-
                                        motely starting in September! Join us for garden-related presen-
mation on local resources. Take time
for yourself; caregivers need support   tations and group projects. Let’s bring a little of the outdoors in-
too                                     side for the fall and winter months. Please contact Kristen at
                               to register for this course and receive
                                        zoom meeting information and supplies.

                                 HELPFUL RESOURCES
Needham COA/CATH: 781-855-3629                        MetroWest Legal Services: 508-935-2222
Caregiving Resources:                                 Needham Community Council: 781-444-2415
                                                      Social Security: 1-800-772-1213
Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-877-785-2020 or
                                                      State Senator Rebecca Rausch: 617-722-1555
                                                      Representative Denise Garlick: 617-722-2380,
REACH Beyond Domestic Violence Hotline:
                                                      Needham Housing Authority: 781-444-3011
Elder Abuse Hotline: 1-800-922-2275
                                                      SHINE (Medicare Counseling): 781-855-3629
MA Exec. Office of Elder Affairs: 1-800-243-
4636                                                  Needham Public Health Division’s Traveling Meals
                                                      Program: (781) 455-7940; Ext. 219,
    Medicare: 1-800-633-4227
IN THIS ISSUE: Town of Needham
                          TABLETS & TUTORS

                          In a joint program with the Needham Community Council, our Tablets
                          and Tutors Program is designed to make technology accessible
                          to everyone by providing easy-to- use electronic Amazon Fire HD 10 tab-
                          lets alongside one-on-one and/or group tutoring.

During this time of social isolation, we want to empower our community and enhance their lives
by giving them the ability to connect with family, friends, community services, medical teams,
transportation, food and so much more. This program is directed at individu-
als without technology at home, with a focus on older adults, those who are un or under-
employed, have limited English proficiency, and/or living with disabilities.
If you are interested in a Tablet and a Tutor, please call Stacey Fallon at 339-777-6899 (ext. 1032)
or 781-444-2415 . Support for this program provided in part by the Metrowest Health Foundation and
the Needham Community Council.

                      Tablet Drop-In /Zoom-In
                      Every Wednesday at 11am
                      Zoom ID: 737 2468 4729
                      Passcode: Tablets
                      Bring your Fire Tablet questions and/or get some Tips and Tricks to share for how
                      to to navigate your tablet. The Drop In is designed for Fire Tablet users, but all
                      tech questions are welcome if you want to try a round of ... "Stump the Tutor!"


Time: Anytime you schedule
(Appointments are limited so sign up today)
Email Marjorie at to sign up
How would you like to try Zoom with a patient and cheerful coach?
     to help you one step at a time
     to practice with you
     to teach you to use Zoom independently
About Marjorie: She helps folks in their 80’s and 90’s to use computers for
three years, and has worked with older adults for eight years. It’s been

Time: Anytime you schedule
*Our Techie To the Rescue, Avrom is now offering one-on-one help with all things technical. As his nick-
name suggests, he is well-rounded in technology know - how, but if he doesn’t know the answer to
your question he will research, learn and teach! This is a paid program that you and Avrom will work out
IN THIS ISSUE: Town of Needham
WOMEN'S HEALTH                                      MEN'S HEALTH FORUM *
FORUM *                                           Wednesdays, March 10 & April 14 at 2 PM
Wednesdays. March 17 & April 21 at 2 PM           Meeting ID: 831 4707 3717
Meeting ID: 831 0857 0762                         *Men typically don’t make their health a priority
*Now - more than ever our health is of the utmost and now, more than ever, it has to be a priority! It's
importance and we have such a great resource in time to change that. Men statistically are more
Lisa Cadigan. Each month Lisa will have a new     stubborn about discussing, learning, taking care
topic, new speakers and time for questions and
                                                  of their health. The program was spearheaded by
answers. There are a lot of confusing messages
                                                  our own, Stephen Cadigan and is ALL about men's
out there but we can help!
                                                  health. Bring your Q & A's!

Time: Monday - Friday 7AM - 7PM
To Schedule: Email or call the Center Line at 781-855-3629
Cost: $50 per hour (Checks will be made out to “Town of Needham” and mailed to Center at the
Heights, 300 Hillside Ave., Needham, MA 02494.”)
We are now offering Personal Training Sessions with Stephen and Lisa Cadigan - our trusted train-
ers! Stephen or Lisa will have an introductory session to work out what exercise program (work on
back, core, strengthening, recovery of surgery or injury, over zoom, over phone, in - person while so-
cially distancing) is best for your needs during COVID 19. This sort of one-on-one program typically
costs hundreds of dollars. Signup now to get the best exercise plan for specifically you!

                         WEIGHT MANAGEMENT WITH PEARL
                        Time: Mondays at 12:00 PM
                        Meeting ID: 834 1589 3366
                        Passcode is 8119
                        *Does COVID have you gaining a few pounds? Are you concerned about
                        your weight? Do you reach for food when you’re bored, tired, stressed or
                        anxious, instead of when you’re hungry? Do you skip breakfast but then
                        wind up eating all evening long? Would you like to learn how to change
these and other behaviors that keep you from being your ideal weight?

If so, why not join an informative and supportive weight management program. This program will
teach you how to make doable lifestyle changes that will enable you achieve your weight related

The group will meet once a week. Each meeting will have a specific topic of discussion, with such
topics as emotional eating, eating in restaurants, portion control, etc.
The group is led by Pearl Pressman, a Certified Weight Management Consultant, who has lost over
100 pounds. As an independent consultant, not tied to a particular brand, she will provide support
and assistance drawing from a variety of weight management theories and practices. Pearl is also a
member of the National Weight Loss Registry, a former Weight Watchers group leader and a nation-
ally certified fitness instructor.

During this challenging COVID - 19 crisis, the Center at the
Heights has relied on our staff, volunteers and community more
than ever. We have been operating in an all hands-on-deck
mode. Our mission to keep our most vulnerable senior popula-
tion safe and connected at home has involved the efforts of so
many partnerships and we are forever grateful for their support
and help.

Special Thanks to:
Avita of Needham                 Maplewood Senior Living at Wes-   Needham Rotary
Be Kind Needham                  ton                               Norfolk County Sheriff Depart-
Benchmark Senior Living          MetroWest Legal Clinic            ment

Briarwood Rehabilitation &       Needham Bank                      Riverside Community Care
Healthcare Center                Needham Center Volunteers         Springwell
Boylston Place                   Needham Center Presenters and     Temple Beth Shalom
Cafe Fresh                       Instructors                       Trader Joe's
Dedham Savings Bank              Needham Community Council         Volante Farms
Deutsches Altenheim, Edelweiss   Needham Exchange Club             Wegman's
Village, German Center           Needham General Store             Whitney Place
Hebrew Senior Living             Needham Police Department         Wingate Chestnut Hill
Hsiu-Hui (Showway) Chen          Needham Public Health             Wingate Way & Wingate Resi-
Jason Hecht (Spirit Dinosaur)    Needham Public School Nutri-      dences in Needham
MRC Volunteers                   tional Services

                                                                       TO DONATE:
                                                                      Please make checks
                                                                           payable to
                                                                          And mail to:
                                                                        Friends of CATH
                                                                           PO Box 853,
                                                                   Needham Heights, MA 02494

           During our building closure, we are continuing to provide virtual classes delivered remotely
           from our instructor’s homes right to your home via your computer, tablet or smartphone.
           Below you will find the classes that are held each week, using Zoom web conferencing
           technology. Because Zoom IDs are subject to change, please reference our daily
           emails for up to date information or go to
           Daily-Highlights to see the most recent Highlights

                                                        including T’ai Chi. Studies have shown that T’ai
                    SUNDAY                              Chi can help you live longer, improve muscle
                                                        strength, balance and flexibility, boost cognitive
                                                        function, improve COPD symptoms, get better
                                                        night-time sleep quality, improve symptoms of
5:30PM | To Register: Call 781-855-3629
                                                        fibromyalgia, see improvements in
Meeting ID: 835 6343 3164                               cardiovascular fitness, reduce risk of falls, obtain
Passcode: SUPPER                                        moderate benefits for chronic nonspecific neck
*Let's have Sunday Supper together! We deliver          pain and more. Try it!
an individual, pre-prepared meal on Friday. All
you will need to do is heat it up on Sunday prior       STRENGTH TRAINING
to the Zoom. At 5:30PM hop on Zoom and have             10:30 AM | Meeting ID: 872 3869 8176
dinner with one another. Make new friends or            Password: 8119
invite groups of friends to do it together.
                                                        Instructor: Pearl Pressman
Participants pay $5 (Meals are between $6 - $10)
                                                        This SEATED exercise class is designed to
you can make a check out to Town of Needham
                                                        accommodate mature individuals of various
or cash works. If this a financial burden for you, no
                                                        fitness levels. This seated class includes a
problem - more importantly we want you to join
the group.                                              thorough warm-up, strength training exercises
                                                        using light hand weights, and gentle stretching
                                                        to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension.
                                                                         MONDAY MEDITATION
SANDRA LEVY'S YOGA                                                        11:00 AM
9:00 AM                                                                   Meeting ID: 137 719 908 |
Meeting ID: 870 8264 5200 | Passcode: yoga                                Password: 713980
Instructor: Sandi Levy                                                    *We can't be in the cozy library,
*Sandi's has such a following that her class            but if you find a cozy spot in your own home and
always ends up with a lengthy waitlist. Now you         join us via Zoom, we will help you relax and rid
can all see how wonderful her yoga program is.          yourself of anxiety. Even if you have never
No wait list on Zoom!                                   meditated before, now is the time to give it a try.
                                                        It can't hurt, and it will probably help!
10:00 AM                                                WEIGHT MANAGEMENT WITH
Meeting ID: 897 6396 8005 | Pass: 609523                PEARL
Instructor: Scott Brumit                                12:00 PM | Meeting ID: 834 1589 3366
Tai Chi is a slow-motion, moving meditative             Passcode is 8119
exercise for relaxation and health. Scott has           *See description on page 10.
studied various forms of martial arts since 1983,

           MONDAY (CONT’D)                             setting. Any questions, email to:
DISCUSSION                                             SPANGLISH EXCHANGE
Time: 1:00 PM                                          CONVERSATION GROUP
Meeting ID: 850 1408 7723 | Password: 881305           Time: 1:00 PM | Meeting ID: 112782200
Another of Ron’s fun history courses! Every week       Whether you are learning Spanish, want to learn
you will watch a movie at your leisure. Then we        Spanish, help others practice English, or just want
will all ZOOM together on Monday at 1PM. He will       to meet people from around the world, Spanglish
not only discuss the historical relevance but he       Exchange is a welcoming, international group for
will discuss the plot, the characters, the             you. Speaking Spanish isn’t required, or even if
cinematography and more. So watch the movie            you just speak “un poco” you can still talk to
and then join the group to discuss on Monday           people from Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Chile,
afternoon. Ron wrote, “After our Opinion History       Venezuela, across the USA and from around the
Classes, I look forward to lively discussions.” Ron    world. Each Spanglish Zoom session starts with a
has three graduate degrees in history and taught       10 minute check in. Get to know the other
in three local colleges.                               Spanglishers – about 1/4 of the attendees at every
                                                       event are new! No need to worry about making
                                                       mistakes during our sessions.....the atmosphere is
CLUTTER SUPPORT GROUP*                                 casual, flexible, and respectful of everyone’s
Time: 1:00 PM | Meeting ID: 865 6904 4770
                                                       differences and skill levels
Password: declutter
*The Clutter Support Group is a gathering of men
and women who meet weekly in order to solve                              TUESDAY
their common problems of hoarding, cluttering
and procrastinating. The only requirement to
attend is the desire to change these negative          GENTLE FITNESS*
habits and help one another. Our mission is to         Time: 9:30 AM
help to provide members with the tools and skills      Meeting ID: 853 9928 6741 | Password: 797598
needed to live a clutter free life. We offer           *Lisa (our fabulous barre and Pilates instructor)
understanding, trust and hope in a caring,             has now added Gentle Fitness! Gentle Fitness is a
compassionate and discreet environment. With           strength and conditioning class which focuses on
support, our desire is to help our members live a      moving safely from one exercise to the next. You
better life physically and emotionally.                will work on balance strengthening, stability and
                                                       flexibility. You will need a mat and optional
FRENCH CONVERSATION GROUP                              weights.
Time: 1:00 PM
Meeting ID: 769 2859 0292 | Password: k9Xcqi           GENTLE MAT YOGA WITH
*Are you conversational in French; intermediate        MICHELLE*
or advanced? Come join Nathalie, a native              Time: 10:00 AM
speaker, to improve your conversational French.        Meeting ID: 82400032271
Prior to each session, participants will receive by    Password: 0DbGrY
email brief videos or documentaries in French to
                                                       Enjoy this slow flowing practice that includes breath
watch, or news articles or literature to read, to
                                                       work, standing & mat poses As always, Michelle will
prepare for the group discussion. This is a fun way    make it as personal as possible so if you have a
to improve your fluency in French, and make new        special area you want to work on - let her know.
Francophile friends. This is not a structured class,
the goal is really to practice talking in a relaxed
            TUESDAY ( cont'd)                           around the world. In this social, creative outlet,
                                                        participants can discover or rediscover the joy of
                                                        movement. Caregivers and loved ones are
                                                        welcome to attend, although not
GROUP*                                                  required. Urbanity’s instructors are safety
Time: 10:30 AM                                          certified and have trained with David Leventhal
To signup and obtain zoom information,                  of Mark Morris Dance Group, who codified the
email                               original Dance for PD curriculum in collaboration
                                                        with Brooklyn Parkinson's Group. No previous
*Current Events provides participants with the
                                                        dance experience required!
opportunity to hear a concise update of the past
week's news (local, national and international as
                                                        TRAIN THE BRAIN
appropriate), as well as the opportunity to bring
                                                        Time: 11:30 AM
up topics of current interest to themselves. The
option to speak or just listen is up to you. The        Meeting ID: 816 9119 6399
demeanor is always respectful.                          This class will involve dynamic, bilateral
                                                        movement and physical brain activities to
                                                        improve stability, total body coordination, speed,
                                                        spatial awareness, endurance and flexibility.
Times: 10, 10:30, 11, 11:30, 12, 12:30
                                                        Please call the Center to obtain list of items
To join Zoom Meeting: email Aicha to book your
                                                        needed for class.
20-minute appointment *Reiki is a Japanese
relaxation technique that can also promote healing.
 It is the energy of the universe—around us and
                                                                    FOLK, COUNTRY AND ROCK
within us. Reiki also has an ancient tradition of                   MUSIC APPRECIATION!
being offered virtually, from a distance which is                    Time: 2:00 PM
ideal for these Covid 19 times. Valerie Gaines, Reiki                Meeting ID: 880 3250 3991
Master Teacher in the Usui Reiki system, will be                     Passcode: MUSIC
offering Reiki sessions via Zoom for our own            *Join this weekly group to listen to old & new
community. Valerie practices Reiki at Wellesley         music. We will learn trivia, song meanings and
Women’s Wellness Center and has been a Certified        interpretations, and more. Send Aicha any
Hospital Reiki Volunteer at Brigham and Women’s         requests and she will research and play on the
Hospital for five years. First come - first served.     day of the class. Hopefully this will lead to
                                                        reminiscing and discussion about the song or
                                                        FINANCIAL CLINIC WITH GALINA*
Time: 10:30–11:45 AM To join Zoom Program:
                                                        Time: 2:00 PM & 2:30 PM
email for a digital
                                                        For appointment : Email
zoom invitation.
*This free class is designed for people with            *Some of you met with Galina during her Tuesday
Parkinson’s Disease (but anyone can take) keeps         afternoon financial clinics last year where Galina
individuals moving in a fun, welcoming, and safe        answered your financial questions and gave you
environment. The instructors will guide you             advice. A number of you also attended her
through exercises designed to enhance and               financial presentations in the past.
maintain mobility, flexibility, balance, posture,       Galina Pekurovskaya is a Financial Adviser with the
coordination, and strength, which are all easily        Bulfinch Group in Needham. In the spirit of
modifiable for various levels of mobility. The          Quarantine, she will conduct it on-line. Pre-
professionally-trained instructors use live music,      registration is required.
   storytelling, and movement styles from
                                                          Passcode: 951452
              TUESDAY (cont’d)
                                                          *As we age, we may find we are having some
ARTHRITIS CLASS WITH STEPHEN*                             concerns or problems with swallowing. This
Time: 3:00 PM | Meeting ID: 816 8790 1740                 informative, Zoom meeting will focus on
                                                          understanding the three phases of swallowing
*This class is a mostly seated exercise class that does
                                                          and some associated problems. We will discuss
not encourage activities that might exacerbate
                                                          various foods, textures, and swallowing diets.
arthritis symptoms and sore joints. It addresses
                                                          “Safe Eating Strategies” will be suggested. There
range of motion, strength, flexibility, endurance
                                                          will be time for questions and answers at the end
balance and coordination.
                                                          of each Zoom session.

                WEDNESDAY                                 LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP
                                                          Wednesdays, March 17 and April 21 at 10:30AM
                                                          To Join Conference Call: 844-263-1619
DANCEFITNESS CLASS WITH                                   followed by 932 288 655 # (if you would rather
SHOWWAY*                                                  have someone call you at 10:30 to add you to the
Time: 9:20 AM                                             meeting, email
Meeting ID: 862 2160 7229
*Look who’s back! Showway! Join her in your
                                                          EXERCISE WITH EASE
living room as we do Line Dance followed by Nia/          Time: 1:00 PM
Latin music inspired dance fitness. Participants          Meeting ID: 254 025 0890 | Password: 443362
need to start their Zoom at 9:20am to do a sound           *Join one of our fan favorites, Laila for a total body,
check with the instructor. Please bring water and         low impact strengthening and stretching class to
set up a chair for cool down stretch. If you’ve           improve strength, joint mobility and decrease
never done a program with Showway - now is the            muscle tightness and stiffness. Please have hand
time. Her energy and spirit are amazing!                  weights (or alternative resistance "equipment"- cans
                                                          or small water bottles) and mat for class.
HOME WITH BEN*                                            OPINION HISTORY WITH RON
Time: 10:00 AM                                            Time: 1:00 PM | Meeting ID: 861 2520 8844
Meeting ID: 885 7100 9884                                 Password: 672425
Do you like to draw and make art? Or have you             *Did you have a continuous batch of presidents,
always wanted to learn the principles of observing        kings, and battles that felt meaningless and you for-
the visual world? I am a trained illustrator and          got all about them very quickly. This course is very
                                                          different for three reasons. First, there are no right
have been drawing all my life. I am very interested
                                                          answers. Second, there are only your opinions.
in teaching you how to develop these skills.              Third, Ron wants to hear your thoughts and help to
During this online class, we will approach drawing        sharpen your opinions’
in an informed but relaxed way, while getting
inspiration from light, shape, form, and the
natural world. Remember, a new journey begins
with a single step. For the first class we will be        PIIT (PERSONALIZED INTENSITY
using items from home. After that we will deliver         INTERVAL TRAINING)*
sketchbooks, pencils, pens and more supplies to           Time: 1:00 PM | Meeting ID: 859 4613 1521
the first 20 that register                                *One of the most popular trending fitness classes in
                                                          the mainstream fitness world is "High Intensity
SWALLOWING AND SWALLOWING                                 Interval Training." Our fitness crew, Lisa and
                                                          Stephen have put together a version of this for our
                                                          Center participants. It is defined by what works best
Time: 10:30 AM
                                                          for you! It builds cardiovascular fitness while
Meeting ID: 832 9021 1440                                 improving muscular strength and endurance.
        WEDNESDAY (cont'd)                               bility of yoga, and the core strengthening of Pila-
                                                         tes. It is a structured, easy-to-follow total body
                                                         workout. This low impact workout combines light
ZOOM BINGO                                               weights (optional) and is set to music that makes
Time: 3:00 PM                                            you want to move. You will need a chair, mat, op-
Meeting ID: 899 6834 0358 Passcode: 083419               tional light weights. . Lisa is looking forward to see-
                                                         ing everyone tomorrow.
*How much fun is this going to be?! Zoom Bingo!
All you have to do is email me or call Katie at the
Center and we will register you to receive 5 Bingo                   TAI CHI WITH SCOTTY*
Cards. Then, go to zoom and enter the ID above                       Time: 10:00 AM
and BINGO! let the fun begin! We will tally up the                   Meeting ID: 841 2153 1726
daily winner of the most games and get a surprise                    Password: 56947
sent his/her way! Tell your friends!                                 See description on page 12 for details.

ZUMBA GOLD WITH LULU!                                    PILATES WITH LISA*
Time: 4:00 PM                                            Time: 10:30 AM
Meeting ID: 825 7084 7065                                Meeting ID: 899 9086 2700
Passcode: Zumba                                          Password: 029133
To join Zoom Meeting: Please contact the instruc-        *This class focuses on developing flexibility, bal-
tor to sign up and get the passcode at                   ance and strength. In this class you will work on                                   alignment, breathing, developing a strong core,
*Hi, my name is Lulu and I love sharing Zumba            and improving coordination and balance. You will
with you! Come dance with me! This is a low im-          need a mat. Please read the risk statement below.
pact class and all levels are welcome!                   Lisa is looking forward to seeing you!

                                                         CONVERSATION CONNECTION
                  THURSDAY                               Time: Thursdays @ 10:30am
                                                         Meeting ID: 848 1075 7045
                                                         Passcode: 281840
BEREAVEMENT CIRCLE WITH NIKKI*                           *All are welcome to drop in each week to socially
Time: 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM                               connect with old and new friends. We will also dis-
To join: Email                     cuss ongoing topics of interest suggested by the
*Nikki, from West River Hospice is opening up her        group. This group is facilitated by our own, Debbie
weekly Bereavement Circle to anyone who wants            Maibor, M.S. CCC-SLP, Speech/Language
to join this compassionate, friendly and comfort-        Pathologist
ing group. If you have lost someone - now is not
the time to be alone. Please consider joining this       TALK THE WALK DISCUSSION GROUP
group. Even if you don't want to chime in - know-        Time: 11:00 AM
ing you are not alone can help.                          Meeting ID: 844 9177 4337| Passcode: WALK
                                                         No one can walk in someone else's shoes, so let’s
BARRE WITH LISA*                                         investigate and learn. Let’s have discussions to
Time: 9:30 AM                                            move forward with a better understanding of
Meeting ID: 832 3378 6121                                many things involved in diversity. The rules are:
                                                         respect, manners, time limits for having the floor. If
Password: 2yC5Or                                         anyone has any articles, talks or speakers which
*Barre incorporates the fluidity of ballet, the flexi-   they think would benefit the group send to Aicha.
                                                         Look at Aicha's Daily Highlights for weekly articles.
                      THURSDAY                                                     FRIDAY
Time: 11:30 AM                                                MORE*
Meeting ID: 816 9119 6399                                     Time: 9:30 AM
*This class will involve dynamic, bilateral                   Meeting ID: 722 0848 3215
movement and physical brain activities to improve             Password: 0ReAjR
stability, tootle body coordination, speed, spatial
                                                              *Laila is back! You know her from Balance
awareness, endurance and flexibility. Give it a try
                                                              Deconstructed, one of our most popular programs
Please have the following ready and available
                                                              at the Center. Now she is doing a virtual program
during the class (ALL ITEMS SHOULD BE NON-
                                                              for you to do at home. Balance is complex and
                                                              multi-dimensional. This class will go over the
HURT/INJURE/DAMAGE YOURSELF, YOUR PET OR                      components of good balance and will train you on
THE FLOOR IF DROPPED):                                        how to improve it through a variety of exercises fir
1) 1 small Bean Bag, bag of frozen Peas or similar item.      core and leg strengthening, posture awareness
2) 3 Paper Plates or Paper Bowls.                             aand stretches for greater flexibility.
3) 1 Spoon (preferably a long one - maybe wooden) and (1)
that is roundish, and will fit easily in the spoon’s scoop.                               CREATIVE
EXAMPLES - a plastic Egg, a Walnut, a small bottle of                                     WRITING WITH
Whiteout, etc.
4) 1 small Ball. EXAMPLES - a Baseball, or a Tennis Ball.
5) 1 small Pad of Paper and 1 Pen/Pencil - preferably a Pad                                 Time: (First and Third
of “Stickies” for the paper.                                                                Fridays) at 10:00 AM
6) 1 small Personal Item. EXAMPLE - Old, empty                                              Meeting ID: 836 1068
Prescription Bottle, something small and non breakable.
                                                              **Beth Knaus, owner of That's a Spade Writing
CHAIR GENTLE YOGA WITH MICHELLE*                              Services, will teach you tools and tips and motivate
Time: 2:30P M                                                 you to hone your hobby (or start your new hobby)
Meeting ID: 443 604 7877 Passcode: 0DbGrY                     of writing. The group also helps one another with
*Michelle is a fabulous yoga instructor! You can              discussion of writing techniques, sharing writing,
never have too much yoga!! Michelle will have you             and just talking about the love of writing. All types
calm, limber and tone                                         of writers are welcomed - fiction, non-fiction, short
                                                              stories, essays, journaling. (which can also be
                                                              therapeutic at times like these.)
Time: 3:00 PM
                                                              STRENGTH TRAINING WITH PEARL*
Meeting ID: 816 8790 1740
                                                              Time: 10:30 AM
*This class is a mostly seated exercise class that
does not encourage activities that might                      Meeting ID: 872 3896 8176
exacerbate arthritis symptoms and sore joints. It             Passcode: 8119
addresses range of motion, strength, flexibility,             *This SEATED exercise class is designed to
endurance balance and coordination.                           accommodate mature individuals of various
                                                              fitness levels. This class includes a thorough warm
                                                              -up, strength training, and gentle stretching to
                                                              increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension
Time: 7:00 PM | Meeting ID: 112782200
(See Description on Page 13)                                                                                    17
                                                        TECHIE TO THE RESCUE TECH TALK*
                   FRIDAY                           Time: 1:30 PM
                                                    Meeting ID: 892 3752 3276
CATH WALKING GROUP                                  Password: 025127
Time: 11 AM (Weather permitting)
                                                    Join Avrom to discuss all things technical! He will
To Join: Meet in front of Town Hall by the tent     focus on new topics each week and you can also
*Join this fun group we are bringing back. Everyone bring any questions you have!
should be able to walk 2 miles, MUST wear a mask
and should wear comfortable walking shoes. Please
                                                    SPANGLISH EXCHANGE CONVERSATION
bring a water.
                                                        Time: 7:00 PM | Meeting ID: 112782200
CENTER SHORT STORY DISCUSSION                           (See Description on page 13)
Time: 12:00 PM | Meeting ID: 853 0520 9804                                SATURDAY
Password: 623397                                        CIRCUIT TRAINING WITH LISA: GET FIT,
*During an earlier meeting the Book Group decided       STRONG AND FLEXIBLE*
to create a Short Story Group as this will remove       Time: 9:45 AM
anypressure to read a full book and make it more
                                                        Meeting ID: 814 0515 8908 | Passcode: 821835
social. For anyone who wants to join in, the short
stories will be revealed in our Daily Highlight         *This is a 45-minute class is aimed to simultaneous-
Emails.                                                 ly develop endurance and strength. Flexibility and
                                                        mobility are also its objectives. These exercises are
                                                        fun, easy to learn and simple to follow. The class is
RESISTANCE BAND STRENGTH CLASS                          composed of a consecutive series of timed exercis-
WITH LISA                                               es, which alternate between cardio/aerobics and
Time: 1:00 PM | To join Zoom Meeting: email             strength activities. Accessibility to weights is bene-                                   ficial but not necessary to participate.
*Resistance bands offer an alternative to exercise
without using traditional weights. This 45 minute       ARTHRITIS CLASS WITH STEPHEN*
class uses bands which provide resistance during        Time: 10:45 AM
both the concentric and eccentric phase of move-        Meeting ID: 816 8790 1740
ment. Bands are forgiving on the joints of the Older    *This class is a mostly seated exercise class that
Adult. This routine will increase strength addressing   does not encourage activities that might exacer-
all muscles of the body. Bands are an enjoyable way     bate arthritis symptoms and sore joints. It address-
to exercise, and can be obtained through the COA -      es range of motion, strength, flexibility, endurance
Center at the Heights. First 30 to register will have   balance and coordination.
the bands delivered.
                                              AARP INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE

                                              AARP Tax-Aid volunteers are IRS certified to provide free
                                              tax preparation services with a special focus on taxpayers
                                              who are 50+ or who have low to moderate income. AARP
                                              volunteers will be available for a limited number of ap-
                                              pointments at the CATH this year. To schedule an ap-
                                              pointment, contact us at 781-343-1258. If all appoint-
                                              ments are filled, you can contact AARP at 1-888-227-7669
                                              to find out if there are appointments available remotely or
18                                            at other sites.
NEEDHAM CATH VIRTUAL OPEN                            Watercolors/Markers/Colored Pencil
HOUSE                                                Blackout Poetry (April 30)
                                                     Need to do prior to Class: Using magazines with
Monday, March 1 and April 5 at 10 AM
                                                     articles in them, look through and find a text that
Meeting ID: 815 8041 3653 | Password: CATH speaks to you. Once you find it, circle words that
*It’s been awhile since we have seen many of you     pop up to you. when done, using a black marker.
so we thought it would be a good idea to catch up. Go over and cover the rest of the sentences around
Also, some of you are new and want to put a face     your selected words.
to a name. It will also be good to hear from you all Materials Delivered: Magazines with articles
about programs, new ideas, needs, etc. We hope       Materials Needed at Home: Pens/Black marker
to see you all there.
                                                       TIPPERARY, TARANTELLA AND TANGO *
                                                       Saturday, March 6 at 2 PM
                                                       To join Zoom Meeting: 859 6115 5312
                                                       *The Arons trio perform a variety of international, clas-
 Tuesday, March 2 April 6 at
                                                       sical, and American music on piano, voice, and violin.
 11/11:30/12/12:30PM                                   Jacqueline Arons is a graduate of the New England
 To Sign up for a Clinic: Email Aicha with             Conservatory of Music. Her daughter Michele is a clas-
                                                       sically trained soprano who sings in many languages.
 Time Slot and David will Call You                     They will be joined by Michele's daughter, Tamar, a
 *David Tourtillott, CRMP® will host you for a 30      talented violinist.
 minute phone session where he’ll educate you
 on the many ways a Reverse Mortgage can be            PLUGGED IN MONTHLY INTERGENERA-
 utilized to gain peace of mind during uncertain
                                                       TIONAL ONLINE OPEN MICS
 times. David will also be discussing how to use
 a Reverse Mortgage to refinance your home if
                                                       Saturdays, March 6, April 3 at 6:30-9:30 PM
 you desire to age in place, or how to purchase a      Password: 389 918 5538
 new more suitable home that meets your needs          *Our friends from Plugged In are hosting a open
 i.e. downsize, upsize or move closer to fami-         mic night and now they want us to join!! Seniors
 ly. Other discussion points include the pros &        are welcome to perform and/or watch and this is
 cons and how many are using this unique finan-        an open mic for all levels and abilities. Invite your
 cial tool to enhance their retirement. Please         grandkids to sing!!
 take advantage of this free one-on-one clinic.

                                                       LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAM AT
ART AT HOME WITH ROHAN*                                REGIS COLLEGE, WESTON MA
Time: Fridays @ 1:45PM                                 There is something for everyone in the Lifelong
Meeting ID: 872 6466 7910                              Learning Program currently offered via Zoom from
Passcode: ART                                          Regis College. Spring is coming and the list of ses-
*Join Art Therapy Student, Rohan as she brings art
                                                       sions will be on the website soon. You may take one
programs into your home. Register today to have        course or many and become part of a dynamic
the art supplies delivered prior to the program.       group of seniors. Classes are led by individuals who
(Approx. $120 worth of items). Here is the schedule:   often tap into the knowledge they gained from their
Guided Meditation and Beaded Bracelets                 professional careers and/or who bring to bear other
 (March 5)                                             areas of expertise they pursue now or have pursued
Material Delivered: Colored beads/Beads with let-      previously for personal enjoyment. For more about
ters/String                                            the program and the schedule of classes vis-
Magazine Photo Collage (April 2)                       it
Materials Delivered: Magazines/Glue                    -regis
Materials Needed at Home: Scissors/Pens
Draw to the Music (April 16)
Materials Delivered: Paper/Construction Paper/                                                                 19
 STAYING HEALTHY AT HOME*                                with you to create a customized binder that incorpo-
                                                         rates all your life details, including: personal data,
 Wednesday, March 8 at 11 AM                             property, financial, retirement and insurance details,
 Meeting ID: 850 6168 5149                               medical, and service provider information. Take con-
 Passcode: HEALTHY                                       trol and act now so your loved ones have the infor-
                                                         mation they need in the event of an emergency.
 *Ever wonder what the good ol' days were like for
 your parents? Back when the doctors would do
 House Calls and nobody had to take the day off          BETTER BREATHING AND IMMUNITY
 from work to bring Grandma to her check                 WORKSHOP
 up? Well, now you can re-live those days for your-      Tuesday, March 9 and 23 at 11 AM
 self. Hear Randy talk about a Primary Care Prac-        To join Zoom: Stay tuned
 tice that actually does House Calls. That's             *Laila is offering another great program!! She will
 right. And that's all they do! House Calls for Sen-     guide you through a series of exercises to strengthen
 iors. Just like the good ol' days~ but with better      your respiratory and immune systems.
 technology! ;) Stay Home and Stay Healthy!
                                                         A SERIES ON MINDFULNESS WITH NEIL
                   METROWEST LEGAL                       Tuesday, March 9 and April 13, 2021, 1:30 –
                   CLINIC*                               2:45 PM
                Tuesdays, March 9 and                    Mindfulness practice can be very helpful as we
                April 13 at                              navigate the challenges of aging and bring aware-
 9:30/10:00/10:30/11:00/11:30 AM                         ness to qualities of the mind and heart that we
 To join Meeting: Email Aicha and she will schedule      cultivate as we age. A Series on Mindfulness with
 the appointment                                         Neil Motenko continues with an exploration of
                                                         mindfulness and aging. These sessions will cover
 *Joseph Sherman, from MetroWest Legal Services
                                                         basic principles and foundational attitudes we can
 will conduct Legal Clinics over the phone so register
                                                         bring to mindfulness practice, as well as specific
                                                         science about the benefits of mindfulness for sen-
                                                         iors. The sessions will be interactive, reference
 VIRTUAL SENIOR COFFEE WITH SENA-                        neuroscience, and include guided practices. New-
 TOR RAUSCH*                                             comers are always welcome. We gratefully
 Tuesday, March 9 at 10 AM - 11 AM                       acknowledge the sponsorship of Wingate Chest-
 *Senator Rausch, Vice Chair of the Joint Commit-        nut Hill.
 tee on Elder Affairs, hosts monthly virtual coffee
 hours on Zoom reserved exclusively for seniors of                           COFFEE WITH THE AS-
 the Bristol, Norfolk, and Middlesex District. During                        SESSOR, CHIP BLAKE
 this time, constituents are welcome to share their
                                                                            Wednesday, March 10 at
 questions and opinions on state issues with the
 Senator and her Beacon Hill team.                                          9:30 AM
                                                                            Meeting ID: 879 8798 5611
 LIFE TRANSITION BINDER PRESENTA-                        Passcode: COFFEE
 TION WITH SANDRA BATRA                                  *Chip Davis, the Town Assessor, will be joining us
                                                         to go over all things assessment. He will educate
 Tuesdays , March 9th & 23rd at 11 am
                                                         us on tax exemptions and rules. He would love to
 Wednesdays, April 7th and 21st at 11 am
                                                         have some answers ready for questions you may
 Meeting ID: 755 9730 3811 | Password: life
                                                         have so please see Aicha if you have any pre-
 Join Sandra Batra, as she explains how she can work

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SENIORS                         BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE!*
Thursday, March 11 at 2 PM                        Monday, March 15 & April 19 at 2 PM
To join zoom: Stay tuned                          Meeting ID: 860 3296 6529
*Have you been approached by a builder about
selling your house? Be careful! Don’t do anything Passcode: HEALTH
until you know the facts about the real estate        *In the current healthcare environment, patients
market. This class will help you understand how       must learn to become their own advocate. Lynn
the pandemic has impacted the market, and what        Croft is a Professional Healthcare Advocate . Her
are some of the key issues involved with selling      program not only educates with the keys to better
your home. It is designed to help seniors who         communication, but includes useful handouts
have been in the same home for many years and         that can be used as guides. Her goal is to educate
are now faced with a confusing real estate mar-       the public for better outcomes from their physi-
ket. Suzanne Nissen has over 15 years’ experience     cian visits! Please bring a pen and paper to take
as a real estate agent in Needham and the sur-        notes. She has so much useful information and
rounding towns. Before becoming a real estate         will take Q & A’s.
agent, she was a social worker for 18 years and her
many years of experience working with sen-            NAT KING COLE AS PRESENTED BY
iors . Presented by Suzanne Nissen, Berkshire         FRANK KING *
Hathaway Commonwealth Real Estate
                                                                            Tuesday, March 16 at
                                                                            2 PM
                                                                            To join Zoom Meeting:
Monday, March 15 @ 11AM                                                     Stay tuned
                                                                             Frank’s back! His next lec-
To join zoom: Stay tuned
                                                                             ture will focus on the life
*This very important program is presented by Ellie                           and songs of the great NAT
Anbinder, president, and founder of Caregivers-                              “KING” COLE (who was born
Wellbeing, a company that is providing wisdom         on March 17th), plus the fascinating stories behind
and resources for caregivers of memory impaired
                                                      some big hit songs from the year 1952, and other
illness. She is an accomplished serial entrepreneur
                                                      musical surprises – including the odd tale of how
with more than 30 years of success in leadership
                                                      “The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting…)” came
and generating innovative ideas. She is a visionary
and advocate, and passionate about working with       to be written, and the song that saved a movie
caregivers to provide them the support they need      from oblivion.
on this journey.
She writes, “This will be a discussion about how      Join Frank King for a musical lecture where you’ll
anything can happen in life and when those            get to hear the standout songs of this Golden Era
events, especially the most unexpected, one must      – including rare, seldom-heard recordings - and
be ready to respond. As a breast cancer survivor,     also learn some fascinating secrets about the
and a caregiver for my husband who had Alz-           singers and the songs. Mr. King holds a Masters
heimers; I have learned that one must                 in Broadcasting from Boston University and a BA
have knowledge and resources to get through           from Princeton. A lifelong devotee of recorded
these hard times. I intend to share with you today    music, he formerly hosted music programs on
4 things to pay attention to:                         WBUR radio. His lectures draw from the music
1-Organizing                                          and art from his personal collection of over 2400
2- Personal Health                                    record albums
3- Family support and issues
4- Coping Mechanisms”

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