Page created by Kent Morrison

                  12 march 2009
              Internet Freedom desk
            Reporters Without Borders
          47, rue Vivienne - 75002 Paris
Tél : (33) 1 44 83 84 84 - Fax : (33) 1 45 23 11 51
             E-mail : internet@rsf.org
                 Web : www.rsf.org
The Internet represents freedom, but not every-       But for now, at least 69 people are behind bars
                    where. Under the pretext of protecting morals,        for having expressed themselves freely online.
                    national security, religion and ethnic minorities,
                    even the “spiritual cultural and scientific poten-    Australia and South Korea: democracies
                    tial of the country”, many countries resort to fil-   “under surveillance”.
                    tering the Web in order to block some content.
                    Governments have no hesitation in allowing            The Australian parliament in January 2008 ex-
                    their citizens only partial connections. Use of the   amined a draft law requiring service providers to
                    Internet can rest on a tacit agreement: Govern-       systematically provide two connections per
                    ments do not make websites inaccessible in ex-        household, one for adults and the other for chil-
                    change for self-discipline on the part of Internet    dren, both of them submitted to strict, and
                    users.                                                above all secret, filtering. This draft was put for-
                                                                          ward against a background in which anti-terror
                    The 12 “Internet Enemies” presented in this re-       legislation is already allowing serious inroads
                    port (Saudi Arabia, Burma, China, Cuba,               into the confidentiality of private correspon-
                    Egypt, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Tunisia, Turk-       dence. Since 2001, the law has allowed an
                    menistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam) have all            agency independent of the government to inter-
                    transformed the network into an intranet, pre-        cept all suspect email and to carry out inde-
                    venting Internet users from obtaining news seen       pendent investigations, including in the absence
                    as “undesirable”. All of these countries mark         of any prior judicial authorisation.
                    themselves out not just for their capacity to cen-
                    sor news and information online but also for          South Korea, one of the world’s most connected
                    their almost systematic repression of Internet        countries, also has recourse to some dispropor-
                    users.                                                tionate measures to regulate the Net. A blogger
                                                                          was arrested on 7 January 2009 for having af-
                    Ten governments which Reporters Without Bor-          fected “financial exchanges in the markets” as
                    ders has placed under its own “surveillance”,         well as the “credibility of the nation” because of
                    still alternate between censorship and harass-        articles he posted on one of the country’s
                    ment of Internet users.                               biggest discussion forums. He is still being held
                                                                          in detention.
Internet Ennemies

                    But is blocking of news online still effective?
                    Through experience and thanks to their techni-        A participatory censorship
                    cal knowledge, Internet users have learned to
                    get round some censorship installed on the Web        The most technically advanced repressive
                    by their governments. In countries where access       regimes know it well: playing the online censor-
                    to news is prized, it is not unusual to find soft-    ship card means taking the risk of coming up
                    ware to defeat online censorship installed on         against experts determined to develop the tools
                    computers in cybercafés, and also managers            to guarantee access to news despite everything.
                    willing to put them to use if need be. Internet ex-   Most of the regions do not have the means to
                    perts belonging to some of the most recognised        join an endless technological struggle.
                    institutions constantly create and fine-tune soft-    So, in the face of the fad for social networking
                    ware versions so as to adapt them to the reality      sites such as Facebook, Twitter and other online
                    of the virtual world and to ensure that news is       exchange platforms like the Arabic-language
                    accessible to all.                                    Maktoob and the Russian language LiveJournal,
                                                                          censorship operates through a battle of com-
                    Even major Internet sector companies, who co-         ments.
                    operate either willingly or unwillingly with cen-
                    sorship within the countries of the “Internet         For example, in a bid to limit online criticism dur-
                    enemies”, agreed a compromise at the end of           ing the Beijing Olympics in August 2008, the
                    2008. By signing the Global Network Initiative,       government paid some Internet users to leave
                    the US firms Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft pub-        pro-government comments on the spaces re-
                    licly said that they wanted to respect their cus-     served for online discussion where debates
                    tomers' freedom of expression worldwide. How          were being held. Called the “Five cents” – an
                    much they may in reality defy the demands of          ironic reference to the money paid for non spon-
                    authorities in countries to which they provide        taneous comments, they contributed to the ma-
                    services remains to be seen. But it will no longer    nipulation of news and information. But there
                    be as easy for governments of these countries         are other ways of manipulating online information.
                    to obtain confidential information about their cit-
During the Israeli offensive in Gaza in January    “.co.il”. Since the conflict ended, Israelis have
                    2009, hackers, chiefly Moroccans, Lebanese,        hit back. An army of bloggers have been bom-
                    Turks and Iranians launched hundreds of at-        barding the Net with the views of the Jewish
                    tacks against Israeli websites, targeting nearly   state.
                    Web 10,000 pages with the domain name
Internet Ennemies

Burma                                                losing its total control of this space. There are
                                                                         two service providers, MPT and Bagan Cy-
                    Domain name : .mm                                    bertech. The first of these belongs to the state
                    Population : 47, 758,181                             and the second is hosted by the services of the
                    Internet-users : 40,000                              Prime Minister.
                    Population : 27,601,038
                    Internet-users : 6,200,000                           Internet-users are officially banned from using
                    Average cost of one hour’s connection in a           messaging services apart from those provided
                    cybercafé : 20 centimes (euro)                       by the government. However, computers in cy-
                    Average monthly salary : about 40 euros              bercafés frequently boast proxies for getting
                    Number of private service providers : 0              round censorship and to allow use of Yahoo!,
                    Number of public service providers : 2               Gmail and Hotmail. Currently, 0.1% of Burmese
                    Number of imprisoned bloggers : 2                    connect to the Internet inside the country. Gov-
                                                                         ernment authorisation is required to get an In-
                    Burma has one of the lowest Internet pene-           ternet connection at home.
                    tration rates in the world. However, its users
                    are among the most threatened. Going on              Rules that thwart freedom of expression
                    line is itself seen as a dissident act.
                                                                         The Internet is regulated by the law on television
                    Only 40,000 people connect to the Internet,          and video and the Electronic Act, dating from
                    mostly in cybercafés in the cities.                             1996, that bans the import, posses-
                    For most of the country, the band-                              sion and use of a modem without of-
                    width is barely higher than an indi-                            ficial permission, under threat of a
                    vidual ADSL connection in Europe.                               15-year prison sentence for “damag-
                    Downloading a single text can take                              ing state security, national unity, cul-
                    an hour. With fewer than two users                              ture, the national economy and law
                    for 1,000 residents, Burma is prob-                             and order”.
                    ably one of the least connected
                    countries in the world. In addition,                             A total of 14 journalists and two blog-
                    service providers offer prohibitive prices for       gers are currently in prison in Burma. The owner
Internet Ennemies

                    membership (an average of 25 euros a month).         of two Rangoon cybercafés, Nay Phone Latt
                                                                         (http://www.nayphonelatt.net/), aged 28, who
                    Despite all this, Internet access has expanded       was arrested on 29 January 2008, is due to
                    since 2003 with the opening of the first cyber-      leave prison in 2020. He was sentenced under
                    cafés in Rangoon. Today, there are more than         the Electronic Act for possessing a film viewed
                    200 in the capital. Moreover, the Burmese al-        as “subversive”. The comedian Zarganar was
                    phabet sits ill with the most recent software        sentenced to 35 years in prison under the Elec-
                    adaptations and it is often necessary to under-      tronic Act, after posting articles on the Internet
                    stand English to go online. Added to all this is     criticising the authorities’ management of hu-
                    the fact that laws relating to electronic commu-     manitarian aid donated by the international
                    nications and the dissemination of news online       community following Cyclone Nargis. His blog
                    are among the most dissuasive in the world, ex-      (http://zarganar-windoor.blogspot.com/) is one
                    posing Internet-users to very harsh prison sen-      of Burma’s most popular websites in terms of
                    tences. In the light of the narrowness of the        hits from within the country.
                    network and the absence of any private service
                    provider, the military regime has no difficulty in   Since 2006, cybercafés have had to be ap-
                    imposing restrictions.                               proved as “public Internet access points”. This
                                                                         obliges managers of cybercafés to carry out
                    Burma’s media landscape is monolithic: it is en-     screen captures of each computer every five
                    tirely controlled by the state. The only independ-   minutes. They must also be able to provide the
                    ent sources of news are exiled media and the         identity card number of each user, along with
                    Burmese services of the BBC, Radio Free Asia,        their telephone number and their address each
                    Voice of America and the Democratic Voice of         time they connect, if the regime requires it.
                                                                         Since February 2008, the Censorship Bureau
                    The Internet was introduced in Burma in 1997,        has ordered a score of newspapers to ensure
                    but access to the network by individuals was         the front page of their printed edition is exactly
                    only permitted in 2000. The government feared

the same as that on their website. They can only     land, were targets of cyber-attack in September
                    post online what has already appeared in the         2008, preventing them from putting out news.
                    paper version, under threat of closure of the        Despite the creation of a mirror site (http://their-
                    website. These steps have been taken against         rawaddy.blogspot.com), The Irrawaddy saw its
                    the weeklies Weekly Eleven (http://www.week-         hits reduced by half in three months.
                    lyeleven.com/),       7       Days        News
                    (http://www.planet.com.mm/news/), Myanmar            The exiled media website the Democratic Voice
                    Times (http://www.myanmar.com/myanmar-               of Burma, as well as Mizzima, devoted to news
                    times/), Flower News (http://www.myanmar-            on Burma suffered the same type of attacks
                    visa.com/flowernews/index.htm), Yangon Times         since August 2008. These were stepped up be-
                    (http://www.theyangontimes.com/), and the            tween 15 and 22 September, during which time
                    monthlies Popular, Action Times, Snapshot, Yati,     both sites were equally inaccessible outside the
                    Tharapu and Fashion Image.                           country.

                    No news must be sent abroad                          At the start of October 2008, the capital’s cyber-
                                                                         cafés were inspected by soldiers who ques-
                    The harsh jail sentence against Zarganar was         tioned clients about the sites they were looking
                    chiefly due to the fact that he had spoken to for-   at as well as the people with whom they were in
                    eign media, particularly the BBC World Service,      contact online. According to their owners, the
                    about delays on the part of the military authori-    connections speeds were considerably re-
                    ties in providing assistance to the victims of cy-   duced, making downloading photos and videos
                    clone Nargis. The regime takes good care to          virtually impossible.
                    shut down any source of information when
                    Burma is at the centre of the news, as happened      More information :
                    in September 2007, for the first since 1988,
                    when Buddhist monks withdrew their support           http://www.dvb.no/ (Democratic Voice of
                    form the regime and demonstrated against the         Burma): Burmese media based in Norway.
                    dictatorship of General Than Shwe. The author-       http://www.bma-online.org/ (Burma media as-
                    ities then cracked down, isolating the country       sociation): independent organisation founded by
                    from the international scene by making it impos-     Burmese journalists and writers in January 2001
Internet Ennemies

                    sible for information to be sent abroad online.      to defend freedom of expression in Burma,
                                                                         member of a network of partner organisations
                    As the first anniversary of the “Saffron Revolu-     of Reporters Without Borders.
                    tion” approached, four news websites based           http://www.burmanet.org: Burmanet News
                    abroad were regularly targeted in denial-of-         http://www.irrawaddy.org: website of exiled op-
                    service attacks. These attacks consist of simul-     position magazine The Irrawaddy.
                    taneously sending thousands of requests to a         http://jotman.blogspot.com/: news blog on the
                    server in order to block it. The magazine The Ir-    country and international news.
                    rawaddy (http://www.irrawaddy.org), as well as       h t t p : / / w w w. b l c - b u r m a . o rg / h t m l / m y a n -
                    the online daily The New Era (http://www.khit-       mar%20law/lr_e_ml96_08.html : the 1996
                    pyaing.org), whose websites are hosted in Thai-      law regulating the Burmese Internet.

China                                                Times) is using unregulated sources of informa-
                                                                         tion. We ask you therefore not to use articles
                    Domain name : .cn                                    originating with this newspaper. Websites which
                    Population : 1,321,290 000                           have reproduced them are asked to delete them
                    Internet users : 300,000,000                         immediately. Please reply to this message”. This
                    Average cost of an hour’s connection in a cy-        order was sent to websites on 8 May 2006 by
                    bercafé : about 1.50 euros                           Fan Tao, deputy director of the Internet news
                    Average monthly salary : about 170 euros             management bureau in Beijing.
                    (People’s Bank of China)
                    Number of private access providers : figure          The government filters news through the use of
                    not available                                        key words. These “banned” words can some-
                    Number of public service providers : figure          times be replaced by asterisks and controlled
                    not available                                        by moderators before they are posted online.
                    Number of cyber-dissidents imprisoned : 49           For example, all the words associated with the
                                                                         pro-democracy movement, bloodily suppressed
                    The Chinese government has the sorry dis-            by the authorities, on Tiananmen Square in 1989
                    tinction of leading the world in repression of       are prohibited on the network: “1989.6.4”, “stu-
                    the Internet. With the world’s largest number        dent wave of 89”, “student movement of 89”,
                    of Internet users, its censorship mechanisms         “unrest”, “riots”, “massacres”, “rebellion” and
                    are among the world’s most blatant. How-             so on. Internet users tend to use signs such as
                    ever, the authorities are rarely caught nap-         “ “, “ / “, “ \ “, between the words to avoid cen-
                    ping on the content of articles                                    sorship, but websites have installed
                    posted online.                                                     new filters that can detect these
                                                                                       codes. Websites even pick up
                    The Beijing Olympics were the oc-                                  homonyms and synonyms. There are
                    casion, under pressure from the                                    today around 400-500 banned key
                    media, for websites to be un-                                      words relating to the events of 4
                    blocked so that journalists could                                  June 1989.
                    have access to news worldwide.
                                                                                      The information ministry launched a
Internet Ennemies

                    However, it was especially the
                    English versions of Wikipedia, YouTube and           major filtering campaign on 5 January 2009, in a
                    Blogspot that were made accessible. The Chi-         bid to counter pornography. The minister urged
                    nese versions of these sites remained blocked        all Internet actors to redouble their vigilance on
                    and most foreign-based Chinese news websites         content of websites to which they allowed ac-
                    are still inaccessible.                              cess. The authorities particularly asked hosts
                                                                         and access providers to regulate online publica-
                    Nearly 40,000 employees of the state and the         tions themselves, which the state enterprises
                    party monitor files circulating on the Internet.     did. But among the blocked websites were the
                    Since it was introduced into the country in 1987,    New York Times and the political blog portal Bul-
                    the authorities have controlled the information      log (http://www.bullog.cn), because this one
                    available through their expertise on the Web. For    “posts a huge amount of negative news in the
                    example, the largest blog platform used in the       political field”, the information ministry said.
                    country is monitored by the information ministry.
                    Since all the blogs on this platform are hosted in   A “Made in China” Internet that mistrusts all
                    China, the government can easily control them        competition
                    if they consider their content to be contrary to
                    the Party’s principles. In 2008, nearly 3,000        Control exercised by the Chinese Communist
                    news websites were made inaccessible within          Party is eased greatly by the fact that it is serv-
                    the country.                                         ices provided by Chinese companies that attract
                                                                         the use, ahead of Yahoo! and Google, the most-
                    The censorship system is highly organised. The       used search engine is Baidu.cn, which makes
                    Information Bureau of the Council of State and       up 60% of searches (20% for Google) and
                    the Publicity Department (formerly the Propa-        scrupulously filters “subversive” content. On
                    ganda Department) are the main instruments of        subjects such as the “Tiananmen massacre” or
                    censorship. They tirelessly send instructions to     “Charter 08” the following message appears:
                    websites. One such example: “The newspaper           “Some results are not displayed according to
                    Minzhu yu Fazhi Shibao (Democracy and Legal          laws, rules and politics”.

The most used blog platform is Sina, which was         secrets abroad”. And 2009 is a test year for the
                    the first to obtain a government licence to post       circulation of news online. Two historic anniver-
                    news. It is subjected to a self-discipline pact im-    saries are coming up this year: the 50th anniver-
                    posed by the Internet Society of China (ISC), af-      sary of the uprising of the Tibetan people and
                    filiated to the Chinese ministry of industry and       the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen revolt. A
                    information, in August 2007. The pact “encour-         crackdown has already begun to prevent things
                    ages” registration of the identity of clients before   getting out of hand. The renowned human rights
                    posting their articles and keeping their personal      defender Liu Xiaobo was arrested on 8 Decem-
                    information. The judicial authorities effectively      ber 2008 for posting an article online based on
                    have a monopoly on the closure of certain web-         the 1977 Charter of Czechoslovak dissidents.
                    sites.                                                 More than 300 intellectuals and human rights
                                                                           activists were the original signatories of “Charter
                    Far from easing the pressure, the government           08”, which calls for democratic reform and re-
                    has issued new regulations that came into force        spect for basic freedoms. Liu Xiaobo is still
                    in January 2008, forcing websites to obtain ad-        awaiting trial.
                    vance permission from the government.
                                                                           Three subjects were widely followed and dis-
                    Foreign Internet sector companies are also             cussed by Internet users in 2008 and 2009: the
                    being brought to heel. The Google search en-           organisation of the Beijing Olympics in August
                    gine google.cn, has been censored since 2004.          2008, the Sichuan earthquake in May 2008 and
                    Yahoo! was pushed into denunciation during the         the scandal of the contaminated milk sold by the
                    riots that shook Tibet in March 2008 and it            Sanlu factory, which sickened 12,900 babies,
                    posted portraits of four Tibetan demonstrators         two of whom died.
                    alongside an appeal for witnesses. Shortly af-
                    terwards, one of the demonstrators gave himself        The Beijing Olympics in August 2008, focused
                    up and another was arrested after being de-            international attention on China. Militants took
                    nounced. The same goes for the company                 advantage of the opportunity to repeat their de-
                    Skype which, following an agreement with Chi-          mands. Hu Jia was one of these, calling for
                    nese firm TOM, allows the authorities to inter-        democratic reform. He was arrested in Decem-
Internet Ennemies

                    cept its communications.                               ber 2007 and sentenced to three and a half
                                                                           years in prison for “incitement to subversion of
                    Online information in defiance of the author-          state power” on 3 April 2008. The Internet ac-
                    ities                                                  tivist used his blog to condemn repression of
                                                                           human rights defenders by the Chinese regime.
                    According to the China Internet Network Infor-
                    mation Center (Cnnic), the symbolic bar of 300         Internet users criticised the distribution of aid
                    million Internet users was passed in January           after the Sichuan earthquake and called for a
                    2009. One quarter of these have their own blog.        national mobilisation. One of them, Huang Qi,
                    Despite “preventive” control of the flow of infor-     has been held since 10 June 2008 in the
                    mation, a space for expression does exist for          Sichuan capital of Chengdu for posting articles
                    Chinese Internet users. Individuals have               on his website www.64tianwang.com condemn-
                    achieved prominence thanks to their online work        ing the poor management of international aid by
                    as “citizen journalists”. The blogger Zhou             the local authorities.
                    Shuguang, nicknamed Zola, has won the con-
                    fidence of his readers by covering social issues.      The scandal of the contaminated milk at the
                    His website, which is not censored inside the          Sanlu factory, broke on 14 September 2008.
                    country, has become a reference in China. The          However, a journalist on the magazine Nanfang
                    blogger, who has become the spokesman for              Zhoumo (Southern Weekly) turned out to have
                    the conditions of Chinese workers, is however          had most of the information about it since July
                    watched by the local authorities who, for exam-        2008. If he had been authorised to reveal the in-
                    ple, banned him from going to Beijing during the       formation as soon as it was known, the cata-
                    Olympics. He is also unable to leave the coun-         strophic health consequences of this food
                    try.                                                   poisoning – nearly 13,000 children affected and
                                                                           at least two deaths – could have been very
                    Currently, 49 cyber-dissidents and bloggers are        much reduced. But for reasons connected with
                    behind bars, most of them for “revealing state         China’s image, the information was officially cen-

-sored before and during the Olympic Games.        http://boxun.us/news/publish/ (Boxun): news
                    The government sent the media written censor-      website on China (English and Mandarin).
                    ship instructions, including Article 8 that said   http://crd-net.org: website of Chinese Human
                    “any subject linked to food safety, such as min-   Rights Defenders (English and Mandarin).
                    eral water being a source of cancer cannot be      http://www.hrichina.org/: website of Human
                    published”.                                        Rights in China (English).
                                                                       http://www.xinhuanet.com : official Xinhua news
                                                                       agency (English, Mandarin).
                    More information :                                 http://sirc.blogspot.com : blog on the Internet in
                                                                       Asia (English).
                    http://cmp.hku.hk/: website of the Study centre    http://blog.sina.com.cn/xujinglei : blog of Chi-
                    for Journalism and Media at Hong Kong Univer-      nese star Xu Jinglei, the most popular in the
                    sity (English).                                    country (Mandarin).
Internet Ennemies

Cuba                                                   connection is three times cheaper than the interna-
                                                                           tional network.
                    Domain name : .cu
                    Population : 11,200,000                                Until May, the international network was re-
                    Internet users : 1,310,000                             served for foreigners in Cuba, who could get ac-
                    Average cost of one hour’s connection in a             cess to it from hotels to which Cubans were
                    cybercafé : 1.20 euro for the national network -       denied access. The international network how-
                    4 euros for international.                             ever remains one of the most difficult to access,
                    Average monthly salary : 13 euros                      failing any means of getting round censorship.
                    Number of private access providers : 0                 Search engines Yahoo! and Google are for ex-
                    Number of public access providers : 2                  ample inaccessible because of the US embargo
                    Number of cyber-dissidents imprisoned : 0              on the island. If one types “google.fr”, one is
                                                                           redirected to the pages of the official Cuban
                    Cuban Internet users can now connect to the            newspaper (Granma) or of the state news
                    international network but at a crippling price.        agency Prensa Latina. But the information avail-
                    The Raul Castro government’s promise in                able on this network has also been selected by
                    2008 to put an end to “excessive prohibi-              the Cuban government, which block access to
                    tions” has very far from been kept.                    websites such as the BBC, Le Monde, and
                                                                           Nuevo Herald (Miami-based Spanish-language
                    Since May 2008, Cuban citizens have been al-           daily).
                    lowed to use Internet connections in tourist ho-
                    tels. They can look at foreign websites that are       Government administrative staff are among the
                    not filtered by the authorities. But, for the minis-   very few privileged people whom the regime al-
                    ter of information science and                                   lows to connect at no charge to the
                    communications, Boris Moreno,                                    international network using access
                    “The use of the Internet [must                                   codes they are provided with. Others
                    serve] to defend the Revolution                                  have to pay from 6 to 12 dollars an
                    and the principles in which [Cuba]                               hour, which is a considerable sum for
                    has believed for years”.                                         a Cuban citizen.
Internet Ennemies

                    The network is in fact closely
                    monitored by the Cuban Supervi-                                   Profile of a blogger
                    sion and Control Agency which comes under
                    the information ministry. This body awards li-         Despite the access problems, Cuba’s few blog-
                    cences, fixes prices and connection possibili-         gers are very active, their posts relayed by the
                    ties. In addition, the island only has one Internet    Cuban community in the United States, chiefly
                    service provider, ETEC SA, that offers one of the      putting out news about the situation on the is-
                    world’s most restricted networks. Cybercafés           land.
                    are few and far between.
                                                                           Since Raul Castro took power on 24 February, it
                    The island should be connected to the network          is no longer an offence to own a laptop com-
                    between now and 2010 thanks to a fibre optic           puter or a mobile telephone. However the mar-
                    cable via Venezuela, to get round the embargo          ket price is a deterrent, often equivalent to
                    imposed by the USA since 1962. Chinese com-            several months’ salary. Some Cuban bloggers
                    pany Huawei has financed the connection for            share access codes and computers to get
                    the west of the island at a level of 40% but these     themselves heard but they know they are run-
                    works will not allow very significant web access.      ning risks.

                    The island with two networks                           In fact, Cuban Internet users face up to 20 years
                                                                           in prison if they post an article considered to be
                    The Cuban Internet is divided into two networks.       “counter-revolutionary” on a foreign-hosted
                    The “national” network only allows access to           website, and five years if they connect illegally
                    government websites and a .cu email address,           to the international network. In one such case, in
                    carefully controlled by the authorities so that no     2007, journalist Oscar Sanchez Madan, corre-
                    “subversive” message gets on to it. This “col-         spondent for Cubanet in Matanzas province,
                    lective” connection is provided free to universi-      was sentenced to four years in prison “for ten-
                    ties and doctors for example. For others, a            dency to social dangerousness”. Under this pro-

-vision of Cuban criminal law, any citizen, even     Ortega y Gasset prize in the “digital journalism”
                    if he has committed no offence, is liable for im-    category, cannot leave Cuba since the authori-
                    prisonment in the name of the threat he could        ties refuse to give her a passport. The authori-
                    pose to society. Despite this, a score of citizens   ties have also used their power of dissuasion to
                    regularly post blogs from Cuba, even if they are     cancel a meeting she tried to organise between
                    inaccessible on the island. They are often not       the island’s bloggers in December 2008. Her
                    their own administrators because the network is      blog is one of the rare breaches in the informa-
                    too restricted and often too slow.                   tion control dam, and has led to her being ac-
                                                                         cused of “illegal activity”.
                    Since 20 March 2008, the platform
                    Desdecuba.com (www.desdecuba.com), which             More information :
                    includes an online magazine, Consenso, and six
                    blogs, has been inaccessible from public con-        http://www.cubanet.org : website of an inde-
                    nection points, although it can be accessed          pendent journalist in Cuba (English and Span-
                    from cybercafés and hotels. The few private          ish).
                    connections used for professional reasons or in      http://www.desdecuba.com/generaciony:
                    secret, take at least 20 minutes to upload a wel-     (Generacion Y): Yoani Sanchez’s blog in Havana
                    come page, making it impossible to edit com-         (Spanish).
                    ments or to moderate them.                           http://www.granma.cu : website of official daily
                                                                         Granma (French, English, Spanish).
                    Some dissident voices have been targeted by          http://www.prensa-latina.cu : website of govern-
                    the authorities. The blogger Yoani Sanchez           ment news agency (English, Spanish, Russian,
                    (www.desdecuba/generacionY), laureate of the         Turkish, Italian, Portuguese).
Internet Ennemies

Egypt                                               sion. To connect to the wireless network, a cus-
                                                                        tomer has to provide a mobile phone number
                    Domain name : .eg                                   and some personal data such as identity card
                    Population : 81,713,517                             numbers, address and so on, which gives rise
                    Internet users : 10,532,400                         to concerns about freedom of speech.
                    Average cost of an hours connection in a cy-
                    bercafé : about 0.15 centimes (euro)                The banner of the state of emergency law
                    Average monthly salary : about 40 euros
                    Number of private service providers : 208           Unlike its Saudi and Syrian neighbours, Egypt is
                    Number of public service providers : 1              a country in which freedom of speech does still
                    Number of imprisoned bloggers : 2                   exist. An independent press has developed and
                                                                        criticism is permitted.
                    The vitality of the Egyptian blogosphere on
                    the international scene is far from being an        More than a space for expression, the Web has
                    advantage for the bloggers involved, who are        become a space for action, particularly through
                    among the most hounded in the world.                social networks, which little by little have started
                                                                        taking on the role of trade unions, which were
                    Three bodies run the Egyptian Internet: The In-     banned under the state of emergency law. In
                    formation and Decision Support Centre – which       force since 1981, the emergency legislation
                    also advises the authorities in the socio-eco-      banned trade unions from political activities. But
                    nomic and political field; The Supreme Council      the most active Internet users call virtual rallies
                    of Universities – because the net-                              that can give rise to genuine political
                    work was initially developed to                                 demands. One group, created on the
                    ease exchange of information in                                 social networking site Facebook, and
                    the academic world - ;as well as                                boasting more than 65,000 mem-
                    Telecom Egypt, which owns one of                                bers, was used to channel protests
                    the country’s biggest service                                   in April 2008. Calling on Egyptians to
                    providers, TEData.                                              “stay home”, it contributed to a gen-
                                                                                    eral strike and one of the largest ex-
Internet Ennemies

                    There are more than 200 private                                 pressions of unrest in several years.
                    service providers. Each public Internet access      Since no law regulated this space, the interior
                    point can provide the user with a telephone         ministry in 2002 set up a department responsi-
                    number to go online via a modem. Despite the        ble for investigating online offences. As a result,
                    government’s efforts to make computers more         security forces arrested around 100 bloggers in
                    affordable, the Internet penetration rate remains   2008 for “damaging national security” .
                    low at 12.9%. But ADSL, launched in 2004, is
                    attracting more and more users; there were          One of the members of the 6 April Facebook
                    427,100 in December 2008, twice as many as in       group, Esraa Abdel Fattah Ahmed spent two
                    2007.                                               weeks in prison for being a member of this
                                                                        group. Its creator, Ahmed Maher, a 27-year-old
                    Since the beginning of 2007, the government         engineer, was detained and beaten for 12 hours
                    has stepped up its surveillance of the Web in the   by police in Mahalla, north of Cairo, who wanted
                    name of the fight against terrorism. Officials      to identify the rest of the group. Shortly after-
                    monitor information exchanged online and cy-        wards, another blogger, Kareem El-Beheiri,
                    bercafés have to obtain a licence from the          spent 73 days in custody in connection with ar-
                    telecommunications ministry under threat of clo-    ticles       posted       on        his     blog
                    sure. Some cybercafé owners have said that          (http://egyworkers.blogspot.com/), dealing with
                    they had been ordered to note and file all their    workers’ rights and official corruption.
                    customers’ identity card numbers. Large num-
                    bers of people use these cybercafés that are        Currently, two cyber-dissidents are behind bars
                    under surveillance because the charges are so       because of the opinions they have posted on-
                    much lower than that of individual subscriptions,   line. Dia’Eddin Gad, aged 22, was arrested at
                    sometimes shared between several users. The         his home in Kattour, in Gharbiyah province, in
                    authorities have since last summer applied reg-     the Nile delta on 6 February 2009. He started a
                    ulations to access to the WiFi network, which is    blog in January 2009, “A voice in anger”
                    having a direct impact on freedom of expres-        (http://soutgadeb.blogspot.com), on which he

posted articles criticising the Egyptian govern-     pression by the authorities against bloggers in
                    ment’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,   the Arab world. He was the laureate in the
                    where he presented himself as “an Egyptian           cyber-freedoms category of the 2007 Reporters
                    citizen who loves his country and wishes it long     Without Borders – Fondation de France prize.
                    life along with its courageous people”. He is
                    being held in an unknown detention centre and        More information :
                    the authorities have not provided any explana-
                    tion.                                                http://www.idsc.gov.eg/ : site du Centre d’in-
                                                                         formation et de décision (anglais et arabe).
                    On 22 February 2007, Abdel Kareem Nabil              http://www.hrinfo.net : site de l’association
                    Suleiman, aka “Kareem Amer”, was sen-                HRInfo, défenseur des droits de l’homme dans
                    tenced to three years in prison for “insulting the   le monde arabe (anglais et arabe), membre du
                    president” and one year for “incitement to ha-       réseau des organisations partenaires de Re-
                    tred of Islam”, because of his comments on an        porters sans frontières.
                    Internet forum seen as overly critical of the gov-   http://www.ise.org.eg : site de la « société
                    ernment. He used his blog to regularly con-          égyptienne de l’Internet » (anglais et arabe).
                    demn abuses on the part of President Hosni           http://misrdigital.blogspirit.com/ : blog de Wael
                    Mubarak’s government and the country’s high-         Abbas (arabe principalement. Quelques articles
                    est religious authorities, in particular the Sunni   en anglais).
                    university of al-Azhar, where he was studying        http://www.karam903.blogspot.com : blog de
                    law. He has become a symbol of political re-         Kareem Amer (arabe).
Internet Ennemies

Iran                                                Internet,” he added in an interview with the offi-
                                                                        cial news agency Fars. In this way, “The Internet
                    Domain name : .ir                                   will be made safe because anti-religious and im-
                    Population : 72,769,694                             moral activities will be tried there”. The com-
                    Internet users : 23,000,000                         mander of the “special forces for moral security”
                    Average cost of an hour’s connection in a cy-       said on 8 February 2009 that “identifying
                    bercafé : 70 centimes (euro)                        banned websites and arresting Internet users
                    Average monthly salary : 200 to 300 euros           that go on them is one of [its] responsibilities”. It
                    Number of private service providers : more          was the first time that the police raised this sub-
                    than 50                                             ject.
                    Number of public service providers : 1
                    Number of imprisoned cyber-dissidents : 4           Crackdown on political bloggers increases in
                                                                        run-up to presidential elections
                    Iran leads the way in the Middle East in re-
                    pression of the Internet. According to the          The pro-government press considers the Inter-
                    Tehran prosecutor general’s adviser, the au-        net to be “subversive”. The authorities in 2008,
                    thorities blocked five million websites in          arrested or questioned 17 bloggers, seven more
                    2008. However the country has                                   than in 2007. More than 38 news
                    the region’s most militant blog-                                websites were censored and in the
                    gers, four of whom are currently                                run-up to presidential elections, for-
                    in prison.                                                      eign news websites are also being
                    Internet penetration is above aver-
                    age in the region and in the run-up                              The Persian-language website of the
                    to presidential elections due on 12                              German media Deutsche Welle
                    June, the authorities appear to be                               (www.dw-world.de/dw/0,,641,00.html)
                    stepping up their control. The main service         has been inaccessible since 26 January, as has
                    providers rely on the state-run Iranian Telecom-    the Persian-language site of Radio France Inter-
                    munications Company (ITC). Despite the exis-        national (http://www.rfi.fr/actufa/pages/001/ac-
                    tence of private companies, the state remains       cueil.asp) and the Arabic-language site of
Internet Ennemies

                    the main actor in the market and instructions       al-Arabiya                             television
                    given by the Minister of Culture and Islamic Ori-   (http://www.alarabiya.net/persian/). Reporters
                    entation, Mohammed Saffar Harandi, are quickly      Without Borders’ tests carried out on 26 and 27
                    applied.                                            January, found the blocking was affecting the
                                                                        cities of Tehran, Qom, Ahvaz, Karaj, Tabriz,
                    The Iranian parliament’s justice commission on      Bousher, Meched and Chiraz. Against this back-
                    3 November 2008, decided to set up a new fil-       ground, Esmail Jafari, editor of the blog Rah
                    tering committee ratifying some articles in the     Mardom        (Voice   of     the    People     -
                    draft law on “Internet offences”. However, since    http://www.poutin.blogfa.com), was sentenced
                    2003, the government has already had in place       on 6 December to five months in prison for hav-
                    a commission dedicated to establishing a black-     ing covered a demonstration in front of the city
                    list of websites seen as “illegal”, including       prefecture by around 20 workers in Bushehr,
                    YouTube, Facebook and Orkut. Moreover, a            south-west Iran, in protest at being sacked, in
                    draft law dating from 2 July 2008, is in the        April. He was sentenced for “publicity against
                    process of being adopted, that punishes with        the regime” and “revealing information abroad”.
                    the death penalty “the creation of blogs and
                    websites promoting corruption, prostitution and     Since 24 January 2009, several news websites
                    apostasy”.                                          criticising government policy or belonging to po-
                                                                        tential opponents of the president, Mahmoud
                    A special prosecutor’s office makes decisions       Ahmadinejad, have also been made inaccessi-
                    on censorship and is made up of a team of com-      ble by various service providers. Farda News
                    puter specialists. Tehran’s Prosecutor General      (www.fardanews.com) and Parsine (www.par-
                    of Tehran, Said Mortazavi, said that it was         sine.com), both close to Tehran mayor, Mo-
                    planned that “two special inspectors will work      hammed Baqer Qalibaf, a rival of Mahmoud
                    together with the security services”. “This pros-   Ahmadinejad, have been closed down. Like-
                    ecutor’s office has already dismantled two          wise, on 22 February two sites were blocked
                    groups working against the government on the        that supported the candidacy of the reforming
                                                                        ex-president Mohammad Khatami to the 12 June

presidential elections. They were Yarinews, an           Hosseinkhah and Nahid Keshavarz) were sen-
                    information portal for Khatami supporters and            tenced to six months in prison for “publishing
                    the website Yaari, which collects messages of            news against the regime”. The authorities’ ac-
                    support for the former president.                        cusations centre on their contributions to the
                                                                             online newspaper Zanestan (The City of women
                    Repression not only affects the authors of criti-        - http://herlandmag.net/) and Tagir Bary Barbary
                    cal comments about the outgoing president,               (Change for equality - http://we-change.org/).
                    who is determined to protect his political image
                    ahead of 12 June, Journalist Mojtaba Lotfi was           At the end of 2008, Tagir Bary Barbary suffered
                    arrested on 8 October for posting online re-             its 18th incident of blocking in two years and
                    marks by the ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, a          http://www.feministschool.com its eighth. The
                    renowned opponent of the Supreme Guide of                blog http://www.zhila.net, run by Jila Bani
                    the Islamic Revolution, as well as remarks by the        Yaghoub,        lawyer     and     director     of
                    ayatollah Ali Khamenei, critical of a statement          womeniran.com who regularly defends rights for
                    by President Ahmadinejad that Iran was the               women in Iran, is also inaccessible. Blogger
                    “world’s freest country” (http://www.amontaz-            Shahnaz Gholami, a member of the Association
                    eri.com/farsi/default.asp). He was sentenced on          of Women Journalists (ARZ), who has been par-
                    29 November 2008 to four years in prison and             ticularly involved in the women’s rights struggle,
                    five years banishment by a special cleric court in       spent 69 days in custody. This editor of the blog
                    the city of Qom, in the central-north of the coun-       Azar Zan (http://azarwomen.blogfa.com) was ar-
                    try.                                                     rested because the authorities considered that
                                                                             “the articles were damaging to national security”
                    The blogger Hossein Derakhshan, who is often             and that “the accused clearly said that she had
                    invited to speak about the state of the Internet at      posted these articles on her weblog”.
                    international conferences, was arrested on 1st
                    November 2008. One of the reasons for his ar-            Another sign of deteriorating freedom of expres-
                    rest was posting articles about key figures of the       sion in Iran came on 21 December when the Cir-
                    Shiite faith on his blog (http://www.hoder.com).         cle of Human Rights Defenders, providing free
                    According to his family, he is still being detained,     legal aid to Iran’s journalists and human rights
                    while an investigation into his case is being held.      activists, founded in Tehran in 2002 by lawyer
Internet Ennemies

                                                                             and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Shirin Ebadi,
                    Women continue to be targeted for harass-                was closed on the order of the authorities.
                    ment by the authorities
                                                                             More information :
                    Crackdowns on Internet users and the Internet
                    are all the more significant since they are recog-       http://www.advarnews.us/ : website of a stu-
                    nised internationally for their criticism of the poli-   dent organisation on human rights in Iran (Farsi).
                    cies of President Ahmadinejad.                           http://www.entekhab.org/ : news website of the
                                                                             conservative party (Farsi).
                    The Iranian women’s collective behind the cam-           http://norooznews.ir/ : news website of the re-
                    paign, “One million signatures for the abolition         formist party (Farsi).
                    of discriminatory laws against women”,                   http://www.farsnews.com/ : website of the offi-
                    launched in 2005, won the Simone de Beauvoir             cial news agency (English and Farsi).
                    prize for the freedom of women on 9 January              http://we-change.org/ : Tagir Bary Barbary -
                    2009, securing themselves a major role in this           (Change to equality - Farsi and English): femi-
                    struggle. Posting the collective’s message on-           nist newspaper to which Maryam Hosseinkhah
                    line ensured high visibility on the international        contributes.
                    scene. But on the other side of the coin, it also        http://irwomen.net/ : website of the Association
                    ensured unprecedented hounding by the au-                of Iranian Women (Farsi).
                    thorities. Women bloggers who took part in this          http://www.feministschool.com/ : Iranian femi-
                    campaign were summoned to a revolutionary                nist website (Farsi).
                    tribunal at least three times in 2009. Five of them      http://www.humanrights-ir.org : website of the
                    (Parvin Ardalan, Jelveh Javaheri, Maryam                 Circle of Human Rights Defenders (Farsi).

North Korea                                            Internet at the service of the regime’s propa-
                    Domain name : .kp
                    Population : 23,479,089                                Only two websites are hosted under the domain
                    Internet users : not available                         name “.kp”: the KCC (kcce.kp), which keeps the
                    Average price of an hour’s connection in a cy-         North Korean network under surveillance, and that
                    bercafé : 6 euros                                      of the governmental portal http://www.naenara.kp.
                    Average monthly salary : 20 to 35 euros                But government propaganda is not limited to these
                    Number of private service providers : 0                two sites. The official news agency, the Korean
                    Number if public service providers : 1                 Central New Agency, kcna.co.jp, is supplied by
                    Number of imprisoned bloggers : 0                      North Koreans producing propaganda from Japan.
                                                                           The headlines of the articles reflect Kim-Jong il’s
                    North Korea is a model of control of news and          schedule and are put out in English, Russian and
                    information in a country where all forms of            Spanish. The same goes for the website Urimin-
                    communication are at the service of the regime.        zokkiri.com, which is devoted to the glory of the
                                                                           “Dear Leader” Kim Il-sung, praising North Korea’s
                    The North Korean Internet, which operates like an      “Juche” (self reliance) ideology and reporting on in-
                    Intranet, has been available since 2000 and can        augurations and presents received by Kim-Jong il.
                    provide email, a censored search engine, a
                    browser and a few news sites that have been care-      There are a total of 30 websites of this kind and
                    fully selected by the government. The only avail-      South Korean police have identified 43 pro-North
                    able Web pages have been approved by the               Korean sites based abroad and which they say are
                    authorities and come from the                                 hostile to South Korea. Constantly vigilant
                    data banks of the Democratic                                  about his image, Kim Jong-il has in fact set
                    People’s      Republic’s     three                            up websites addressed particularly to
                    biggest libraries (The Grand Peo-                             South Koreans. His government on 26
                    ple’s Study House and the Kim Il-                             January 2008 even accused its southern
                    sung      and       Kim     Chaek                             neighbour of violating its citizens’ right to
                    universities).The      information                            information since sites reporting on Kim
Internet Ennemies

                    available is usually connected                                Jong-il’s activities were inaccessible.
                    with science and is only accessi-
                    ble to a few handpicked people like academics          Even mobile phone use is regulated
                    and bureaucrats.
                                                                           The regime launched its first mobile phone service
                    To get on the network, cybercafés owners must          in November 2002 but soon banned citizens from
                    obtain permission from the official Korean Com-        using it, confining this privilege to the military elite.
                    puter Center (KCC) which controls all online infor-    The regime interrupted the service in 2004 so as to
                    mation and is the service provider. Cybercafés         “protect North Koreans from all foreign news” fol-
                    allow use of chat rooms and access to a restricted     lowing a train accident in Ryongchun on the border
                    network. Police made several raids on places offer-    with China, that left 161 people dead, but also be-
                    ing more open access during the summer of 2007.        cause of the growing black market in mobile
                    Since 2004, only foreigners and a few members of       phones at the South Korean border. Since then,
                    the government have been able to use a non fil-        Pyongyang has retaken control of the phone net-
                    tered Internet through a satellite link with servers   work and on 1st February 2008, the government
                    based in Germany.                                      signed an agreement with an Egyptian company
                                                                           Orascom Telecom, allowing it to keep a grip on the
                    An agreement signed in December 2007 on greater        network for 25 years, under KCC management.
                    co-operation between the two Koreas allowed ac-        Since December 2008, it has cost almost the
                    cess from 7am and 10pm for South Korean em-            equivalent of 400 euros to open an account – equal
                    ployees on the Kaesung industrial complex north        to around ten month’s salary. The black market
                    of the demilitarised zone and at the tourist site at   therefore still thrives and Chinese mobile phones
                    Mont Kumgang-san (Diamond Mountain), in the            have reached the border, allowing North Korean In-
                    east of the country, until 2008.                       ternet users to go online … on the Chinese Web.

More information ;
                                                                       http://www.dprkorea.com/ : website promoting
                    http://www.dailynk.com/english/ : independent      tourism.
                    North Korean daily produced by former North Ko-    http://www.kcna.co.jp/ : KCNA, official govern-
                    rean journalists.                                  ment news agency.
                    http://www.uriminzokkiri.com/ : Uriminzokkiri,     http://nkay.blogsome.com : collaborative human
                    website dedicated to Kim Jong-il, created by the   rights blog.
                    government.English version:http://www.urimin-      http://www.linkglobal.org/ : Liberty in North
                    zokkiri.com/Newspaper/English/main.php).           Korea, human rights organisation (English).
Internet Ennemies

Saudi Arabia                                             Easy export of censorship

                    Domain name : .sa                                        The reach of the Saudi Internet is such that cen-
                    Population : 27,601,038                                  sorship affecting the kingdom sometimes spills
                    Internet-users : 6,200,000                               over to other countries using the same networks
                    Average cost of one hour’s connection in a               to get connected. Since the end of 2008, the
                    cybercafé : not available                                Saudi Communications Authority has ordered
                    Average salary : not available                           the blocking of some websites, because of their
                    Number of private service providers : 22 (of-            content dealing with religious matters or morals,
                    ficial figure)                                           making access to them impossible.
                    Number of public service providers : 1
                    Number of imprisoned bloggers : 0                        As a result, the hosting and web design site
                                                                             Onix.com has been inaccessible since Decem-
                    The Saudi authorities have not made official             ber in Saudi Arabia and in the United Arab Emi-
                    their filtering of websites but they do crack            rates, along with the blog of Eve, a Saudi
                    down on bloggers who challenge their                     woman who deals with the rights of women and
                    morality, whatever the nature of the de-                 religious affairs in the country. Onix.com hosts
                    mands. A highly dissuasive policy in a coun-             blogs including that of Ali al-Omary, the first
                    try which does not have a criminal code and              blind Arab blogger, whose site is highly popular
                    which arrests authors of “content that is of-            in the region.
                    fensive or violates the principles
                    of the Islamic religion and social                                   But the Saudis also protect their
                    norms”.                                                              “friends” in the region. In January
                                                                                         2008, a Syrian organisation got a site
                    In the first such move, Saudi au-                                    on the Saudi network that was criti-
                    thorities in 2008 imprisoned the                                     cising Syria shut down. This very
                    blogger Fouad al-Farhan for more                                     popular website, Elaph, has however
                    than four months for posting on                                      been accessible again in Saudi Ara-
                    his blog (http://www.alfarhan.org),                                  bia since 19 February 2009, without
                                                                             any explanation from the authorities. The wide-
Internet Ennemies

                    an article describing the “advantages” and “dis-
                    advantages” of being a Muslim. Nicknamed “the            ranging website al-hora (http://al-hora.com/)
                    godfather”, Fouad al-Farhan is one of the king-          has been inaccessible since 25 December 2007.
                    dom’s best known bloggers. His arrest was a              It deals with all subjects, from politics to culture
                    message of intimidation to the blogosphere.              and allows Internet users to post their own com-
                    Saudi authorities arrested the blogger Hamoud            ments.
                    Ben Saleh on 13 January 2009 for having used
                    his website to describe his conversion to Chris-         Online exchanges are considered to be a factor
                    tianity. His site, http://christforsaudi.blogspot.com,   in immorality. Posting a comment on a website
                    was added to the list of more than 400,000 that          deemed “immoral” by the authorities can lead
                    are officially blocked to “protect Saudi society”.       to arrest. This is all the easier since the kingdom
                                                                             does not have a written criminal code. Security
                    Net filtering was initially carried out by the Inter-    services and courts base judgements on vague
                    net Service Unit, which comes under the De-              and extremely broad notions of criminal law.
                    partment of Science and Technology at the King
                    Abdul Aziz University, but was entrusted in              Social networks lead to immorality
                    March 2007 to a specialised commission linked
                    to the government. This commission stepped               Because of this, websites that promote ex-
                    up filtering to combat terrorism, fraud, pornog-         changes between bloggers, such as virtual so-
                    raphy, defamation and “violation of religious val-       cial networking sites, MySpace and Tagged, are
                    ues”. Steps in this regard were taken at the start       inaccessible in the kingdom. Certain sites allow-
                    of 2008 making legally responsible service               ing users to get round online censorship are also
                    providers or distributors of computer equipment          blocked, as is the Arabic version of the online
                    who failed to observe the rules. So, a cybercafé         encyclopaedia Wikipedia. Censorship is very
                    owner is liable to a prison sentence for posting         broad, going from websites of political organi-
                    on his premises of an article contrary to these          sations to those of non-recognised Islamist
                    “religious values”.                                      movements, and including any publication with

anything to do with sexuality, so as to “protect      vember 2008. He was accused of blasphemy
                    citizens from content that is offensive or violates   over poems posted on his website
                    the principles of the Islamic religion and social     (http://rushdie.mkatoobblog.com). Al-Ghadir
                    norms”.                                               was interrogated for eight hours by police in
                                                                          Dammam in the east of the country and was
                    In fact, Saudi women, who are not allowed to          forced to promise not to write any more such
                    work in shops or to drive cars, have enthusias-       poems. The blogger laid a complaint against the
                    tically taken to the Internet, making up two-         CPVPV the next day.
                    thirds of users in 2000. The appearance of blogs
                    has allowed them to express themselves freely         More information :
                    about their daily lives. That is why sites dealing
                    with the feminine condition are very widely fil-      http://www.saudihr.org/ : human rights website
                    tered. For example, the site “The voice of            in Saudi Arabia (English and Arabic).
                    women” (http://www.saudiwomen.net) has been           http://www.gulfissues.net/ : news website on
                    blocked since 15 October 2008 by the Saudi            Gulf countries (English).
                    Communications Authority, which considers it          http://saudijeans.org/ : blog by a student in
                    to be contrary to official policy. But censorship     Riyadh (English).
                    also bars any consultation of health advice           http://arabictadwin.maktoobblog.com/ : web-
                    (breast cancer checks for example), because of        site of the Saudi Union of bloggers (Arabic).
                    the use of key words.                                 http://www.saudiblogs.org : aggregator of Saudi
                                                                          blogs (English).
                    The blogger Hamoud Ben Saleh is not the only          http://www.elaph.com : news website on the
                    victim of online religious censorship. The blog-      Arab world (Arabic).
                    ger and poet Rushdie al-Ghadir was arrested           http://www.menber-alhewar.com : website dis-
                    by the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue        cussing human rights in Saudi Arabia (censored
                    and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV) on 4 No-           in the kingdom).
Internet Ennemies

Syria                                                 entered everyday language. Before arresting an
                                                                          Internet user, police officers say they are going
                    Domain name : .sy                                     to “drink a coffee”, meaning to interrogate
                    Population : 19,747,586                               someone about their online activities.
                    Internet users : 2,132,000
                    Average price of an hour’s connection in a            At least five cyber-dissidents have been sen-
                    cybercafé : de 50 centimes (euro)                     tenced to prison terms of six months to four
                    Average monthly salary : about 140 euros in           years since 2000. Some, like Mohammad Badi
                    the public sector                                     Dak al Bab and Homam Hassan Haddad,
                    Number of private access providers : 4                have been harassed by the authorities for con-
                    Number of public access providers : 2                 tributing to online publications “damaging state
                    Number of imprisoned bloggers : 1                     prestige”, under Article 287 of the Syrian crimi-
                                                                          nal code. The first of them was held in prison in
                    After China and Vietnam, the Syrian Arab Re-          Adra (about 20 kilometres north-east of Damas-
                    public is one of the world’s most repressive          cus) for six months, from 2 March to 17 Septem-
                    countries towards Internet users. Five cyber-         ber 2008. The second, a sociology student at
                    dissidents are behind bars for having gone            Damascus University, was arrested by the intel-
                    online.                                               ligence services on 27 January 2009. Nothing
                                                                          has been heard of him since. He previously
                    At the outset, the government allowed the mar-        served three months in detention after being ar-
                    ket to develop, using rivalry among                                rested on 4 May 2008 because of his
                    access provider competitors to                                     online activities. He is in trouble over
                    help Syrians to get online more                                    contributions to several editions of
                    easily. Six operators have shared                                  the magazine Boursates wa Aswak
                    the market since 2005, STE (The                                    (Stock exchanges and markets) and
                    Ministry of Telecommunications),                                   several online publications.
                    the state-owned Syrian Computer
                    Society (SCS) and four private ac-                              Others, such as Kareem Arabji, an
                    cess providers Aya, Cec-Sy, ZAD                                 accountancy graduate from Damas-
                    and SyriaTech. It is no longer necessary to have      cus University and Habib Saleh, a contributor
                                                                          to    the  censored     website   Elaph.com
Internet Ennemies

                    a particular professional reason to get an Inter-
                    net connection, just a matter of producing an         (http://www.elaph.com), have been held for
                    identity card or a passport.                          more than a year without trial.

                    Internet use continues to rise in Syria, even if      Writer and poet Firas Saad was sentenced to
                    only 10% of the population use it. The price of       four years in jail on 9 April 2008 for posting
                    connection has gone down and Internet cafés           “false information” online. He is currently being
                    have flourished in poor neighbourhoods, often         held in Saydnaya prison, north of the capital, ac-
                    connected through broadband. There are 40             cused of damaging “state integrity” and weak-
                    times more users now than in 2004, an upsurge         ening “national feeling”. Saad was arrested in
                    that has prompted the authorities to control          November 2006 for articles he posted on Syrian
                    news put out online. Surveillance and censor-         websites, many of them banned within the
                    ship are commonplace on the Syrian Web. The           country. In them, he criticised the “defeatism” of
                    Syrian Computer Society, the country’s leading        the Syrian regime in the Lebanon war of July
                    access provider, can intercept emails and there-      2006 and called government officials as “thor-
                    fore monitor dissidents.                              oughly corrupt, keeping down rather than de-
                                                                          fending Lebanon”.
                    However, under the Syrian constitution adopted
                    in 1973, “every citizen has the right to freely and   Security before service
                    openly express opinions, orally, in writing or by
                    any other means of expression [...].The state         Telecommunications minister, Amr Salem, de-
                    guarantees freedom of the press [...] under the       creed on 25 July 2007 that website owners
                    law” (Article 38).                                    should keep personal details of authors of arti-
                                                                          cles and comments. The following month he
                    The Syrian “café”                                     sent a circular to the same people telling them to
                                                                          make public the names of authors and com-
                    Arrests linked to online activities are becoming      mentators contributing to their sites, under
                    ever more frequent – a practice which has even        threat of closure of their site. He added that

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