In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - 'In Knowledge there is Opportunity'

Page created by Timothy Obrien
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - 'In Knowledge there is Opportunity'
‘In Knowledge there
                                                                                         is Opportunity’

                                                                                          February 2021, Issue 2

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT                                            undertake studies in VCE PE and VET Sport and
I thought I would let you know about some important           Recreation.
things that are happening at Phoenix this year….              COVID-19 restrictions:
                                                              I think it would be fair to say that we are all adjusting to
#1. Tutor Program:
                                                              this new ‘COVID Normal World’. I am proud of the way
As a response to COVID-19 there will be a range of
                                                              that our students and staff have adjusted to this short
Tutors working across our school. We are fortunate that
                                                              interval of Flexible and Remote Learning. I would like to
we already have most of our Tutors up and going. The
                                                              acknowledge our parents who play such a vital role in
goal is to ensure that no Phoenix student is left behind
                                                              helping us keep our community safe. We expect that
as a result of COVID-19. For our secondary students we
                                                              restrictions will continue to change across the year,
have had Tutors working in the Senior Study Centre for
                                                              especially until the vaccine is widely available. What we
the last three years. We know how valuable this
                                                              have learnt is that when we work together we can
resource is and we are excited to broaden that base of
                                                              achieve just about anything and our students are
tutoring across all of our year levels. To support the
                                                              remarkably resilient.
learning of our students we have again invested
                                                              Mrs Karen Snibson—Principal
significant funds to other forms of support for learning
through MYLNS (Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy
Strategy); also through our continuation of LLI (Levelled
Literacy Intervention) and the new reading project,
where Year 7 students will benefit from an additional
teacher in their classroom during reading lessons. We
respect the importance of ensuring that all of our
students have their literacy needs met and that all
students have a right to experience growth in their
reading outcomes.
# 2. Building Program:
You may have seen or heard in the media lately that we
                                                              Phoenix P-12 Community College senior girls will row in division five in 2021.
are about to commence another building program right          Picture: Adam Trafford at The Ballarat Courier
here at Phoenix. We are exceptionally proud to be
commencing the Indoor Sports Hub Project. This project
                                                              MIDDLE/SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT
consists of two indoor basketball courts, a weights room
                                                              I would like to welcome back all families to the 2021
and some meeting spaces with a total investment in the
                                                              school year but in particular those entering their final
College of $10.7 million. This project is unique in that it
                                                              year of secondary schooling. After a year like no other,
brings a community space to the College and will build
                                                              the message was clear from our graduating class of
on our existing partnership with Ballarat Basketball. We
                                                              2020. Take the opportunities that Phoenix presents and
expect that the project will be completed by the end of
                                                              be responsible for your own destiny. We could not be
this year ready for our students to use at the start of
                                                              prouder of our 2020 cohort and I would like to
2022. This asset will be an absolute bonus to all of our
                                                              congratulate students, teachers, parents and the
students, most especially those in the Phoenix Academy
                                                              community on the 2020 results both in VCE & VCAL.
of Sport, those in our rowing program and those who
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - 'In Knowledge there is Opportunity'
A very special Congratulations to Alicia Mroz on being       Edrolo, Mentors, Structured Workplace Learning,
the VCE Dux of Phoenix P-12 Community College with a         wellbeing, before school and lunch time classes, exam
score of 87.75 and also to Peace Aziawor on being the        seminars, homework clubs and extra-curricular activities.
                                                             Congratulations to senior students on your start to the
Both of these students have displayed the school values,
                                                             year; you have certainly displayed the school values
learning resilience and a dedication to work particularly
                                                             throughout the first few weeks and continue to build on
hard through their schooling.
                                                             your knowledge and learning.
As I have already mentioned and as everyone knows            Mr Grant Luscombe—Assistant Principal
what a difficult year it was for Year 12 students in
particular, however the College witnessed outstanding        VCAL/VET REPORT
outcomes in both VCE and VCAL. The school saw an             We are off to a flying start in VCAL and are looking
increase in the average ATAR, average study score and        forward to a great 2021! Some exciting things that have
average English study score. There were also a number        been happening in the first few weeks include:
of students receive a 40 or higher study score in a
                                                             Industry visits
particular subject and an increase in the amount of
                                                             Students from both Years 11 and 12 took part in industry
students receiving ATAR scores in the 60s, 70s and in
                                                             visits over the last fortnight to explore OHS in the
particular 80s. These amazing results saw 99% of VCE
                                                             workplace and gain a deeper understanding of how
students who sat scored VCE receive a first or second
                                                             businesses across industries manage risk daily. This was a
round into tertiary education. VCAL has also seen
                                                             practical assessment for our students, who completed a
tremendous growth in the percentage of students
                                                             risk assessment from their tours. We would like to thank
gaining full time apprenticeships, traineeships, full time   Sovereign Hill, Avalon Nursery and Iron Oak gym for offering
work and further education opportunities. There has          this great experience to our students!
also been a huge increase in the amount of students
                                                             Senior Mock Interviews
completing the Senior VCAL Certificate. Taking the year
                                                             Last week our Year 12 students sat their mock interviews
that we have had into consideration, these results are
                                                             with local employment agencies activing as panel
amazing and a reflection of the dedication, passion and
                                                             members to give students an authentic experience to
hard work that the Phoenix Staff, Students and
                                                             prepare and apply for an employment opportunity.
Community have displayed.
                                                             Students prepared resumes and cover letters for their
2021 students, it is important to get into the learning      dream job post school, dressed to impress and blew our
habits that will set you up for success. Business and        community members away! We would like to thank The
University leaders have told us that students who take       Smith Family, WDEA Works, HeadStart and our Phoenix staff
responsibility for their success are most attractive to      for their support running these panel interviews!
their organisation. Simple things such as turning up on
                                                             VCAL Café—The incredible Mr Tim Blee, our VET Building
time with the correct equipment and ready to work goes
                                                             and Construction teacher, along with some of our 3rd
a long way. As a guide, VCE students should complete at
                                                             year VET students have worked tirelessly to complete
least 3 hours of homework and 1 hour of study, (revision
                                                             the revamp on our VCAL Café. We are excited to begin
e.g. summary notes, cue cards, practice test questions),
                                                             preparing for the Café opening in Term 2. Keep your eyes
for each subject per week. It is essential that students
create positive homework and study habits.
These include:                                               VET—By now all VET students should be settled into
      Removing all distractions e.g. mobile phones/TVs.     their VET classes. Please read through the quick
      Studying in chunks of 25 minutes with set goals.      reminders: VET is adult education at school and it is
      A weekly study timetable (Chris Sheehan – Study       important that you work hard in both the practical and
       Centre Manager can assist students with this).        theory components. VET has a mandated number of
                                                             attendance hours – be in class! Students completing
The clear message for Year 11 and 12 students is to take
                                                             their VET offsite need to ensure they are signing out at
advantage of the opportunities you have at Phoenix no
                                                             the General Office at the approved time. VET is a whole
matter the circumstance. Opportunities such as Tutors,
                                                             year commitment; you cannot change subjects mid-year.
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - 'In Knowledge there is Opportunity'
COVID-19 TRACKING                                                 Make sure you read the Newsletter each
When you visit the College at any time please bring your          month to keep you informed about what is
mobile phone and register with QR Tracking code in the foyer.     going on at the College. The Newsletter can
If you do not have a mobile phone please register manually.       be found on COMPASS and Website.
                                                                  Hardcopies are available in the College
                                                                  Foyer if you require one.
                                                                  YOUR CONTACT DETAILS: ARE YOU UP TO DATE?
COMPASS is vital for communication with the College and
                                                                  Please ensure we have accurate family contact details for your
keeping abreast of what is happening. It is our primary
                                                                  family, in particular telephone, address and email address as
communication channel so please make sure you are
                                                                  we use these details for contacting you. Please contact the
connected. All families should have information about
                                                                  General Office or update your information on COMPASS if you
COMPASS and their family login details. If you cannot access
                                                                  have any changes to your family contacts, emergency
or login to your COMPASS account, please contact the
                                                                  contacts, email, employment or family guardianship details.
General Office and the staff will be able to assist you.
                                                                  We need to have current data to make sure we can contact
                                                                  you if required. The family accounts are emailed out to
                                                                  families, along with other vital information regarding the
                                                                  education of your child(ren).
                                                                                 ENROLMENT INFORMATION
                                                                                 Some families have still not delivered their
                                                                                 outstanding enrolment documents such as
                                                                                 birth certificates, immunisation or other
                                                                                 documentation to the College. Please ensure
If you have an urgent message for your child, please call the
                                                                                 you get it to the General Office ASAP.
General Office telephone number 5329 3293 – Option 1 for
the Sebastopol Campus and Option 2 for the Redan Campus.
The Absence Hotline is for Absences only and your message         THE FINANCIALS—INVOICES:
may not be picked up in time.                                     Families will have received various invoices already for the
                                                                  Educational Costs – including the senior classes elective costs
                                                                  for 2021. Each time there is a cost (including excursions or
If students are unwell, they need to be at home where you can
                                                                  other activities) added to the family account an invoice will be
care for them. Please do not send your child to school if they
                                                                  sent for payment. Statements will be distributed regularly but
are unwell. If your child is unwell at school you may receive a
                                                                  please contact the General Office if you need an updated
call from the Sick Bay staff requesting you pick your child up
                                                                  statement any time. Payment is appreciated as soon as a
from the General Office. Parents are required to come into the
                                                                  possible and remember you can pay instalments.
General Office Foyer to collect and sign out their child.
                                                                  SET UP REGULAR PAYMENTS NOW
                                                                  Many families have already set up payment plans and started
If you have appointments or other reason for collecting your
                                                                  paying off their Educational Costs for 2021 – thank you. We
child during the school day, please make sure you send a note
                                                                  are happy to receive regular weekly or fortnightly deposits
or contact the school to make arrangements. Parents are
                                                                  into your family accounts. Cash, EFTPOS, Centrepay or BPAY
asked to come into the General Office Foyer to collect and sign
                                                                  are welcome. If you need to have a chat about a plan please
out their students. If students are not signed out, their
                                                                  pop into the General Office and see Lorraine.
absence from class will generate unexplained absences.
                                                                  SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING
                                                                  The next meeting of 2021 will be held in the Conference Room
Students are expected to be at school every day. If your child
                                                                  Monday 22nd February on the Sebastopol Campus. The Annual
is marked as absent and we have no notification you will
                                                                  General Meeting of Council will be held on Monday March
receive an SMS message to the nominated mobile telephone
                                                                  29th, 6pm, and the General Meeting Monday March 29th,
at 11am. Please contact the College to verify your child’s
                                                                  7pm, 2021. Council Election information will posted next
                                                                  week - schedule for election is included in this Newsletter.
                                                                  Qkr! OUR NEW CANTEEN APP
                                                                  The instruction of the Qkr! App for ordering and paying for
                                                                  Canteen lunches has been a great success. If your family is a
                                                                  regular user of the Canteen, this is a great way to organise
                                                                  lunches. Download the Qkr! App on your mobile phone and
                                                                  follow the prompts. There is a ‘How To Chart’ posted at the
                                                                  back of the Newsletter. If you need help please do not
                                                                  hesitate to contact the General Office.
                                                                  Ms Lorraine Hayes—Business Manager
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - 'In Knowledge there is Opportunity'
We welcome all new and previous students to pop in to speak with
                                                                         Pauline and Sharron in the MIPS (Career’s Centre) located in the
                                                                         Library. We can assist you with Career Planning, Resumes, Cover
                                                                         Letters, applying for Jobs, Work Experience, School Based Appren-
                                                                         ticeships, full time Apprenticeships or Traineeships, University or
                                                                         TAFE planning and much more!!

                                                                         We encourage any students/parents to join the Phoenix College
                                                                         CAREERS Facebook page. This will assist students who may be seek-
                                                                         ing casual, part-time, full time employment or Apprenticeships. On
                                                                         a daily basis we are posting new job opportunities.

                                                                         In the MIPS Office we are currently following up our Year 12 students
                                                                         from 2020 to ensure positive destinations for all. We are very pleased
                                                                         to see so many of our VCE students getting their 1st or 2nd prefer-
                                                                         ences in the first round of University offers. It appears that all stu-
                                                                         dents who wanted to connect to University this year have now been
                                                                         able to do so. It is also very pleasing to see many of our Year 12, 2020
                                                                         VCAL students who are now connected to further education at TAFE,
                                                                         Apprenticeships and Traineeships and open employment in the Balla-
                                                                         rat region. We will continue to work with any post Year 12 students
                                                                         who are still seeking a positive outcome up until June this year. Year
                                                                         10 Work Experience planning is well underway and it is our hope that
                                                                         all students will be able to complete Work Experience in the last
                                                                         week of May and the first week of June. We encourage students to
                                                                         be speaking with parents and any family contacts in order to assist
                                                                         them source a suitable placement.

                                                                          There will be a small number of placements available through Bal-
                                                                         larat Health Services in the areas of Nursing, Speech Therapy, Podi-
                                                                         atry, Physiotherapy, Hospitality and Engineering. If your son or
                                                                         daughter is genuinely interested in any of these fields we would ask
                                                                         that they pop into the MIPS Office as soon as possible to collect an
                                                                         Expression of Interest form. These places will fill quickly!! We will
                                                                         go into more detail around the Work Experience process in the next
The BRAVE Program is an online program for the treatment of
anxiety in young people. It was developed by a team of researchers
from the University of Queensland, Griffith University and the
University of Southern Queensland and has been specifically
                                                                                                   Tax File Numbers
designed to teach young people the skills they need to reduce
                                                                         Any student will need at Tax File Number if he/she starts work (part-
anxiety and to cope with stressful situations.                           time and full-time) and all students planning on a tertiary education
The BRAVE Program is based on Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)                            require one when they start.
and has been running in Australia for over 13 years. Therapy
                                                                         Importantly, current Year 12 students are reminded that they will be
techniques used in this program include: relaxation training,             requested to provide their Tax File Number (TFN) on enrolment to
identification of emotions and thoughts, positive self-talk, coping       TAFE or University next year, so it is worthwhile getting an applica-
skills, problem solving and graded exposure.                                                     tion submitted early!

The BRAVE Program was converted into a self-directed therapy               Students must now apply for a TFN online and have their identity
program (BRAVE Self-Help), which is now freely available to all           verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office.
Australian young people, aged 8-17 years old and their parents. The       To apply and also to find out about participating Post Offices, visit
                                                                                                     Apply for a TFN
program is suitable for all types of anxiety. There are four different
programs available: One for children aged 8-12 years, one for
teenagers aged 12-17 years and one for parents of children and           Pauline and Sharron can be contacted via the Phoenix College num-
teenagers of these age groups, respectively.                             ber or by email

To learn more visit           

In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - 'In Knowledge there is Opportunity'
FREE Webinar with Bobbi Cook
                                     Topic: Siblings
                                     When: Thursday, 4th March
                                     Webinar at 8:00 pm (Melbourne
                                     Time): Siblings
                                     The needs of siblings of children with disabilities and
                                     additional needs often get overlooked. Not because we
                                     don’t care, but because the care needs of our target
                                     child are so great that our other children’s needs get
                                     overlooked. This can lead to mental health problems,
                                     jealousy, anxiety and a whole lot of other stuff.
                                     Find out how you can support your other children, so
                                     they don’t have be anxious about what their
‘Happy Chinese New Year/Tet/Spring   responsibilities are going forward. Bobbi will also talk
    Festival from Phoenix P-12’      about adult children and their responsibilities. She will
                                     share a range of different services available to support
  Some members of 8C1 with their     siblings.
   Chinese New Year classroom        We will also have a guest speaker joining us from Little
                                     Dreamers, to talk about what they offer.
                                     Please contact us to register.
                                     Also have a look at our website to
                                     view pervious recording of webinars plus other great
                                     resources. Next Webinar topic will be: So, it’s not
                                     working and School Refusal (30/3)
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - 'In Knowledge there is Opportunity'
For Families connected to The Smith Family
                                                                                 End of Year reports are due now
                                                                       Please could you upload your child’s Semester 2
                                                                         2020 End of Year report to My Smith Family
                                                                     (We do not get these reports automatically from school)
                                                                      If you are unsure of the process, please call the service
                                                                     line on 1800 280 223 or contact Karen on 0458 716 669

                                                                                         OMG YOU GUYS!
                                                                              PHOENIX COLLEGE STUDENTS TO PRESENT
                                                                                       LEGALLY BLONDE JR.


Could all parents/guardians please assist us in not
parking in the 7-Eleven car park or the Ballarat Health             The 2021 Phoenix P-12 Community College Production stu-
Services Dental Clinic Carpark for drop-off and pick-up.            dents will have Ballarat thinking pink when they present their
                                                                    2021 production - Legally Blonde JR. The fun and upbeat musi-
They have received multiple complaints from service
                                                                    cal follows the adventures of a sorority girl named Elle Woods
users unable to park in the car park when accessing                 – a Gemini with a double Capricorn moon – who tries to win
these locations. We have had reports from 7-Eleven that             her ex-boyfriend back by earning a Harvard law degree. Based
it is becoming extremely dangerous for children with                on the famous movie, the musical is full of catchy songs and
                                                                    quirky characters.
traffic at these times.
                                                                    Performances will be on the 17th, 18th and 19th of June. More
We ask again for your cooperation in not using this car             details on times and tickets over the coming months so make
                                                                    sure you save the date!!
park for the dropping off and picking up of students.

                                             Clubs and Program
                   This year we have an exciting range of new and old clubs and programs kicking off in Week 3.
     There will be limited numbers per program but opportunities will be there later in the year if you miss out in First Term.
                   To join all programs, please come to Bonshaw to sign up on the pin board in the open space.
                 *Street Art Mural program will require a small application filled out and submitted to Mr Layton.
        WHAT                 DURATION       WHEN                       WHERE                    WHO
        Street Art Mural     12 weeks       Thursday 3:30-5pm          Canteen                  Mr Beckers
        Boot Camp            6 weeks        Wed Lunchtime              Outside Bonshaw          Mr Layton
        Robotics             1 Term         Thurs Lunchtime            Z90                      Mr Nichols
        Chess Club           Weekly         Wed Lunchtime              LRC                      Mrs Giri
        Weights Gym          All year       Mon + Fri Lunchtime        Wellbeing Building       Mr Carter + Mr Layton
        Minecraft            Weekly         Mon Lunchtime              Albion Open Space        Mrs Joosten

                          *No need to sign up for Minecraft or Chess Club, simply show up each week.
  There will be more opportunities coming as the year progresses. Keep an eye out on the notice board in Bonshaw Open Space.
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - 'In Knowledge there is Opportunity'
How to Help Kids Feel Safe Again.
                                                                    ability, professional help may be needed. Consult with your GP
                                                                    if you have any concerns and feel like your child needs extra
Children need to feel safe. Feeling safe, stable and secure is      support. Together, we can help children find that sense of
central to wellbeing and can influence long-term social habits,     safety again and allow them to get back to doing what they do
occupational outcomes and mental/physical health. However,          best: being kids.
thanks to COVID-19, that sense of safety has been                   Kenneth Anthony Alfred Spedding
compromised and children have been left feeling anxious and         Mental Health Practitioner
confused. This loss of safety has been keenly seen at schools.      Educational and Developmental Psychology Registrar
                                                                    References: Bartlett, J. D., Griffin, J., & Thomson, D. 2020.
Students returning to school in 2021 after a year of remote         Resources for Supporting Children’s Emotional Wellbeing
learning are both excited and frightened. Schools have shifted      during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
their practice, some areas and play equipment are cordoned
off to ensure social distancing, X’s are painted on the ground,
posters and COVID-19 safety reminders are everywhere and
teachers are noticeably anxious about their own health and

The previous safe haven of school, full of life and learning, has
shifted and some students are left disorientated, confused and
a little lost. Here are some practical things that can be done at
home and within the classroom to help children find that             The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps eligible
sense of safety again.                                               families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and
        Understanding that children cope in different ways.         sporting activities. If you have a valid means-tested
Children respond differently to stressful events. Some become        concession card, such as a Veterans Affairs Gold Card,
clingy, some regress to toddler-like behaviours, some lose           Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card,
their appetite while others just need to eat constantly! New         or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible. There
and challenging behaviours are normal and an empathic,               is also a special consideration category for asylum seeker
patient approach is necessary.                                       and refugee families.
        Social distancing is not equal to social isolation.         Payment amounts this year are $125 for eligible primary
Social connectedness is important, especially in the time of         school students and $225 for eligible secondary school
social distancing. Get creative with approaches to staying           students. Payments are made direct to the school to use
connected (e.g. Pen-pal program, online video chats, socially        towards expenses relating to camps, excursions and
distanced games/ physical activity).                                 sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
       Speak a child’s language.                                    If you applied for CSEF through our school last year, you do
Provide children with age-appropriate information. Children’s        not need to complete an application form this year, unless
imaginations tend to fill in the gaps when they lack sufficient      there has been a change in your family circumstances.
information, but at the same time, providing unrestricted
                                                                     If you would like to apply for the first time, please contact
access to the news, media coverage, social media and adult
                                                                     the General Office on 03-5329 3293 and ask for an
conversations about the pandemic can be distressing. Provide
                                                                     application form.
opportunities for children to access books, websites and other
activities on COVID-19 that present information in child-            You can also download the form, and find out more about
friendly ways.                                                       the program and eligibility, on the Department of Education
       Keep ‘em busy!                                               and Training’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund web
Idle hands = worry and disruptive behaviours. Provide options        page. Check with the General Office if you are unsure, and
for safe activities (e.g. outside play, blocks, clay, art, music)    please return completed forms to the General Office as
and brainstorm other creative ideas with them!                       soon as possible.
       RRR – Reassure, routine and regulation.
Reassure children about their safety; keep those routines in
place to establish safety and predictability, and teach/provide
more opportunities for children to regulate from high levels of
stress. Know when to call for extra support.
Emotional and behavioural changes are expected. However, if                          Helpful Parent Information
these changes are persistent, distressing and don’t seem to go
away after you’ve supported the child to the best of your
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - 'In Knowledge there is Opportunity'
Doctor in School Program
  Dr Kathryn Oliver and a practice nurse are on site every
 Wednesday morning. Dr Oliver is available for all general
health needs. These sessions are bulk billed, that means no
 expense to you. All that is required is a current Medicare
   card. Please contact Lorraine Firth, School Nurse for

      Let’s all be SunSmart

                ASTHMA SEASON
If your child is diagnosed with
Asthma, please make sure they
have a current puffer and Action
Plan from their Doctor. Asthma
medication is allowed to be carried
on the student throughout the day.

      Year 7 immunisations will be
       Wednesday 24th February.
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - 'In Knowledge there is Opportunity'
Leadership @ Phoenix                                       New Canteen ordering app—Download it now!
                                                                   *Please ensure you select the correct campus menu and home group
A warm welcome to all new and returning students and
families. I am excited for a great year of student leadership. I                          for your student.
                                                                                Prep– Year 6— Redan Campus Menu.
would like to extend again congratulations to our fantastic
                                                                                Lunch orders Tuesday and Friday Only.
2021 Student Leadership team comprising:

  College Captains: Tahlia Watts and Brody Benson
  College Vice-Captains: Bethany Somers and Rohan Stewart
  Picton Captains: Iesha Foxhumber and Ashlee Collins
  Bonshaw Captains: Abigail Merry and Isolde Kieni-Judd
  Albion Captains: Hailey Meyer and Talia Paddock
  Year 9 Captains: Taya Johnson and Syafa Sons
  Year 9 Vice-Captain: Aston Brownbill
We have some fantastic opportunities coming up within the
Leadership space that I want to share with you. Please take a
moment to read the information below.

Year 9: 2021 School for Student Leadership Camp (Alpine
Camp) Phoenix College has been successful in securing 6
spots at the Alpine Campus of the School for Student
Leadership Camp in Term 4, 2021. This camp provides
experiences that allow students to make great friendships and
mature and develop into fine young adults. I have spoken to a
number of students and their parents who have gone on the
camp and all have agreed that it was the experience of a
lifetime. For more information on the camp, please take a
look     at   The     Alpine     School    website     http:// If you would like your child to
be placed on the expression of interest list or have any
questions      please      contact      me       by     email

Year 11 Leadership Camp—The Year 11 Leadership Camp will
take place early in Term 2 in Melbourne. This camp is open to
all Year 11 students who would like to improve their
leadership skills and work in a team on a project to improve
our great school. All students who are considering the
possibility of applying for a position on the 2022 Student
Leadership Team (Captains and Village Captains) are required
to attend. More details will follow this term. Please contact
me to place your name on the expression of interest list or if
you have further questions.
Joanna Kemp—Leadership Coordinator
In Knowledge there is Opportunity' - 'In Knowledge there is Opportunity'
                                          22nd    College Council Meeting
                                          24th    Year 7 Immunisation

                                          3rd     Athletics Day
                                          5th     Curriculum Day
                                                  Student Free Day
                                          8th     Labour Day Holiday
                                          29th    College Council AGM
                                          29th    College Council Meeting

                                          1st     Last day of Term 1
                                          19th    Term 2 Commences
Like Phoenix P-12 Community College for
upcoming events, important notices and
student stories.

Phoenix P-12 Community College
PO Box 49 Sebastopol VIC 3356
P: (03) 5329 3293
You can also read