How the pandemic has changed transport - A year in review - Momentum ...

Page created by Morris Montgomery
How the pandemic has changed transport - A year in review - Momentum ...
A year in review.

How the
pandemic has
changed transport
How the pandemic has changed transport - A year in review - Momentum ...

     Welcome to the spring                      Over the past year, the word
                                                ‘unprecedented’ has been used
     2021 edition of Momentum’s                 more than we might have ever
                                                imagined. The pandemic has
     Connect, where we take a                   brought many changes to
                                                everyone’s lives, but perhaps –
     retrospective look at our                  back in March 2020 – we couldn’t
                                                have predicted the extent to which
     popular and thought-provoking              transport would be impacted, or
                                                the prominence it would achieve.

     pieces from our Covid-19                   Nobody anticipated the level at which bus, train,
                                                tube and car journeys would be replaced by active travel

     Thought Hub.
                                                such as walking and cycling. Or that emerging trends such
                                                as the introduction of micromobility, for example e-bikes and
                                                e-scooters, would be accelerated. Natasha Brown, associate
                                                at Momentum said: “Now is possibly the most exciting time
                                                to be in transport planning since the 1960s. TfL, the London
                                                boroughs and the City of London are reallocating road space
                                                across their highway networks. Local authorities can use
                                                transport initiatives to unlock a safe and successful Covid-19
                                                recovery phase for residents and businesses, whilst also
                                                tackling existing challenges such as climate change and
     Keep in touch                              increasing active travel.”
                                                In this edition of Connect we’re taking a retrospective
     LinkedIn: Momentum Transport Consultancy   look back at a number of articles that have been shared
     Instagram: momentum_transport              through our Covid-19 Thought Hub, along with ‘author’s
     Twitter: @Momentum_TC_Ltd                  notes’ on how our views and predictions have changed
     Vimeo:     since their first publication.

                                                We’re also looking ahead to the launch of Momentum
                                                City 2030. This past year has underlined how progressive
                                                transport planning and urban design involves understanding
                                                the link between transport and land use, and the future
                                                shape of our towns and cities. As we emerge from crisis into
                                                recovery, and beyond, it will be critical to the challenges that
                                                we face on the future of our economies, our environment
                                                and how we tackle climate change.

               CIHT Awards 2021
               ‘Team of the Year’
How the pandemic has changed transport - A year in review - Momentum ...
06 - 09                                             16 - 19

     The future of travel.                                    E scooters:
                                written by Ollie Bolderson                            written by James Draper
                                                                                                Grace Packard

     Shock or shift                                           Love them or hate
                                                              them, they’re coming
                                              10 - 13                                             20 - 21

     Crowd and pedestrian                                     Transit oriented
                             written by Kabil Kaliyamoorthi                          written by Claudio Borsari

     modelling to safely                                      development
     re-open your space
                                              14 - 15                                             22 - 25

     Covid road space                                         The future of crowd
                               written by Natasha Brown                                written by Will Heubner

     reallocation                                             movement in stadiums
                                                                                                  28 - 29

                                                              Authors’ updates
How the pandemic has changed transport - A year in review - Momentum ...
The future
     The Coronavirus pandemic                                Mobility trends

     has changed the way that                                I’ve had a look through Apple’s mobility data,
                                                             which shows the UK’s relative volume of
     we live, work and socialise.                            direction requests based on a baseline volume

                                                                                                                                  of travel
                                                             dated 13 January 2020. If Monday 13 January
     It is a generationally defining                         was a normal day (demand is 100), this data
                                                             shows the difference in daily direction requests
     moment which will have a                                over the next three months.

     wide-ranging catalyst effect                            The data doesn’t show absolute volumes.
                                                             I’ve taken walking, driving and public transport
     throughout society.                                     data searches for the UK as a whole (sadly,
                                                             no cycling data was available). Data available
                                                             for Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham and
     The key question to my mind is whether the              London all show near-identical patterns.
     changes we’re seeing represent a shock or a             To simplify, there are perhaps three phases
     shift in demand – is this a blip in the way people      that can be identified from the UK’s travel
     move, or is this a more tectonic shift in our living,   patterns in the last three months.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Wk 10

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wk 12

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Wk 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wk 14
                                                                                                                                                                                           Wk 11
     working and travel patterns?

                                                                                                                    Wk 1

                                                                                                                           Wk 2

                                                                                                                                  Wk 3

                                                                                                                                         Wk 4

                                                                                                                                                Wk 5

                                                                                                                                                       Wk 6

                                                                                                                                                              Wk 7

                                                                                                                                                                     Wk 8

                                                                                                                                                                            Wk 9
     During every major transport, and Information           Business as usual.
     and technology innovation, commentators                 13 January to 8 March (weeks 1 to 8)
     forewarn the end of the city, or the ‘death of
                                                             Travel behaviours are ‘as normal’             140
     distance’, or the ‘End of Geography’ and yet the

     world’s urban population continues to grow; air         – people are returning to work from
     travel rebounded after 9/11, likewise London            Christmas holidays. Apple Maps                130
     Underground and Bus usage after the 7/7                 searches for walking, driving and public
     bombings, in each case after relatively short-lived     transport trips remains broadly constant
     periods of substantially-lower demand.                  throughout the three-month period.            120

     That being said, at the time of writing Virgin          Travel demand and modal choice                110
     Atlantic has announced 3,000 job cuts and an            are driven by trade-offs between the
     end to its operations at Gatwick Airport, after         convenience, cost and the accessibility
     British Airways announced they could not rule           of each mode (amongst myriad                  100
     out the closure of its Gatwick operations, clearly      factors).
     showing the airline industry considers this to be                                                      90
     a major shift in their business.                        The rapid drop.
                                                             9 March to 22 March
     So, the question is will our transport behaviours                                                      80
     change forever – or at least for a long while –         A sharp reduction in Apple Maps
     or just rebound back?.                                  searches for all modes of transport.
                                                             Most of the reduction in travel demand
                                                             occurred before the UK’s official
                                                             lockdown, announced on 23 March.               60

                                                             Personal and public safety becomes
                     What’s happened since?                  the key consideration in travel choices
                     Click to read our author’s              as offices, retail and leisure attractions
                     update from Ollie Bolderson             close.                                         40


                      Originally published 11 May 2020
                                                             Walking    Transit   Driving                   10

How the pandemic has changed transport - A year in review - Momentum ...





     Lockdown. 23 March to now
     (originally published 11 May 2020)

     Apple Maps searches remain constantly low
     after the UK Government’s lockdown
     announcement on 23 March 2020. Public

                                                           Scenario two: staying home (high probability):

     transport searches have (relatively) shrunk

     the most – a post-lockdown demand of 16%

                                                           As people have invested time, effort and money

     compared to 41% and 35% for walking and               into making home offices and online shopping
     driving, respectively. This may in part be due to     work for them, the increase in these practices
     the way we use different modes – people may be        may be here to stay, resulting in an overall lower
     walking as part of their daily exercise, or driving   frequency of travel. This I think is most likely to
     to shops – but there is no denying that public        affect public transport services, to which people

     transport is a much less appealing proposition        will be most reluctant to return, whereas driving

     during the pandemic.

                                                           and walking might well remain nearly as attractive

                                                           as they used to be.


     Public safety is the key consideration in this

     policy-backed reduction in travel. Only essential
     journeys are made as the absolute number of
                                                                                                                               The way that these scenarios play out will              A proactive rationing of road space, to more
     trips is significantly lower than normal. Many
                                                                                                                               be radically different in different places – my         closely reflect the substantially lower vehicular
     people are able to work from home and many
                                                                                                                               prediction is that areas where public transport         demand, might go someway to minimise the
     shopping trips are avoided by online shopping
                                                                                                                               was previously the main mode of transport               effect of a quasi-induced demand as relatively
     (there has been an increase in online food retail     Scenario three: radical progressive                                 (central cities, especially progressive places)         quiet roads and shorter journey times entice
     users of 10%).                                        (low probability):                                                  will see a big growth in active travel, whereas         people into their cars. This rationing would have

                                                           As people adjust to walking and cycling more                        those places that are less well-connected by            a ‘double dividend’ effect – disincentivising car

                                                           whilst roads are quieter and safer, they don’t                      public transport will see people revert back            travel and incentivising travel by walking and
                                                           look back and don’t return to public transport for                  to car driving. Outer parts of cities, then, may        cycling by providing more safe and dedicated
                                                           everyday commuting needs. Driving demand may                        have congestion issues, whereas we may                  routes.

     scenarios for                                         be suppressed through road space reallocation
                                                           to further encourage walking and cycling. A shift
                                                                                                                               need to look at providing more road space for
                                                                                                                               pedestrians and cyclists in inner cities.               Opportunity 3.

     the future
                                                           from public transport to active travel would free                                                                           Polycentricity and personal travel
                                                           up capacity on public transport services, with                      This pandemic presents an opportunity to take           Transport has been a mainframe system
                                                           lower overall demand and a flatter peak demand                      stock and to evaluate where we were, are and            – it has been shaped by large, expensive
                                                           (due to flexible working), meaning that public                      where we want to be, and this is the time to            infrastructure predicated on economies of
     What might the next phase of transport demand                                                                             collectively consider how we can seize this
                                                           transport would in time, and with the introduction                                                                          scale. It is now moving into becoming a
     look like as we slowly transition out of lockdown?                                                                        opportunity.
                                                           of a vaccine, become a more popular proposition.                                                                            more personal experience using lighter and
     Will we see a reversion to the old way – a
                                                           A rebound to public transport could then                                                                                    more flexible infrastructure to reflect a more
     bounce-back? Or more of the post lockdown                                                                                 Opportunity 1. Flexibility
                                                           cannibalise car travel rather than detract from an                                                                          consumer-focussed means of using transport
     trends, as commuters show caution in their                                                                                More flexible working hours can be beneficial
                                                           increase in active travel.                                                                                                  services. Where previously transport services
     behaviour? Or some form of hybrid?

                                                                                                                               for an at-strain transport system for a number          were designed to transport workers from the
                                                                                                                               of reasons – increased working from home                suburbs to their central London offices, now the
     Looking across the board, then, how might                                                                                 means fewer trips and peak spreading,
     driving, public transport and walking modes                                                                                                                                       infrastructure is ‘micro’ allowing people to make
                                                                                                                               where people work with more flexible hours.             different trips to different hubs. Similar to Anne
     bounce back? A return to the baseline for each                                                                            This could mean a dispersed rush hour and,
     mode would be returning to 100% (totalling 300%                                                                                                                                   Hidalgo’s 15-minute city concept in Paris, we
                                                                                                                               effectively, a higher capacity for the transport        have an opportunity to rethink our city experience
     between the three modes). I have modelled                                                                                 network as a whole. This in turn can support
     four scenarios to better understand what might        Scenario four: car is king (medium probability):                                                                            in a way that will be geared towards more multi-
                                                                                                                               more residential density in suburban areas,             modal and active travel to workspaces, retail and
     happen. They are not predictions, but designed to     People are unwilling to return to public transport,                 something encouraged in national and regional
     help think about four plausible futures.                                                                                                                                          leisure facilities closer to where we live, rather
                                                           which is considered a health risk, and private                      policy, to respond to demand on the housing             than in a single Central Activity Zone.
                                                           transport is preferred as it’s door-to-door and                     market. Office design will also be much more

                                                           involves very little human interaction. Whilst the                  geared to flexible work. In many cases, work            As we look ahead to life after lockdown only
                                                           data shows that the driving and walking searches                    can be completed anywhere, so offices need              time will tell whether this current crisis will cause
                                                           are slightly increasing as lockdown continues,                      to facilitate relationship building, collaboration,     ‘shock or shift’ – but there are many opportunities
                                                           public transport usage remains very low compared                    and knowledge sharing.                                  for change that may just have been accelerated
                                                           to its baseline – two of the three busiest, post-                                                                           by Covid-19.
                                                           lockdown public transport days were in the week                     Opportunity 2. Promoting active transport
     Scenario one: the old days:                           lockdown was announced, contrasted with the fact                    Whilst the Apple Maps data hasn’t included
     Each mode is at 100% – the pre-virus baseline         that two of the busiest three driving days were last                cyclists, there has been some evidence
                                                           week.                                                               elsewhere that leisure cycling in the UK has
                                                                                                                               increased during the UK’s lockdown.
How the pandemic has changed transport - A year in review - Momentum ...
Article   02
                     Crowd and pedestrian
                        modelling to safely
                       re-open your space

How the pandemic has changed transport - A year in review - Momentum ...
Entrance queue layout with 2m
                                                                                gap between people

                                                                                                      Covid-19 has turned                                      Over the decades we’ve grown and developed
                                                                                                                                                               habits to suit what we have and how we behave
                                                                                                      our world upside down.                                   in a public space. Changing that habit will take
                                                                                                                                                               time. Therefore it’s up to us to help our clients
                                                                                                      People are thinking twice                                to quickly and effectively put measures in place
                                                                                                                                                               to encourage people to follow certain rules; so
                                                                                                      about making single trips                                we can do the things we want to do in a more
                                                                                                                                                               controlled, uninterrupted – and most importantly
                                                                                                      or general commuting.                                    – safe way.

                                                                                                      Large gatherings, whether                                This means reimagining our public spaces,
                                                                                                                                                               office environments, shopping areas, high
                                                                                                      for sports, cultural events                              streets and schools (to name but a few) to
                                                                                                                                                               encourage people to follow the rules in an
                                                                                                      or even shopping, seem                                   acceptable way.

                                                                                                      a distant memory.

      Crowd and
                                                                                                                                                               For many years our crowd flow and pedestrian
                                                                                                                                                               modelling assessments have been helping
                                                                                                      As we start to hear more about our phased                our clients to optimise the experience their
                                                                                                      return to how things were – with some schools            customers or users have of their venue,
                                                                                                      and shops able to open from next month –                 development or public space. We’re excited to
                                                                                                      we’re presented with a challenge of the like             be able to offer our tools (such as Legion and

                                                                                                      we’ve never seen before. The Government                  VISWALK software) and our experience now to
                                                                                                      advice on social distancing and new hygienic             help our clients with the new challenges they’re
                                                                                                      measures means we all need more space to                 facing as a result of the pandemic.

                                                                                                      do the things we normally do without even
                                                                                                      considering the physical space required.

      modelling to
                                                                                                      Five ways our tools
                                                                                                      can help you reopen
                                                                                                      your spaces safely                                                                03.
      safely re-open
                                                                                                                                                                                        Testing and developing

                                                                                                              01.                                     02.
                                                                                                                                                                                        layouts for queuing areas,
                                                                                                                                                                                        with minimum impact on
                                                                                                                                                                                        the building operations or
                                                                                                                                                                                        external area; simulating

      your space
                                                                                                                                                                                        a two-metre separation
                                                                                                                                                       Suggesting                       between each person
                                                                                                              Determining the                          general circulation,
                                                                                                              maximum capacity                         area layout and
                                                                                                              of people in a space,                    movement options

                                                                                                              whether a museum
                                                                                                              gallery, an event, an
                                                                                                              office space or a shop

      “Getting back to using our larger spaces is
      a huge challenge, but it’s one we’re proud
      to be able to help our clients tackle while
                                                     What’s happened since?
                                                     Click to read our author’s
                                                                                                                                                      05.                                Recreating pedestrian
                                                                                                                                                                                         movement and testing
                                                                                                                                                                                         the capacity of pedestrian
      staying true to our company aim of creating    update from Kabil Kaliyamoorthi                                                                  Advising on how to                 areas in line with
                                                                                                                                                      spread arrivals and                social-distance-based
      forward-looking solutions that address the                                                                                                      departures of office               pedestrian densities and
      needs of the future city and place people at                                                                                                    workers and visitors               flow rates
      the centre of our work.”                                                                                                                        to reduce the risk of
                                                                                                                                                      conflicts at entrances,
                                                     Originally published 27 May 2020                                                                 lobbies and lift areas
How the pandemic has changed transport - A year in review - Momentum ...
      There have been many                                  These schemes were implemented on a trial or
                                                            experimental basis so they could be monitored,
      road space reallocation or                            reviewed, and retained, amended or removed.
                                                            If some of these schemes had been given more
      “Streetspace” schemes in                              time and politicians had held their nerve against

                                                                                                                 road space
                                                            the opposition, I wonder if they may have still
      London boroughs as a result of                        been in place now, helping to reduce motor
                                                            traffic speeds and volumes and improving air
      the Department for Transport’s                        quality, with the associated climate and health
                                                            benefits, during lockdown 3?
      Emergency Active Travel Fund

      (EATF) to respond to COVID-19.                        Continuing in the face of opposition

      Some have attracted more                              Other London local authorities have continued
                                                            despite opposition. Lambeth Council has stood
      attention than others. Some                           firm on its LTNs and believes the protesters

      have been deemed successful                           are a minority. Croydon and Ealing have faced
                                                            legal challenges on some of their low traffic        Consultation is key                                    Meeting a London-wide need
      and others not. Some have                             neighbourhoods. Islington has amended
                                                            some schemes to improve local access but             Many of the arguments against LTNs have                According to the London Cycling Campaign, by
      been removed due to                                   is continuing to implement further schemes
                                                            despite marches, demonstrations
                                                                                                                 suggested that new schemes have been set
                                                                                                                 up undemocratically and without consultation.
                                                                                                                                                                        November 2020, London’s Streetspace programme
                                                                                                                                                                        had already resulted in 90km of cycle lanes, nearly
      vociferous local opposition.                          and vandalism of signs and planters.                 Or that they disadvantage car drivers and              100 LTNs, over 80km of bus lane becoming 24/7

                                                                                                                 disproportionately benefit more privileged             and over 300 new school streets. More schemes will
                                                            Camden is prefacing its public consultations         communities. It’s also important to remember           be delivered following the second round of funding
      Lewisham Council opted to reduce their low            on LTNs with the statement that 69% of
      traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) in Lewisham and                                                              that in some communities, and for some                 announced by the DfT in November 2020.
                                                            households in the borough do not own a car           users (particularly outside city centres), cars
      Lee Green, due to local opposition. Wandsworth        and – that due to public transport capacity
      suspended all its trial LTNs and stated that they                                                          and other motorised vehicles are essential             If the mayor is to achieve his ambitious targets on
                                                            remaining much lower than before the                 for people and businesses to go about their            road safety and emissions, there remains a need for
      were not delivering the benefits they wish to see     pandemic – safe and easy walking, cycling and
      and were also affecting emergency access and                                                               daily lives. It’s these types of situations            improved walking and cycling facilities in London, as
                                                            scooting routes are more important than ever.        where we might wish to look at alternative             well as a reduction in the number of non-essential
      traffic flows.                                        This statement highlights up front that those        solutions to LTNs, whilst still striving for overall   motor vehicle journeys. TfL’s latest Travel in London
                                                            car drivers that complain about any measures         improvements.                                          report states that the proportion of journeys made by
      When large-scale road space reallocation              implemented are either in the minority of
      schemes are implemented there are often knock-                                                                                                                    walking and cycling increased significantly from 29%
                                                            residents or living outside the borough.             The issue of lack of consultation on schemes           (between January and March 2020) to an estimated
      on effects, such as displaced traffic or lower-
      than-anticipated usage of new cycle lanes or                                                               has now been addressed by the Department               46% (between April and June 2020); the proportion
                                                            Hackney has assessed TfL traffic counts to           for Transport’s amended guidance issued in             of journeys by private (motorised) transport rose from
      pedestrian space. There will also almost always       show that LTNs have not caused a rise in main
      be opposition where traffic routes become more                                                             November 2020 on the importance of engaging            38% to 45% over the same period.
                                                            road traffic, despite opposition and protests        and consulting with local communities and
      convoluted or the measures cause congestion.          from people concerned about the knock-on
      It usually takes about 6 months for traffic                                                                stakeholders prior to implementation from              Whether or not these trial and experimental
                                                            effect of traffic as well as access issues and the   January 2021 onwards.                                  Streetspace schemes have been amended, reduced
      patterns to settle down and for people to adjust      lack of prior consultation.
      their journey patterns or change their mode of                                                                                                                    or removed completely, local authorities should be
      transport.                                                                                                                                                        praised for putting them in on such a large scale.
                                                                                                                                                                        They have risen to the challenge and, despite some
      The scale of the backlash against some of                                                                                                                         schemes being removed or reduced, what they have
      these measures may be due to the scale of the                                                                                                                     achieved in a few months is more than would be
      proposals implemented, or to do with the fact                                                                                                                     achieved in several years in normal circumstances.
      that in the first lockdown people were initially
      advised to make essential journeys by car rather
      than public transport, which was then made more
      difficult by the Streetspace schemes. Most likely                                                                                                                                What’s happened since?
      it was due to people’s frustration with the overall                                                                                                                              Click to read our author’s
      impact of COVID-19 on their lives.                                                                                                                                               update from Natasha Brown

                                                                                                                                                                                       Originally published 5 Feb 2020
How the pandemic has changed transport - A year in review - Momentum ...

      Article   04
      Love them or hate them
How the pandemic has changed transport - A year in review - Momentum ...
Love them or
                                                                                                                    So, what potential do they have?
                                                                                                                    Do they actually solve a problem?

                                                                                                                    They say a picture is worth a thousand words,
                                                                                                                    well, we think the same about the map (right).
                                                                                                                    At the moment, we’re still avoiding trains but
                                                                                                                    once more movement is permitted and train
                                                                                                                    travel is required, it’s anticipated at least some

                                                           hate them
                                                                                                                    Londoners will do whatever it takes to avoid
                                                                                                                    using the tube to travel to their final destination.
                                                                                                                    Based on an average speed of 16kmph, we’ve
                                                                                                                    plotted the distance an e-scooter rider might be
                                                                                                                    able to travel in just 10 minutes from Zone 1,
                                                                                                                    central London train stations. The potential
                                                                                                                    for e-scooters to reduce over-crowding on the
      E-scooters – everyone has                                                                                     London Underground is clear.

      an opinion on them. These                                                                                     But what about active travel?
                                                                                                                                                                           Some are promoting schemes known as ‘low
                                                                                                                                                                           traffic neighbourhoods’ where, via the usage
      opinions might have changed                                                                                   Of course, many of these journeys can be
                                                                                                                                                                           of temporary modal filters, vehicle access will
                                                                                                                                                                           be reduced to residential areas in an effort to
      based on your experience of                                                                                   walked (a third of the speed) or cycled, though
                                                                                                                    the convenience of an e-scooter is potentially
                                                                                                                                                                           promote travel by other means. For example,
                                                                                                                                                                           the London Borough of Southwark is looking to
      them so far, either from your                                                                                 attractive to the masses.                              implement low traffic neighbourhoods across

                                                                                                                                                                           Walworth and Kennington. These schemes are
      memories of gliding along                                                                                     Moving people from tube to scooter could also          both aiming to provide cycling lanes and widened
                                                                                                                    encourage future active travel as confidence in
      the Barcelona waterfront                                                                                      moving about the streets increases. Potentially,
                                                                                                                                                                           footpaths, facilitating e-scooter travel. To see
                                                                                                                                                                           what each local authority is doing, search for the

      promenade or from that time                                                                                   e-scooters provide that stepping-stone from
                                                                                                                    polluting car use and over-capacity public
                                                                                                                                                                           name of your council along with ‘Streetspace
      you were nearly knocked off                                                                                   transport towards the sunnier realms of active
                                                                                                                    travel.                                                Of course, e-scooter trials only permit the use
      your feet by one crossing                                                                                                                                            of shared e-scooters however one must give
                                                                                                                                                                           thought to privately-owned scooters. Similar to
      Oxford Circus.                                                                                                Facilitating their usage                               bicycles, where will they be parked, charged
                                                                                                                                                                           and stored? Perhaps it’s time for developments,
                                                                                                                    To facilitate the use of e-scooters and other          offices in particular, to look past the bicycle
      The UK’s stance on these micro-modes has been        The UK government has taken a big and bold               micromobility methods, there is an utmost need         and provide space for e-scooter users. But
      clear – they’re banned, but, following a call for    step forward by moving the original 2021                 to make streets safer spaces than they are at          should they stop there? Are we at a cusp of a
      increased transport options, we can now expect       e-scooter trial period to June 2020 onwards.             present.                                               micromobility revolution in the UK? Will other
      to see some shared-system scooters (perhaps by       In the transport industry, countless webinars,                                                                  micro-modes start entering the market?
      Lime, Bird, Voi etc) weaving around our streets in   roundtables and consultations are taking place           Recently, the Department for Transport
      the very near future.                                to gather viewpoints surrounding this ‘new’              announced an ‘Emergency Active Travel
                                                           transport mode. Of course, safety remains                Fund’, made available to all local authorities         Looking forward
      Previously promoted as an (arguably) sustainable     absolute priority, but the opportunity for people        in England. This fund has been developed
      first and last-mile solution and complimentary to    to move independently, particularly in a city            based on the proportion of adults in each              It is absolutely imperative that each rider AND
      public transport, the need for these vehicles has    such as London is crucial.                               local authority who travel to work via public          driver takes responsibility for the way they
      somewhat changed in the last couple of months.                                                                transport – with the emphasis that some of             use the roads to keep them safe for everyone.
      Suddenly, our attention moves from reducing                                                                   these trips could otherwise go to private cars.        Above all, pedestrians must sit at the top of
      transport-related carbon emissions to providing                      What’s happened since?                   Micromobility and associated measures provide          the hierarchy – streetspace is their space and
      workers with a mode which allows them to remain                      Click to read our authors’ update from   a good alternative to private car use under            e-scooters must not disrupt that. As we pull away
      socially distanced yet able to make journeys                         James Draper and Grace Packard           these circumstances. Our next hope is that             from the depths of the pandemic and the primary
      which they would normally use public transport                                                                local authorities apply for the funding and utilise    use of e-scooters moves back towards being
      for. In London, it is difficult for us to imagine                                                             it effectively                                         a first and last-mile solution, urban designers,
      squeezing ourselves onto a packed tube again,                                                                                                                        policy-makers, technologists and road users
      at least not any time soon.                                                                                   Indeed, several London boroughs and other              will need to adapt to ensure that we continue to
                                                                                                                    local authorities have been successful in              make the most of the mode, both for society and
                                                                                                                    their applications for funding and have                for sustainability. We should look to the future,
                                                                                                                    already been consulting on local schemes.              envisage what we want and set out to get it.
                                                                           Originally published 24 June 2020
The psychological impact of an extremely
                                                                                                            serious, and not yet clearly treatable, disease –
                                                                                                            transmissible through droplets between people in
                                                                                                                                                                                     What’s happened since?
                                                                                                            close proximity – casts significant doubts on the
                                                                                                                                                                                     Click to read our author’s
                                                                                                            appetite to return to dense, crowded urban areas.
                                                                                                                                                                                     update from Claudio Borsari
                                                                                                            Although not all large metropolises have higher
                                                                                                            infection rates than other areas (for example,
                                                                                                            New York has, but London does not), car-based
                                                                                                            low-density suburbs might represent a reassuring
                                                                                                            response to avoiding infection.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Originally published 26 June 2020
                                                                                                            Although probably inevitable in the short

                                                                                                            term, dense, walkable and transit-oriented             As lives have become more local during the
                                                                                                            neighbourhoods should not allow a car-                 lockdown, these centres and clusters could
                                                                                                            based recovery to stop the sustainable urban           very well be the future of transit-oriented
                                                                                                            and mobility regeneration momentum. It is              developments: located within 15 minutes’
                                                                                                            encouraging that a consensus on these kind             sustainable travel from their users, focused not
                                                                                                            of measures seems to be present among most             solely on high- (or hyper-) density, heavy mass

                                                                                                            European cities – from Milan to Paris, and Berlin      transit infrastructure and utilitarian linked-trips
                                                                                                            to London. The Streetspace for London plan (as         (home to school to post office to work to groceries
                                                                                                            well as the similar transport interventions being      to home), but also on a more holistic approach
                                                                                                            developed by the City of London and, in my home        to urban lifestyles that takes into account work-
                                                                                                            country Italy, by the city of Milan) is an extremely   life balance, social and family interactions and
                                                                                                            positive example of such an approach.                  the dissemination of economic opportunities

                                                                                                                                                                   across metropolises, towns and cities, rather
                                                                                                            I find particularly interesting the 15-minute          than in small, often (economically and socially)
                                                                                                            city approach of Paris, “based on four major           inaccessible clusters.
                                                                                                            principles: proximity, diversity, density and
                                                                                                            ubiquity, […] individual areas within the city         And while we look at making these clusters
                                                                                                            should be able to fulfil six social functions:         accessible (across multiple dimensions – from
      Transit-oriented development                       parks, the concept was then recovered in
                                                         search of a more (socially, environmentally,
                                                                                                            living, working, supplying, caring, learning and
                                                                                                            enjoying”[1]. Each city neighbourhood should
                                                                                                                                                                   transport, to businesses, to inclusivity), we
                                                                                                                                                                   should be aware of the risk of segregation
      (TOD), be it around a rail,                        and economically) sustainable urban form.          be within a 15-minute walk, bike ride or public
                                                                                                            transport trip from key amenities, retail and
                                                                                                                                                                   between these 15-minute neighbourhoods, if
                                                                                                                                                                   the sole focus is how to connect the centres to
      underground, light rail, tram, or                  The concept then broadened, to include
                                                         Vancouver’s Transit Oriented Communities
                                                                                                            workplaces. A particularly interesting element
                                                                                                            of the plan is the approach to re-use existing
                                                                                                                                                                   the surrounding areas. As discussed by multiple
                                                                                                                                                                   studies and analyses over time, the boundaries
      bus rapid transit line, has been                   where the focus shifts from the development
                                                         (referring to a single plot or project) to the
                                                                                                            infrastructure outside its planned hours or use.       of what we define as neighbourhoods become
                                                                                                                                                                   the location of so-called barriers (such as
      a cornerstone of urban revival                     integration of economic vibrancy and density
                                                         within existing neighbourhoods. The scope
                                                                                                            As Carlos Moreno, professor at University of
                                                                                                            Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, plan creator and
                                                                                                                                                                   infrastructure lines for example, or even actual
                                                                                                                                                                   walls), often creating social segregation along
      for the last decades.                              was further extended to include active
                                                         travel, walkable neighbourhoods around key
                                                                                                            advisor to mayor Hidalgo, says: “Hidalgo’s plan
                                                                                                            would add offices in neighbourhoods that lack
                                                                                                                                                                   the lines of ethnicity, or income, or religion.
                                                                                                                                                                   The design of these boundaries, according, for
      It’s a remarkably simple idea:                     stations and the provision of high-quality         them, so people can work closer to home. Some          example, to Richard Sennett, should embrace
                                                         infrastructure for urban cycling, thus extending   people could work in neighbourhood coworking
      if people and urban activities                     the catchment of the TOD and public transport      hubs; for many jobs now, the biggest hurdle will
                                                                                                                                                                   a level of informality that allows both adjacent
                                                                                                                                                                   differences and newcomers to generate
                                                         to a much wider area reachable by bike, both
      are concentrated around key
                                                                                                            simply be convincing companies that employees          unplanned and unexpected elements of urban
                                                         in London (Healthy Streets) and, again, in         can successfully work remotely (although the           creativity (in contrast with the more determined
      transit hubs, then users would                     Vancouver.                                         tragic circumstances of COVID-19 seem to have
                                                                                                            given a significant push in this direction). Another
                                                                                                                                                                   and homogeneous centres).

      choose not to travel by car.                       The post-COVID recovery poses significant
                                                                                                            key to the approach is finding multiple uses
                                                                                                            for infrastructure that already exists. Libraries,
                                                                                                                                                                   Should the forced break in daily lives encourage
                                                                                                                                                                   thinking on how to avoid the mistakes of the past,
                                                         risks to this model.                               stadiums, and other buildings could be used            once the more immediate threat and fear of the
      Even before cars, it is around the early
                                                                                                            outside their standard hours. Nightclubs could         contagion subside (be it because of vaccines,
      concepts of TOD that modern mass-transport
                                                         TfL estimates that public transport capacity       double as gyms in the afternoon”. During its           treatments or just because we get used to it), we
      systems were developed, with lines stretching
                                                         will have to be reduced by 80-90% for as           development, London expanded to incorporate            might find a clue to the future of transit-oriented
      out on green fields, shops developed around
                                                         long as social distancing measures are in          the surrounding towns to become the “city of           developments in this tension between planned
      the new stations and houses within walking
                                                         place in some form, making it impossible to        villages”: the London Plan identifies more than        centres and informal edges, as they move from
      distance of both. While the idea faded during
                                                         rely on mass transit to service high-density       200 town centres, from international attractors        transit oriented to sustainability and inclusivity
      the car boom of the second half of the 20th
                                                         developments.                                      down to local and neighbourhood centres, most          oriented, and from development to communities.
      century, preferring sprawling suburbs and retail
                                                                                                            of them already clustered along public transport
                                                                                                            stations or interchanges.                              unveils-15-minute-city-plan-in-re-election-campaign

                                    Article         06
      The future of crowd
      movement in stadiums

                 CGI of YTL Arena. Image owned by YTL Arena Bristol
The future
      There seems to be some                                Understanding the power of real-time data is
                                                            key. Tracking spectator movements around
      cautious optimism that 2021                           a stadium can provide crucial insight and a
                                                            deeper understanding of how people move
      will (hopefully!) be the year that                    through spaces and help operators identify

                                                                                                                of crowd
                                                            problem areas and uncover potential solutions.
      full crowds will make a return to                     Real-time data can also be used by event
      stadiums and music venues.                            staff to identify any particularly busy areas and
                                                            re-route spectators to alternative locations if
      However, even before the                              required. This immediate transfer of live data

                                                                                                                movement in
                                                            is a crucial tool in managing event crowds and
      Coronavirus lockdown,                                 keeping spectators safe.

      attendance at live sport and                          By identifying trends in crowd movements from
                                                            this data collection, stadium operators are also
      music events was in decline                           much better equipped to develop operational

      due to the high-tech and HD                           crowd management plans that will ensure the
                                                            efficient movement of spectators through their

      viewing experiences that are                          space. This will help in achieving seamless
                                                            event day movements and fan safety in the
      increasingly available and                            event of an evacuation or emergency.

      affordable to many fans.                              Wayfinding and navigation

                                                            As well as gathering useful information,
      Stadium operators will face several challenging       mobile apps can be used by spectators for           Crowd flow modelling                                 Looking ahead
      issues when fans can return. These will range         wayfinding (either within the stadium, or to/
      from ensuring and managing a safe evacuation,         from transport nodes) or for pre-ordering food      Crowd simulation software is an effective            Many of us at Momentum are sports fans and are
      general crowd management and operations, and          and drinks for half-time or interval periods (for   means of analysing and visualising the impact        keen to be back in stadiums, grounds and arenas to
      busy concourses with queues and congestion.           example). Mobile apps can also use real-time        of operational crowd management measures or          support our teams. But in these uncertain times it’s
      All these factors can make life very difficult for    data to inform spectators about current queue       general spectator movement around a venue.           crucial that venues are able to open up effectively
      stadium staff, as well as impact on spectators’       lengths or crowding, redirect them to quieter                                                            and above all – safely – taking into account ongoing
      matchday experience, resulting in potentially         areas of the stadium, or advise them to wait in     We use simulation modelling to test more             restrictions and guidelines that could be in place
      reduced spending and profits.                         their seats for a period. These solutions can       complicated environments for our clients, such       for some time to come. We look forward to working
                                                            have hugely positive impacts on spectator           as a stadium concourse during half time. In          with our clients in the coming months to help them
      So how do we make sure that spectators want           movements and circulation space within the          this instance, the capacity is not just a function   overcome this challenge.
      – and feel comfortable and safe – to come back        stadium, by reducing queues at concessions          of the dimensions of the space (even though
      when restrictions are lifted or loosened? And what    and helping to evenly distribute demand to          this is often how a concourse is designed).
      can stadium operators and owners do to enhance        underutilised areas.                                For example, in stadium concourses, you can
      their visitors’ experiences, and to plan and design                                                       find people entering and exiting, circulating,
      for seamless spectator movements, transactions                                                            dwelling, and queueing. Complicated and                             What’s happened since?
      and journeys to keep fans coming back week                                                                conflicting movements need to be assessed                           Click to read our author’s
      after week, helping to maximise stadium profits                                                           to ascertain realistic capacities. How the use                      update from William Heubner
      after so many months of closure?                                                                          of wayfinding and navigation apps will affect
                                                                                                                crowd movements in these spaces is also
      Increasing fan engagement using technology                                                                important to understand.

      Technology – such as using wi-fi connectivity,
      Bluetooth, sensors and cameras – is a powerful                                                                                                                                Originally published 16 Feb 2020
      tool that, by gathering important information, can
      increase fan engagement and optimise spectator
      movements around a venue; all of which
      contributes to happier fans willing to spend more
      money on event days.
Now more than ever it is incumbent on us as transport
         professionals to support development which puts people
      first. This includes health, safety and wellbeing in this time of

       international recovery, and beyond, and to respond to those
        existing, longer-term challenges of climate change, public
        health and poorly-connected communities – to name but a
        few of the challenges that we’re all working on to improve.
                                             Roy McGowan | Managing Director, Momentum

                                             Writing in response to the Centre
                                             for London report “Building for
                                             a New Urban Mobility”
                                                                                                   The future of travel - shock or shift?

                                                                                                   A year on and – transport-wise – we’ve
                                                                                                   seen a bit of everything. One area of
                                                                                                   concern remains the use and funding

                                                                                                   of public transport. The Government’s
                                                                                                   large changes to rail and buses in
                                                                                                   England speak to this. Meanwhile, car
                  Crowd and pedestrian modelling                                                   driving has recently surged to pre-
                  to safely re-open your space                                                     pandemic levels. We are, however,
                                                                                                   seeing improved pedestrian and cyclist
                  Over the last year, we’ve all learnt to adopt the various                        infrastructure. The way that gaps in
                  restrictions in place to tackle the pandemic; our behaviour                      public transport demand are plugged
                  in public spaces and when using public transport facilities                      – by private vehicles or active travel –
                  has been greatly influenced by them. The vaccine rollout                         will define the next year for transport in
                  and the relaxation of restrictions have helped with public                       London, and beyond.
                  confidence to go out and participate in events. This again
                  redefines how we plan for events and prepare our facilities
                  (public areas, workplaces, retail areas, event facilities etc)
                  for day-to-day use.

                  Flexibility in assessing conditions
                  and adopting changes based on
                  prevailing behavioural trends
                  and government advice has been

                  key. Our advice will continue to
                  consider these trends while also
                  futureproofing our clients’ facilities.

                                                                         E-scooters are coming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Planning for a return to stadiums

                                                                         The first e-scooter trial started in Middlesbrough in July 2020                                                                             Since this article was first published

                                                                         and even before we saw scooters on the streets of London                                                                                    it’s been wonderful to see fans starting
                                                                         (with the trial beginning on 7 June 2021) the UK had more                                                                                   to return to stadia for pilot, and limited
                                                                         than 12,000 (approx.) shared e-scooters available for either                                                                                capacity, events. The Premier League’s
                                                                         short or long-term hire. A cautious approach has been taken                                                                                 decision to allow up to 10,000 home fans
                                                                         with London only launching in 5 areas to begin with and some                                                                                to watch the final game of the 2020/21
                                                                                                                                                What’s next for transit-oriented development?
                                                                         trials have been stopped and then restarted due to safety                                                                                   season, and the good progress we’re
      Road space reallocation                                            concerns, but we’ve seen a generally positive beginning to the                                                                              seeing generally, also gives us hope that
                                                                                                                                                A focus remains on the 15-minute and 20-minute city
                                                                         trials with it even being described as a ‘policing non-event’.                                                                              we might even see Wembley host over
                                                                                                                                                concepts (if considered as a one-way trip or two-way trip
      There has been less noise made in the media                        With an average journey length of 3-4km, early signs indicate                                                                               80,000 at the Euros! But the way in which
                                                                                                                                                respectively). Most cities are not backing down from the shift
      since the article was published – perhaps                          great potential to replace short private car journeys.                                                                                      stadium operators safely get back to full
                                                                                                                                                to walking and cycling, and designing for sustainability and
      as restrictions are easing people have a                                                                                                                                                                       capacities remains an important question
                                                                                                                                                inclusivity (not only for disabled users, but for all user groups)
      different focus. Or perhaps the change to                          As we step out of the pandemic we look forward to                                                                                           for many, and after such a long period
                                                                                                                                                remain a priority. Together these locations will create cities
      the government guidelines on consulting on                         understanding the role e-scooters might have in towns and                                                                                   of fans experiencing events from the
                                                                                                                                                of spaces connected by cycling or public transport, giving
      proposals prior to implementation from January                     cities in the future. An intriguing combination of operating                                                                                comfort of their own home, planning for
                                                                                                                                                everyone the choice and opportunity to easily access local and
      2021 is allowing people to air their concerns                      companies continue to battle it out to get their scooters                                                                                   an amazing visitor experience to get fans
                                                                                                                                                metropolitan facilities whilst maintaining the strength of cities
      and enabling local authorities to take them on                     involved in trials. It will be particularly interesting to see how                                                                          back will be crucial.
                                                                                                                                                as places for socialisation, meetings and exchange.
      board at the design stage.                                         competition promotes innovation in types of scooter, and how
                                                                         they will respond to user and government feedback.

      City 2030 is
      Over the coming months we’ll
      be setting out on a journey
      through Momentum City 2030
      - an exemplar city highlighting
      the best of good urban design
      and transport planning.
      Crucially, at this challenging time, we’ll look at the
      range of solutions which will build back equitable cities,
      address the challenges of public health and climate
      change and deliver connected spaces which safeguard
      the city and our environment for future generations -
      unlocking the key role that cities and buildings play in
      achieving net zero.
Find us on social media
     and our blog.

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