IEC Stainless steel encapsulated motors - Installation, operation, maintenance and safety manual

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IEC Stainless steel encapsulated motors - Installation, operation, maintenance and safety manual

IEC Stainless steel encapsulated motors
Installation, operation, maintenance and
safety manual

For other manuals:

1.      Introduction.............................................................................................................................................4
1.1     Declaration of Conformity.............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2     Validity................................................................................................................................................................ 4

2.      Safety considerations............................................................................................................................. 5

3.      Handling...................................................................................................................................................6
3.1     Reception........................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2     Motor description............................................................................................................................................ 6
3.3     Transportation and storage............................................................................................................................7
3.4     Lifting..................................................................................................................................................................7
3.5     Motor weight......................................................................................................................................................7

4.      Installation and commissioning............................................................................................................8
4.1     General............................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2     Insulation resistance check............................................................................................................................ 8
4.3     Foundation........................................................................................................................................................ 8
4.4     Balancing and fitting coupling halves and pulleys.................................................................................... 9
4.5     Mounting and alignment of the motor........................................................................................................ 9
4.6     Radial forces and belt drives.......................................................................................................................... 9
4.7     Drain plugs for condensation........................................................................................................................ 9
4.8     Cabling and electrical connections..............................................................................................................10
4.8.1   Connections for different starting methods............................................................................................. 11
4.8.2   Connections of auxiliaries.............................................................................................................................13
4.9     Terminals and direction of rotation.............................................................................................................13

5.      Operation............................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1     General..............................................................................................................................................................14

6.      Low voltage motors in variable speed operation............................................................................. 15
6.1     Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................15
6.2     Winding insulation..........................................................................................................................................15
6.2.1   Selection of filters for ABB converters........................................................................................................15
6.2.2   Selection of filters with all other converters.............................................................................................15
6.3     Thermal protection.........................................................................................................................................15
6.4     Bearing currents..............................................................................................................................................15
6.4.1   Elimination of bearing currents with ABB converters..............................................................................15
6.4.2   Elimination of bearing currents with all other converters......................................................................15
6.5     Cabling, grounding and EMC........................................................................................................................15
6.6     Operating speed..............................................................................................................................................16

2             3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS
6.7     Motors in variable speed applications........................................................................................................16
6.7.1   General..............................................................................................................................................................16
6.7.2   Motor loadability with AC_8_ _ – series of converters with DTC control.............................................16
6.7.3   Motor loadability with AC_5_ _ – series of converter...............................................................................16
6.7.4   Motor loadability with other voltage source PWM-type converters.....................................................16
6.7.5   Short time overloads......................................................................................................................................16
6.8     Rating plates.................................................................................................................................................... 17
6.9     Commissioning the variable speed application........................................................................................ 17

7.      Maintenance........................................................................................................................................... 18
7.1     General inspection..........................................................................................................................................18
7.1.1   Standby motors...............................................................................................................................................18
7.2     Lubrication.......................................................................................................................................................18
7.2.1   Lubricants.........................................................................................................................................................19

8.      After Sales Support...............................................................................................................................20
8.1     Spare parts...................................................................................................................................................... 20
8.2     Dismantling, re-assembly and rewinding.................................................................................................. 20
8.3     Bearings........................................................................................................................................................... 20

9.      Environmental requirements............................................................................................................... 21
9.1     EU Directive 2012/19/EU (WEEE).................................................................................................................21
9.1.1   Marking of the products................................................................................................................................21
9.1.2   For private households..................................................................................................................................21
9.1.3   For professional users in the European Union..........................................................................................21
9.1.4   For disposal in countries outside of the European Union......................................................................21

10.     Figures.................................................................................................................................................... 22

                                                                                     3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS                                  3
1. Introduction

                                                                    1.1 Declaration of Conformity
    NOTE!                                                           The conformity of the end product according to Directive
                                                                    2006/42/EC (Machinery) has to be established by the
    These instructions must be followed to ensure safe
                                                                    commissioning party when the motor is fitted to the
    and proper installation, operation and maintenance
    of the motor. They should be brought to the attention
    of anyone who installs, operates or maintains the
                                                                    1.2 Validity
    motor or associated equipment.
                                                                    These instructions are valid for the following ABB electrical
    The motor is intended for installation and use by               machine types, in both motor and generator operation:
    qualified personnel, familiar with health and safety            • series M3MA
    requirements and national legislation. Ignoring these           • in frame sizes 71-80-90-100-112
    instructions may invalidate all applicable warranties.
                                                                    i.e. motors for washdown duty for Food & Beverage, design
                                                                    with stainless steel frame and components, and with
                                                                    windings encapsulated in epoxy resin.

4           3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS
2. Safety considerations

                                                              The motor is intended for installation and use by qualified
 WARNING!                                                     personnel, who are familiar with health and safety
                                                              requirements and national legislation.
 Emergency stop controls must be equipped with
 restart lockouts. After an emergency stop, a new
                                                              Safety equipment necessary for the prevention of accidents
 start command can take effect only after the restart
                                                              at the installation and operating site must be provided in
 lockout has been intentionally reset.
                                                              accordance with local regulations.

                                                              Points to be observed:
                                                              • Do not step on the motor.
                                                              • The temperature of the outer casing of the motor may be
                                                                hot to the touch during normal operation and especially
                                                                after shut-down.
                                                              • Some special motor applications may require additional
                                                                instructions (e.g. when supplied with frequency convert-
                                                              • Mind the rotating parts of the motor.
                                                              • Do not open the terminal boxes while energized.

                                                        3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS         5
3. Handling

3.1 Reception                                                                                        3.2 Motor description
Immediately upon receipt, check the motor for external                                               The following parts are visible on the motor when received:
damage (e.g. shaft-ends, flanges and finished surfaces) and,                                         1. Lifting lug (some motors, e.g. generation A motors, do
if found, inform the forwarding agent without delay.                                                     not have a pre-installed lifting lug like this) (*) (**)
                                                                                                     2. Drain plugs available on four sides (only the two on top
Check all rating plate data, in particular voltage and winding                                           of the motor are shown in the picture)
connections (star or delta). The type of bearing is specified                                        3. Drain plug for use when motors are mounted vertically,
on the rating plate of the motor.                                                                        with the shaft upside (in generation A motors it is on
                                                                                                         the rear face of the motor)
In the case of a variable speed drive application, check the                                         4. Long drain plug, only for motors equipped with feet,
maximum loadability allowed according to frequency.                                                      due to difficulties in the tightening/removal of the stan-
                                                                                                         dard plug with this type of mounting
                                                                                                     5. Drain plug for use when motors are mounted vertically,
                                                (*) Remove the lifting lug after                         with shaft downside (in generation A motors this is not
                                                mounting, since it is not in stain-
                                                less steel. Motors are provided                          available)
                                                with a Stainless steel plug to                       6. Drain plug for use when the motor is coupled to a gear-
                                                put in place of the lifting lug
                                                                                                         box to remove possible condensed water between mo-
                                                (**) Motors with generation code A                       tor and gearbox
                             Lifting lug
                                                are provided with a “lifting lug kit”.
                                                To mount the lifting lug, remove                     7. Fixing screw for the terminal box cover
                                                the drain plug “2” in figure” and
                                                                                                     8. Threaded hole for cable gland, closed with a plastic plug
                                                tighten the lifting lug. Take care to
                                  Washer        screw in the “lifting lug kit” without               9. Gamma ring seal on DE flange
                                                removing its pre-mounted nut
                                     Nut        and washer to avoid damaging the
                                                                                                     10. Fan cover (only frame size 100 and above)
                                                threaded hole of the drain plug.

    8.                                     7.               1.                        2.        9.          2.               5.                 10.        8.     7.

         3.                                                   4.                           5.                                     6.                                   3.
     All motor types, both with                                                                            Only motors with flanges      Only fan cooled motors
     feet and with flanges

6               3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS
3.3 Transportation and storage                                    3.5 Drain plugs for condensation
The motor should always be stored indoors (above –40 °C),         Motors have several drain plugs, to be used to remove
in dry, vibration-free and dust-free conditions. During           possible condensed water from inside the motor. To remove
transportation, shocks, falls and humidity should be              such water, the bottommost plug must be unplugged.
avoided. In other conditions, please contact ABB.                 For motors that are equipped with flanges only and do not
                                                                  have feet, there is one drain plug for each of the four
It is recommended that shafts are rotated periodically (one       possible orientation sides of the motor, i.e. with terminal
time per quarter) by hand to prevent grease migration.            box oriented upside, left, right or downside.
                                                                  There is also one drain plug on the NDE side of the motor in
The motor must not be subject to any external vibrations at       case of vertical mounting with the shaft upside and one
standstill so as to avoid causing damage to the bearings.         drain plug on the DE end shield or flange for motors that are
                                                                  mounted with the shaft downwards.
3.4 Lifting
All ABB motors above 25 kg are equipped with lifting lugs or      Finally, for motors equipped with flanges that can be
eyebolts.                                                         coupled, for example, to a gearbox, there is an additional
                                                                  drain plug for removing possible condensed water in the
Only the main lifting lugs or eyebolts of the motor should be     volume between the motor and the gearbox itself. Please
used for lifting the motor. They must not be used to lift the     note that for motors mounted horizontally, this plug will be
motor when it is attached to other equipment.                     in the bottommost part of the motor only when the motor is
                                                                  mounted with the terminal box on top of the motor. In case
Because of different outputs, mounting arrangements and           the motor is mounted with the terminal box in a horizontal
auxiliary equipment, motors with the same frame may have          position (left or right), this plug becomes unusable unless
a different center of gravity.                                    the flange is dismounted and rotated accordingly (this is an
                                                                  operation that can be done only by authorized personnel or
Damaged lifting lugs must not be used. Check that the             in factory).
eyebolts are undamaged before lifting.
                                                                  3.6 Motor weight
Lifting eyebolts must be tightened before lifting.                The total weight of the motor can vary within the same
                                                                  frame size (center height) depending on its output,
Ensure that proper lifting equipment is used and that the         mounting arrangement and auxiliaries.
sizes of the hooks are suitable for the lifting lugs.
                                                                  The following table shows estimated maximum weights for
Care must be taken not to damage auxiliary equipment and          machines in their basic versions as a function of frame
cables connected to the motor.                                    material.

Remove eventual transport jigs fixing the motor to the            The actual weight of a motor is shown on the rating plate.
                                                                  Frame size                                              Weight kg
Specific lifting instructions are available from ABB.             71                                                            20
                                                                  80                                                            25
                                                                  90                                                            45
   WARNING!                                                       100                                                           62
                                                                  112                                                           64
   During lifting, mounting or maintenance work, all
   necessary safety considerations shall be in place and
                                                                  If the motor is equipped with any accessories, contact ABB
   special attention to be taken that nobody will be
                                                                  for the weight, if not available on the nameplate.
   subject to lifted load.

                                                            3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS           7
4. Installation and commissioning

                                                                   If the reference resistance value is not attained, the winding
    WARNING!                                                       is too damp and must be oven dried. The oven temperature
                                                                   should be 90 °C for 12–16 hours followed by 105 °C for 6–8
    Disconnect and lock out before working on the motor
    or the driven equipment.

                                                                   If fitted, drain hole plugs must be removed during heating.
                                                                   After heating, make sure the plugs are refitted.
4.1 General
All rating plate values must be carefully checked to ensure        4.3 Foundation
that the motor protection and connection will be properly          The end user has full responsibility for preparing the
done.                                                              foundation.

When starting the motor for the first time or after it has         Metal foundations should be made out of stainless steel to
been in storage more than six months, manually rotate the          avoid corrosion.
shaft for some turns in both directions.
                                                                   Foundations must be even and sufficiently rigid to
4.2 Insulation resistance check                                    withstand possible short circuit forces.
Measure insulation resistance (IR) before commissioning, or
after long periods of standstill or storage, if you suspect        They must be designed and dimensioned to avoid the
dampness in the windings IR must be measured directly on           transfer of vibration to the motor and vibration caused by
the motor terminals with the supply cables disconnected in         resonance. See figure.
order to avoid them affecting the result.                          1. Ruler
                                                                   2. Note! Height difference shall not exceed ± 0,1mm re-
Insulation resistance should be used as a trend indicator to           ferred to any other motor foot
determine changes in the insulation system. In new                 3. Foot location
machines, the IR is usually thousands of Mohms and
therefore it is important to follow changes in IR so as to
know the condition of the insulation system. Typically, the IR                 1.                       2.
should not be below 10 MΩ and in no case should it be below
1 MΩ (measured with 500 or 1000 VDC and corrected to 25
°C). The insulation resistance value is halved for each 20 °C
increase in temperature.

Figure 1, in chapter 11, can be used for the insulation
correction to the desired temperature.


    To avoid risk of electrical shock, the motor frame
    must be grounded and the windings should be
    discharged against the frame immediately after each

8          3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS
4.4 Balancing and fitting coupling halves and pulleys                 Do not exceed permissible loading values for bearings as
As standard, balancing of the motor has been carried out              stated in the product catalogs.
using a half key.
                                                                      Check that the motor has sufficient airflow.
Coupling halves or pulleys must be balanced after machining           Ensure that no nearby objects or direct sunshine radiate
the keyways. Balancing must be done in accordance with the            additional heat on the motor.
balancing method specified for the motor.
                                                                      For flange mounted motors (e.g. B14, B5, B35, V1), make sure
Coupling halves and pulleys must be fitted on the shaft with          that the construction allows sufficient air flow on the outer
the appropriate equipment and tools that do not damage                surface of the flange. To be compliant with Hygienic Design,
the bearings and seals.                                               only hexagonal head bolts are allowed, preferably in
                                                                      stainless steel.
Never fit a coupling half or pulley by hammering or removing
it by using a lever pressed against the body of the motor.            4.6 Radial forces and belt drives
                                                                      Belts must be tightened according to the instructions of the
4.5 Mounting and alignment of the motor                               supplier of the driven equipment.
Ensure that there is enough space for free airflow around
the motor. For motors equipped with a fan, it is
recommended to have clearance between the fan cover and                   WARNING!
the wall etc. of at least half of the air intake of the fan cover.
                                                                          Excessive belt tension will damage bearings and can
Additional information may be found from the dimension
                                                                          cause shaft damage.
drawings available on our web pages:

Correct alignment is essential to avoid bearing damage,               4.7 Drain plugs for condensation
vibration, and possible shaft failures.                               During operation, all drain holes can be either closed or
                                                                      opened; the only condition when drain plugs must be tightly
Mount the motor on the foundation using the appropriate               closed is during washing operations, to ensure IP69
bolts or studs and place shim plates between the foundation           protection.
and the feet. To be compliant with hygienic design, only              In any case, to remove possible condensed water from inside
hexagonal head bolts are allowed, preferably in stainless             the motor, at least the bottommost plug must be unplugged

Align the motor using the appropriate methods.

If applicable, drill locating holes and fix the locating pins
into position.

Mounting accuracy of coupling half: check that clearance b is
less than 0.05 mm and that the difference a1 to a2 is also
less than 0.05 mm. See figure 2.

Re-check the alignment after the final tightening of the
bolts or studs.

                                                                3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS       9
4. Installation and commissioning

4.8 Cabling and electrical connections                                   We recommend using cables of up to a maximum of 16 mm
The terminal box has a terminal block inside and it is                   that are compatible with the following IP69 cable glands (or
provided with:                                                           equivalent):
1. One earth terminal (M4 stainless steel or brass screw).               • ABB FSCG-M251 M25X1.5 D12-17 mm (FNB CG M25 12.0-17.0
2. Two thermal sensor terminals (T1 T2)                                    SS – 7TCA303080R0072)
3. Three winding terminals (U1-V1-W1) for power line sup-                • Lapp SKINTOP INOX M25X1,5 D9X17 (53806743)
    ply                                                                  • Harting Han CGM-P M25X1,5 D.13-18mm black
4. Three winding terminals (U2-V2-W2) to be used to create                 (19000005193)
    both star or delta connections                                       • Hummel HSK-INOX-Ex-d / Metr. M25X1,5 D9-16mm

                                                                         Motors are intended for fixed installation only. Unless
                                                                         otherwise specified, cable entry threads are metric. The IP
                                                                         class of the cable gland must be the same as the motor, i.e.

                                                                            For consistency with the motor, only cable glands
                                                                            with IP protection level IP69 can be considered as
                                                3.                          appropriate. Cable glands shall be selected according
                                                                            to the type and diameter of the cable.

     4.                                                                  We recommend using cables of up to a maximum of 16 mm
                                                                         that are compatible with the following IP69 cable glands (or
                                                                         • ABB FSCG-M251 M25X1.5 D12-17 mm (FNB CG M25 12.0-17.0
                                                                           SS – 7TCA303080R0072)
                                                                         • Lapp SKINTOP INOX M25X1,5 D9X17 (53806743)
The terminal block is with male faston tabs 6.45 X 7.9 X0.8              • Harting Han CGM-P M25X1,5 D.13-18mm black
mm, for both power connection and for thermal sensors.                     (19000005193)
Cables must be provided with suitable female faston tabs                 • Hummel HSK-INOX-Ex-d / Metr. M25X1,5 D9-16mm
(ABB uses the following code from TE for an internal                       (1.632.2500.51)
connection not accessible by Customers: 60650-2, or
equivalent).                                                             Motors are intended for fixed installation only. Unless
                                                                         otherwise specified, cable entry threads are metric. The IP
The terminal box has only one cable entry suitable for an                class of the cable gland must be the same as the motor, i.e.
M25 cable gland. Due to this, the power cables must be with              IP69.
at least six conductors:
• Three conductors for L1, L2, L3 power supply phases
• One conductor for PE
• Two conductors for the thermal sensor

10         3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS
After connection, make sure that water cannot enter the
    WARNING!                                                        terminal box: the O-ring must be in place in the terminal box
                                                                    cover slot and greased to avoid pinching during mounting.
    For consistency with the motor, only cable glands
                                                                    The cables must enter the terminal box cover through an
    with IP protection level IP69 can be considered as
                                                                    IP69 cable gland. A leak could lead to penetration of dust or
    appropriate. Cable glands shall be selected according
                                                                    water, creating a risk of flashover to live elements.
    to the type and diameter of the cable.

                                                                    4.8.1 Connections for different starting methods
                                                                    The terminal box contains six winding terminals and at least
Earthing must be carried out according to local regulations         one earth terminal. This enables the use of DOL- or Y/D –
before the motor is connected to the supply voltage.                starting.
The earth terminal on the frame is always inside the terminal
box and has to be connected to PE (protective earth) with a         The voltage and connection are stamped on the rating plate.
cable as shown, e.g. in Figure 24 of IEC 60034-25.
                                                                    Direct-on-line starting (DOL):
Minimum cross-sectional area of protective conductors               Y or D winding connections may be used.

Cross-sectional area of               Cross-sectional area of the
                                                                    For example, 400 VY, 230 VD indicates Y-connection for 400
phase conductors of the                corresponding protective
installation S [mm2]                          conductor S [mm2]     V and D-connection for 230 V.
4                                                              4
6                                                              6    Star/Delta (Wye/Delta) starting (Y/D):
                                                                    The supply voltage must be equal to the rated voltage of the
In addition, earthing or bonding connection facilities on the       motor when using a D-connection.
outside of electrical apparatus must provide effective
connection of a conductor with a cross-sectional area of at         To supply the motor at 400 VY, create the star center as
least 4 mm².                                                        shown in the figure.

The cable connection between the network and motor                  To make the star center three wires with crimped fastons
terminals must meet the requirements stated in the national         need to be connected together and inserted in the U2, V2,
standards for installation or in the standard IEC/EN 60204-1        W2 terminals; connection of the wires maybe done by a
according to the rated current indicated on the rating plate.       clamp (figure) or they may be soldered together, but in this
                                                                    case the welded terminal must be isolated (use a heat
                                                                    shrinking sleeve).

    When the ambient temperature exceeds +50 °C,                       NOTE!
    cables having permissible operating temperature of
    +90 °C as minimum shall be used. Also all other                    ABB provides only the fastons.
    conversion factors depending on the installation
    conditions shall be taken into account while sizing
    the cables.

                                                             3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS           11
4. Installation and commissioning

Color code shown for cables is according to IEC 60445                 To make the Delta connection three wires with crimped
(2010) but it is not mandatory:                                       fastons need to be connected together and inserted in the
1. L1 = U1 = Brown                                                    U2, V2, W2 terminals as shown in the figure; connection of
2. L2 = V1 = Black                                                    the wires maybe done by a one clamp for each phase or they
3. L3 = W1 =Grey                                                      may be soldered together, but in this case the welding must
                                                                      be isolated (use a heat shrinking sleeve).
To supply motors with 230 VD connect the cables as shown
in figure.
         1.         2.        3.                                            ABB provides only the fastons.

                                                                      Color code shown for cables is according to IEC 60445
                                                                      (2010) but it is not mandatory:
                                                                      1. L1 = U1 = Brown
                                                                      2. L2 = V1 = Black
                                                                      3. L3 = W1 =Grey

                                                                      To supply motors with 230 VD connect the cables as shown
                                                                      in figure.

                                                                                        1.    2.    3.

                          Wire lenght: approx. 3 cm

12            3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS
Other starting methods and severe starting conditions:

4.8.2 Connections of auxiliaries
All motors are by default equipped with 3 PTC thermistors
connected in series; they have a threshold value of 150 ºC
and are encapsulated into the stator winding, to monitor the
motor temperature and provide a signal in case the
maximum temperature is exceeded. These thermistors do
not cut power supply to the motor, i.e. they are not
connected in series with the windings.
It is up to the user whether they wish to connect and use
those thermistors or not, however, it is recommended they
be used and connected by the appropriate means: ABB
provides eight (8) female faston tabs in the terminal box,
two of which can be used to connect the thermistors.

The maximum measuring voltage for the thermistors is 2.5 V.
Using a higher measuring voltage or current may cause
errors in readings or a damaged temperature detector.

The insulation of thermal sensors fulfills the requirements of
basic insulation.

4.9 Terminals and direction of rotation
The shaft rotates clockwise when viewing the shaft face at
the motor drive end, and the line phase sequence
- L1, L2, L3 - is connected to the terminals as shown in figure 3.

To alter the direction of rotation, interchange any two
connections on the supply cables.

                                                               3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS   13
5. Operation

5.1 General
Unless otherwise stated on the rating plate, the motors are              WARNING!
designed for the following conditions:
                                                                         Ignoring any instructions or maintenance of the
                                                                         apparatus may jeopardize safety and thus prevent
• Motors are to be installed in fixed installations only.
                                                                         the use of the motor.
• Storage temperature and startup should not be below
• Normal ambient working temperature range is from -40 °C
  to +40 °C, provided that a pre-heating cycle as described
  above has been carried out.
• Maximum altitude is 1000 m above sea level.
• The variation of the supply voltage and frequency may not
  exceed the limits mentioned in relevant standards. Toler-
  ance for supply voltage is ±5 %, and for frequency ±2 % ac-
  cording to the figure 4 (EN / IEC 60034-1, paragraph 7.3,
  Zone A). Both extreme values are not supposed to occur at
  the same time.

The motor can only be used in applications for which it is
intended. The rated nominal values and operation
conditions are shown on the motor rating plates. In addition,
all requirements of this manual and other related
instructions and standards must be followed.

If these limits are exceeded, motor data and construction
data must be checked. Please contact ABB for further

14         3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS
6. Low voltage motors in variable speed

6.1 Introduction                                                   6.4.1 Elimination of bearing currents with ABB converters
This part of the manual provides additional instructions for       In case of ABB frequency converter, e.g. AC_8_ _- and AC_5_
motors used in conjunction with frequency converters. The          _-series with a diode supply unit, the methods according to
motor is intended to operate from a single frequency               table 6.1 must be used to avoid harmful bearing currents in
converter supply and not motors running in parallel from           motors.
one frequency converter. Instructions given by the converter
manufacturer shall be followed.                                                                                                   PN < 100 kW
                                                                   UN ≤ 500 V                                                 Standard motor

Additional information may be required by ABB to decide on         500V < UN ≤ 690V (any                                      Standard motor
                                                                   cable length)                                       + dU/dt –filter (reactor)
the suitability of the motor for use in special applications or
with special design modifications.                                 Table 6.1 Selection of filters for ABB converters

6.2 Winding insulation                                             Please contact ABB for more information on resistor braking
Variable speed drives create higher voltage stresses than          and converters with controlled supply units.
the sinusoidal supply on the winding of the motor.
Therefore, when needed, the filter at the converter output
must be dimensioned according to the following
                                                                       Insulated bearings that have aluminum oxide coated
6.2.1 Selection of filters for ABB converters                          inner and/or outer bores or ceramic rolling elements
In the case of ABB, e.g. AC_8_ _-series and AC_5_ _-series             are not suitable for SSE motors. Changing the
single drives with a diode supply unit (uncontrolled DC                bearing type or insulation method without ABB’s
voltage), filters can be selected in accordance with table 6.1.        permission is prohibited.

6.2.2 Selection of filters with all other converters
The voltage stresses must be limited to below accepted             6.4.2 Elimination of bearing currents with all other
limits. Please contact the system supplier to ensure the           converters
safety of the application. The influence of possible filters       The user is responsible for protecting the motor and driven
must be taken into account when dimensioning the motor.            equipment from harmful bearing currents. Instructions
                                                                   described in chapter 6.4.1 can be used as guideline, but their
6.3 Thermal protection                                             effectiveness cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
SSE motors covered by this manual are by default equipped
with 3 PTC thermistors connected in series; they have a            6.5 Cabling, grounding and EMC
threshold value 150 ºC and are encapsulated into the stator        Symmetrical and shielded cables are highly recommended,
winding to monitor the motor temperature and provide a             even if not mandatory. Make the 360° grounding
signal in case the maximum temperature is exceeded.                arrangement at all the cable entries as described in the
It is recommended to connect them to the frequency                 instructions for the glands. Twist the cable shields into
converter. Read more in chapter 4.8.                               bundles and connect to the nearest ground terminal/bus bar
                                                                   inside the terminal box, converter cabinet, etc.
6.4 Bearing currents
Common mode filters and suitable cabling and grounding
methods must be used according to the following
instructions and using table 6.1.

                                                             3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS                     15
6. Low voltage motors in variable speed

     NOTE!                                                                 NOTE!

     In addition to the IP69 protection characteristics,                   The maximum speed of the motor and application
     proper cable glands providing 360° bonding must be                    may not be exceeded!
     used at all termination points such as motor,
     converter, possible safety switch, etc.

                                                                     6.7.3 Motor loadability with AC_5_ _ – series of converter
                                                                     The loadability curves presented in Figures 6a – 6b are valid
More information about grounding and cabling of variable             for AC_5_ _ -series converters. The figures show the
speed drives can be found in the manual “Grounding and               approximate maximum continuous output torque of the
cabling of the drive system” (Code: 3AFY 61201998).                  motors as a function of supply frequency. The output torque
                                                                     is given as a percentage of the nominal torque of the motor.
6.6 Operating speed                                                  The values are indicative and exact values are available on
For speeds higher than the nominal speed stated on the               request.
motor’s rating plate or in the respective product catalog,
ensure that either the highest permissible rotational speed
of the motor or the critical speed of the whole application is             NOTE!
not exceeded. For 2 pole motors, the maximum speed is
                                                                           The maximum speed of the motor and application
6000 r/min; for 4 pole motors the maximum speed is 4000
                                                                           may not be exceeded!

6.7 Motors in variable speed applications
6.7.1 General                                                        6.7.4 Motor loadability with other voltage source PWM-
With ABB’s frequency converters, the motors can be                   type converters
dimensioned using ABB’s DriveSize dimensioning program.              For other converters with an uncontrolled DC voltage and
The tool is downloadable from the ABB website (              minimum switching frequency of 3 kHz (200…500 V), the
com/motors&generators).                                              dimensioning instructions as mentioned in chapter 6.7.3 can
                                                                     be used as guidelines. However, please note that the actual
For applications supplied by other converters, the motors            thermal loadability can also be lower. Please contact the
must be dimensioned manually. For more information,                  manufacturer of the converter or the system supplier.
please contact ABB.

The loadability curves (or load capacity curves) are based on              NOTE!
nominal supply voltage. Operation in under or over voltage
conditions may have an influence on the performance of the                 The actual thermal loadability of a motor may be
                                                                           lower than shown by guideline curves.

6.7.2 Motor loadability with AC_8_ _ – series of converters
with DTC control                                                     6.7.5 Short time overloads
The loadability curves presented in Figures 5a – 5d are valid        ABB motors can usually be temporarily overloaded as well as
for ABB AC_8_ _-series converters with uncontrolled DC-              used in intermittent duties. The most convenient method to
voltage and DTC-control. The figures show the approximate            dimension such applications is to use the DriveSize tool.
maximum continuous output torque of the motors as a
function of supply frequency. The output torque is given as a
percentage of the nominal torque of the motor. The values
are indicative and exact values are available on request.

16           3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS
6.8 Rating plates
The use of ABB’s motors in variable speed applications does
not usually require additional rating plates. The parameters
required for commissioning the converter can be found from
the main rating plate.

6.9 Commissioning the variable speed application
The commissioning of the variable speed application must
be done according to the instructions of the frequency
converter and local laws and regulations. The requirements
and limitations set by the application must also be taken
into account.

All parameters needed for setting the converter must be
taken from the motor rating plates. The most often needed
parameters are:
• nominal voltage
• nominal current
• nominal frequency
• nominal speed
• nominal power


   In case of missing or inaccurate information, do not
   operate the motor before ensuring the settings are

ABB recommends using all the suitable protective features
provided by the converter to improve the safety of the
application. Converters usually provide features such as
(names and availability of features depend on manufacturer
and model of the converter):
• minimum speed
• maximum speed
• acceleration and deceleration times
• maximum current
• maximum torque
• stall protection

                                                          3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS   17
7. Maintenance

                                                                    better evacuation of the condensed water. Check the O-ring
     WARNING!                                                       status of the removed drain plugs and if you notice any
                                                                    damage or wear, replace them. Once finished, drain plugs
     Voltage may be connected at standstill inside the
                                                                    must be tightened ensuring that their O-rings are properly
     terminal box for heating elements or direct winding
                                                                    installed in their seats.

                                                                    7.1.1 Standby motors
                                                                    If the motor is in standby mode for a longer period of time
7.1 General inspection                                              on a ship or other vibrating environment, the following
1. Inspect the motor at regular intervals, at least twice a         measures have to be taken:
     year. The frequency of checks depends on, for example,
     the amount of washing cycles per day and their tough-          1.    The shaft must be rotated regularly every two weeks (to
     ness, the type of food in contact with the motors etc.               be reported) by means of starting up of the system. In
     This can initially be determined experimentally and must             case a start-up is not possible, for any reason, at least
     then be strictly adhered to.                                         the shaft has to be turned by hand in order to achieve a
2. Keep the motor clean and ensure free ventilation airflow               different position once a week. Vibrations caused by
     (for fan cooled motors). If the motor is used in a dusty or          other vessel’s equipment will cause bearing pitting
     very dirty environment with a lot of food debris, the ven-           which should be minimized by regular operation/hand
     tilation system must be regularly checked and cleaned.               turning.
3. Remove condensed water frequently by unplugging the              2.    All vibrations must be avoided to prevent a bearing from
     bottommost drain plug of the motor.                                  failing. All instructions in the motor instruction manual
4. Check the condition of shaft seals (the external V-ring)               for commissioning and maintenance have to be fol-
     and replace if necessary.                                            lowed. The warranty will not cover any damage to the
5. Check the condition of connections (by opening the ter-                winding and bearings if these instructions have not
     minal box cover and inspecting the faston tabs) and                  been followed.
     mounting and assembly bolts. Once opened, check the
     status of the o-ring seal and if damaged, replace it. Be-      7.2 Lubrication
     fore closing the cover, apply grease on the O-ring - food
     grade grease approved by US FDA.
6. Check the bearing condition by listening for any unusual               WARNING!
     noise, vibration measurement, bearing temperature,
                                                                          Beware of all rotating parts!
     leakage of grease etc. Pay special attention to bearings
     when their calculated rated life time is coming to an end.

When signs of wear are noticed, dismantle the motor, check
the parts and replace if necessary. When bearings are                     WARNING!
changed, replacement bearings must be of the same type as
                                                                          Grease can cause skin irritation and eye
those originally fitted (H1 food grade grease). The shaft
                                                                          inflammation. Follow all safety precautions specified
seals have to be replaced with seals of the same quality and
                                                                          by the manufacturer of the grease.
characteristics as the originals when changing bearings
(food grade rubber seals).

It is recommended to periodically open the drain plugs in
order to ensure that the way out for condensation is not
blocked and allows condensation to escape from the motor.
This operation must be done when the motor is at a
standstill and has been made safe to work on. To do so,
remove the bottom plug and possibly also the top one, for a

18          3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS
Bearing types are specified on the rating plate of all motors.      7.2.1 Lubricants

Bearings are in stainless steel and are permanently greased
with H1 food grade grease and do not need regreasing.                    WARNING!
Bearings are of the type 2Z, 2RS or equivalent. In case of
                                                                         Do not mix different types of grease.
replacement, it is mandatory to use bearings with this kind
of grease.                                                               Incompatible lubricants may cause bearing damage.

Duty hours for permanently greased bearings at ambient
temperatures of 25 °C and 40 °C are:                                In case of bearing replacement, bearings with H1 food grade
                                                                    grease with the following properties must be used:
                                 Duty hours     Duty hours
Frame size           Poles       at 25° C       at 40° C
                                                                    • good quality grease with Aluminum complex soap and
71-80-90-100-112     2           100 000        65 000
                                                                      with PAO-oil
71-80-90-100-112     4-6         100 000        96 000
                                                                    • base oil viscosity 150 cST at 40 °C
                                                                    • temperature range -40 °C – +120 °C, continuously
Data is valid up to 60 Hz.
                                                                    The above mentioned grease specification is valid if the
                                                                    ambient temperature is above -40 °C or below +55 °C, and
   NOTE!                                                            the bearing temperature is below 110 °C; otherwise, consult
                                                                    ABB regarding suitable grease.
   An increase in the ambient temperature raises the
   temperature of the bearings correspondingly. The
                                                                    The above grease is marked as VT378 by SKF
   interval values should be halved for a 15 °C increase in
   bearing temperature and may be doubled for a 15 °C
                                                                    Grease with the correct properties is available from all major
   decrease in bearing temperature.
                                                                    lubricant manufacturers. As an example, the following H1
                                                                    Food grade greases can be used:

Higher speed operation, e.g. in frequency converter                 •   Bechem   Berolub FG-H 2 SL
applications, or lower speed with heavy load will lead to less      •   Mobil    Mobilgrease™ FM Series (101, 222)
duty hours.                                                         •   Mobil    Mobil SHC Polyrex™ Series (005, 221, 222, 462)
                                                                    •   Shell    CASSIDA GREASE GTS 2
                                                                    •   Klüber   Klüberfood NH1 94-402
   WARNING!                                                         •   Total    NEVASTANE XMF

   The maximum operating temperature of the grease                  If other lubricants are used, check with the manufacturer
   and bearings, +110 °C, must not be exceeded. The
                                                                    that the qualities correspond to those of the above
   designed maximum speed of the motor must not be
                                                                    mentioned lubricants (H1 Food Grade greases are

                                                              3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS         19
8. After Sales Support

8.1 Spare parts
Unless otherwise stated, spare parts must either be original             NOTE!
parts or ones approved by ABB.
                                                                         Any repair by the end user, unless expressly approved
                                                                         by the manufacturer, releases the manufacturer from
When ordering spare parts, the motor serial number, full
                                                                         responsibility to conformity.
type designation and product code, as stated on the rating
plate, must be specified.                                                Replacing the bearings only without replacing also
                                                                         the external gamma ring and the internal simmering
8.2 Dismantling, re-assembly and rewinding                               can cause serious damages and loss of IP69
Motors cannot be rewound.                                                characteristics of the motors

8.3 Bearings
Special care should be taken with the bearings.

These must be removed using pullers and fitted by heating
or using special tools. When replacing a DE bearing, external
gamma ring and internal Simmering must also be replaced.

Bearing replacement is described in detail in a separate
instruction leaflet available from the ABB Sales Office.

Any directions placed on the motor, such as labels, must be
followed. The bearing types indicated on the rating plate
must not be changed.

20         3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS
9. Environmental requirements

9.1 EU Directive 2012/19/EU (WEEE)                                Disposing of this product correctly will help save valuable
EU Directive 2012/19/EU (WEEE) gives end-users the                resources and prevent any potential negative effects on
necessary information on how to treat and dispose of EEE          human health and the environment, which could otherwise
(Electrical and Electronic Equipment) waste after it has been     arise from inappropriate waste handling.
removed from service and is to be recycled.
                                                                  9.1.4 For professional users in the European Union
9.1.1 Marking of the products                                     The crossed –out wheeled bin symbol on the product(s) and
Products that are marked with the crossed-out wheeled bin         / or accompanying documents means that used electrical
symbol as below and/or the symbol is included in its              and electronic equipment (WEEE) should not be mixed with
documentation shall be handled in the following way:              general household waste.

                                                                  If you wish to discard electrical and electronic equipment
                                                                  (EEE), please contact your dealer or supplier for further

                                                                  Disposing of this product correctly will help save valuable
                                                                  resources and prevent any potential negative effects on
                                                                  human health and the environment, which could otherwise
9.1.2 For private households                                      arise from inappropriate waste handling.
The crossed–out wheeled bin symbol on the product(s) and
/ or accompanying documents means that used electrical            9.1.5 For disposal in countries outside of the European
and electronic equipment (WEEE) should not be mixed with          Union
general household waste. For proper treatment, recovery           The crossed–out wheeled bin symbol is only valid in the
and recycling, please take this product(s) to a designated        European Union (EU) and means that used electrical and
collection point where it will be accepted free of charge.        electronic equipment (WEEE) should not be mixed with
Alternatively, in some countries, you may be able to return       general household waste.
your products to your local retailer upon purchase of an
equivalent new product.                                           If you wish to dispose of this product, please contact your
                                                                  local authorities or dealer for the correct method of
Disposing of this product correctly will help save valuable       disposal.
resources and prevent any potential negative effects on
human health and the environment, which might otherwise           Disposing of this product correctly will help save valuable
arise from inappropriate waste handling.                          resources and prevent any potential negative effects on
Please contact your local authority for further details of your   human health and the environment, which could otherwise
nearest designated collection point.                              arise from inappropriate waste handling.
Depending on your national legislation, incorrect disposal of
this waste may incur a penalty in your country.

9.1.3 For professional users in the European Union
The crossed –out wheeled bin symbol on the product(s) and
/ or accompanying documents means that used electrical
and electronic equipment (WEEE) should not be mixed with
general household waste.

If you wish to dispose of electrical and electronic equipment
(EEE), please contact your dealer or sup-plier for further

                                                            3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS         21
10. Figures

Figure 1                                                                     Figure 2
Diagram illustrating the insulation resistance dependence                    Mounting of half-coupling or pulley
from the temperature and how to correct the measured
insulation resistance to the temperature of 40 °C.









                                                                             Figure 3
           -10   0   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100
                                                                             Connection of terminals for main supply
X-axis: Winding temperature, Celsius Degrees

Y-axis: Insulation Resistance Temperature Coefficient, ktc

1) To correct observed insulation resistance, Ri,
to 40 ºC multiply it by the temperature coefficient ktc.
Ri 40 ºC = Ri x.

22                   3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS
Figure 4                                                 Figure 5a
Voltage and frequency deviation in zones A and B         Converter with DTC control, 50 Hz, temperature rise B

                                                         IC410 Non ventilated natural air flow, IEC frame sizes 80-90
                                                         IC411 Self ventilated, IEC frame size 100

                                                         Figure 5b
                                                         Converter with DTC control, 60 Hz, temperature rise B

                                                   3GZF500930-876 REV C EN 06-2018 | ABB MOTORS AND GENERATORS          23
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