ICreate & iLearn Corrie Barclay - Manor Lakes P12 College - SLIDE 2 LEARN 2012 MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK COLLEGE

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ICreate & iLearn Corrie Barclay - Manor Lakes P12 College - SLIDE 2 LEARN 2012 MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK COLLEGE
iCreate	 &	 iLearn
Corrie	 Barclay	 -	 Manor	 Lakes	 P12	 College
SLIDE	 2	 LEARN	 2012
ICreate & iLearn Corrie Barclay - Manor Lakes P12 College - SLIDE 2 LEARN 2012 MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK COLLEGE

There	 are	 thousands	 of	 applications	 available	 but
which	 are	 right	 for	 our	 students?	 Which	 app's
help	 the	 students	 we	 teach	 meet	 their	 intended
learning	 outcomes?	 Throughout	 this	 book	 I	 will
demonstrate	 the	 use	 of	 the	 main	 applications	 we
use	 throughout	 our	 1:1	 iPad	 Program	 in	 years	 6
and	 7,	 and	 how	 these	 have	 best	 benefitted
learning	 for	 our	 students.

ICreate & iLearn Corrie Barclay - Manor Lakes P12 College - SLIDE 2 LEARN 2012 MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK COLLEGE
SE C TION 	  1

About	 This	 Book
  About	 The	 Presenter

        Corrie	 Barclay

   eLearning	 Coordinator

Manor	 Lakes	 P-12	 College

     Wyndham	 Vale,	 Vic

                              We	  know	  that	  there	  are	  countless	  applica-         This	  eBook	  will	  take	  you	  through	  the	  main
                              tions	 that	 have	 educational	 benefit	 within	 our	         applications	  that	  the	  students	  and	  staff	  use
                              school	 settings.	                                            at	  Manor	  Lakes	  P12	  College	  to	  support
                                                                                            teaching	 and	 learning.
                              But	  which	  do	  we	  use?	  Which	  do	  we	  not?
                              How	  do	  we	  keep	  up	  with	  applications	  that	       I	  hope	  this	  eBook	  can	  be	  used	  as	  a	  re-
                              are	  released,	  often	  on	  a	  weekly	  basis,	  that	    sources	  for	  schools	  and	  colleges	  looking	  to
                              may	 best	 benefit	 student	 learning?                        utilize	  iPad	  technology	  and	  to	  assist	  them	  in
                                                                                            making	  their	  application	  choices	  to	  best	  sup-
                                                                                            port	 teaching	 and	 learning.

ICreate & iLearn Corrie Barclay - Manor Lakes P12 College - SLIDE 2 LEARN 2012 MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK COLLEGE
S EC TION 	  2

What	 We’ll	 Cover...

Throughout	 this	 eBook	 we’ll	 cover	 the	 following:

-	 Introduction

- iPad	 History	 @	 Manor	 Lakes	 P12	 College

- What	 Lies	 Ahead?

- iPads	 to	 Support	 Teaching	 and	 Learning

- App’s	 for	 Learning

ICreate & iLearn Corrie Barclay - Manor Lakes P12 College - SLIDE 2 LEARN 2012 MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK COLLEGE

iPad	 History	 @
In	 2010	 we	 hopped	 on	 the	 iPad	 bandwagon	 and
ever	 since	 we	 have	 not	 looked	 back.	 It’s	 been	 a
short	 journey	 so	 far	 but	 one	 that’s	 seen	 great
things	 occur	 in	 using	 mobile	 tech	 to	 support
teaching	 and	 learning.

ICreate & iLearn Corrie Barclay - Manor Lakes P12 College - SLIDE 2 LEARN 2012 MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK COLLEGE
S EC TION 	  1

DEECD	 iPads	 for	 Learning	 Trial

In	 2010	 we	 were	 approached	 by	 DEECD	 to	 be	 involved	 in	                  “An	 Australian	 first,	 our	 iPads	 for	 Learning	 trial	 will	 examine
the	 iPads	 for	 Learning	 trial.	 This	 trial	 originally	 started	 with	        the	 impact	 iPads	 have	 on	 our	 students’	 learning	 at	 home	 and
500	 iPad	 devices	 being	 shared	 over	 7	 schools	 and	 col-                    at	 school,	 as	 well	 as	 how	 iPads	 can	 benefit	 and	 transform
leges	 throughout	 Victoria,	 and	 we	 at	 Manor	 Lakes	 were	                    teaching	 practice.
fortunate	 enough	 to	 be	 selected	 as	 one	 of	 those	 settings.	 	 	           This	 trial	 builds	 on	 evidence	 that	 engaging	 and	 innovative	 learn-
                                                                                  ing	 environments	 are	 needed	 to	 connect	 with	 today’s	 students
                                                                                  and	 equip	 them	 for	 tomorrow’s	 world.	 The	 iPads	 for	 Learning
                                                                                  trial	 will	 help	 bridge	 the	 gap	 between	 the	 technology	 used	 by
                                                                                  students	 in	 day-to-day	 life	 and	 that	 used	 in	 schools.’

ICreate & iLearn Corrie Barclay - Manor Lakes P12 College - SLIDE 2 LEARN 2012 MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK COLLEGE
“The	 aim	 of	 our	 iPads	 for	 Learning	 trial	 is	 to	 ensure	 ICT	 is	 effectively
integrated	 into	 teaching	 and	 learning	 through:

	     •	     1-to-1	 access	 (one	 digital	 device	 per	 student)
	     •	     quality	 digital	 resources
	     •	     a	 range	 of	 apps
	     •	     the	 development	 of	 skills	 and	 literacy	 of	 digital	 media
	     •	     increased	 independence	 &	 self	 initiated	 learning	 in	 students
	     •	     personalised	 learning
	     •	     the	 extension	 of	 student’s	 learning	 beyond	 the	 classroom.

Through	 our	 iPads	 for	 Learning	 trial	 we	 seek	 to	 answer	 the	 following
research	 question:

“What	 have	 been	 the	 impacts	 of	 using	 iPads	 to	 support	 learning	 for
students,	 teachers	 and	 parents?”

ICreate & iLearn Corrie Barclay - Manor Lakes P12 College - SLIDE 2 LEARN 2012 MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK COLLEGE
What	 Did	 We	 Discover?
Throughout	 the	 18	 months,	 we	 noticed	 a	 significant	 change	 in	 the	 2	 following	 key	 areas:

The	 Learning;

•Student	 engagement	 on	 a	 whole	 within	 teaching	 and	 learning	 programs	 rose	 considerably.

•Student	 attendance	 within	 the	 trial	 cohort	 also	 rose.

•Reluctant	 learners,	 these	 being	 mainly	 boys,	 were	 more	 engaged	 and	 on	 task,	 more	 often.

•With	  the	  use	  of	  specific	  applications	  we	  noticed	  students	  ‘playing	  to	  their	  learning	  strengths’,	  meaning	  students	  using	  applications
which	 suited	 their	 Learning	 style.

•Greater	 thought	 processes	 being	 displayed	 via	 students	 planning	 more	 frequently.	 I.e.	 Using	 thinking	 tools,	 online	 planning	 sites.

•A	 greater	 willingness	 to	 work	 collaboratively	 with	 other	 students.

The	 Teaching;

•Content	 delivery	 changed	 in	 the	 way	 information	 was	 distributed	 to	 students.	 .	 I.e.	 Through	 the	 use	 of	 Blogs	 and	 Wikis.

•Pedagogy	 changed	 and	 adapted,	 for	 the	 better,	 in	 relation	 to	 having	 a	 1:1	 program	 based	 on	 Mobile	 Technology.	 This	 had	 teachers
becoming	 more	 involved	 with	 the	 learners,	 meaning	 more	 face	 to	 face	 teaching	 time.	 Less	 instruction	 time.

•After	  time,	  Teacher’s	  gave	  students	  more	  ‘say‘	  in	  how	  they	  both	  learnt	  and	  presented	  their	  work.	  This	  we	  call	  ‘Student	  Directed

•Teachers	 willing	 to	 take	 more	 ‘risks’	 with	 their	 teaching	 in	 regards	 to	 integrating	 technology	 and	 using	 it	 as	 a	 tool.

ICreate & iLearn Corrie Barclay - Manor Lakes P12 College - SLIDE 2 LEARN 2012 MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK COLLEGE
The	 Big	 Two...
 The	 technology	 (iPad)	 is	 nothing	 more	 than	 a	 tool	 to	 assist	 the	 teaching	 and	 learn-
ing.	 It	 will	 not	 improve	 student	 learning	 outcomes	 on	 it’s	 own.	 As	 always,	 the	 single
  biggest	 factor	 in	 driving	 learning	 outcomes	 is,	 and	 will	 always	 be,	 good	 teaching.

That	 it	 is	 important	 to	 have	 students	 ‘create’	 rather	 than	 ‘consume’.	 The	 technology
was	 not	 solely	 created	 for	 ‘Google’	 and	 ‘Wikipedia’	 purposes.	 Students	 can	 create,
                                 and	 give	 back	 to	 the	 internet.

  “Teachers	 need	 to	 stop	 saying,	 ‘Hand	 it	 in,’	 and	 start	 saying	 ‘Publish	 It,’	 instead”

                                        Alan	 November

ICreate & iLearn Corrie Barclay - Manor Lakes P12 College - SLIDE 2 LEARN 2012 MELBOURNE ALBERT PARK COLLEGE
SE C TION 	  2

Post	 DEECD	 iPad	 Trial

  “There	 is	 no	 doubt	 that	 the
   iPad	 as	 a	 piece	 of	 Mobile
 Technology	 has	 created	 not
only	 a	 positive	 shift	 in	 teaching
  and	 learning,	 but	 a	 positive
shift	 in	 technology	 integration”


                                           From	  the	  success	  that	  we	  had	  throughout	  the	         For	  the	  6	  and	  7	  cohort	  iPad	  program,	  we	  de-
                                           18	  months	  of	  the	  DEECD	  iPads	  for	  Learning	           cided	  on	  a	  BYOD	  (Bring	  your	  Own	  Device)
                                           Trial,	  we	  made	  the	  decision	  to	  extend	  our	  iPad	    model.
                                           programs	 to	 the	 following:
                                                                                                              Having	 throughout	 the	 DEECD	 trial	 showcase	 a
                                           •Prep	 as	 a	 1:1	 -	 using	 the	 DEECD	 iPads.                    lot	 of	 what	 was	 happening	 made	 getting	 paren-
                                                                                                              tal	 support	 on	 board	 for	 the	 ride	 a	 lot	 easier.
                                           •Year	 6	 and	 Year	 7	 as	 a	 1:1.


What	 Lies
“If	 we	 teach	 today	 as	 we	 taught	 yesterday,
we	 rob	 our	 children	 of	 tomorrow.”

John	 Dewey

SE C TION 	  1

Our	 Initail	 Thoughts...

                 Our	  initial	  thoughts	  after	  the	  iPad	  Trial	  were	    A	 tad	 ambitious.	 ;)
                 pretty	 clear	 cut:
                                                                                  Or	 was	 it?

                                                                                  The	 next	 step	 for	 us	 was	 to	 develop	 a	 3	 Year
                 •1:1.	                                                           ICT	  Strategy	  that	  would	  guide	  or	  technology	  in-
                                                                                  tegration	  across	  the	  college	  and	  with	  finance
                                                                                  models	 such	 as	 BYOD,	 BYOT,	 Leasing,	 and	 Pur-
                 •P-12.	 	 	                                                      chasing,	  we	  needed	  to	  make	  decisions	  that
                                                                                  were	 best	 for	 the	 College,	 but	 more	 so	 the	 Com-
                 •2500+	 iPad	 devices.	                                          munity.

Our	 ICT	 Strategy	 For	 MLP12C
The	  main	  reason	  for	  creating	  a	  whole	  college	  ICT	  strategy	  was	            Visual	 Representation...
to	 ensure	 the	 ICT	 structures	 that	 we	 put	 in	 place	 in	 the	 next	 cou-
ple	  of	  years	  best	  support	  student	  learning	  and	  are	  financially	  vi-
able	 for	 the	 future	 of	 the	 college.

Currently	  we	  have	  4	  programs	  running	  across	  that	  College	  that
relate	 to	 1:1	 computing,	 and	 3	 of	 the	 4	 run	 under	 different	 finac-
ing	 options:

- Prep	 iPad’s,	 1:1	 -	 School	 Owned	 (120	 devices)

- Year	 6	 and	 7	 iPad’s,	 1:1	 -	 BYOD	 (280	 devices)

- Year	 8	 and	 9	 MacBook’s,1:1	 -	 Leased	 (350	 devices)

- Year	 10	 MacBook	 Pro’s,1:1	 -	 School	 Owned	 (150	 devices)

One	 aim	 was	 to	 consolidate	 the	 three	 models	 in	 to	 1	 by	 selecting
the	 model	 that,	 once	 again,	 was	 best	 for	 for	 our	 College	 and	 or
                                                                                              *The	  above,	  which	  was	  developed	  in	  December	  of	  2011,	  has
                                                                                              since	 been	 scrutinized	 and	 picked	 to	 pieces	 as	 to	 now	 determine
                                                                                              what	 paths	 and	 roads	 to	 take...

Our	 Thoughts	 Now,	 6mths	 On
Which	 road	 do	 we	 take?


•Or	 BYOT?

•Will	 parents	 continue	 to	 support	 these	 models?	 What	 about	 families	 with	 3-5	 kids	 in	 P-2?	 And	 /	 or	 6	 -	 8?

•Insurance	 with	 BYOD	 /	 BYOD	 (Our	 most	 common	 question	 from	 parents	 /	 guardians)...

•Continue	 with	 Leasing?	 What	 are	 the	 Pro’s?	 What	 are	 the	 Con’s?

•Purchasing	 devices	 Outright?

•No	 are	 we	 as	 a	 College	 no	 longer	 seeing	 1:1,	 but	 1:Many.	 How	 does	 this	 affect	 us?	 Will	 the	 network	 hold	 up?	 Infrastructure?

•Is	 BYOD	 right	 for	 P-2?	 Can	 students	 of	 this	 age	 take	 care	 of	 their	 devices?	 Especially	 to	 and	 from	 school?

•Are	 we	 leaving	 out	 the	 3-5	 cohort?	 How	 can	 we	 bolster	 technology	 integration	 here?	 $$$?

•What	 if	 the	 NSSCF	 ceases	 (as	 we	 know	 it	 will)?	 Can	 we	 fund	 devices	 for	 our	 9-12’s?	 Will	 maintenance	 and	 tech	 support	 on	 these
be	 adequate?	 Insurance?

Decisions,	 Decisions...


iPads	 to
Teaching	 &

SE C TION 	  1

(Mobile)	 Ed.	 Tech	 Revolution

“There	 can	 be	 infinite	 uses	 of
the	 computer	 and	 of	 new	 age
  technology,	 but	 if	 teachers
  themselves	 are	 not	 able	 to
bring	 it	 into	 the	 classroom	 and
  make	 it	 work,	 then	 it	 fails.”

      Nancy	 Kassebaum

                                         “Take	 a	 look	 around	 and	 chances	 are	 you'll	 see	            where!	 Portability	 is	 not	 as	 important	 as	 the	 abil-
                                         a	  mobile	  device.	  Phones,	  iPods,	  laptops,	  net-          ity	 of	 the	 learner	 to	 connect,	 communicate,	 col-
                                         books,	  iPads,	  USB	  drives,	  and	  handheld	  games	          laborate,	 and	 create	 using	 tools	 that	 are	 readily
                                         seem	  to	  be	  everywhere.	  Combine	  these	  ever-             at	 hand.”
                                         present	 gadgets	 with	 educational	 and	 productiv-
                                                                                                            Tony	 Vincent
                                         ity	 uses	 and	 you've	 got	 mobile	 learning.
                                         Mobile	  learning	  can	  happen	  anywhere:	  in	  a
                                         classroom,	  at	  the	  dining	  room	  table,	  on	  a	  bus,
                                         in	  front	  of	  a	  science	  exhibit,	  at	  the	  zoo…any-

MCEECDYA	 /	 The	 Aus.	 Curric.

The	 Melbourne	 Declaration	 on	 Educational	 Goals	 for	 Young	 Aus-                             The	 Australian	 Curriculum:	 Scope	 of	 ICT	 Capability
               tralians	 (2008)	 recognized	 that;
                                                                                          “The	 nature	 and	 scope	 of	 ICT	 capability	 is	 not	 fixed,	 but	 is	 respon-
  “Rapid	 and	 continuing	 advances	 in	 information	 and	 communica-                     sive	 to	 ongoing	 technological	 developments.	 This	 is	 evidenced	 by
tion	 technologies	 (ICT)	 are	 changing	 the	 ways	 people	 share,	 use,	                  the	 emergence	 of	 advanced	 internet	 technology	 over	 the	 past
 develop	 and	 process	 information	 and	 use	 technology.	 In	 this	 digi-
                                                                                           few	 years	 and	 the	 resulting	 changes	 in	 the	 ways	 that	 students
 tal	 age,	 young	 people	 need	 to	 be	 highly	 skilled	 in	 the	 use	 of	 ICT.
                                                                                                     construct	 knowledge	 and	 interact	 with	 others.”
    While	 schools	 already	 employ	 these	 technologies	 in	 learning,
  there	 is	 a	 need	 to	 increase	 their	 effectiveness	 significantly	 over	            http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/GeneralCapabilities/Information-and-Co
                               the	 next	 decade”.	                                           mmunication-Technology-capability/Introduction/Scope-of-ICT-capability


Horizon	 Report	 K-12	 2012
                                                   Tablet	 Computing
                                           Time-to-Adoption:	 One	 Year	 or	 Less

In	 the	 past	 two	 years,	 advances	 in	 tablets	 have	 captured	 the	 imagination	 of	 educators	 around	 the	 world.	 Led	 by	 the	 incredible	 success
of	 the	 iPad,	 which	 in	 2011-12	 was	 selling	 at	 the	 rate	 of	 more	 than	 3	 million	 units	 a	 month,	 other	 similar	 devices	 such	 as	 the	 Samsung
   Galaxy	 and	 Sony’s	 Tablet	 S	 have	 also	 begun	 to	 enter	 this	 rapidly	 growing	 market.	 In	 the	 process,	 the	 tablet	 (a	 form	 that	 is	 distinct
 from	 tablet	 PCs)	 has	 come	 to	 be	 viewed	 as	 not	 just	 a	 new	 category	 of	 mobile	 devices,	 but	 indeed	 a	 new	 technology	 in	 its	 own	 right,
    one	 that	 blends	 features	 of	 laptops,	 smartphones,	 and	 earlier	 tablet	 computers	 with	 always-connected	 Internet,	 and	 thousands	 of
                                                    apps	 with	 which	 to	 personalize	 the	 experience.

The	 device	 itself	 encourages	 exploration	 of	 its	 capabilities,	 something	 easily	 demonstrated	 by	 simply	 placing	 the	 device	 in	 the	 hands	 of
                                                                        a	 small	 child.

 Recent	 research	 indicates	 that	 tablets,	 because	 they	 are	 designed	 to	 easily	 share	 their	 screens,	 foster	 key	 21st	 Century	 Skills	 in	 stu-
                                 dents,	 including	 creativity,	 innovation,	 communication,	 and	 collaboration.


SE C TION 	  2

The	 iPad	 as	 a	 Teaching	 Tool


                 Why	 the	 iPad	 in	 education?             Could	 it	 improve	 student	 learning?

                 Why	 the	 fascination?                     Would	 students	 find	 them	 useful?

                 What	 could	 it	 be	 used	 for?            Would	 they	 be	 a	 distraction?

                 What	 educational	 benefits	 are	 there?   Would	 parents	 support	 the	 technology?

                 Can	 it	 assist	 teaching	 in	 any	 way?   Would	 they	 benefit	 all	 curriculum	 areas?

The	 Big	 3!
           An	 eReader                                    Web	 Browsing                                           Applications

 iBook	 can	 store	 hundreds	 of	 books	 in	     Information	 can	 be	 located	 anywhere,	                          Where	 to	 start?
           one	 digital	 library.                               anytime.
                                                                                                      Applications	 to	 assist	 all	 curriculum	 ar-
 Students	 have	 the	 ability	 to	 not	 only	     Students	 can	 collaborate	 and	 create	            eas	 both	 specifically	 and	 non	 intention-
download	 content	 which	 is	 suitable	 and	           online	 where	 applicable.                                        ally.
engaging	 to	 them,	 but	 also	 upload	 con-
    tent	 that	 they	 have	 created.               Specific	 web	 2.o	 tools	 that	 are	 not	         A	 lot	 of	 applications	 are	 only	 limited	 by
                                                 flash	 based	 can	 be	 utilized	 for	 a	 range	       the	 teacher’s,	 and	 student’s,	 imagina-
    Text,	 color,	 font	 size	 can	 all	 be	                    of	 purposes.                                               tion.
        changed	 and	 altered.
                                                 Students	 can	 access	 rich	 information	            Students	 will	 ALWAYS	 find	 app’s	 that
Built	 in	 dictionary	 and	 thesaurus	 to	 as-    sources	 such	 as	 Youtube,	 however	               suit	 their	 learning	 needs,	 and	 will	 then
        sist	 with	 word	 recognition.             can	 also	 ‘give	 back’	 to	 these	 sites.	 	 	           share	 what	 they’ve	 found.

iPads	 =	 eReaders

iPads	 @	 Manor	 Lakes	 College



App’s	 for
Where	 do	 you	 start	 amongst	 the	 thousands	 of
Applications	 that	 are	 available?	 Some	 are	 great,
some	 are	 not!	 From	 here	 you’ll	 find	 our	 iPad	 App
list,	 for	 years	 6	 and	 7.

S EC TION 	  1

Choosing	 What	 We	 Chose...

With	 approximately	 over	 140	 thousand	 iPad	 applications	 flood-                       dents	 will	 soon	 work	 out	 for	 themselves	 which	 applications	 will
ing	 the	 iTunes	 App	 Store,	 it	 has	 been	 quite	 a	 tedious	 task	 in	 se-             work	 best	 for	 them.
lection	 which	 applications	 we	 feel	 will	 best	 suit	 our	 students.
                                                                                           Throughout	  our	  involvement	  in	  the	  DEECD	  iPads	  for	  Learning
In	 the	 end	 we	 have	 come	 to	 realize	 that	 it	 is	 almost	 an	 impossi-              Trial,	 we	 have	 been	 witnessing	 students	 taking	 greater	 respon-
ble	  feat.	  That	  students	  will	  select	  and	  use	  app’s	  which	  best	          sibility	 for	 their	 own	 learning,	 following	 a	 more	 personalized	 ap-
suit	  their	  learning	  styles	  and	  needs.	  As	  we	  follow	  a	  self	  di-        proach	 to	 how	 they	 went	 about	 meeting	 specific	 learning	 crite-
rected	  inquiry	  learning	  approach	  at	  Manor	  Lakes	  College,	  stu-              ria.

The	  app	  list	  we	  have	  created	  below	  is	  a	  mash	  up	  of	  app’s	  that
were	  used	  as	  part	  of	  the	  trial,	  app’s	  that	  have	  been	  recom-
mended	  and	  app’s	  that	  both	  staff	  and	  students	  have	  tried	  and
tested.	  We	  do	  want	  to	  emphasize	  that	  this	  app	  list	  is	  a	  work	  in
progress,	 and	 will	 continue	 to	 grow.	 As	 new	 app’s	 are	 developed
and	 come	 on	 to	 the	 market,	 we	 will	 add	 them	 to	 this	 list	 as	 neces-
sary,	 taking	 in	 mind	 cost	 and	 download	 size.

We	 feel	 strongly	 that	 all	 of	 the	 app’s	 below	 will	 be	 used	 to	 vary-
ing	 capacities	 in	 a	 teaching	 and	 learning	 context	 and	 all	 used	 with
a	 core	 particular	 foci	 in	 mind,	 improving	 student	 learning.

The	  downloadable	  PDF	  version	  of	  our	  App	  list	  can	  be	  found


Our	 Selected	 Applications...
Some	 App’s	 We	 Love
   •        Halftone
   •      Luminance
   •        Art	 Set
   •      Eye	 Witness
   •      Pic	 Collage
   •      iMotion	 HD
   •     Google	 Earth
   •      Toontastic
   •       Storyrobe
   • Explain	 Everything

      Halftone	 turns	 your	 photo	 and	 images	 into	 comics,	 similar	 to
      that	 of	 Comic	 Life.	 Halftone	 makes	 it	 easy	 to	 add	 paper	 styles,
      captions,	 speech	 balloons,	 graphics,	 and	 fonts	 (including	 built-in
      comic	 fonts).	 Student	 comics	 can	 be	 sent	 via	 e-mail	 to	 teach-
      ers	 and	 then	 embedded	 on	 a	 Blog	 or	 Class	 Wikispace!

     Luminance	 gives	 you	 pro	 photo	 editing	 capabilities	 in	 a	 simple
     App.	 Effortlessly	 add	 effects	 to	 your	 photos,	 choose	 from	 many
     built-in	 presets,	 crop	 the	 area	 you	 want,	 and	 copy	 edits	 you've
     made	 from	 one	 photo	 and	 apply	 them	 to	 multiple	 photos.	 Very
     student	 friendly...

               Pink	 Lady?
Art	 Set
       Art	 Set	 gives	 an	 alternative	 to	 complex	 and	 mechanical	 like	 paint
       apps	 for	 all	 to	 enjoy	 -	 artist	 or	 not!	 But	 simplicity	 comes	 without
       sacrificing	 quality,	 from	 pens	 to	 pencils,	 paints	 to	 pastels,	 each	 has
       been	 carefully	 crafted	 to	 produce	 natural	 results	 in	 real	 time.	 A
       highlighted	 App	 by	 our	 Art	 Dept.
Eye	 Witness
      The	 Guardian	 Eyewitness	 app	 for	 iPad	 showcases	 the	 world’s
      most	 distinctive	 and	 provocative	 photographs,	 providing	 a	 daily,	 vis-
      ual	 reflection	 of	 global	 events.	 Developed	 by	 the	 most	 popular	 digi-
      tal	 newspaper	 in	 the	 UK,	 the	 app	 provides	 free	 access	 to	 our
      award-winning	 Eyewitness	 photography	 series.	 A	 great	 App	 for
      prompting	 discussion	 and	 for	 literacy	 based	 tasks,	 especially	 crea-
      tive	 writing	 purposes.
Pic	 Collage
       Basically,	 take	 photos	 and	 pics	 from	 your	 camera	 roll	 and	 create	 a
       ‘Pic	 Collage!	 These	 can	 imported	 back	 in	 to	 your	 PIcture	 Library
       and	 or	 shared	 via	 email	 or	 social	 media	 means.	 One	 App	 that	 the
       kids	 very	 much	 enjoy	 using,	 especially	 those	 visual	 learners.
iMotion	 HD
      Where	 do	 i	 start.	 From	 Prep,	 to	 year	 7,	 we	 have	 students	 using
      this	 excellent	 FREE	 App	 for	 Stop	 Motion	 Creation!	 Simple	 and	 ef-
Google	 Earth
      Geography	 Anyone?	 What	 is	 there	 not	 to	 like	 about	 this	 App?	 Stu-
      dents	 having	 the	 ability	 to	 view	 the	 world	 right	 in	 front	 of	 them	 in
      an	 engaging	 way!	 Goes	 great	 with	 other	 App’s	 such	 as	 Tour
      One	 of	 the	 greatest	 App’s	 we	 have	 come	 across.	 Students	 are
      able	 to	 create	 their	 own	 Animations	 whilst	 recording	 voice	 to	 nar-
      rate	 their	 story!	 Very	 engaging!
      Storyrobe	 is	 a	 mobile	 digital	 storytelling	 application	 which	 allows
      the	 students	 to	 create	 a	 digital	 story	 in	 three	 simple	 steps.
      1.	 Choose	 Images/Videos
      2.	 Record	 Story
      3.	 Upload	 to	 teachers	 and
      It’s	 that	 easy!
Explain	 Everything
       Explain	 Everything	 allows	 students	 to	 create	 screen	 casts	 demon-
       strating	 their	 understanding	 of	 a	 particular	 outcome.	 A	 great	 App
       for	 reflecting	 on	 learning	 and	 demonstrating	 what	 learning	 inten-
       tions	 and	 success	 criteria	 have	 been	 set	 for	 a	 particular	 lesson.
       Students	 then	 email	 these	 to	 their	 teacher	 so	 a	 record	 of	 learning
       can	 be	 kept!
S EC TION 	  2

Other	 App’s	 We	 Love...

The	 following	 are	 App’s	 that	 were	 not	 part	 of	 the	 original	 list,
but	 will	 very	 very	 shortly	 be	 added	 to	 a	 new	 and	 updated	 list!

We	 hope	 you	 enjoy	 them	 as	 much	 as	 what	 our	 students	 and
teachers	 do!

     Podcasts	 app	 is	 the	 easiest	 way	 to	 discover,	 subscribe	 to,	 and
     play	 your	 favorite	 podcasts	 on	 your	 iPhone,	 iPad,	 and	 iPod	 touch.
     Explore	 hundreds	 of	 thousands	 of	 free	 audio	 and	 video	 podcasts
     from	 the	 Podcasts Catalog, and play	 the	 most	 popular	 podcasts,
     organized	 for	 you	 by	 topic,	 with	 the	 all-new Top	 Stations	 feature.
Augmented	 Reality

HeartCam	 is	 an	 Augmented	           To	 run	 this	 App	 you	 need	 the	       Money	 Vision	 uses	 Aug-               AR	 Flashcards	 are	 a	 new
Reality	 heart	 viewer	 that	 cre-      triggers	 to	 enable	 it’s	 use...    mented	 Reality	 to	 surround	            way	 to	 interact	 and	 make
  ates	 the	 startling	 effect	 of	             Excellent	 App!	                 you	 with	 falling	 wads	 of	        Flashcards	 more	 entertaining
seeing	 someone’s	 heart	 beat-                                                cash!	 It's	 like	 a	 crime	 lords	      for	 toddlers	 and	 preschool-
  ing	 through	 a	 hole	 in	 their	                                            plane	 exploded	 above	 you	              ers.	 With	 AR	 Flashcards,
 chest.	 The	 effect	 tracks	 to	                                             (but	 without	 the	 debris,	 just	       learning	 the	 Alphabet	 will	 be
  the	 marker’s	 position	 and	                                                 the	 cash	 falls!)	 Seriously!	       fun!	 When	 you	 point	 your	 de-
 size.	 As	 you	 view	 the	 open	                                                 Start	 the	 app	 and	 look	          vice	 at	 the	 printed	 flashcard
cavity	 from	 different	 angles,	                                                          around!                    a	 beautifully	 rendered	 3D	 ani-
heartbeat	 sounds	 get	 louder	                                                                                            mal	 will	 pop	 up	 on	 the
the	 closer	 your	 device	 views	                                                                                        screen.	 Tap	 the	 animal	 to
            the	 heart.                                                                                                  hear	 the	 letter	 and	 animal
Book	 Creator
      The	 simple	 way	 to	 create	 your	 own	 beautiful	 iBooks,	 right	 on	 the
      Read	 them	 in	 iBooks,	 send	 them	 to	 your	 friends,	 or	 submit	 them
      to	 the	 iBookstore.
      Ideal	 for	 children’s	 picture	 books,	 photo	 books,	 art	 books,	 cook
      books,	 manuals,	 textbooks,	 and	 the	 list	 goes	 on.
         iFiles	 is	 a	 file	 manager,	 document	 viewer,	 text	 editor,	 voice	 re-
         corder,	 wifi	 drive,	 and	 more.
     Manage	 and	 update	 your	 Edublog	 right	 from	 your	 iPad.	 This	 app
     works	 perfectly	 on	 the	 iPad	 for	 Edublogs.org,	 Edublogs	 Campus,
     and	 Global2	 hosted	 blogs.
     Not	 a	 fan	 of	 Safari?	 Then,	 here’s	 your	 answer!
Whirly	 Word
      How	 many	 words	 can	 you	 discover	 from	 six	 letters?	 Solve	 the
      puzzle	 instantly	 by	 finding	 the	 six-letter	 word	 or	 step	 up	 to	 the
      challenge	 of	 finding	 all	 possible	 words	 with	 the	 letters	 given.
     Mind	 mapping	 tool	 that	 turns	 your	 iPad,	 iPhone	 or	 iPod	 touch	 into
     a	 brainstorming,	 idea	 collection	 and	 thought	 structuring	 device.
S EC TION 	  3

App	 Hunting...

There	 are	 numerous	 websites	 available	 to	 find	 relevant	 Applica-
tions	  for	  your	  learning	  environment.	  The	  following	  are	  just	  a
few	 sites	 we	 have	 used,	 and	 will	 continue	 to	 use	 to	 assist	 us	 in
finding	 the	 best	 App’s	 for	 teaching	 and	 learning	 purposes!

App’s	 in	 Education

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Apple	 In	 Education

App	 Advice

App	 Annie

                 Type to enter text

DEECD	 iPads	 for	 Learning


Thank	 You

Corrie	 Barclay
Twitter:	 @CorrieB

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