AUBURN HILLS THE CITY OF SPRING & SUMMER 2019 - spring & summer 2019 VOLUME 28 - City of Auburn Hills

AUBURN HILLS THE CITY OF SPRING & SUMMER 2019 - spring & summer 2019 VOLUME 28 - City of Auburn Hills


           spring & summer 2019   · VOLUME 28
AUBURN HILLS THE CITY OF SPRING & SUMMER 2019 - spring & summer 2019 VOLUME 28 - City of Auburn Hills
spring & summer
Welcome to our Spring/Summer
                                                                IN THIS
                                                                ISSUE                                              happenings
                                                                                                   28th annual easter egg                                                 stop the bleed
                                                                03   SPRING & SUMMER HAPPENINGS
issue of the Review. As you can                                                                    hunt & bonnet contest                                                  april 25, june 20, august 15
see, there is a lot of information                                                                 saturday, april 20                                                     6:00 - 7:00pm | community center
related to events and programs in
                                                                04 PUBLIC SAFETY                   12:00 - 2:00 pm | civic center park
                                                                                                                                                                          Injury can happen in a wide variety of situations including
this issue.                                                                                        Children of all ages are invited to hunt for Easter treats, enter      accidents or from intentional harm, and in different places,
                                                                06 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT           the Annual Bonnet Contest, and have their pictures taken with          such as your home, workplace, or at an event. This training helps
                                                                                                   the Easter Bunny! Adults- don't forget to enter the traditional        you recognize life-threatening bleeding and learning appropriate
We just made it through the Polar                                                                  "Egg Toss"! $2/child (pay from your car as you enter the park)         ways to stop the bleeding.
Vortex and while it might not feel                              09 PUBLIC LIBRARY
like it, spring is just around the
corner.                                                         10   DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS   state of the city with                                                                        mad hatter tea party
                                                                                                  mayor kevin mcdaniel                            20th annual arbor day
                                                                                                                                                                                                saturday, may 11
                                                                                                  friday, april 26                                friday, april 26                              12:00 pm | community center
Don’t miss our 28th annual Easter Egg Hunt and Bonnet           12   CITY CLERK                   12:30 pm | community center                     2:00 - 3:00 pm
Contest on April 20, beginning at noon at Civic Center                                                                                                                                          Join us for our 2nd annual Mad Hatter
                                                                                                  Join the honorable Mayor Kevin McDaniel         Join fellow neighbors and City Officials      Tea Party! Kids, grab your Moms, Dads,
Park! Children of all ages are invited to hunt for Easter
                                                                14   FIELDSTONE GOLF COURSE       as he presents what happened in 2018 in         in celebrating across America on this day     Aunts, Uncles, Grandmas, Grandpas and
treats, enter the bonnet contest, and have their picture                                          the city, and a peek into 2019. Growth in       as we plant a symbolic tree in recognition    friends to get your tickets early. You will
                                                                                                  business, events and more. There will be        of our 20th Annual Arbor Day. You will        enjoy tea, brunch, treats, a craft, and
taken with the Easter Bunny. Our 20th annual Arbor Day will
                                                                16   PARKS & RECREATION           an opportunity to ask questions afterwards.     also receive valuable information on how      entertainment. All proceeds from this
be celebrated on April 26. Join fellow neighbors and City                                                                                         to properly care for trees.                   event benefit the Senior Services Lawn
Officials in celebrating by planting a symbolic tree. Check                                                                                                                                     Programs and the Teen Council
                                                                26   SENIOR SERVICES                                                                                                            Community Garden.
our website for information at

                                                                36   OUR LEADERS & DIRECTORY       semi- annual american
Are you looking to get more involved within Auburn Hills?                                                                                        11th annual paddlepalooza                      16th annual
The City provides opportunities for citizens to serve the                                          red cross blood drive                                                                        river day fishing derby
                                                                                                                                                 saturday, june 1
community through a variety of boards and commissions.                                             thursday, may 30                              8:00 am | riverside park                       saturday, june 8
                                                                                                   1:00 - 7:00 pm | community center                                                            7:30 am | riverside park
Board and Commission members are tasked with                                                                                                     The 11th annual Paddlepalooza kayak &
                                                                                                   Donating blood can save a life! Through       canoe race, and river event is co-sponsored    The 16th Annual River Day Fishing Derby
researching and reviewing items such as city programs, road
                                                                                                   your generosity, someone’s life will be       with the City of Rochester Hills. The event    offers youths 16 & under a chance to fish
projects and planning and zoning projects. A citizen’s point                                       changed and there is no better feeling        will take place on an 8-mile stretch of the    and participate in this free annual contest
of view provides valuable insight into the operations of the                                       than knowing you helped someone. All          Clinton River, beginning at Riverside Park     on the banks of the Clinton River at
                                                                                                   it will cost you is an hour or so of your     in downtown Auburn Hills and ending at         Riverside Park. Raffle prizes plus; River
City and Council’s decision-making process.
                                                                                                   time. Schedule your appointment by            the Rivercrest Banquet Center at Avon          Day t-shirts for all the kids.
                                                                                                   calling 248-370-9353 or on-line at            & Livernois.
Our elected officials (City Council) are the governing body                              
ultimately responsible to the community; however, the
advisory role of citizen committees is vital to Auburn Hills’                                                                                     friday nights
success. If you are interested in open positions, please
                                                                                                   14th annual summerfest                         downtown music series                         national night out
contact the Clerk’s Office at 248.370.9402.                                                        june 21 & 22                                   friday nights                                 tuesday, august 6
                                                                                                   4:00 - 10:00 pm & 11:00 am - 10:00 pm          7:00 - 8:30pm | riverside amphitheater        6:00 - 8:00 pm | community center
                                                                                                   downtown auburn hills
                                                                                                                                                  Enjoy some great outdoor music                We welcome participation in this year’s
                                                                                                   Enjoy food, fun, art, live entertainment,      performances this summer at the new           National Night Out event which is being
                                                                                                   and more at the 14th annual Summerfest         amphitheater! You can bring a lawn chair      held at the Auburn Hills Community
                                                                                                   event June 21-22 in downtown Auburn            and/or blanket for the grass to enjoy the     Center. This year’s event is focused on
                                                                                                   Hills. Friday from 4:00PM to 10:00PM           performances. Opening night is June 21st      strengthening mental health awareness
                                                                                                   and Saturday from 11:00AM to 10:00PM.          at the Summerfest event, then concerts        throughout the community and raising
                                                                                                   Both days are filled with fun for the whole    will be held June 28th to August 23rd.        crime prevention awareness which is the
                                                                                                   family! Mark your calendars now and look       Refreshments will be available with some      true purpose of National Night Out.
                                                                                                   for details on our website.                    surprise food and snacks planned too!
AUBURN HILLS THE CITY OF SPRING & SUMMER 2019 - spring & summer 2019 VOLUME 28 - City of Auburn Hills
                                               POLICE DEPARTMENT         FIRE DEPARTMENT

                                                                                                                arbor day
                                               1899 N. SQUIRREL ROAD     1899 N. SQUIRREL ROAD

                                               AUBURN HILLS 48326        AUBURN HILLS 48326

                                               NON-EMERGENCY DISPATCH    NON-EMERGENCY
                                                                                                                20th annual city of auburn hills
                                               248-370-9444              248-370-9461

                                               POLICE RECORDS            FIRE CHIEF
                                               248-370-9460              ELLEN TAYLOR

                                               CHIEF OF POLICE
                                               JEFF BAKER

stay in
the loop
                                                                                                                f r i d a y, a p r i l 2 6 | 2 : 0 0 p . m .
                                                                                                                v i s i t w w w. a u b u r n h i l l s .o r g
                                                                                                                f o r lo c at i o n d e ta i l s
s i g n up for n i x le n ot i fi cat i o n s
                                                                                                                q u e s t i o n s? c a l l t h e c o m m u n i t y c e n t e r at 2 4 8 - 3 7 0 - 93 5 3

             what is nixle?
             Nixle is a nationwide alert and communication medium that allows emergency
             services, schools, and organizations to correspond with their community in real-time.
             Nixle allows for two-way communication through text, email, voice messages, social
             media, and the Nixle mobile app.

                                                                                                                                Mad Hatter
             According to the Nixle website, their notification system is trusted by over 8,000
             agencies, fire and police departments, schools, hospitals, and businesses.

             what do we use it for?
             Our police department uses Nixle to inform our residents about critical situations
             such as traffic accidents, severe weather, safety hazards, and security threats.

             get connected!                                                                                 a
                                                                                                                                tea party
             You can receive our Nixle notifications by texting our zip code (48326) to 888777.                  a                     join us for a tea time brunch at the
                                                                                                                                    auburn hills community center to benefit
             Learn more at                                                                                             the senior lawn service & teen council
                                                                                                                 a                      community garden. tickets are $15
                                                                                                                                            ($10 for children under 12).

                                                                                                                                   saturday, m ay 1 1 | 1 2 p. m .


               PUBLIC SAFETY · PAGE 4
                                                                                                                                                questions? call 248-370-9353
AUBURN HILLS THE CITY OF SPRING & SUMMER 2019 - spring & summer 2019 VOLUME 28 - City of Auburn Hills
                                                                                         COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                         1827 N. SQUIRREL RD. | AUBURN HILLS 48326              ONLY RAIN                                                         Do you have extra fertilizer, grass clippings,

                                                                                                                                                IN THE DRAIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  or dirt on your driveway? Sweep it back

                                                                                         PHONE 248-364-6900
                                                                                         FAX 248-364-6939
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  onto your lawn. Hosing your driveway sends
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  these pollutants into storm drains that lead
                                                                                         BUSINESS HOURS
                                                                                         MONDAY - FRIDAY | 8:00AM - 5:00PM                      Storm drains lead directly to our lakes                           to our lakes and streams.
                                                                                                                                                and streams. Oil, pet waste, leaves, or dirty
                                                                                                                                                water from washing your car that enters a
                                                                                                                                                storm drain gets into our lakes and streams.                      Volunteer to label storm drains in your
                                                                                                                                                With almost five million people living in                         neighborhood to inform residents that storm

MAINTAIN A                                                             SUMMER CAR                                                               Southeast Michigan, we all need to be                             drains flow directly to our lakes and streams.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Encourage citizens to contact their local
HEALTHY LAWN                                                           MAINTENANCE                                                              aware of what goes into our storm drains.
                                                                                                                                                Remember, only rain in the drain!
                                                                                                                                                                                                sto r m d r ain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  community for more information on storm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  drain stenciling programs.
MOW HIGH, RECYCLE CLIPPINGS                                            Washing cars in your driveway can add pollutants to our
• Mow at least 3 inches high                                           waterways. Wash water that enters storm drains often contains            Here are some simple steps you can take
• Return clippings to recycle nutrients                                detergents, oil, grease, heavy metals, and dirt. Vehicle fluids
                                                                                                                                                to help keep pollutants out of storm drains
• Sweep or blow clippings from walks and driveways onto the lawn       dumped down a storm drain or directly into a waterway
• Taller grass will discourage weeds and promote deeper roots,         can cause serious problems. The amount it takes to fill your             and keep our water clean.                                         Pick up after your pets! Pet waste contains
  helping the lawn survive droughts                                    automobile’s engine can form an eight acre oil slick in a river.                                                                           bacteria that are harmful to us and our water.
                                                                       Other vehicle fluids are poisonous to people, fish, and wildlife.
                                                                                                                                                To report pollution, call the City of Auburn                      Leaving it on the sidewalk or lawn means the
BE SMART WITH FERTILIZER                                                                                                                                                                                          bacteria will be transported into the storm
                                                                       WASHING TIPS                                                             Hills Community Development Department
• Be patient in the spring – wait until May to fertilize                                                                                                                                                          drains, and then into our lakes and streams.
• Don’t fertilize if the ground is frozen or saturated with water      • Wash your car at commercial carwashes that use water                   at 248-364-6900.
• Choose lawn fertilizers with low or no phosphorus (the middle          efficiently and dispose it properly
  number) and follow the directions                                    • Remove dirt around wheels first with a wire brush. Collect the
• Confirm spreader setting before applying                               soil with a broom and dispose of it in a manner that will keep it
• Don’t fertilize or discharge clippings near lakes, rivers, streams     out of storm drains

  or storm drains                                                      • Use non-phosphate biodegradable detergents and mild
• Sweep fertilizer granules from walks and driveways onto the lawn       soaps, such as vegetable oil-based soaps
• Wash your spreader on the grass                                      • Wash one section of the car at a time and rinse it quickly using
                                                                         a pistol grip nozzle with high pressure and low volume
                                                                       MAINTENANCE TIPS

                                                                                                                                                 e xc h a n g e
• Watering should not produce puddles. Lighter, more frequent
                                                                       • If you change vehicle fluids at home, take the waste fluids to a
  watering is best
                                                                         recycling center or an oil change facility
• Brown lawns are OK; dormancy is a natural response to drought;
                                                                       • Always use a drip pan under your work and use funnels when
  however, some water may be necessary in a drought of more
                                                                         transferring fluids
  than a month
                                                                       • Never mix waste oil with gasoline, solvents or other liquid

                                                                                                                                                s at u r d ay, m ay 1 8 t h 2 0 1 9
                                                                       • Change vehicle fluids in the garage whenever possible
For more healthy lawn care tips please visit
                                                                       • If a spill occurs, pour kitty litter, saw dust or cornmeal on spill
MSU Turfgrass Science website at WWW.TURF.MSU.EDU
                                                                         to absorb the liquid. Place the waste material in a strong             the community center
                                                                         plastic bag and dispose of it with your trash
                                                                                                                                                     9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                              q u e st i o n s?
                                                                          DON’T                   Enjoying the summer in your recreation
                                                                                                  vehicle? Protect the environment at the                     248-364-6946
                                                                          DUMP                    same time! Dispose of waste properly;
                                                                                                  take all waste to a facility - don’t dump!

                                                                                                  The facility below accepts RV waste:
                                                                                                  A&S RV Center Inc.
                                                                                                  2375 Opdyke, Auburn Hills

            COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT · PAGE 6                                                        $10 per load; Call for hours - 248-373-5811
AUBURN HILLS THE CITY OF SPRING & SUMMER 2019 - spring & summer 2019 VOLUME 28 - City of Auburn Hills

                                                                                              AUBURN HILLS                                                         3400 E. SEYBURN DR. | AUBURN HILLS 48326

                                                                                                                                                                   PHONE 248-370-9466

                                                                                                                                                                   BUSINESS HOURS
             the b e autific ation advisory commission is p r oud to p r e se n t                                                                                  MONDAY - THURSDAY | 10:00AM - 9:00PM

                                                                                                                                                                   FRIDAY - SATURDAY | 10:00AM - 6:00PM

                    awa r d s
            The Aub urn Hi l l s Beautification Advisor y Commission invites yo u
                                                                                              FROM THE
                                                                                              We invite the residents of Auburn Hills to participate in a
                                                                                              quick online survey to help us improve the Auburn Hills
                                                                                              Public Library so our staff can better serve you.
                                                                                                                                                                   PERLER BEADS OF DREAMS, TUESDAY JULY 8TH 11AM-12PM
                                                                                                                                                                   The process of lining up tiny beads and melting them with an
                                                                                                                                                                   iron may not sound very exciting, but you’ll be surprised how
                                                                                                                                                                   satisfying it really is! Come out and design your own creation
                                                                                                                                                                   then bring it to life using perler beads, patience, and some heat.
                                                                                                                                                                   The possibilities for design are endless, the only real limit is your
                                                                                              Please visit our website and click on the survey
                                                                                              link. This survey will be available March 4th - 25th.                imagination.
            to no mi nate a p roper ty wor thy of a 2019 Beautification Award .
            Yo u may no mi nate yourself or a deser ving neighbor.                                                                                                 YOUTH
            No mi nati o ns may be submitted in one of two ways:                                                                                                   A UNIVERSE OF STORIES
                                                                                                                                                                   1...2...3 BLAST OFF into the summer with the Auburn Hills Public
                                                                                                                                                                   Library’s Summer Reading Program!! We’ll begin our summer
            1. Email th e prope r t y a d d re s s a n d ow n e r ’s n a m e (if kn ow n)                                                                          reading program on June 15th with our Star Wars Summer
               to beautification@a u b u rn h ills .o rg                                                                                                           Reading Kick Off party! Summer reading is open to all ages
                                                                                            ART IN THE HILLS: AN AUBURN HILLS                                      and includes awesome prizes and plenty of fun activities for
                                                                                            PUBLIC LIBRARY ART SHOW                                                everybody. The reading program will run through July 31st,
            2 . Clip an d mail th e n om in ation form b e l ow to:                         The Auburn Hills Public Library is excited to welcome                  when we’ll end the program with Dan the Creature Man’s animal
                City of Auburn H ills - BAC Awa rd s                                        submissions for its first art show. The show will be held July 20th    show! Then join us Saturday August 3rd to pick up your prize
                AT TN: El izabeth B ren n a n                                               - August 17th, culminating in a reception and prize ceremony.          packets and enjoy our end of summer reading party. While we
                1 827 N. Squirrel Roa d                                                     Work will be displayed throughout the Library. Artists 18 years or     will advertise more programming closer to the summer, here’s a
                Auburn H il l s, MI 4832 6                                                  older with ties to the Auburn Hills community are encouraged           taste of the different events we’ll have going on:
                                                                                            to submit. Submissions close July 13th, and space will be
                                                                                            awarded on a first-come basis. Winners of both the juried and          Mondays will be our family nights, including our Public Safety
                                                                                            people’s choice competitions will receive prizes. For details, visit   Night on June 24th, Baffling Bill on July 15th, and the Michigan
              nominations are due by july 1, 2019                                  and click on “Art Show” under the Adults tab.           Science Center on July 22nd! We’ll also offer movie nights and
                                                                                                                                                                   astronomy themed programming to fit our summer reading


                                                                                                                                                                   Tuesdays will feature a morning preschool storytime, with a
                                                                                                                                                                   special Touch a Truck event on July 23rd. Events for tweens
                                                                                                                                                                   (grades 5-8) will be Tuesday evenings and will have exciting
                                                                                            RBDIGITAL MAGAZINES                                                    programs like a theater workshop on June 25th and Painting with
                                                                                            Did you know that the Library offers FREE digital magazines?
                                                                                                                                                                   a Pop on July 16th!
                                                                                            Browse full digital copies of your favorite magazines in
                                                                                            entertainment, news, fashion, technology, travel and more with
                                n ame of h om eow ner ( if k now n)                                                                                                Wednesdays is all about our Trailblazers, which includes grades
                                                                                            your Library card! eMagazines are displayed in the same format
                                                                                                                                                                   2-5 and will have plenty of space themed programming,
                                                                                            as print magazines but with additional bonus features like video,
                                                                                                                                                                   including an Around the Universe game day and a chance to
                                                                                            audio, and hyperlinks. eMagazines are always available, never
                                                                                                                                                                   train to be an astronaut at Space Camp.
                                                                                            expire, and can be stored indefinitely. For more information
                                                                                            about digital magazines visit us at or call
                                                                                                                                                                   Thursdays will focus on our younger participants with a morning
                                ad d re s s of nom inated p r op e rt y                     248.370.9466
                                                                                                                                                                   storytime for ages 0-2 and an evening program for ages 3-5.
                                                                                                                                                                   Be sure to visit the Library to sign up and learn more about our
                                                                                                                                                                   2019 summer reading program. It’s sure to be out of this world!
AUBURN HILLS THE CITY OF SPRING & SUMMER 2019 - spring & summer 2019 VOLUME 28 - City of Auburn Hills
1 1 th a n n u a l c l i n t o n r i v e r

                                                                                           DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS

                                                                                                                                       PA DDLEPA LO OZA
                                                                                           1500 BROWN ROAD | AUBURN HILLS 48326

                                                                                           PHONE 248-391-3777
                                                                                           FAX 248-391-4895
                                                                                           EMAIL DPW@AUBURNHILLS.ORG

                                                                                           BUSINESS HOURS                                  auburn hills to rochester hills
                                                                                           MONDAY - FRIDAY | 8:00AM - 5:00PM
                                                                                                                                              8 a m | s at u r d ay, j u n e 1 s t
FEATURED DIVISION:                                                                                                                          riverside park to river crest banquet center
MUNICIPAL PROPERTIES                                                                                                                                  8 mile canoe & kayak race
                                                                                                                                                        adventure river paddle
Facilities Division is made up of two full-time personnel for       apprentice. These two maintain over 1,400 parking lots and
day-to-day facilities maintenance and management. Facilities        downtown street lights and assist with MISS DIG staking.
                                                                                                                                       $2o entry fee per person | $45 canoe | $35 kayak rental
also includes a six person custodial services team, consisting      MISS DIG staking is the result of Public Act 53 of 1974 by the          not recommended for the beginner paddler
of three full-time and three part-time personnel. In addition       Michigan State Legislature for the Protection of Underground                          rain date june 15th
to supporting various initiatives and projects, Facilities is       Utilities, which requires the pre-location of underground assets
responsible for the maintenance and management of more              prior to excavation.
                                                                                                                                               questions? call 248-370-9353 or visit
than 30 structures.
The Grounds Division is made up of six full-time personnel.
In addition to supporting various initiatives and projects,
Grounds is responsible for the maintenance and management
of over 460 acres of City lands. That includes all City parks and
right-of-way, trees, and irrigation.

As it relates to the scope of services provided, and in addition
to directly supporting Facilities and Grounds, the DPW has
a full-time master electrician and a full-time electrician

                                                                                                                                                                                               fi s h i n g
                                                                    In 2018 we had a relatively busy road construction season, and
                                                                                                                                                                                               a u b u r n h i l l s r i v e r d ay

                                                                    2019 will be much the same. Efforts are already underway to
                                                                    complete the 2018 projects that were delayed because of
                                                                    the heavy equipment operators union lockout. Furthermore,
                                                                    preparation for the 2019 projects has also begun. One of the
                                                                    2019 projects we are eager to share with you is MDOT’s up-
                                                                    coming $18.5 million investment in Auburn Hills.

                                                                    In April, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
                                                                    will begin construction on I-75 from Baldwin Road through
                                                                                                                                                                                              s at u r d ay, j u n e 8
                                                                    the M-59 Loop. The work will include maintenance on 21                                                                     7: 3 0 - 1 0 : 0 0 a m
                                                                    bridges, concrete road repairs, and various asphalt resurfac-                                                               r i v e r s i d e pa r k
                                                                    ing. The $18.5 million investment is anticipated to be com-
                                                                    pleted in November.
                                                                                                                                                                                           downtown auburn hills
                                                                                                                                                                                                    q u e st i o n s? c a l l
                                                                    Sign up directions will be provided with the April water bill,
                                                                    as well as through social media and on the City’s website at

AUBURN HILLS THE CITY OF SPRING & SUMMER 2019 - spring & summer 2019 VOLUME 28 - City of Auburn Hills

                                                                                                                                            from the assessing office
                                                                                                                  march 11                march 12                may 31                    june 1
                                                                                                                  board of review         board of review         deadline to file          pre & eligible
                                                                                                                  assessment protests     assessment protests     commercial, industrial,   development property
                                                                                                                                                                  & personal property       exemption deadline
                                                                                                                  9:00am - 12:00pm        2:00 pm - 5:00pm        appeals to mtt            for summer tax levy
                                                                                                                  1:00 pm - 4:00pm        6:00 pm - 9:00pm
                                                                                                                  admin conference room   admin conference room

                                                                                                                  july 16                 july 31                 november 1                december 10
                                                                                                                  july board of review    deadline to file        pre & eligible            december board

                      i n g
                                                                                                                                          residential property    development property      of review

                  i t
                                                                                                                                          appeals to mtt          exemption deadline

            l i c
                                                                                                                  11:00 am                                        for winter tax levy       11:00 am

        s o
                                                                                                                  admin conference room                                                     admin conference room

     no                     tha nk yo
                                                                                                                                                                                                 city of auburn hills assessing office
                                                                                                                                                                                                 1827 n. squirrel road | 248-370-9436

                                            Solicitors going door-to-door selling or taking orders
                                            for goods, merchandise, etc must obtain a permit from
                                            the City Clerk’s Office. (Not all solicitors are subject to

CITY                                        this ordinance. Exempted solicitors include scout troops,

                                            religious groups, some charitable organizations, and
                                            political groups protected by the U.S. Constitution.)                                                                         june   21  &   22
                                                                                                                                                                         downtown auburn hills

                                            As the organizations apply for a soliciting permit, the
                                            Clerk’s Office provides them with an approved solicitor                                                                           don’t miss out on the action!
CITY CLERK’S OFFICE                         badge and a copy of the “Do Not Knock” list. The                                                                                               bbq cook off
1827 N. SQUIRREL RD. | AUBURN HILLS 48326   organizations are not allowed to solicit to the addresses                                                                                   sidewalk chalk art
                                                                                                                                                                                              live music
                                            registered on the “Do Not Knock” list.
PHONE 248-370-9402                                                                                                                                                                       ice cream social
FAX 248-364-6719                                                                                                                                                                          teen dodgeball
                                            To add your address to the “Do Not Knock” list, visit                                                                                          entertainment
BUSINESS HOURS                              WWW.AUBURNHILLS.ORG/NOKNOCK                                                                                                                  classic car show
MONDAY - FRIDAY | 8:00AM - 5:00PM                                                                                                                                                            pet parade
                                                                                                                                                                                              cake walk
                                            Feel free to contact the City Clerk’s Office if you have                                                                                      carnival games
CITYCLERK@AUBURNHILLS.ORG                   additional questions.                                                                                                                            inflatables
                                                                                                                                                                                            face painting
                                                                                                                                                                                       grandma’s bake shop
                                                                                                                                                                                          dance contest
                                                                                                                                                                                         arts & crafts fair
                                                                                                          questions? call 248-370-9353 |
AUBURN HILLS THE CITY OF SPRING & SUMMER 2019 - spring & summer 2019 VOLUME 28 - City of Auburn Hills
  tournaments                                                                                       $39 GOLF SPECIAL  MEMORIAL WEEKEND                        2019 FIELDSTONE
                                                                                                                                                              JUNIOR GOLF
                                                                                                                          MAY 25, 26 & 27TH                   WEDNESDAYS 6/19 - 8/7
                                                                                                                • 18 Holes, with Golf Cart & Practice Balls   • Ages 7-10
   may 11           mitten golf tour                                                     • All reservations after 12:00 PM        • 5 - 9 - 18 Hole Divisions
                                                                                                                                                              • Golf play & instruction each week
   may 16           michigan amateur championship qualifier        
                                                                                                                                                              • PGA Instructors
   may 22           women’s metropolitan golf association               PRACTICE FACILITY
                                                                                                                                                              For more information & online registration, visit:
                                                                                                   DAILY RATES
   may 30           mshaa boys golf regionals                                                                                    
                                                                                                   Large (100+ balls)         $13.00
                                                                                                   Small (50 balls)		         $6.00
   june 24          usga junior amateur qualifier                   |

   july 17-18       callaway & meijer junior player tour           
                                                                                                   SEASONAL PRACTICE MEMBERSHIPS
                                                                                                   Membership includes:
                                                                                                                                                              RESIDENT SPRING & FALL
                                                                                                            • Round of Golf                                   GOLF RATES
   july 22-23       top 50 junior tour                                             • 20% off merchandise
                                                                                                            • 15% off lesson programs                         MONDAY - THURSDAY
   july 25          michigan senior publinx golf association                    Resident		 $275.00                                         9 Holes 			                     $25.00
                                                                                                   Sr. Resident		             $250.00                         18 Holes		                      $40.00
   august 4         american junior golf association junior tour qualifier              Jr. Resident		             $150.00
                                                                                                                                                              FRIDAYS, WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS
   august 17        michigan publinx golf association                                                                                  9 Holes 			                     $26.00

   september 8      klga - korean ladies golf association                                          LESSON                                                     18 Holes		                      $42.00

                                                                                                   PROGRAMS                                                   SENIORS 55 & OVER RATES
   september 15     golfweek amateur tour                          
                                                                                                                                                              MONDAY - THURSDAY (BEFORE 12:00PM)
                                                                                                   INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION                                     9 Holes 			                     $15.00
                                                                                                   Lesson			$70.00                                            18 Holes		                      $25.00

                                                                                                   Five Series		 $300.00
                                                                                                                                                              FRIDAY (BEFORE 11:00AM)
                                                                                                   SPRING PROMOTION                                           9 Holes 			                     $15.00
                                                                                                   3 Lessons for $150                                         18 Holes		                      $25.00

GOLF COURSE                                                                                        GROUP LESSONS
                                                                                                   2 Students
                                                                                                   3 Students
                                                                                                                     5 Lessons
                                                                                                                     5 Lessons
                                                                                                                                       $225.00 ea
                                                                                                                                       $175.00 ea
                                                                                                                                                              • All rates include Golf Cart
                                                                                                                                                              • Reduced Rates for Juniors
                                                                                                                                                              • Senior Rates are valid Monday thru Friday mornings, Excluding Holidays.
FIELDSTONE GOLF COURSE OF AUBURN HILLS                                                             4 Students        5 Lessons         $145.00 ea             • Walking permitted at all times but only at a reduced rate – Monday thru
1984 TAYLOR ROAD | AUBURN HILLS 48326                                                                                                                          Friday before 11:00 a.m. and after 6 p.m. Weekends after 3 p.m.

PHONE 248-370-9354
FAX 248-370-9432

                                                                                                                                                              SEE YOU NEXT SEASON!
                                                                                                                                                              Arrowhead Grille will reopen for business on April 1, 2019.

                                                                                                                                                              BANQUETS & SPECIAL EVENTS
                                                                                                                                                              Seating capacity of the room is 200+ patrons. Banquets
                PROFESSIONAL                                                                                                                                  or Special events for the Arrowhead Grille can access all

                GOLF STAFF                                                                                                                                    menus online via our website. Contact Crank’s Catering
                                                                                                                                                              directly at 586-247-3800.
                Gordon Marmion | Host PGA Golf Professional
                Pete Driscoll | PGA Golf Professional
                Mark White | PGA Golf Instructor
                Mike Burrows | Assistant Golf Professional
AUBURN HILLS THE CITY OF SPRING & SUMMER 2019 - spring & summer 2019 VOLUME 28 - City of Auburn Hills

                                                                     3388 AUBURN ROAD | AUBURN HILLS 48326

                                                                     BUSINESS HOURS

                                                                     MONDAY - FRIDAY | 4:00PM - 12:00AM

                                                                     UNIVERSITY CENTER
                                                                     3350 AUBURN ROAD | AUBURN HILLS 48326

                                                                     PHONE NUMBER

ABOUT HAVING YOUR BUSINESS IN                             schedule
 We asked some of our Merchants about why they love
  being in our Downtown, and here are their answers:
                                                          of events
                                                                      6/1 - PADDLEPALOOZA

                                                                      6/8 - RIVER DAY FISHING DERBY

                                                                      6/21 - GRAND OPENING RIVERSIDE
                                                       JUNE                  AMPHITHEATER & SPLASH PAD

                                                                            SUMMERFEST - DAY ONE

                                                                                                             AUBURN HILLS
    We love being part of downtown Auburn
                                                                      6/22 - SUMMERFEST - DAY TWO
      Hills because we believe we got in on
                                                                      6/28 - FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC
    the “ground floor” of what soon will be a
    hot spot of entertainment and amenities.
       Plus, the city has been so incredibly
     accommodating, helpful and supportive
    of our business since we arrived in 2016!

                                                              7/12 - FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC
        cortney casey, co-founder
                                                              7/19 - FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC             JULY

                                                              7/26 - FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC

“     We love being part of the downtown
       because Auburn Hills is a emerging
     community with great potential growth
                                                                      8/2 - FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC

                                                                      8/9 - FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC
      and a welcoming feel to new and old              AUGUST
                                                                      8/16 - FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC
               businesses alike.

                                                                      8/23 - FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC
              mike larco, owner
AUBURN HILLS THE CITY OF SPRING & SUMMER 2019 - spring & summer 2019 VOLUME 28 - City of Auburn Hills
BE FIT! (Ages 13-17)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              OUR CITY
                                                                                                 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT                   You can stay fit and begin your life-long journey of leading
                                                                                                 1827 N. SQUIRREL ROAD | AUBURN HILLS 48326

   PARKS &
                                                                                                                                                 a healthy lifestyle using our Fitness Room and equipment.

                                                                                                 PHONE 248-970-9353                              Equipment includes treadmills, elliptical machines, multi-sta-

                                                                                                 FAX 248-370-9357                                tion strength machine, hand-weights, balance & medicine ball,
                                                                                                 HOURS OF OPERATION                              stationary bike and more. Must be signed up by parent or legal
                                                                                                 MONDAY - FRIDAY | 8:00AM - 9:00PM               guardian.
                                                                                                 SATURDAY | 10:00 AM - 9:00PM
                                                                                                                                                          Location: Community Center Fitness Room #138050
                                                                                                                                                          Date: Year Round
                                                                                                                                                          Time: Monday –Friday, 8:00AM-8:30PM
                                                                                                                                                          Saturday, 10:00AM – 8:30PM
                                                                                                                                                          Fee: Free Resident w/Community Center
                                                                                                                                                               Card / $100 Regular                                                   CIVIC CENTER PARK | 1827 N. SQUIRREL ROAD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Nature Trails, ball diamond, multi-sport athletic field, nine hole disc golf
                                                                                                                                                 HOW TO ADULT SERIES (AGES 13-18)                                                    course, tennis courts, play structures and swings, covered picnic pavilion,
                                                                                                                                                 Lean basic “adulting” skills in this multi-part educational series                  barbeque grills, picnic tables, restrooms.
             OUR MISSION                                 SCHOLARSHIPS                             YOUR IDEAS NEEDED                              brought to you by our Auburn Hills Teen Council. During these
             To improve the quality of life in Auburn    We offer scholarships to Auburn Hills    We’re always looking for new recreation
             Hills by providing quality parks and        youth to help with program fees.         ideas to offer to our residents. If you have   sessions, you will learn a basic overview of the selected topics                    CLINTON RIVER TRAIL
             recreation opportunities with a variety     Please call with your confidential       any suggestions or are considering sharing     from trained professionals. All supplies will be provided. Free                     The trail in Auburn Hills is 2.1 miles in length and runs east-west between
             of year-round programs, special events,     inquiry.                                 your talents with others as an instructor,     pizza and pop will be served!                                                       Adams and Opdyke. The trail is part of a larger 16-mile trail that connects
             and facilities for people of all ages and                                            please contact us.
                                                                                                                                                          Location: Community Center Wesson Room                                     to the West Bloomfield trail near Sylvan Lake and the Paint Creek trail
                                                                                                                                                          Fee: Free                                                                  in Rochester that is part of the developing Great Lake-to-Lake trail.
                                                                                                                                                 Successful Goal Planning and Time Management Techniques
HOW TO REGISTER                                                            TEEN PROGRAMS                                                                  Time: 6:30PM-7:30PM                                                        RIVERSIDE PARK | 3311 SQUIRREL COURT
                                                                                                                                                          Date: Tuesday, 4/16/19 #211260A                                            Located on the banks of the Clinton River, Amphitheater, plaza, splash
ONLINE                                                                     TEEN VOLUNTEERS (Ages 13-18)
                                                                                                                                                 Self-Defense w/ Master Kirk Rehn                                                    pad, river path, play structure with swings, canoe launch, covered picnic
Go to WWW.AUBURNHILLS.ORG, select DEPARTMENTS and in                       Get involved with your community. Learn skills that translate
                                                                                                                                                          Time: 6:00PM- 7:30PM                                                       pavilion, barbecue grills, picnic tables, heated restrooms.
the drop-down menu, click on PARKS & RECREATION then click                 directly to work experience and earn valuable community service
                                                                                                                                                          Date: Tuesday, 5/21/19 #211260B
“Register Now!” and follow the quick easy instructions.                    hours while having fun with our team at special events and Sum-
                                                                           mer Camp! Contact the Community Center to get your applica-                                                                                               RIVER WOODS PARK | 300 RIVER WOODS DR.
                                                                                                                                                 CALLING BINGO AT AMERICAN HOUSE
                                                                           tion to join the fun! Grades 9-12 in fall of 2019.                                                                                                        Located along the Clinton River, covered picnic pavilion, restrooms, paved
MAIL-IN                                                                                                                                          Stuck home for Spring Break? Why not join the Auburn Hills Teen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     pathway system, play structure with swings and climbers, basketball court,
Print the registration form from our website and mail it in with                                                                                 Council at American House and call Bingo for its residents? The
                                                                           TEEN COUNCIL (Ages 13-18)                                             Auburn Hills Teen Council will be traveling to American House
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     picnic areas with barbecue grills, open spaces.
your payment, if needed. Make check or money order payable to:
                                                                           Learn leadership skills by designing and planning fun activities,
City of Auburn Hills. Mail to Parks & Recreation Department,                                                                                     Stone to call bingo and spend some time getting to know the                         SKATE PARK | 202 N. SQUIRREL ROAD
                                                                           have access to special events and earn valuable community
1827 N. Squirrel Rd., Auburn Hills, MI 48326                                                                                                     senior residents of Auburn Hills. Transportation is available. Space                Free – Public welcome, unsupervised park for use by skateboarders, inline
                                                                           service hours. Join the Remind group to get updates by texting
                                                                                                                                                 is limited.                                                                         skaters, and BMX bikes.
                                                                           @ahteencncl to 81010. Students must be in grades 8 through 12.
IN PERSON                                                                                                                                                 Location: American House Stone
                                                                           Stop by the Community Center or check out our website for an
Register in person at the Community Center during hours of                                                                                                Date: Wednesday, 4/3/2019                                                  DENNIS DEARING JR. MEMORIAL PARK
                                                                           application. Advisor: Jaclyn Corio
operation. We accept cash, check, Visa and Mastercard.                                                                                                    Time: 2:45PM- 4:00PM #211220                                               2058 PHILLIPS ROAD
                                                                                    Location: Community Center Wesson Room
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     A neighborhood park including a fireman-themed tot-lot, swings, picnic
                                                                                    Date: Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month             ESCAPE ROOM (AGES 13-18)                                                            tables, open play space.
COMMUNITY CENTER CARD                                                               during the school year, includes pizza!                      Spend an hour solving mind-boggling puzzles with your friends
                                                                                    Time: 6:30PM – 7:30PM                                        in the community! Participants must arrive at Michigan Escape                       MANITOBA PARK | 4220 MANITOBA ROAD
Stop by the Community Center to receive a “Community Cen-                                                                                        Room by 12:45 PM for the explanation of rules. Transportation is
                                                                           4th ANNUAL DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT (Ages 13-18)                                                                                                              Play structure, sand volleyball court, benches, paved play area,
ter Card” or renew your current Community Center card. Proof                                                                                     available. Space is limited. If you are interested in transportation,
                                                                           Presented by the Auburn Hills Teen Council. Gather your team                                                                                              open space.
of residency required. Cards are renewed annually. Cardholders                                                                                   please contact Jaclyn Corio at to reserve
can participate in a variety of city-sponsored programs, special           of 5 players to compete for the title of Best Dodgeball Team of                                                                                           E. DALE FISK HAWK WOODS NATURE CENTER
                                                                                                                                                 your spot and receive confirmed departure and arrival times.
events and other programs. Your FREE Community Center Card                 Auburn Hills Summerfest! Prizes for the first place team. Go the                                                                                          3799 BALD MOUNTAIN ROAD
may be obtained only at the Community Center.                              extra mile and stand out by putting together a team “uniform”                                                                                             Groomed nature trails, marsh boardwalk, covered picnic pavilion, two
                                                                                                                                                          Location: Michigan Escape Room, Washington Twp.
                                                                           too!                                                                                                                                                      story log cabin lodge, campground with six overnight camping cabins, and
                                                                                                                                                          Date: Saturday, 5/18/2019
                                                                                    Location: Riverside Park                                                                                                                         heated restroom/shower facility.
                                                                                                                                                          Time: 12:45 PM-2:00 PM #211250
FITNESS OPPORTUNITY                                                                 Date: Friday, 6/21/19
                                                                                                                                                          Fee: $27 Resident/$27 Regular
                                                                                    Time: 6:00PM – 9:00PM #311111
Residents of Auburn Hills with a Community Center Card can use                      Fee: $5.00 per team of 5
the Fitness Room at the Community Center FREE OF CHARGE.
Non-resident: Individual $250.00 /Family $400.00
Locker room with showers available. Bring your own lock/shower
supplies.                                                                                                                                          PLEASE NOTE: The City of Auburn Hills takes photos at some of our events and programs. By registering for and participating in any
Monday- Friday, 8:00AM – 9:00PM and Saturdays, 10:00 AM -                                                                                          City of Auburn Hills sponsored event or activity, you agree to allow the City to utilize these photos for advertising purposes.

9:00PM. Fitness Room check-in no later than 8:30PM.
The Auburn Hills Teen Council will be partnering with the Senior
Services Department to pair a teen with a senior pen pal. Teens
                                                                        PRE T-BALL (Ages 4-5)
                                                                        Designed for young players with little or no experience. Pre T-ball
                                                                        teaches basic skills including throwing, catching, hitting, and
                                                                                                                                              summer camp
                                                                                                                                              half day & full day options!
will write one letter to their Pen Pal every other week, asking         base running in a clinic format. Instructors teach at an easy-to-
                                                                                                                                              Children in grades 1-8 (2019/2020 school year) can experience the great outdoors with a variety of age-appropriate
questions and sharing the details of their lives that allow them to     learn pace. A baseball glove and tennis shoes/rubber cleats are
                                                                                                                                              recreational activities designed to create a lifetime of memories. Activities will include crafts, sports, cooperative
get to know their senior companion. Please contact Jaclyn Corio         required. Ball cap and numbered jersey are provided.
                                                                                                                                              games, gym games, library visits, nature and more! Camp T-shirt provided. Bring a water bottle and nut-free snack
at if you are interested in being a part of              Location: Civic Center Park Ball Diamond
                                                                                                                                              (non-refrigerated) each day. See the Before & After Care program and the Lunch Buddies program for details on
this program.                                                                   Date: Saturdays, 6/29/19 – 7/27/19 (No 7/6) #313572           how to make it a full-day at camp!
                                                                                Time: 9:00AM – 9:45AM
YOUTH PROGRAMS                                                                  Fee: $15.00 Resident / $20.00 Regular (4 sessions)               dates               cougars                    wildcats                       tigers                         themes
                                                                        T-BALL LEAGUE (Ages 6-8)                                                                    1st - 2nd grade            3rd - 5th grade              7th - 8th grade
ATHLETICS                                                               This popular program includes Saturday morning games and                                    $20 resident               $20 resident                 $20 resident
                                                                        Monday evening practices. Players learn the basics of throwing,                             $77 regular                $77 regular                  $77 regular
                                                                        fielding, hitting and base running in a fun, learning environment.
Auburn Hills Parks & Recreation is partnering with Rochester                                                                                   6/24 - 6/28      316653A - 9a-12p          316655A- 9a-12p              316653A - 9a-12p                     four seasons
                                                                        Special “softer” baseballs and batting tees are used. A baseball
Soccer Club for a fun soccer season! League starts on                                                                                                           316654A - 1:15p - 4:15p   316656A - 1:15p - 4:15p      316654A - 1:15p - 4:15p
                                                                        glove and tennis shoes/rubber cleats are required. Ball cap, pants
Wednesday, April 10 with skills and drills to help form fair and
                                                                        and custom numbered jersey provided. Volunteer Coaches
balanced teams. Weekday practices on Wednesday and Saturday                                                                                      7/1 - 7/3      316653B - 9a-12p           316655B - 9a-12p            316657B - 9a-12p                     ancient egypt
                                                                        needed.                                                                                 316654B - 1:15p - 4:15p    316656B - 1:15p - 4:15p     316658B - 1:15p - 4:15p
games starting April 27. We have new shirts this year, if you are                                                                              No 7/4 or 7/5
                                                                                  Location: Civic Center Park Ball Diamond                       $12/$46
a returning player that only needs a new jersey please contact
                                                                                  Date: 6/17/19 – 8/10/19 #312360
Mandy Mullins. Volunteer coaches needed.
                                                                                  Time: Varies                                                   7/8 - 7/12     316653C - 9a-12p           316655C - 9a-12p            316657C - 9a-12p                     animal planet
         Location: Civic Center Multi-Sport Athletic Field
                                                                                  Fee: $25.00 Resident / $50.00 Regular                                         316654C - 1:15p - 4:15p    316656C - 1:15p - 4:15p     316658C - 1:15p - 4:15p
         Date: See above, 04/10/19 – 06/1/19
         Divisions: Grades 1st -6th #216680A-F                          FITNESS                                                                 7/15 - 7/19     316653D - 9a-12p          316655D - 9a-12p             316657D - 9a-12p                      fear factor
         Fee: $65.00 Resident / $75.00 Regular
                                                                                                                                                                316654D - 1:15p - 4:15p   316656D - 1:15p - 4:15p      316658D - 1:15p - 4:15p
              (Returning Player w/uniform)                              MARTIAL ARTS (Ages 5-15)
              $100.00 Resident / $110.00 Regular (New Player)           Classes will emphasize self-discipline, focus, awareness of one’s       7/22 - 7/26     316653E - 9a-12p          316655E - 9a-12p             316657E - 9a-12p                 inventors workshop
BEGINNER SOCCER (Ages 4-5)                                              environment, along with studying basic movements and the                                316654E - 1:15p - 4:15p   316656E - 1:15p - 4:15p      316658E - 1:15p - 4:15p
An introduction to the sport of soccer for boys and girls. Your         theory of defending oneself. Instructor: Master Kirk Rehn
child will learn basic soccer techniques while improving their                  Location: Community Center                                      7/29 - 8/2      316653F - 9a-12p          316655F - 9a-12p             316657F - 9a-12p                     wizards week
                                                                                                                                                                316654F - 1:15p - 4:15p   316656F - 1:15p - 4:15p      316658F 1:15p - 4:15p
social skills, their ability to follow directions, and their teamwork
skills. Must wear shin guards.                                          SPRING
          Location: Civic Center Park Multi-Sport Athletic Field                 Fee: $40.00 Resident / $50.00 Regular (10 sessions)          before & after care                                             lunch buddies
          Date: Tuesdays, 4/30/19 – 6/4/19                                                                                                    The Before & After Care program is offered to families          This program is offered to families who need supervision
                                                                                 Level: Intermediate - orange/blue belt
          Time: 6:00PM - 6:45PM #213340                                                                                                       who need supervision before and after camp. The hours           during the lunch hour before afternoon camp starts. Lunch
                                                                                 Date: Wednesdays, 4/3/19 – 6/5/19
          Fee: $39.00 Resident / $49.00 Regular (6 sessions)                                                                                  for the Before Care are 7:30AM-9:00AM, and After                Buddies will run from 12:00PM-1:00PM, please bring a
                                                                                 Time: 6:15PM – 7:05PM #213251A
                                                                                                                                              Care, 4:30PM-6:00PM. Families must register prior to            non-refrigerated nut-free lunch. Families must register
GYMNASTICS (Ages 4-5)                                                                                                                         using this service.                                             prior to using this service.
Enjoy a fun beginner gymnastic class with little or no experience                Level: Advanced – red/purple/green belt
necessary. Experience 4 events as well as the trampoline, foam                   Date: Wednesdays, 4/3/19 – 6/5/19                               dates          before - $32/week               after - $32/week                   lunch buddies - $20/week
pits, and rock wall. Parent viewing area available.                              Time: 7:15PM – 8:05PM #213251B
         Location: Gymnastics Training Center;                                                                                                  6/24 - 6/28          316659A, 7:30-9a              316660A, 4:30-6p                              316661A, 12-1p
		                   1813 Northfield Dr., Rochester Hills                        Level: Beginner – white belt                                     7/1 - 7/3       316659B, 7:30-9a($20)         316660B, 4:30-6p ($20)                         316661B, 12-1p ($12)
         Date: Mondays, 4/1/19 – 4/29/19                                         Date: Saturdays, 3/30/19 – 6/8/19 (No 4/20)                     7/8 - 7/12          316659C, 7:30-9a              316660C, 4:30-6p                              316661C, 12-1p
         Time: 6:30PM – 7:15PM #213451                                           Time: 10:30AM – 11:15AM #213251C                                7/15 - 7/19         316659D, 7:30-9a              316660D, 4:30-6p                              316661D, 12-1p
         Fee: $44.00 Resident / $54.00 Regular (5 sessions)
                                                                                                                                                7/22 - 7/26          316659E, 7:30-9a              316660E, 4:30-6p                              316661E, 12-1p
                                                                                 Level: Advanced Beginner – yellow belt or higher
TENNIS (Ages 5-17)                                                                                                                               7/29 - 8/2          316659F, 7:30-9a               316660F, 4:30-6p                             316661F, 12-1p
                                                                                 Date: Saturdays, 3/30/19 – 6/8/19 (No 4/20)
Our program teaches tennis as a fun sport in a positive atmo-
sphere using exciting games and activities. Young players learn
                                                                                 Time: 11:30AM – 12:15PM #213251D
                                                                                                                                              cub camp (ages 4-5)
the rules of tennis and strategy from our instructor.
                                                                        SUMMER                                                                This program helps prepare children for the upcoming school year by involving them in group activities including
         Location: Civic Center Park Tennis Courts
                                                                                 Fee: $36.00 Resident / $45.00 Regular (9 sessions)
                                                                                                                                              cooperative games, physical fitness, arts & craft projects, sports, snack time and more! Camp is held outdoors in
         Fee: $36 Resident / Regular $46 (6 sessions)                                                                                         Civic Center Park and indoors at the Community Center. Children should bring a nut-free snack with them
                                                                                                                                              (non-refrigerated) and dress appropriately for the weather. Must be potty-trained.
                                                                                 Level: Intermediate - orange/blue belt
  Date: Tuesdays, 7/9/19 – 8/20/19 (No 8/6)
                                                                                 Date: Wednesdays, 6/12/19 – 8/14/19 (No 7/3)
  Divisions: Ages 5-8, 4:15PM – 4:55PM #313350A                                                                                               Date: 8/5 - 8/9 - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM           Date: 8/12 - 8/16 - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
                                                                                 Time: 6:15PM – 7:05PM #313251A
		           Ages 9-12, 5:00PM – 5:50PM #313350B                                                                                              Resident: $20 Regular: $60 #316670A            Resident: $20 Regular: $60 #316670B
		           Ages 13-17, 6:00PM – 6:50PM #313350C
Level: Advanced – red/purple/green belt                   CREATE YOUR OWN - PEN                                                 ATHLETICS                                                              FITNESS
         Date: Wednesdays, 6/12/18 – 8/14/19 (No 7/3)              Looking for a fun and rewarding introductory wood turning
         Time: 7:15PM – 8:05PM #313251B                            experience? By the end of the class you’ll have a nice handmade       CO-REC SOFTBALL LEAGUE                                                 BARRE TOTAL BODY WORKOUT
                                                                   pen that’s ready to use or share as a gift. No Prerequisites need-    Teams play early weeknight games during the 14 game season.            With low weights and high reps, this class will sculpt your arms,
         Level: Beginner – white belt                              ed. Instructor: Michael Evans                                         Top four teams advance to the playoff round. Team fee includes:        thighs, abs and glutes. Please bring mat. Conducted by Fitness
         Date: Saturdays, 6/15/19 – 8/17/19 (No 7/20)                                                                                    game balls, playoff officials, sponsor trophies & custom t-shirts      Rx Instructor, Carrie Scoville.
         Time: 10:30AM – 11:15AM #313251C                                  Location: Community Center Craft/Woodshop                     for league and playoff champions. Call to receive packet/regis-                 Location: Community Center Studio
                                                                           Time: 5:30PM – 8:30PM                                         tration information.                                                            Drop In: $10.00
         Level: Advanced Beginner – yellow belt or higher                  Fee: $10.00 Resident / $15.00 Regular                                  Location: Civic Center Park Ball Diamond
         Date: Saturdays, 6/15/19 – 8/17/19 (No 7/20)                      Date: Thursday, 5/16/19 #223512A                                       Schedule: Tuesday or Thursday games                                   Date: Mondays, 4/1/19 – 6/24/19 (no 5/27)
         Time 11:30AM – 12:15PM #313251D                                   Date: Thursday, 6/20/19 #223512B                                       (6:00PM & 7:15PM), Starting May 7                                     Time: 5:45PM - 6:45PM #225100
                                                                           Date: Thursday, 7/18/19 #223512C                                       Team Fee: $488 (includes $48 refundable forfeit bond)                 Fee: $69.00 Resident / $79.00 Regular (12 sessions)
ADULT PROGRAMS                                                                                                                                               + additional fees: $15 per team, per game to
                                                                   CREATE YOUR OWN – ICE CREAM SCOOP                                     		                  umpire #222390                                             Date: Mondays, 7/1/19 – 8/26/19
MAKERS CLASSES                                                     Instructor Robin Bruening will walk you through all the steps to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Time: 5:45PM - 6:45PM #325100
                                                                   turn your own custom ice cream scoop using the lathe. By the          1st HOMERUN DERBY                                                              Fee: $30.00 Resident / $35.00 Regular (5 sessions)
OPEN STUDIO TIME                                                   end of the class you’ll have a nice handmade ice cream scoop          Do you have what it takes to be crowned the King or Queen of
Use our pottery wheel or tables to create with your own clay.      that’s ready to use or share as a gift. Prerequisite: Woodshop        the Diamond? Put your bat where your mouth is! Each batter             YOGA WITH LISA
Once your piece is complete you can have it fired by us on         Safety Certification                                                  must supply their own pitcher. Men’s and Women’s division for          Improve your strength and flexibility, alignment, balance, and
scheduled days.                                                             Location: Community Center Craft/Woodshop                    18+, 30+ and 50+                                                       self-confidence, as you decrease muscle tension and learn to re-
        Location: Community Center Craft/Woodshop                           Time: 6:00PM – 8:00PM                                                 Location: Civic Center Park Ball Diamond                      lax. All levels of experience are welcome. Wear loose, comfortable
        Fee: Free Resident / $5.00 Regular per visit                        Date: Thursday, 4/11/19 & 4/18/19 #225110A                            Date: Saturday 8/17/19                                        clothing and bring a yoga mat. Poses can be modified as needed.
        Note: No Open Studio during scheduled classes                             Thursday, 5/2/16 & 5/9/19 #225110B                              Time: 12:30 check in starts & 1:00PM first hitter             Certified Instructor: Lisa Calice.
SPRING                                                                            Thursday, 8/22/19 & 8/29/19 #325110                             Fee: $20 (includes t-shirt & prizes) #325131                  Location: Community Center Seyburn B
         Date: 4/1/19 – 5/31/19                                             Fee: $20.00 Resident / $24.00 Regular
         Time: Tuesdays, 8:30AM-8:00PM                                                                                                   TENNIS                                                                         Date: Mondays, 4/8/19 – 6/24/19 (No 5/27)
               Saturdays, 4:30PM-8:00PM                            WOODSHOP SAFETY CERTIFICATION                                         Our program teaches tennis as a fun sport in a positive atmo-                  Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM #225081
SUMMER                                                             Have you ever wanted to work with wood and learn how to use           sphere using exciting games and activities. Players learn the rules            Fee: $66.00 Resident / $79.00 Regular (11 sessions)
         Date: 6/1/19 – 8/31/19                                    a variety of power tools? Attend this training class and become       of tennis and strategy.                                                        Drop In $10.00
         Time: Tuesdays, 5:00PM - 8:00PM                           certified to use our woodshop. You will get trained on all of the              Location: Civic Center Park Courts
               Saturdays, 4:30PM – 8:00PM                          equipment in our woodshop. Class includes safety certification so              Fee: $36.00 Resident / $46.00 Regular (6 sessions)                    Date: Mondays, 7/8/19 – 8/26/19
OPEN WOODSHOP                                                      you can come back and use the woodshop for your future                         Date: Tuesdays, 7/9/19- 8/20/19 (No 8/6)                              Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM #325080
The Woodshop will be open for your small repairs and projects.     projects. Limited to 5 students.                                               Divisions: Beginner/Intermediate, 7:00PM–7:55PM 		                    Fee: $48.00 Resident / $58.00 Regular (8 sessions)
We have a variety of tools and supplies that you can use to com-            Location: Community Center Craft/Woodshop                    		                  #323400A                                                   Drop In $10.00
plete your projects. Prerequisite: Woodshop Safety Certification            Time: 6:00PM – 8:00PM                                        		                  Adult Advanced, 8:00PM-8:55PM #323400B
        Location: Community Center Craft/Woodshop                  Date: 		          Thursday 4/14/19 #222391A                                                                                                  RELAX & RESTORE YOGA
        Fee: Free Resident / $10.00 Regular per visit              Date: 		          Thursday 5/23/19 #222391B                           MARTIAL ARTS (Ages 14+)                                                This class will focus on breathing and gentle yoga practice
        Note: No Open Woodshop during scheduled classes            Fee:              $5.00 Resident / $10.00 Regular                     Tang Soo Do style classes will emphasize self-discipline, focus,       designed to help you relax tight and tense muscles, and restore
                                                                                                                                         physical fitness along with basic movements and self-defense.          your mind, body and spirit. Great choice for beginning or inter-
SPRING                                                             SPINNERS FROLIC                                                       Please wear loose-fitting athletic clothing. Instructor: Master Kirk   mediate students. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a
         Date: 4/1/19 – 5/31/189                                   Do you have an interest in learning to spin fluff into useable yarn   Rehn.                                                                  yoga mat.
         Time: Thursdays, Fridays 8:30AM-8:00PM                    for needlework or weaving projects? Spinners Frolic is a group                 Location: Community Center Studio                             Certified Instructor: Lisa Calice.
               Saturdays, 10:30AM-4:00PM                           of passionate fiber artists that love teaching and learning the                Fee: $45.00 Resident / $55.00 Regular (10 sessions)                    Location: Community Center Seyburn B
                                                                   ancient art of spinning. No experience needed. No equipment
SUMMER                                                             needed. A light dinner is provided but bring your own non-alco-                Date: Thursdays, 4/4/19 – 6/6/19                                Date: Tuesdays, 4/9/19 – 6/25/19 (No 5/28)
         Date: 6/1/19 – 8/31/19                                    holic beverage.                                                                Time: 6:25PM - 7:25PM #225080                                   Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM #225082
         Time: Thursdays, Fridays, 5:00PM-8:00PM                            Location: Community Center Wesson Room                                                                                                Fee: $66.00 Resident / $79.00 Regular (11 sessions)
               Saturdays, 10:30AM – 4:00PM                                  Date: 2nd Thursday of the month                                       Date: Thursdays, 6/13/19 – 8/29/19                            		         Drop In $10.00
                                                                            Time: 6:00PM – 9:00PM                                                 Time: 6:25PM - 7:25PM #323480
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Date: Tuesdays, 7/9/19 – 8/27/19 (No 8/6)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM #325082
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fee: $42.00 Resident / $51.00 Regular (7sessions)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                		         Drop In $10.00

                                                                                @ahparks                  @ahparksandrec                                                                                                     RECREATION · PAGE 23
YOGA FOR A CAUSE – BOOK DRIVE                                        POUND® ROCKOUT. WORKOUT.
This class is a free introduction designed to help you relax your    Transform drumming into an effective way of working out. You                                                                                      june 28                          august 2
tight and tense muscles, and restore your mind, body and spirit.     become the music in this fitness class designed for all levels.                                                                                   steve king                       kroon &
Weather permitting, this class takes place outside! Great choice     Conducted by certified instructor Candace Hayden.                                                                                                 & the dittlies                   the d’scendants
for students looking to try out yoga. Please bring one or more               Location: Community Center Studio
new or gently used children’s books to donate if you are able and            Drop In: $10.00                                                                                                                           july 12                          august 9
willing. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a yoga mat.              Fee: $36.00 Resident / $46.00 Regular (6 sessions)                                                                                        cancel monday                    sun messengers
Certified Instructor: Lisa Calice.
          Location: Community Center Back Patio/Seyburn B                    Date: Fridays, 4/5/19- 5/10/19                                                                                                            july 19                          august 16
          Date: Monday, 7/1/19                                               Time: 6:30PM – 7:30PM #223660                                                                                                             toppermost beatles               the classics
          Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM #225081B
          Fee: FREE – Donation of books for grades                           Date: Fridays 5/24/19 – 6/28/19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       july 26                          august 23
                K-6 encouraged                                               Time: 6:30PM – 7:30PM #313580A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       detrot rock city                 collision 6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       kiss tribute
CORE & TONING                                                                Date: Fridays, 7/12/19 – 8/23/19 (No 8/16)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             fridays 7:00-8:30 pm
An intense workout for your midsection, this class focuses on
toning and strengthening the body’s core abdominal and back
                                                                             Time: 6:30PM – 7:30PM #313580B
                                                                                                                                              FRIDAY NIGHTS                                                                                  riverside amphitheater
muscles. Mat required for class. Conducted by Fitness Rx             FAMILY & ALL AGES/VARIETY
                                                                                                                                               DOWNTOWN                                                                                      downtown auburn hills

Instructor, Carrie Scoville.

                                                                                                                                                MUSIC SERIES
        Location: Community Center Studio                            CROSS TRAINING WITH FOREVER FIT (Ages 13+)                                                                                                                                          sponsored by
        Drop In: $10.00                                              Ready to spice up your workout routine? Cross training involves
                                                                     a set of exercises that mixes cardio, aerobic, strength training,
         Date: Tuesdays, 4/19/19 – 6/25/19 (No 5/29)                 and flexibility for a total body workout. Class includes certified
         Time: 5:45PM - 6:45PM #225130                               instructor and live DJ each week!
         Fee: $69.00 Resident / $79.00 Regular (12 sessions)                  Location: Community Center Back Patio/Gym
                                                                              Fee: $45 Resident / $50 Regular (8 sessions)
         Date: Tuesdays, 7/2/19 – 7/30/19                                           Drop In $10.00
         Time: 5:45PM - 6:45PM #325110
         Fee: $30.00 Resident / $35.00 Regular (5 sessions)                  Date: Saturday, 4/6/19 – 6/1/19 (No 4/20)
                                                                             Time: 10:15AM – 11:15AM #334740A
ZUMBA FITNESS                                                                                                                             FITNESS ROOM                                                         SUMMER
Using Latin inspired rhythms and up tempo, catchy beats, this                Date: Saturday, 6/8/19 – 7/27/19 (No 8/31)                   Auburn Hills residents can work out in the fitness room for                  Date: 6/1/19 – 8/31/19
fitness class will have you wanting more! The routines feature               Time: 10:15AM – 11:15AM #334740B                             free! Hours of operation are Monday- Friday, 8AM- 8:30PM and                 Time: Saturdays, 2:00PM - 6:00PM
interval training sessions with fast and slow rhythms, along with                                                                         Saturday, 10AM- 8:30PM. The Fitness Room includes treadmills,
resistance training that will tone and sculpt your body. Certified           Date: Saturday, 8/3/19 – 8/24/19                             elliptical machines, a multi-station strength machine, stationary
Instructor: Candace Hayden                                                   Time: 10:15AM – 11:15AM #334740C
                                                                             Fee: $23 Resident/ $25 Regular (4 sessions)
                                                                                                                                          bike and more. Showers and lockers are available-please bring        PICKLEBALL
         Location: Community Center Studio                                                                                                your own lock. Children 12 and under are not allowed in the
         Drop In: $10.00                                                                                                                  Fitness Room. 13- 17 year olds must be signed up for the Teen        SPRING – 4/1/19 – 6/23/19
SPRING                                                               JAPANESE SWORDSMANSHIP (Ages 14+)                                    Fitness Program to participate. Corporate Fitness Card available     Three indoor courts available for play. Players must sign in at the
         Fee: $36.00 Resident / $46.00 Regular (6 sessions)          Learn traditional Toyama Ryu Iaido swordsmanship taught              for those who work in Auburn Hills for $100 annually.                front desk before entering the gym. Regular gym fees apply.
         Date: Tuesdays, 4/2/19 – 5/7/19                             by Rick Brady Sensei. Classes focus on martial arts principles,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bring your own equipment or use ours.
         Time: 7:30PM - 8:30PM #213050A                              self-discipline, balance and control.                                GYMNASIUM ACTIVITIES                                                 Time: Wednesday nights, see the gym schedule online or at the
                                                                              Location: Community Center Studio                           Stop by the Community Center to participate in the following         Community Center for details
         Date: Wednesdays, 4/3/19 – 5/8/19                                    Fee: $52.00 Resident / $65.00 Regular (10 sessions)         gym activities: Court Games (badminton, basketball, volleyball),
         Time: 7:30PM - 8:30PM #213050B                                                                                                   Pickleball 55+, Pickleball 16+, Open Walking, and Basketball.
                                                                             Date: Thursdays, 4/4/19 – 6/6/19                             Schedules are available online and at the Community Center. The      SUMMER – 6/24/19 – 8/31/19
SUMMER                                                                       Time: 7:30PM-8:30PM #223500                                  cost is free to residents and $5 per non-resident guest. 2 guest     Three outdoor courts available for free play. Bring your own
         Fee: $36.00 Resident / $46.00 Regular (6 sessions)                                                                               limit per resident, per visit for basketball. Check in required at   equipment or borrow ours by signing it out at the front desk. All
         Date: Tuesdays, 5/14/19 – 6/25/19                                   Date: Thursdays, 6/13/19 – 8/15/19                           the front desk.                                                      courts are closed for walk-in use during City events or lessons
         Time: 7:30PM - 8:30PM #313050A                                      Time: 7:30PM-8:30PM #314016                                                                                                       .
                                                                                                                                          PING PONG
         Date: Wednesdays, 5/15/19 – 6/26/19                                                                                              Stop by the front desk to sign in and sign out the equipment.
         Time: 7:30PM - 8:30PM #313050B                                                                                                           Fee: FREE Resident / $5 Regular

         Date: Tuesdays, 7/9/19 - 8/20/19 (No 8/6)                                                                                        SPRING
         Time: 7:30PM - 8:30PM #313050C                                                                                                            Date: 4/1/189– 5/31/19
                                                                                                                                                   Time: Thursdays, 8:30AM - 4:00PM
         Fee: $42.00 Resident / $53.00 Regular (7 sessions)                                                                                              Fridays, 2:00PM - 5:30PM
         Date: Wednesdays, 7/10/19 – 8/21/19                                                                                                             Saturdays, 2:00PM - 6:00PM
         Time: 7:30PM - 8:30PM #313050D
Learn valuable life-saving skills that you could use to help a friend   OUTDOOR EDUCATION & NATURE PROGRAMS
or family member by taking a CPR or First Aid course taught by                                                                                                                      n at i o n a l n i g h t o u t ag a i n s t c r i m e
an instructor from the Auburn Hills Fire Department. Courses            AT COMMUNITY CENTER                                                                                         au g u st 6, 2 01 9 | 6 - 8 p m | au b u rn h i l l s c o m m u n i t y c e n t e r
are three hours in length and include American Heart Association

                                                                                                                                                                                    mental health awareness
certification card. Limited to 10 participants/must have mini-          OFF ROAD VEHICLE SAFETY
mum of 5 to run class.                                                  Open to persons of all ages, but is required for students 12-16
         Location: Auburn Hills Public Safety                           who wish to operate an ORV (ATV, UTV, Motorcycle or related
         Dates: Saturday, 4/6/19 – Basic First Aid #233280              2-wheel, 3-wheel, or 4-wheel). This course is designed to teach
                Saturday, 5/4/19 – Adult/Child CPR #233260              you how to be a safe and responsible ORV operator and covers
                Saturday, 6/1/19 – Basic First Aid #333280              the latest laws. To earn your certificate, you must attend the full 7
                Saturday, 8/3/19 – Adult/Child CPR #333260              hours of instruction and pass a written state exam. Students ages
                                                                        8-10 must be accompanied by an adult.
        Time: 9:00AM – 12:00PM                                                   Location: Community Center Wesson Room
        Fee: $25.00 Resident / $40.00 Regular                                    Dates: Tuesday 5/21/19 & Thursday 5/23/19 #134007
                                                                                 Time: 5:30PM – 9:00PM
JUMPSTART UKULELE                                                                Fee: $12.00 Resident / $17.00 Regular
Do you dream of sitting on the beach, playing your ukulele,
during our long Michigan winter? We can help with that. Jump-
start Ukulele is an 8-week class that gets you playing, right away,     BOATERS SAFETY COURSE
on a beach bum’s budget. Includes music book.                           Open to persons of all ages. This course is designed to teach you
        Location: Community Center Wesson Room                          how to be a safe and responsible boater. Course covers basic
        Fee: $170.00 Resident / $190.00 Regular                         fundamentals: boat maintenance, personal watercraft and boat
               (Ukulele included)                                       operation, legal requirements of boating, personal preparedness
               $120.00 Resident / $140.00 Regular                       & survival skills. To earn your Safety Certificate, students must
               (Provide your own ukulele)                               attend 7 hours of instruction and pass a written state exam.
        Time: 6:00PM-7:00PM                                             Persons at least 16 years of age born on or after December 31,
        Date Mondays, 5/6/19 – 7/1/19 #214017A (8 sessions)             1978 are required to have this certification card in their posses-
        Date: Mondays, 7/8/19 – 8/26/19 #314017B (8 sessions)           sion while operating a PWC on Michigan Waterways.                       EARTH DAY                                                             BUTTERFLIES RETURN
                                                                                 Location: Community Center Wesson Room                         Earth Day is April 22, 2019! Join us in caring for the Earth though   Let’s try our hand at catching a butterfly while on a walk. Nets are
KIDS’ MUSICROUND                                                                 Dates: Tuesday 6/18/19 #223502                                 volunteers with park and trail clean up from 6pm-8pm.                 provided for this activity.
A singing, laughing, giggling, jiggling, clapping, dancing, bounc-               Time: 9:00A – 4:00PM                                           Participants will receive a tree sapling to take home to plant                  Location: Hawk Woods Picnic Pavilion
ing, fun-filled, award-winning music and movement experience                     Fee: $18.00 Resident / $20.00 Regular                          and a re-useable grocery bag while supplies last.                               Date: Saturday, 6/29/19
for infants and children to age five! This young age is when                                                                                                                                                                    Time: 10:00AM – 12:00PM #314012
your child’s innate music potential is actively developing. With        BOY SCOUTS MERIT BADGES – SINGLE SESSIONS                               WORLD MIGRATORY BIRD DAY                                                        Fee: Free
the KMR children’s music program, parents can help bring out            Mr. Mike is continuing our Boy Scout merit badge sessions.
                                                                                                                                                We will celebrate this special day with guided walks and bird
a child’s natural curiosity about music in a playful, encouraging       Sessions meet on Wednesday evenings or Saturday mornings                                                                                      ALL ABOUT CRAYFISH
                                                                                                                                                migration simulations during this all ages activity. A display of
class environment. Parent, guardian, or caretaker is required to        through the season, check online for the full listing. Scouts should                                                                          Explore the pond and check the pre-set crayfish traps. You may
                                                                                                                                                our collection of beautiful Michigan song birds, donated to Hawk
stay but there is no charge for you.                                    bring Blue Cards and Worksheets, and are encouraged to begin                                                                                  get a little wet and muddy during this nature exploration.
                                                                                                                                                Woods, is available to view as well.
Location: Community Center Studio                                       with the merit badge booklet or online readings.                                                                                                        Location: Hawk Woods Picnic Pavilion
                                                                                                                                                         Location: Hawk Woods Picnic Pavilion
          Fee: $175 per first student in family #214008A                        Location: Community Center Carriage Room                                                                                                        Date: Saturday, 7/13/19
                                                                                                                                                         Date: Saturday, 5/11/19
               $90 each additional student #214008B                             Date: Varies, please check the website                                                                                                          Time: 10:00AM – 12:00PM #314017
                                                                                                                                                         Time: 10:00AM – 12:00PM #214012
               Free under 12 months#214008C                                     Time: Varies, please check the website #314171                                                                                                  Fee: Free
                                                                                                                                                         Fee: Free
          Date: Thursdays 4/4/19 – 6/6/19 (10 sessions)                         Fee: $5 Resident / $8 Regular
          Time: 10:00AM-10:45AM                                                                                                                 FAMILY CAMPING – OUTDOOR COOKING                                      ROCKS AND MINERALS
                                                                                                                                                Learn how to do Dutch oven cooking over the camp fire! Limited        Michigan is a great place to begin a rock and mineral collection.
                                                                        AT HAWK WOODS NATURE CENTER                                             cabins are available to rent to make a night of it for your fami-     Materials are provided to start your collection including a special
                                                                                                                                                ly. Five cabins sleep 6 and one sleeps 10. Renting a cabin is not     box to store them.
                                                                        CAMPING AT HAWK WOODS                                                   required to come learn how to cook on the campfire.                            Location: Hawk Woods Picnic Pavilion
                                                                        Now is the time to plan your camping trip at Hawk Woods! Enjoy                                                                                         Date: Saturday, 8/10/19
                                                                                                                                                          Location: Hawk Woods Campground Fire Pit
                                                                        six beautiful log cabins with overnight accommodations for 40                                                                                          Time: 10:00AM – 12:00PM #314018
                                                                                                                                                          Date: Saturday, 5/11/19
                                                                        guests. Nothing can beat a peaceful walk in the woods or a time                                                                                        Fee: Free
                                                                                                                                                          Time: 4:00PM – 6:00PM #214010
                                                                        resting by the pond on an evening sunset. Campfires late into the
                                                                                                                                                          Fee: $10 Resident / $15 Regular
                                                                        starlit night bring lifelong memories. Call today for availability.
                                                                        Cabins that Sleep 6 per night - $40 Resident / $50 Regular
                                                                        Cabin that sleeps 10 per night - $60 Resident / $80 Regular
                                                                        Deposit - $50
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