ARCHITECTURE FOR LANDSCAPE - 2021 edition The natural enviroment as the stage for design - YAC Academy

Page created by Craig Osborne
ARCHITECTURE FOR LANDSCAPE - 2021 edition The natural enviroment as the stage for design - YAC Academy
2021 edition
          The natural enviroment as the stage for design
ARCHITECTURE FOR LANDSCAPE - 2021 edition The natural enviroment as the stage for design - YAC Academy
Special provisions for the
                                                                                             Covid-19 emergency
                                                                                              Due to the pandemic situation, in site of the courses taking place
                                                                                              between September 2020 and February 2021, YAC has taken extra-
                                                                                              ordinary measures for the best performance of its activities and to
                                                                                              facilitate access to its courses, in accordance to safety criteria.
                                                                                              As far as the 2021 programs are concerned, it is specified that:

                                                                                              1.   based on merit, 5 scholarships are provided for each course
                                                                                                   (for a total of 30 scholarships in 2021) to fully cover the enrol-
                                                                                                   lment cost;
                                                                                              2.   the course will also be open to students of architecture or simi-
                                                                                                   lar disciplines who have not graduated yet;
                                                                                              3.   although the courses will be held in person, 10 students per
                                                                                                   course will have the opportunity to participate in the courses
                                                                                                   virtually, without any limitations in participating in the work-
                                                                                                   shop and in the placement service at the end of the course.

In the cover: Tree House Module, project by Susanna Nobili, Davide Arca, Marina Ambrogio
ARCHITECTURE FOR LANDSCAPE - 2021 edition The natural enviroment as the stage for design - YAC Academy
04   YACademy

05   Where

06   Main partners

07   Reasons why
08      Lectures
09      Placement
10      Visits
11      Workshops
13      Become the protagonist

15   The course
16      Overview
17      Structure
18      Calendar

19   Program
20      Lessons
25      Lectures
29      Workshop
31      Visits

32   Placement

38   Rules

                                 Tree House Module, project by Andrea Maltinti, Giacomo Cozzi
ARCHITECTURE FOR LANDSCAPE - 2021 edition The natural enviroment as the stage for design - YAC Academy
   The greatest innovation in
   postgraduate education

   YAC is an association which promotes architectural competitions
   aimed at fostering culture and design research. Over the years, YAC
   has broadened its experience of work and collaboration with the
   main architectural firms of contemporary architecture, dealing with
   diverse and numerous topics of architectural design. Nowadays,
   YAC’s expertise can serve young designers better, providing them
   with the creation of high-level educational programs aimed at rein-
   forcing the skills of the students and offering them a valuable con-
   nection to the labour market. Thanks to the close relationship with
   internationally renowned professional and academic actors, YAC is
   the perfect frame within which complete or specialize one’s skills,
   and create a significative link with the most internationally-renow-
   ned architectural firms.

ARCHITECTURE FOR LANDSCAPE - 2021 edition The natural enviroment as the stage for design - YAC Academy
        Via Borgonuovo, 5
        Bologna, Italy

        In the heart of Bologna’s historical city center, close to the Two
        Towers and next to Piazza Santo Stefano, YACademy is located in
        a prestigious medieval building which has been renovated to wel-
        come an educational center of excellence which can also count on
        a library of more than 3.000 books donated by Sapienza University.
        YACademy is the perfect place where to continue or enrich your ed-
        ucation, in a prestigious context immersed in the commercial and
        historical centre of an always-on the-go and lively city located at a
        short distance from Rome, Florence, Venice and Milan. From Bolo-
        gna Central Station, it takes just a brief bus ride or a short pleasant
        walk under the marvellous porticos to get to YACademy’s head-
        quarters: here, among history, innovation and internationality, the
        young designers will be able to meet some of the most celebrated
        personalities of contemporary architecture and build up a network
        of excellence while laying the foundations of their future careers.

ARCHITECTURE FOR LANDSCAPE - 2021 edition The natural enviroment as the stage for design - YAC Academy
Main sponsor                                                                                                                                                                                                       Workshop

Founded in 1989, Scrigno is a leader in the      Manni Group, a historic company founded in         Terreal Italia is a company specialized in the     Urban Up is the real estate project of Unipol      The World Wide Fund for Nature was
design, manufacturing and marketing of           1945 in Verona, works in the field of steel pro-   production of terracotta building envelope         Group aimed at enhancing some of the most          founded in Switzerland in 1961 and today
exclusive counter frames for disappearing sli-   cessing, insulated metal panels, renewable         systems, which has been able to transfer           important architectures in Italy which are         is the most important organization in the
ding doors and windows, 100% Made in Italy.      energies and energy efficiency. Manni Group        to an industrial level an ability historically     owned by the Group through works of mo-            world for the safeguard of the nature. 60
The company is based in Sant’Ermete, in the      provides innovative systems, products and          born on an artisanal level. The firm is part       dernization and renovation that combine an         years after its foundation, it has more
municipality of Santarcangelo di Romagna         skills for the dry construction industry. It       of the multinational Terreal, world leader in      innovative drive with the respect for tradition.   than 5 million members spread over 5
(Rimini), occupying a site of 50,000 sq.m.       promotes new scenarios in order to remove          the brick sector with premises all over the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          continents and projects for the safeguard
Its production facilities are located in Savi-   energy waste and polluting emissions in the        world. From January 2018 we acquired the           The Urban Up project, which started from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          of nature in over 100 countries.
gnano sul Rubicone, only a few kilometres        existing estate stock. Thanks to new buildin-      Pica brand, an important historical company        city of Milan with the redevelopment of some
away, with a total covered surface area of       gs or new retrofitting architectures, it sup-      in the clay building sector, together with the     key-buildings of the city, history-wise and po-
30,000 sq.m. With 300 employees, 400,000         ports the real estate fileds or design firms to    already well-known brand SanMarco.                 sition-wise, continues in various Italian cities   The logo of the Panda is one of the most
counter frames manufactured every year and       reach a high value for their projects based on                                                        with interventions that both promote their         iconic and appreaìciated worldwide: it is
exported to over 30 countries, Scrigno boa-      the prnciples of sustainability and know how       Terreal Italia’s operations are based on the       own trophy assets but also regenerate urban        a symbol of commitment, tangibility and
sted a turnover of about 87 million euro in      in construction.                                   key principles of tradition, innovation, resear-   suburbs, by declining the value of sustainabili-   positivity towards the protection of natu-
2019 - 50% of which recorded abroad - and is                                                        ch, quality, safety and sustainability. Terreal    ty in the real estate field through the adoption   ral ecosystems and the future of human-
positioned as a solid group on the market, as    Thanks to its 75-years experience, its com-        Italia’s terracotta products - from mediter-       of design solutions inspired by environmental      kind.
well as a benchmark for its sector. Since 27th   mitment, its long-term vision and remarkable       ranean roof tiles to flat roof tiles, soft mud     safeguard.
June 2018, the company is part of the fund       dedication, the group has dealt with several       bricks to wire cut bricks, terracotta flooring                                                        All the WWF projects and activity are key
Clessidra Capital Partners 3, managed by         market changes. It was able to wisely adapt        to architectural elements, slabs to ventilated                                  in stopping the destruction of the envi-
Clessidra sgr, the leading manager of Priva-     to new international business scenariosand         facades - are characterised by extremely                                                              ronment and helping the humankind lead
te Equity funds exclusively dedicated to the     embrace the Circular Economy philosophy.           high performance standards and rigorous                                                               a life that is more in harmony with nature.
Italian market. The operation opened a new                                                          quality control, and are available in a wide
path for Scrigno. Thanks to significant finan-                                     range of shapes, colors and finishes.
cial resources devoted to its expansion plan,
the Group will pursue its internationalisation                                            
and diversification strategy with a renewed

ARCHITECTURE FOR LANDSCAPE - 2021 edition The natural enviroment as the stage for design - YAC Academy
Reasons why

Tree House Module, project by Lukas Frenzel , Sophia Antonia Lieberich
ARCHITECTURE FOR LANDSCAPE - 2021 edition The natural enviroment as the stage for design - YAC Academy
Reasons why | LECTURES

01. Learn from the great masters

                            YACademy offers training courses in which young people can learn
                            from the experience and testimony of some of the most illustrious
                            names of design. An extensive offer of special lectures, together
                            with numerous moments for informal discussion, will give the stu-
                            dents the opportunity to both enrich themselves with design refe-
                            rences and suggestions, and to get to know and chat personally
                            with the great masters of contemporary architecture.

1. Eduardo Souto de Moura
2. Kazuyo Sejima - SANAA
3. Shigeru Ban - Shigeru Ban Architects
4. Pippo Ciorra and Carlo Ratti
5. Michele De Lucchi
6. Kengo Kuma - KKAA

ARCHITECTURE FOR LANDSCAPE - 2021 edition The natural enviroment as the stage for design - YAC Academy
Reasons why | PLACEMENT                                                                                                              Oslo
                                                                                                                                     2 Rintala Eggertsson
                                                                                                                                     1 Jensen & Skodvin
                                                                                                                                                                                           8 Kengo Kuma and
                                                                           Toronto            Dublin                                                                                       1 Emmanuelle Moureaux
                                                                                                                                                                                           Architecture + Design
                                                                         2 Partisans          2 Mccullough
                                                                                              Architects           London          2 UNStudio               Rotterdam
                                                                                                                   1 Zaha Hadid                                  3 OMA
                                                                                                                   2 all Design

02. Work with great firms                                                                                        Paris
                                                                                                                 2 Jean Nouvel
                                                                                                                 Design                      Basel                                       Innsbruck
           At the end of the program, participants are guaranteed a proposal of                                                              2 HHF Architects                            3 Snøhetta                       Merano
           collaboration or internship to carrying out specific communication
                                                                                                                            Milano                                                                       3 Markus Scherer Architekt
           projects within one of the professional firms of YAC’s network, either                                                                                                             Turin
           important companies or established architectural firms. This stage                                               2 Edoardo Tresoldi
           of the program is a fundamental distinctive feature of the service                                               1 Stefano Boeri Architetti                      2 Carlo Ratti Associati                       Genua
                                                                                                                            3 Lombardini 22
           offered by YACademy, aimed at guaranteeing students an effective
                                                                                                                            6 David Chipperfield Architects Milan                           Bologna        1 Atelier Alfonso Femia
           career orientation service.                                                                                      1 Studio Urquiola                                                 13 MCA
                                                                                                                            10 AMDL CIRCLE
                                                                                                     Barcelona                                                  2 Alvisi Kirimoto
                                                                                                     1 EMBT Miralles
                                                                                                     Tagliabue                    Madrid                        3 Ateliers Jean Nouvel
                                                                                                                         1 Nieto Sobejano
                                                                                    4 Aires Mateus
                                                                                    1 Carrilho da Graça
                                                                                    Arquitectos                                                                                                        Syracuse
                                                                                                                                                                                   5 Vincenzo Latina Architetti
                                           2 El Equipo Mazzanti
                                                                                                                                                                                                           2 Anupama Kundoo
                                            Santiago de Chile                                                                                                                                              Beijing
                                           2 Duque Motta & AA                                                                                                                                              1 Vector Architects

ARCHITECTURE FOR LANDSCAPE - 2021 edition The natural enviroment as the stage for design - YAC Academy
Reasons why | VISITS

03. Enjoy a full and exciting experience

            Design feeds on perceptions: suggestions and references that only
            direct experience can offer. For this reason, YACademy courses are
            also composed of a series of visits and trips aimed at enriching the
            cultural baggage of the students so they can improve their design
            approach. Surveys, building-site visits and company visits complete
            the offer of a program that is based on experience by leading stu-
            dents to get in touch with some of the most excellent firms on the
            Italian and international scenario.

Reasons why | WORKSHOP

04. Designs for prestigious clients

            After the lectures, students will develop a real project under the su-
            pervision of a renowned architectural firm. Through the workshop,
            the students will therefore not only have the opportunity to learn the
            processes and methodologies used by their tutor, but also to enri-
            ch their curriculum with new design experience (whose outcome is
            often realized) for some of the most prestigious clients in the world.

Reasons why | WORKSHOP


Reasons why | BECOME THE

05. Build your professional image

           The core of the academy is the enhancement of the young people
           who are part of it, helping them to lay the foundation for a pro-
           fessional growth and affirmation even beyond the duration of the
           training program. In this sense, the academy places student at the
           center of a wide and prestigious media circuit, oriented to tell their
           design and talent, both through specific communication projects,
           and through the collaboration with press and various newspapers
           that report to YAC.

The course

Hyperloop Desert Campus, project by Manuel Eduardo Lopez Delprato, Florencia Lucia Ruiz, Francisco Javier Hinojosa Medina
The course | OVERVIEW

Brief                                                                   Scolarships
                                                                        5, full-coverage of the enrollment fee                                    Objectives
From Stonehenge to Greek temples, architecture is the signature                                                                                   The “Architecture for Landscape” course aims at training profes-
of humankind on landscape, the artificial element that has always       Course period                                                             sional designers who are able to intervene on astonishing and mo-
been connected to the natural environment. Architecture and land-       September 2021 - November 2021                                            numental natural contexts. Thanks to the workshop activities, the
scape are linked by a fundamental continuity that is now starting to                                                                              designers will be able to interpret the characteristics of the natural
fade, damaging the quality of the space we dwell.                       Attendance to lessons                                                     environment to transform it into a fine setting for elegant, sustai-
                                                                        3 days per week (physically or virtually)                                 nable and integrated architecture. The course aims at providing the
More than ever today, landscape is a precious heritage that archi-                                                                                students with skills that are immediately usable and at granting a
tecture can and must enhance, while protecting it to pass it on to                                                                                focus on the choice of materials, technologies, elements of sustai-
future generations: architects shall not give up on working on land-    Maximum number of students                                                nability and care of different botanical items. Moreover, through
scape, instead they should be able to design architectures that re-     25 in presence + 10 online                                                their internships in well-renowned professional firms, the students
spond to each landscape’s specific feature and generates wonder-                                                                                  will gain an efficient link to the labor market.
ful and unique spaces.                                                  Language
The “Architecture for Landscape” course was created on these
                                                                                                                                                  Professional qualifications
                                                                        Elements of innovation
premises: it aims at training designers who are able to meet the
diverse needs of transforming territories, enforcing an attentive and                                                                             The students will gain and improve their skills regarding architectu-
productive dialogue with the surrounding landscape to respond to                                                                                  ral design in prestigious landscape contexts, materials, design te-
the needs of prestigious clients in outstanding contexts. Through a     • It is the first course that gathers a ten-year experience in restora-   chnologies and strategies for protection and enhancement of the
thorough analysis of the natural world, light and geomorphological        tion and enhancement of historical architectures and offers it as       natural features of landscape.
features of terrains, the designers will become more and more able        an educational program;
to reconnect human design to the natural environment and be in-
spired by landscape to design outstanding, sustainable and impres-
                                                                        • within a two-month course, the students are offered a presti-
                                                                          gious range of future job opportunities;
sive architectures.                                                     • the course envisages and aligns different educational tools (les-
                                                                                                                                                  The admission to the course is based on the evaluation of:
                                                                          sons, workshops, internships, company visits);
The course will be made up of 82 hours of lessons, a 32-hour wor-                                                                                      • curriculum vitae, also in European format
                                                                        • the course offers new highly-specialistic competences like bota-
kshop and multiple lectures by well-renowned professional archi-                                                                                       • motivational letter (max. 200 words)
                                                                          nics, lighting design and landscape design;
tects. At the end of the course, YACademy Placement office will                                                                                        • portfolio
                                                                        • the workshop deals with a real design case and offers a great
guarantee each student a proposal for an internship / collaboration                                                                               In order to ensure the best quality of teaching and the most effec-
                                                                          opportunity to analyze and realize the outcome design.
within the partner studios.                                                                                                                       tive absorption of the students in the labor market, the course will
                                                                                                                                                  have a limited number of students (max. 35); it will be delivered
                                                                                                                                                  in Italian and addressed to students and graduates who have ob-
                                                                                                                                                  tained a master’s degree in Architectural Sciences or other equiva-
                                                                                                                                                  lent titles. The commission, in line with the preliminary assessment,
                                                                                                                                                  together with the outcome of a possible interview, may admit stu-
                                                                                                                                                  dents with different qualifications.

The course | STRUCTURE

82 hours
                                                                        INTERIOR DESIGN AND SUSTAINABILITY | 6 HOURS
                                                                        Circular economy, ethic, sustainability at the design scale
                                                                        Pierluigi Masini | Quotidiano Nazionale
                                                                                                                                               SANCTUARIES WITHIN LANDSCAPE: RUTA DEL PEREGRINO
                                                                                                                                               Simon Frommenwiler | HHF Architects

                                                                                                                                               NYC IN GREEN: THE HIGHLINE
THEORIES AND HISTORY OF LANDSCAPE | 6 HOURS                             TOWARDS URBAN AFFORESTATION | 6 HOURS                                  Matthew Johnson | Diller Scofidio + Renfro
Historical and artistic itinerary of the evolution of the concept of    Spaces and visions for a biological, social and cultural coexistence
landscape                                                               Sara Gangemi e Maria Chiara Pastore | Stefano Boeri Architetti         JUVET LANDSCAPE HOTEL: IMMERSED IN LANDSCAPE
Manuel Orazi | Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio                                                                                          Torunn Golberg | Jensen & Skodvin
                                                                        CLIMATE POSITIVE LANDSCAPE | 6 HOURS
CONCEPT DESIGN | 8 HOURS                                                Protocols and methodologies for sustainable design                     WATER AND ARCHITECTURE: GRACE FARM
The genesis of a design idea                                            Lucio Brotto | ETIFOR                                                  Kazuyo Sejima | SANAA
Massimo Alvisi | Alvisi Kirimoto
                                                                        COEXISTENCE OF SPECIES | 6 HOURS                                       SHIROIYA HOTEL: MELTING ARCHITECTURE AND NATURE
ART IN NATURE | 8 HOURS                                                 Comprehension and protection of biodiversity                           Sou Fujimoto | Sou Fujimoto Architects
Contemporaneity in places                                               Marco Galaverni | WWF
Emanuele Montibeller | Arte Sella                                                                                                              SHAPED BY THE SURROUNDINGS: THE WHALE
                                                                        TECHNOLOGIES AND MATERIALS FOR LANDSCAPE                               Lars Johan Almgren | Dorte Mandrup
PLANTS | 6 HOURS                                                        Products solutions and materials to enhance landscape
Features and behaviour of the plants and how to choose the right ones
Antonio Perazzi | Studio Antonio Perazzi
                                                                        Partner companies
                                                                                                                                               32 hours
Management and realization of green areas                               Lectures                                                               DESIGN OF OBSERVATION POINTS AND WWF RESEARCH
Federico Ratta | Frassinago - Gardens and Landscapes
                                                                        UNDERWATER LANDSCAPE: UNDER                                            Francesca Singer | SANAA
EXTREME ARCHITECTURE | 6 HOURS                                          Peter Zöch | Snøhetta
The mountains’ teaching, remote places and impossible building
sites                                                                   ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE: FOZ TUA DAM                                 Placement
Roberto Dini | Politecnico di Torino                                    Eduardo Souto De Moura
                                                                                                                                               At the end of the course, YACademy’s Placement office will guaran-
BUILDING WITH TIMBER | 6 HOURS                                          SEMI-OUTDOOR SQUARE                                                    tee every student an internship or collaboration proposal in one of
Techniques and possibilities in building with timber                    Junya Ishigami | Junya Ishigami + associates                           our partner studios relevant to the course topic, among which:
Mauro Frate | Mauro Frate Architetti
                                                                        LANDSCAPE SANCTUARIES: THE EARTH STATIONS                              Snøhetta - Diller Scofidio + Renfro - Espen
THE GENERATION OF LANDSCAPE | 6 HOURS                                   Nicholas Bewick | AMDL CIRCLE
Creating places                                                                                                                                Surnevik - LAND - AMDL CIRCLE - MCAr-
Andrea Balestrini | LAND                                                ICE AND FORESTS: VISION FROM THE NORTH                                 chitects
                                                                        Dagur Eggertsson | Rintala Eggertsson
SUSTAINABLE DESIGN | 6 HOURS                                                                                                                      includes workshop
Principles of sustainability and bio-architecture                                                                                                 includes visit
Edoardo Milesi | Edoardo Milesi & Archos

The course | CALENDAR

Applications opening

3rd May 2021
Applications deadline

9th July 2021
Publication of the provisional ranking

19th July 2021
Enrollment fee payment deadline

23rd July 2021
Publication of the official ranking

2nd August 2021
         Lessons start

         6th September 2021
         Lessons end

         8th October 2021
         Workshop start

         11th October 2021
         Workshop end

         12th November 2021


Tree House Module, project by Shanil Riyaz, Maria Eapen
Program | LESSONS

6 hours                                                                            8 hours                                                                              8 hours

Theories and                                                                       Concept design                                                                       Art in nature
history of landscape
Historical and artistic itinerary of the                                           The genesis of a design idea                                                         Contemporaneity in places
evolution of the concept of landscape

Manuel Orazi                      The course aims at offering students a se-       Massimo Alvisi                     The aim of the course will be to consolidate      Emanuele                         The course will retrace the events and
ACCADEMIA DI                      ries of technical and cultural references        ALVISI KIRIMOTO                    and structure the compositional methodo-          Montibeller                      methodologies tested in Arte Sella, one of
ARCHITETTURA DI                   useful for the development of their creativi-                                       logy specific to each student. Through the        ARTE SELLA                       the most well-known and most prestigious
MENDRISIO                         ty. Through the analysis of realized projects,      Massimo Alvisi was born         course, students will have the opportunity to                                      art parks in the world. Through the story of
                                                                                   in Barletta in 1967 and gra-                                                            He was born in 1959. In
                                  students will get an overview of the main        duated with Honors at the          deepen their own way of synthesis of the va-      1986, Emanuele Montibeller       the installations housed in the park, and the
   He graduated in Archi-
tecture from IUAV in 2001         and most famous architectures that have          University of Florence in 1994     rious requests that contribute to the project,    founded Arte Sella. This is a    in-depth study of the artists who worked
and obtained a PhD in Hi-         defined a virtuous and fascinating relation-     with a n international disser-     in order to design an original architectural      project aimed at creating a      there, the students will acquire a methodolo-
story of Architecture and Ci-                                                      tation in collaboration with                                                         place of encounter, dialogue
                                  ship with the environment in which they          the École d’Architecture de        proposal that responds to the set program.        between artists and ideas        gy of approach to the natural element both
ties in Venice in 2007. Since
2002, he has been working         were inserted. Completion of the course          La Villette. During university,    Enhancement of history, respect of budgets,       sharing. Such project highli-    as a source of inspiration and as a scenario
as a writer for Quodlibet         will be completed by the testimonies of the      he receives a Scholarship to       functions, fulfillment of regulatory bindin-      ghts the importance of the       that is able of stimulating, influencing and
(a publishing company in                                                           study in Darmstadt, Germany,                                                         Valsugana valley in the inter-
                                  many special lecturers and a more extensive      where he studies environmen-       gs, response to technical and performance         national dialogue between        finally welcoming the architectural interven-
the province of Macerata),
where he works particularly       reflection on the meanings of landscape, in-     tal sustainability with Thomas     needs, definition of the user experience and      creativity and natural world.    tion. The module will highlight the elements
on the publication and dif-       tended both as a natural reference (with real    Herzog. He was a Design            prevision of related perceptions: only by         He is artistic director and      of continuity between landscape and human
fusion of architectural titles,                                                    Architect for Renzo Piano                                                            curator of cultural projects
                                  and distinguishable physical elements) and       Building Workshop from 1995        responding to each one of these requests,         for the association Arte Sel-    intervention, and will allow designers to ac-
mainly for “Abitare” and
“Habitat”. He taught History      as a cultural horizon (interpreted by archi-     to 2002 until the completion       will it be possible for the project proposal to   la both in Italy and abroad.     quire sensitivity in the interaction between
of Architecture and Theories      tects, intellectuals and creatives).             of the Auditorium Parco della      include complex and meaningful architectu-        He helped creating the route     what is natural and what is artificial. The
of Architectural Research                                                          Musica in Rome. In 2002,                                                             ArteNatura, which is a forest
                                                                                   together with Junko Kirimoto,      res that do not exhaust their identity in the     itinerary studded by works       experience will be completed by a moment
at UNICAm (Ascoli Piceno),
Universities of Bologna                                                            he founds studio Alvisi Kirimo-    generic and arbitrary expression of the ar-       of art made by masters of        of creative workshop oriented to reading the
and Ferrara. He has held                                                           to in Rome. He works mainly        chitect’s aesthetic orientation.                  the Art in nature. Some of       landscape for the setting of an artistic in-
seminars and conferences,                                                          in architectural design in the                                                       them are Nils-Udo, Chris
                                                                                   urban and social field. He                                                           Drury, Patrick Dougherty,        stallation concept at the park. If the weather
among others, also at the
Architectural Association of                                                       was a technical counsellor for        includes workshop                              Michelangelo Pistoletto.         conditions allow it, the students will have
London. He works regularly                                                         Casa Italia and he tutors G124                                                                                        the opportunity to visit to Arte Sella.
for the magazines “Domus”,                                                         project of architect Renzo Pia-
“Log”, “Icon Design” and “Il                                                       no aimed at repairing suburbs.
Foglio”. Among his most                                                            Since 2018, he lectures within                                                                                           includes workshop
recent publications, together                                                      the course in “Architecture
with Yona Friedman, he wro-                                                        for Heritage” at YACademy in
te The Dilution of Architectu-                                                     Bologna and he taught Urban
re (Park Books, 2015).                                                             History at the Faculty of Bu-
                                                                                   ilding Engineering and Archi-
                                                                                   tecture of the University of Tor
                                                                                   Vergata, Rome (2014-2016).
                                                                                   He held seminaries, workshop
                                                                                   and lecture internationally,

                                                                                   among which “working in the
                                                                                   Urban Periphery” at the Royal
                                                                                   Academy of Arts in London
Program | LESSONS

6 hours                                                                            6 hours                                                                           6 hours

Plants                                                                             The garden site                                                                   Extreme
Features and behaviour of the plants and                                           Management and realization of green areas                                         The mountains’ teaching, remote places
how to choose the right ones                                                                                                                                         and impossible building sites

Antonio Perazzi                 On very different scales, the landscape to-        Federico Ratta                    The course is designed as an evolutionary       Roberto Dini                      In the contemporary world, an important
STUDIO ANTONIO                  pic has gained a key role in architectural         FRASSINAGO -                      interpretation of a medium-high level site      POLITECNICO DI                    change of perspective makes the mountains
PERAZZI                         and urban design and has become an in-             GARDENS AND                       for a landscape project concerning a private    TORINO                            an extraordinary field of exploration from a
                                spiration, a tool, a decoration. Knowing the       LANDSCAPES                        property. Through the presentation of some                                        scientific, mountaineering and cultural point
   Antonio Perazzi studies                                                                                                                                              He is an architect, a
at the Polytechnic of Milan     plants in their ecological features allows                                           case studies, the course aims at providing      researcher and a teacher          of view, increasing the human attendance
                                                                                      Federico Ratta graduates
and at London Kew Royal         the designers to complete their project in         in Agriculture and in Land-       the cultural, critical and methodological to-   of Architectural and Urban        of remote places at high altitudes and ma-
Botanic Gardens. In 1998,       its smaller details. The project is complete       scape architecture in Genoa       ols for managing and organizing all the in-     Composition at Polytechnic        king it necessary to create shelters such as
he opens his own studio                                                            and in Turin. He is design                                                        of Turin. His work at the
and carries out projects        when it is able to relate to the territory, with                                     terventions that turn the project phase in a    Mountain Architecture Insti-      refuges and bivouacs. These structures are
                                                                                   manager for Frassinago, a
and advisory activities for     a biological continuity or contrast. For land-     Bologna -based firm which         real building site. From the planning process   tute focuses on architecture      the result of an extraordinary “design enga-
some of the most important      scape designers, botanics are a tool and an        applied the Design & Build        to the daily management of all the actors       and alpine landscape in the       gement”, an interesting test bench for is-
architectural studios and                                                          approach to thel Garden and                                                       modern and contemporary
societies of Engineering. He    inspiration: an approach to connect different                                        involved in the realization of a garden, the    age. He is the editor of «Ar-     sues such as the rationalization of the living
                                                                                   Landscape Design field for
has carried out both private    environments for them to dialogue both with        the first time in Italy. With a   course will describe the process of project     chAlp» and the author of ar-      space, the use of new materials and con-
and public projects in Italy    the artificial and natural world. During the       specialization in high-level      realization up until the phase of the blosso-   ticles and essays published       struction techniques, energy efficiency, the
and abroad, and has wor-                                                           parks and private gardens,                                                        in books and Italian and
ked in France, Russia, India,   course, decoration, useful and adaptable                                             ming and further planning of the garden.        international magazines.          sustainability of the interventions and the
                                                                                   Frassinago has realized
Austria, Canada, Usa, China,    plants will be analyzed in connection to ma-       several projects in Italy,                                                        Among his books: “Rifugi          relationship with the landscape. The installa-
Kuwait and Morocco. He          terials and surfaces.                              Switzerland, France and in           includes visit to Frassinago                 e bivacchi. Gli imperdibili       tion of an architecture at high altitudes ne-
was professor at the Polyte-                                                       the Persian Gulf. Federico                                                        delle Alpi” (2018, con Luca
chnic of Milan and has held                                                                                                                                          Gibello e Stefano Girodo),        cessarily implies the resolution of complex
                                                                                   collaborates in the drafting
lectures and workshops in                                                          of articles for several archi-                                                    “Architetture del secondo         construction and logistical problems, impo-
many Italian and foreign                                                           tectural publications, inclu-                                                     Novecento in Valle d’Aosta”       sed by the total immersion in a glacial and
universities. He works with                                                        ding Paysage, Elle Decor                                                          (2018), “Rifugiarsi tra le vet-
national and international                                                                                                                                           te. Capanne e bivacchi della      mineral world, climatically and morphologi-
                                                                                   and Gardenia.
newspapers, he published                                                                                                                                             Valle d’Aosta dai pionieri        cally extreme, materializing the most vivid
“Contro il Giardino” with Pia                                                                                                                                        dell’alpinismo a oggi” (2016,     manifestation of the concept of “limit”. It is
Pera for Ponte alle Grazie                                                                                                                                           con Luca Gibello e Stefano
and “Foraverde” for Maestri                                                                                                                                          Girodo), “Alpi Architettura.      precisely the need to respond to the severe
di Giardino, with a preface                                                                                                                                          Patrimonio, progetto, svilup-     boundary conditions and at the same time
by Gilles Clément. For ten                                                                                                                                           po locale” (2016), “Architet-     to make the best use of the scarce resour-
years now, he has published                                                                                                                                          tura alpina contemporanea”
the monthly column “Busti-                                                                                                                                           (2012). Since 2012, he has        ces offered by the place, that triggers the
ne di Paesaggio” on Garde-                                                                                                                                           been a founding partner and       possibility of tacking constraints and critical
nia.                                                                                                                                                                 vice-president of the asso-       issues in as many opportunities and design
                                                                                                                                                                     ciation Cantieri d’Alta Quo-
                                                                                                                                                                     ta. He loves alpinism and         ideas, formulating knowledge, technologies,
                                                                                                                                                                     skialpinism, he enjoys being      innovative construction solutions and virtuo-
                                                                                                                                                                     in the mountains in every         us cultural models, transferable even to ordi-

                                                                                                                                                                     season of the year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       nary contexts.
Program | LESSONS

6 hours                                                                         6 hours                                                                          6 hours

Building with                                                                   The generation                                                                   Sustainable
timber                                                                          of landscape                                                                     design
Techniques and possibilities in building with timber                            Creating places                                                                  Principles of sustainability and bio-

Mauro Frate                      Among the main building materials, timber      Andrea Balestrini                The expectations, weaknesses and po-            Edoardo Milesi                Designing in prestigious landscape contex-
MAURO FRATE                      is used both as a cover and a structure of     LAND                             tentials of the society materialize in the      EDOARDO MILESI & ts obviously requires a particular attention
ARCHITETTI                       those architectures that are deeply con-                                        landscape that was generated by it. Today,      ARCHOS                        to the sustainability and biocompatibility
                                                                                   Andrea Balestrini studied
                                 nected to landscape. Following the specific    architecture and landscape
                                                                                                                 pandemic has highlighted man’s constant                                       issues. Therefore, the course will treat the
   Mauro Frate graduated                                                                                                                                            He studies at IUAV and
                                 features of the workshop topic, the course     planning at Polytechnic of       and growing desire to interact in social life   graduates at Polytechnic      main techniques and strategies to design
with top marks in Archi-
tecture at IUAV in 1989,         offers the students an advanced technical      Milan and at the University      and to have a more accessible relation with     of Milan with Franca Helg     low-impact environmental and energetic
                                                                                of Stuttgart, and he attend                                                      in 1979. He is an expert in
where he later taught and        knowledge of the performative and structu-                                      nature, as a fundamental prerogative to im-                                   architectures (from how to choose non-pol-
                                                                                different courses in arbori-                                                     environmental-landscape
researched sustainable           ral features of different materials, of the                                     prove the quality of life. The landscape de-
architectures and urban                                                         culture, European planning                                                       protection and has obtained luting materials to sustainable design).
projects. He participated        main processing techniques, use and design     and sustainable consul-          signer’s role is to mediate between the built   numerous specializations,     Through an analysis of the main technical
in numerous university           of timber buildings. Thanks to this course,    ting. During his studies he      environment and cultivated nature, with an      among which Religious         solutions on the market, the students will
research activities and his                                                     focused on the topic of                                                          Architecture and The Art of
                                 the students will learn how to design archi-   landscape design, green
                                                                                                                 eye on sustainability which considers its ho-   Gardens. In 1989, he founds also reflect on the use of the natural featu-
works have been presented
in international exhibitions     tectures which can integrate the maximum       infrastructures, and water       listic components: environment, society and     Archos studio which wor-      res of landscape or architectural artifacts to
like the Biennale of Veni-       wellness for people with the issues of ener-   sensitive urban design in        economy. This course aims to provide an         ks on different scales and    obtain low-energetic-impact architectures
ce. He has designed and                                                         European cities but also                                                         settings but is characterized
                                 gy saving and respect of the environment,                                       overview of the dynamics of landscape tran-     by a coherent method and      that are at the cutting edge performance-wi-
realized public, industrial                                                     metropolis such as Seoul,
and commercial buildings,        which timber design allows to achieve and      Cairo and Lima, where he         sformation, from the post-industrial phase      by a continuous research      se.
public spaces, redesigned        optimize.                                      worked with the Municipal        to the current historical moment of environ-    on environmental, social
agricultural, industrial and                                                                                                                                     and building elements of
                                                                                Office for Green Areas and       mental transition, by analysing international   Architecture. Besides his
historical areas. In 1996, he                                                   Parks (SERPAR) in colla-
founded Studio Architer; in                                                     boration with the research
                                                                                                                 trends and policies (such as Green Deal, the    work activity, he participa-
2009, he founds MFa_Mau-                                                                                         New European Bauhaus, and the Nature-ba-        tes actively in the cultural
                                                                                project LiWa and local
ro Frate architetto. His de-                                                                                                                                     debate on contemporary
                                                                                universities and NGOs. After     sed solutions strategy), but also landscape     architecture and is intere-
sign, didactic and research                                                     his professional experiences
activities are all reported in                                                                                   development best practices drawn from the       sted in the dissemination
                                                                                at the University of Stuttgart                                                   of knowledge. In 2008, he
specialized publications and                                                    (Department of landscape         LAND’s (Italy, Germany, Switzerland) expe-
in Italian and international                                                                                                                                     founds and starts directing
                                                                                design and ecology; De-          rience.                                         the magazine “ARTAPP”. In
specialized magazines.
                                                                                partment of Urbanistic) and                                                      2012, he founds the Cultural
                                                                                landscape studies, from                                                          Association Scuola Perma-
                                                                                2014 he works at LAND                                                            nente dell’Abitare.
                                                                                Italia, where he deals with
                                                                                territorial plans, governance
                                                                                strategy, masterplan, Euro-
                                                                                pean projects. From 2019
                                                                                is the head of the LAND
                                                                                Research Lab ®, a research
                                                                                unit applied to the service of

                                                                                LAND Group society.
Program | LESSONS

6 hours                                                                          6 hours                                                                          6 hours

Interior design and                                                              Towards urban                                                                    Climate Positive
sustainability                                                                   afforestation                                                                    Landscape
Circular economy, ethic, sustainability at                                       Spaces and visions for a biological, social                                      Protocols and methodologies for
the design scale                                                                 and cultural coexistence                                                         sustainable design

Pierluigi Masini               Sustainability is a prerequisite for those who    Sara Gangemi e                  Today, 54,5% of the world population lives in    Lucio Brotto                    To build is not a sustainable action, if the
QUOTIDIANO                     design, and a goal to achieve by 2030 for         Maria Chiara Pastore            cities, where 80% of the world wealth is cre-    ETIFOR                          modern technologies allow to realize more
NAZIONALE                      companies. The world of design is called to       STEFANO BOERI                   ated and 75% of the world CO2 emissions                                          performing properties, most of the CO2
                                                                                                                                                                     He is forester specialized
                               an epochal challenge, even more after the         ARCHITETTI                      are generated. On these premises, it is clear    in Sustainable and Respon-      emitted in the life of the building insists on
   A professional journalist
since 1991, he graduated       Covid-19 emergency: creativity at the servi-                                      to see that, over the next decades, huma-        sible Investments. Lucio        the construction phases. In global context,
                                                                                   Sara studied at Polytech-                                                      Brotti is active in develo-
with honours in Literature     ce of the individual and the community, in        nic of Milan (M.Arch.2005)      nity will shape its future and that of other                                     where there is a growing construction de-
and History of Art, at the                                                                                                                                        ping, auditing consulting,
                               fast times and with the ongoing global com-       and in 2014 she obtained        species, in the city. Nevertheless, cities are   providing technical advice,     mand, and a commitment shared by the
Sapienza University of                                                           her Doctorate in Environ-
Rome. He holds two ma-         petition. The course will extend the concep-                                      very complex place that are now subject to       fundraising, and training       main government agenda oriented to reduce
                                                                                 mental and Landscape                                                             for both timber and ecosy-
ster’s degrees in marketing    ts of eco-compatibility from the architectural    Planning at La Sapienza Uni-    an environmental crisis and an unstoppable                                       emissions and protect natural resources, the
and communication and                                                                                                                                             stem services projects. He
                               container to its interior, defining sustainabi-   versity of Rome. From 2017      demographic growth; urbanization often           accumulated experiences         designer ability to take into consideration
digital marketing. He writes                                                     she joined Stefano Boeri
about design for Quotidiano    lity as the key of the design choices, both as                                    threatens and destroy natural resources;         in Italy, Costa Rica, Hondu-    environmental criteria and real tools making
                                                                                 Architects, as senior land-                                                      ras, Haiti, Colombia, Peru,
Nazionale (il Giorno, Resto    an evolution of the parameters of value and       scape architect. She deals      here, different visions of the world, material                                   an impact assessment of his own choices,
del Carlino, La Nazione),                                                                                                                                         Brazil, Argentina, DR Congo,
                               the search for new materials and production       with landscape masterplan,      and immaterial conditions are in conflict.       Uganda, Angola, Kenya,          becomes essential. The course will provide
after being deputy director                                                      complex processes of urban
of Il Resto del Carlino. He    processes. The course will focus on the pro-                                      Therefore, it is not enough to care about        Morocco, Tunisia, Cambodia      to participants several specialized conten-
                                                                                 and public space transfor-                                                       and Vietnam. Typically, he
collaborates with the web-     cesses that are necessary to grant a sustai-      mation.                         principles, values and needs of our species                                      ts, such as MARC method – to buildings
sites The Voice of New York                                                                                                                                       is involved with sustainable
                               nable design, providing students with tools                                       only: instead, we have to reasset ourselves      planning and management         realization that catch more CO2 than they
and Vai Elettrico. He was                                                           Maria Chiara directs the
a visiting professor at the    for the evaluation of what is proposed by the                                     in the bigger perspective of our planet’s fu-    of forests according to         emit, e FSC protocols. Moreover, during the
                                                                                 Department of Research at                                                        voluntary certification stan-
University of Urbino; he is    market, and to favor different business mo-       Stefano Boeri Architects;       ture. What can architecture and design do                                        course students will review the most recent
also a member of the Ma-                                                                                                                                          dards such as the FSC and
                               dels that focus on profit for the territory and   she is a professor at Polyte-   to include nature as a funding element, not      carbon standards.               practise on the experiential side (green care,
nagement Committee of the                                                        chnic of Milan. Her current
marketing, communication       the environment before any other interest.                                        just ornamental? How can these disciplines                                       forest bathing, food forest, etc.), and some
                                                                                 job includes the research for
and new media courses of                                                         the development of Foresta-     dialogue with natural processes? Which are                                       design examples of Italian and foreign im-
Alma Graduate School in                                                          mi 2030, a project of urban     the spatial conditions for inclusion of biolo-                                   plementations, including also in develop-
Bologna, a member of the                                                         forestation that promotes
scientific committee of The                                                                                      gical, social or cultural differences? Should                                    ment countries.
                                                                                 the construction of a Metro-
Design Prize in Milan. He is                                                     politan Park and encourages     we consider new urban ethics that are not
part of the scientific com-                                                      policy of urban silviculture    anthropocentric?
mittee of VID, Venice Inno-                                                      in the Metropolitan City of
vation Design. He teaches                                                        Milan; the construction of
design history at Raffles                                                        the “Water Vision” for the
Milano, fashion and design                                                       masterplan of Tirana (Alba-
institute. He wrote the book                                                     nia) 2030.
on Gabriella Crespi (Odoya,

Program | LESSONS

6 hours

Coexistence of                                                                     Technologies and
species                                                                            materials for landscape
Comprehension and protection of                                                    Products solutions and materials to enhance
biodiversity                                                                       landscapepaesaggio

Marco Galaverni                  Even before being an aesthetically connoted       PARTNER             The course focuses on what are the ne-
WWF                              perceptive unit, the landscape is a habitat of    COMPANIES           cessary aspects to integrate contemporary
                                 coexistence of a great diversity of species.                          intervention on landscape, through a con-
  PhD in Biodiversity and
Evolution at Bologna Uni-        To preserve ecosystem not only means to                               scious use of materials. Thanks to the sup-
versity, for over twelve years   protect the visual qualities and the aspect of                        port of the leading companies in the sector,
he has been studying the         the place, but also protect the species that                          this course will offer an aesthetic, technical
wolf in Italy and in the world
and has on his credit do-        live there and that contribute themselves,                            and performance description of some ma-
zens of scientific articles      with their different interaction, to the physi-                       terials, together with an in-depth study of
for international magazines.     cal and environmental quality of the place.                           methodologies for choosing them according
He had already started his
collaboration with ISPRA         The course aim to transmit the importance                             to performance, budget, and characteristics
(Higher Institute for Envi-      of the ecosystem protection and its benefits                          of the specific architectural context. A se-
ronmental Protection and         on human species. Thanks to various insi-                             ries of visits to the companies will provide
Research), where he is the
current Program and Italy        ghts related to the workshop site, the course                         contact with the different applications of
WWF Oasis Director. He has       will also review tools, methodologies and                             materials and understanding the nature of
always been passionate of        actions carried out by WWF in the last deca-                          the various building products also in relation
dissemination and a regular
guest for different television   des with aim of safeguard and re-establish                            to their production phases. The module will
show, such as Geo.               important ecosystem on the national terri-                            be completed with the settling the bases for
                                 tory.                                                                 the workshop project.

Program | LECTURES

Peter Zöch                       Eduardo Souto De                         Junya Ishigami
Snøhetta                         Moura                                    Junya Ishigami + associates
Underwater landscape: Under      Engineering and landscape: Foz Tua Dam   Semi-outdoor square

   Peter Zöch joined                Eduardo Souto de Moura                   Junya Ishigami founded
Snøhetta Studio Innsbruck        was born on the 25th of                  the firm junya.ishigami+as-
in 2018, where he overse-        July, 1952, in Oporto, Portu-            sociates in 2004 in Tokyo;
as communications and            gal. He studied architecture             the firm gained international
business development.            at the School of Fine Arts in            recognition following the
He studied Landscape             Oporto, receiving his degree             completion of the Kanagawa
Architecture in Vienna and       in 1980. In 1974 he colla-               Institute of Technology’s KAIT
Manchester, as well as           borated in the architectural             Workshop in 2007, which
Communication Manage-            practice of Noé Dinis. From              was awarded the Architectu-
ment at Danube University        1975 to 1979 he collabo-                 ral Institute of Japan Prize
Krems. From 2000 to 2015         rated in the architectural               in 2009. Similar success
he was an editor of Topos –      practice of Álvaro Siza.                 followed with exhibitions at
The International Review of      From 1981 to 1991, he was                Venice Architecture Bienna-
Landscape Architecture and       assistant professor in his               les, the latter of which being
Urban Design, and Garten         alma mater, and later began              awarded the Golden Lion for
+ Landschaft, the German         to serve as professor in the             Best Project of the 12th Bien-
landscape architecture ma-       Faculty of Architecture in               nale in 2010. The office has
gazine. From 2015 to 2018        the University of Oporto.                continued to enjoy growing
he was Director Communi-         Own office since 1980. He                foreign attention for the wide
cations of the internationally   has been visiting professor              range of design possibilities
renowned lighting design         at the architectural schools             we explore, from numerous
office Bartenbach. Peter         of Paris-Belleville, Harvard,            exhibitions and installation
has also been working as a       Dublin, ETH Zurich, Lausan-              projects, such as ‘Ballon’
university lecturer and as a     ne and Mantova. He has                   and ‘Table’, to large scale
freelance author and curator     participated in numerous                 construction commissions:
in the fields of landscape ar-   seminars and given many                  current projects include a uni-
chitecture, architecture and     lectures both in Portugal                versity multi-purpose plaza
urban design. Peter served       and abroad. His work has                 and a garden café in Japan,
as a member of the Nomi-         appeared in various publi-               the redevelopment of the
nations Committee as well        cations and exhibitions. In              Russian Polytechnic Museum
as a member of the Jury for      2011 he received the Pri-                in Moscow, and the Park
the IFLA Sir Geoffrey Jel-       tzker Prize and in 2013 the              Groot Vijversburg Project
licoe Award in Landscape         Wolf Prize.                              in the Netherlands. Regard-
Architecture.                                                             less of scale, each project is
                                                                          approached from a limitless
                                                                          and open-ended creative per-
                                                                          spective to deliver a unique
                                                                          and inspiring outcome.

Program | LECTURES

Nicholas Bewick                    Dagur Eggertsson                         Simon Frommenwiler
aMDL CIRCLE                        Rintala Eggertsson                       HHF Architects
Landscape sanctuaries: the earth   Ice and forests: vision from the North   Sanctuaries within landscape: Ruta del
stations                                                                    Peregrino

   Nicholas Bewick was                Dagur Eggertsson is to-                  Simon was born in 1972
born in Newcastle Upon             gether with Sami Rintala the             in London. In 1994–2000
Tyne, Great Britain and            founder of Rintala Egger-                he studies at ETH Zurich
undertook his architectural        tsson Architects, a Norway               and until 2003 he coopera-
studies at Canterbury Scho-        based architecture firm,                 tes with Bearth & Deplazes
ol of Architecture and is a        which bases its activities on            and Skidmore Owings &
member of the RIBA. Fol-           public art, architecture and             Merrill. Member of the BSA
lowing his practical training      urban planning. Since the                since 2010, he has been
and initial professional expe-     establishment in 2007, Rin-              Guest Professor at the Joint
riences at Michael Hopkins         tala Eggertsson Architects               Master of Architecture in
Architects in London he            have developed projects                  Fribourg, Associate Profes-
moved to Milan in 1985 to          around the world and their               sor at ENSA Strasbourg and
undertake a Master in Desi-        work has been exhibited at               Lecturer of Architecture at
gn at the Domus Academy.           the Venice Biennale, Maxxi               Massachusetts Institute of
After completing the course        Museum in Rome and the                   Technology in 2014. He is
he started his long term col-      Victoria & Albert Museum                 currently a leading archi-
laboration and partnership         in London among others.                  tect at HHF Architects and
with Michele De Lucchi. The        The company has received                 co-founder since 2003.
success of projects for Deu-       prestigious awards over the
tsche Bank and Deustche            years such as The Global
Bahn led to the foundation         award for Sustainable Archi-
of Studio and Partners whi-        tecture, Architizer + Award
ch he helped lead. Nicho-          and the Travel & Leisure
las re-entered Michele De          Award. Their projects and
Lucchi Studio (Now called          texts have been published
AMDL Circle) in 2010 where         in renowned architecture
he has been responsible for        magazines around the glo-
projects such as the UniCre-       be. Dagur Eggertsson has
dit Pavilion in Milan. Today       taught architecture in Euro-
he is the studio art director      pe and North America. He is
leading research and con-          currently a Gensler Visiting
cepts for the development          Professor at Cornell Univer-
of ltalian and international       sity in New York.
architectural projects.

Program | LECTURES

Matthew Johnson                 Torunn Golberg                       Kazuyo Sejima
Diller Scofidio + Renfro        Jensen & Skodvin                     SANAA
NYC in green: the highline      Juvet Landscape Hotel: immersed in   Water and architecture: Grace Farm

   Matthew Johnson started         Torunn was born in                   Kazuyo Sejima (b. 1956,
his collaboration at Diller     Norway in 1966. She gra-             Ibaraki, Japan) studied
Scofidio + Renfro (DS+R)        duated from the Oslo                 architecture at the Japan
in 1999. He has been the        School of Architecture and           Women’s University. In 1987
Project Architect of the        Design in 1992 and joined            she opened her own studio
High Line since it’s con-       Jensen & Skodvin Architects          Kazuyo Sejima & Associa-
ception in 2004. Matthew        in 1995 after a period of            tes, and then in 1995, to-
has extensive experience        private practice and em-             gether with Ryue Nishizawa,
in design and realization of    ployment at various offices          she founded SANAA. SANA-
multi-media art, performing     since 1992. In 2011, she             A’s main works include the
arts, and exhibition design.    became a partner at Jensen           21st Century Museum of
He has historically led the     & Skodvin. In her practice,          Contemporary Art in Kana-
independent art projects        she works with the projects          zawa, the Rolex Learning
at DS+R, including Off the      from the development of an           Center (Ecole Polytechnique
Cuff, an installation for       idea to finished building in         Federale de Lausanne), and
Damn Magazine during the        various projects like private        the Louvre-Lens. In 2010
2017 fuorisalone in Milan;      housing, public buildings,           Kazuyo Sejima was appoin-
Musings on a Glass Box, an      landscape and local de-              ted director of the Venice
immersive installation at the   velopment. Since 2010,               Biennale. In the same year,
Fondation Cartier in Paris      for some periods, she has            Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue
and the public space media      been at the Oslo School of           Nishizawa of SANAA were
“infoscapes” of the Lincoln     Architecture and design as           the recipients of the Pritzker
Center for Performing Arts      a tutor and as a part-time           Architecture Prize. She is
Redevelopment Project.          associate professor.                 currently a professor at the
                                                                     Polytechnic University of
                                                                     Milan, Yokohama Graduate
                                                                     School of Architecture (Y-G-
                                                                     SA), and teaching at Japan
                                                                     Women’s University and
                                                                     Osaka University of Arts as
                                                                     a visiting professor.

Program | LECTURES

Sou Fujimoto                               Lars Johan Almgren
Sou Fujimoto Architects                    Dorte Mandrup
Shiroiya Hotel: melting architecture and   Shaped by the surroundings: The Whale

   Sou Fujimoto was born                      Lars Johan Almgren com-
in Hokkaido in 1971. He                    pleted his architectural de-
graduated from the Depart-                 gree at the Royal Academy
ment of Architecture, Fa-                  of Fine Arts in Copenhagen
culty Engineering at Tokyo                 in 2013. After studying
University and established                 architectural interventions
Sou Fujimoto Architects in                 in sensitive historic sites in
2000. In 2018, he won two                  Rome, he went on to create
International Competitions                 award winning competition
for the Village Vertical in                designs for Erik Giudice Ar-
site of Rosny-sous-Bois and                chitecture in Paris and Kjel-
for the HSG Learning Cen-                  lander Sjöberg Architecture
ter in Saint Gallen. In 2017,              in Stockholm. In 2016 he
he was the winner of two                   joined Danish architecture
International Competitions,                Studio Dorte Mandrup. With
for the Nice Meridia and the               his abstract and artistic
Floating Gardens in Brussel.               mindset, he plays a key role
In 2016, he has won the 1st                in the competition phase of
prize for “Pershing”, one of               a project – bringing form
the sites in the French com-               and concept to life. Lars has
petition called ‘Réinventer                an unmistakable flair for ae-
Paris’, following the victo-               sthetics, experimental curio-
ries in Invited International              sity, and a deep contextual
Competition for the New                    understanding, exemplified
Learning Center at Paris                   in a wide range of high-profi-
- Saclay’s Ecole Polytech-                 le projects, spanning across
nique and the International                scale and borders. Lars as
Competition for the Second                 poured his distinctive talent
Folly of Montpellier in 2014.              into the development of
In 2013 he became the                      projects like The Whale, the
youngest architect to design               Exile Museum in Berlin, and
the Serpentine Gallery Pavi-               the conceptualization of the
lion in London. His notable                exhibition Conditions at the
works include; “Serpenti-                  Architecture Biennale 2018.
ne Gallery Pavilion 2013”
(2013), “ House NA” (2011),
“Musashino Art University
Museum & Library” (2010),
“Final Wooden House”

(2008) and many more.
Program | WORKSHOP
32 hours

Design of observation points
and WWF research center

Francesca Singer                The workshop will represent the occasion
SANAA                           of practical synthesis to test all the notions
                                available through the other teaching modu-
   Francesca Singer gradua-     les, ensuring strategic answers with respect
ted at Politecnico di Milano
in 2005, and studied at the     to a real architectural design. The course will
Yale School of Architecture     be carried out in collaboration with the WWF
(March II 2010). She wor-       Italy for the design of different observation
ked in New York for Selldorf
Architects and for RAMSA.       points and a research center in the natural
Since 2011 she has been         reserve of Valle Averto. As a natural compen-
working for SANAA / Ka-         dium of extraordinary charm, Valle Averto is
zuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishi-
zawa, Tokyo. For SANAA,         located in one of the most unique historical
she has followed several        and natural contexts in the world: the lagoon
international projects throu-   of Venice. It is the perfect synthesis between
ghout all phases, from
Competition to the end of       human-induced activity and natural element
Construction, including the     and among the WWF oasis, is particularly
project for Bocconi Univer-     suited for the formation of biodiversity of
sity Urban Campus in Milan.
Since 2016, she is Teaching     humid zones, allowing a great observation on
Assistant of Sejima’s Archi-    the wildlife, but in proximity of infrastructures
tecture Studio at Politecnico   that can offer an efficient research network.
di Milano.
                                Through the workshop students will have the
                                opportunity to measure up with a unique and
                                uncontaminated landscape, and to collabo-
                                rate with on of the most prestigious and in-
                                ternationally important ecologist association.
                                For a more proper interiorization of the place,
                                students will have the chance to stay and at-
                                tend the class for three days at Valle Averto.

Program | WORKSHOP

                     Valle Averto

                                    Unique protected area of the Veneto’s lagoon, Valle Averto repre-
                                    sents a natural context of extraordinary charm and interest. From
                                    its watchtowers, in fact, not only it is possible to see hawks, herons,
                                    and elegant flamingos, but – during the days with clear sky - it is
                                    also possible to see the Campanile of San Marco Cathedral and
                                    the domes of San Giorgio Church, in Venice. Natural compendium
                                    full of charm and suggestion, Valle Averto is the result of century of
                                    human-induced activity, that is persistent and stratified in a harmo-
                                    nious contrast of embankments and canals, resulting from a com-
                                    plex work of hydraulic engineering aimed at regulating the salinity
                                    of the lagoon, and therefore, at monitoring the movements of fish
                                    species. Valle Averto is the quintessence of lagoon landscape, with
                                    several shades of colour that change from lush to rusty according to
                                    the light of the seasons. Here, among rushes, water lilies and sal-
                                    twort, native turtles share their home with badgers, foxes, and pink
                                    flamingos, in a vibrant mosaic of life and species, that rightfully con-
                                    stitute a naturalistic area of international importance.

Program | VISITS

        Oasi di Valle Averto
        The course will open with three days visit to Valle Averto. Together
        with the WWF responsible and some of the professors, students
        will have the opportunity to deep and experience the Oasis of Val-
        le Averto, in order to understand its peculiarities and to gain a full
        awareness of the workshop site.

        Frassinago Studio founded in 2006, Bologna, with its green indoor
        and outdoor spaces represents a real dictionary of garden design.
        Aesthetic quality, and design coherence take their form in natural
        spaces intensively liveable during the full year. The Studio combines
        the most different skills- from botanic to design, from agronomy to
        architecture and it moves through the strong principles that contri-
        bute to the value of the project and to the experimental evolution of

        Arte Sella
        Among the main art parks in Europe, Arte Sella is the stratification
        of the intervention of some of the most illustrious art and archi-
        tecture exponents. Through a visit to the park, students will have
        the opportunity to understand the relation between contemporary
        though and natural element, in order to regenerate their own appro-
        ach and the method of relation with the landscape.

           * the timing and methods of the visits will be confirmed according to the regulatory evo-
        lution regarding the containment of the contagion from Covid-19

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