Page created by Bertha Mcbride
                                                                                         GOOD PEOPLE. GOOD LIVING.
         od p
                eople good living
                                                                                                                SUMMER, 2021

                                    From The Desk of Mayor Mark:
                                     Hudsonville is Open for Business!
Dear Friends & Neighbors,
I am pleased that we are once again able to be out in the community with one another. As the summer unfolds we
have seen a number of businesses investing, or reinvesting, in our vibrant city. I want to take a moment to highlight
a few of the new and growing businesses popping up in Hudsonville.
•         Located on the corner of 32nd Avenue and Highland Drive, Betten-Baker Buick GMC is now open and serving the
          Hudsonville area. Boasting both a new-car dealership and a pre-owned car dealership, we are excited to see the
          automotive industry growing in our community.
•         O’Reilly Auto Parts on Balsam Drive has also recently opened their doors to the Hudsonville community, and is the
          first auto parts store located in the city.
•         Life EMS is constructing a new Ambulance Transfer Station on Highland Drive, where ambulances will prepare to
          be dispatched into the region.
•         Bosco’s Pub, our newest Hudsonville restaurant, is now open for dine-in and take-out. Located Terra Square,
          Bosco’s features a full bar, delicious burgers, wraps, and an outdoor patio.
•         Talsma Furniture is just finishing a 13,434 square foot addition to their flagship store on Chicago Drive. This
          addition also includes a full building face lift.
•         Hudsonville High School has begun construction of their newest expansion, a connection of the two buildings
          over Buttermilk Creek. This expansion also includes the construction of a 3,700-seat field house and numerous
          improvements and upgrades for our rapidly growing school district. Hudsonville is now the largest school district
          in Ottawa County, covering approximately 80 square miles.
•         Finally, we are very excited to be welcoming Benefit Twice Outlet Stores (B2) to downtown Hudsonville in early
          August. B2 Outlets has seen tremendous growth since opening their first store in Hudsonville and they can now
                                                                 be found all over the region. B2 currently occupies two
                                                                 buildings on Balsam Drive, but they are in the process of
                                                                 re-locating downtown into the former Family Fare building
                                                                 on Cherry Avenue.
                                                                  I am encouraged by all of the ongoing growth and success
                                                                  that Hudsonville businesses are experiencing. Thank you
                                                                  for supporting our local businesses and caring about our
                                                                  community. As you continue to explore all Hudsonville has
                                                                  to offer this summer, I encourage you to appreciate all of
                                                                  the amazing people, businesses, and amenities that make
                                                                  Hudsonville an incredible place to live.
                                                                                                                 -Mayor Mark
Terra Square has
           Space for You
         Are You Planning a...
•   Wedding?            •   Baby/Bridal Shower?
•   Wedding Reception? •    Anniversary Party?
•   Open House?         •   Birthday Party?
•   Holiday Party?      •   Business Meeting?
•   Retirement Party?   •   Conference?
                        •   Or Other Gathering?

                                                                  What's That You Ask?
                                                               The newest addition to our vibrant art on Harvey
                                                               Street is a tomato bike rack! Feel free to give your bike
                                                               a rest on it the next time you're exploring downtown.

Our event spaces are now open and we are looking
forward to hosting your next event!
Terra Square offers two different event spaces that
can accommodate groups of all sizes. Featuring large
open spaces, affordable and competitive pricing, and
all-week availability, we are the perfect location for
your next special event.
To see a full list of amenities and rental options,
please visit
For more information, please contact our Market/
Event Manager, Teri Schut, at
                                                                             Nature Hikes or 616.669.0200 x 1416.             Did you know that City Naturalist Craig Elston leads
                                                           various nature hikes in the Hudsonville Nature Center
                                                           throughout the summer? Here are the upcoming summer
                                                           hikes for you to join:
                                                           •     July 20 - Kids' Scavenger Hunt @ 10 am
                                                           •     August 8 - Prairie Flowers and Ecology @ 2 pm
                                                           •     August 17 - Morning in the Prairie @ 9 am
                                                           •     September 19 - Early Autumn and Trees @ 2 pm
                                                           To participate in a hike, simply join Craig at the Nature
                                                           Center entrance on New Holland Street at the date and
                                                           time listed.
                                        Hudsonville Hometown News · Page 2
Summer Tax Bill Update
Summer tax bills will be arriving in your mailbox soon if
they have not already done so.
                                                                  Open DDA Board Seats
Please note that if your Taxable Value is less than          The Hudsonville Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
$65,980, your winter taxes will be shifted to your           is currently seeking three individuals to join the board. The
summer bill. There was an overall decrease of 0.0961         DDA’s purpose is to ensure the correction and prevention
mills in the 2021 rates compared to those of 2020. Tax       of deterioration in business districts, the encouragement
deferrals for those who qualify must be requested no         of historic preservation, the creation and implementation
later than September 15, 2021; the forms are available       of development plans in the district, and the promotion
online or at City Hall.                                      of economic growth in the Downtown Business District.
Summer Taxes are due August 16, 2021. Postmark               Currently the DDA is focused on several key areas:
dates are NOT accepted. You are encouraged to use our
                                                             •   Redevelopment sites: The DDA has acquired a
payment drop box located in front of City Hall between
                                                                 number of redevelopment sites and is currently working
the flagpoles.
                                                                 to build private/public partnerships that further the
Please call 616.669.0200 x1420 if you have any                   downtown development vision.
questions regarding your 2021 Summer Tax bill.
                                                             •   Public Parking: The DDA is working to identify addi-
                                                                 tional opportunities to increase available parking in the
                                                                 rapidly growing downtown.
                                                             •   Support of Festivals & Events: The DDA contributes
                                                                 financially to support community festivals and events,
                                                                 including Happenings on Harvey, Concerts on the
                                                                 Green, Urban Hay Day, the Holiday Parade, and the
                                                                 Christmas Tree Lighting.
                                                             •   Beautification: The DDA financially supports several
                                                                 beautification efforts in the community, including the
                                                                 summer flower pot service, United States flags on
                                                                 Chicago Drive, Christmas decor on Chicago Drive and
                                                                 downtown, celery crosswalk paintings, and light-pole

      Hiring Firefighters                                    Qualified candidates include individuals with an ownership
                                                             or business interest in property in the district or a
Looking for an exciting opportunity to serve the             downtown resident. If you or someone you know is inter-
community? The City of Hudsonville is currently seeking      ested in serving on the DDA, please contact Lauren Foley at
on-call firefighters. Interested candidates who live or or 616.662.0900.
work within the city limits should apply at City Hall, or
contact Dick Mohr at

                                           Hudsonville Hometown News · Page 3
 of Hudsonville
                Gary Byker Library
                   Services, Programs & More!

                                                                      September 2                     September 9
                                                                     Book Club
                                                                for Serious Readers         War, Waves, and New Beginnings:
                                                                Caste by Isabel Wilkerson    Life in the Netherlands in WWII

                                                                      September 4                    September 11
 Enjoy critically-acclaimed movies, inspiring
 documentaries, award-winning foreign films,                                                       Cherokee Swirl or
                                                                     Craft Program                Butterfly Curl Design
 classic cinema, independent films,
 educational videos, and more!                                                                         October 2

                                                                                                     Craft Program

                                                                                                       October 7
                                                                                                Classics Book Club
                                                                                             Death Comes for the Archbishop
                                                                                                    by Willa Cather

                     Unlimited access                                                                 October 14
                     to 1,000+ online
                     art & craft
                     video classes                                                                   Beekeeping
                     taught by

                                                                                                Fitness Class ($5/class)
                   You’re more creative than you think.

Ancestry offers the world’s largest online family
history resource, with instant access to hundreds of
years of history in billions of historical documents,
millions of historical photos from all over the world,          Maker                                 √ Stories!
plus local narratives, oral histories, indexes, and
other resources in over 30,000 databases.
                                                               Mondays                                √ Songs!
                                                                                                      √ Fingerplays!

See the full Calendar of Events for details & to register for programs!
                                 3338 Van Buren St. | 616.669.1255
              Note: All programs held subject to restrictions on public gatherings for health & safety.
                                          Hudsonville Hometown News · Page 4
Reminders on Rules & Regulations
                        DRIVEWAYS                                                          FENCES
•    Curb Cut Permit: $40 - Required for any driveway that        •   Zoning Compliance Permit is required for any fence work.
     requires a newly poured curb cut.                            •   Maximum height of fence in side or rear yard is 6’ 4”.
•    Right-of-Way Permit: $50 - Required for any work             •   Maximum height of fence in front yard is 3’.
     performed within the public right-of-way.
                                                                  •   Property owner is responsible for verifying it is on their
•    Annual License: $25 - Required for any person                    own property.
     performing work for compensation in the public
     right-of-way, certification of insurance required.           •   The more desirable side of the fence must face the
                                                                      neighboring property.
•    Driveways must be at least 1’ from the property line,
     as long as storm water drainage isn’t affected.
•    A Zoning Compliance Permit is required for expanding               TREES IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY
     a driveway in any way from its existing footprint.           •   Maintenance of trees, shrubs, lawns, and other
•    No permit is required for replacing asphalt or                   landscape elements in the public right-of-way, and
     concrete between the sidewalk and the house, as                  adjacent to private property is the responsibility of the
     long as storm water drainage isn’t affected.                     property owner.
                                                                  •   The city's responsibility is to ensure trees do not
                                                                      create a nuisance, hazard, or impedance to the public
                                                                  •   The city has the right to trim or remove the tree(s)
                                                                      obstructing the right-of-way.
                                                                  •   The city does regularly trim trees extending above
                                                                      streets and sidewalks to maintain safe passage and
                                                                  •   Trees are not normally removed at the request of a
                                                                      property owner.
                                                                  •   The city may contact a property owner to communicate
                            FIRES                                     the need to have tree trimming or removal done.
•    Small fires are permitted solely for recreational
     purposes, such as barbecues and campfires. A permit                LANDSCAPING, MOWING GRASS, AND
     is not required.                                                               EDGING
•    A member of the fire department or Sheriff's Office
     may require a fire to be extinguished if it is hazardous     •   No branches or landscaping shall
     or a nuisance to the general public or neighbors.                interfere with the sidewalk (keep
                                                                      hedges and trees trimmed back).
                                                                  •   Grass shall not be above 8” in
          TEMPORARY PORTABLE SIGNS                                •   Do not mow or blow grass into
•    Temporary Portable signs are only allowed on a resi-             the street.
     dent's or business's own property unless they have           •   When      mowing       weed-whip
     the express written permission of another property               around      fences,    mailboxes,
     owner.                                                           telephone poles, or street signs
•    A portable sign permit is required for any businesses            on your property.
     to install temporary signage.                                •   Edge the curb and sidewalk in front of your home or
•    Temporary signs may be out for up to two - weeks at              business.
     a time with two week breaks in between for a total of        •   Do not pile landscaping and other materials in the road.
     60 days per calendar year.
•    Temporary signs are not allowed in the right-of-way,
     which is the space between the sidewalk and the                            NO PARKING ON GRASS
     road.                                                        •   No vehicle or trailer of any kind is allowed to be parked
                                                                      in the grass within the front or side yard of a property.
    If you have a question on any of these regulations, contact   •   Boats and RVs are only allowed to be parked in the
        the Planning & Zoning Department at 616.669.0200              driveway for no more than three consecutive days.
                                                 Hudsonville Hometown News · Page 5
Summer Activities

        Farmers Market                                                      Safety Night
                                                               The Hudsonville Fire Department and Ottawa County
The Terra Square Farmers Market is now open!                   Sherrif's Office for the City of Hudsonville are hosting
Our market is family-friendly and full of fun. We host         their annual Safety Night event on Tuesday, September
a wide variety of vendors, who offer delicious baked           14 from 4 - 7 pm.
goods, organic soaps, meats and cheeses, fresh fruits          We invite you to bring your entire family to Hughes Park
and vegetables, and much more. Come join us every              to see fire trucks, K-9 Units, tow trucks, safety equipment,
Wednesday and the last Saturday of the month (through          and so much more! This is a free family friendly event.
September) from 9 am – 1 pm.
                                                               Hot dogs, chips, and drinks will be provided (while
Interested in being a vendor at the market? Contact our        supplies last) for everyone that comes through the event.
Market Manager Teri Schut at 			                               Mark your calendars for this awesome community event! 616.669.0200 x 1416, or visit
our website at                             Interested in volunteering at one of our community
                                                               events? Contact Kailee Potgeter,
                                                      or 616.669.0200 x 1421 for
                                                               more information on getting involved.

                                                                       Hudsonville Fair
                                                                The Hudsonville Fair is August 23 - 28.
                                                                For more information on the weekly schedule, activities,
                                                                and admission visit

    Happenings on Harvey
There is still time to come enjoy Happenings on
Harvey on Thursday nights in July from 6-8 pm!
Gemmen's Ace Hardware proudly sponsors these street-
fair events filled with tons of free family activities. Each
night includes live music, kids' activities, dessert trucks,
and a unique theme for the event.
•   July 22 - Carnival Night
•   July 29 - Tropical Night
Full details about all of the fun can be found at
                                             Hudsonville Hometown News · Page 6
Think Native & Natural                                          Ottawa County Survey
A few small changes in your lawn-care practices can mean
a healthier garden and less pollutants for our waters:
•   Consider using organic fertilizers such as bone meal,
    blood meal, compost, or organic blends. No matter
    what product you use, though, be sure to follow the
    manufacturer’s directions for application rate and
•   Spread a thick layer of mulch in gardens (except for
    heat-loving veggies like tomatoes), around shrubs,
    and under trees to reduce water evaporation from
    the soil. It also keeps the ground cooler, keeps plants
    happier, and inhibits weeds.
•   Let your grass grow. The ideal length depends upon
    the type, but the general rule of thumb is to never
    cut more than a third of the blade. And when you cut
    it, leave the grass clippings on the lawn. It’s the best
    kind of fertilizer!
•   Consider letting your lawn go dormant, if there’s a
    drought. It will come back in the fall.
•   Consider planting more native plants; they tend
    to need less care, require little or no irrigation or
    fertilizer, are resistant to local pests and disease, and
    provide habitat for native wildlife species.

Conserving water when you’re working outdoors can
reduce the potential for contaminants to wind up in local
waters. Here are a few ways to water without waste:
•   Established lawns are happy with one inch of water
    per week, including rainfall. And if you must water,
    try just once a week for a deep soaking.
•   Adjust sprinklers so that they don’t water paved
    surfaces. In the event that it’s unavoidable, direct the
    flow of water toward your lawn or garden.
•   Check the weather forecast, if you have automatic
    sprinklers; be sure they aren’t programmed to come
    on in the rain.
•   Don’t water in the heat of the day. Watering early in
    the morning or in the evening minimizes the water
    lost to evaporation.                                           Water Quality Report
•   Consider using slow-watering techniques such as
                                                                 Your annual report on the source and quality of your
    drip irrigation or soaker hoses. They are considerably
                                                                 drinking water is available online at:
    more effective than sprinklers at getting the water
    where it’s supposed to be.                         
Source:                                                          To receive a paper copy in the mail, contact Jill Frielink at
                                                        or (616) 669-0200 ext. 1424.
                                              Hudsonville Hometown News · Page 7
             od p
                    eople good living

City of Hudsonville
3275 Central Blvd.
Hudsonville, MI 49426

Phone: 616.669.0200

Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
       Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

                                        Your City Commissioners & Staff
 Mayor                                                       Mark Northrup                       (616) 662-2663      
 Commissioner - Ward 1                                       Toben DeVree                        (616) 283-9346           
 Commissioner - Ward 1                                       Gary Raterink                       (616) 669-6191         
 Commissioner - Ward 2                                       Dan Bolhuis                         (231) 206-0584          
 Commissioner - Ward 2                                       Greg Steigenga                      (616) 669-2336       
 Commissioner - Ward 3                                       Philip Leerar                       (616) 450-5126            
 Commissioner - Ward 3                                       Larry Brandsen                      (616) 304-4116        
 City Manager                                                Patrick Waterman             (616) 669-0200 x 1418      
 City Clerk                                                  Jill Gruppen                 (616) 669-0200 x 1436         
 Finance Director                                            Keyla Garcia                 (616) 669-0200 x 1420            
 Facilities Director                                         Mike Kloosterhouse           (616) 669-0200 x 1425  
 Planning/Zoning Director                                    Dan Strikwerda               (616) 669-0200 x 1414          
 Economic Development Director                               Lauren Foley                 (616) 669-0200 x 1411              
 Terra Square Market/Event                                   Teri Schut                   (616) 669-0200 x 1416             
 Sheriff Sergeant                                            Jeff Steigenga               (616) 669-0200 x 1428          
 Fire Chief                                                  Dick Mohr                    (616) 669-0200 x 1429            
 Public Works Superintendent                                 Bob Miller                   (616) 669-0200 x 1424            
 Library Director                                            Melissa Huisman                     (616) 669-1255         
 Emergency Services Director                                 Dave Dahl                    (616) 669-0200 x 1404             
 The City of Hudsonville does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, height, weight, marital status, handicap, disability,
or limited English proficiency in any of its programs or activities. The following office has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination
                            policies: City Clerk, City of Hudsonville, 3275 Central Blvd., Hudsonville MI 49426. 616.669.0200 x 1412.
                                        To view Hudsonville’s Citizen’s Guide and Performance Dashboard, visit
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