HPE Primary Storage Update - Januar 2021

HPE Primary Storage Update - Januar 2021
HPE Primary Storage
         Januar 2021
HPE Primary Storage Update - Januar 2021
HPE Primary Storage Update - Januar 2021
HPE InfoSight

 Artificial Intelligence beyond the conventional call-home
HPE Primary Storage Update - Januar 2021
                                                –HPE InfoSight
      2011                              2014                               2017                         2019
ME H R E R E Z E H N              4 5 B ILLIO N E N                   3 7 5 B ILLIO N E N        1 2 5 0 B ILLIO N E N
  MILLIO N E N                       DATE NP UNKTE                       DATE NP UNKTE               DATE NP UNKTE

               VO R AUS S C HAUE NDE
               S UP P O R T-                   V M - A N A LY S E N
               A U T O M AT I S I E R U N G
                                                                                         1,58 MIO.
                                                                                          GESPART DURCH
                                                                            E MP F E HLUNG S -
                                                                            E NG INE
HPE Primary Storage Update - Januar 2021
HPE InfoSight sees and predicts behind the scene
           Cus tome r porta l
                                                     Advanced virtualizations


          AI for infra s tructure
                                                     Machine learning

                                                     Global learning

Storage     S e rve rs   Ne tworking   Conve rge d
                                                     Case automation

                                                     Cloud-based analytics

                                                     Pre-emptive recommendations
HPE Primary Storage Update - Januar 2021
The AI process for HPE self -healing storage
                                                                                                         Case automation via
                                                                                                       detailed signature in place

              Scan telemetry data for                    Accurate identity
                simple signatures                            defined

 Telemetry           Scan           Identification          Fingerprint            Signature             Automated case lifecycle

HPE systems
 dial home                     Simple identity created                       Signature added to case
                                 within a few hours                             automation toolset
HPE Primary Storage Update - Januar 2021
Storage is entering a new era
    Era of                  Era of                   Era of
Basic Storage       Advanced Storage         Intelligent Storage

                    Software defined or
   JBOD             hardware enabled

    RAID              Block/file/object

   Zoning            solid state/hybrid

                                            Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Fibre Channel,     Traditional/converged/
Ethernet SAN          hyperconverged
HPE Primary Storage Update - Januar 2021
HPE InfoSight
Wha t’s the point?
                                               Micros oft Excha nge         Micros oft S QL S e rve r

             Apps                                Ora cle              VDI                  S AP                                                here?
                                                                                                                  HPE InfoSight —Big Data AIOps
                                                                                                                  Colle cting infra s tructure me ta da ta
Virtua l ma chine s
                                                                                                                                               he re ?
                                                                                                                − Global vis ibility a nd le a rning
                                                                                                                − 86% of is s ue s s olve d a utoma tica lly
          S e rve rs                                                                                                                           he re ?
                                                                                                                − Eliminates mos t Le ve l 1 + 2 ca lls

                                                                                                                            Is s ue !
                                                                                                                − Le ve l 3 re s pons e in ~1 min
                                                                                                                − Ave ra ge time to re s olution 43 min
S tora ge ne twork                                                                                              − 73% fe we r trouble ticke ts he re ?
                                                                                                                − 79% lowe r OP EX

                                                                                                                                               he re ?
                                                                A               B
   S tora ge a rra y

                   For more information on AIOps, read the Gartner blog entry at: https://blogs.gartner.com/andrew-lerner/2017/08/09/aiops-platforms/
HPE Primary Storage Update - Januar 2021
There is no one cause…
     and it’s too complex for humans to fix
                                                         best practices

Compute       Storage-
               related    46%         54%                               contention

                           Storage   Non-storage


Storage                                                interoperability

                                     Source: InfoSight analysis of HPE customer base
HPE Primary Storage Update - Januar 2021
HPE consumption models
– Make your choice

                          Purchase             HPE GreenLake Services
                   C AP ITAL AG R E E ME N T           S E R VIC E S AG R E E ME NT
                            Pay now                          Pay as you go

            • Cus tome r pre fe rs CAP EX      • Cus tome r re quire s be s t TCO
            • Cus tome r ha s budge t          • HP E Gre e nLa ke provide s the be s t of cloud a nd on-
            • Cus tome r owns s ys te ms         pre mis e s IT
                                               • HP E owns s ys te ms
                                               • Ba s e d on s e rvice a gre e me nt:
                                                 cus tome r pa ys a ve ra ge us e d ca pa city pe r month
How HPE GreenLake Flex Capacity
              benefits IT
     Save on costs due to overprovisioning
     Enterprises overprovision on average by
     59% of enterprises wait 3 months or
     longer for new capacity 1
                                                                                                               Compute ne e de d a nd invoice d
$     ‒ 59% for compute and
                                                       S a vings                                               Tra ditiona l purcha s e s (CAP EX)
      ‒ 48% for storage1
                                                                                                               Buffe r
                                                                                                               Minimum commitme nt le ve l

    S a vings                                                      Ca pa city a he a d of de ma nd
                                                                   Ma inta in a s a fe buffe r of ca pa city
                                                                   ‒ 50% e xpe rie nce d downtime due to
                                                                      ca pa city pla nning
                                                                   ‒ 57% re ce ive d compla ints of s low
                                                                      pe rforma nce 1

                    451 Re s e a rch Nove mbe r 2016
Greenlake Capacity
– Installed vs Reserved vs Buffer
                          Buffe r
                                             Buffe r
                                                          10   ‒ S ta rt with a pre -pa cka ge d configura tion tha t
                          Ca pa city         Ca pa city          me e ts re quire d ca pa city
                                                               ‒ We a dd buffe r ca pa city tha t is not cha rge d
                                       100                20
                                                               ‒ Es ta blis h committe d us a ge – a s a gre e d upon
                                             Va ria ble
                                                               ‒ As you grow, us e s ome of the buffe r; monthly
     Ins ta lle d
                                                          80     pa yme nt incre a s e s
     Ca pa city           Re que s te d /
                          Re s e rve d                         ‒ With a ctive ca pa city ma na ge me nt, we jointly
                          Ca pa city         Committe d          pla n, a nd incre a s e the buffe r with a s imple
                                             Us a ge             cha nge orde r

                                                                                ‒ Ge t s ta rte d quickly with modula r choice s
                                                                                ‒ Add a va ila ble ca pa city in minute s , not
                                                                 Results:         months
                                                                                ‒ Grows a he a d of de ma nd
HPE Storage array positioning
                                         – The industry’s broadest and deepest flash portfolio


                                                                 Availability                                            Guarantee

        MSA                      SimpliVity               Nimble Storage               3PAR StoreServ                       Primera                    HPE XP8
Affordable acceleration   Enterprise hyper converged   Simple and predictive flash   Flexible Tier-1 features for   Flexible Tier-0 features for        For extreme
                              infrastructure (HCI)     for new-style deployments      the all-flash data center      the all-flash data center     performance and data
                                                                                                                                                     availability needs

                                                             HPE GreenLake —Everything as a
HPE MSA Gen6 array family

      HPE MSA 1060                                HPE MSA 2060                               HPE MSA 2062
     Low -cost entry into SAN                   Flexible à la carte storage              Cost effective hybrid storage
 Perfect for:                               P e rfe ct for:                            P e rfe ct for:
 • Small deployments                      • De ma nding a nd dyna mic workloa ds • The S MB us ing a s ingle a rra y for
 • Static solutions w/fixed capacity, and • Encrypte d da ta s tora ge                  e ve rything
   performance needs                      • La rge -s ca le s olutions s uch a s CCTV • High   pe rforma nce mixe d workloa ds
                                                                                        (ra ndom a nd s e que ntia l)
 • Tight budgets
                                                                                       • High ca pa citie s
HPE MSA Gen6 array family

                 Front view

                 Rear view

Large form factor—12 drives

Small form factor—24 drives
– Consistent commitment to
                             12 years of driving innovation and value
  2008   2009        2010      2013        2014      2015        2016         2017      2018         2020

New                  New                                           New firmware                     New arrays
array                array                                         GL220 (Gen                       HPE MSA
HPE                  P2000                                         4)                               Gen6
MSA                  G3                                            Features
2000     New array            New array             Ne w firmwa re                New
         HPE MSA              HPE MSA               GL210 (Ge n 4)                arrays
         2300 G2              2040                  P e rforma nce                HPE MSA
                                                    Fe a ture s                   Gen 5

                                             New firmware                                      New firmware
                                             GL200 (Gen 4)                                     GL270 (Gen 5)
                                             Features                                          Performance
                                          New array
                                          HPE MSA 1040
Chassis                                                                                            Storage services
– New HPE MSA chassis with Gen 10 style bezel                                                      – Virtual storage
                                                                                                     –   Up to two pools (1PB each)
– 2U array head and disk enclosures                                                                  –   Automated tiering v2.0
                                                                                                     –   SSD read cache extension
– 12 drive LFF1 and 24 drive SFF2 disk enclosures                                                    –   Thin provisioning
                                                                                                     –   Volume Copy
– 12Gb SAS midplane
                                                                                                   – New disk group type (MSA-DP+) providing
– Next-generation drive modules                                                                      –   Integrated sparing
                                                                                                     –   Super-fast rebuilds
– New locking bezel kit                                                                              –   Improved sequential performance
                                                                                                     –   Incremental disk group expansion
                                                                                                   – Array-based asynchronous replication
Controllers                                                                                          – Now supports failback
– Dual controller active/active design 3
– Next-generation RAID offload ASIC & CPU                                                          Management
– 12Gb SAS expansion ports                                                                         – New Storage Management Utility (version 4)
– 24GB system cache                                                                                – Supported with HPE MSA Health Check
– Support for Fibre Channel, iSCSI, and SAS protocols                                              – New RESTful interface using the Redfish standard
– Controller per protocol (no converged SAN                                                        – New alerting when new array firmware is available
              1 Large Form Factor
              2 Small Form Factor
              3 System can be configured as active/active (dual pool), or active/passive (single

– Array Enclosure


                                                               1   Power rocker switch
                                                               2   Redundant Power and Cooling Module1 (PCM)

                                                               3   Controllers A (top) & B (bottom)

            1 AC   model pictured, DC optional on all models
– Controller

                                 1                   2                                        6

                                                             1   12Gb SAS expansion port

                                                             2   Out-of-band Ethernet management port

                                                             3   Mini-USB serial port (CLI)

                                                             4   Controller locking handle

                                                             5   4x serial connections (not for customer use)

                                                             6   Host ports1 (FC Pictured)

               1 Number   of host ports depends on
– New drive modules

   • Gen6 drives are not supported
     with previous generations of
     array or disk enclosures
                                      LFF Drive
   • Previous generations of drives
                                      SFF Drive
     are not supported with Gen6
     arrays or enclosures

   • Adds support for 12Gb SAS
     internal connectivity
High performance and availability at lower cost
– MSA-DP+ brings significant improvements upon
  traditional parity-based RAID disk groups,                                                                    Spare capacity
                                                                                Data               Parity             &
  including:                                                                                                          ++
  – Higher performance1                                                                   MSA-DP+ disk group
  – Higher availability
  – Integrated sparing, and no inactive drives
  – Flexible drive layout and expansion from 12 to 128                                                               128
                                                                               12 disks
    disks                                                                                                           disks
  – Support for different drive capacities within a disk group
  – Super-fast rebuilds

                                                                                           Traditional = Days
                                                                                           MSA-DP+ = Hours

               1 Up to performance maximums when comparing MSA-DP+ to RAID 6

               with idle spares
– The solution

   Downtime avoidance
   He a lth Che ck inte rroga te s logs for s igns of non-
   complia nce with 12 a va ila bility re la te d be s t pra ctice s ,
   including compone nt firmwa re ve rs ions a nd phys ica l
   he a lth.
   Advanced signature detection engine
   S e a rche s s e ns or da ta for e vide nce of known is s ue s
   HPE hosted cloud -based tool
   Re mote , on-line a nd e a s y to a cce s s via a s imple we b
   UI, HP E MS A He a lth Che ck re duce s loca l a dminis tra tor
   ove rhe a d to ma na ge
                                                                                                               Customer accessible web-based interface
   No support contract required
   HP E MS A He a lth Che ck ca n be a cce s s e d by a nybody,
   including cus tome rs a t no cos t, a nd without a curre nt
   s upport contra ct1

               1   A s upport contra ct is s till re quire d for a cce s s to HP E s upport a nd firmwa re .
– Storage management utility (SMU) v4

  • The SMU is the web-based management
    interface for all HPE MSA arrays. Gen6 HPE
    MSA arrays are launching with v4 of the SMU,
    which includes new features and numerous
    improvements over prior HPE MSA arrays,
      • Polished OOBE1
      • Automated alerting of new recommended
      • Simplified ‘Dashboard’
      • Dynamic informational screen updates
      • Logical activity grouping
      • Modernized look and feel, which keeps to
        HPE management software design
      • EasyOutswitching
              1                oftheactive
               of box experience:    first stepsfirmware       versions
                                                 when setting up a
              new array.
    NODE 2                          NODE 4

    NODE 1                          NODE 3

NODE 2       NODE 4
1   3    5    1   4
2   4    6    2   5
1   4         3   6
2   5    1    3   5
3   6    2    4   6
NODE 1       NODE 3
  SAS         SAS

What’s to simplify? Evolution of convergence
                                                                                                        HPE SimpliVity Hyperconverged
                              Le ga cy S ta ck                    Othe r Hype rconve rge d S olutions
                                                                                                               Infra s tructure
            S witche s

                                                                                                                                        Colla ps e the “e ntire ”
S e rve rs & VMwa re
                                                                                                                                        s ta ck into a s ingle ,
                                                                                                                                        s oftwa re -de fine d
                                                                                                                                        s olution with density ,
     S tora ge S witch                                                                                                                  resiliency , a nd
                                                 Conve rge only
                                                   s tora ge &
HA S ha re d S tora ge                                s e rve r
                                                                                                                                        •   Built-in re s ilie ncy,
                                                                                                                                            ba ckup, a nd DR
 Ba ckup & De dupe                                                                                                                      •   P e rforma nce with inline
                                                                                                                                            de dupe a nd
 WAN Optimiza tion
                                                                                                                                            compre s s ion
          S S D Arra y                                                                                                                  •   Re duce d cos ts
   S tora ge Ca ching
                                                                                                                                            compa re d to le ga cy IT
                                                                                                                                            a nd othe r HCI
        Da ta P rote ction
         Apps (Ba ckup &
                                                                                                                                        •   Ma na ge d via s ingle ,
             Re plica tion)                                                                                                                 fa milia r inte rfa ce
HPE SimpliVity: The powerhouse in
– The industry’s most powerful hyperconverged platform for enterprise deployments, uniting
  best-in-class data services with the world’s most secure server platform
       Other hyperconverged
                                   HPE SimpliVity
             solutions                                 Simple
                                                        Intuitive per-VM management with
                                                        rapid deployment and scale

                                                        All IT infrastructure and advanced
                                                        data services in a single building block

                                                        Scale easily while saving 90% capacity, guaranteed
                                                        69% TCO savings compared to traditional
HPE SimpliVity: Powerhouse hyperconvergence
– The industry’s most powerful hyperconverged platform for enterprise, uniting best-in-class data services
  with the world’s most secure server platform

             Simple                               Powerful                              Efficient

   Intuitive per-VM management          All IT infrastructure and             Scale easily while saving
   with rapid deployment and            advanced data services in a           90% capacity, guaranteed
   scale                                single building block
                                                                              69% TCO savings compared
                                                                              to traditional infrastructure
VM-centric management
– Alignme nt of da ta to VMs ma na ge d through vCe nte r

                                                                   Over half (57%) of customers benefitted
                                                                              from a n a ve ra ge of

                                                                         incre a s e in staff productivity

             J us t a fe w clicks to…
                                                            – S imple , intuitive inte rfa ce
                                                            – No LUNs , s ha re s , or volume s
                                                            – Empowe rs IT ge ne ra lis ts a nd VM a dmins
                                                            – Fa milia r tools a nd inte rfa ce s like VMwa re
                                                              vCe nte r® a nd vRe a lize ®
HPE SimpliVity: Powerhouse hyperconvergence
– The industry’s most powerful hyperconverged platform for enterprise, uniting best-in-class data services
  with the world’s most secure server platform

             Simple                              Powerful                               Efficient

   Intuitive per-VM management          All IT infrastructure and             Scale easily while saving
   with rapid deployment and            advanced data services in a           90% capacity, guaranteed
   scale                                single building block
                                                                              69% TCO savings compared
                                                                              to traditional infrastructure
HPE SimpliVity Data Virtualization Platform
          Built-in resiliency, backup,
            and disaster recovery

       – Full, logical backups with near-
                                                                                       51%                                       70%                  57%
         zero overhead                                                                 of customers using                        improvement in       of HPE SimpliVity
                                                                                       HPE SimpliVity built-in                   backup/recovery      customers reduced
       – Guaranteed 60-second restore                                                  data protection retired                   and DR reported by   recovery times from
         of a 1 TB VM                                                                  existing third-party                      HPE SimpliVity       days or hours to
                                                                                       backup or replication                     customers            minutes (TechValidate)2
       – Granular RTOs and RPOs from                                                   (IDC)1                                    (IDC)1
         hours to seconds
       – Simple, affordable offsite DR
       – RAIN and RAID protection
         of data
1IDC   white paper, “HPE SimpliVity Hyperconvergence Drives Operational Efficiency and Customers are Benefiting ,” August 2018
22016   TechValidate survey of HPE SimpliVity infrastructure customers
HPE SimpliVity: Powerhouse hyperconvergence
– The industry’s most powerful hyperconverged platform for enterprise, uniting best-in-class data services
                               with the world’s most secure server platform

         P owe rful                             S imple                              Efficie nt

All IT infrastructure and            Intuitive per-VM management           Scale easily while saving
advanced data services in a          with rapid deployment and             90% capacity, guaranteed
single building block                scale
                                                                           69% TCO savings compared
                                                                           to traditional infrastructure
Top use cases

 Data center                                                           Cloud
                 SMB/ROBO                 VDI
consolidation                                                        computing

                            Power graphics-intensive VDI workloads
                            with NVIDIA Tesla M10, P40 and T4 GPU
                                        accelerator card

           Tier-1         Data
         applications   protection
The HPE SimpliVity Data Virtualization Platform

    Global VM-Centric                 Built-in resiliency, backup,
                                                                        Guaranteed Data Efficiency
  Management and Mobility               and disaster recovery

‒ Policy-based, VM-centric          ‒ Full logical backups with near   ‒ Always-on compression and
  management                          zero overhead                      deduplication
‒ No LUNS, shares, or volumes       ‒ Guaranteed 60-second restore     ‒ All data at inception, globally
                                      of 1TB VM
‒ Right-click operations                                               ‒ Offloaded to OmniStack
                                    ‒ Granular RTOs and RPOs from        Accelerator
‒ Native tool integration
                                      hours to seconds
                                                                       ‒ Guaranteed 90% capacity
‒ Single view of all data centers
                                    ‒ Simple, affordable offsite DR      savings across primary storage
  and ROBOs
                                                                         and backup
                                    ‒ RAIN + RAID protection of data
Maximize efficiency and effectiveness of existing WAN
   – Remote backup and replication in seconds. Enabled through globally aware deduplication.

       VM1                                                             VM1                 VM2

   Hype rvis or   Hype rvis or                                      Hype rvis or       Hype rvis or

     VM 1                                                                                  VM 2

                                     HP E S impliVity Da ta
                                     Virtua liza tion P la tform

                      Bos ton

Demo         video       link
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa99wcQNoJk
HPE Nimble

– 10 Ye a rs of P rove n Ma rke t S ucce s s

      45,000+                                            20,000+                                    >100.00%
S olutions de ploye d globa lly
                                     +              De ploye d cus tome rs
                                                                                     +           Me a s ure d da ta a va ila bility
                                                                                                   a cros s ins ta lle d ba s e

                        4.91 out of 5                                        Top 1%
                         Globa l cus tome r s upport                  Bus ine s s to Bus ine s s NP S
                        ra ting (a nything a bove 4 is                 within S tora ge Indus try
                                 world cla s s )

                                                                                                                   42 E
                                                                                         CONFIDENTIAL | AUTHORIZED HP
SELBSTKORRIGIEREN                         S ELBS TVERWALTEND                                                         S ELBS TOP TIMIEREND

                                                             79 %                                                        99,9999 %
        86 %                                 nie drige re Da te ns pe iche r-                                            nachweisliche gemessene
                                                                                                                         Verfügbarkeit – Garantiert
                                                    Be trie bs kos te n
  de r P roble me we rde n
vorhe rge s a gt und be hobe n

                                 * Ba s ie re nd a uf Da te n de r Ins ta lla tions ba s is und Unte rs uchunge n Dritte r zu HP E Nimble S tora ge
–Erstklassige Dateneffizienz
           Inline + variabler

           Inline + variabler                                    Durchs chnittlich
                                                          5:1 oder mehr
           Beseitigung von                                               Da te nre duktion                               *

           Nullmustern                                        *Bei der HPE Nimble Storage AFA-Installationsbasis ergibt sich eine
                                                          durchschnittliche Datenreduzierung im Verhältnis von 5:1, einschließlich Thin
                                                            Provisioning. Bei einigen Workloads wie VDI resultiert daraus sogar eine
                                                                         Datenreduzierung im Verhältnis von bis zu 21:1

          + Thin Provisioning                   Starten Sie mit 20 % mehr nutzbarer Kapazität
          + Zero-Copy-Klone

          Erwe ite rte Fla s h-
NimbleO   Archite ktur
S         Effizie nte Da te ns pe iche r-
          Grundla ge
– Q1 FY21

– NimbleOS released as GA Candidate.
– NimbleOS 5.2.1.x designated as GA, now default shipping NimbleOS release for HPE Nimble Storage & dHCI
– NimbleOS designated as LTSR.
– Many new AI-driven integrations for HPE InfoSight.
– Cross-Generational platform upgrades for Gen3 customers (AFx000 / CSx000).
– New Remote Data Migration Services from HPE Pointnext Services for migrating HPE 3PAR & Dell EMC
  arrays to HPE Nimble Storage.
– Nimble OS re le a s e his tory, complime nta ry to cus tome rs —a lwa ys

                   Assets   Support   Wellness   Capacity   Volumes   Performance   Data Protection   Dashboard

 S ca le -to-Fit            HP E InfoS ight                                                                        Fibre      S ma rtS e cure            All Fla s h     HP E Cloud VolumeContas   ine rs a nd K8s HP E Nimble S tora ge Cla s s Me mory
(P e rforma nce              RAID-3P +                                                                            Cha nne l Encryption a t Re s t    Inline De dupe            Hype r-V          HFA De dupe       S tora ge dHCI Fa n-Out Re plica tion
     a nd/or                                                                                                                                        Qua lity of S e rvice S e conda ry Fla s h                   P e e r P e rs is te nce Enha nce d Encryption
  Ca pa city)                                                                                                                                        VMwa re VVols                                                 Multi-P rotocol

    2012                                   2013                                                                   2014            2015                   2016                 2017                 2018                2019                2020
     1.4                                    2.0                                                                    2.2             2.3                    3.0                  4.0                  5.0                 5.1                 5.2
                                             &                                                                                                                                                                                               &
                                            2.1                                                                                                                                                                                             5.3

HPE Nimble Storage

Nimble Storage delivers a radically simpler storage and
support experience and 6-9s availability. Nimble
provides the best price for performance and capacity
efficiency – in a common experience across AFA, hybrid,
and cloud.

Reasons to Believe:                                       Distinct Use Cases

•   79% lower management OpEx                             •   Multicloud flash fabric
•   Store More Guarantee on AFA + hybrid                  •   Very high performance and efficient hybrid
•   Simple integrated data management                     •   Secondary storage target (with Veeam)
•   Non-disruptive scale & upgrades across models         •   VDI
•   Integrated data protection
•   100% predictive Level 1 and 2 support
KMIP-compliant                                                       X-Generational
  ‘SmartSecure’                   25Gb Ethernet NICs                Platform Upgrades
Encryption at Rest                                                     (Gen3->Gen5)

                                                               HPE InfoSight ™

                  Peer Persistence                 HPE Nimble Storage
                 Resync Performance                      dHCI
                   Enhancements                      Enhancements
Available to HPE Nimble Storage arrays under HPE Nimble Storage Support contract
                     As part of our Timeless Storage guarantee
Array Features:                                      NEW Application Integration (not formally tied to
• KMIP-integrated encryption for enterprise key      5.3)
  managers                                           • VMware vRealize Operations Manager (vROps)
• 25Gb dual-port Ethernet NIC support (Gen5 only)
                                                     • HPE Nimble Storage Ansible collection
• Gen3 -> Gen5 cross-generational upgrade kits
  (with Timeless subscription included)
                                                     • NWT enhancements for host log collection for HPE
                                                       Nimble Storage Support troubleshooting
• Peer Persistence resync performance
                                                       (NWT -> Array -> HPE InfoSight)

• HPE Nimble Storage dHCI-specific enhancements:
  • Segregated ILO network support
  • 1-click upgrades for ProLiant SPP

• Secure password enhancements for root & HPE
  Nimble Storage support accounts (for dark sites)

             0          1               2          3

             0          1               2          2

                                  3PAR StoreServ

             0          1               2          1

                 UID        UID             UID


             0          1               2          0

                 UID        UID             UID                9450

3PAR delivers proven Tier 1 performance and resiliency
                                                                                   0         1               2          3

with simplified management. 3PAR provides the fastest                              0         1               2          2

raw performance, meets the most demanding SLAs, and                         MGMT
                                                                                                       3PAR StoreServ

guarantees 6-9s availability.                                         UID





                                                                                   0         1               2          0

                                                                                       UID       UID             UID                9450

Reasons to Believe:                                      Distinct Use Cases

•   Fast failover                                        •   Multitenancy/service provider
•   Multi-site replication                               •   Multi-app consolidation
•   Zero RPO disaster recovery                           •   Synergy attach
•   Persistent Ports (NPIV)                              •   HANA at scale
•   Secure multi-tenancy with latency target QoS         •   Unified block and file
•   Active/Active architecture
Intelligenteste Datenspeicher        - Lö s u n g w e lt w e it
fü r g e s c h ä fts kr itis c h e An we n d u n g e n
                         HPE Primera

On-De ma nd         Anwe ndungs orie ntie rte           Na chha ltige s
Erfahrung              Zuverlässigkeit                  Ownership
100 % Verfügbarkeit
Kein Vertrag. Keine Einschränkungen. Keine Ausfallzeiten.

                                                                            VERTIKAL skalieren
                         KLEIN                                                                                  VERTIKAL skalieren
                        anfangen                                                                               HORIZONTAL skalieren

                                  630                                                    650 2N                              670 2N
 Hinwe is : Da s Mode ll 630 mus s a ls 4U-Ra ck a us ge führt s e in,
da mit e in Da ta -in-P la ce Upgra de a uf da s Mode ll 650 möglich is t

                                                                                         650 4N                               670 4N

                       Effiziente                                                 Einfache                            Keine
                       Skalierung                                               Aktualisierung                   Unterbrechungen
                     Leistungs- und                                          Keine vergeudeten Investitionen     Upgrades, die für Sie und Ihre
            Kapazitätsskalierung bei mehreren                                             durch                  Anwendungen transparent sind
                         Knoten                                                  Data-in-Place Upgrades
HPE Primera —The new measure for mission -critical
  – Combines the best technologies of HPE

              automation by
              HPE InfoSight

    Enterprise                Ease of use
      features                of HPE
   and DNA of                 Nimble
HPE Primera storage platform
 Predictive                         Simplicity                          Timeless                             Resilient
Gets smarter every                Installation, setup,               An experience that                  Nondis ruptive e a s y
      second                          operations                     keeps getting better               upda te s a nd upgra de s

                                         Intelligent storage

                                            HPE Primera
    Flexible to easily adapt to any environment │ Powerful to ha ndle a nything │Resilient for e nd-to-e nd da ta prote ction
Highlights of the HPE Primera arrays

                     Constant HPE innovation

    Gen6 ASIC, Intel Skylake CPU         100% Availability Guarantee

32 Gb Fibre Channel / 25 Gb IP support      Extreme ease of use

        All-inclusive software           Customer self install/update
    Operating system embedded                    RAID 6 only
       SP and management
                                         Deep InfoSight integration
       Online node conversion
HPE Primera 600
                                                           Primera OS 4.0     Primera OS 4.2

                                                                    Primera OS 4.1

   E/S-Class                    3PAR 7000/10000        3PAR 8000/9000/20000
InForm OS 2.3.1                  3PAR OS 3.2.1            3PAR OS 3.3.1

                     F/T-Class               3PAR 8000/20000            3PAR 8000/9000/20000
                  InForm OS 3.1.1             3PAR OS 3.2.2              3PAR OS 3.3.1 MU5
HPE Primera OS 4.x feature roadmap
        4.0 At launch                         4.1 ~6 months after 4.0                      4.2 December 2020

Initial support                           New                                              New
–   Intel Skylake multi-core CPUs         –   NVMe MDF (3D ca che )                        – S imple QoS
–   HPE Primera ASICs                     –   25 GbE HBA                                   – On-node a na lytics
–   Built in 10 GbE RCIP port             –   iS CS I s upport                             – VVol P e e r P e rs is te nce
–   16 and 32 Gb Fibre Channel host       –   Re mote Copy
    ports                                                                                  – Re plica te compre s s e d da ta
                                              –   RCFC s upport
–   Fast updates                              –   RCIP us ing P CIe CNA
                                                                                           – NVMe ove r Fa brics (NVMEoF)
–   Self-telemetry                            –   Ma ny-to-ma ny re plica tion             – RDMA-ba s e d IP re plica tion
–   API first                                 –   Multimode re plica tion                  – As ynchronous s tre a ming Re mote
                                              –   Encrypte d re plica tion                   Copy
–   Auto-CPG
                                          –   Active /a ctive P e e r P e rs is te nce     – P e e r P e rs is te nce (AIX)
–   RAID 6 only
–   On-node management                    –   P e e r P e rs is te nce (Linux)
–   On-node service processor             –   Cloud Quorum Witne s s
–   Remote Copy                           –   Configure re plica tion a nd provis ioning
    – Synchronous RCIP                        via on-node ma na ge me nt
    – Asynchronous Periodic RCIP          –   VMwa re VVol s upport
– Peer Motion HPE 3PAR → HPE              –   VVol QoS
  P rime ra                               –   Online import
                                          –   Da ta in-pla ce node upgra de s
– Storage array architectures

                                                                                  HPE Primera
                                                                     S oftwa re -de fine d, ha rdwa re -e na ble d
       For features and functionality, software implementations   Extending general-purpose hardware with custom ASIC
             provide flexibility, simple delivery, and easy        acceleration allows for extreme performance without
                          maintainability, but                     the complexity by enabling features through software
          software-only platforms are held back by general-
                   purpose hardware performance

           Custom hardware solutions provide the highest
            possible performance, but lack flexibility and
                     can be complex to maintain;
                it is often difficult, if not impossible,
                          to add new features
HPE Primera leadership —Replication
                                     – Full s e t of re plica tion a nd re cove ry options

                                                                                                             Virtua l Copy
                                                                                                          S na ps hots in a ny a rra y
Cloud Ba nk S tora ge                                                                                                                           Cloud Ba nk S tora ge

                                                                    Site C

                                                             Re mote Copy
                                                  Full ra nge of dis a s te r re cove ry options
                                                         including P e e r P e rs is te nce

                 RMC                                                                                                              RMC

               Fla t ba ckup                              S ync Re mote Copy                                                   Fla t ba ckup
               a nd re s tore                              a t me tro dis ta nce 2                                             a nd re s tore

                                Site B                                                                      Site A

                                     1.   3DC Peer Persistence support for HPE Primera is planned with HPE Primera OS 4.1
                                     2.   HPE Primera OS 4.0 only s upports RCIP ; Remote Copy over Fibre Channel (RCFC)
                                          is planned for HPE Primera OS 4.1
HPE Leadership -Efficient
                  HPE Primera customers reduce TCO by more than 50%

Quality of Service                                    Flash -optimized

                                                High performance @ < 1ms latency

                                                Data reduction

Priority Optimization                            Get the most out of your systems
   Built-in QoS and
mixed-workload support
HPE Primera OS virtualization advantages
       Tra ditiona l a rra ys                                                                                HP E P rime ra
−   Drive s a re a dde d in groups of RAID s e ts                                              −   All drive s a re concurre ntly us e d a nd virtua lize d
−   P rovide limite d s ingle LUN pe rforma nce                                                −   Built-in wide -s triping ba s e d on chunkle ts
−   Re quire de dica te d s pa re drive s                                                      −   Dis tribute d s pa ring, no de dica te d s pa re drive s
−   S ome re quire de dica te d s na ps hot pool drive s                                       −   No pools or re s e rva tion re quire d

          0           1       2       3         4          5          6      7                         0         1        2         3         4         5     6   7

                          Tra ditiona l controlle rs                                                              HPE Primera controlle rs
           RAID s e t              RAID s e t                  RAID s e t

                                                                                 S pa re
              LUN 2                 LUN 4                        LUN 6

                                                                                    S pa re
              LUN 3                 LUN 5                        LUN 7
                                                                                                                     P hys ica l drive s a nd chunkle ts
                      RAID s e t                                RAID s e t
                                                                                 S pa re

                          LUN 0
                                                                                     S pa re

                                                           Snapshot pool
                          LUN 1
Performance metrics available using API, GUI, CLI,
     – Reports can be automated, scheduled, and exported via email or as a PDF

           Bandwidth          Service time                    IOPS             I/O size            Queue              Average
                                     (latency)                                                     length               busy


                   P h ys ic a l d is ks                    CP U               Ca c h e me mo ry            P o rts

                               Lo g ic a l d rive s   Virtu a l vo lu me s   Re mo te Co p y        VLUNs

Customer self repair option
– Guided within the on-node management GUI
− Arra y compone nts tha t ca n be
  s e rvice d by the cus tome r
− Controlle r:
  − Controlle r node
  − Node boot drive
  − Node me mory DIMM
  − Node coin ba tte ry
  − Node powe r, cooling, ba tte ry module
  − P CIe a da pte r a nd S FP
− Drive e nclos ure :
  − Enclos ure I/O module
  − Enclos ure powe r, cooling module
  − Da ta drive
StoreServ Management Console (SSMC)
 – HPE OneView look and user experience—Dashboard and Mega Menu
SSMC Advanced Analytics system page
          – Giving you even more insights
Why HPE Primera?

– Ha s high pe rforma nce be nchma rks
– P rovide s a ll critica l ca pa bilitie s Ga rtne r                                                                                     Primera
  e xpe cts from a n e nte rpris e s ys te m

– Offe rs five ye a rs unconditiona l S S D
  wa rra nty a nd s e ve n ye a rs we a r-out
  prote ction for S S D1                                                                                                   Ente rpris e
                                                                                                                            fe a ture s             Afforda bility

               1. All HP E P rime ra S S Ds with life le ft le s s tha n 5%, with drive a ge le s s tha n s e ve n ye a rs from
                  wa rra nty s ta rt da te a nd no inte rruption in HP E s upport cove ra ge a re e ligible for fre e
                  re pla ce me nt
HPE Primera SSD advantages over 10K rpm
                            SAS disks
 – Large-capacity SSD with data reduction is a game changer enabled by HPE
Delivering high and consistent system performance and very low latencies
   +      unconditional drive warranty – 7 years with support contract
                         + big data center cost savings

                HPE Primera 670 providing 1.71 PiB of usable capacity      1, 2, 3

        2.4 TB/10k SAS         Drive type              15.36 TB SSD     All-flash difference

             900            Number of drives                   48              - 94 %

          12046 Watts      Power consumption             2098 Watts            - 82 %

          41102 BTU          Thermal output               7157 BTU             - 82 %

             76U              Rack space                       4U              - 95 %

           1018.8 kg            Weight                      29.3 kg            - 97 %

          95,000 IOPS         Performance3             295,000 IOPS           +211%

                                   1. RAID 6 (10+2)
                                   2. SSD with 3 :1 data reduction
                                   3. 8 KB random 60/40 read/write
HPE Primera data reduction
                                                  − Ava ila ble on a ny HP E P rime ra s ys te m
    Designed for total system
                                                  − Da ta re duction ca n be e na ble d by volume
      efficiency to lower TCO
                                                  − S a vings e s tima tion a nd mode ling built into the S S MC
          without compromise
                                                  − Gua ra nte e d da ta re duction

            1                                 2                                             3                                   4

Thin provisioning          Deduplication including Zero Detect                        Compression                        Data packing
  Re s e rva tion-le s s        Prevent storing duplicate data                   Reduce data footprint             Pack multiple pages together

                                               Express Indexing + Express Scan

                                             HPE Store More Guarantee Solution brief
HPE Primera 2U controller enclosure

                     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16e   17e   18e   19e   20e   21e   22e   23e

         The 2U enclosure can hold two nodes and up to 24 drives

    16 x 12 Gb SFF SAS SSD/HDD2 slots                                                                                          Eight dual-use SFF slots
                                                                                                                               − 12Gb S AS S S D/HDD2 or
                                                                                                                               − NVMe S CM1

                                                                                                                                             1.              P la nne d with HP E P rime ra OS 4.1.0
                                                                                                                                             2.              HDD a re only a va ila ble through a n HP E e xce ption proce s s
HPE Primera 4U controller enclosure

16 x 12 Gb SFF SAS SSD/HDD2 slots for nodes 2/3

                                                                            8 x dua l-us e S FF s lots for nodes 2/3
                                                                            − 12 Gb S AS S S D/HDD2 or NVMe S CM1

                                                                            8 x dual-use SFF slots for nodes 0/1
                                                                            − 12 Gb S AS S S D/HDD2 or NVMe S CM1

16 x 12 Gb SFF SAS SSD/HDD2 slots for nodes 0/1

                                                  1.   P la nne d with HP E P rime ra OS 4.1.0
                                                  2.   HDDs a re only a va ila ble through a n HP E e xce ption proce s s
HPE Primera 630 system

Power cooling module                             Power cooling module
    with battery pack                            with battery pack

    Node 1

    Node 0





DASHBOARD                          SYSTEM



   PRODUCT             CONTEXT


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