ICC Government Relations' Monthly Update - International ...

Page created by Theresa Owens
ICC Government Relations’ Monthly Update
                                   March 2022                 Follow @ICC_GR on Twitter for
                                   breaking news & announcements throughout the month.
                                   Click here for ICC Government Relations Staff Regional Maps.
Annual Chapter Reports are due March 15 to make sure your Code Council Chapter gets its benefits
Annual Chapter Reports are due March 15 in order to ensure all chapter benefits. The online report
application is available to all Chapter officers through their myICC page (Log in to your myICC page,
choose “Chapters” from the menu at the left of the screen, click the “Manage Chapter” button and
follow the prompts to add an Annual Report). Completion of part 1 of the report gets chapters a 2023
Chapter Education Benefit Day and one complimentary registration for either the 2022 ICC Annual
Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, or for the Chapter Leadership Academy. Completing Part 2 enters the
Chapter in the Chapter of the Year program and the Chapter Rewards Program.
CHAPTER LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - The Chapter Leader Academy will be live this year and is scheduled
for June 13-15, 2022, at the Renaissance Boulder Flatiron Hotel in Broomfield, Colorado. Viega has
offered its facility for the training if COVID protocols allow. Otherwise, the training will be held in the
hotel. Complimentary registrations are available for those chapters with completed annual reports.

THE 2022 BSM PROCLAMATIONS ARE HERE! ICC makes it easy to download, personalize and upload
Now is the time for all ICC members to grab their 2022 Building Safety Month Proclamations to spread
the word far and wide that May 2022 is the 42nd Annual Building Safety Month. Code officials, ICC
Chapters, ICC Membership Councils, city and state code offices and ICC’s stake holders are making plans
to celebrate Building Safety Month, starting with getting proclamations signed by jurisdiction officials
and uploading them for posting on the ICC website. Click here to the Proclamation Guide and the official
copy for this year’s proclamations. Just fill in the correct states/jurisdictions and signers’ titles and get
them signed. Click here to the main proclamations page for uploading your signed proclamations and
seeing who sent in proclamations throughout our ICC network. Each year, governors, mayors, county
executives and other officials sign proclamations, official statements and letters of recognition to
celebrate Building Safety Month. The Code Council encourages you to submit proclamations for your
own community, your state and your ICC Chapters. Read more here.

Group B proposed code changes and hearings schedule for Rochester, New York, are posted online
The 2022 Group B Proposed Changes to the International Codes are posted. These proposed changes
will be heard at the 2022 Committee Action Hearings from March 27 to April 6, 2022, in Rochester, New
York. The hearings will be conducted in-person only. The 2022 Group B Committee Action Hearing
Schedule is now available online. View proposed changes and the schedule here.

The 24th Annual Celebrating Women in Construction Week March 6-12 highlights achievements
This year, Women in Construction Week (March 6–12) highlights women as a vital component of the
construction industry. This week is a time for the industry as a whole to raise awareness of the
opportunities available for women in the construction industry — female engineers, architects, project
leaders, tradeswomen, contractors and more — and emphasize their growing role. The International
Code Council is excited to celebrate the 24th Annual Women in Construction Week and recognize the
diverse and important roles of women in the construction industry. Beyond highlighting the
accomplishments of female architects, tradeswomen, general contractors, executives, apprentices or
any woman in the industry, the Code Council has also been working to create opportunities for making
female representation in construction the norm rather than the exception. Read more here.

April 15 deadline is coming up quickly to submit nominations for the Code Council’s annual awards
There’s still time to nominate someone for the 2022 ICC awards who deserves to be recognized for their
achievements in building safety. If you know a great leader, trailblazer, educator, community helper or
other outstanding individual or group — tell us about them! But don’t wait too long because the
deadline for submissions is Friday, April 15, 2022. Apply now.
Learn more about the Code Council’s Safety 2.0 Program in a special webinar Wednesday, March 9
You are invited to a WebEx event which will highlight the programs and resources available from Safety
2.0, the International Code Council’s signature initiative to welcome a new generation of members and
leaders to the building safety profession. Building safety professionals from the Emerging Leaders
Membership Council and the Safety 2.0 team will host an informational webinar called “Get to Know
Safety 2.0” to share how they sought careers in building safety and to review Safety 2.0’s features:
     • Technical Training Program, a flexible educational program for high school, college or
         construction trades students
     • Military Families Career Path Program, assisting veterans and military family members in
         exploring building safety career opportunities
     • Mentor Program helps to guide personal and professional growth of those looking for a future
         in construction trades
     • ICC’s Certification process and how to get started and prepare for an exam
The panel will also take questions from the audience. To register for this webinar which starts at 2 p.m.
Eastern on Wednesday, March 9, just click here.

LEARN MORE: SolarAPP+ permitting platform demonstration set for free webinar March 10
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has built a free online permitting platform that
instantly reviews rooftop solar and storage applications for code compliance, processes payments and
issues permits. Join us for a product demonstration of SolarAPP+. There is a quickly growing interest in
SolarAPP+ as residential solar systems become more common. This platform helps make permitting
department workloads more manageable by automatically checking residential solar designs for safety
and code compliance. The webinar starts at 1 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, March 10. Register here.

ICC and IAEI’s new collaboration offers greater value, resources and benefits to their memberships
The International Code Council and the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) recently
announced a service agreement that will allow both organizations to provide additional benefits to their
respective memberships. Last year, the two organizations signed an agreement to collaborate on
publications, some of which are now featured on Digital Codes Premium, the Code Council's platform for
digital codes. This new joint effort will open the door for sharing subject matter expertise to strengthen
and cultivate new training content and resources while exploring ways to enhance member value
through joint membership certification offerings. Read more here.

ICC-ES approves acceptance criteria for low-carbon alternative cements for use in concrete
During the February 2022 ICC-ES Evaluation Committee public hearing a new ICC-ES acceptance criteria
(AC529) for the use of low-carbon alternative cements for use in concrete in lieu of the conventional
code-compliant cements was unanimously approved. The International Building Code (IBC) and the
International Residential Code (IRC) – the predominant codes in the United States for building
construction- currently do not have provisions for evaluation of alternative cements. Therefore,
acceptance criteria AC529 was developed by ICC-ES engineers and interested parties to show building
code compliance, and applies to low-carbon alternative cements that are activated by either water, or a
proprietary activator supplied by the manufacturer. Read more here.

ICC Government Relations welcomes Aaron Davis as its new Vice President of Federal Relations
The Code Council announced that Aaron Davis, former Staff Director with the U.S. House Committee on
Transportation and Infrastructure, joined the Government Relations Department as the Vice President
of Federal Relations. Davis now heads the Code Council’s federal policy and legislative priorities agenda
while also enhancing its advocacy presence in Washington, D.C. His extensive public policy background
includes more than two decades of experience across the legislative and executive branches, including
service as Staff Director for the Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and
Emergency Management. Davis also worked for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as
Director of the Congressional Affairs Division. Read more here.
Code Council acquires cloud-based tool Municity to expand code enforcement office effectiveness
The International Code Council has acquired Municity, a cloud-based software solution built with input
from U.S.-based code officials targeting and supporting the permitting, licensing and inspection/code
enforcement functions within a local jurisdiction. It automates governmental operations in land use
planning, permitting, code enforcement, and inspections. Municity allows code officials to provide
permits or issue certificates, conduct building, fire and safety inspections, and look up codes and
standards online. This acquisition will allow the Code Council to help expand and improve Municity’s
services and continue to better facilitate code officials day-to-day work through solutions addressing
everything from online permitting to remote virtual inspections. Read more here.

Important bi-partisan legislation aims to sustain copyright protections for codes and standards
Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL) and Darrell Issa (R-CA) recently introduced bipartisan legislation – the
Protecting and Enhancing Public Access to Codes Act – to ensure that codes and standards developing
organizations (SDOs) retain copyright for codes adopted or incorporated by reference into law, as long
as they are made freely viewable online. Supported by a broad coalition of SDOs, this legislation will
protect the system of codes and standards, including the International Codes (I-Codes), which create the
safest and most sustainable and resilient buildings and communities in the world. For more about
copyright protection for building safety codes and standards visit our resource page or download
the Protect Copyrights For National Standards fact sheet. Read more here.

ICC is collaborating to provide technical assistance, training and resources for resilience professionals
State and local governments are looking to advance energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reductions
through buildings-related policies, including the implementation of stretch codes. The U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE) provides technical assistance to jurisdictions on energy code-related activities that lead
to decreased building energy use. The DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) selected the
International Code Council to support PNNL in assisting states and localities in the development of
stretch codes, energy jobs and workforce development. Technical assistance is also available from PNNL
to support building performance standards, energy and resilience planning and energy justice. Those
interested in technical assistance should contact PNNL Project Manager Rosemarie Bartlett. The Code
Council is also teamed up with the Interstate Renewable Energy Council and other partners to produce a
new clearinghouse website with the most current training and resources related to clean energy
technologies. Read more here.

International Code Council, with sponsorship from ASHRAE, creates a new IgCC Certification
The International Code Council with sponsorship from ASHRAE, the leading global HVAC membership
society, is pleased to announce the release of a new International Green Construction Code (IgCC)
certification, Commercial Green Construction Professional. Professionals who hold this certification will
lead the way in helping to conserve resources and regenerate sites, while providing expertise in offering
solutions to resilience through natural disasters, a changing climate, resource consumption and
management, and service interruptions due to unforeseen events. Read more here.

Code Council’s Dominic Sims and Mark Johnson featured on podcast discussing net-zero efforts
International Code Council Chief Executive Officer Dominic Sims and Business Development Executive
Vice President and Director Mark Johnson recently appeared on RESNET's podcast, RESTalk. They spoke
about the collaboration between the Code Council and RESNET towards net-zero energy homes, the
critical engagement of HERS raters and providers, and the role of governments in this process and the
roles for RESNET and HERS raters. Hear the podcast here.

ICC Government Relations offers this facts sheet on Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funds
The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) makes available $1.2 trillion in funding for
infrastructure programs across the energy, water, transportation, and building sectors, including $225
million specifically for energy code implementation. Federal departments and agencies charged with
implementing the Act are defining terms, establishing program priorities, and determining allocations of
formula funding. The ICC Government Relations department is making this special fact sheet available to
you to outline grant possibilities affecting your work. Read more here.
HUD issues notice to clarify federal requirements for carbon monoxide alarms and detectors
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently issued a notice to clarify
federal requirements for carbon monoxide alarms and detectors. Public housing agencies and
authorities, and owners of properties that receive federal rental assistance must comply with the 2018
International Fire Code (IFC) on the installation of carbon monoxide alarms or detectors by Dec. 27,
2022. Carbon monoxide alarms or detectors must be installed in each dwelling unit and the devices
must meet or exceed the standards set in chapters 9 and 11 of the 2018 IFC. View notice here.

Video, documents from the successful Tornado Awareness and Risk Mitigation webinar are available
The Code Council’s recent Tornado Awareness and Risk Mitigation webinar brought additional clarity to
what the building community needs to consider when evaluating buildings for resilience from
tornadoes. Some key takeaways from the discussion:
    • More people are killed in the U.S. by tornadoes than by hurricanes and earthquakes combined.
    • Tornado-caused deaths are a building issue – fatalities overwhelmingly occur inside of buildings.
    • Safe rooms and storm shelters provide life-safety protection from hurricanes and tornado storm
         shelters must comply with ICC 500.
    • Ignoring tornado hazards in the design of our built environment is not an appropriate response.
In case you missed it or would like to hear it again, you can access a recording of the webinar here. You
can also visit our Tornado Safety & Recovery Resources page to access helpful documents.

      ICC Plumbing, Mechanical and Fuel Gas updates
Code Council acquires Winn’s Career Education assets to serve plumbing and piping professionals
The International Code Council recently acquired all the assets of Winn’s Career Education, Inc., which
has primarily served plumbing and piping professionals in Texas, Florida, Louisiana and Colorado. As the
Code Council’s first Platinum Preferred Provider, Winn’s has worked closely long-term with Code Council
staff in multiple states and provided cobranded ICC/WCE training materials for live, online, and self-
paced courses. In addition, Matthew Winn will be taking a new position at the Code Council as Senior
Vice President of Training & Education. Read more here.

ICC NTA opens new, A2L-accredited plumbing testing facility near Nappanee, Indiana
ICC NTA recently opened a new plumbing testing facility, located in Nappanee, Indiana. The lab has been
granted accreditation by A2LA (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation) to test to the plastic
plumbing fixtures standard and will be further expanding this scope in the near future. The ICC NTA
plumbing test lab has custom equipment for testing a wide variety of plumbing products, including but
not limited to fixtures (tubs, showers, sinks, toilets, urinals, etc.), fittings (faucets, showerheads,
connectors, valves, etc.), recreational vehicle plumbing components, and pools and spas. Read more.

2018 Plumbing Code Essentials puts the focus on condensation issues and strategies
The International Fuel Gas Code regulates the proper disposal of condensate that results from either
cooling or combustion processes. Cooling coils and evaporators installed in forced air furnaces, as part
of the air conditioning system, generate condensate. High-efficiency category IV furnaces have low-
temperature flue gases that also produce condensate in the vent. In many cases, both conditions exist in
the same appliance. Read more here.

      Upcoming from the Learning Center: Institutes, training, webinars, etc.
Online learning is available from the ICC Learning Center. Find course listings you’d like to attend in the
ICC Learning Center using the Search function. Some seminars offering a Virtual Classroom option so you
can participate in the event from any location with an internet connection:
    • February 28-March 4 – EduCode.
    • March 8 - Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) based Structural Engineering Solutions.
    • March 9-10 - 2018 Permit Technician Institute.
•   March 10 - Highrise Concrete Buildings: System Selection, Analysis, Design, Detailing and
    •  March 15 – 2018 Accessibility & Usability: Commercial & Residential.
    •  March 16 – 2018 IECC Essentials.
    •  March 16 - Post-Tensioned Concrete Design for Podium Structures.
    •  March 17 – Zoning Code Enforcement.
    •  March 21-25 – 2018 Residential Building Inspection Institute.
    •  March 24 - Design for Fire Resistance Using the International Building Code.
    •  March 30 - Diagonal Strap Braced Walls.
    •  March 31 – 2018 IFC Essentials.
    •  April 7 - 2018 IPMC (64) Webinar Series: Administration & Legal Principles.
    •  April 8 – 2021 IPMC Overview.
    •  April 13 – 2021 IECC Essentials.
    •  April 13 - Post-Tensioned Concrete Construction and Observation Issues.
    •  April 14 – 2021 IPC Essentials.
    •  April 15 - 2018 IPMC (64) Webinar Series: Legal Principles, Part II.
    •  April 20 - 2018 IPMC (64) Webinar Series: Fire and Life Safety.
    •  April 27 – Bed Bug Issues.
    •  April 27 - 2018 IPMC (64) Webinar Series: Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical.
    •  August 3 – Bed Bug Issues.
The following are online courses that you can take at any time. Here are some popular online courses:
     • 2018 Residential Building Inspector - B1 Study Guide
     • 2018 Commercial Building Inspector - B2 Study Guide
     • 2018 Commercial Electrical Inspector - E2 Study Guide
     • 2015 Commercial Plumbing Inspector - P1 Study Guide
     • 2015 IFC® Fire Inspector I - 66 Study Guide
     • Architect and Engineer Design Coordination
     • Evaluating Preliminary Building Plan Review Requirements
     • Green Building Materials: An Introduction
     • International Building Code & More: Code Officials and Code Processes
     • Reducing Risk: Preparing to be an Expert Witness in a Deposition and Trial
     • Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner 79 Online Prep Course
     • Smart Management: Methods for Motivating and Mentoring Your Team
     • Worksite Safety 01: OSHA Safety Introduction

REMINDER: Continuing education units are now automatically submitted to you myICC account
As of January 10, continuing education units (CEUs) earned through the ICC Learning Center are now
automatically submitted into your myICC account and put towards your ICC certification renewal
requirement. Do you need to earn CEUs? Search the ICC-LC Upcoming Course calendar for training
opportunities with the ICC Learning Center.
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