Improving Literacy at NCC - Newman Catholic College

Page created by Barry Thomas
Improving Literacy at NCC - Newman Catholic College
Improving Literacy at NCC
Literacy Newsletter/Parents                                                  Issue 1 Spring 2021

Literacy is the way in which we                                                   RELIGION
read, write, speak and listen in a            ACCELERATED READER
way that lets us communicate                  Accelerated Reader (AR) is a
effectively and make sense of the             powerful tool for monitoring        Three simple ways
                                              and managing independent            you can help your
world.                                        reading practice and motivating     child and support
Here at Newman Catholic College               students to read for pleasure.      their progress in
we understand that supporting                                                     Religion.
                                              Students in years 7-9 can
literacy in each subject helps                access books online through         1. Ask your child to
students make progress across                 Brent Libraries and then quiz       highlight some key
the curriculum.                               them in Accelerated Reader via
                                                                                  words they have been
                                              the school website. Students in
                                              year 7-9 have been given user       studying and explain
This newsletter provides
                                              names and passwords.                them. For example, ask
signposts for parents. It offers
                                              Check that a book is included in    them to name the
tips, useful websites, suggestions                                                module they are
                                              AR by entering the name of the
for wider reading around a topic              book here: https://                 currently studying and
and important subject vocabulary                   ask them to highlight
so that you can support your                  UserType.aspx?                      and verbally explain
child's progress in each subject.                                                 some key words linked
                                                                                  to that topic.
SCIENCE                                                                           2. Proofread work
                                                                                  tasks with your child to
Students can revise topics, using videos and quizzes to revise the key
                                                                                  ensure that their work
vocabulary and knowledge required in KS3 (years 7/8/9) KS4
                                                                                  is clearly explained.
(years 10/11) and KS5 (years 12/13).
                                                                                  Ask them to read back
Science KS3 Readings (videos and quizzes included)                                work aloud to you. This
                                                                                  will help with their use
KS3 Chemistry:                    of literacy and consoli-
KS3 Biology:                      date their knowledge
                                                                                  about what they have
KS3 Physics:                      learned in class.
                                                                                  3. Check your child’s
                                                                                  work. Even if you do
Science KS4 Readings (videos and tests included)                                  not understand the
GCSE Chemistry:                  content, you will be
                                                                                  able to clearly see if
GCSE Biology:                    your child has done
                                                                                  their best and present-
GCSE Physics:
                                                                                  ed it neatly. Is their
                                                                                  handwriting neat? Have
Science KS5 Readings (videos and tests included)                                  they used paragraphs?
                                                                                  If you cannot read their
                                                                                  work clearly, then there                                       is a good chance no
                                                                                  one else will either.
Improving Literacy at NCC - Newman Catholic College
GEOGRAPHY                                                                              MODERN
Use this guide to identify books you could read to find out more about                 FOREIGN
the places and geographical ideas you are studying. If you would like                  LANGUAGES
more recommendations or maybe have your own recommendations,
then speak to your Geography teacher.                                                  Support for French and
                                                                                       Spanish can be found at
Year 7 How does a river change from source to mouth?
                                                                                       BBC Bitesize. Look at
•    Rebecca Kahn Rivers                                                               the following websites
                                                                                       for further information.
•    Eva Ibbotson Journey to the River Sea
                                                                                       KS3 (years 7-9)
Year 8 How does weather and climate affect the UK?                                     bitesize/subjects/
•    Anita Ganeri Stormy Weather                                                       z2nygk7

•    Michael Brown The flood: Surviving the Deluge                                     GCSE
Year 9 How are lives shaped by volcanoes?                                              zhsvr82
•    Anita Ganeri Violent Volcanoes                                                    You son or daughter
•    Iain Stewart Plate Tectonics: A ladybird expert                                   should ask their teacher
                                                                                       for specific advice.

                                                                    COMPUTER SCIENCE
Year 7 Topics
                                                                    For Internet safety, look at this
•    Battle of Hastings 1066                                        website https://
•    The development of Church, state and society in      
       Medieval Britain 1066-1509                                   en_uk/.
•    The Battle of Falkirk 1298
                                                                    For Computer Science, use
•    Thematic Study. Migrants and migration                         BBC Bitsize
Year 8 Topics                                                       bitesize/subjects/zvc9q6f
•    The development of Church, state and
       society in Britain 1509-1745
•    Battle of Naseby 1645                                          BUSINESS
                                                                    Below are some useful links to assist with
•    Thematic Study. Black Peoples of the Americas.
                                                                    revision and research for your Business
•    Ideas, political power, industry and                           coursework, we encourage you to look
       empire: Britain, 1745-1901                                   through these websites and use them
Year 9 Topics                                                       when needed!
•    Battle of Waterloo 1815.                                       zpsvr82 - Whilst this is for GCSE and not
                                                                    BTEC, there are excellent explanations of
•    The Somme 1916
                                                                    key terms and I suggest that you use this
•    Europe and the wider world 1901 to the present day.            to assist with revision tasks. https://
                                                           - This website
GCSE History Topics (Edexcel exam board)
                                                                    has a wealth of information and has
•    Warfare and British Society                                    relevant information, tasks and revision
                                                                    activities for students of all levels. https://
•    1250 to present day
                                                           - We
•    Henry V111 and his Ministers 1509-1540                         encourage all of our students to keep up
                                                                    with the news and look into new and
•    Superpowers and the Cold War
                                                                    interesting business stories in the news
•    Russia and the Soviet Union 1917- 41                           - several of our lesson discussions
                                                                    feature articles from various news outlets.
Improving Literacy at NCC - Newman Catholic College
MATHS                                                   DRAMA
    It is important to build good study habits from         Topics studied in each year group and links for
    the outset – students should aim to revise Math-        further information can be found below.
    ematics for 30 minutes, three times a week. In
    order for this time to be most effective, they          •      Year 7 Egyptian Curse/Melodrama
    should plan to cover both the topics recently
    studied in class, as well previous learning.            •      Year 8 Silent Movies/Mime/Musical Theatre
        To help identify areas to focus on, your son/       •      Year 9 Directors - Tim Burton/Black Histo-
    daughter should use a combination of
    previous work (marked by his teacher) and                      ry Month work/Bush Theatre Scheme
    feedback from homework assignments. Should              •      Year 10 Stanislavski/Bush Theatre
    they need additional support with this, they
    should speak to their class teacher in the first               Scheme
    instance.                                               •      Year 11 Duologues/Component 2/Musical
        Additional practice tests or materials are
    available online (see the list of useful websites              Theatre/Brecht
    below). Your son/daughter will also have access         •      Year 12 Monologues/Style/Genre/Form
    to HegartyMaths and GCSE Pod, which can
    further support their revision.                         •      Year 13 Elizabeth and Jacobean Theatre/
        Due to the wealth of material made available               Contemporary Theatre Unit/Voice in
    to your son/daughter for free by the department,
    both online and in the format of exam papers                   Broadcasting—using your voice for different
    and booklets, we do not recommend the                          purposes/theatre in education/acting for a
    purchase of any specific revision guides.
                                                                   camera/An Inspector Calls (Tec Aw L2)
    Useful websites for this subject:                             Digital Theatre Plus:                                                                   Royal Shakespeare Company:                                                                           The National Theatre:                              
                                                            The Globe Theatre:
                                                            The Old Vic:
                                                            The Kiln Theatre:

ENGLISH                                                               ART
When students are analysing a text they should                        Students
always remember the 6 steps.
                                                                      can take advantage of online advice
1.Identify words, characters, symbols, structure...
2.Understand…                                                         and guidance to improve their art skills.
3.Explain in your own words…                                          KS3
4.Develop using connectives…                                          subjects/z6f3cdm
5.Explore other ideas using alternatively/however…
6.Create a theory (what do you believe the text is really             GCSE
 about?)…                                                             subjects/z6hs34j

In a text look for                                                    TATE KIDS
•     Meaningful words and phrases ‘Aggressive’ ‘Golden blue’
•     Language features such as metaphors, similes, alliteration
•     Key characters Sir Oswald, Mr Utterson, Piggy, The Porter      LEXIA
•     Symbols Scars, An expensive wooden cane, doors,
         letters, a ring                                             Lexia Power-up is an online programme
•     Important events Wild boy stabbing the Showman in the          that supports spelling, grammar and
         foot, Lady Macbeths first soliloquy, Dr Lanyon
         witnessing the transformation                               comprehension. Targeted students in
•     Key Themes Loyalty, Male ego, female leadership, racism        KS3 have been given a username and
                                                                     password and can access Lexia via
Look at BBC Bitesize English KS3 and GCSE for information. 
Improving Literacy at NCC - Newman Catholic College
BBC                                                                                            BBC BITESIZE
 Collections of educational resources on the BBC Bitesize and BBC Teach                         BBC Bitesize offers
 websites are available to support online learning at home for pupils in                        revision materials,
 Years 1 to 9, and those studying for GCSEs. Lessons and programmes will                        tests, quizzes and
 broadcast on TV - on BBC Two and CBBC - as well as on iPlayer, provid-                         video clips to support
 ing support for children unable to access online resources.
                                                                                                a range of topics.
 How can I access this content?                                                                 KS3 (years 7-9)
      • Online - Bitesize - Lockdown Learning offers a suite of engaging                        https://
      learning resources for children aged 5 to fifteen. These online lessons         
      are full of videos, quizzes and practice activities to help students keep
      on track when learning at home. You can use the lessons to introduce
      ideas for the first time, or as refreshers.                                               z4kw2hv
                                                                                                KS4 (GCSE)
      • TV - Programming for primary pupils is on CBBC between 09:00
      and 12:00 each weekday. Programmes for secondary school pupils are                        https://
      on BBC Two, between 1pm and 3pm.                                                
      • iPlayer - All programmes are available to catch-up, on-demand on                        z98jmp3
                                                                                                KS5                             (Functional Skills)

  DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY                                                               
  Support for all areas of Design & Technology (K3-5) can be found                              zvhtng8

MY FAVOURITE BOOK                                                  BRENT LIBRARIES
Mr Daniel Coyle                                                    Students and their families can join Brent Libraries
Head Teacher                                                       and then access books, magazines, newspapers
                                                                   and reference materials online. You can access the
                                                                   library 24/7 for free, with a library card and PIN.
Germinal                                                           Join Brent Libraries here: https://
By Emile Zola                                            
Germinal is Émile Zola’s realistic                                 libraries/elibrary/
depiction of the coalminers’ strike in
northern France in the 1860s. The                                  E-Books
story centres on Étienne Lantier, a young migrant worker           Free access to over 20,000 titles through the
who arrives at the coalmining town of Montsou in search of         London libraries consortium. Available on a variety
work. Set against a backdrop of extreme poverty and                of phones and e-readers.
oppression, Germinal is the story of the idealistic but naive
Étienne, who embraces the ideals of the socialistic                •     Download e-books and e-audio
movement and goes on to lead a strike of the coalminers
with disastrous consequences. In turns harrowing and               •     Download children's e-books and e-audio
violent, Zola brilliantly describes scenes of riots and dramatic
rescues, while at the same time bringing to life the
                                                                   •     Download teen e-books and e-audio
characters’ romances, passions, and frailties.
                                                                   •     Discover Africa’s Stories
If you or your son or daughter would like to submit
 a book review for inclusion in this newsletter (of a              •     NEW - eComics - Marvel & more
  book suitable for students in years 7-11) please
                                                                   Members can also access references materials
      email it to
                                                                   and dictionaries, including bilingual dictionaries.
Improving Literacy at NCC - Newman Catholic College
   Students should be able to read, spell, understand the meaning of these
              words in context and use these words correctly.

ENGLISH                     MATHS          SCIENCE                     DRAMA
culture                     add            cell                        collaboration
presents                    subtract       photosynthesis              confidence
impact                      multiply       respiration                 compromise
utopia                      divide         pathogen                    actor
symbol/ism/ises             ratio          blood                       character
simultaneously              proportion     energy resources            playwright
conflict/ing                equivalent     current                     accent
evaluation                  fraction       national grid               audition
ambiguous                   decimal        force                       scene
identify                    percentage     friction                    scenario
exclaimed                   factorise      fossil fuel                 character
purpose                     factor         free electron               genre
alternative                 prime          isotopes                    tragedy
implicit                    perimeter      mass number                 comedy
connotation                 area           temperature                 plot
HISTORY                     RELIGION       GEOGRAPHY                   ICT

parliament                  apostles       volcano                     computer hardware
monarch                     baptism        rural/urban migration       software
dictator                    conscience     inner core                  software application (app)
peasant                     disciples      scale                       networks
castle                      eucharist      population distribution     wireless network (WiFi)
knight                      respect        densely populated           broadband
revolution                  sin            plate                       computer virus
suffragette                 worship        death rate                  web browser
trench                      covenant       central business district   cloud storage
revolt                      gospel         water cycle                 hacking
armada                      moral evil     infant mortality rate       phishing
communism                   natural evil   pull factor                 e-mail spam
democracy                   sacrament      urban                       privacy settings
segregation                 creation       mouth                       database
reformation                 salvation      life expectancy             algorithm
                                           1. Ensure your son or daughter can spell these
design process              aim
                                           words. Look at spelling strategies at https://
orthographic drawing        asset
isometric drawing           breakeven
linkage mechanism           cash inflow    2. Ask your son or daughter to explain what the
task analysis               cash outflow   words mean within the relevant context.
iterative design            customer
modern materials            entrepreneur   3. Ask your son or daughter to check their work,
finishing technique         ethics         have they used the correct spelling and used the
casting                     goods          word correctly in their books?
polymer                     growth
design idea                 import         4. Give your son or daughter spelling tests to
prototype                   loss           check they can spell the words correctly.
biodegradable               SMART          5. Ask your son or daughter to contact their
ferrous/non ferrous metal   service
                                           teachers if they need any specific help.
design specification        export
                                           6. Print this resource and display it at home.
Improving Literacy at NCC - Newman Catholic College
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