IEEE 802.11bf: Toward Ubiquitous Wi-Fi Sensing - arXiv
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1 IEEE 802.11bf: Toward Ubiquitous Wi-Fi Sensing Francesco Restuccia Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, US Abstract—Wi-Fi is among the most successful wireless computers, smartphones, televisions, tablets, sensors technologies ever invented. As Wi-Fi becomes more and and many others. This extremely dense and hetero- more present in public and private spaces, it becomes nat- geneous concentration of WiFi devices – placed in ural to leverage its ubiquitousness to implement ground- almost every corner of our indoor environments – breaking wireless sensing applications such as human pres- ence detection, activity recognition, and object tracking, will create the perfect opportunity to continuously just to name a few. This paper reports ongoing efforts by “map” the surrounding environment using Wi-Fi arXiv:2103.14918v1 [cs.NI] 27 Mar 2021 the IEEE 802.11bf Task Group (TGbf), which is defining signals as sounding waveforms. the appropriate modifications to existing Wi-Fi standards to enhance sensing capabilities through 802.11-compliant Transmitted Wi-Fi Signal waveforms. We summarize objectives and timeline of TGbf, and discuss some of the most interesting proposed technical features discussed so far. We also introduce a roadmap of research challenges pertaining to Wi-Fi Health Presence Activity sensing and its integration with future Wi-Fi technologies Recognition Monitoring Detection and emerging spectrum bands, hoping to elicit further activities by both the research community and TGbf. Received Wi-Fi I. I NTRODUCTION Signal Since its inception in September 1990, Wi-Fi has transitioned from a low-rate replacement to Channel State Ethernet to one of the most successful wireless Information (CSI) Feature Extraction Classification & Classification Result technologies ever invented. Today, Wi-Fi is ubiq- Extraction uitous and widely employed to provide plug-and- Fig. 1: High-level Overview of Wi-Fi Sensing (SENS). play Internet connectivity in almost any public and private space, including homes, offices, parks, air- Figure 1 shows a very high-level overview of Wi- ports, shopping malls, university campuses, and so Fi sensing, also called SENS in the IEEE 802.11 on. Wi-Fi hotspots are so omnipresent that cellular community. The key idea behind SENS is to lever- operators are expected to offload 63% of their global age Channel State Information (CSI) measurements mobile data traffic to Wi-Fi by 2021. For this reason, to detect (and possibly, track) the presence of ob- it is not hard to believe that a whopping 541.6M stacles between a transmitter and a receiver. This public Wi-Fi hotspots will be deployed by 2021 way, complex classification tasks such as human – a sixfold increase from 94M hotspots deployed activity recognition (HAR) [3], health monitoring in 2016, according to the Cisco Visual Networking [4], and object detection [5] can be achieved, for Index (VNI) [1]. As a consequence, the global Wi-Fi example, through computation of phase differences economy is forecast to increase from today’s $1.96T [6] or Doppler shifts [7]. Since surveying SENS to $3.46T by 2023, according to the study in [2]. procedures is outside the scope of this paper, we The staggering increase in Wi-Fi devices, cou- refer the reader to [8] for an excellent summary. pled with the unprecedented throughput demands The vast majority on the literature on CSI- of next-generation multimedia applications, will in- based SENS has focused on finding new application evitably create complex wireless networking chal- scenarios, or improving the classification accuracy lenges. However, from a sensing standpoint, the of existing SENS algorithms. This deluge of in- sudden explosion in Wi-Fi devices may also consti- terest by the research community has definitely tute a “blessing in disguise.” Indeed, Wi-Fi devices helped SENS establish itself as one of the top are not only becoming more bandwidth-hungry, but candidates to perform device-free sensing in the also more and more diverse, spanning from personal years to come. Somehow surprisingly, despite the
2 success of SENS, current Wi-Fi standards do not of research challenges that will need to be tackled provide the support for sensing activities. To truly to improve SENS and that could inform future TGbf transition SENS from a research-only process to a activities in Section V. The paper is concluded in widespread, systematically used feature, extending Section VI. existing Wi-Fi standards to support SENS become quintessential. Recognizing the importance of the II. IEEE 802.11 BF : T HE N EED TO issue, the IEEE 802.11 Working Group (WG) has S TANDARDIZE S ENSING P ROCEDURES approved in September 2020 a Project Authorization Request (PAR) defining a new Task Group (TG), Since its inception, SENS has enjoyed a sustained called IEEE 802.11bf (TGbf) [9]. According to interest by the wireless research community, which the PAR, TGbf will tackle the development of an has proposed and improved new techniques to lever- amendment that defines modifications to state-of- age Wi-Fi signals to sense a diverse number of the-art IEEE 802.11 standards at both the Medium phenomena [8]. After several years of continuous Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY). improvement, and realizing its economic impact, This will help enhance SENS operation in license- the IEEE 802.11 community is now supporting exempt frequency bands between 1 GHz and 7.125 the integration and facilitation of SENS procedures GHz, as well as above 45 GHz, which will enable through the IEEE 802.11bf standard, to increase sensing at millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies. compatibility, facilitate interoperability and support The impact that IEEE 802.11bf will have on safety. This does not come as a surprise; to be suc- our society at large cannot be overstated. When cessfully adopted at the scale of billions of devices, 802.11bf will be finalized and introduced as an SENS techniques must necessarily be integrated IEEE standard in September 2024, Wi-Fi will cease into the bigger IEEE 802.11 family, which will to be a communication-only standard and will le- impose manufacturers wanting to produce standard- gitimately become a full-fledged sensing paradigm. compliant Wi-Fi chips to support SENS. This standardization effort, coupled with the numer- Beyond widespread adoption, we can provide at ous SENS systems currently being developed at the least two reasons that make 802.11bf compelling research stage, will create the “perfect storm” for from a technical standpoint. First, the standardiza- the introduction into the market of groundbreaking tion process will impose strict quality control to the applications that we cannot even imagine today. technical features that will be part of the standard. Through 802.11bf, Wi-Fi sensing will be merged Promoting 802.11bf to a full standard will require into WiFi and become part of our daily lives, as several years and iterations, as explained in Section every standard-compliant router will need to imple- III-B, and will involve the participation of hundreds ment SENS capabilities. At the same time, IEEE of experts in Wi-Fi technologies. Each proposed 802.11bf is still in its infancy, and although the technical feature will go through many iterations activities of TGbf have only recently started and before ending up into a standard draft. According discussions are ongoing, some possible features that to the TGbf Selection Procedures document [10], will become part of IEEE 802.11bf have already the proposed technical contributions will go through been discussed during TGbf’s meetings. Moreover, three voting procedures, where at least 75% of the there are still some critical issues that need to 802.11 voting members will have to approve the be addressed to really make SENS effective and contributions. Finally, the draft document will need efficient in a variety of circumstances. to satisfy 802.11bf technical requirements before This paper makes the following contributions. making it to a WG ballot. First, we discuss in Section II a series of reasons The second reason is that through standardization as to why the standardization of SENS procedures into the 802.11 family, researchers and developers through IEEE 802.11bf has become a compelling of sensing applications will have the access to well- necessity for the future of Wi-Fi. We then introduce defined SENS procedures, where data collection and the reader to the use cases, objectives and timeline analysis will be facilitated. Nowadays, researchers of TGbf in Section III, and discuss the most rele- need to manually implement operations such as vant features that have been discussed during TGbf CSI collection, feature extraction, and classification. meetings in Section IV. We then introduce a series With established protocols defining the interaction
3 with the PHY and MAC layers, innovation in the a session started by an initiator. A SENS trans- critical SENS field will be severely expedited. mitter/receiver will transmit/receiver PHY Protocol Data Units (PPDUs) used for SENS measurements III. IEEE 802.11 BF : in a session. Notice that in a session, an initiator can O BJECTIVES AND T IMELINE be a sensing transmitter, a receiver, both or neither. At the time of writing, the TGbf community SENS SENS is regularly meeting to define the use cases and Transmitter Receiver SENS technical contribution that should be included in the PPDU final 802.11bf standard. However, a number of key objectives and use cases have already been defined, including the project timeline, which are the focus of this section. SENS SENS Request SENS Initiator (MAC Service Interface) Responder A. TGbf Objectives SENS Feedback The TGbf’s final target is to define modifica- Fig. 2: Support for SENS Operations in 802.11bf. tions to the 802.11ad, 802.11ay, 802.11n, 802.11ac, 802.11ax and 802.11be PHY, as well as the IEEE 802.11 MAC, to enhance sensing operations through B. TGbf Timeline Wi-Fi signals. Finally, 802.11bf will provide back- Figure 3 summarizes the envisioned 4-year devel- ward compatibility and coexistence with existing opment timeline for 802.11bf. The first crucial step, IEEE 802.11 standards operating in the same bands. which is the approval of the Project Authorization It will enable sensing measurements to be obtained Request (PAR) for TGbf, has been completed in using transmissions that are requested, unsolicited, September 2020. In IEEE standards jargon, a PAR or both, and define a MAC service interface for is a legal document that states the reason and layers above the MAC to request and retrieve SENS objectives for the project. Moreover, it allows a WG measurements. to assign copyright and indemnification from IEEE. More formally, the TGbf defines Wi-Fi Sensing At the moment, TGbf is working on drafting a Spec- (SENS) as the usage of received Wi-Fi signals from ification Framework Document (SFD) to provide a a Wireless Station (STA) to detect features (i.e., top-level technical description of the functionality range, velocity, angular, motion, presence or prox- that the IEEE 802.11bf standard will implement. imity, gesture, etc) of intended targets (i.e., object, An initial draft of the standard (D0.1) is expected human, animal, etc) in a given environment (i.e., to be available in January 2022, with 3 subsequent house, office, room, vehicle, enterprise, etc). As drafts, D1.0, D2.0 and D3.0) available in July 2022, specified in the Functional Requirement Document January 2023 and May 2023, respectively. The IEEE (FRD) [11] redacted by the TGbf, SENS operations Standard Association (SA) balloting process for will occur in license-exempt frequency bands be- IEEE 802.11bf is set to begin in September 2023. tween 1 GHz and 7.125 GHz and above 45 GHz. The balloting usually begins when the Standards The IEEE 802.11bf amendment will enable STAs Committee (SC) assigned to TGbf convenes that a to perform the following: (i) exchange information draft (D4.0) has reached enough maturity. A bal- regarding their SENS capabilities to other STAs; loting group will be formed by the SC, containing (ii) request and setup transmissions that enable individuals or entities interested in the standard. SENS measurements to be performed; (iii) indicate While anyone can contribute comments, eligible a transmission can be used for SENS; (iv) exchange members of the balloting group (i.e., IEEE SA of SENS feedback and information. members or buyers of a per-ballot fee) are the Figure 2 summarizes how 802.11bf is envisioned only votes that count toward approval. Balloters are to support sensing operations. SENS operations will usually stakeholders of the standard, such as chip be performed during a SENS session. A SENS manufacturers and final users. While no interest initiator is a STA that initiates a session, while category can comprise over 1/3 of the balloting a SENS responder is a STA that participates to group, the target is to gain the greatest consensus
4 Fig. 3: Development Timeline of the IEEE 802.11bf Standard. among balloters. At least, a 75% consensus with at SENS SENS Transmitter Transmitter least 75% of the ballots returned has to be reached ... to conclude the balloting process. > 45 GHz Directional The IEEE 802.11 WG and 802.11 Executive Antenna(s) Committee (EC) is set to approve the 802.11bf < 7 GHz standard in July 2024, 10 months after the SA ballot. Omnidir Before the standard can be published, the IEEE SA Antenna(s) ... Multi-STA Standards Board has to approve it with the rec- SENS SENS SENS Receiver ommendation of the Standards Review Committee Fusion Receiver (RevCom). While the RevCom does not examine the Fig. 4: Cooperative and Multi-band SENS Approaches in 802.11bf. technical nature of the standard, it ensures procedu- ral standards were followed during the drafting and the quality of SENS operations, as more channels balloting process, such as consensus, due process, between the SENS transmitters and the SENS openness, and balance. After approval, the standard receiver(s) can be obtained and processed, thus is edited by an IEEE SA editor, given a final review leading to accurate sensing. Figure 5 illustrates by the members of the WG, and published. RevCom the envisioned way to establish a CSENS session, will check over all the documentation and make sure which is composed of three phases: (i) a trigger that the IEEE SA procedures were followed. phase, (ii) a burst phase, and (iii) a feedback IV. IEEE 802.11 BF : P ROPOSED F EATURES exchange phase. A SENS initiator (I) initiates the Many technical contributions are currently being CSENS by sending a trigger packet, which signals discussed during TGbf meetings to take SENS to the SENS responders (S1 and S2) that a CSENSE the next level in future Wi-Fi networks. In this sec- operation is taking place. The responders will take tion, we provide a summary of the most promising turn in transmitting a burst of Null Data Packets approaches discussed so far. (NDPs), which are used to sound the channel between the responders and the receiving STAs. A. Cooperative SENS ... Traditionally, SENS has performed with one STA SENS SENS I T B B V R Responder Responder transmiting the sensing waveform and one (or more) (S1) (S2) STAs receiving and processing it. However, a more S1 T B B ... effective collaborative SENS (in short, CSENS) approach has been recently proposed [12], shown in SENS Initiator (I) S2 T B B ... V R the left portion of Figure 4, where multiple SENS- CSI Request Trigger Burst T Trigger Packet V enabled devices can collaborate as a group in an B NDP Burst Packet R CSI Reply orderly fashion to capture additional information Fig. 5: Example of a CSENS session. about the surrounding environment. This is especially true in the case of Multiple- In Figure 5, S1 sends a burst of two NDPs, one Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) transmissions, received by I and one by S2. Since an NDP is which are the norm in modern Wi-Fi standards. received by I, there is no need to request an explicit Spatial diversity – achieved with multiple antennas feedback since I can directly compute the CSI. To and multiple transmitters – can indeed help improve receive the CSI from the missing responders, I sends
5 a feedback request – in the example, S2 – each of enrich the field before the standardization process is them replying with a CSI reply. completed in September 2024. Figure 6 summarizes the challenges discussed in this section. B. Multi-band SENS A. SENS Security and Privacy The vast majority of Wi-Fi devices will soon be equipped with antennas operating at both sub- While creating a plethora of life-improving ben- 7-GHz frequencies and 60 GHz, to be compatible efits for ordinary citizens, the IEEE 802.11bf stan- with legacy standards – IEEE 802.11ax and earlier dard will enable Wi-Fi devices to regularly perform – and the new standards at mmWave frequencies SENS operations in highly-populated indoor envi- – IEEE 802.11ad/ay and subsequent. The presence ronments. As a consequence, the pervasiveness of of such diverse antennas into a single device will SENS into our everyday lives will necessarily elicit create unprecedented sensing opportunity for Wi-Fi. security and privacy (S&P) concerns by the end On one hand, sub-7 CSI measurements will provide users. Indeed, it has been shown that SENS-based indication of relatively large motions, can propagate classifiers can infer privacy-critical information such through obstacles (e.g., walls), and contain richer as keyboard typing, gesture recognition and ac- multipath information. On the other hand, CSI mea- tivity tracking. Given the broadcast nature of the surements are very sensitive to fading and noise, wireless channel, a malicious eavesdropper could which may lead to inconsistencies in sensing mea- easily “listen” to CSI reports and track the user’s surements. CSI is also very high-dimensional, as it activity without authorization. Worse yet, since Wi- grows quadratically with the number of subcarriers Fi signals can penetrate hard objects and can be and antennas. Conversely, Received Signal Strength used without the presence of light, end-users may Indicator (RSSI) measurements at mmWave will not even realize they are being tracked. provide highly-directional information through the As yet, research and development efforts have usage of beamforming toward a given receiver, but been focused on improving the classification accu- have small range due to the presence of block- racy of the phenomena being monitored, with little ers (e.g., walls). Moreover, measurement are more regard to S&P issues. While this could be acceptable coarse-grained, since the complexity grows with the from a research perspective, we point out that to number of beams. allow widespread adoption of 802.11bf, ordinary Given the substantial difference between the two people need to trust its underlying technologies. measurements, it becomes consequential to “merge” Therefore, S&P guarantees must be provided to the together sensing inputs from sub-7 and mmWave. end users. This is particularly useful especially for data-driven We identify a number of critical issues that need algorithms, which can work with very heteroge- to be addressed in this space, also illustrated in the neous data [13]. Recent discussions in TGbf meet- top-left portion of Figure 6. First, individuals should ings [14] have unveiled the possibility of concur- be provided the opportunity to opt out of SENS rently using RSSI and CSI measurements as input services – in other words, to avoid being monitored to a convolutional neural network (CNN) or digital and tracked by the Wi-Fi devices around them. signal processing (DSP) block to classify complex This would require the widespread introduction sensing phenomena. The approaches discussed were of reliable SENS algorithm for human or animal input concatenation, feature fusion, i.e., concatenate identification. Although some techniques have been the output of the convolutional layers, and feature proposed in literature [8], it is unclear whether permutation, to make the learning process more they are resilient to spoofing, i.e., malicious users robust and generalizable. actively trying to impersonate other users, or ad- verse channel conditions, i.e., presence of noise and V. IEEE 802.11 BF : interference from other technologies. On the other C HALLENGES AND O PPORTUNITIES hand, identification techniques should also be tested The IEEE 802.11bf standardization process is against adversaries trying to avoid being detected, still in its infancy. Although significant research either through active techniques, i.e., a Wi-Fi device efforts have been spent in the field of Wi-Fi sensing, carefully jamming the SENS activity, or passive there are still a plethora of opportunities to further techniques, i.e., materials shielding and/or deflecting
6 Opt-in SENS Spoofer / Eavesdropper SENS Security and Privacy Protect SENS against spoofing and eavesdropping Opt-out Provide zero-touch user-specific SENS opt-out Multi-band CSENS-aided Wi-Fi Systems Leverage increased location-awareness of obstacles to improve Wi-Fi communications Coexistence of SENS and Spectrum Sharing Systems Guarantee accuracy of SENS operations in the presence of “Piggyback” Dedicated spectrum sharing SENS SENS Integrating SENS and Data Transmissions Optimize sensing quality vs overhead trade-off Fig. 6: Challenges and Opportunities in Wi-Fi Sensing. the Wi-Fi radiation. Since many recent SENS-based multiple Wi-Fi devices in different spectrum bands. classification systems are based on CNNs, an inter- Indeed, conversely from the vast majority of SENS esting investigation could be the evaluation of the classification tasks, communication-related SENS extent to which adversarial machine learning (AML) will be extremely time-sensitive, with maximum tol- techniques can compromise the accuracy of existing erable deadlines in the order of milliseconds. To this CNN-based classifiers operating on CSI inputs. end, a possible strategy could be to introduce control channels in the sub-7 band exclusively dedicated to B. Multi-band CSENS-aided Wi-Fi Systems the coordination of low-latency CSENS operations. Cooperative SENS (CSENS), as mentioned in This option is particularly enticing, also thanks to Section IV-A, has been discussed as a viable option the increased number – up to 16 – of MIMO spatial to increase the reliability of SENS operations. This streams supported by future Wi-Fi standards such as feature, combined with the possibility of multi- IEEE 802.11be [15]. band SENS (Section IV-B), will provide a unique opportunity to not only increase the classification C. SENS in Spectrum Sharing Environments accuracy of sensed phenomena, but also to leverage From IEEE 802.11ax onward, Wi-Fi is poised to the increased location-awareness of blockages – due utilize the additional 1.2 GHz of spectrum between to humans, animals and objects – to design intel- 5.925 and 7.125 GHz. Of particular relevance to ligent multi-band CSENS-aided Wi-Fi communica- IEEE 802.11bf, this pristine spectrum band will tions that will increase the performance of mmWave allow the usage of very large bandwidths – up to Wi-Fi links. For example, understanding the size 320 MHz [15] – and as a consequence, the usage and movement of blocking entities through sub-7 of an increased number of subcarriers – 996x2, if CSI reports could eventually guide beam selection the same subcarrier allocation of IEEE 802.11ax in the mmWave link, as shown in Figure 6. By the will persist. This will imply that finer-grained CSI same token, understanding the location of a STA reports could be utilized for SENS, with the possi- by using sub-7 SENS can help reduce the overhead bility of severely improving performance. associated with beam scanning and alignment. Two major showstoppers to this much-need en- Moving forward, a key challenge will be to hancement, however, are (i) the increased path coordinate time-sensitive CSENS operations among loss at 6 GHz frequencies; and (ii) the need to
7 share the spectrum with other wireless technologies. research challenges that if addressed, could improve Currently, the 6 GHz band is reserved to licensed the finalized IEEE 802.11bf standard. We hope our users (also called incumbents). These include cel- paper will elicit further research activities by the lular carriers and mobile virtual network operators wireless research community on this timely topic. (MVNOs) who have already deployed thousands of backhaul point-to-point links. Incumbents such R EFERENCES as satellite, public safety and ultra-wide bandwidth [1] Cisco Inc., “Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) and VNI Service Adoption Global Forecast Update, 2016–2021,” https: systems will also be in the 6 GHz band, as well //, 2020. as upcoming 5th generation (5G) technologies such [2] Wi-Fi Alliance, “The Economic Value of Wi-Fi: A Global View as NR-Unlicensed. To protect incumbent services, (2018 and 2023),”, 2021. [3] Y. Ma, S. Arshad, S. Muniraju, E. Torkildson, E. Rantala, restrictions will likely be placed in terms of max- K. Doppler, and G. Zhou, “Location-and Person-Independent imum emitted power and communication time by Activity Recognition with WiFi, Deep Neural Networks, and other technologies. Thus, (i) Wi-Fi transmissions Reinforcement Learning,” ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1–25, 2021. may utilize significantly lower power in some cases, [4] X. Wang, C. Yang, and S. Mao, “TensorBeat: Tensor De- and (ii) severe interference from incumbent and up- composition for Monitoring Multiperson Breathing Beats with coming SENS has to be expected, especially when Commodity WiFi,” ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1–27, 2017. listen-before-talk is not used to handle coexistence. [5] H. Zhu, F. Xiao, L. Sun, R. Wang, and P. Yang, “R-TTWD: Therefore, further investigations should address how Robust device-free through-the-wall detection of moving human to make SENS robust to interference. with WiFi,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communica- tions, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1090–1103, 2017. [6] X. Wang, C. Yang, and S. Mao, “PhaseBeat: Exploiting CSI D. Integrating SENS and Data Transmissions Phase Data for Vital Sign Monitoring with Commodity WiFi Devices,” in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS, 2017. SENS operations are set to coexist with data- [7] K. Qian, C. Wu, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, and K. Jamieson, “Widar: only transmissions in future 802.11 standards. On Decimeter-level Passive Tracking via Velocity Monitoring with Commodity Wi-Fi,” in Proc. of ACM MobiCom, 2017. one hand, since both data packets (DPs) and NDPs [8] Y. Ma, G. Zhou, and S. Wang, “WiFi Sensing with Chan- contain CSI, SENS transmissions could be “piggy- nel State Information: A Survey,” ACM Computing Surveys backed” into DPs to avoid decreasing throughput to (CSUR), vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 1–36, 2019. [9] IEEE 802.11bf Task Group (TG), “IEEE 802.11bf (TGbf) a significant extent. On the other hand, as explained Project Authorization Request (PAR),” earlier, DPs may be subject to significant interfer- TGbfPAR, 2021. ence in the 6 GHz band, which may be tolerable [10] ——, “IEEE 802.11bf (TGbf) Selection Procedure Document,”, 2021. from a data recovery perspective but intolerable [11] ——, “IEEE 802.11bf (TGbf) Functional Requirements Docu- from a SENS perspective. Therefore, a core issue is ment (FRD),”, 2021. to determine the optimal trade-off between making [12] S. Kim, D. Lim, I. Jang, J. Kim, and J. Choi, “Collab- orative WLAN Sensing – Follow Up,” reserved use of the spectrum for SENS operations CollabSensingTGbf, 2021. and piggybacking SENS into DP. Similar to multi- [13] F. Restuccia and T. Melodia, “Deep Learning at the Physical band SENS, dedicated channels – either through Layer: System Challenges and Applications to 5G and Beyond,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 58–64, MIMO spatial multiplexing or through periodic 2020. channel reservation – could be used to improve [14] P. Wang, J. Yu, T. Koike-Akino, Y. Wang, and P. V. Orlik, SENS performance without a significant decrease “Multi-Band WiFi Fusion for WLAN Sensing,” https://tinyurl. com/TGbfMultiBand, 2021. in system throughput. [15] D. López-Pérez, A. Garcia-Rodriguez, L. Galati-Giordano, M. Kasslin, and K. Doppler, “IEEE 802.11be Extremely High VI. C ONCLUSIONS Throughput: The Next Generation of Wi-Fi Technology Beyond With the introduction of IEEE 802.11bf, we are 802.11ax,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 113–119, 2019. starting to see almost 10 years of research efforts come to fruition. However, there are still many chal- lenges and opportunities for the research community to contribute to a successful standard. In this paper, Francesco Restuccia (M’16) is an Assistant Professor of Electrical we have summarized current IEEE 802.11bf stan- and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University, United States. dardization efforts, as well as some of the proposed His research interests lie in embedded systems, wireless networks technical features. We have also discussed a set of and artificial intelligence.
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