In all things, Give THANKS! - Country Club of Paducah

Page created by Nicholas Yates
In all things, Give THANKS! - Country Club of Paducah
November 2021

In all things,
In all things, Give THANKS! - Country Club of Paducah
                                                         and up-to-date on all the social,
                                                       dining, golf and tennis events your
                                                        Club has to offer by following us
                                                          on Facebook, Instagram, the
                                                        Club App, and on our website at

                                                               Smartphone App

HOURS OF                     CLUB CONTACTS:
OPERATION:                   Michael Methot, CCM
                             General Manager
Club Office
(270) 554-7914 option 4
                             (270) 448-6594
Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm
                             Angie Skees
Dining Room
(270) 554-7914 option 3
                             Office Manager             Board of Directors
(270) 448-3463               (270) 448-6590
Tues-Fri 11:00am - 9:00pm
                             Whitney Stone-Leyhue               Mike Karnes
Sat 10:30am - 9:00pm                                              President
Sun 10:30am - 8:00pm         Dining Room Supervisor
                                                                Golf Chairman
                             Event Coordinator       
Golf Shop               (270) 448-6597
(270) 554-5330 option 5                                        Dr. Chad Bassi
                             Michael Harlow                 House/Pool Chairman
Tues-Sun 9:00am - 6:00pm                             
                             Executive Chef
Closed on Mondays.
                             (270) 448-6596                     Mark Curtis
Tennis Shop/Fitness Center                                     Finance Chairman
                             Chad Martin, PGA        
(270) 554-7065               Director of Golf
Mon-Thu 7:00am - 8:00pm
Fri 7:00am - 4:30pm          (270) 448-6595                       Krista Lea
Sat 7:30am - 2:00pm                                    Social/Membership Chairwoman
Sun 12:00pm - 5:00pm         Shannon Watson, CGCS     
                             Course Superintendent
Pool                            Bill Ragland
Closed for the season.       (270) 554-0468                    Greens Chairman
                             Bill Gaia
Snack Bar
                             Facilities Manager
Closed for the season.                                           Elliot Treece
                             (270) 554-7914 Ext. 118           Tennis Chairman

                                                              Kevin McEwan
                                                                 Past President
In all things, Give THANKS! - Country Club of Paducah
President’s Message                                              bring in a dynamic person who can energize the tennis program
                                                                             much like Chad has done with our golf program. Stayed tuned for
                           MIKE KARNES
                                                                             updates, hopefully it won’t take too long. And I have just been
                                                                             informed by our Tennis Chair, Elliot Treece that Mel Purcell has
  Wow, is it really November? I know we at the Club have much to             agreed to run men’s night, cardio clinic and be available for
  be thankful for this year. We have gone the entire year without any        lessons.
  COVID restrictions. But we do want to continue to ask everyone to
                                                                             October was a busy month for Golf and a productive month for
  do everything they can to stay safe during this Holiday season.
                                                                             Jason Straub. Jason and his partner, Seth Powell, won the first
  Also, the cart paths and the drainage work are almost complete.            annual Fall Classic and then won the UBS Two Man with his
  The views from the new tee box for holes 13 & 16 are awesome but           brother, Eric. Congratulations Jason and Eric! And in November
  I don’t have any plans to play from there in the future. And the           be on the outlook for the RTJ Revenge outing, also we are planning
  new short game area!! Can you believe how fast Green Tee got               on having the first annual Guns vs Hoses golf event. This event
  that project to the point of sowing seed and putting down sod? We          will serve as a thank you to our local law enforcement and firemen
  should be able to use this new area sometime next April. A big             officials. Thank you to our GM, Michael for this great idea and
  Thank You to Earl Sanders and his crew for their diligent work, I’m        putting the event together.
  not sure if they were ever hit with any errant golf balls but I know
                                                                             Lastly, let us know if you or someone you know would be interested
  there has been some scares from the groups I’ve played in. For
                                                                             in running for the Board. We are in the process now of twisting
  those that don’t know Earl is a non-resident member of the Club
                                                                             arms to get the most qualified candidates we can find. We have
  and takes great pride in the work he does at CCP.
                                                                             some big shoes to fill this year, Kevin McEwan and Bill Ragland roll
  Just so you know, the Board is concerned with making the Club              off at the end of the year. So let me or one of the Board members
  experience great in all areas not just golf. We have been working          know.
  on problem areas with the tennis bubble and hopefully will have a
                                                                             I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and I’ll see you at the
  plan in place soon. And speaking of tennis, Kelly Hack has agreed
  to help us out while we look for a new tennis pro. We hope to

                                                                            bring them out for a free meal with the purchase of one regularly
  General Manager’s Message                                                 priced item. The team looks forward honoring your service.
                    MICHAEL METHOT, CCM                                      Lights, camera, sirens...On Saturday, November 13, we will be
                                                                             featuring a fun pop-up for the family to participate in! As noted in
                                                                             President Karnes’ article, this activity will correspond with our Guns
I hope everyone has been enjoying the slightly cooler weather we’ve
                                                                             vs. Hoses Local Law Enforcement Golf Tournament. This golf event
experienced lately as much as I have! With the season changing, how
                                                                             will be a head-to-head battle between law enforcement and
about the Fall foliage scenery that has surrounded us? Although it
                                                                             firefighters, so what better way to bring the members out for some
doesn’t quite compare to the mountainous regions of Maine or North
                                                                             interactive experiences that afternoon. Full details and how to register
Carolina, it is great to see some transitional color for the first time as a
                                                                             will be released this week, so be on the lookout for pertinent
Kentucky resident. I had heard it could go either way, with the leaves
sometimes drastically falling, leaving not much for the eyes to
experience.                                                                  This past week I traveled to Houston, Texas for a continuing education
                                                                             conference and it was great to be involved with such a top-notch and
As we turn the page to November, it would be remiss of me to not
                                                                             well run event! I, along with 49 other club management professionals
share some much-deserved kudos to the team for their Halloween
                                                                             from around the country, went through a jam-packed agenda exploring
efforts! First up, we held our first annual Employee Pumpkin Carving
                                                                             new and exciting concepts, food trends, product innovations and event
Contest that was a big hit with 10+ submissions of all shapes and
                                                                             ideas. As the 2022 budget comes to fruition and we begin finalizing
sizes. You will see the winners and their creations later in this edition.
                                                                             our 2022 Club calendar, I can assure you that some of this new
Next, this past weekend we hosted our Spooktacular Brunch where
                                                                             content and trailblazing ideas will be incorporated. Further, if you are
over 100 members and their families joined us for some boo-licious
                                                                             looking for a fun activity to do this holiday season with friends, I would
goodies! We held an Employee Costume Contest on this special day
                                                                             recommend getting a full cheesecake or alternative dessert, break
and the team certainly didn’t disappoint. There was a lot of creativity
                                                                             your friends up in to teams, and work to create a masterful plate with
and interesting creations on display. As you know, team engagement
                                                                             toppings, sauces, and accompaniments. The next challenge is to then
is vital in any organization, and I am grateful to have seen as much
                                                                             capture that perfect image and submit it to a created page with a crafty
participation as we saw across these two events.
                                                                             slogan. We underwent this competition amongst the group, and it is
Thank you for serving our country. Now, let us serve you! Veterans           harder than you think to establish a glowing plate with color, creativity
Day, held on Thursday, November 11, will also be extra special at            and caption.
the Club this year and beyond. For the first time, all former and current
                                                                             I would like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving surrounded by family
veterans can join us for a complimentary lunch and dessert. If you
                                                                             and friends.
weren’t a veteran but know someone who deserves a great meal,
In all things, Give THANKS! - Country Club of Paducah
On the equipment side the Golf Shop is stocked with the latest
                                                                          innovations from Titleist, Callaway, XXIO, & Taylor Made. Your PGA
                  OFF THE TEE                                             Professionals will be glad to offer custom fittings for any holiday
            Chad Martin, PGA Director of Golf                             equipment purchases.

                                                                          A great holiday idea for co-workers, friends, or family is golf balls with
**IMPORTANT REMINDERS**                                                   an imprint, and now is the time to order. Titleist is offering free
                                                                          personalization on all golf balls in their line. You can order these in
ALL GOLF SHOP SCRIP MUST BE REDEEMED BY DECEMBER                          increments of 1 dozen, which makes this a great personalized gift for
28TH! The next time you’re out, please stop by the golf shop and ask      anyone. Imprints can be put on the golf balls in Black, Blue, Red,
if you have any available scrip. It is imperative for the golf shop to    Green or Pink ink and a maximum of 17 characters per line can be
close out our 2021 scrip before the start of the 2022 season.             used. For orders to be guaranteed to arrive by December 21st, we
**For special orders that will use scrip all orders must be placed        must place the order with Titleist by December 1st.
by November 15th.
                                                                          Remember, we always welcome your input on the golf shop inventory
BLACK FRIDAY GOLF SHOP BLOWOUT SALE                                       and will be delighted to try other companies if the interest is there.
On Friday, November 26th, the Golf Shop will be following the           Thank you for your support and participation!
tradition of the big box retailers and will offer some amazing deals at
our Annual Black Friday Porch Sale. If you are looking for some great
                                                                        Sincerely, Chad
deals on gifts for friends, family, or co-workers, this will be a great
chance to take advantage of amazing savings and help to support
your golf shop.

Take advantage of this lesson special that will only be offered at this
rate in November and December of 2021, 3 lessons for $175. This
makes a great gift for the golfer with everything, or it can also be a
great gift for yourself. These lessons can be used anytime in 2021
and 2022. Call or email the Golf Shop to reserve this special lesson


The Holiday Season is here, and the Golf Shop is stocking up with the
proper golf wear to combat the cooler temperatures. We are currently
stocking men’s winter wear and lifestyle apparel from Straight Down,
Johnnie-O, G/Fore, Sun Mountain, & FJ Blue Label. We will also have
Ladies apparel from FootJoy Leisure, Straight Down, & Sun Mountain,
& Kate Lord. Keep an eye out for some new offerings this holiday
season such as G-Tech electric hand warmers, Fleece Blankets,
many offerings from Bushnell. Be the first to mention you read this
                                                                                          2021 LADIES WITCHES
and receive a complimentary gift from your CCP Golf Professionals.                         9-HOLE SCRAMBLE


                                                                2021 CCP Two-Man
                                                                 Eric & Jason Straub
                                                             2021 Fall Member-Guest
                                                            Jason Straub & Seth Powell
In all things, Give THANKS! - Country Club of Paducah
compete the annual bluegrass. Any newly germinated poa
               GREEN SCENE                                          has a hard time surviving the regulation and competition from
                                                                    the bentgrass. Over the past few weeks, we have altered the
        Shannon Watson, CGC Superintendent
                                                                    mowing and topdressing schedule to fit the rate of growth of
                                                                    the greens. We have only been cutting the greens a few
It seems that the warmer than normal temperatures in                times a week since growth has significantly diminished due
October have finally ended. October 2021 will be one of the         the growth regulator application. The cooler temperatures
warmest on record, if not the warmest! The last part of             and less photoperiod during the day have also served as a
October had a few rain events that provided some much               natural growth regulation. We will apply one more application
needed precipitation to the course. The warm season turf            of TGR in late-November, to ensure that we are as poa free
and the ryegrass overseed in the rough needed this moisture,        next spring as possible.
as the weather transitions from the fall into winter. Another
added benefit of precipitation is the irrigation system received    November will be a busy month for the remaining crew. We
a much-needed rest after drought like conditions and having         are spending a fair amount of time each day cleaning up leaf
to water all the new sod around the cart paths.                     debris. We also hope to get all the sprinklers edged over the
                                                                    next month, bunkers weeded, start pruning fairway trees,
 As we enter November, the cart path portion of course              work on the irrigation system, and close the season out strong
construction should be finished. As I write this article, we        with our chemical and cultural practices. As always, we want
have hole #1 to finish and two more loads of sod to lay. The        to keep the momentum built over the year moving forward into
short game area is coming together. The green has drainage          next season.
and rootzone mix installed. Green Tee is installing the
irrigation today and hopefully as you read this the green has       See you on the course!
been seeded and the sod has been laid. It will be a work in
progress for the grow in. We hope to have deep rooted sod
and a playable green by April of next year. The
improvements that have been made to the course will pay
many dividends in the years to come, and I feel truly blessed
to have been able to have been a part of the process!

Our fall maintenance protocol is in full swing. We hit our
cooling degree days for our bermudagrass suppression
applications. This application, along with a fungicide and
preemergent were applied for fungal activity and winter
annual weeds. The collars were treated with fungicide only.
No bermudagrass control is applied to the collars due to their
high population of 419 bermudagrass. The fungicide
applications to combat large patch disease of zoysia are key
to fall/spring turf health, with the preemergent making things
cleaner! The overseed process should be close to
completion. We still must overseed a few of the large fescue
areas and reseed some areas underneath tree canopies. We
hope to complete this process the first couple weeks of the
month. Once the overseed process is complete, we will apply
fertilizer to the rough to develop the seedlings over the winter,
ensuring a tight green turf next spring. Additionally, we will
treat the rough for broadleaf weeds.

After a successful greens aeration and seeding in late
summer, the greens continue to have excellent density. We
applied TGR growth regulator for a second time in early
October. The greens responded well to the application. This
application regulates both the bentgrass and the poa, but its
effects are shorter on the bentgrass. Once the bentgrass
starts to come out of regulation, the bentgrass can out
In all things, Give THANKS! - Country Club of Paducah

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH @ 6:00PM                                              THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH 6:00PM-8:00PM
RTJ’S SIP, SAVOR, SMOKE                                                    LNO SIP & SHOP
$24.95 per person, includes one cigar, tasting pours and inspired fare     $12.95 per person - includes wine and festive hors d’ oeuvres
RSVP to                                             Join us at the Golf Shop and stock up on all of your holiday essentials!
                                                                           RSVP to
SUNDAY BRUNCH                                                              SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH @ 6:00PM
Adults $21.5 Children $12.95                                               WILD GAME & BOURBON DINNER
For reservations call 270-448-3463                                         $49.95 per person
                                                                           Join us for our 5-course wild game dinner paired with bourbon cocktails
TUESDAYS, NOVEMBER 9TH & 23RD                                              courtesy of Southern Distributing Rep. Justin Doss.
GOLF GUEST DAY                                                             RSVP by November 17th to
$40 per guest
                                                                           THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH 5:30PM-7:30PM                                        GOLF SHOP CLOSED / TENNIS SHOP CLOSED
                                                                           THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH 10:00AM-3:00PM
$10 per person - includes wine samples and festive hors d’ oeuvres
Join us at the Club for a one-stop-shopping experience featuring           THANKSGIVING BRUNCH
our valued partners.                                                       Adults $27.95 Children $12.95
RSVP by Thursday, November 9th to                   Eat, drink, and be thankful in the true spirit of Thanksgiving with our
                                                                           giant holiday buffet!
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH @ 3:00PM                                             RSVP to
                                                                           72-hour cancellation policy in effect
$19.95 per child
                                            Congratulations to our winners in the
                                            Employee Pumpkin Carving Contest!

            1st Place-Cindy Lewis                                2nd Place-Amber Hale                            3rd Place-James Cook
In all things, Give THANKS! - Country Club of Paducah
November 2021
     Monday           Tuesday       Wednesday                Thursday            Friday           Saturday           Sunday

1                2                  3                   4                  5                 6                  7

                                                                                  RTJ’s            RTJ’s               Brunch
                     Ladies Night                           Men’s Night         Sip, Savor        Revenge
     Clubhouse                           Pickleball
                       Tennis                                 Tennis            & Smoke

                                                                                                     Club Doubles Tennis

8                9                  10                  11                 12                13                 14

     Clubhouse                                                                  Stock the                              Kid’s
                     Ladies Night                            Men’s Night                                             Etiquette
       Closed                            Pickleball                               Cellar
                       Tennis                                  Tennis                                                 Class

       Yoga             Guest                                                                        Club Singles Tennis
       Night             Day                                                                           Championship

15               16                 17                  18                 19                20                 21

                                                                LNO                            Wild Game
                     Ladies Night        Pickleball          Sip & Shop                            &                   Estate
                       Tennis                                                                Bourbon Dinner             Sale

                                                             Men’s Night
       Yoga                                                    Tennis

22               23                 24                  25                 26                27                 28

     Clubhouse       Ladies Night                             Brunch
       Closed                            Pickleball
                                                             Golf Shop &
       Yoga             Guest                                Tennis Shop
       Night             Day                                   Closed

29               30
       Closed        Ladies Night                                                                      Golf
                       Tennis                                                                          Ladies Golf
       Yoga                                                                                            Tennis
                                                                                                       Social Events
In all things, Give THANKS! - Country Club of Paducah
December 2021
     Monday              Tuesday       Wednesday                Thursday            Friday             Saturday           Sunday

                                       1                   2                  3                   4                  5

          Dining/Clubhouse                                                                             Candlelight
          Golf                                                                                           Dinner
          Ladies Golf
                                                                                                                         Mommy & Me
          Tennis                                                                                                          Christmas
          Social Events                                                                                                    Edition

6                  7                   8                   9                  10                  11                 12
       Closed                                                                                                               Santa
                        Ladies Night                            Men’s Night
                                             Pickleball           Tennis                                                   Brunch

13                 14                  15                  16                 17                  18                 19

       Closed           Ladies Night                            Men’s Night
                          Tennis                                  Tennis


20                 21                  22                  23                 24                  25                 26

     Clubhouse                                                  Men’s Night           Merry Christmas to you
                        Ladies Night        Pickleball
                          Tennis                                  Tennis                and your families!

       Yoga                                                                             Clubhouse Closed!

27                 28                  29                  30                 31

                                                                                  Cheers to the
     Clubhouse          Ladies Night
                                            Pickleball          Men’s Night        New Year
       Closed             Tennis
                                                                  Tennis            Dinner

In all things, Give THANKS! - Country Club of Paducah

            CANDLELIGHT DINNER                                            MOMMY & ME:
                Saturday, December 4th                                  CHRISTMAS EDITION
                                                                     Sunday, December 5th @ 1:00pm
                     $65 per person
         Toast to the holiday season with this                                $18.95 per child
          elegant affair. Enjoy an extravagant                     Spend the afternoon sipping on cocoa
           multi-course meal by candle light.                            and decorating cookies!

                SANTA BRUNCH                                           UGLY SWEATER PARTY
              Sunday, December 12th                                 Friday, December 17th @ 6:00pm
                  10:30am-2:00pm                                              $29.95 per person
          Adults $27.95 Children $12.95                          Join us for some holiday cheer! Throw
      Join Santa for a morning of fun! Enjoy                     on your ugliest sweater and head to the
     our buffet & hot cocoa bar before you go                   Club for a night of holiday themed games,
            see the big man for pictures!                                   food and cocktails!

                                    ANNUAL EMPLOYEE HOLIDAY FUND
Dear Members,

The tradition of the Country Club of Paducah has been to invite members to demonstrate their appreciation to the staff through
contributions to the Employee Holiday Fund. This is an opportunity to thank all employees, both visible and behind the scenes, for their
loyal and dedicated service over the past year. All contributions will be distributed in the fairest possible manner and will be gifted well in
advance of the Christmas Holiday so team members will have supplemental funds for gifts of their own. Your contribution of $50 will be
reflected on your upcoming October statement for your convenience.
I wish you the very best for a healthy, happy and prosperous holiday season and new year. On behalf of the entire staff, thank you for
allowing us to serve you! We truly value you as members and strive to provide wonderful experiences each time you visit the Club. I am
looking forward to seeing you at one of our many, upcoming events.

Very truly yours,

Michael Methot, CCM, General Manager
In all things, Give THANKS! - Country Club of Paducah
features a bourbon tasting table, cigars from downtown’s Old
        AROUND THE CLUB                                          Fashioned Cigar Bar and themed appetizers. Our Stock the
      Whitney Stone-Leyhue, Dining Supervisor                    Cellar event has received great feedback so far and will be
                     & Event Coordinator                         featuring wine tastings and hors d’oeuvres. There will be
                                                                 exclusive wines for you to stock up for holiday gatherings and
Happy November! November is the month that reminds us to         hostess gifts for the season. The Annual Bourbon & Wild Game
be thankful for the many positive things happening in our lives. Dinner RSVPs keep pouring in. Chef Mike will be whipping up
This year our family purchased our first home, so this           some interesting plates to pair with bourbons from all over
sentiment is hitting us much harder than in years passed. We Kentucky. My RSVP list is almost full so sign up ASAP! And
spent the month of October packing and anxiously awaiting our finally, Thanksgiving will be here before you know it and this
big move and November should be full of tripping over/           year is sure to be an over-the-top buffet to remember so get
unpacking boxes and decorating for my favorite season.           your RSVPs in today!

Events at CCP just keep on rolling with fun for the whole family. As always, just a friendly reminder that your early RSVPs help
We start the month off right with our first RTJ’s Revenge         us so much with planning and executing successful events.
pre-game event on Nov 5 . This Sip, Savor & Smoke event

                                                                   and an education that they won’t find in other restaurants.
           IN THE KITCHEN                                          We have a full kitchen staff as of now and we have several
                                                                   more      culinarians that are inquiring of any open positions
            Michael Harlow, Executive Chef
                                                                   we might have available and that’s a good problem to have. I
                                                                   feel we have created positive work environment that will allow
Within the past year we have had many changes and hurdles          our Team to be treated with respect and nurtured to grow and
to overcome. We are challenged with product shortage from          take ownership in our efforts to take the best care of our
our purveyors. There are items that we carry on our menu           members possible.
that are in high demand, but availability is very low or not at
all. We are very reluctant to tell our members that we are “86”    In closing, I am always open to your thoughts and comments.
on certain items, but simply unable to procure these items.        We are willing to address and resolve any issues that may
Also, with product that is low in availability, cost of food has   come our way. We appreciate your understanding and
increased immensely over this past year. As we also know,          patience for any product that we are unable to provide to you.
the labor pool is struggling as well. Wages are increasing in      But know that we are always doing our best to provide you
order for many companies to attract staff. We have seen            and your family a great dining experience.
many, many “help wanted” signs and this is a nation-wide
issue for all. We have had several employees leave our             Wishing you the best of health and happiness for years to
kitchen to pursue opportunities money elsewhere. The good          come.
news...we have retained our core staff and are constantly
training our new people, who have limited skills, to teach them    Truly, Chef Michael Harlow
the skills necessary to sustain a culinary career with our Club.
I am happy to say that we offer a positive work environment
once reached #21 in the World rankings. A former player at
             ON THE COURT                                            Murray High School before going on to play at the University of
                                                                     Memphis, he stayed their one year before transferring to the
                                                                     University of Tennessee, where he won the NCAA Doubles
Lucky in Love attire has arrived just in time for your fall Tennis   Championship with teammate Rodney Harmon.
attire needs. With a few collections and styles to select from, be
sure to stop by the shop on your next visit at the Club to           Mel is still active in coaching
purchase. Closets all full, no problem, these items make for a       and will soon enter his 16th
great gift swap idea.                                                season at the helm of the
                                                                     Murray State men’s tennis
                                                                     program after spending five
                                                                     seasons as an Assistant
                                                                     Coach. Mel continues to play
                                                                     today with the Jimmy
                                                                     Connors Champions Tour,
                                                                     playing with the likes of
                                                                     Connors, Bjorn Borg, Roscoe
                                                                     Tanner and John McEnroe.
                                                                     He has also served as color
                                                                     commentor for TV
                                                                     broadcasts of the Champions Tour.

Looking to get your skills sharpened this fall, long-time         To further inquire about Mel’s or Jamie’s availability or any ques-
ambassador Mel Purcell, is available for lessons on Thursday      tions, please contact the Tennis Center.
and Saturdays for any of your instruction needs. For those of
you not familiar with Mel, he is a former professional player who
Member News
Thank You for hosting or sponsoring an event in October at the Club!

     Heath Bowling - Edward Jones
        Larry Stovesand - KADA                          Luncheon Club:
        Steve Durham - ServPro                           Karen Edwards

       Keith Wilke - Banterra Bank                      Private Events:
           Elliot Treece - Stifel                        Lynn Foster
    Dr. Ted Borodofsky - 1st Investors             Dr. Rachel Lowdenback
                                                        Debbie Davies
     Dr. Paul Grumley - Top Drawer
                                                        Melissa Wilson
       Nancy Powless - Book Club

                  Welcome to your Club!
                          Dr. Sam & Jessica Thompson
                                   (Sam, Jr.)

                            Donald & Esther Hubbard

                            Mason & Valerie DeJarnett
                                (Piper & Reese)
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