Page created by Glen Farmer

01. Best practices for purchasing and maintaining fleet vehicles

   Purchasing cars: New vs. Used                                         05
   Funding vehicle purchases and maintenance                             06
   How vehicle maintenance and maintenance tracking can save you money   08

02. Optimise your fleet by reducing ongoing costs and
    maximising marketing benefits

   Safe driving practices and reducing the risk of accidents             08
   Increasing fuel efficiency and reducing ongoing costs                 09
   Boost your company’s profile by branding your vehicles                10

03. How to manage fleet finances

   Conduct regular audits                                                11
   Use a centralised account with purchasing controls                    12

04. Understanding the tax implications

   Fringe benefits tax                                                   13
   Capital gains tax                                                     14
   Company vehicle expenses                                              14
   Justifying tax claims                                                 15
   How to prepare and manage logbooks                                    16

05. Tools and technology to reduce administration

   Choosing the best options for your business                           17
   The benefits of company fuel cards                                    17
   The benefits of logbook apps                                          18
   The benefits of fleet management software                             19
   The benefits of telematics                                            20

06. How to launch a fuel card program and secure employee buy-in

   Employee benefits of using company-issued fuel cards                  21
   Step-by-step guide to introducing a fuel card program                 22
   Making the transition to a fuel card program easier for your team     23
   Updating fleet policies                                               23

07. Conclusion                                                           24
The new era
of remote
In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, working
remotely is no longer unusual – in fact, in some parts
of Australia, almost 50% of employees worked away
from the office on a regular basis during 20201. Looking
ahead, three quarters of Australians expect their
employers to support remote working in the future.

As the shift towards remote working continues, company
fleets will become more common – and more important
– than ever. However, if you are not taking the necessary
steps to ensure your fleet operates efficiently, it could
end up costing your business – big time.

That’s why this e-book is so valuable. The following
pages provide a step-by-step guide to building a fleet
that operates like a well-oiled machine. Included are
handy examples and actionable tips to help you actively
manage and mitigate risk.

Whether you are building a fleet from scratch or want to
maximise the value of your existing vehicles, this e-book
can help solve your fleet management challenges,
making your business more productive and profitable.
Best practices for purchasing
and maintaining fleet vehicles
01. Best practices for purchasing and maintaining fleet vehicles

                           Purchasing vehicles:
                           New vs. Used
                            Before you start building your fleet, you need to decide whether to purchase new or
                            used vehicles. Your total budget will play a role in this decision, of course – but there
                            are several other factors to consider. Here’s a breakdown of the main differences
                            between purchasing new and used vehicles for your fleet:

                              New vehicle                                                        Used vehicle

  Cost                        Costlier than a used car.                                          More affordable than a new car. However,
                                                                                                 used-car prices are less stable: in 2020,
                                                                                                 they fluctuated 30%2. This makes accurate
                                                                                                 budgeting tricky if you’re building your fleet
                                                                                                 over time.

  Asset value                 New cars depreciate in value the most                              Used cars that are more than three years old
                              during the first nine months on the road,                          lose value relatively slowly. That means you
                              and many lose up to 50% of their value                             can on-sell them and still recoup most of your
                              within three years.3                                               purchase price.

  Maintenance                 Almost all new cars are covered by warranty.                       The car’s standard warranty may have
  & warranty                  Dealers often offer a free or fixed-price                          expired, and you may or may not be able to
                              maintenance service for work not covered                           obtain an extended warranty from the dealer.
                              by warranty.                                                       Ongoing maintenance costs vary from vehicle
                                                                                                 to vehicle depending on prior use.

  Image                       New-model cars project an image of success.                        Clients and customers may be less impressed
                                                                                                 by older cars.

3.                                             5
01. Best practices for purchasing and maintaining fleet vehicles

                 Funding vehicle purchases
                 and maintenance
                 When acquiring a company vehicle, it is important to carefully consider how best to
                 fund both the initial purchase and the ongoing maintenance. The answer depends
                 on how you plan to use the car – for example, will it be used mainly for business
                 trips or for an equal mix of business and personal trips?

                 The below table gives a general overview of some factors you may want to consider,
                 but it does not constitute personal advice. Make sure you seek financial guidance
                 from a qualified adviser before deciding how to proceed.

                   Cash                              Loan                            Lease

 Impact on         Vehicle purchase price and        Choose to fund all purchase     Vehicle cost and all
 cash flow         all other costs (stamp duty       costs through loan, or          associated costs are bundled
 at time of        etc) need to be funded from       partially fund from cash flow   together in lease. No option
 purchase          cash flow.                        if desired.                     to partially fund from

 Ongoing costs     • Vehicle maintenance             • Vehicle maintenance           Monthly fixed leasing fee
                                                                                     which covers all ongoing
                   • Vehicle insurance               • Vehicle insurance
                                                                                     costs including interest,
                   • Vehicle Registration            • Vehicle Registration          administration costs,
                                                                                     maintenance, insurance
                   • Fuel.                           • Fuel
                                                                                     and fuel.
                                                     • Loan payments (which
                                                        generally include interest
                                                        charged on outstanding
                                                     • May incur administration
                                                        charges depending on
                                                        loan agreement

CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 >                                                                                               6
Cash                                          Loan                                          Lease

  Exit costs                       Advertising and sale costs.                   • Advertising and sale costs                 • Exit penalties apply for
                                                                                                                                  early termination of most
                                                                                 • May need to pay
                                                                                    outstanding loan balance
                                                                                                                               • Lump sum payable at end
                                                                                 • May incur early exit
                                                                                                                                  of lease if you wish to
                                                                                    penalties depending on
                                                                                                                                  retain vehicle.
                                                                                    loan agreement.

  Resale benefits                  • Owner retains resale value                  • If vehicle is used as loan                  Retained by leasing
                                                                                 security, loan must be paid                   company.
                                   • Can trade in vehicle.
                                                                                 out with sale proceeds
                                                                                 • If vehicle is not used as
                                                                                 loan security, owner retains
                                                                                 resale value or can trade in

  Tax benefits                     • Business-related vehicle                   • Business-related vehicle
                                      expenses are generally                        expenses are generally
                                      tax deductible (including                     tax deductible (including
                                      fuel, oil, repairs, servicing,                fuel, oil, repairs, servicing,
                                      insurance and registration)                   insurance and registration)
                                   • May be able to claim                       • Loan interest is generally
                                      depreciation on vehicle                       tax deductible
                                   • May be eligible to claim                   • May be able to claim
                                      full purchase price as                        depreciation on vehicle.
                                      tax deduction in year of
                                      purchase if purchase price
                                      is less than $150,000.4

  Other                            Consider purchase's                           • Provider will conduct credit               • Provider will conduct credit
  considerations                   opportunity cost (i.e. how                       checks                                        checks
                                   else could these funds have
                                                                                 • Borrower must supply                       • Borrower must supply
                                   benefited your business?).
                                                                                    financial information to                      financial information to
                                                                                    demonstrate ability to                        demonstrate ability to
                                                                                    service loan.                                 service loan
                                                                                                                               • Allows you to upgrade
                                                                                                                                  vehicle every 2-3 years
                                                                                                                               • Leasing company takes
                                                                                                                                  care of administration
                                                                                                                               • Some leases include
                                                                                                                                  conditions (mileage, wear
                                                                                                                                  and tear) that can lead to
                                                                                                                                  unforeseen costs.

01. Best practices for purchasing and maintaining fleet vehicles

How vehicle maintenance
and maintenance tracking
can save you money
Scheduling regular maintenance                        There are also programs (known
checks and pre-emptive repairs for your               as telematics software) that can
vehicles may seem like a non-essential                communicate with mobile systems
expense, but doing so can maximise                    such as GPS, which means you can
your fleet’s usefulness and prevent                   capture information about every
costlier problems in the future.                      vehicle in your fleet automatically
                                                      and in real time. Manual data entry
It’s also important to keep track of the              is no longer necessary.
mileage and maintenance status of
each vehicle in your fleet, so you know               Most importantly, maintenance tracking
exactly when it’s time to book in a                   programs can save you time and money
check-up. However, manually recording                 by reducing your administrative burden.
these details in notebooks can be                     You can use the software to remind you
inefficient and confusing.                            about scheduled services, keep an eye
                                                      on warranty expiry dates, easily review
Thankfully, there is now a range of                   each vehicle’s repair history and more.
fleet management and mileage tracking                 Your fleet – and your business – will
software that businesses can use to                   operate more smoothly as a result.
stay on top of this data. Using the

software, you can track and manage                           For more information about fleet
                                                             management software and telematics, turn
your fleet, monitor repair history and                       to the Tools and Technology to Reduce
oversee inventory.                                           Administration section on page 23.

Optimise your fleet by reducing
ongoing costs and maximising
     marketing benefits
0.2 Optimise your fleet by reducing ongoing costs and maximising marketing benefits

Safe driving practices and
reducing the risk of accidents
Use rewards and education to reduce                Focus on reducing speeding fines and
the risk of accidents                              citations
Road accidents are a fact of life, and             Even if you have a policy in place that
there's no way to completely eliminate             requires employees to pay for their
the risk if your workforce is mobile.              own tickets, frequent speeding fines
However, you can significantly reduce              can drive up your company's insurance
the likelihood of incidents occurring by           premiums. Consider offering rewards to
providing safe-driving education and               staff who avoid tickets, just as you do to
incentivising your staff to drive accident-        those who avoid accidents.
free for set periods of time. Fewer
accidents means less money spent on                Check driving records before hiring
repairs and lower insurance premiums in            Make safe driving part of your hiring
the long run.                                      process by requiring applicants to
                                                   demonstrate they do not have a history
You can also reduce the impact of road             of accidents or speeding tickets.
accidents on your business by making               Due diligence while hiring can prevent
sure your employees know what to                   significant headaches in the future.
do and who to contact if they get into
trouble while driving.                             Small businesses spend    Nose-to-tail collisions
                                                   an average of $928        are the #1 road accident
                                                   a month on fuel           type in Australia

                                                      LEARN MORE                LEARN MORE

0.2 Optimise your fleet by reducing ongoing costs and maximising marketing benefits

Increasing fuel efficiency and
reducing ongoing costs
Ensure your drivers are using                      Lock in a good deal on fleet insurance
stop/start technology                              Insurance is a critical component of
Most modern cars are equipped with                 fleet management, but it needn't cost
a ‘stop/start system’ that shuts down              you the earth. To keep your premiums
the engine when the vehicle is idle (for           low, try to hire employees with clean
example, in a traffic jam), reducing fuel          driving records who are less likely to
consumption. When selecting vehicles               be involved in accidents. Then, when
for your fleet, choosing models with this          shopping around for your premium,
technology could save you money in the             be sure to highlight the fact that
long run – but it’s important to remind            your mobile workforce has a low
your staff to activate the stop/start              accident rate.
mode by pressing the relevant button on
the dashboard.                                     Train staff to drive with minimal wear
                                                   and tear
Set up driving alerts                              Many drivers do not even know they
Many of today’s telematics software                are misusing a vehicle. If you train your
programs allow you to set up alerts that           team to drive correctly and take good
notify you when one of your vehicles               care of their vehicles, this can save you
exceeds the speed limit, is not on its             significant time and money.
projected route, or is running behind
schedule. If your staff know you have
activated these alerts, they will be more
inclined to drive safely and efficiently.

0.2 Optimise your fleet by reducing ongoing costs and maximising marketing benefits

                              Boost your company’s profile
                              by branding your vehicles
                              Vehicle wraps are sheets of vinyl                  A range of recent studies show just how
                              that are custom-printed with brand                 effective vehicle wraps – also referred
                              messaging and then affixed to fleet                to as mobile advertising – can be. The
                              vehicles. They're one of the most                  main reason? Wraps have a low 'cost-
                              effective ways to raise awareness for              per-impression' rate, which means you
                              your business, whether you have one                can reach a large audience for a low
                              vehicle or 100.                                    price. In other words, vehicle wraps
                                                                                 offer great bang for your buck.5

                                   72% of Australians travel on roads to and from work6

                                   78% of Australians notice outdoor advertising each month7

                                   Drivers spend 7.5hrs in the car making on average 10 trips per week7

6.                                                      12
How to Manage Fleet Finances
0.3 How to Manage Fleet Finances

Conduct Regular Audits

To ensure that your business is only          Another way to keep track of fuel
paying for fuel associated with               expenses is to issue company fuel cards
accomplishing work tasks, you should          to your employees, which can be used
conduct frequent audits of employee           to manage costs, record odometer
activity.                                     readings and reconcile invoices.

In the past, businesses conducted             If you use a fuel card system, you can
fuel audits by cross-referencing              also set up automated smart alerts to
employees’ receipts with their credit-        detect abnormal usage.
card statements. But this method relied
on employees holding onto their fuel          Fuel auditing doesn't just ensure that
receipts in case an audit took place.         employees are paying for their own fuel
                                              when required – it also helps detect
If you are going to conduct audits in         overcharging at the pump and duplicate
this way, it is better to schedule them       transactions. Although auditing takes
regularly so your employees can keep          time, the benefits can be significant.
track of their receipts. On these receipts,

they should list their name or employee             For more information about efficient record-
                                                    keeping, turn to the Tools and Technology to
number and the primary task conducted               Reduce Administration section on page 23.
with the fuel. The employee's direct
manager can then confirm that the fuel
was used appropriately.

0.3 How to Manage Fleet Finances

Use a centralised account
with purchasing controls
Many business owners worry about losing money because they don’t have control
over fleet fuel expenses. To prevent this happening, it’s a smart idea to use a
centralised account.

The Benefits of Having a Centralised Account

1. You can more easily monitor fuel expenses across your entire fleet.

2. Having a centralised account makes conducting audits and paying monthly
   charges quicker and simpler.

3. Centralised billing can improve accuracy when the time comes for your business
   to file tax paperwork and can help prevent over-claiming by staff.

4. By activating purchase controls, you can make sure employees only use the
   account to purchase fuel or vehicle-related products (e.g. lubricants) rather than
   food or other personal items.

5. Purchase controls can also be used to prevent employees over-spending in a
   single transaction or accidentally purchasing unusually expensive items.

Understanding the
 tax implications
0.4 Understanding the Tax Implications

                             Fringe benefits tax
                             A fringe benefits tax (FBT) is a tax that                                  makes a business-owned or leased
                             employers pay on benefits (other than                                      car available for the private use of an
                             a salary or wages) paid to employees.                                      employee.
                             This tax is separate from income tax
                             and is calculated based on the taxable                                     Only some vehicle types are classified
                             value of the benefits you provide.                                         as cars for the purposes of FBT. The ATO
                                                                                                        also maintains guidelines to determine
                             According to the Australian Taxation                                       when a vehicle should be classified as
                             Office (ATO), a car fringe benefit most                                    “available for private use”.
                             commonly arises when an employer

                             For FBT purposes, a car is any of the following:

                             • A sedan or station wagon
                             • Any other goods-carrying vehicle with a carrying capacity of less than one
                                tonne, such as a panel van or utility (including four-wheel drive vehicles)
                             • Any other passenger-carrying vehicle designed to carry fewer than nine

                             The ATO also provides the following guidelines to determine private use:

                             • A car is considered available for the private use of an employee on any day they
                                or their associates use it, or are allowed to use it, for private purposes
                             • If a car is garaged at or near the employee's home, even if only for security
                                reasons, it is taken to be available for their private use regardless of whether
                                or not they have permission to use the car privately
                             • Generally, travel to and from work is considered private use of a vehicle.9

                                                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 >

8.                                         17
0.4 Understanding the Tax Implications

                            To calculate the taxable value of a car fringe benefit, you can use the statutory
                            formula method or the operating cost method.

                              Statutory Formula Method                            Operating Cost Method

                               Based on the vehicle’s cost price.                 Based on the cost of operating the car (as
                                                                                  documented through a vehicle logbook).

                            You may choose the method that leads to the lowest taxable value and you can
                            switch between the two methods from year to year. However, if you've not kept the
                            required documentation for the operating cost method (such as logbooks), you must
                            use the statutory formula method.

                            Capital Gains Tax
                            According to the ATO, capital gains tax               A capital loss is a loss made by selling
                            (CGT) is a tax on the profit made by                  a non-inventory asset. If you make a
                            selling a non-inventory asset. Sales of               capital loss, you can't claim it against
                            property, stocks, precious metals, and                your other income, but you can use it to
                            bonds usually generate capital gains.                 reduce your total capital gain.
                            CGT is considered a component of
                            income tax.                                           Any capital gains made by the sale of
                                                                                  company cars are tax-exempt.10 For
                            Some forms of capital gains are tax-                  the purposes of CGT, a car is defined
                            exempt — meaning you don’t have to                    as a motor vehicle that is intended to
                            include them in your income tax at all.               transport fewer than nine passengers or
                            Examples of tax-exempt capital gains                  has a carrying capacity of less than
                            include profits made from the sale of                 a tonne.
                            personal items such as your home, car
                            and furniture.9

0.4 Understanding the Tax Implications

                            Company Vehicle Expenses
                            Businesses can claim most expenses incurred during the use of fleet vehicles
                            for work, including:

                            • Fuel and oil                                                        • Lease payments
                            • Repairs and servicing                                               • Insurance
                            • Interest on a motor vehicle loan                                    • Registration.11

                            If your employees paid for fleet-vehicle expenses out of their own pockets, they
                            can use one of two different methods to calculate the deductions on their income
                            tax returns: the ‘cents per kilometre’ method or the ‘logbook’ method. But if you
                            are claiming the expenses as a deduction for your business, you must use the
                            ‘actual costs’ method.12

                            Actual Costs Method
                            This method requires you (or your employees) to keep receipts for all the
                            business-related motor vehicle expenses you wish to claim as deductions. You
                            can only claim the percentage of the actual costs that relate to business use of
                            the vehicle – so, if a vehicle is used for both business and private purposes, you
                            must keep records that allow you to work out the business-use percentage.

calculation-methods/#Companyortrust                                                                                                              19
0.4 Understanding the Tax Implications

                            Justifying expense claims
                            The ATO says it pays close attention to vehicle-related expense claims when
                            processing tax returns and conducting audits. 13 That means you can’t afford to make
                            even an innocent mistake when filing your paperwork.

                            If you are claiming expenses that your employees have paid for with a company
                            card, make sure those expenses are legitimate. (See page 25 to ensure your
                            employees do not declare personal purchases as business expenses.)

                            If in doubt about whether you’re able to justify a particular employee expense, the
                            best option is not to claim it. Remember: trips between work and home are generally
                            off-limits, as are private travel and the transport of goods.


0.4 Understanding the Tax Implications

                         How to prepare and
                         manage logbooks
                         As mentioned above, your employees                         The ATO maintains detailed instructions
                         will need to keep vehicle logbooks if you                  about how to keep a logbook properly.14
                         want to use the operating cost method                      Alternatively, you can use technology
                         rather than the statutory formula method                   to make your vehicle logbooks easier to
                         to calculate the fringe benefits tax for                   administer. There is plenty of software
                         your company vehicles.                                     on the market – both computer software
                                                                                    and phone apps – that will help you
                         To create a logbook for a vehicle, you                     accomplish this.
                         need to log every business journey
                         for a period of 12 weeks. The 12-week
                         period should accurately represent the
                         number of kilometres the vehicle travels
                         for business annually. You will need to
                         prepare a new vehicle logbook every
                         five years. The overall purpose of a
                         vehicle logbook is to determine how                               For an example of a logbook template

                         much your company vehicles are used                                            CLICK HERE
                         for business matters.

Tools and technology to
 reduce administration
0.5 Tools and Technology to Reduce Administration

Choosing the best
technology for your business
In this era of powerful software and nifty gadgets, fleet management no longer
needs to be tricky or time-consuming. There are now plenty of tech tools that can
reduce the administrative burden on your business while optimising the operation
of your fleet. But with so many options to choose from, it's important to carefully
consider what will work for you.

To figure out which tools are right for your business,
consider the following questions:

1. What are your business objectives and budget?

2. What is the biggest problem to be solved (i.e. the biggest administrative pain,
   cost, or risk)?

3. Is the solution you are looking at the right one for a fleet of your size?

4. How will your staff feel about the solution?

5. Do you want to outsource or maintain direct control?

The following tools are among the most popular for businesses today.

0.5 Tools and Technology to Reduce Administration

              The benefits of
              company fuel cards
              Whether you have two vehicles or 200, keeping track of fuel costs is one
              of the most labour-intensive aspects of fleet management.
              One effective way to minimise the admin is to sign up to a fuel-card program. In
              addition to centralising the accounting for your fuel expenditure, many of these
              programs include tools that are useful for managing your fleet. This makes fuel-card
              programs a good money-saving option for businesses of all sizes.

              Here are five key reasons to consider fuel cards:

1. They can reduce administration. Many fuel-card programs allow you to access transaction
    records in bulk, which you can then provide to your accountant at tax time or upload directly
    to your accounting system.

2.They give you more visibility and control over fuel expenditure via online reporting tools.

3. They can help you keep track of vehicle usage. Most fuel-card providers collect odometer
   readings at every fill, and this information is often available for download or viewing in
   online portals, reducing the need to keep a separate register elsewhere.

4. They can save you money. Many providers offer discounts at participating fuel locations.

5. T hey put you in control. You can prevent misuse by restricting the products that can be
   purchased and signing up to receive alerts about unusual activity, like larger than normal
   fill-ups on vehicles.

0.5 Tools and Technology to Reduce Administration

               The benefits of logbook apps
               If your employees need to prepare logbooks for tax purposes, consider utilising
               a logbook app. These apps can be great time-savers for employees and a
               cost-effective way for smaller fleets to keep track of odometer readings and to
               differentiate between personal and business use.

               Popular logbooks apps include:

               Drive Appy gives users the ability to easily record their personal or business
               journeys as well as expenses. Users can also access Fleetcare’s driver guide –
               with access to roadside assistance and crash management information.

               This app allows you to take a photo of your odometer rather than entering
BOOK GPS BY    the figure manually, improving accuracy. The app can run in the background,
               allowing you to use other phone apps such as music at the same time.

               This app can access your phone's contacts and calendar to pre-fill data for
TRAVEL LOGS    upcoming trips. Handily, your data can be synced to iCloud so you don’t lose
               it if the worst should happen to your beloved phone. The design is intuitive
               and you can enter data from a multitude of motor vehicles. Data is exported
               in Excel format.

               This is the top-rated logbook app in the Apple App Store and receives praise for its
               easy navigation and useful features, such as the ability to manually add trips to your
DRIVERSNOTE    log later on if you forgot to record them at the time. The free version only records up
               to 20 trips per month, so most businesses will need to pay a monthly subscription
               per user. Mileage Logbook can generate reports in both Excel and PDF formats.

               The ATO’s free app contains a section called myDeductions which allows users to
   BY THE      create a fully tax-compliant logbook using either GPS or manual entry. If you’re
               concerned that the data generated by other apps might not satisfy the ATO,

               myDeductions is a safe option. The ATO app’s interface is basic, and some users
               complain of software glitches, but it is certainly worth considering.

0.5 Tools and Technology to Reduce Administration

                             The Benefits of Fleet
                             Management Software
                             Investing in fleet management                                        Fleet management software can best be
                             technology is one of the best ways to                                described as a database to store all the
                             reduce your fleet's operating costs and                              information about your vehicles in one
                             boost the overall productivity of your                               place. It has a range of benefits, such as
                             business. It can also ensure you don't fall                          helping you keep track of maintenance
                             behind your competitors.                                             schedules and fuel costs. You can also
                                                                                                  easily compare vehicles in your fleet
                             The popularity of both fleet management                              using the advanced metrics that such
                             software and telematics systems (see                                 software provides. Using these insights,
                             page 20) has soared in recent years.                                 you can figure out how to improve fuel
                             In fact, Teletrac Navman's 2019 survey                               efficiency and employee productivity.
                             found that the top investment priority
                             for Australian fleet businesses was                                  In summary, fleet management software
                             technology and systems that help                                     can help your business run more
                             integrate fleets.15                                                  smoothly and improve the service you
                                                                                                  offer to your clients.

    Examples of Fleet Management Software

FleetMEX Maintenance Software                                                     Fleet Maintenance Pro
(                                                         (
FleetMEX is a Computerised Maintenance Management                                 The Fleet Maintenance Pro software makes quick and easy
System (CMMS) written forcompanies that manage                                    work of tracking and organising preventive and repair
the maintenance of their business fleets. The software                            maintenance information for your fleet. It is flexible enough to
transforms your desktop computer into a maintenance                               let you track as much or as little information as you need and
control centre, allowing you to capture vehicle                                   provides automated and colour-coded alerts when a certain
information, manage day-to-day maintenance workloads,                             vehicle or piece of equipment is due for service.
schedule preventative maintenance and inspections, and
produce detailed statutory reports.
Mind My Assets                                                                    (
(                                                        This relatively new addition to the market recently topped
Mind My Assets is intended for use by small-fleet                                 PC Mag's list of Best Fleet Management Software16 thanks
operators, farmers, councils, commercial operators and                            to its straightforward interface, fair pricing (either per vehicle
more. The system allows you to keep track of all your asset                       or unlimited) and abundance of data options. Some aspects
model and serial numbers and maintain visibility of your                          of the software still seem to be unfinished – for example, the
equipment running costs. Mind My Assets also allows you                           downloadable reports contain few, if any, visualisations – but
to keep track of office and workshop-equipment records.                           overall Fleetio is a winner.

16.                                                              26
0.5 Tools and Technology to Reduce Administration

                       The Benefits of Telematics
                       Whereas fleet management software is used primarily for record
                       keeping and data analysis, telematics packages (which comprise both
                       hardware for vehicles and software) are used to monitor the location
                       and movements of your fleet in real time. Telematics systems can help
                       businesses optimise job allocation and keep track of staff. The packages
                       are often used in conjunction with fleet management software to
                       provide businesses with comprehensive insight into the day-to-day
                       operation of their fleets.

   Examples of telematics solutions

MiX Telematics (                      Onfleet (
MiX Telematics has a range of packages that cater to            Onfleet’s delivery management software helps businesses
fleets of varying sizes and types. Even the entry-level         manage and analyse their local deliveries. The software
package enables customers to have direct control over           package includes a smartphone app for drivers, a real-
mobile assets at all times. MiX Telematics is one of the        time web dashboard for dispatchers and automated
best-established providers of telematics technology             SMS notifications and driver tracking for your customers.
internationally, with customers in 120 countries.               It's also possible to integrate the software with online
                                                                ordering solutions and other systems.
 Best for: customer service.
                                                                  Best for: companies that deliver.

GeoTab (
GeoTab's telematics software incorporates many data-            Teletrac Navman
collection and reporting features from traditional fleet        (
management programs, making it an effective all-in-one
                                                                Teletrac offers four different telematics hardware options
solution for businesses with relatively straightforward fleet
                                                                to suit businesses big and small. Features of its tracking
management needs. It's well known for its attractive and
                                                                software include traffic updates, event replay, top-level
easy-to-use software interface.
                                                                view monitoring for all your vehicles, and a navigation
                                                                function that gives detailed driving directions. It's one of
  Best for: integrated fleet management.
                                                                the most advanced telematics programs on the market,
                                                                and it is regularly updated.
(                       Best for: collecting in-depth data.
Previously known as Telematics by TomTom, the Webfleet
tracking software offers navigation and traffic info,
analysis of driver behaviour to help you reduce costs,
dynamic communication between your mobile
workforce, and integration with a range of other
software and hardware.

  Best for: communicating between vehicles.

How to launch a fuel card
  program and secure
    employee buy-in
Effectively communicating with your employees is the key to
successfully rolling out a new fuel card program.

As with most workplace changes, some employees may feel
uneasy with, or even be resistant to, the new regime. It's not
unusual for some staff to feel they are losing control or are
being “watched”.

That's why it's important to explain how a fuel card program can
make their lives easier while improving overall
company performance.
0.6 How to Launch a Fuel Card Program and Secure Employee Buy-In

Employee benefits of using
company-issued fuel cards
1. They will spend less time at the petrol station.

2. They don’t have to use personal credit cards or their own cash.

3. They don’t have to keep receipts and worry about losing them.

4. They don’t have to submit lots of paperwork and wait to be reimbursed for
   fuel purchases.

To rally your team and get their genuine support, basic education and training
are essential. The most effective way to do this is through transparent, top-
down training. Start with your management team and then progress down the
hierarchy. This way, everyone is knowledgeable and accountable.

0.6 How to Launch a Fuel Card Program and Secure Employee Buy-In

              Step-by-step guide to
              introducing a fuel
              card program

 1. P
     repare for the launch by gathering the necessary employee data: personal details, car
    registration numbers, etc

2. Send an email to employees that explains the new program and announces its launch date.

3. Distribute the fuel cards and accompanying documentation.

4. Conduct a training session in which you run through the fuel card documentation. Use
   additional marketing content from the card company to make the session more engaging.

5. At the training session, confirm that everyone has received their cards and
   accompanying documentation.

6. After the session, send a follow-up email offering to address concerns, answer questions and
   make clarifications.

7. Ensure that your finance team knows what to expect and has the tools it needs, such as
   access to online account-management portals and information about how to reconcile
   and validate accounts.

8. Seek acknowledgement from your employees that they understand the rules and policies in
   place and that they will abide by them.

9. When inducting new employees, be sure to review your fleet policies with them and have them
   sign a document to show they acknowledge these rules and will observe them.

10. T o maximise cost savings over time, ensure your employees make use of the card
    company's fuel-finder website or app and encourage them to look for refuelling points
    on their common routes.

0.6 How to Launch a Fuel Card Program and Secure Employee Buy-In

Making the transition to
a fuel card program easier
for your team
Some of your employees could be quite resistant to change. Here are a few ways to
encourage your team towards compliance:

Gamify it
Run a fuel-efficiency competition using the mileage and fill data from the fuel cards
to encourage drivers to take odometer readings and to utilise their fuel card at
every fill.

Enforce accountability
Don’t deal lightly with team members who break the rules. In order to experience
the full benefits of the new program, members of your team need to use the system
correctly and be mindful of the consequences of misuse. You or your fleet manager
should regularly check your drivers’ performance by reviewing the data gathered by
your telematics program and the fuel cards.

Set performance goals
An effective way to neutralise resistance and encourage participation is to frame
the fuel card as an opportunity for drivers to improve their skills. Share telematics
and fuel card data to help drivers identify habits that might be contributing towards
inefficient driving.

Updating Fleet Policies
It’s a good idea to regularly update your fleet policies and procedures based on the
evolving needs of your business. Should you make updates, your team needs to be
informed to avoid resistance.

As this e-book shows, a well-managed fleet can significantly improve the profitability
of your business by boosting productivity and reducing overall transport costs. All
that's required of you is a moderate amount of time, effort and – in some cases –
investment. Once you have the correct tools and processes in place, it won't take
long before you start experiencing the positive effects of optimising your fleet.

If you’ve previously felt like your fleet was inefficient or a burden on your business,
the ideas outlined above can help you regain control, tighten the reins and take
charge. Remember to keep your employees informed and engaged throughout the
process so they understand the rules and can help you identify any problems.

By tackling the issues raised in this e-book and finding solutions that fit your business,
you can ensure your fleet delivers maximum benefits for many years to come.
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