FAMILY and STUDENT HANDBOOK - Indianapolis Public Schools

Page created by Leslie Patton
FAMILY and STUDENT HANDBOOK - Indianapolis Public Schools
FAMILY and STUDENT HANDBOOK                        2019-2020

                    2020 Dawson Street
                  Indianapolis, IN 46203

                      CEO: JOHN MCCLURE
                    Principal: DEBBIE GARCIA
              Operations Manager: CHRISTY OWENS

 Student: ____________________________________   Grade: _______

 Teacher: ____________________________________   Room: _______

        Welcome to SUPER School! The staff of SUPER School wants this handbook to serve as a
guide to you in becoming familiar with our daily expectations and operations as a school. Please
look through this handbook and if you have further questions, please feel free to stop in and a
staff member will be happy to answer your questions.
        We are happy to welcome you as part of our SUPER School team. We refer to our staff,
student body, and parents as a team because we know that together everyone achieves more!
Let’s have a great school year together!

                                           Debbie Garcia


Our philosophy at Super School, Inc., is to always do what is best for students and their families.
In a supportive and collaborative environment, we will diligently communicate high
expectations and will creatively focus on student achievement and the health and social
emotional wellness of our students.

Mission Statement:
Super School, Inc.: Where Action Based Learning Moves Us Forward.
Super School, Inc.’s mission is to serve diverse learners through Action Based Learning.
Our approach is based on a solid foundation of social and emotional intelligence that includes
rigorous academics with an emphasis on restorative practices and personal development.

Vision Statement:
Super School, Inc. will provide an environment that promotes rigorous academic achievement
and will embrace “Justice, Action and Growth” through the implementation of action based and
social and emotional learning so that students are prepared for a successful life.

• High Behavioral and Academic Expectations
• Action Based Learning
• Professionalism

SUPER School
                                 2019-2020 School Calendar

           July 2019                  August 2019                  September 2019
Su   M   Tu W Th F      S       Su M Tu W Th F      S        Su   M Tu W Th F       S
     1    2 3       4 5 6                      1 2 3
7    8    9 10 11 12 13          4 5   6 7     8 9 10        1 2   3 4   5 6 7
14 15 16 17 18 19 20            11 12 13 14 15 16 17         8 9 10 11 12 13 14
                                18 19 20 21 22 23 24         15 16 17 18 19 20 21
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
                                25 26 27 28 29 30            22 23 24 25 26 27 28
28 29 30 31
                                                             29 30

         October 2019                  November 2019               December 2019
Su   M   Tu W Th         F  S   Su   M Tu W Th F       S     Su   M Tu W Th F       S
          1 2      3    4 5                          1 2
6 7       8 9 10        11 12   3    4   5 6     7 8 9       1 2   3 4   5 6 7
13 14    15 16 17       18 19   10   11 12 13 14 15 16       8 9 10 11 12 13 14
20 21    22 23 24       25 26   17   18 19 20 21 22 23       15 16 17 18 19 20 21
27 28    29 30 31               24   25 26 27 28 29 30       22 23 24 25 26 27 28
                                                             29 30 31

         January 2020                    February 2020             March 2020
Su   M    Tu W Th        F  S   Su   M    Tu W Th FS         Su M Tu W Th F     S
              1    2    3 4                       1           1 2  3 4      5 6 7
5 6        7 8     9    10 11   2 3   4 5   6 7 8             8 9 10 11 12 13 14
12 13     14 15 16      17 18   9 10 11 12 13 14 15          15 16 17 18 19 20 21
19 20     21 22 23      24 25   16 17 18 19 20 21 22         22 23 24 25 26 27 28
26 27     28 29 30      31      23 24 25 26 27 28 29         29 30 31

       April 2020                          May 2020                 June 2020
Su M Tu W Th F        S         Su   M    Tu W Th
                                                F  S         Su M Tu W Th F     S
           1    2 3 4                          1 2              1  2 3      4 5 6
 5 6  7 8       9 10 11         3 4   5 6   7 8 9             7 8  9 10 11 12 13
12 13 14 15 16 17 18            10 11 12 13 14 15 16         14 15 16 17 18 19 20
19 20 21 22 23 24 25            17 18 19 20 21 22 23         21 22 23 24 25 26 27
26 27 28 29 30                  24 25 26 27 28 29 30         28 29 30

Important Dates for the 2019 – 2020 School Year:

First Day of School                                    Monday, August 5
Labor Day                                              Monday, September 2 (No School)
Parents-in-Touch Day                                   Wednesday, September 25 (No School)
Fall Break                                             Monday, October 14 - Friday, October 18
Thanksgiving Vacation                                  Wednesday, November 27 - Fri, Nov 29
Winter Break                                           Monday, December 23, 2019 - Monday,
                                                        January 6, 2020
Martin Luther King Jr. Day                             Monday, January 20 (No School)
President’s Day                                        Monday, February 17 (No School)
Parent in Touch                                        Tuesday, March 4 (No School)
Flex Days                                              Monday, March 23-Friday, March 27 (No
                                                        school unless district has make-up days)
Spring Break                                           Monday, March 30 to April 3
Flex Day                                               Friday, April 10 (No School)
Flex Day                                               Friday, May 22(No School)
Memorial Day                                           Monday, May 25(No School)
Students Last Day                                      Tuesday, June 2

School Day:
Hours for students:                                    7:20 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.
Students arriving early for breakfast:                 May enter the building at 7:20 a.m.
Students are counted tardy:                            After 7:40 a.m.
Dismissal:                                             Begins at 2:15 p.m.

Parents needing to drop off earlier or pick-up later may sign up for the before and after school

Lunch Periods:
Grades K /1      @ 10:00
Grades 2/3       @ 11:50
Grade 8          @ 11:00
Grade 7          @ 10:30
Grade 6          @ 11:30
Grade 4          @ 12:10
Grade 5          @ 12:30

**All students are served a healthy fruit or vegetable snack daily during class

Parent Advisory Council:
This is our organized parent group. You are not required to pay dues or hold any type of elected
position to join this team. Simply show up at our meetings to discuss what is best for the
students in our school. Meetings are held in the office conference room or the media center at
a designated time and date. Updates are given at the monthly parent breakfast as needed.
Parents earn a volunteer hour by attending.

Earning Volunteer Hours:
At SUPER School all parents are encouraged to give 10 hours of service to benefit their child and
the school program. This can take many forms. Parents can earn hours by helping their child
complete their learning log all year, volunteering in the school, attending after school programs,
attending parent conferences, donations, or helping prepare materials at home for teachers.
This is only a list of a few opportunities parents can complete to earn their 10 hours. Parents
should file all hours in the master binders kept in the parent center.

Supporting our Philosophy:
SUPER School embraces the idea of healthy mind and body. Because of this, all school functions
and celebrations will not center on food as treats. If food is provided, it will always be healthy
and used as a means to teach students about healthy options. For this reason, students may not
bring candy, cakes, or any form of sweets to school for the class. Birthdays will be celebrated
through movement parties, extra recess, lunch with the teacher, or other fun and creative

School-wide Expectations:
Our school uses the PBIS philosophy that positive framing of expectations is the best approach
for students. We have unified expectations throughout the building. The district code of
conduct can also be found on the IPS district’s website. High Expectations of Academics and
Behavior are the key to success. Students and Teachers will not receive phone calls during
classroom instruction. If an emergency occurs office staff will get a message to the staff
member immediately.

Please remember that loss of instructional time ties directly to how a student performs
academically. Tardiness leads to loss of instruction. Students must be seated in their class by
7:40am or they will be counted tardy. If your student arrives tardy, they must be walked into
the office and signed in by the parent.

Early Dismissal:
A note is required for early dismissal. Students must be picked up in the office and signed out of
school by the parent, guardians or others designated on the student’s emergency card. Photo
identification is required of all persons signing a student out of school. Parents should avoid
checking out students before regular dismissal. All early dismissals count as being tardy to
school. After 1:50 pm students will not be released early due to interruption to the dismissal
process. Early pick-up for doctor appointments needs to happen prior to this time. We do not
accept transportation changes after 1:30.

After School Activities:
Any student staying after school for activities must be picked up from the cafeteria doors at the
back of the school. Parents or other family members are to drive around the back parking lot
circle to pick up their student(s). There will be a SUPER School staff member standing at the
back cafeteria door. The parent/family member will give the student’s name to the staff
member and he/she will call for the student to exit the building to the vehicle.

Unless there is a scheduled appointment, there will not be a SUPER School staff member in the
main office to let anyone in the building after 3pm.

All students must be picked up from the back of the building at the cafeteria door.

School-Wide Title I Services:
The School-wide Title One program is a federally funded program to provide remedial
educational opportunities for students who are under-achieving. It is designed to meet the
needs, not only of under-achievers, but all children in the school. Students are encouraged to
read, write and develop math skills. Through the funds allotted, our school is able to have
additional licensed and non-licensed personnel, special resources, a parent liaison, and
professional development for teachers.

Special Services:
In addition to regular instruction in grades Kindergarten through Grade 8, SUPER School offers
the following educational/extra-curricular services to students:

    •   Psychological Evaluation
    •   Midtown Mental Health Services
    •   Peace Center
    •   Media Center
    •   Physical Education
    •   ESL
    •   Speech, Language & Hearing
    •   Special Education
    •   A Reading Coach
    •   After School Athletics
    •   Boy Scouts
    •   Girl Scouts

All textbooks are the property of the Indianapolis Public Schools and are provided on a rental
basis. Students are expected to take proper care of all textbooks. Parents will be held
responsible for any lost or damaged book. Textbook rental is due on the first day of school.
Failure to pay the rental fee or seek appropriate assistance could result in legal action. You
should have received the list of rental fees for the various grade levels at the beginning of the
school year. If you need the amount for your student’s rental, call the school secretary.

Breakfast and Lunch:
Nutritious breakfasts and lunches are served daily in our cafeteria. SUPER School qualifies for
Universal Free Meal Services. This means that many of our families qualify for free or reduced
meals, so every student gets to eat free meals. Applications for free or reduced meals are to be
completed and returned to the school ASAP. Completion of this application is very important as
it helps us keep our status for free lunch. All information on the application is kept confidential.

Our students also are one of the only elementary schools to be offered a salad option daily. This
is a part of our healthy focus within our SUPER School philosophy.

Grading Scale:

Letter Grade          Percent Range

A                     93-100%

A-                    90-92%

B+                    87-89%


B-                    80-82%

C+                    77-79%

C                     73-76%

C-                    70-72%

D+                    67-69%

D                     63-66%

D-                    60-62%

F                     0-59%

Bus Transportation:
Safe transportation is an integral part of the total education of each child. Riding a school bus is
a privilege that may be removed for inappropriate behavior. Students are to ride the bus to
which they are assigned. Any request to ride a different bus or to be picked up or dropped off at
a different location must be submitted to the principal in writing by the parent or guardian.
Riding a different bus is only granted in rare and necessary circumstances and not for
convenience purposes. Students riding the bus are expected to comply with the rules, and
parents are expected to assist with the enforcement of these rules. Failure to comply will result
in bus suspension. Transportation questions can be answered at 317-226-4000.

Lost and Found:
Articles unclaimed are kept in the Front Office. Parents can avoid the loss of items by marking
them with the child’s name in permanent ink. All unclaimed items are donated or disposed of at
the end of each school year.

Personal Items:
The school is not responsible for damage or loss to any personal items. Students are not to
bring toys to school. If they bring a cell phone, it must be turned off and locked up by the
teacher during the day. Please do not allow your child to bring other electronics to school. Any
issues they may arise if a child brings unapproved item to school will be the parent’s
responsibility and not the school. Students will not be allowed to carry purses or fannie packs
during the day. Please keep these items at home.

Permission for Field Trips/Learning Excursions:
Students will not be allowed to participate in any learning excursion unless the parent or
guardian has granted written permission. If a student has not been following school rules, they
may be excluded from a trip unless the parent (with a local background check only) is willing to
attend with the child.

Inclement Weather:
Should the weather become so severe that the opening of school would be impossible, we urge
you to listen to a television or radio station that has current information regarding school
closings. We also post this information on our website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.
We will follow IPS school closings as they provide bus transportation.

Emergency School Closing:
In the event that school should be dismissed early due to a power, water, or weather
emergency, the school should have the name, address, and phone number of an adult who
would take full responsibility for the safety of your child. Please help us keep accurate
information by notifying the office of any changes.

A written excuse from the parent/guardian is required each time a child is absent. Attendance
at school is pertinent in order for your child to achieve academic success. An accumulation of
unexcused absences will result in a conference with the principal or school counselor, failing the
semester, or retention at the present grade level. The school is also required to begin legal
proceeding according to the Indiana Compulsory School Attendance Laws for students with

excessive absences. This could result in hearings at the Juvenile Center and charges against the
child and parent. Parents should also send a note explaining the reason for any tardiness.

Change of Address or Phone Number:
In order for the school to handle emergencies, maintain communication, and keep records
current, please notify the office of address or telephone changes, both home and work.

The faculty of SUPER School believes that regular homework is an integral part of a child’s
education. Regular assigned homework is desirable in assisting pupils to achieve satisfactory
school progress and develop good study habits. Assignments are an extension of classroom
work to provide drill and to help students become more proficient with skills. In an effort to
unify homework and promote a love for reading, all students will maintain a daily reading log. In
an effort to involve parents in the education of their child, teacher may assign at home projects.

All children are required to have an up-to-date immunization record prior to enrollment.
Indiana law states that a child may not be permitted to attend school until written proof of
required immunizations has been presented.

A form for prescription and non-prescription medication will be provided for children who need
to take medicine while at school. Medication cannot be administered to students without a
obtained from the school office. Also, please work to ensure that medication is replenished in a
timely manner if your child takes a medication on a regular basis. Change in medication or lack
of can often have a negative affect on a child’s learning.

Parents are always welcome and are encouraged to visit our school. All visitors must sign the
“Visitors’ Register” in the school office prior to visiting the classroom. We urge parents to
schedule conferences with teachers in advance. Classroom visits are not the appropriate time
for a teacher conference. If a parent visits at lunch and brings food for the child, the parent and
child will be asked to sit in another area so that other students do not see the special food
brought into the building.

Student Dress Code:
SUPER School follows the IPS school dress code policy as set forth by the district. Students are
expected to be in uniform every day. Students new to the district will have 5 days to be
compliant with uniforms but will not be excluded from school for not having uniforms. A full
copy of the IPS dress code can be accessed on IPS online. ( Students
are allowed to wear khaki, black, gray or blue pants with any color polo shirts. Students may
wear striped or plaid polo or collared shirts also. The pants should not have any holes or be
ripped in anyway. Leggings or yoga pants are not allowed to be worn as pants. Students in
grades 3 and beyond must wear a belt daily. Students may not wear open toed shoes.
As the weather turns cold students may wear a long sleeve button down collared shirt, a
cardigan, or a solid color crew neck sweatshirt that the color of her polo or button down can be

seen under. Hoodies are not allowed ever at SUPER School. Sweatshirts, sweaters, and
cardigans shall be of solid color free from writing and logos. Hoods, hats, headphones, or
earbuds must be taken off upon entering the school building.
The responsibility for appearance of the students begins with parents and the students
themselves. Students’ clothing and hairstyles should reflect neatness, cleanliness and self-
respect so that the school is a desirable place in which to promote learning and character
development. A student who is not attired properly or exhibits grooming which is detrimental
and/or distractive to the school environment shall be asked to refrain from wearing the
inappropriate attire in the future or shall be required to make arrangements for more suitable
or appropriate dress. Also, if girls wear skirts, we encourage them to wear leggings, tights, or
shorts underneath to allow them to move easily.

SUPER School Shoes:
Students at SUPER School are required to wear tennis shoes daily. Our students attend P.E.
daily and they do movement throughout the entire school day. For safety, it is a must that
students wear tennis shoes.

Physical Education:
We have planned a well-rounded instructional physical education program for you throughout
the school year. It will be necessary for each student to participate in order to fully benefit from
the program. The activities used in class will increase endurance, flexibility, strength, and
coordination, as well as provide a better understanding and appreciation of various sports. A
doctor’s excuse is required for non-participation.

Student Discipline:
SUPER School embraces the philosophy of PBIS which believes that a positive approach is what
works with students. SUPER School’s guiding principles are JUSTICE, ACTION, GROWTH, AND
SUCCESS. Our approach to discipline is restorative practices and teaching students social and
emotional skills. Every student is expected to comply with these principles, which basically fall
into three categories: respect for self, respect for others, and respect for property. When
compliance of rules does not occur, a progressive discipline approach is used for bus and school
conduct. To maintain an effective learning environment requires the commitment of parents,
students, and teachers. The cooperation of all stakeholders is essential. If a child misbehaves,
we will utilize restorative practices as well as in school suspension and out of school suspension.
If a child is suspended, they will have an assignment to complete. The child must return with
the assignment finished and with a parent for a conference when suspended. A post
suspension contract will be completed at that time.

Staff Members Transporting Students by Car:
Please be aware that staff members are not allowed to transport students by car. Please read
the following district policy: Administrative, certified and classified staff members are
prohibited from transporting any student by private vehicle. Any staff member found violating
this policy assumes all legal/financial responsibility and liability for any incident that occurs. The
staff member will face disciplinary action for insubordination and violation of Board Policy, up to
and including termination.

Social Media
At SUPER School, we believe students must feel safe and supported in order to reach their full
potential. For this reason, we are committed to addressing all behaviors that interfere with
student success. The way students interact through text and on social media can become a topic
of concern in our building. Cyberbullying, or the intentional and repeated mistreatment of
others through technology, simply cannot be tolerated. While those who engage in these
behaviors may not understand the consequences of their actions, bullying can cause
psychological trauma in victims and perpetrators alike. Consider the following statistics from

        •   Nearly 43% of kids have been bullied online. 1 in 4 has had it happen more than
        •   70% of students report seeing frequent bullying online.
        •   81% of young people think bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in
        •   Only 1 in 10 victims of cyberbullying will inform a parent or trusted adult.
        •   Girls are about twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators of
        •   About 58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online.
            More than 4 out 10 say it has happened more than once.
        •   Bullying victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide.

As you know, SUPER School does not allow students to use their phones or access social media
during school hours. As a result, most online interactions happen outside school. As parents and
guardians, we urge you to talk about appropriate texting and social media use with your
children. Please monitor their use of technology and regularly check in to see if they are seeing,
experiencing or engaging in harmful behaviors. In order to gain a better understanding of your
child’s use of technology, we encourage you to:

        •   Monitor your child’s texts.
        •   Ask your child what apps he/she uses and why.
        •   Ask your child if he/she has ever seen or experienced something online that made
            him/her feel uncomfortable.
        •   Review or reset your child’s phone contacts, location and privacy settings.
        •   Follow or “friend” your child on social media sites.
        •   Establish a “no-phone-zone” rule in your child’s bedroom at night.
        •   Stay up-to-date on the latest apps, social media platforms and digital slang.
        •   Know your child’s user names and passwords for email and social media.
        •   Establish rules about appropriate text content, online behavior and app use.

Celebrating Academics:
Students receive report cards each nine weeks and will also receive a midterm report each nine
weeks. Teachers in elementary send weekly progress reports and middle school sends bi-weekly
reports. Each nine weeks we will recognize students who earn honor roll, high honor roll,
perfect attendance, and citizenship. Those awards are given within the classroom. A formal
awards ceremony will be held at the end of year for students earning these awards for the
entire year.

Food Guidelines:
SUPER School breakfast and lunch is free daily to all students. If a parent is visiting, they would
be asked to pay for a lunch and preferably let us know ahead that you will need a lunch so that
we can order extra. Prices are as follows:

Breakfast $2.25
Lunch $3.75
Milk $ 0.40

If a parent/guardian chooses to eat lunch with their student, please bring a healthy lunch to
support our philosophy. If food is brought from a restaurant, we may ask that lunch be held in
our parent center so that other students do not see the outside food. Any parent not
completing their background check prior to eating lunch will also be asked to eat in the parent

SUPER School follows Indianapolis Public School’s Student Code of Conduct:
Students are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. Actions that will not be
tolerated include:
1. Possession or use of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or drugs.
2. Possession of guns, knives, or any other type of weapon.
3. Fighting on school property, on the bus, or bus stop.
4. Disrespect for any adult or peer.
5. Use of bad language.
6. Leaving a classroom without a pass.
7. Misconduct in the hallways, lunchroom, restrooms, or on the playground.
8. Vandalizing, destroying, or misusing any school property.
9. Disrupting classroom instruction.
10. Bringing gum, candy, toys, radios, pagers, cell phones, or other electronic devices to school.
    (We have found that a cell phone offers safety for some students who go home alone. Cell
    phones may be at school if turned into a teacher throughout the day and picked up at
    dismissal. However, if the phone is found on the student during the day it will be removed
    until a parent can pick it up.)
11. Tardiness or truancy.
12. Threats to any adult or student.

Additionally, further rules and violations with their consequences are contained on the IPS
website in the full Student Code of Conduct.

Promotion and Retention:
SUPER School Policy states that a child with an overall failing grade in math or reading should be
retained. It also states that failure of two non-core subjects should result in retention. With this
said, as a school we also consider the following:

1.    ILearn + Test Scores
2.    DIBELS Scores
3.    SRI Scores
4.    Tests provided by the publisher of state-adopted textbooks
5.    System-wide and school-wide tests and benchmarks
6.    Teacher-made tests
7.    Individual student needs
8.    Teacher input
9.    Student motivation
10.   Prior Retention

The decision to promote or retain children in Grades K-8 will be determined by the classroom
teacher, support teachers, parent/guardian, and the Head of School as a team.

How to Be a Better Student:
1. Have confidence in yourself, and always do your best.
2. Make healthy choices for your body.
3. Be cheerful, polite, attentive, and dependable.
4. Listen carefully to all instructions. Ask questions if you do not understand.
5. Take pride in your work. Be neat and careful, and always turn in your work on time.
6. Come to school each day prepared and on time. Have all your supplies and assignments.
7. Use your time wisely. Do your homework first; play or watch television later.
8. Volunteer for extra assignments or projects.
9. Participate in classroom discussions and ask good questions.

How Parents Can Help:
1. Start each day right; a calm beginning at home makes the school day much
2. Make certain that your child sleeps at least eight hours each night.
3. Praise your child each day for something he/she has done. Have a special place to put
   schoolwork or whatever is brought home.
4. Laugh and talk with your child about school experiences and listen attentively to what is said
   about your child’s school day experiences.
5. Stress attendance. If the child is ill, home is the best place; otherwise, your child needs to
   take advantage of every school day.
6. Keep the lines of communication open between yourself and your child’s teacher. Do not
   wait until a problem arises. Inform the teacher of any family situation which could influence
   your child’s behavior. Also, if he/she is reluctant to go to school, let the teacher know so that
   together you can find the reason.
7. Visit the school regularly.
8. Provide well-balanced meals and limit sweet treats.
9. Provide a quiet place for homework.
10. Take your child to the library and encourage reading for pleasure.

11. Monitor the time your child spends watching television.
12. Stress organization of school notebooks, materials, etc.
13. Work at home with skills taught at school.
14. Attend school meetings, help with special activities, and join your child on learning
15. Understand that we value you and that you are an important part of a partnership that must
    be present in order for us to educate your child.

Each year we revise our school safety plan. This includes fire exits, tornado locations, plans for
lock down, and plans for evacuation. We hold practice drills as prescribed by law on a monthly
basis. We also have identified local businesses for safe refuge if needed. If a parent would like
further information about our school safety plan they can inquire within the office.

Notice of Non-Discrimination:
SUPER School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex,
disability, age or sexual orientation in its programs and activities. For inquiries regarding the
non-discrimination policies, please contact the Operations Manager, 2020 Dawson St.
Indianapolis, IN 46203, (317) 226-4219.

Section 504:
For all inquiries regarding Section 504 compliance, please contact the Office of Special
Education, 120 E. Walnut St., Room 602D, Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 226-4000, or the Human
Resources Division, 120 E. Walnut St., Room 103, Indianapolis, IN 46204, (317) 226-4000.

Policy Against Sex discrimination:
In accordance with applicable law, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and
the Indiana Civil Rights Law, it is the policy of Indianapolis Public Schools that no student will be
excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in
any education program or activity on the basis of sex. A student may not, on the basis of sex, be
limited in the enjoyment of any right, privilege, advantage, or opportunity, including courses,
extracurricular activities, benefits, and facilities.

Prohibition Against Sexual Harassment:
The policy against sex discrimination includes a prohibition against sexual harassment. Sexual
harassment consists of sexual advances, sexual gestures, requests for sexual favors, or other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is unwelcome and that limits or denies, on the
basis of sex, a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the education program.

This policy prohibits sexual harassment by an employee or agent of SUPER School and IPS, by
another student, and by third parties who come in contact with students at school or at school-
related activities. This policy also prohibits any employee from being in a locked room with a

Title IX Coordinator:
SUPER School’s Title IX Coordinator is assigned to address complaints. If you have a concern and
would like to contact them please contact SUPER School 317-226-4219, where you will be
directed to the Title IX coordinator who directs the investigation of complaints.

Parents and students are encouraged promptly to submit a complaint or provide information
about suspected sex discrimination or harassment so that SUPER School can take appropriate
action to resolve the situation. A parent or student should make the complaint orally or in
writing to the building administrator, school counselor, school social worker, or directly to the
Title IX Coordinator. A complaint should be made as soon as possible after the complained-of
incident, preferably within ten days after the parent has been notified by a student of sex
discrimination or harassment. However, SUPER School accepts complaints after the ten-day
filing period.

Investigation and Corrective Action:
The Title IX Coordinator will promptly investigate, or direct the investigation of, complaints and
reports of sex discrimination or harassment. The investigation will be completed in a timely
manner. Depending on the nature and complexity of the issues, it should generally take no
more than 30 days.

After the investigation, the Title IX Coordinator will report the result to the Superintendent,
including, where appropriate, making a recommendation for reasonable, timely, age-
appropriate, and effective corrective action. The Superintendent may impose discipline up to
and including a recommendation for employee termination or student expulsion. The Title IX
Coordinator will advise the Complainant and the person accused of misconduct, in writing,
whether or not the allegations were found to be substantiated.

Making a Complaint:
If a parent/guardian has a concern with a teacher, it is expected that the situation be brought to
the teacher’s attention first for resolution. If a parent is not satisfied with the teacher’s
response, the parent/guardian may request a meeting with a building administrator to resolve
the issue.

If a parent/guardian has a concern with an administrator, it is expected that a meeting be
scheduled to discuss the concern. If a parent is not satisfied with the administrator’s response,
the parent/guardian may address the concern with the SUPER School Board. The decision of the
SUPER School Board is final unless an employee or student has a statutory right to challenge the
Board’s decision.

The IPS School Board’s administrative guidelines are available at BoardDocs.

SUPER School Family and Student Handbook

   After you have read this handbook and discussed it with your parents,
              please sign and return this page to your teacher.

         I have read and discussed the rules and policies with my parents.
               We understand and agree to follow our school rules.

Student Name______________________________ Room Number______________

Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent(s) Signature: _______________________________ Date: _______________

Parent(s) Signature: _______________________________ Date: _______________

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