Ice Arena Re-opening Plan - City of Moose Jaw
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2 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Ice Arena Plan ______________________________________________________ 3 Summary ______________________________________________________________________ 3 Timelines ______________________________________________________________________ 3 Available Facilities/Spaces _____________________________________________________ 3 User Guidelines ________________________________________________________________ 4 Rates and Fees _______________________________________________________________ 10
3 3 ICE ARENA PLAN Summary • This plan will engage the following organizations, Moose Jaw Skating Club, Moose Jaw Minor Hockey, Moose Jaw Kinsmen Speed Skating Club, Adult Recreation Hockey Users and City of Moose Jaw Public Skating/Shinny Program. • This plan will also engage the Concessionaires. • Agreements will be required with users to outline responsibilities and guidelines. • These guidelines will continue to change as per the Re-open Saskatchewan Plan. • Rental inquiries can be submitted to or 306 694-4447. Timelines March 20, 2020 Outdoor Recreation and Spaces are closed to the Public June 16, 2020 Province announces re-opening date of June 22, 2020 June 30, 2020 Indoor pools, arenas and sports can resume as of July 6, 2020 as per provincial guidelines and second part of Phase 4 August 13, 2020 Kinsmen Sportsplex pool is opened to the public. September 14, 2020 Kinsmen Arena is opened to the public. October 1, 2020 Bert Hunt Arena at the PlaMor Palace is opened to the public. October 15, 2020 Wally Boshuck Arena at the PlaMor Palace is opened to the public. These timelines are reliant on Provincial Guidelines and Return to Play Plans from user groups. Available Facilities/Spaces • Kinsmen Arena: 855 MacDonald Street W. • Bert Hunt Arena: 855 Lillooet St W. • Wally Boshuck Arena: 855 Lillooet St W.
4 4 User Organization Guidelines • Each sports organization and/or facility must establish a return to play plan for how to minimize physical contact and the risk of COVID-19 transmission between participants, spectators and officials. Plans must be submitted to the City for approval. • Players whose activities involve being within two metres of other players should self- monitor. • Every person who visits an indoor facility must follow public health orders in order to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. • People exhibiting signs of illness should not enter indoor facilities. If you think you may be sick, use the Government of Saskatchewan's self-assessment tool for COVID-19 and follow the subsequent directions. • Group size/team gatherings must adhere to the maximum gathering limits per the public health order. As of per August 5, 2020 a total of 30 people will be allowed per ice surface. This includes participants, spectators and coaches. • At least two metres distancing must be maintained between all individuals, except members of the same household, when off the area of play (e.g. on benches, during intermission). • Users must designate an individual to be responsible for ensuring compliance with these guidelines. It is the renter’s responsibility to ensure the maximum number is not exceeded, screen the participant/spectators and that contract tracing information is provided. • Participants are to arrive no more 10 minutes before the scheduled activity to reduce people gathering in groups and must limit their time spent in the facility, as well as maintain physical distancing when returning to their vehicles or homes. • Parents and other spectators are allowed at the discretion of the renter. They must not total more than the maximum gathering limits per the public health order per team at each booking and must ensure physical distancing between non-household members. Children must always remain with their caregiver. • Health officials strongly recommend the use of masks in indoor recreation facilities and have agreed that wearing a non-medical mask (e.g. cloth or other materials) – even if you have no symptoms – is an additional measure you may take to protect others around you, particularly in situations where the recommended physical distancing cannot be maintained. • User groups must follow the Competition and Game Play Guidelines as established by Public Health including the 50-person maximum mini-league guidelines. • Tournaments and interprovincial competition are not permitted. • Spitting and other similar activities increase the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and are not permitted. Sport contact must be minimized whenever possible. • Congratulatory gestures such as high fives and handshakes are not permitted. • Hand hygiene should be performed prior to play and contacting shared equipment through the duration of the activity, when possible as well as at the end of the activity. • All frequently touched surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected prior to a new group being provided access to the arena. This will need to be conducted by user groups and staff. • Public Skating/Shinny will be limited to 25 people. All users must pre-register. • Rush ice booking are not accepted until further notice. • No sharing of equipment is permitted. There will be no skate aids provided for public skating.
5 5 Operational Guidelines Customer Screening • Signage will be placed outside and on the door entrance to remind all people of COVID-free criteria to be met to enter facilities for themselves and their family members. • Parents and caregivers must assess their child daily for symptoms of the common cold, influenza, COVID-19 or other infectious respiratory diseases before sending them to participate. • Entering the building is a declaration of health. • If a participant is observed to have COVID-19 symptoms staff will refuse to allow the person further access to the building and ask them to leave the building immediately by the appropriate exit. • If a patron develops COVID-19 symptoms during an, they will be moved to the isolation room (meeting room) and a deep clean will be performed by staff. • Once the patron has left the building, staff must sanitize any surfaces that the customer may have touched. • If the individual refuses to leave or is in distress, staff will call 911 and Police and/or EMS will be dispatched to assist. • If a participant requires close contact and/or first aid, staff must wear a procedural/surgical mask and eye protection during all interactions and should try to avoid contact with any respiratory secretions. Once the participant has left, staff must wash their hands and ensure all areas that the participant occupied are cleaned and disinfected.
6 6 General Usage • Arrive at the facility no earlier than 10 minutes before scheduled time. Limit gathering with other people when entering and leaving the facility. • User groups and participants are expected to arrive fully dressed. No equipment bags are permitted for all users. The exception is goalie bags. • Dressing rooms are available to allow for hand washing however showers are closed until further notice. • Skate tying areas will be available as per users return to play plan in hallways and dressing rooms. A maximum of 10 spaces are allowed in a dressing room for skate tying. 10 spaces will be available for skate tying in the arena hallways. • Groups must vacate the arena area immediately after their assigned ice. • 30 minutes between each booking will be scheduled to promote entrance and exit physical distancing and allow for adequate cleaning and disinfection between uses. • User wishing to utilize the concession or skate sharpening must us the proper entrance and exit protocol if open. • Washrooms will be open with increased cleaning and disinfection. Handwashing with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer approved by Health Canada must be provided and coordinated by the user groups. • Public is encouraged to carry hand sanitizer when visiting public spaces.
7 7 Kinsmen Arena Entrance Point • Main door - west entrance doors. • Bleachers will open October 1, 2020 to a maximum of 30 individuals that must physically distance. Attendance of these individuals is the responsibility of the renter. Exit Point • North exit hallway between dressing room #1 and officials’ room or • Emergency exits will remain the same as posted. Pool Exit Pool Entrance Arena Exit Arena Entrance No Exit
8 8 Bert Hunt Arena Entrance Point • Main left side entrance doors. • Bleachers will open October 1, 2020 to a maximum of 30 individuals that must physically distance. Attendance of these individuals is the responsibility of the renter. Exit Point • East exit hallway doors past dressing room number 4. No exit or equipment in the lobby. • Emergency Exits will remain the same as posted. Wally Boschuk Arena Entrance Point • Main right side entrance doors. • Bleachers will open October 15, 2020 to a maximum of 30 individuals that must physically distance. Attendance of these individuals is the responsibility of the renter. Exit Point • Exit hallway between dressing room 6 & 7. No exit or equipment in the lobby. • Emergency Exits will remain the same as posted. Wally Boshuck Exit No Entrance PlaMor Entrance No Exit Bert Hunt Exit No Entrance
9 9 Arena Guidelines • The Lobby is open for washrooms, handwashing and concession services. All individuals must maintain physically distancing in the lobby. The use of masks is highly recommended as physical distancing in unpredictable and cannot always be maintained. • Tables are available for concession services. • Facility ventilation systems will be operational and appropriate for the activities being practised in them. • Facilities may need to consider: Increasing air circulation and ventilation, while preventing turbulent air flow. Providing natural ventilation by opening windows and doors, wherever possible, to increase air flow. • Remove unnecessary common items, such as magazines, brochures, etc. • Barriers will be installed for Public Skating Cashier. Signage Plan • Signage will be placed in all locations to remind members of physical distancing and hygiene protocol. • Clear entrance and exits signs will be posted. • Handwashing reminders will be posted. • Directional traffic signs will be placed to control traffic. • Markers will be placed in areas as visible queues to encourage physical distancing. Cleaning and Disinfection • Areas of congregation (e.g. team benches, bleachers) must be set up and used in a way that adheres to physical distancing requirements (i.e. only allow every other row in bleachers, use visual cues, etc.). • 30 minutes will be scheduled between each user to allow floods and necessary cleaning and disinfection by arena staff. • Staff will disinfection the ice area first (benches and boxes) followed by flood. Disinfection of the dressing rooms, railings and high touch areas will occur after the flood. A checklist will be developed • Staff will increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting of commonly touched surfaces and shared equipment, such as vending machines, doorknobs, handrails, light switches, countertops, tables, equipment handles and consoles. • Alcohol-based hand sanitizer approved by Health Canada (DIN or NPN number) in dispensers or soap and water handwashing stations will be placed near doors, common use equipment, washrooms and team areas, and other high-touch locations for patrons and staff. Patrons should be encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer when possible. Staff PPE • Additional PPE related to mask and gloves will be added to the personal First Aid Kits. • Large First Aid Kits will be disinfected if used after each use.
10 10 • Additional training will be provided to staff related to recommendations and updates made from the Canadian Red Cross. • Staff must follow the City of Moose Jaw COVID-19 Operational Guidelines. Concession Services • Food and beverage services are permitted subject to the Restaurant and Licensed Establishments Guidelines and Public Health. • Drinking fountains will not operate. • Contactless payment is preferred; however, cash may be accepted where necessary. • User will be allowed to use the lobby for concession services but not exit from the main lobby doors. Rates and Fees • Hourly rental fees will remain the same • Drop-in and membership will remain the same. Public Skate/Sticks and Puck is included in a Recreation Pass. Children Youth Adult Senior Drop-in (Pre Registered) Family Rate (3–12 yrs) (13-17 yrs) (18-54 yrs) (55+) Public Skate/Sticks and Puck $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 $4.00 $11.00 Shinny $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 X Public Skating Season Pass Annual $26.00 $31.25 $38.50 $31.25 $90.75 Hourly Ice Rental Rates Rate Minor Organizations $125.78/hr Minor Teams (Prime Time) $135.78/hr Adult (Prime Time) $193.50/hr Adult (Non-Prime Time) $145.13/hr Early Morning $62.89/hr Unused Time $213.50/hr Rush Ice $15.00/person Prime Time: Weekdays 4:00 pm – 11:00pm Weekends 6:00 am – 11:00pm Early Morning: 6:00am – 9:00 am Non-Prime Time Weekdays 9:00 am – 4:00pm & 11:00 pm – 12:30am
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