HUNTING DOG Annual Puppy Issue! - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 5 May 2022 - NAVHDA

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HUNTING DOG Annual Puppy Issue! - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 5 May 2022 - NAVHDA
A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association • Volume LIII • No. 5 • May 2022

HUNTING DOG Annual Puppy Issue! - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 5 May 2022 - NAVHDA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          HUNTING DOG
O NLY O N E                                                                                                                                                                                    NAVHDA International
                                                                                                                                                                                                Officers & Directors
                                                                                                                                                                                        David A. Trahan
                                                                                                                                                                                            Bob Hauser
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Vice President
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Volume LIII • No. 5 • May 2022

B RAND F UE L S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FEATURES
                                                                                                                                                                                         Angie Coenen          Secretary
                                                                                                                                                                                           Richard Holt        Treasurer
                                                                                                                                                                                          Mark Whalen          Director of Judge Development
                                                                                                                                                                                            Andy Doak          Director of Promotions

                                                                                                                                                                                          Dan Wittman
                                                                                                                                                                                               Tim Otto
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Director of Testing
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Director of Publications                     4   Overcoming Bator’s Gun Shyness • by George Angeli & Aniko Solyom
                                                                                                                                                                                         Randy Hanson          Director of Information Technology
                                                                                                                                                                                             Lisa Pehur
                                                                                                                                                                                         Angie Coenen
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Invitational Coordinator
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            8   Natural Ability Test Through the Eyes of a Youth • by Mary Latremore
                                                                                                                                                                                     Kimberley Arnett          Managing Director                           10   Puppies! • by NAVHDA Members
SP O RTI N G DO G                                                                                                                                                                              Versatile Hunting Dog
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Publication Staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15   My New Hunting Partner • by Liz Loar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           16   Bird Dog Futures • by Nancy Anisfield
C H A M PI ONS                                                           *                                                                                                               Mary K. Burpee        Editor/Publisher
                                                                                                                                                                                        Sandra Downey          Copy Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                       Rachael McAden
                                                                                                                                                                                          Mark Whalen
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Copy Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Contributing Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           18   The Magic of a Rice Sock • by Patti Carter
                                                                                                                                                                                             Phil Swain        Contributing Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                            Patti Carter       Contributing Editor                         20   Why NAVHDA? • by Carey Killion
                                                                                                                                                                                        Nancy Anisfield        Contributing Editor/Photographer
                                                                                                                                                                                          Marion Hoyer
                                                                                                                                                                                            Erik Raynes
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Social Media Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Social Media Editor                         23   Chapter Excellence • by Patti Carter, Fred Rice, Pete Aplikowski
                                                                                                                                                                                           Maria Bondi         Advertising Coordinator

                                                                                                                                                                                             Advertising Information
                                                                                                                                                                                Copy deadline: 45 days prior to the month of
                                                                                                                                                                                publication. Commercial rates available upon                                    President’s Message • 2
                                                                                                                                                                                request. All inquiries or requests for advertising                              About The Cover • 2
                                                                                                                                                                                should be addressed to:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     NAVHDA                                                     In Season • 26
                                                                                                                                                                                                    PO Box 520
                                                                                                                                                                                           Arlington Heights, IL 60006
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Forum • 28
                                                                                                                                                                                    Voice 847/253/6488 • Fax 847/255/5987                                       Kennel Registrations • 28
                                                                                                                                                                                          Email                                            Classifieds • 29
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Test Results • 30
                                                                                                                                                                                   See our web site or call for current rates.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Testing Calendar • 32
                                                                                                                                                                          Please submit all articles for and questions pertaining to the
                                                                                                                                                                          VHD (other than advertising) to, with ATTN
                                                                                                                                                                          VHD Editor in the subject line or by mail via the postal ser-
                                                                                                                                                                          vice to NAVHDA, PO Box 520, Arlington Heights, IL 60006.

                                                                                                                                                                                     © 2022 The North American Versatile
                                                                                                                                                                               Hunting Dog Association, Inc.• All Rights Reserved.                                                                                                                    8
                                                                                                                                                                                                Printed in the USA

                                                                                                                                                                          The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association does not discrim-
                                                                                                                                                                          inate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion,
                                                                                                                                                                          sexual orientation or age in its programs, activities, or in its hiring and

       SEE WHY CHAMPIONS                                                                                                                                                  employment practices.

                                                                                                                                                                          The Versatile Hunting Dog is published monthly and is the official
       CHOOSE PURINA® PRO PLAN®.                                                                                                                                          publication of The North Amercian Versatile Hunting Dog Association
                                                                                                                                                                          (NAVHDA), a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to fostering,
                                                                                                                                                                          improving, promoting and protecting the versatile hunting dog in North
                                                                                                                                                                          America and to the conservation of all game.
                                                                                                                                                                           The basic annual membership dues are $60 (US Funds.) Membership
                                                                                                                                                                          benefits include a monthly subscription to the Versatile Hunting Dog
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         HELPS OPTIMIZE                                                                       30% PROTEIN /                                                               discount rates) and full voting privileges. All contributions are tax-de-
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       OXYGEN METABOLISM                                                                        20% FAT                                                                     A copy of NAVHDA’s most recent financial report can be obtained by
                                                      IMMUNE SYSTEM                                                                                                       contacting: NAVHDA, 120 W. Eastman St, Arlington Heights, IL 60006-5950.
         FOR INCREASED                                                                       HELPS MAINTAIN                                                                The Versatile Hunting Dog reserves the right to reasonably edit or refuse
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          ENDURANCE                                                                           LEAN MUSCLE                                                                 opinions herein expressed are not necessarily those of the publication
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                                                                                                                                                                           The material contained in this publication is intended to provide ac-
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E XC LUSIVELY AT PET SPECIALTY AND ONLINE RETAILERS                                                                                                                       intent of the publisher, the editors, or the authors to render professional
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*Based on 2021 National, World & Invitational Champions and Purina Award Winners.                                                                                         expert authority should be sought.
 The handlers or owners of these champions may have received Pro Plan dog food as Purina ambassadors.   Purina trademarks are owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A.                                                                                             The Versatile Dog denotes that this feature or story is an original article by a NAVHDA member.
                                                                                                                                                                          The Versatile Hunting Dog magazine (USPS number 016-491, ISSN: 1099-
                                                                                                                                                                          0577) is published monthly for $65.00 per year by the North American
                                                                                                                                                                          Versatile Hunting Dog Association, 120 W. Eastman #302, Arlington Hts,
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                                                                                                                                                                          520, Arlington Hts, IL 60006-0520.                                                                                 
HUNTING DOG Annual Puppy Issue! - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 5 May 2022 - NAVHDA
President’s Message
By Dave Trahan
Deerfield, New Hampshire

           NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022

   n March, I spent three days at Pheasant Forever’s                 On another note, I am pleased to say that Randy Han-
   “Pheasant Fest” in Omaha, Nebraska. What a great                son (Keystone Chapter) has joined the EC as Director of
   trip! It was nice to come back to this event after deal-        Information Technology. Randy has been working be-
ing with the Covid issue the past two years. The turnout           hind the scenes for several years, helping to make import-
for this year’s Pheasant Fest was huge, with estimates of          ant upgrades to our IT infrastructure so that NAVHDA
approximately 25,000 attendees and a banquet that sold             can better serve members’ needs in the future. In his new
out weeks before the event! I think people just wanted             role, Randy’s primary objective is to ensure that NAVH-
to get out to a normal life. Together with a large group           DA keeps up with the ever-changing IT landscape and is
of dedicated NAVHDA members working at our booth,                  able to make much needed improvements to our online
we met with many existing members who stopped by,                  services.
and many more non-members interested in learning more                Also, I am excited to announce that Ian Knauer has
about our organization. I was also able to connect with            agreed to write bi-monthly food-related articles for the
our sponsors again. It was really great to get to see and          VHD. Ian is a tremendously talented chef, teacher, and
talk to them in person after so long and continue to ce-           writer. He is also a serious hunter and forager. Ian spent
ment our mutually beneficial relationships. The weekend            many years as a recipe developer for both Bon Appetit
started off the event with the incredibly popular bird dog         and Gourmet magazines, ran a successful cooking school
parade, where bird dogs of all breeds and ages are shown           for many years, and currently operates an organic farm
off by their owners. There were also a huge variety of ven-        and winery with his wife in Pennsylvania. Ian’s recipes
dors and speakers at this year’s meeting, with topics rang-        will focus on his passion for game and how it can be com-
ing from land management to fitting a gun to cooking.              bined with locally available, seasonal, foraged plants that
  There are many people who worked tirelessly to repre-            are all around us. Welcome Ian.
sent NAVHDA at this event, and at the risk of overlook-
ing someone, I want to give special thanks to Don Olsze-
wski and Kim Seymour for setting up our booth helping

                                                                              About The Cover
showcase our organization. Other members who helped
out all weekend included Charles Coulter, Annie Nuss,
and Desiree Stormont (who brought her 6-week-old son                        HAZE WAS BORN IN MAY 2021. HE HAS GROWN INTO A
and was a major attraction!).                                               FORMIDABLE BRITTANY; BUT FIRST HE IS OUR 7-YEAR
  If you’ve never been to Pheasant Fest, you should make                    OLD’S BEST FRIEND. HERE SHE HELPS HIM EXPLORE THE
                                                                            BOISE RIVER, IDAHO. ~ CASEY & RYAN BLIZZARD
plans for next year’s event, which will be held February                    PHOTO BY CASEY BLIZZARD
17-19, 2023, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

2                                          Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                    May 2022
HUNTING DOG Annual Puppy Issue! - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 5 May 2022 - NAVHDA
Returned & Reinvented
Bator’s Gun Shyness                             By George Angeli & Aniko Solyom
                                                                              Tucson, Arizona

           hen Bator was returned to us, we thought that              had a major problem and would have to go back to
           we would have one problem only with the                    square one.
           young Vizsla: crate training. We had been told               First, we had to build up Bator’s confidence and make
that he couldn’t be crated and left home alone, because               sure that he was a happy boy in the field. We took him
he would destroy the crate and escape from the house.                 and our other dogs multiple times to a nearby preserve
We thought that if this was the only problem, we could                where George, in his trackchair, was able to come with
easily manage, as Bator was one of our smartest puppi-                us. We played a “recall game:” I stood farther away           tor didn’t mind loud noises inside the house, but as soon              When we got to this point, we already realized that he
es. Oh boy, we were so wrong...                                       on the field, called Bator to me, praised him, gave him       as we were outside in the field, even banging pieces of              was not ready and would not be able to do the NA test
  George had recently acquired an Action trackchair                   lots of treats, and then George would call him back.          wood together made him run back to us. And not just                  in Colorado or California. Our hope was that with ex-
through the Track2wing project. Our original plan was                 We played this game over and over, slowly increasing          simply run back to us. He would jump on us with all his              tensive training he might be able to build up confidence
that he would use the trackchair to train and then NA                 the distance between us. Eventually, seeing our other         might and hug my legs so tight I couldn’t take even one              and be ready for the later test in Arizona. We asked
test Bator. We bred him and sold him to a hunting fami-               dogs running wild and enjoying being free, and getting        step. It was clear that he had some very bad experience              quite a few trainers how we can help him to overcome
ly, but as it turned out, they couldn’t keep and raise him.           lots of praise from us, he started to leave our side on       that involved being outside with guns being shot.                    his fears. Basically, everyone agreed that he needed not
We, as his breeders, of course accepted him back.                     his own, first just a few feet ahead us, then joining our       Unfortunately, he was afraid of the birds too. He didn’t           just hunt training, but lots of obedience training too. We
  One by one we discovered that he had developed way                  other dogs.                                                   chase them, just backed off. This was very strange for us            enrolled him in two different classes with George. One
more problems than we were told. Eventually, by ob-                     In the meantime, we were feeding him in his crate,          because when he was a puppy, he was eager going after                was in an indoor facility where he had one-on-one train-
serving him and talking to other trainers, we came to the             so he was not that much afraid of the crate anymore.          the birds and happily carried dead ones. The trackchair              ing. The other class was in a park with six other dogs.
conclusion that he might have been exposed improperly                 In order to overcome his fear of the gun, we took the         was very helpful during this stage of his training. George           He liked both classes and made great progress. He is a
to field work and guns.                                               empty shotgun and laid it in front of his crate and left it   could go out to the field and plant multiple birds, and I            playful puppy, full of energy, loves people, other dogs
  Thinking back, the first warning sign was when we                   there 24/7. To get to his food bowl, he had to step over      could then go out with Bator to find the planted birds.              and, as a typical Vizsla, he wants to please us. At the end
went to a field to let him run off leash, he didn’t leave our         the gun. Of course, it also helped that our other doggies     We were thinking whether we should “switch” trainers                 of these trainings George handled him for the CGC test
side. We had to abandon our original goal for George to               were happily sniffing the gun. Later we went to the field     and have Bator to go out with George with the track-                 and he passed it with flying colors.
train Bator for his NAVHDA test, because as soon as we                again a couple of times and carried the empty gun, with-      chair, but we decided against it. We thought that his                  Parallel with his obedience training we continued to
were in the field, he climbed on George’s lap and didn’t              out discharging it. At this stage he was already happy in     slowly increasing confidence was still very fragile and              expose him to birds and slowly to gunfire. Unfortunate-
leave. The trackchair was way too convenient for that.                the field, so he easily got used to seeing the gun with us.   switching might throw him back to where we started.                  ly, time was running out, and when we attended a mock
The second warning sign was that when he saw one of                     The hardest part was (and still is) to help him overcome    Fortunately, Bator has a good nose and was able to find              test, it was a complete disaster.
the trainers carrying a shotgun, he completely freaked                his fear of the gunshot. When we have puppies, they are       the hidden birds. At first, he didn’t show any interest in             Bator was the last puppy on the running order, so
out. Later we found out that he was afraid of birds and               kept next to our kitchen and are exposed to all kinds of      them. Again, with lots of encouragement and praise, he               we used the waiting time for additional training. Every
– even though his previous owner told us that he had                  sounds: pots and pans falling, books dropped, vacuum          started to show some interest, and finally went to chase             time the gun went off, we gave him lots of treats, hop-
already been shot over – he was afraid of gunshot. We                 cleaner running, music playing, etc. We noticed that Ba-      the bird that he found!                                              ing that he would associate the gunshot with yummy

  4                                           Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                May 2022    May 2022                                 Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                         5
HUNTING DOG Annual Puppy Issue! - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 5 May 2022 - NAVHDA
able to continue his search. We continued to work Ba-
                                                                    tor in the field every day.
                                                                       Finally, the test days arrived. Bator was scheduled to
                                                                    run on Sunday, but we arrived Friday evening and vol-
                                                                    unteered to help with the test. Also, we continued to
                                                                    acclimate Bator to the gunshot, as we did during the                                               K E N N E L S B U I LT F O R
                                                                    mock test. By that time almost everyone in the chapter

                                                                                                                                             Unparalleled Protection
                                                                    knew Bator’s story and everyone was super helpful and
                                                                    encouraging. I tried not to be very anxious, so Bator
                                                                    wouldn’t pick up on my nervousness. The judges already
                                                                    knew that he most likely would react to the gunshot,
treats. Unfortunately, this tactic did not work. He was             and I was told that the gunner would not discharge the                                        USE CODE         NAVHDA10                  FOR 10% OFF AT
already nervous when we started, didn’t want leave my               second shot unless the judges and I agreed.
side, and as soon as the gunner discharged his gun, Ba-                So, we started. The first gunshot went off, and Bator    RGS NavhdaOurForestsGrayAd_Navhda 2012 Ad 8/12/2020 D A KPM
                                                                                                                                                                                    5:32  O TPage
                                                                                                                                                                                             A 2 813 . C O M
tor ran back to me, jumped on me, and seemed to forget              just lifted his head, looked at me, but continued search-
everything we’d been working on. It was so bad, that I              ing. We all agreed that the second shot would be okay
was told that I could withdraw him from the upcom-                  too. The timing of the second shot was a bit unfortu-
ing test and the chapter would refund the testing fee.              nate; Bator had just found a bird and was on point              RUFFEDGROUSE SOCIETY .ORG
But Bator was doing OK with the tracking and loved to
jump in the water and bring back the bumpers.
                                                                    at exactly the same moment when the second gun-
                                                                    shot went off. That was a bit too much for him. He                                                                                                 SAVING THE LIFESTYLE
  We stayed there for the second day of the mock test               came back to me, but fortunately his previous training                                                                                                                   TAKE THE HUNTER MENTOR PLEDGE
too and continued the same training we started the day              helped – I told him to sit, gave him a cookie and he was
before, giving him treats when we heard the gunshot.                happily off again. (The judges told me that I shouldn’t
He was much better than the previous day, actually                  give him a treat during the test – oops – but luckily, he
looking for birds and found more than one! His track-               didn’t need anymore.) Within a few minutes he found
ing was even better on the second day and he was still              another bird, pointed, I flushed the bird and he chased
very happy in the water.                                            it. He came back when I called him and continued                                                                                             Take the Hunter Mentor Pledge today and you’ll be
  The actual test day was two weeks later. Seeing the               searching. He pointed three more birds in the field, the                                                                                  automatically entered to win great prizes. We need your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 commitment to preserving our outdoor heritage...
improvement he made between the two days of the                     fourth was already dead and wouldn’t flush, but Bator                                                                                                    If you don’t, who will?
mock test, we decided not to withdraw him from the                  didn’t move the whole time I tried, finally picking up
test. But we knew that during these two weeks we had                the bird to throw it. George told me later, that the peo-
to spend every free moment with him in the field. For-              ple in the gallery cheered when he pointed on the third        Join the Movement uniting conservationists
tunately, other NAVHDA members, Greg and Gary,                      and fourth bird.
who also live in Tucson, were there to help us. Gary,                  Bator was great on his pheasant track. He followed          to improve wildlife habitat and forest health.                           *Product images are for
                                                                                                                                                                                                            illustrative purposes only and

who is a longtime NAVHDA member, just got a few                     the track, found the pheasant, caught it and was wait-
                                                                                                                                                                                                            may differ from the actual

months old Vizsla puppy, who was never introduced                   ing for me with the pheasant in his mouth! The water
                                                                                                                                   Become a member today!                                                   product being given away.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        One Mentor and their Mentee will be selected for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          a guided hunting experience of a lifetime
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             provided by South Dakota Tourism.

to birds. We went together to Sonoita, which is one                 part was easy. He always loved the water – he jumped
of the training grounds around Tucson, with live and                after the bumper and brought it back to me.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ENTER TO WIN a chance at a guided hunting
dead pigeons. When Bator found a planted bird, Gary                    Bator received a Prize III, with a score of 98 points.
would discharge the little starter pistol. Bator was still          He is still gun sensitive, but he made such a huge prog-         JOIN TODAY                                                                                                  trip and an upland gear giveaway!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Scan QR Code or visit:
startled, but I discovered that giving him an obedience
command that he already mastered and giving him a
                                                                    ress we have no doubt with additional training he will
                                                                    completely overcome his fear and will be a great hunt-

treat would distract him from his fear so he would be               ing dog!

 6                                          Versatile Hunting Dog   •                               May 2022   May 2022                                     Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                                                                                    7
HUNTING DOG Annual Puppy Issue! - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 5 May 2022 - NAVHDA
Natural Ability Test
                      Through the Eyes
                         of a Youth                                                       By Mary Latremore
                                                                                          Carthage, New York

                                                                             i, my name is Mary, and this is my dog Lilly.
                                                                             Before the Natural Ability test, I knew that she
                                                                             was going to pass the test. However, when I got
                                                                    there, I saw all the other dogs, and I felt nervous that
                                                                    she would not pass. My dad kept asking me if I was
                                                                    nervous and even though I was a little, I told him I was
                                                                    fine, and Lilly was smart and knew what to do. I mean
                                                                    this is a natural ability test, so it should be natural for
                                                                    Lilly. This was Lilly’s first test, and this was the first
                                                                    time I participated in this test.
                                                                      On the first part of the test, this nice lady, Judge
                                                                    Dawn Watkins, went through what I was going to                moment and then bolted for the bumpers. She retrieved                this test. When it was time for the judges to score Lilly,
                                                                    do and how I was going to do it with Lilly. The first         it and showed the judges that she could swim and swim                they gave her a 110 out of 112. Lilly lost a little bit on
                                                                    part of the test was pointing out birds in the tall grass.    well. After the swimming was done, the judges checked                the tracking. This is a great score for Lilly and me as
    Mary was nine years old when she ran her 9-month-               Lilly started looking for the bird and slammed on her         just about everything on Lilly. Her coat was good, ears              this was our first run at the test together.
    old puppy, Lilly, in the Central New York NAVH-                 brakes with the bird just inches from her nose. Lilly         and teeth were clean and healthy, slight overbite, and                 I would like to thank the Central New York NAVH-
    DA Natural Ability Test held in Tully New York in               pointed this bird and held it until the bird took off.        we found out she was missing one tooth. Lilly likes to               DA for holding this event and helping me and Lilly
    July 2021. Mary is now ten and in the fifth grade.              After a short chase, Lilly was on another bird with a         play, so I think she lost a tooth when she was playing.              take this test. I would also like to thank Dan Kremers
    Mary has a younger sister, Megan, and a younger                 fine-looking point. I was nervous the judges would be            After this was done, there was one part of the test               of Lunatic Fringe Pudelpointers for giving us Lilly and
    brother, William. There are not many opportuni-                 upset when Lilly jumped and grabbed a bird out of             left, the tracking part. The judges released and chased              showing me how to take this test. Finally, I would like
    ties to test dogs, so this test was her first moment            the air, but everything was fine. We flushed six birds        her first pheasant, and it got away from them and cir-               to thank the judges (especially the Judge Dawn Wat-
    to show off the abilities of her puppy. Mary also               together, and Lilly did great. After this part of the test,   cled back behind us and Lilly. Lilly watched it take off,            kins) for helping me with the test.
    has a nine-year-old chocolate Lab at home that                  I began to feel pretty good about how Lilly would do.         so we had to wait until the end to do this final part.                 Recently, my dad and I took Lilly out to look for
    was raised with her. Her Lab’s name is Lucy. Mary               My dad and I also had lunch there. Thank you CNY              That scared me a little, but when it was Lilly’s turn, I             some grouse on our property. We went out for about
    helped raise and train Lucy. Months before the test             NAVHDA!                                                       knew she would do well. Lilly didn’t spend much time                 two hours, and Lilly ran all over the place holding a
    Mary worked daily with Lilly on smelling things,                  After lunch, Lilly and I began the second part of the       sniffing the feathers when she started. Lilly found the              good thirty yards in front of us. Lilly didn’t find any
    tracking things, and playing fetch. Lilly isn’t the             test, the swimming. Lilly hasn’t practiced much in the        track and slowly lost it and I became nervous. Lilly                 birds for us, but she did point a feather pile where it
    greatest at fetch, however Lucy shows Lilly how it              water because we got her in November, and the water           picked the trail back up and took off into the tall wheat            looked like a bird has recently died. Lilly is now a year
    is done a lot.                                                  was too cold for her to swim as a puppy. I threw a few        field and nearly caught the bird. I called Lilly back and            and 4 months old and has graduated from her kennel
                                                                    bumpers in the water, and Lilly hesitated for a short         put her leash back on. I felt good on how Lilly did on               to my bed and keeps me warm through the night.

8                                           Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                May 2022    May 2022                                 Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                        9
HUNTING DOG Annual Puppy Issue! - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 5 May 2022 - NAVHDA
                                                                                                                                          WHISKEY HILLS KENNEL. PICTURED HERE AT ALMOST SIX MONTHS OLD ON
                                                                                                                                          POINT. THANKFUL FOR FELLOW NAVHDA MEMBER STACY HORST AND HER
                                                                                                                                          GUIDANCE IN TRAINING THUS FAR AS WELL AS TARHEEL/COASTAL PLAINS
                                                                                                                                          CHAPTERS! CAN’T WAIT TO PARTICIPATE IN OUR FIRST NAVHDA NA TEST
                                                                                                                                          THIS SUMMER WITH THE BUCKEYE CHAPTER. ~KAILEE JOYNER

     				                                ~ANGIE COENEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                             THIS IS LONGLEAF KENTUCKY VICTORY
                                                                                                                                                                                                             (VIC), A 4 MONTH OLD MALE WIRE HAIRED
                                                                                                                                                                                                             POINTING GRIFFON. ~TOM SEAHORN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MERLE VOM DER FUCHSHOHE, JUST
                                                                   AFTER GETTING HOME FROM AN 11-HOUR ROUND-TRIP ROAD EXCUR-           AFTERHOUR’S KEEP UP IF YOU CAN ROLEX IS A GERMAN                                            11 WEEKS OLD. ~KEVIN SCHMERSAL
                                                                   BUNDLE OF JOY AND COULDN’T RESIST NAMING HER “TAKE FLIGHT           METTO NAVHDA CHAPTER. AT FIVE MONTHS OLD THIS BOY
                  REGISTERED NAME IS WINDY CITY MAGGIE.                                                                                ABILITY TEST IN THE FALL.
                                         ~KEVIN MCGREW                                                                                 ~OWNED BY EARL BETTIS, MISSY BETTIS AND ALEXIS CHISM.

10                                         Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                    May 2022    May 2022                                    Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                         11
HUNTING DOG Annual Puppy Issue! - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 5 May 2022 - NAVHDA
                                                                                  GATOR. GATOR IS THE OFFSPRING OF VC HURRICANE POR-
                                                                                  TER JAMES AND HURRICANE PRAIRIE STORM RICOCHET UTI.                                                                              WIREHAIRED POINTING GRIFFON,
                                                                                  HE IS JOINING VC DEADWOODS BRIGHAM AND VC DUTCH                                                                                 SEVEN WEEKS OLD. ~VICKY FOSTER
                                                     ~KEVIN BILLY

                                                                                                                                                                                                       HERE IS A PHOTO OF OUR 10-WEEK OLD BRA-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       QUE FRANCAIS PUPPY HIGH DRAW MISS SOPHIE.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~STEVE HUNTER

                                                                              THIS IS FIN AT THREE MONTHS “CLEARING BRUSH.” I NEVER REALLY
                                                                              MUNSTERLANDER. ~KEVIN AND LIZ FREDRICK.

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HUNTING DOG Annual Puppy Issue! - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 5 May 2022 - NAVHDA
                             KING, BIRD HUNTING AND BIG GAME HUNTING. MY 14 YEAR OLD
                             DRAKE WORKS IN THE FIELD. ~LORI FORD

                                                                                                 My New
                                                                                                 Partner                        By Liz Loar
                                                                                                                              Alma, Nebraska

                                                                                                       y new hunting partner, Sonny, is a Pudelpoint-
                                                                                                       er that we picked up as a puppy in July 2021.
                                                                                                       I have worked hard to get him as much expe-
                                                                                             rience as possible and he is learning incredibly fast. At
                                                                                             three months he was taken out to retrieve doves. On the
                                                                                             opening day of teal season, he was taken out to retrieve
                                                                                             the shot teal. I threw out a dirt clod to encourage him
                                                                                             towards the first duck. He then swam out to retrieve the
                                                                                             remaining four ducks. The last one was about 25 yards
                                                                                             out. He climbed over downed tree branches on the way
                                                                                             to the bird and back. He is now nine months old and
                                                                                             has hunted doves, ducks, geese, pheasant and quail.
                                   NAVHDA PUP DELL CREEK NOVA’S ELEGANT DANCE “NOVA”         It has been a challenge for him to learn that our cat is
                                   SHE IS CURRENTLY FOUR MONTHS OLD. ~STACIE AHLGREN         his friend. He is learning that daily there is a different
                                                                                             schedule and to relax around the house. We try to get
                                                                                             out amongst people and dogs whenever there is an event
                                                                                             with a crowd. I am eager for him to do his Natural Abil-
                                                                                             ity Test, but I’m nervous. I’ve never done this kind of
                                                                                             hunt test before and he loves retrieving birds, but he is
                         MOONSHINE’S LOVE ME TENDER. “MARGOT” BORN ON AUGUST                 not very excited about a bumper. He finds all of the
                         8TH, 2021, WILL BE TESTING FOR HER NA AT THE ROCK TAVERN
                                                                                             birds we drag on the ground for him to track, but I’m
                         UP FOR HER FIRST TWO JUNIOR HUNTER LEGS IN PA THE FIRST             not sure how he really does it. So, we have some work
                                                                                             to do for me to feel that he is ready for required work of
                         PA AND MID-APRIL IN HARRISBURG, PA SO SHE’S A BUSY GIRL!            the NA Test. I want him to be the best that he can be.
                                                             ~GWEN VAN DER ZYPPE               So far, he has gone way beyond my expectations as a
                                                                                             hunting dog. He is still only a puppy but we are learn-
                                                                                             ing more every day, and I’m sure I have an excellent
                                                                                             hunting companion.

14   Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                   May 2022   May 2022                                 Versatile Hunting Dog   •   15
HUNTING DOG Annual Puppy Issue! - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 5 May 2022 - NAVHDA
16   Versatile Hunting Dog   •   May 2022   May 2022   Versatile Hunting Dog   •   17
THE MAGIC OF A RICE SOCK                                                                                                   DEUTSCH KURZHAAR                                                                         Living Up To The efforT, Time and TrUsT!

                                                                                                           By Patti Carter
NAVHDA’s breeders are full of many tips to successfully raise a litter of                                  Brunswick, Maine
puppies. They are oozing with the willingness to share what they have
learned. The most important being the “hand off” and what tools you will
need and what skills your little girl or guy has already learned. A good
breeder will have spent weeks and weeks of planning, endless sleepless
nights and heartfelt dedication to each ball of fur that will turn into your
new best friend and hunting dog.

Each pup leaves their first home with a rice sock. A what, you ask? Exactly
what I said, a sock full of rice. From birth on, the pups are comforted by
the warmth and nurturing of their mom. I add a microwaved sock to the
whelping box from day 1. It can be used to prop up a pup while nursing
for the first time. It looks and feels like another puppy.
   My favorite use: Buy a medium sized stuffed animal at the thrift store,
                                                                                                                                                        The Original
remove filling and those darn beans that get everywhere. Cut a hole in                                                                                   German Shorthair
the butt—how original, huh? Heat your rice sock and stuff in the hole. It                                                                       Deutsch Kurzhaar has provided the foot hunter with a powerful versatile
will be magic—the smell with trigger comfort and security. Each night                                                                          hunting partner, developed through a performance based testing system
I toss a heated sock of rice in a soft and cuddly stuffed animal into their                                                                     and breeding program that enhance the overall conformation set forth
whelping box. Once they move into an X Pen, the routine continues                                                                              by the Deutsch Kurzhaar Verband.
                                                                                                                                                Visit our website at WWW.NADKC.ORG to learn more                                                                                                                                                                                      “Jager “
with a crate without its door. What puppy wouldn’t choose warmth and
                                                                                                                                               about a perfect blend of trainability, versatility                                      The Best in Electronic Dog Training Equipment, Sales,
familiar smells?                                                                                                                               and desire in your next hunting dog.
   Every new owner gets a rice sock in their “to go” bag along with a                                                                                                                                                                   Trades, Repairs, Parts and Great Customer Service!
cuddly piece of blanket that smells like home.                                                                                                  Contact one of the many breeders in your area to
                                                                                                                                                 discuss all the benefits of the Deutsch Kurzhaar.                                         800-430-2010
                                                                                                                                              Like us and follow us on Facebook at North American Deutsch Kurzhaar Club.                   1517 Northern Star Dr. Traverse City MI 49696

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       As a special promotion, Wolfe Publishing Company is offering a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FREE issue of The Upland Almanac to NAVHDA members.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Upland Almanac is the only journal devoted to upland bird
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               hunting and is acclaimed by enthusiasts everywhere.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Special one-year and two-year subscription offers are available.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   • Ted Lundrigan Remembered •

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Winter 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Autumn 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Dakota Prairie

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Road Notes:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Basin Mélange

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Road Notes:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A Fine Day in

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Upstate New York                      Snipe at 10,000 Feet          Section 799.2:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Section 799.2:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "With Woodcock"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Landings:                             Destinations:                            Ben East: "With Pheasants"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Every Cog and Wheel                   Maine –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Grant's Kennebago Camps

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     *All four 2021 issues on DVD FREE with a two-year subscription
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Subscribe today and save with this great offer!
       Chukar Hunts                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Upland Almanac contains great feature articles and columns on:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Bird Hunting Destinations
       in Hells Canyon                                                               An online training program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Dog Handling, Training and Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Fine Shotguns and Shooting Tips
       • Professional guides with                 Contact                           for the upland pointing dog.                                                                                                                     • Product Reviews on Gear and Shotguns
                                                Grant Richie
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  18                                                    Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                May 2022   May 2022                                               Versatile Hunting Dog       •                                                                                                                                         19
           NAVHDA?                                                         By Carey Killion
                                                                          West Valley, New York

          unting season, for us, is the reward at the end           and its work displays a pur-
          of many months of training and testing. Some              pose. The intelligent cooperative
          people might wonder why I test when I know                dog seems to sense his handler’s
my dog hunts?                                                       wishes and movements.
   To answer that question effectively, I think you need               From cooperation comes team-
a little background about me. I didn’t come to hunting              work, which is judged through-
over my dogs via the traditional route. I’d never trained           out the NAVHDA Utility Test.
a dog, held a shotgun or gone hunting. Instead, I got a             It’s as if you and your dog move
dog as a companion, and all those things followed suit.             through the forest or fields like a
I’ll never forget finding myself at a NAVHDA training               well-oiled machine, in sync with
day and seeing my dog point for the first time. I was               one another, effortlessly moving
hooked, and the wheels were set in motion. Ten years                forward. The Purpose and Scope
later, I train, test and judge in the NAVHDA system. I              of the Utility Test, again from the
firmly believe that I, and my dogs, are better for it. The          Aims, Programs & Test Rules:
time spent in the offseason pays dividends come hunting                The Utility Test is designed to
season in more ways than one.                                       test a hunting dog’s usefulness to
                                                                    the on-foot hunter in all phases
THE EXPERIENCE                                                      of hunting both before and af-
For me, and I think for most who walk through the                   ter the shot, in field and marsh,
woods behind a dog, the experience itself is paramount.             and on different species of game. While the dog that is   fications in NAVHDA Utility Tests. It is interesting to              of the moment if multiple gunners are involved. A dog
This simplicity is rooted in cooperation, defined in the            successful in the Natural Ability Test might be likened   note that the majority of these successful dogs have been            trained in steadiness also provides the hunter the chance
NAVHDA Aims, Programs & Test Rules:                                 to a promising young apprentice, the dog that success-    owner-trained.                                                       to get in position and have a better shot on the bird,
  Cooperation can be defined as an inherent willingness             fully completes the Utility Test will have demonstrated      A dog trained to the NAVHDA Utility Test elements,                which is especially important in thick grouse cover. For
on the part of the dog to apply its own initiative and              that he is a master, or at the very least a good, solid   including both field and water work, is a pleasure to                those who challenge the concept of steadiness with the
special talents while working with the handler in pursuit           and reliable journeyman. This test is a challenging and   hunt and live with. In the field, the dog must display               argument that the dog should be on the trail of a po-
of a common goal, producing game. When both han-                    demanding one, as befits the NAVHDA aim of “foster-       the desire and ability to find game for the handler while            tentially wounded bird, I would ask which dog has the
dler and dog know their tasks, cooperation is an invis-             ing, improving, promoting and protecting the versatile    remaining steady before and after the shot. Field steadi-            better mark: the dog busting through cover or the dog
ible bond cemented with mutual knowledge and trust.                 hunting dog in North America.” It is not, however, an     ness, first and foremost, is a safety issue. A dog that              standing and focused on the path of the bird?
Over-dependence on the handler must not be confused                 unreasonable test with unattainable goals. A very large   breaks on the flush and gives chase can spell disaster                 Retrieves are another focus in both aspects of the test,
with cooperation. The cooperative dog is self-assured,              number of fine dogs have already earned prize classi-     with a low-flying bird or in the excitement and heat                 and with good reason. A dog that can efficiently mark

 20                                         Versatile Hunting Dog   •                             May 2022   May 2022                                 Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                       21
Tips from the Panel Discussions
                                                                                                                                                            Part One
                                                                                                                                             Chapter Excellence                                         Panelists: Patti Carter, Fred Rice, Pete Aplikowski

                                                                                                                                                    fter the NAVHDA International Annual Meeting                  I’ll share the steps we now take for a typical Yankee
                                                                                                                                                    in January, two panel discussions shared insights             Chapter Training Clinic.
a downed bird, pick it up, and quickly                                                                                                              into some chapters’ methods to encourage better                   Before. The chapter sends a Sign Up email to its
and competently retrieve it to hand en-                                                                                                      participation, more successful training and testing, and             membership requesting intent to attend and bird request
sures that a crippled or wounded bird                                                                                                        ways to make the most of all aspects of the NAVHDA                   info. This gives us insight into attendance. Members are
doesn’t escape. For those of us who                                                                                                          experience. As a follow-up, we’ve asked a few of the                 expected to come with correct amount of cash or check
also enjoy waterfowl hunting, a Utili-                                                                                                       panelists to share some specific tips, suggestions drawn             to save time at sign in. Our newsletter, the Barking Dog
ty dog is an asset, remaining calm and                                                                                                       from the general discussions at the panels.                          Express, has also announced the event and shared what
quiet in the blind or in the pursuit of                                                                                                                                                                           is expected and offered to members.
jump-shooting ducks on the water.                                                                                                                                                                                    Day of Clinic. Our events are first come, first serve, so
                                                                                                                                             Question for Patti Carter                                            the parking lot fills early. We have a designated greeter
CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                                  As the Yankee Chapter has grown to over 200 mem-                     whose purpose is to keep an eye out for confused at-
When I got my first dogs, I was short                                                                                                        bers, you’ve had to change the chapter’s planning for                tendees and answer their questions. A friendly, welcom-
on many things. Knowledge, access to                                                                                                         and running of training clinics. As president of the chap-           ing face tells much about the chapter.
land and water to train on, and access                                                                                                       ter, could you explain your current system and why it is                At the check-in table, clinic fees are taken and ques-
to birds topped the list. Joining my lo-                                                                                                     working so well?                                                     tions answered. Each member is handed a map of the
cal NAVHDA chapter and testing my                                                                                                                                                                                 training stations and a card from a deck of cards, which
dogs closed all of those gaps. I met peo-                                                                                                    The success and growth of NAVHDA has bred the need                   has been numbered 1 thru 52. They are told this number
ple willing to share their knowledge,                                                                                                        for more chapters, judges and tests. Our Yankee Chap-                represents their running order for the day, no matter
and the more effort I put in, the more                                                                                                       ter has been dealing with this positive yet very challeng-           what training group they are working with. Throughout
vested they became in seeing me suc-                                                                                                         ing dilemma. As a result of our success as a chapter,                the day, all worker-volunteers go to the head of a line if
ceed. Those friendly faces at training                                                                                                       the Yankee Chapter’s Director of Training formed a                   they wish.
days became true friends. We help each                                                                                                       committee with a plan to help our very popular training                 The atmosphere during the first hour is full of friendly
other. We hunt together. We share cov-                                                                                                       events be more efficient and effective for our members.              greetings and organization for the day. The Director of
ers. We truly care for one another and
our dogs. Some of my closest friends
are in my life because I started testing                            DA Utility Test, I know I can hunt my dogs alone or
my dogs, and I’ll be hunting with them as soon as the               with others. They’ll work with me, and for me, and ad-
leaves turn.                                                        just to the cover and terrain. They’ll require minimal
  There’s no doubt that training and test preparation is            handling. I’ll spend my days hunting with great friends,
time-consuming. But the hours spent together, you and               making memories over great dogs. The cooperation and
your dog, intensifies the bond between you. The dog                 teamwork that we’ve worked on all summer allow me
works for you, and the teamwork becomes evident. At                 to focus on the sounds of the wind through the trees, the
the end of a successful hunt, whether you’re having a               changing colors, and the company I share it with.
drink on the tailgate or relaxing in front of the fire, you
can take pride in the work of the day and have memo-
ries to keep for a lifetime.                                              This article is being co-published in Covers, the quarter-
  Regardless of the venue you choose, testing your dog                    ly publication of NAVHDA’s conservation partner Ruffed
provides concrete goals to work toward and a reason to                    Grouse Society (Spring 2022).
spend more time with your dog. Thanks to the NAVH-

  22                                        Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                            May 2022   May 2022                                 Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                         23
ing/training and in some cases their professions. They               and carefully. One thing we probably WILL do in 2023
                                                                                                                                   can benefit greatly by the NAVHDA brand. It can be                   is make our two spring tests “double tests” with two
                                                                                                                                   easy, however, for someone to want to take the stage                 sets of judges. We do have the grounds to handle that
                                                                                                                                   and make it all about themselves which is rare but has               capacity, and we have found that this is a more efficient
                                                                                                                                   occurred. This self-serving attitude can create factions             way to add test days than going to 3-day tests. We have
                                                                                                                                   and a contentious atmosphere in the chapter and should               found that 3-day tests are problematic in finding judges,
                                                                                                                                   not be tolerated.                                                    volunteers, and maintaining quality birds.
                                                                                                                                     Remember the mission statement for NAVHDA and                        We are also in the process of forming a committee to
                                                                                                                                   keep that in the forefront. NAVHDA is a not-for-prof-                discuss the transition of spinning off our Northern Min-
                                                                                                                                   it organization with a mission to promote the breed-                 nesota groups into their own new chapter(s). They have
                                                                                                                                   ing and development of versatile hunting dogs. A clear               good grounds and established core groups of people to
                                                                                                                                   understanding of the purpose of NAVHDA should be                     make this happen. We anticipate this will allow them
                                                                                                                                   foremost and a banner for the chapter – why are we                   to better attract new members in their geographic areas
                                                                                                                                   doing this? Not for titles, egos, and fame, but for the              and focus on growing their testing and training oppor-
                                                                                                                                   development and improvement of versatile hunting dog                 tunities while we focus on expanding opportunities for
                                                                                                                                   breeds for the purpose of hunting.                                   our core Twin Cities based members. We would con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        tinue to support and mentor these groups as needed to
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ensure their success. We feel this would allow us to get
                                                                                                                                   Question for Pete Aplikowski                                         to potentially 22-24 total days of testing per year with
                                                                                                                                   With NAVHDA’s remarkable growth, tests fill up quick-                these same four venues/grounds. To do this many tests
                                                                                                                                   ly and many chapters have long waiting lists. As presi-              takes a lot of volunteers, but our membership is large
                                                                                                                                   dent of the Minnesota Chapter, what are your thoughts                (around 300 people) and we can handle that.
                                                                                                                                   on this challenge and/or suggestions for how NAVHDA                     It also obviously takes a lot of judges, and over the
                                                                                                                                   chapters might accommodate more members wanting                      last several years we have been actively recruiting some
                                                                                                                                   to test their dogs?                                                  of our members to enter the Apprentice Judging pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        gram. To assist with this, we did set up a scholarship
                                                                                                                                   In 2022, we have increased to 18 days of testing (from               for apprentice judges that will reimburse them for some
Training welcomes all and briefly explains the plans for            Question for Fred Rice                                         16 in 2021) at four different grounds/venues, and will               of their travel expenses if they make it through the pro-
the day. His committee is also able to field questions              Breeders and pro-trainers are a valuable resource for          probably again lead the NAVHDA system in test days                   gram. We did get three new judges approved this year,
and assist with the morning set-up. We explain that our             NAVHDA chapters. Could you, as president of the                for a single chapter. Our spring tests filled very quick-            and that is going to be big help with keeping our judging
job in the Yankee Chapter is to train you, the handler, to          Missouri Uplands Chapter, explain further how these            ly, within hours. Our board is studying how we can                   costs down. We have several more members already in
train your own hunting dog. There is not enough time in             people might make a chapter’s clinics and tests a better       increase testing days and opportunities in 2023. We                  the program, with a few more that desire to do so once
the day to train 75 dogs.                                           experience for all involved?                                   have to contract our test birds a year in advance, and               they meet the prerequisites of an Aims & Rules Clinic
   So, the answer to your question Nancy, sorry – I got a                                                                          competition for grounds availability with other groups               and/or passing a UT dog.
little distracted – is we train in Stations. The days where         Breeders and pro- or semi-pro trainers can be very ben-        is always high also, so this needs to be planned early
you’d show up at our event, run your dog on a couple                eficial to a NAVHDA chapter. It can be a very nice,
of birds and go home are a thing of the past.                       mutually beneficial relationship – as long as it does not
   Drills = Skills. Each Station has two workers, so we             become “all about me” which has happened in a few
are always sharing knowledge. Our Stations are used to              instances. Breeders and pro-trainers help fuel the engine
practice drills that better prepare a dog and handler for           of a chapter in many ways. Breeders produce puppies
skills needed to test and hunt. Along with a two-bird               and encourage owners to train and test; pro-trainers
field run, the Stations we use are as follows: training             have client dogs to test, and testing locally is desired for
table, puppy drills on place boards, heeling, heeling in            many reasons. In addition, pro-trainers can share their
a crowd with people as stakes, remainder by blind, bird             skills by assisting members, leading training day events,
on pole, retrieving basics, blind retrieves, duck search,           and doing clinics/seminars. But their involvement in the
puppy duck chase, steady to flush with a pop trap, force            chapter has to be balanced – chapter interest vs self-in-
training, manners on game, recalls with and without                 terest.
game, drag tracks, live pheasant tracks, field handling               Chapter interest should be first. Local rockstars, divas,
drills, and puppy bird work.                                        pro-trainers, and breeders should be givers not takers.
   Communications. I cannot stress enough the impor-                Breeders and trainers do their best work for the chap-
tance of talking to each other and sharing our NAVH-                ter and themselves by being humble and serving chap-
DA passion. Yes, at the end of the day we are all pooped,           ter membership. NAVHDA is a brand, a good brand.
yet still smiling about the friends we’ve made and skills           The unspoken truth is that NAVHDA is a platform for
we’ve shared.                                                       breeders and trainers to pursue their passion for breed-

  24                                        Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                 May 2022    May 2022                                 Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                      25
In Season

                                 Ian Knauer is a cook, writer, and teacher. His food is informed heavily by
                                 locally grown, hunted, and foraged ingredients. His writing can be found
                                 in the pages of Gourmet Magazine, The Wall St. Journal, The Atlantic,
                                 Food & Wine, Bon Appetit, and several cookbooks including The Farm
                                 (HMH 2012) and The Farm Cooking School (Quarto 2018). When he is not at
                                 the stove or keyboard, he can be found in the fields with his wife at their
                                 organic produce farm and winery, Roots to River Farm in New Hope, PA.

                   VENISON BURGERS
                   WITH RAMP GREENS
                    AND RAMP MAYO                                                                              By Ian Knauer

       he notion of seasonal eating takes on a different              broad emerald-green leaves stretch eight to ten inches
       and deeper meaning when what you’re eating                     above the bulb, which is often a blushed pink color. To
       comes from the wild. Nature doesn’t subscribe                  be sure you’ve found them and not the toxic look-alike,
to the human idea of four seasons. Each spring day, or                Lilly of the Valley, tear a leaf open. The leek-y aroma is                                                                                    Make the mayo: Heat the oil in a small heavy skillet
week, or month cannot simply be labeled as the same. It’s             unmistakable. Be sure to cut the bulb above the roots,                                                                                      over medium heat. Add the oil and ramp bulb, along
not just spring, but early, mid, mid-late, and late spring.           leaving them in the soil to regenerate every year.                                                                                          with a large pinch of salt and cook, stirring occasion-
In summer, these micro seasons are even more obvious                     I love ramps. They are wild and delicate at once. They                                                                                   ally, until the bulbs are translucent, about 4 minutes.
and pronounced. And as an eater of local food, whether                are a heady plunge into seasonal change. They are dif-                 For the Ramp Mayo:                                                   Remove from the heat and let cool. Stir into the mayo
it’s grown, hunted, or foraged, I often find that I have              ficult, although not impossible to cultivate, but that                 1 tablespoon olive oil                                               and set aside.
one foot of my meal solidly planted in last season and the            doesn’t lengthen the brevity of their season. Here these               12 ramp bulbs (or scallions), finely chopped                           Preheat the grill.
other in the current, very short, micro season. I use some            few weeks, and gone until next year, making their pres-                1/2 cup mayonnaise                                                     For the burgers: Divide the venison into 4 equal piec-
ingredients that I’ve preserved, whether that is through              ence on the plate all the more wonderful.                              For the burgers:                                                     es and press each piece into a ball. Place the ball on a
fermentation, drying, canning, freezing, or salting - and                The technique on pressing the patty between two take-               1 1/4 pounds ground venison                                          plastic take-out container lid (like you might get from
others that are available only right now. This idea cannot            out container lids produces a perfectly flat burger. And,              1 tablespoon ground juniper berries                                  a quart of soup). Place another plastic lid on top and
be better illustrated than in a dish like this one.                   I advocate a 5 ounce burger like these, instead of a half-             4 hamburger buns                                                     squeeze the meat into a patty. Repeat with the remain-
   I’m down to the last of the venison I hunted last fall             pound bomb. Take note of how you feel after a venison                  Ramp greens                                                          ing pieces. Season each patty with the juniper, salt and
(mid-late fall to be exact). I’ve gone through the choice             burger instead of a corn-finished beef burger: light, full of                                                                               pepper.
cuts and offal and find only cryovaced bags of ground                 energy, and satisfied instead of heavy, slow, and over-full.                                                                                  Grill the burgers over direct heat, flipping once, until
meat. And now I need the freezer space for a spring tur-              And, if you haven’t come across any ramps, feel free to                                                                                     they are cooked to your liking, about 5 minutes total
key, so ground venison is on the menu. At the same time,              substitute scallions in the mayo.                                                                                                           for medium.
ramps, the ephemeral wild leeks that cover the wood’s                    Serves 4                                                                                                                                   Slather the ramp mayo on the burger buns and top
floor for only a few weeks, are here. At maturity, their                                                                                                                                                          with the burgers. Top with ramp greens and serve.

  26                                          Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                       May 2022   May 2022                                    Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                       27
THE FORUM                                                                                                                                                        CLASSIFIEDS
                                                                                                                                                               GERMAN WIREHAIR LITTER due May 31, 2022. Wire Creeks G
                                                                                                                                                               litter. Wire Creek’s Elvira (NAI,UTII) x Bone Points Gunnar (NAII,UTI).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Classifieds must be paid for and submitted through the
                                                                                                                                                      for more info or call Jeremy 801-376-                      NAVHDA Store at in the Pre-
                                                                                                                                                               4564. Located in Utah.                                                              Pay VHD Ads section. All classified ads are limited to
                                                                                           HERE IS A PICTURE OF SADIE (WALL CANYON                                                                                                                 35 words and price is $35.00 for all categories. Sub-
                                                                                           HAMMERIN THE WAVES) “HELPING” OUT THIS                              GOT SOMETHING TO SELL? WHY NOT ADVERTISE WITH US!                                   mission deadline for classifieds is the first of the month
                                                                                           PAST SPRING GETTING THE DOCK READY FOR                              We have VHD classifieds and regular ad sizes available through the                  before the month of issue. For example: deadline for
                                                                                           THE SUMMER SEASON. SADIE LIVES ALONG                                NAVHDA store. For more information, go to our website (www.                         July issue is June 1st.
                                                                                           THE FLATHEAD RIVER NEAR BIGFORK, MON-
                                                                                           TANA AND THROUGHLY ENJOYS ATV RIDES!                       under Advertise with Us for full details.
                                                                                           SADIE WILL BE PARTICIPATING IN HER NA TEST
                                                                                           IN LATE MAY THRU THE BIG SKY CHAPTER.
                                                                                                                    ~MICHAEL STUART

                                 the M
                           to of

2022 Aims & Rules Clinics
Date           Clinic Type        Clinic Location/Chapter                   Contact                    Phone                                     E-mail
May 14-15      Aims & Rules       Gansevoort, NY/Southern Adirondack Michael DiGesare                  518/378 2070       
May 14-15      Aims & Rules       Highland, MI/South Eastern Michigan Lisa Pehur                       248/231 7957  
May 14-15      Aims & Rules       Stevens Point, WI/North Central Wisconsin Julie Carlstrom            715/421 3227             
May 21-22      Aims & Rules       Lomira, WI/Kettle Moraine                 Jaymi Busby                801/450 7639     
May 22-23      Aims & Rules       Olds, Alberta, Canada/Prairie Vista       Susan Ravenhill            584/834 5053      
June 4-5       Aims & Rules       Marine on St Croix, MN/Minnesota          Sam Snyder                 308/249 6413
June 4-5       Invitational       Bend, OR/Central Oregon                   Tiffany Farrel             541/410 4222
June 11-12     Aims & Rules       Poolesville, MD/Potomac                   Victor Kernus              703/690 3133    
June 11-12     Aims & Rules       Preble, NY/Central New York               Luigi Cannata              315/729 8037          
July 9-10      Invitational       Wellington, CO/Rocky Mountain             Sara Heesacker             970/420 3850
July 16-17     Aims & Rules       Searsboro, IA/Hawkeye                     Ronald Greeson             515/339 5487        

 Kennel Name Applications
                                    ROBERT & SCOTQUE MASSETT
                                    GRACE & JEFFREY SCHLEHUBER                     And some other important stuff
                                    ADAM SALAZAR
                                    JASON CHRISTOPHERSEN
                                                                                   you really should think about reading...
  		                                & MATTHEW SORENSON                             To all breeders: when submitting a litter registration, please
  NOVERA          GR                CHRISTA & AUDRA WARREN                         make sure to sign your application. Owners of both the sire
  ONFIRE          BS                LAURA BOECKMANN
  SENTRY           BI               DALE & LISA MOLLER                             and dam need to sign the application before you submit the
  BEARDED GUNDOGS GW                CHRIS J CALDWELL                               registration application. We also need NAVHDA DNA on both
  SIDEXSIDE       GR                KYLE J. AMUNDSON                               sire and dam of the litter.
  ADELINE         PP                BRAYTON EDLIN
  WILLOW GROVE    GS                GERARD J. CHIUSOLO                             To all members: please keep your contact and mailing infor-
  MEANDER RIVER   GS                HENRY C. STERN                                 mation up to date. Email the international office at navoffice@
  REDLEG          GS                KENNETH B. DANIEL                     with any changes.
  BRIDGE 99       PP                JAKE RAU
These applications for registration of kennel names have been received by
the NAVHDA Registry. Any objections must be written and submitted to               We are always looking for fun photos, quotes, short training
Lisa Pehur, Registrar, NAVHDA, PO Box 520, Arlington Hts, IL 60006,                tips and anything else that you’d like to share in The Forum.
on or before June 1, 2022. To obtain registration forms, write the Registrar
at the above address or go to                                      Please send to

 28                                                            Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                      May 2022    May 2022                                            Versatile Hunting Dog     •                                                     29
NAVHDA Test Results
TARHEEL                                            03/05/2022                                 2022-0001          MID SOUTH                                            02/19/2022                     2022-0007           CHATTAHOOCHEE                                      03/19/2022                          2022-0013              LONE STAR                                     04/01/2022                         2022-0019
Natural Ability                                   Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                               Owner      Natural Ability                                Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                        Owner       Natural Ability                                  Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                          Owner         Utility Preparatory Test                     Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                    Owner
ALERICH II VOM DUWELSBARG                          GW 12.42 112 I                               JOSEPH C HALL    LONGLEAF DREAM WALKIN                            GR 13.64 96 III               ALEXANDER GAMBINO        BIRCH VOM SCHWARZBAREN                            GW 9.45 110 I                        COLE WEATHERBY         SIMPLY SOUTHERN’S WINCHESTER                   PP 4.82 106       None        AMY DITTUS-STERNER
ARCHIE XVII                                         GS 15.06 112 I                              GENE MONGAN      Utility Test                                   Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                        Owner       NATIVE HEART ABIGAIL HEARTS A FIRE                 PP 8.55 107 I                      DANELLE L SNYDER        Utility Test                                 Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                    Owner
     TESTES: NEUTERED                                                                                            DUCHASSEUR LONGTEMPS ATTENDU                     GR 4.67 195 I                     KAREN N KRAUTZ       NATIVE HEART ALOTTA CASH                           PP 8.55 99 III                      CARMEN MATTOX          BONES FORK DANI GIRL                           GS 2.25 167       None           JASON L STANLEY
BRIER RIDGE NOT HOLDEN YOU BACK                     BS     7.42    84 None            SAMANTHA N CHOFFEL         FIRESIDE’S I’VE GOT U UNDER MY SKIN              GR 5.16 201 I                     KAREN N KRAUTZ           COAT HAS NO FURNISHINGS                                                                                       BITE: BUTTBITE
     USED BIRD AT WATER- COAT JUDGED DRY                                                                         PRETTY PENNY BLIZZARD                            ES 2.92 179 None               ROBERT A GORECKI II     NATIVE HEART AMERICAN GIRL                         PP 8.55       94    III            CHRISTINE FARLEY        BONES FORK THE ZEISS IS RIGHT                  GS 2.86 180 III                DARBY J STONEHAM
EVERGLADES ARCHIBALD SPITZE                     PP        12.10   108 II                 LAURIAN CRISTEA         ZEUS VON TRUSSELL                                GW 5.24 189 I                   WALTER H TRUSSELL      NATIVE HEART ANDERSON’S DREAM                      PP 8.55       99    III         CHRISTINE ANDERSON         FOURWINDS CHAPPIES SHARPSHOOTER LADY MADISON GS 3.31 168 III                MICHAEL D MAXWELL
FOWL HABITS APOLLO’S CHAPS                      GS        14.16    95 III        CHRISTOPHER W MCMURRY                             JUDGES: SHERYLE J TEPP, TIMOTHY A OTTO, MARY BRIDGET NIELSEN                          OTTERCREEK GO GO GADGET                            WM 9.48       91    III             JOSEPH J FAIRALL       GRACE VOM HIDDEN CREEK                         GS 6.08 153 None             W BRICE COTTONGAME
HEARTFIELD FISHING FOR LOVE                     GR        12.65    91 III                   WILLIAM PRICE                                                                                                                    TEMP: Sensitive                                                                                           TREIBEN’S BAYLOR OF BADER BOYS                 PP 1.90 164 III                   JUSTIN M BADER
MARZOLF X GONNA MAKE A SPLASH                   GS        14.74    99 I                   PETER VROOMAN          MID SOUTH                                            02/20/2022                     2022-0008           ROBINGUN’S DD DAGGER K ZANDORSON              SM 11.26 112 I                           JEFF B LORENZINI                       JUDGES: RONALD J STOTT, FRANK D VERRET, DAVID A TRAHAN
SOUTHERN FIRE’S JOLENE PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY MAN GR        14.52    97 III                  PHILLIP D WEBB        Natural Ability                                     Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                    Owner      ROBINGUN’S DD DEUCE K ZANDORSON               SM 11.26 106 II                         JOHN M JOHNSON
STEADY POINTS CAROLINA SKYE                     GS         9.42    83 III          CHRISTIAN D HAGERMAN          HIDDENACRES GUINNESS                                  PP 12.68 112 I                 JOHN R SALASSA     SMALL CATHEDRAL’S T MABEL ACE                 SM 8.77 108 I                          ROBERT M TYLER JR        LONE STAR                                     04/02/2022                         2022-0020
TEX CHASER FRYE                                 GS        15.94    92 III                  MATTHEW FRYE          KAMIAH’S BEX                                         GR 7.86 71 None               MICHAEL J WINSOR     STEADY POINTS JUMPING JESTER                  GS 9.87 108 II                                CRAIG CAMP        Natural Ability                              Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                     Owner
     BITE: CROSSBITE --USED BIRD AT WATER                                                                             USED BIRD AT WATER-COAT JUDGED DRY                                                                                 JUDGES: PETER B WADE, CHRISTOPHER L HAIRIE, SEAN M EWALDT                                     BLUELINE’S MIGHTY OAK                         GW 9.13 107          II              KAREN MARESH
                      JUDGES: KAREN N KRAUTZ, STEVE GREGER, JERRI A STANLEY                                      KILLBUCK’S II XOE FOXY                               PP 13.07 98         III          STACIE COOPER                                                                                                                   BONES FORK BONNIE ON THE RUN                   GS 10.13 110         I            JASON L STANLEY
                                                                                                                      BITE: BUTTBITE                                                                                     CHATTAHOOCHEE                                      03/20/2022                          2022-0014              CASTIRON CLEO’S BRUNO                          PS 9.23 82        None              BRADY TRAHAN
TARHEEL                                            03/05/2022                                 2022-0002          KILLBUCK’S II YEAGER DUKE                            PP    6.46   96     III          SHANE COOPER      Natural Ability                                  Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                          Owner         FLIGHTLEVEL HAWK TEE BERNADETTE                GS 10.40 104        III            TIMOTHY MILLER
Utility Test                                      Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                                 Owner         USED BIRD AT WATER -EYES: LT. ECTROPIC                                                             FUSSELMAN’S ATLAS                                 SM 9.42 105 II                         JUSTIN GLOVER        LAND RUNS REBA                                 PP 5.77 105          I           STEPHEN W LUNDY
BJERRINGBRO FALKO                                   GS 2.94 192 II                           KYLEY J CALDWELL    ORE BANK’S EARNING HIS STRIPES                       GR 13.04 98         III         JUSTIN JOHNSON     HIDDENACRES GAUGE                                  PP 13.61 112 I                          JAKE R JONES           TEETH: MISSING 308,406,407&408
GLITCH LOR VOM MOONLIGHT                           GW 1.74 180 III                                  SHOUA LOR         USED BIRD AT WATER                                                                                     COAT HAS NO FURNISHINGS                                                                                   LAND RUNS RED LADY                             PP 5.77 88 III                    LUCAS R BROWN
     BITE: BUTTBITE                                                                                              SCHILLING’S KATCHING THUNDERBIRD                GS 7.93 107 I                      JESSE TOUCHSTONE     KAMIAH’S BEX                                       GR     8.87   87    III            MICHAEL J WINSOR        RIO CONCHO CHARLIE’S ANGEL                     GS 9.20 108 II                     GARY D WRIGHT
ORACE DU CACHE D’OR                                 BS     3.88 163 III                      HUGH E WILSON III   SHARP M BELLAFINA                               GS 10.43 90 II                       MEGHAN A BODIE         BITE: BUTTBITE                                                                                            RIO CONCHO WANGO TANGO                         GS 9.20 99 I                      BAYLEY POLNICK
     TEETH: EXTRA 105&205                                                                                        SOUTHERN CAROLINA OF KAMIAH                     GR 10.21 96 III                    MICHAEL J WINSOR     OXBOW’S UNDER THE GEORGIA MOON                  PP 12.03 99 II                     WES CHESTER                RIPSNORTER’S ISBELLA OF LADY GRACE             PP 9.30 112 I                     JUSTIN M BADER
RGK ARIES                                           GS     2.75 144 None                NATHAN K DAVIDSON        UPSTATE TRACKERS OUT IN THE SALTY BOONEDOCKS GS 13.61 112 I                          ROBERT J ST JEAN   SMALL CATHEDRAL’S T MABEL AMOS MOSES            SM 8.81 88 None                     ANDREW PYE                TOP SHELFS YESTERTEMPEST REVA                 GW 14.63 93 None                     JEFF L JALBERT
RGK AURORA DIXIE BELLE                              GS     2.75 172 III                  MATTHEW CARROLL                          JUDGES: SHERYLE J TEPP, TIMOTHY A OTTO, MARY BRIDGET NIELSEN                           SMALL CATHEDRAL’S T MABEL ARLO                  SM 8.81 81 None               SEAN BUCKINGHAM                                 JUDGES: RONALD J STOTT, FRANK D VERRET, DAVID A TRAHAN
     TEETH: EXTRA 205,305&405                                                                                                                                                                                            SMALL CATHEDRAL’S T MABEL IDGIE                 SM 8.81 98 III                    JUSTIN GLOVER
                      JUDGES: MARK A WHALEN, JACOB D BARTELLS, JOSHUA D FLOWERS                                  TEXAS                                                03/11/2022                     2022-0009           SMALL CATHEDRAL’S T MABEL NATTY                 SM 8.81 102 III                TRAE RICHARDSON                LONE STAR                                     04/03/2022                         2022-0021
                                                                                                                 Utility Preparatory Test                            Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                   Owner       SOUTHERN CAROLINA OF KAMIAH                     GR 11.19 108 II                MICHAEL J WINSOR               Natural Ability                              Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                       Owner
TARHEEL                                            03/06/2022                                 2022-0003          BAILEY’S PEA RIVER BLU                                GS 1.22 130 III                LOGAN G BAILEY     VIZCAYA’S IN THE DRIVIN’ SEAT                  WV 15.94 95 II               BRANDON W JOHNSON                 BLACKLAND PRAIRIES WILD BILL                   GS 8.43 81 III                     NOAH CHIPMAN
Natural Ability                                   Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                            Owner              TEETH: MISSING 103                                                                                                   JUDGES: PETER B WADE, CHRISTOPHER L HAIRIE, SEAN M EWALDT                                       Gun Sensitive
BRADSHAW’S AMERICAN MAYHEM                          GS 14.19 97 III                   PHILLIP E BRADSHAW         INDIAN SUMMER’S FRITZ VON EARL                        PP 3.22 120         III     RONNIE E PINCKARD                                                                                                                   BRUNHILDA’S BABY SCHATZI                      GW 8.50 78         None             ELLIS KINGHAM
BRADSHAW’S BULL MOOSE                               GS 14.19 99 II                  CHRISTOPHER DOGNAZZI         Utility Test                                        Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                  Owner     CAROLINAS                                          03/19/2022                          2022-0015              HUN HILL ORION THE HUNTER                     GR 7.37 85           III          JAMES R KADLICK
CAPTAIN GRADY                                       PP 6.77 112 I                         CAMERON BOLTES         GRACE VOM HIDDEN CREEK                                GS 6.03 163         III   W BRICE COTTONGAME      Utility Test                                     Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                         Owner          SOUTHERN WIRES TEXAS MOON                     GW 10.17 91          III          RYAN J MCINTOSH
     TEETH: EXTRA 105                                                                                            HANK                                                  PP 3.69 123       None    LAWRENCE PATTERSON      KIMBER VOM FLOODED TIMBER                         GW 2.02 202 I                       L. SUZANN NOVAK         Utility Preparatory Test                     Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                     Owner
CROSSCREEK JAVA HOBEY’S GUNNER                      BS 14.16 96           III                     TODD LEWIS          TEETH: MISSING 106&206                                                                             ORACE DU CACHE D’OR                                BS 3.91 168 None                   HUGH E WILSON III       DEVINE’S MISS MAISEL                          GR 2.30 136        None           JAMES R KADLICK
     TEETH: MISSING 305                                                                                          RIO CONCHO HOODOO BROWN                      GS 5.67 166 None                       STEVE A SLAUSON         TEETH: EXTRA 105&205                                                                                          BITE: UNDERSHOT
ENZO FORMAGGIO                                       BI    9.84    59 None               CHRIS BLANCHETTE                       JUDGES: MICHAEL P MELOTIK, TYLER R BRUCE, KEITH H KEMMER                                 RGK WACO GAL                                       GS     2.93 137 None                   JOHN L WHITE        Utility Test                                Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                        Owner
     USED BIRD AT WATER                                                                                                                                                                                                      TEETH: EXTRA 205                                                                                          BONES FORK BLUE MOON OVER COMO                 GS 2.87 204 I                    JASON B LANDERS
FOOTHILL MAICY                                      PP 11.58 98           III                     TODD LEWIS     TEXAS                                                03/12/2022                     2022-0010           RIPSNORTER’S BRAUN BULLET                          PP     1.99 167 None                    DAVID LENOIR       RIPSNORTER’S WEREWOLF TRYST                    PP 3.71 140 None                WILLIAM H BAXTER
     TEETH: MISSING 405-USED BIRD AT WATER                                                                       Natural Ability                                     Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                    Owner      TILLY VOM TROCKEN BACH                             GS     5.51 182 III                 CIERRA PEDERSEN                        JUDGES: RONALD J STOTT, FRANK D VERRET, DAVID A TRAHAN
NE OUBLIE MIA ISLAY                                 GS 10.84 105           I             JASMINE L GRAHAM        ATTICUS GHOST CONNELLY                               WM 12.68 57 None            JEFFREY S CONNELLY     WINDCHIME’S STEAL THE THUNDER                      GS     5.58 161 III              RICHARD H OSBORNE
PANNONIA ARPAD                                      WV 12.90 110           I                   RYAN BRADY             USED BIRD AT WATER                                                                                     BITE: BUTTBITE                                                                                            FOOTHILLS                                     04/02/2022                         2022-0022
     COAT: NO FURNISHINGS                                                                                        BAILEY’S PEA RIVER BLU                               GS 14.61 112 I                 LOGAN G BAILEY                           JUDGES: DONALD W EBERSOLE II, ROBERT W GELDER, RIC KILDOW                                Utility Preparatory Test                     Breed Mo - Yr Pts   Prz                      Owner
RIPSNORTER’S GALAXY                          PP 13.52 112 I                                   MARK R JONES       BREEZY POINT’S AJAX                                  LM 15.65 102 II                   MIKE P KLEIN                                                                                                                   BEAR HUG TAKES TWO                            GR 2.48 138         III             BRYAN SINCLAIR
USZKA MAHOLANSKY LES                         SH 12.71 110 I                              KATIE E WITHOWSKI       ROCKY SPUD TAYLOR                                    GS 15.06 79 None           JOHNNA A SCHLUETER      CAROLINAS                                          03/20/2022                          2022-0016
                JUDGES: MARK A WHALEN, JACOB D BARTELLS, JOSHUA D FLOWERS                                                                                                                                                Natural Ability                                  Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                        Owner        Utility Test                                 Breed Mo - Yr Pts   Prz                      Owner
                                                                                                                      Gun Shy                                                                                                                                                                                                          LEBETTERS VALENTINE DWAYNE                     GS 2.69 166        III             PERRY C GENTRY
                                                                                                                 STELLAR VISTA STARRY NIGHT                           GR 15.16 112 I                      ALLEN KING     AUX LAKE HARPER HUNTER                            GR 12.00 82          III         ROBERT GOODFELLOW          MAXIMUS LOR VOM LEETHER-MOOR                  GW 5.11 204          I                  SHOUA LOR
LONE STAR                                          03/04/2022                                 2022-0004          STELLAR VISTA SUMMER PRAIRIE                         GR 15.16 78 None                     DREW HILL     AVA OF WHATWEDO FARM                               GS 14.97 108         I                 BRANT RAMM
Natural Ability                                   Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                                Owner                                                                                                             BIRDIE VOM SCHWARZBAREN                           GW 9.48 112           I             SCOTT J FERGUSON            TEETH: MISSING 105&205 & BITE:BUTTBITE
                                                                                                                      USED BIRD AT WATER                                                                                                                                                                                               ORACE DU CACHE D’OR                           BS    3.98 158 None               HUGH E WILSON III
BLACKLAND PRAIRIES CALPURNIA                        GS 7.48 110 I                             RENAY L THOMAS     STONEWALL’S MILO                                     GW 15.10 102        II              BRIAN HERZ     BUSY B’S BABYS GOT HER BLUE JEANS ON               SP 15.03 112         I                CLAIRE G HALL
BLACKLANDS RIO CONCHO I HAVE A DREAM                GS 7.48 112 I                               DAVID A EGGER                                                                                                            FOWL HABITS APOLLO’S CHAPS                         GS 14.65 90         III     CHRISTOPHER W MCMURRY              TEETH EXTRA 105&205
                                                                                                                      TESTES: NEUTERED                                                                                                                                                                                                 PAN AMERICAN CACTUS CAEDMAR                 PP 6.10 163 III                        JAMES HEANEY
BROKEN TINES A BOGEY                               GR 13.45 94 II                              AMY R HENDRIX     SUNDANCE MASKED RIDER                           GS 9.10 112 I                       LUKE A COCHRAN      HARRELL’S HEIDI                                    GS 13.32 90         III          MATTHEW A HARRELL
     TEETH: EXTRA 105                                                                                                                                                                                                        USED BIRD AT WATER                                                                                        SPIRIT LACONTO                              BS 4.03 169 None                     MIKE A LACONTO
                                                                                                                 TCK’S SEMPER FI                                 GS 14.23 96 III                    NICHOLAS GRIFFIN                                                                                                                                  JUDGES: RONALD J GRANAI, DONALD W EBERSOLE II, CHRISTOPHER L HAIRIE
BRUSH CREEK’S HEIDI                                 PP     9.23 106 III                         HOPE M HALEY     WOODFORD EAGLEBACK VON GASTON                   GR 14.77 106 II                 THOMAS M GASTON JR      HULK VOM SOPHIENTAL                                GS 11.42 108 II               CHRISTOPHER A PHILLIPS
CONAN HAUS IRBIS                                    GS     9.97 73 None                       RENAY L THOMAS                     JUDGES: TYLER R BRUCE, KEITH H KEMMER, STEVE A SLAUSON                                  PAIGE V.DEN BRIARWOODS                             GW 14.94 94 III               CHRISTOPHER A PHILLIPS       FOOTHILLS                                     04/03/2022                         2022-0023
     COULD NOT CHECK PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES TEETH & TESTES DUE TO DOG BEING ANXIOUS TEMP: Shy                                                                                                                                   USED BIRD AT WATER
HATTIE VOM HINTERLAND                        GS 12.03 107 II                      MARK M IVY                     TEXAS                                                03/13/2022                     2022-0011           WET ACRES MMISCHIEF MANDGE                         GR 14.42 106 I                    CHARLES ASHCRAFT         Natural Ability                              Breed Mo - Yr Pts   Prz                     Owner
PALADINS HELLFIRE MISSILE                    PP 6.23 112 I                   CALVIN PETROSKY                                                                                                                             WHATWEDO FARM’S SUGAR SHAKER                       GS 7.97 78 III                     BETH D ROBINSON         ARLO VON GOULD                                SM 7.77 93          III             KEITH D BEATY
                                                                                                                 Natural Ability                                     Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                 Owner                                                                                                                    GLACIER’S SHOW ME BONNETS AND ROSES           GR 7.43 106          II             FRED HARTLEY
PRIME TIME-GARBONITA THALER’S REMY           GS 12.06 112 I                    KIM STEINBERG                     BREEZY POINT’S ANNABELLE                             LM 15.68 102         III     MICHAEL P MELOTIK         USED BIRD AT WATER
SPARK DU DOMAINE D’IRON                      PS 13.03 110 I                  MOLLY MCCARTHY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MAPLE GROVE’S STETSON                          PS 11.47 106       III        MATTHEW D TUMLIN
                                                                                                                 BREEZY POINT’S ANNIE                                 LM 15.68 88        None      MICHAEL P MELOTIK                          JUDGES: DONALD W EBERSOLE II, ROBERT W GELDER, RIC KILDOW                                MARZOLF X GONNA MAKE A SPLASH                  GS 15.67 106         I           PETER VROOMAN
STELLAR VISTA RIPTIDE                        GR 15.00 112 I                      RYAN BORNE                      BRITTANIA’S WELL PLAYED, HARMONI                      VI 15.23 90         III          BRITT E JUNG
                 JUDGES: GEORGE A MCMAHON, FRANK D VERRET, GEOFFREY D FERRER                                                                                                                                             RAPPAHANNOCK                                       03/26/2022                          2022-0017              RAIN OF JENNY RIDGE                            GS 13.33 103         I       MICHAEL L HOLLOWAY
                                                                                                                      TEETH: MISSING 405                                                                                                                                                                                               REM LIL’PETE GUNN                              BS 14.07 108        II             GREG BURKETT
                                                                                                                 FULL CIRCLE ACE OF SPADES                            WM 12.71 80 None                   AMY LINDSEY     Natural Ability                                  Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                          Owner         ROCK CREEK GATOR                               PP 10.40 105        I              WILLIAM HALE
LONE STAR                                          03/05/2022                                 2022-0005               USED BIRD AT WATER                                                                                 BASIL VOM FLUSSDREHEN                             GW 15.65 107 I                    GABRIELLA A RAVELO
Utility Test                                      Breed Mo - Yr Pts      Prz                       Owner                                                                                                                 CARRAE’S SHOT OF NITRO                             BS 13.68 112 I                   ROBERT L SAWYER JR            TEETH: MISSING 405
                                                                                                                 FULL CIRCLE AVA                                      WM   12.71   112 I                AMY LINDSEY                                                                                                                    ROYAL S RYKER                                 GS 13.83 112         I         SAVANNAH L GREENE
GRACE VOM HIDDEN CREEK                              GS 6.01 186            II         W BRICE COTTONGAME         FULL CIRCLE C CROSS ASPEN                            WM   12.71    66 None             AMY LINDSEY      IWAN’S PRETTY DOLLY                                PP 14.29 112 I                            RYAN NEW
HENNESSY VON MAGIC CITY                             GS 1.98 140           III             RENAY L THOMAS                                                                                                                 SEVRIN’S FUEGO DE PRADERA DE BENT RIVER            BS 12.97 108 I                       MICHAEL KLINE             EYES: RT. ENTROPIC DUE TO INJURY
                                                                                                                 HEIDI VOM HINTERLAND                                 GS   12.32   107 I                 JEFF TURNER                                                                                                                   SOUTHERN FIRE’S DAY DREAM BELIEVER           GR 15.43 94 III                        NEIL C FRAZEE
LAND RUNS HANS                                      PP 1.73 176         None                JORDAN HALEY         LSR BETH ANN DUTTON                                  GS   14.23    24 None         TERESA D HUTTON          TEETH: MISSING 405
LAND RUNS HARRY PORTER                              PP 3.09 185           III             FRED L BURNSIDE             USED BIRD AT WATER - COAT JUDGED DRY Gun Shy                                                       WILLOW RIVER                                     GS 15.13 112 I                         WAYNE Z FOSTER                        JUDGES: RONALD J GRANAI, DONALD W EBERSOLE II, CHRISTOPHER L HAIRIE
     BITE: BUTTBITE: EYES: ENTROPIC                                                                              LSR RIP WHEELER                                      GS 14.23 97         II        TERESA D HUTTON      Utility Preparatory Test                       Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                             Owner
PERFECT SALLY’S ROYAL FLUSH                         GS     1.49 154 None                CLAIRISSA A MAPLES            Gun Sensitive                                                                                      BUSY B’S ALLAGASH RANGER                         SP 1.82 159 III                    ELIZABETH C LOCKETT
     LEFT LIVE GAME IN THE FIELD                                                                                 NO LIMITS LONG LIVE STEVIE RAY                       GS    9.52   58 None            ROBERT DICICCO                      JUDGES: RANDY S KING, RIC KILDOW, MAX A AUGUST
RIPSNORTER’S WEREWOLF TRYST                PP 3.64 150 None                WILLIAM H BAXTER                           USED BIRD AT WATER
               JUDGES: GEORGE A MCMAHON, FRANK D VERRET, GEOFFREY D FERRER                                                             JUDGES: TYLER R BRUCE, KEITH H KEMMER, STEVE A SLAUSON                            RAPPAHANNOCK                                       03/27/2022                          2022-0018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Natural Ability                                  Breed Mo - Yr Pts     Prz                       Owner
LONE STAR                                          03/06/2022                                 2022-0006          CHATTAHOOCHEE                                        03/18/2022                     2022-0012           FOGGY GAP WHOLE LOTTA ROSIE                       GR 11.81 112           I            TERRANCE TURNER
Natural Ability                                   Breed Mo - Yr Pts      Prz                       Owner         Natural Ability                                     Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                 Owner      PANNONIA BEKE AT ALDOTT                           WV 7.48 82          None            MELODY H CLARKE
ACE VON DEM FEUERHAUS                               GS 12.74 80         None              MEGAN K MILLER         DIRT ROAD DOG CO BOLUDO                              SM 8.97 110           I        KIRK A MATHEWS      PURE LUCK’S HOPE TOWN DRIFTER                      GS 6.81 107          II              CALVIN K SELPH
AMMO GUNNER VON DEM FEUERHAUS                       GS 12.74 112           I                  DOMINIC IZZO       Utility Preparatory Test                            Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                 Owner      SADIE DU BIOS SOLEIL                               BS 12.10 88          III             ROYCE J STEINER
ANNIE OAKLEY VON DEM FEUERHAUS                      GS 12.74 110           I             SARAH MCCRELESS         BRIELLE KENNELS RAMSEY                                BF 1.94 144       None          TREY BARNARD          USED BIRD AT WATER- TEETH: EXTRA 205
CEDARS POINT AQUILA EYES BIRDS                     SM 13.00 106           I             WILLIAM WIMBERLY                                                                                                                 SOL DU BOIS SOLEIL SUNNY                           BS 12.10 71 None                    MICHAEL C HYATT
JGD’S APOLLO FENGARI                               SM 14.58 108           II               JOHN T BEEDE JR       Utility Test                                        Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                 Owner
                                                                                                                 AUX LAKE GGEORGIA GGRIFF                             GR 2.89 143          III      MICHAEL J WINSOR         USED BIRD AT WATER -COAT EVALUATED DRY-TEETH: EXTRA 205
LAND RUN DOC                                        PP 12.90 110          I               ALEX D CASTELLVI                                                                                                               STEADY POINTS SHANE COME BACK                    GS 10.77 100 II                    CHARLES C EDWARDS
NORTH TEXAS SONNY                                   PP 14.94 102          II             TERRENCE S LUCHT             TEETH: MISSING 306 & 105 BITE: BUTTBITE
                                                                                                                 AUX LAKE ULDRICK CHESTER                             GR    6.66 188 II              WILLIAM D WILEY     Utility Test                                   Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                            Owner
SILVERSMITH SOLID GOLD                             WM 11.81 110            I               CYNTHIA PIERCE                                                                                                                FRIEDELSHEIM’S DR. FEELGOOD                      GS 3.47 201 I                      ROBERT F MINEHART
STELLAR VISTA VORTEX                               GR 6.77 108            II            GARY VANDEVENTER         FOOTHILLS CHILI H2O                                  PP    2.51 153 None             JOHN WOODALL
                                                                                                                      TEETH: MISSING 405&305-COAT NO FURNISHINGS                                                         FRIEDELSHEIM’S KICKSTART MY HEART                GS 3.47 192 I                       TIFFANY MINEHART
WHISKEYTOWN KAISER DAS BESTE ODER NICHTS GR 14.03 110 I                                         WILLIAM COOK     GUNTHER VON DER ZELL                         SM 3.26 131 None                       DAVID MATTINGLY                      JUDGES: RANDY S KING, RIC KILDOW, MAX A AUGUST
              JUDGES: GEORGE A MCMAHON, FRANK D VERRET, GEOFFREY D FERRER                                                       JUDGES: PETER B WADE, CHRISTOPHER L HAIRIE, SEAN M EWALDT

   30                                                                              Versatile Hunting Dog          •                                                                    May 2022         May 2022                                                                      Versatile Hunting Dog       •                                                                           31
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