Identifying Innovative Reliable Criteria Governing the Selection of Infrastructures Construction Project Delivery Systems
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Open Eng. 2021; 11:269–280 Research Article Ahmed Nouh Meshref*, E.A. Elkasaby, and Omnia Wageh Identifying Innovative Reliable Criteria Governing the Selection of Infrastructures Construction Project Delivery Systems Qatar) in 2022. The great growth in the expansion of infras- Received May 29, 2020; accepted Nov 12, 2020 tructure projects and Reduce project planning time, makes it difficult for the government to make the right decisions, Abstract: No doubt that the most vital issues to achieve a particularly in terms of the chosen delivery system [1]. It great success project are the choice of best suitable project is known that one of the most important criterion the suc- delivery methods. According to the experience of project cess of the project is the appropriate choice of contractual management staff, the delivery of the project is chosen. project delivery system [2]. The choice of delivery of the However, that leads to similar repetitive issues, for exam- project depends on the objectives of the owner and the re- ple, exceeding the cost of the project and exceeding the quirements of the project [3]. Infrastructure projects are ex- project’s schedule, and that’s what many projects face. It pensive to build, operate, and maintain. The project usu- is difficult to develop the management of the recurring is- ally long term, thus the expense of any choices is weak, sues of the project because there is no awareness of de- unexpected errors can lead to a huge negative impact that livery methods. The efficiency of project implementation can last for generations. In the same sense, mega infras- is greatly affected by selecting the appropriate delivery tructure planners are oftentimes delayed delivery, more method. Fuzzy data at early stages of construction projects than the budget, and it fails to realize the desired goal. Be- leads to the fuzzy decision of selection a suitable type to de- cause of its importance for the growth in the future, the liver the project contract. In this study, the main purpose public sector is on the rise in request novel and improved was to determine the comprehensive criteria that signifi- (infrastructure) project delivery system. In the mature Gov- cantly influence the selection of infrastructures construc- ernments and mature Market, economies are investigating tion project delivery systems. These criteria will aid deci- innovative methods of infrastructure(project delivery sys- sion making process more comprehensive and effective in- tems) to great investments in infrastructure projects to face novation tool to choose the reliable Infrastructures Project the high requirements for the expansion and development Delivery System. of cities. However, governments confront complications in Keywords: Project Delivery Systems (PDS), Infrastructures securing funds and attracting investors to develop such ca- Projects, Collected Criteria, Simos’ Procedure, Ranking pabilities needed. Confronting and mastering these chal- Methods lenges requires the perfect choice and development of in- frastructure projects (delivery methods) [4]. The Project delivery systems not only realize the lia- bilities of (Parties implicated) in the project but also, ef- 1 Introduction fect in stages of the project design, the procurement and the project construction [5]. One of the vital criteria in in- There is rapid development in infrastructure projects in frastructure project success, project delivery system has an the Middle East, it shows through the establishment of important impact on project time, project cost and project mega projects in the future. for example, the Dubai (Inter- quality [6–8]. Thus selecting a suitable project delivery sys- national exposition) in 2020 and the Fifa (World Cup) in tem will explicitly influence and project performance pro- gressed [9, 10]. Traditional PDS, it found that one of the most com- *Corresponding Author: Ahmed Nouh Meshref: Benha monly used ways to deliver public projects is the Design University Faculty of Engineering Cairo, Egypt; Email: Bid Build [11, 12]. The design-bid-build method, the owner E.A. Elkasaby, Omnia Wageh: Faculty of Engineering, Benha assigns the designer the completion of the design of the University, Egypt Open Access. © 2021 A. Nouh Meshref et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attri- bution 4.0 License
270 | A. Nouh Meshref et al. project before the implementation stage. Contractors will duce and compile all previous research on criteriaaffecting be awarded at the lowest cost then will construction these PDS selection on infrastructure projects. Preceded by such projects. Because of this separation, this method has sev- a comprehensive review, in this paper described the re- eral weaknesses that outcome a lot of recurrent (claims) search methodology of our questionnaire survey based on result and disagreement among participants. So the cost the degree of importance and ranking weights criteria. The of the project and schedule exceeded. Building systems final list of key criteriain PDS decision-making is obtained, also require more coordination among project stakehold- summarizes and endorsed as research contributions and ers. Accordingly, these concerns; it created the need for key findings of our study. other alternative methods. For instance, there are alterna- tive ways to deliver the project such as the design_build and the construction _manager _at_risk. One alternative method is for the owner to employ (a project manager) 2 Literature review to help him in the evaluation of accurate project cost es- Regarding infrastructure projects, innovation dynamics timates, project schedule, review designer plans for con- have various methods of project delivery systems [22, 23], it struction, obtain and negotiate bids, and coordinate vari- is found that delivery systems of management contracting, ous aspects of work [13]. Traditional PDS used in the gen- “design-build and ways of partnerships for different sec- eral construction sectors have many constraints [14, 15]. tors are varied [24] have improved in integration with more Thus, many alternative project delivery methods have been cooperative approaches, such as partnering [25, 26], inte- presented to beat these constraints. However, the reaffir- grated project delivery [27], and alliances alliancing [28, mation was depended on special stages of delivery meth- 29]. Various methods can be used in selecting PDS. How- ods and it lacks the general and complete refinement of de- ever, to choose the delivery system, the choice must be log- livery methods. Integrated Project Delivery [IPD] has newly ical, It depends on the Advantages and disadvantages of arisen as a method with the possibility of the renaissance delivery methods. Additionally, it must give any criteria for in the delivery systems. It differs from other alternatives choosing a possible delivery system, weight to engineering because it concentred on comprehensive optimization and sense and judgment, because of this choice based on (the merge operations. In spit of its possibility, IPD application engineering information, judgment, and previous owner in the early stages. This type of delivery system is used by experience) [30]. extremely few projects [16]. Selecting a suitable project delivery system made It is worth noting the many research groups have re- project high performance [31]. The establish a global set of lated studies implemented on the criteria that influence criteria for selecting the project delivery system, it attracts project delivery using various project delivery systems [17– more investigator for more research studies [18]. Many sci- 20]. However, the experimental analysis current is based entists have proposed special criteria for selecting project on the criteria impacting project evaluation by the funda- delivery systems. there are finally twenty-six research pa- mental focus on owner’s advantage, the project feature, pers and thesis dissertations selected. Table 1 shows the the contractor’s advantage and external environment of Project Delivery System selection (PDSs) criteria identified the project [6, 12, 20, 21]. Accordingly, This study indicates in the previous studies. that the most reliable key criteria in the selection of project delivery systems. The main purpose of this study to intro- Figure 1: Frequency distribution plot of influencing criteria.
Innovative Reliable Criteria Governing the Selection of Infrastructures Project Delivery Systems | 271 In Figure 1, the column indicates the digit of times Cri- cates the criteria from criteria number 1 to criteria number teria found in previous studies from 1 to 26 and row indi- 28. Table 1: Criteria identified in the previous studies. Criteria Literature a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Project objectives Category Cr.1-Project cost. Cr.2-Project schedule. C.r3-Project quality. Cr4-Safety. Cr.5-Contract/business, optimize return. Project characteristics Category Cr.6-Project size. Cr.7-Project confidentiality. Cr.8-Ability to define the project scope. Cr.9-Project complex. Cr.10-Project flexibility. Cr.11-Project location. Cr.12-early availability of materi- als and equipment Cr.13-Conforms with user’s expec- tations. Owner’s Characteristics Category Cr.14-Owner ’s preferences for re- sponsibility & involvement Cr.15-Owner’s preferences for control. Cr.16-Owner’s experience. Cr.17-Owner’s staff qualifica- tions. Cr.18-Owner’s ability to finance. Cr.19-Owner’s preferences for risk control and allocation. Cr.20-Owner and contractor man- agement awareness. Cr.21- Owner’s available person- nel. Cr.22-Special training preference by owner. Cr.23- The owner wants to use his (equipment and material ). External Environment Category Cr.24-Marke competitiveness. Cr.25-Innovation constructability. Regional Category Cr.26-Security constraints & polit- ical impact. Cr.27-Availability of experienced contractors and capacity. Cr.28-Availability of resources. Where: resources [a to z] : [references No.] a: [32], b: [33], c: [34], d: [35], e: [36], f : [37], g: [38], h: [39], i: [40], j: [41], k: [42], l: [43], m: [8], n: [44], o: [45], p: [6], q: [17], r: [12], s: [21], t: [46], u: [5], v: [47], w: [48], x: [49], y: [30], z: [50]
272 | A. Nouh Meshref et al. 2.1 Criteria identification ria that could be presented to decision-makers to make an informed and comprehensive decision. Reviewing a lot of literary efforts to define criteria about choosing delivery methods, the preliminary list includes (twenty-eight) criteria belonging to five main categories as listed in Table 2: namely project objectives Category, 3 Research methodology project characteristics Category, Owner’s Characteristics In the first step, an initial questionnaire was performed to Category, External Environment Category, and Regional cover twenty - eight criteria depend on several works of lit- Category. There are a total of twenty-eight selection crite- erature after studied with many experts to find the sample Table 2: Initial criteria List. Categories Criteria Criteria description Project Objectives Category. Cr.1 Cost for Completing project. Cr.2 Time for completing schedule project. Cr.3 An express the quality of the project. Cr.4 Ensures safety in (design and construction) Cr.5 Increased return. Project Characteristics Category. Cr.6 Is depending on the budget of the project (special or traditional project). Cr.7 Is protecting the confidentiality of the project document. Cr.8 Is clarity of the project scope? Cr.9 Represents the expectation of a major change in construction. Cr.10 Represents the possibility of changing the design at the time of the project implementation. Cr.11 Easy access to site and availability services. Cr.12 Availability of materials and equipment at an early stage of the project. Cr.13 The project achieves all the requirements expected for the user. Owner’s Characteristics Category. Cr.14 Owner’s ability to participate and responsibility clarity. Cr.15 The owner has great control over the project. Cr.16 The owner’s experience in design, Construction. Cr.17 Strength of the owner’s staff to the administration of the construction process. Cr.18 The owner’s financial ability to expand on the project. Cr.19 The owner control and identifies the risks that can occur. Cr.20 The owner and Contractor are a high degree of management ability. Cr.21 The staff is available to the owner. Cr.22 Effect of Special training preference by owner. Cr.23 Owner’s preference to use both the materials and equipment he owns. External Environment Category. Cr.24 Expresses the competitive market degree for the project as well as the availability of contractors. Cr.25 Using construction knowledge and encourage innovation. Regional Category. Cr.26 Regulatory actions, the degree of the national importance of the project, Foreign-funded project. Cr.27 Contractor’s experience and Technical, financial ability Cr.28 Availability of resources that will be used in the execution of the project.
Innovative Reliable Criteria Governing the Selection of Infrastructures Project Delivery Systems | 273 pert responses, There’s evaluation of the degree of signifi- cance related to any criteria is based on a range [1–5], that matches with “Very Low Importance” - “Very High Impor- tance”. To meet a number of a prepared sample volume for choice the significant criterions, expert responses to the survey were collected. A Sample of consultants, con- tractors, and owners have been contacted for getting their responses. Based on findings and expert review, the ques- tionnaire survey was reviewed and completed to data col- lection. Collecting Questionnaire For collecting the questionnaire, a questionnaire survey is designed to respond via a web link, field questionnaire survey and the interviews were applied. Sources of survey samples shown in Figure 3. The questionnaire was sent to 60 experts by e-mail, including owners, contractors, and consultants. Among all of these, twenty recipients of the questionnaire did not respond to emails, and ten question- naires with clear errors (for example, commonly answer as the same choice, or missing answers, among others); over- all of eighteen questionnaire survey answers were to com- pleted and it returned with a 30% response rate. Also, fif- teen questionnaires were distributed to graduate students during their studies. Of these, eight questionnaires were deleted for incompleteness. Also, conducted several in- terviews and obtained five correct questionnaires. Finally, thirty correct questionnaires were obtained. Figure 2: Methodology flowcharts. size of research. In the second step, the survey data was processed, Then followed by the test of reliability. In the third step, if the survey data succeed in a reliability test, Then it is sent to a stage of Simos’ procedure to obtain the global weight for each criterion. Finally, analyzing the re- sults, the specific process is shown in Figure 2. Figure 3: Sources of survey project samples. 3.1 Survey Instrument 3.1.1 First Questionnaire survey Description of the questionnaire Survey The twenty-eight criteria, it was obtained from research a Out of thirty questionnaires, percentage of the experts par- large collection of literature, it was designed in the ques- ticipants in the questionnaire was : (1) 53.33% owners, (2) tionnaire It depends on three major sections; the first Sec- 33.33% consultants, (3) 16.67% contractors, as shown in tion contains respondent’s data, while the second sec- Figure 4. tion is the main element of a questionnaire. Also, they Table 3 shows the statistical analysis of respondents in are included in a list of relevant criteria of importance. terms of their practical experience in thirty questionnaires. The third section contains the list of additional informa- tion that an expert can add. Obtaining methodology by ex-
274 | A. Nouh Meshref et al. Table 3: Years of practical experience for respondents. Practical experience [years] Position less than 5 From 5to 10 From10 to 15 more than15 Summation OWNER 2 4 7 3 16 CONSULTANT 0 2 6 2 10 CONTRACTOR 0 1 2 1 4 a total contractor of 182,000, so (N) for the contractor is equal 1.77, to increase questionnaire accuracy. Therefore, decided that raise expert sample to become instead for more accuracy. Accord to the questionnaire survey notes, it was found that 16 respondents for owners, 10 respondents for consultants, and 4 respondents for contractors. Figure 4: Survey respondents’ roles. First survey outcome Based on the outcome calculated in this paper, Criteria Sample size design calculations that were weak or have no effect were excluded from the The number of questionnaires required was calculated ac- group according to statistic analysis. Criteria for average cording to the number and specialties of engineers in the values below or equal to 3.0 have been deleted from the Egyptian guild of engineers. Based on the equation (1), the group. It is worth noting that it has been excluded six total number we want is calculated. criteria from the total (twenty-eight-criteria), and there- fore makes up the reliability group Consists of (22 criteri- {︁[︀ ]︀ }︁ zα 2 2 × P × [ l − P] N= [51] (1) ons) which shown at (Table 2), these criteria have been ex- d2 cluded, Contract/business (Optimize return) (C5). Project Where: the size of a sample is (N), by using z2α statistical (︀ )︀ Objective category has one eliminated criterion, and the value equal 1.645, (P) will be used as a percentage of the eliminated criteria are the early availability of materials target population, and (d) will be used as a percentage 10% and equipment (C12). And Conforms with user’s expecta- for the acceptable error. tions (C13) Project Characteristics category, have two elim- The number of targeted owners is 5430 (Armed Forces inated criteria and Owner Characteristics Category, have Engineering Authority= 1180, Suez Canal Authority=370, three eliminated criteria. Owner desires the use of its re- Ministry of housing=1380, Ministry of Electricity=2500), sources (C21), Owner’s available personnel (C22) and Spe- and a total owner of 182,000, so the number (N) for the cial training preference by owner (C23), Most of the deleted owner is equal 7.82. For a sample consultant of 1000 and criteria were in this category. While the external environ- a total consultant of 30,000, so the number for consul- tants becomes 8.71. For a sample contractor of 1200 and 4,5 4 3,5 3 2,5 4,3 4,4 2 3,9 4,2 4,2 4,1 3,6 3,8 3,8 3,9 3,8 4,1 4,1 4,2 3,5 3,7 3,4 3,7 3,7 3,5 3,8 3,6 1,5 2,8 2,7 2,6 2,6 2,5 2,6 1 0,5 0 Cr.1 Cr.2 Cr.3 Cr.4 Cr.5 Cr.6 Cr.7 Cr.8 Cr.9 Cr.10 Cr.11 Cr.12 Cr.13 Cr.14 Cr.15 Cr.16 Cr.17 Cr.18 Cr.19 Cr.20 Cr.21 Cr.22 Cr.23 Cr.24 Cr.25 Cr.26 Cr.27 Cr.28 Figure 5: Mean Values for each criterion.
Innovative Reliable Criteria Governing the Selection of Infrastructures Project Delivery Systems | 275 ment category, the regional Category have no eliminated ness (C24). Concerning the Regional category, the Avail- criterion. The standard error for all criteria less than 0.2. ability of experienced contractors and Capacity (C27) is As illustrated in Figure 5 within the Project Objectives the most significant criterion, while, the least significant category, Project quality (C3) and Project Safety (C4) is the is the Availability of resources (C28). Figure 5, illustrates most significant criterion, while, the least significant is the Mean Values for each criterion, Which range from 3.7 Project Cost (C1). Concerning the Project Characteristic cat- to 4.1. egory, Project Size (C6) is the most significant criterion, while, the least significant is Project Complex (C9). Regard- ing the Owner’s Characteristics category, the Owner’s abil- 3.2 Reliability grade Analysis ity to finances the project(C18) is the most significant cri- terion, while, the least significant is the Owner’s Experi- Data reliability must be (tested) before using the data into ence (C16). Concerning the external environment category, account. (Reliability) is representing the accuracy of the Innovation / Constructability (C25) is the most significant measurement, (Cronbach’s) alpha-criterion will be used as criterion, while, the least significant is Market Competitive- a (reliability) indicator. The alpha criterion is ranged be- Table 4: Data of (the grade of reliability & alpha criterion) [adopted from 54]. Reliability Cronbach’s criterion [α] Untrustworthy Cronbach’s criterion less than or equal to .3 Hardely [reliable] .3 5 Alpha criterion
276 | A. Nouh Meshref et al. tween 0 to 1, the nearer to [1] means greater accuracy. To 3.3 Second questionnaire perform a reliable analysis of the questionnaire data the program was used (SPSS 25.0). In the reliability test, in- 3.3.1 Description of Simo’s procedure ternal consistency has been applied to variables and cal- culate the Cronbach’s α criterion of variables [52]. As a The idea of the Simo’s procedure is based on linking each measure of reliability assessment of criterions, the alfa - criterion to the card of playing, and all the respondents criterion must be higher than (0.70) [53]. Table 4, presented have to do is arrange these cards. For many white cards the data shown (the grade of alpha-criterion & reliability) (n), it represents many criteria. [54]. Then, it is asking the user to rank these criteria from Questionnaire data is entered into SPSS 25.0 for relia- the least significant to most significant [arranged in as- bility testing. By using statistical analysis of the outputs. cending]. Depending on the user’s opinion. If the criteria The alpha criterion for analysis of questionnaires using are the same important takes the same rank [51]. data is 0.793 more than 0.70, which proves that twenty – two criteria are very qualified, the Table 5 shows exclud- ing some elements, It’s not going to improve significantly the Cronbach criterion [α], This means the information is [very reliable], and will be utilized in the future tests. Table 6: Simo’s Normalization Procedure. Criterions No. of [Rank] Non [normalized [Normalized weight] Total [normalized Global Criterion weight] weight] weight C1 1 3 3 (3/13)*100=23 23 0.0506 C2. 1 2 2 (2/13)*100=15 15 0.033 C3. 1 4 4 (4/13)*100=31 31 0.0682 C4 1 4 4 (4/13)*100=31 31 0.0682 Sum 4 13 100 0.22 C5 1 6 6 (6/25)*100=24 24 0.0672 C6 1 3 3 (3/25)*100=12 12 0.0336 C7 1 5 5 (5/25)*100=20 20 0.056 C8 1 4 4 (4/25)*100=16 16 0.0448 C9 1 5 5 (5/25)*100=20 20 0.056 C10 1 2 2 (2/25)*100=8 8 0.0224 Sum 6 25 100 0.28 C11 1 6 6 (6/28)*100=21 21 0.0462 C12 1 3 3 (3/28)*100=11 11 0.0242 C13 1 5 5 (5/28)*100=18 18 0.0396 C14 1 7 7 (7/28)*100=25 25 0.055 C15 1 1 1 (1/28)*100=4 4 0.0088 C16 1 2 2 (2/28)*100=7 7 0.0154 C17 1 4 4 (4/28)*100=14 14 0.0308 Sum 7 28 100 0.22 C18 1 1 1 (1/3)*100=33.3 33 0.0363 C19 1 2 2 (2/3)*100=66.7 67 0.0737 Sum 2 3 100 0.11 C20 2 33 3 (3/11)*2* 55 0.0935 100=55 C21 1 3 3 (3/11)*100=27 27 0.0459 C22 1 2 2 (2/11)*100=18 18 0.0306 Sum 3 11 100 0.17
Innovative Reliable Criteria Governing the Selection of Infrastructures Project Delivery Systems | 277 Table 7: Categories Estimated global Weights. (A) Project Objective category 1 4 4 (4/18)*100=22 22 (B) Project characteristics category 1 5 5 (5/18)*100=28 28 (C) Owner characteristics category 1 4 4 (4/18)*100=22 22 (D) External Environment category 1 2 2 (2/18)*100=11 11 € Regional category 1 3 3 (3/18)*100=17 17 Sum 5 18 100 3.3.2 Second Questionnaire Regional category. Global weight distribution for each cri- terion showed in Figure 7. The questionnaire includes twenty-two criterions. Evaluat- ing the criteria affecting s (PDSs) of infrastructure projects is the main objective of this survey, By applying the two- stage Simos’ procedure. At the first step, responses of ex- perts are collected, which are the order of the criteria. In the second stage, for each criterion, both normalized weights and global weights are calculated [55]. The re- sponses were collected from 19 experts and based on their Figure 6: Distribution of global weight percentage amongst the ranking of criteriathe [non – normalized weight], [normal- different main Categories. ized weight], and [global weight] of each criterion were cal- culated as illustrated by Table 6, global weight it is calcu- lated, for each criterion which is the product of multiply- ing the normal weight of the criteria in the normal weight of the main category that belongs to this criteria, Table 7 shows the global weight for each main category. 4 Conclusions The project delivery systems are generally selected based on the experiences of decision-makers. However, in this 3.3.3 Second Questionnaire Results comprehensive study, twenty-eight criteria were obtained that influence decision-making in selecting the type of Figure 6 depicts the distribution of the global weight per- project delivery systems. As evaluating the criteria affect- centage amongst the different main categories. Categories ing s (PDSs) of infrastructure projects is the main objec- are 22% for Project objective category, 28% for Project char- tive of this study, By applying the two-stage Simos’ pro- acteristics category, 22% for Owner characteristics cate- cedure. These criteria were generated through discussions gory, 11% for External environment category, and 17% for with experts, and very comprehensive detailed review of the literature review influencing infrastructures construc- 0,1 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,0935 0,04 0,0737 0,0682 0,0682 0,0672 0,03 0,056 0,056 0,055 0,0506 0,0448 0,0462 0,0396 0,0459 0,02 0,033 0,0336 0,0363 0,0308 0,0242 0,0306 0,01 0,0224 0,0154 0,0088 0 Cr.1 Cr.2 Cr.3 Cr.4 Cr.5 Cr.6 Cr.7 Cr.8 Cr.9 Cr.11 Cr.10 Cr.12 Cr.13 Cr.14 Cr.15 Cr.16 Cr.17 Cr.18 Cr.19 Cr.20 Cr.21 Cr.22 Figure 7: Global weight for each criterion.
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