PAPAKURA TO DRURY SOUTH STAGE 1B1 - Noise and Vibration Assessment - EPA NZ
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The PAPAKURA TO DRURY SOUTH STAGE 1B1 Noise and Vibration Assessment Revision No: 2 Published Date: 14/04/2021 Author: S. Wilkening
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Document Control Rev No Date Description Author Reviewer Verifier Approver 0 6/10/2020 Draft for review Siiri Wilkening 1 8/12/2020 Final for review Siiri Wilkening 2 14/04/2021 Final for approval Siiri Wilkening This document remains the property of Waka Kotahi NZTA, Papakura to Drury South (P2DS) Project. Its contents are confidential and shall not be reproduced, destroyed, or given away without the express, written permission of Waka Kotahi NZTA, Papakura to Drury South (P2DS) Project. The electronic version of this document in Geodocs on the designated server(s) is the Master Copy and is a controlled document. Unless specifically noted thereon, other copies of this document are uncontrolled.
CONTENTS 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Papakura to Bombay Project Background ................................................................. 1 1.2 Stage 1B1 Papakura to Drury Interchange ................................................................ 1 1.3 Purpose of this Report ............................................................................................... 2 2 Existing Environment .............................................................................................. 4 2.1 Receiving Environment .............................................................................................. 4 2.2 Existing Noise Environment ....................................................................................... 4 3 Assessment of Effects – Construction Noise and Vibration ................................ 7 3.1 Performance standards ............................................................................................. 7 3.1.1 Noise ......................................................................................................................... 7 3.1.2 Vibration .................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Assessment of construction noise effects .................................................................. 8 3.2.1 Determine works in the two NOR areas ..................................................................... 8 3.2.2 Ambient noise levels.................................................................................................. 8 3.2.3 Noise emission data .................................................................................................. 9 3.2.4 Envelope of construction noise effects....................................................................... 9 3.2.5 Noise effects............................................................................................................ 10 3.3 Assessment of construction vibration effects ........................................................... 12 3.3.1 Vibration data of construction equipment ................................................................. 12 3.3.2 Envelope of vibration effects.................................................................................... 12 3.3.3 Vibration effects....................................................................................................... 13 3.4 Construction Noise and Vibration Mitigation and Management ................................ 14 4 Assessment of Effects – Traffic Noise ................................................................. 15 4.1 Performance Standards ........................................................................................... 15 4.1.1 Noise ....................................................................................................................... 15 4.1.2 Change in noise level .............................................................................................. 15 4.2 Assessment methodology........................................................................................ 16 4.3 NZS 6806 Assessment ............................................................................................ 18 4.4 Assessment of change in noise level ....................................................................... 19 4.5 Assessment of Shared Use Path noise.................................................................... 20 5 Recommendations ................................................................................................ 21 5.1 Construction Noise and Vibration ............................................................................ 21 5.2 Traffic Noise ............................................................................................................ 21 6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 22
Appendices Appendix A – Noise and Vibration: Construction Appendix B – Noise and Vibration: Operation Figures Figure 1-1 Approximate extents of P2DS. Focus of this Report is Stage 1B1. Source: Aurecon NZ Ltd Figure 4-1 NZS6806 Assessment Areas Tables Table 2-1 Noise level survey results Table 3-1 Number of buildings at which works inside the NOR areas may exceed the noise standards without noise barriers Table 3-2 Number of occupied buildings in each vibration risk category for daytime works inside the NOR areas Table 4-1 Number of PPFs in each NZS 6806 noise criteria category Table 4-2 Change in noise level across the project Abbreviations Abbreviation Term AEE Assessment of Environmental Effects AUP Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part 2016) BPO Best Practice Option Ch Chainage CMA Coastal Marine Area CNVMP Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan FTA COVID-19 Recovery Fast-Track Consenting Act 2020
km Kilometres m Metres NIMT North Island Main Trunk NOR Notice of Requirement NZUP New Zealand Upgrade Programme OPW Outline Plan of Works PPFs Protected Premises and Facilities P2B SH1 Upgrades Project between Papakura to Bombay RMA Resource Management Act 1991 RIA Relevant Iwi Authorities RTN Rapid Transit Network SCMP Stakeholder and Communications Management Plan SCI Southern Corridor Improvements SGA Supporting Growth Alliance SH1 Stage Highway 1 Motorway, the Southern Motorway SH22 State Highway 22, Great South Road Southern IIG Southern Iwi Integration Group Stage 1B1 Stage 1B1 of the SH1 Upgrades Project between Papakura to Bombay SUP Shared Use Path The Guide State Highway Construction and Maintenance Noise and Vibration Guide”, V1.1, August 2019 Waka Kotahi Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Papakura to Bombay Project Background This Report supports the application lodged by Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) under the Covid 19 Recovery (Fast Track Consenting) Act 2020 (FTA) for Stage 1B1 of the Papakura to Drury South Project, a listed project under the FTA. For clarity and by way of summary we note that: ◼ The Papakura to Drury South Project was originally part of a larger project, called the Papakura to Bombay Project. ◼ Through the FTA, part of the Papakura to Bombay Project, being the Papakura to Drury South section, was included as a listed project under that Act. ◼ Waka Kotahi has broken the listed Papakura to Drury South project into further stages, with this application relating to Stage 1B1 only. Stage 1B1 is referred to as the Project throughout this document. Further discussion of the different stages of the Papakura to Drury South Project is contained in the, Assessment of Effects on the Environment (AEE), Design and Construction Report (Appendix C to the AEE) and legal submissions supporting this application. 1.2 Stage 1B1 Papakura to Drury Interchange As referred to in the AEE the geographic location of the Project is between the Papakura Interchange to south of the Drury Interchange (Quarry Road), shown in Figure 1-1. The works will include infrastructure upgrades at the Papakura Interchange, the Drury Interchange, and replacements of the SH1 Bremner Road Overbridge and Jesmond Bridge (over Ngakoroa Stream). Additionally, it is also proposed to establish a shared use path (SUP) from the Papakura Interchange to north of the Otūwairoa Bridges, and from Bremner Road to south of the Drury Interchange. A full description of the Project works is contained in the AEE and Design and Construction Report (Appendix C to the AEE), supporting the application for resource consents and Notices of Requirement (NOR). WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 1
Figure 1-1 Approximate extents of P2DS. Focus of this Report is Stage 1B1. Source: Aurecon NZ Ltd 1.3 Purpose of this Report This report on construction noise and vibration and operational traffic noise forms part of a suite of technical reports prepared for the Project. Its purpose is to inform the AEE for: ◼ The NOR to alter the Waka Kotahi SH1 Designation 6706 to increase the footprint of the designation for the purpose of modifications to the Papakura Interchange, Drury Interchange and replacement of the SH1 Bremner Road Overbridge and Jesmond bridge over Ngakoroa Stream works. ◼ The NOR to establish a new designation for a SUP. This report assesses: ◼ The construction noise and vibration effects of the Project works within the altered area of Designation 6706 and the area of the new SUP designation and recommends mitigation and management measures to address potential adverse effects of construction noise and vibration. ◼ The traffic noise effects of the Project. Noise and vibration are not addressed as a regional plan matter in the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) 2016 (AUP) so do not need to be addressed in the context of any regional consents required for the Project. This assessment is therefore restricted to an assessment of the district plan matters relating to noise and vibration, which are relevant to the NORs. WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 2
The purpose of this report is to: ◼ Describe the receiving environment and identify the relevant sensitive receivers in that environment within the Project area. ◼ Identify the construction noise and vibration effects resulting from the proposed works within: − The altered area of Designation 6706. − The area of the new SUP designation. ◼ Identify the traffic noise effects resulting from the changes to the Papakura Interchange ramps and SH1 alignment at Drury. ◼ Recommend mitigation and management measures to address potential adverse effects. In assessing the potential noise and vibration effects, the main elements associated with the Project works that are assessed in this report are: ◼ During the construction phase, the effects of construction noise and vibration. ◼ The traffic noise of the state highway post construction, out to the year 2038. WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 3
2 EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 2.1 Receiving Environment The existing receiving environment contains a combination of residential, rural and business uses. North of Hingaia Road, up to the Papakura Interchange, established residential areas front both the north and south bound lanes of SH1, generally with noise mitigation in the form of bunding and noise barriers in place. Between the Papakura Interchange and Otūwairoa bridge, adjacent to the southbound lanes of SH1, residential areas cover the entire extent (with small exceptions, e.g. a service station). These areas will receive traffic noise barriers through Stage 1A of the P2B project. The area adjacent to the northbound lane is generally of rural character, including the New Zealand Bloodstock Centre. Some of the land is in the process of being developed for residential purposes and future subdivisions are being established. A small number of residences are located in the vicinity of Park Estate Road. The western side of SH1 (i.e. adjacent to the northbound lanes) are not proposed to receive any noise barriers through Stage 1A. The area north of the Drury Interchange accommodates industrial and business uses along the southbound lanes. No noise mitigation is present, proposed or necessary, given the noise insensitive use. A small number of dwellings are located adjacent to the northbound lanes around Bremner Road. South of the Drury Interchange, within the extents of the Project, some limited residential buildings will be removed to enable the construction of the Project. Other uses in the area include a childcare centre, other businesses, and a small number of dwellings. The change in alignment proposed will take SH1 further away from these buildings. 2.2 Existing Noise Environment The existing noise environment provides a baseline for assessing noise effects. The existing noise environment at all receivers is controlled by traffic on SH1. We undertook both long and short duration noise surveys at locations along the Project extent. The survey results are used to determine appropriate construction noise limits, and to verify the computer noise model used to predict traffic noise levels. Long duration noise logging was undertaken at three locations along the Project extent. Loggers were installed and measured noise levels continuously. The measured data was analysed, and we determined noise levels relative to the construction noise limits and 24-hour noise levels used for the assessment of traffic noise levels. Analysed noise level survey results are shown in Table 2-1. Full survey results are set out in section 1 of Appendix A. WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 4
Table 2-1 Noise level survey results Survey Location / Time dB LAeq(T) dB LA90 2 dB LAFmax Measured Derived noise 1 3 Period noise level level dB LAeq(T) dB LAeq(24h)1 Long duration survey results 5 Dumas Place 0630 – 0730 59 54 75 - 60 (20 Nov – 27 Nov 2019) 0730 – 1800 61 57 79 1800 – 2000 61 57 78 2000 – 0630 56 49 72 15 Kilmakrennan Drive4 0630 – 0730 69 61 85 - 69 (3 Dec – 9 Dec 2019) 0730 – 1800 70 65 93 1800 – 2000 69 64 90 2000 – 0630 66 57 85 33 Bremner Road4 0630 – 0730 65 58 87 - 66 (20 Nov – 27 Nov 2019) 0730 – 1800 67 61 95 1800 – 2000 67 60 94 2000 – 0630 64 49 92 564 Great South Road5 0630 – 0730 62 52 83 - 64 (24 Jul – 30 Jul 2020) 0730 – 1800 66 60 81 1800 – 2000 66 60 80 2000 – 0630 63 57 80 Short duration survey results (10 June 2020) 25 Kilmacrennan Dr - - - - 69 67 (15 min) 31 Bremner Rd (15 min) - - - - 62 60 168 Flanagan Rd - - - - 71 69 (15 min) 578 Great South Rd4 - - - - 56 54 (15 min) 85 Tegal Rd (15 min) - - - - 61 59 1 – logarithmic average 2 – arithmetic average 3 – highest level 4 – Not shielded from SH1 by barrier 5 – noise from free-flowing traffic on Great South Rd contributed to the measured noise level at this position The measured levels show that ambient noise environment is significantly affected by traffic on SH1, with daytime noise levels for buildings not shielded from the road by barriers in the high 60 dB LAeq and background noise levels of 57 to 65 dB LA90. These are significantly elevated sound levels for residential activities. Existing buildings have been exposed to elevated noise levels for a significant time, as traffic on SH1 continues to grow. Part of the works will occur through business areas. Most of the buildings located in these areas house activities that are relatively noise insensitive, e.g. a ready-mix concrete batching plant, a truck parts shop, the Fletcher Asset Hub and a container self-storage yard. Other businesses may have noise sensitivity approaching that of offices, e.g. a horticultural centre, but are still less sensitive than residential buildings. WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 5
Some of the receiving environment in the vicinity of the NORs is likely to change in the future, particularly on the western side of SH1, adjacent to the SUP. Large sites are zoned Residential – Mixed Housing Suburban but are as yet undeveloped. The proposed NORs would not result in any noticeable change in traffic noise level on these areas and for the majority of Protected Premises and Facilities (PPFs), compared with the existing noise environment. However, construction noise and vibration will need to take account of any building already completed and occupied in the vicinity of the works. As we cannot currently determine the level of development at the time of construction, we have based our assessment on existing uses. Nevertheless, any management at the time of construction will, through the proposed Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan (CNVMP) (refer Section 3.4) take account of the environment as it exists during construction. WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 6
3 ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS – CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION The following sections discuss the construction noise and vibration effects of the Project works. 3.1 Performance standards This report supports an application for two NORs; one for an alteration of existing Designation 6706, and one for the creation of a new designation for the SUP. Many aspects of the Project will be constructed within the existing designation boundary of existing Designation 6706. There are no noise or vibration conditions attached to this Designation. That means that no noise and vibration limits apply to construction works within the existing Designation (although management and mitigation of construction noise will occur as a matter of best practice and with reference to the relevant noise standards, as discussed further below). As the noise and vibration effects of works inside the existing designation are already authorised, the effects of those works have not been assessed. We note, however, that the management of noise and vibration effects within the existing designation will be confirmed through an Outline Plan of Works (OPW) process, and will include the preparation and implementation of a CNVMP for the overall works and Schedules to the CNVMP (Schedules) for specific activities and receivers. The criteria against which we have assessed the construction noise and vibration effects from works in the new and altered designation areas, will control the management of effects through the CNVMP and Schedules over all the altered, new and existing designations. The requirements of Sections 16 and 17 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) also apply, and noise and vibration will be managed accordingly. Works in areas covered by the two NORs (refer section 3.1 of Appendix A) have been assessed for compliance against relevant standards and guidelines. 3.1.1 Noise Construction noise is generally assessed against NZS6803:1999 Acoustics – Construction Noise. This standard is referenced in the AUP and the Waka Kotahi “State Highway Cons truction and Maintenance Noise and Vibration Guide”, V1.1, August 2019 (the Waka Kotahi Guide). While the existing Designation does not contain any noise performance standards, management and mitigation of construction noise will occur as a matter of best practice and be guided by the relevant noise standards. Therefore, we recommend that the Standards of NZS6803 be applied to all works, irrespective of their location. NZS6803 sets lower noise standards for long duration works of more than 20 weeks, and Stage 1B1 would fall into this duration. However, the existing ambient noise levels are up to 70 dB LAeq for all houses facing SH1 that do not have any noise barriers already proposed, including those that may be affected by works in the two NORs (refer section 3.1 above). Therefore, we recommend applying the typical duration noise standards to the works of Stage 1B1. The relevant standards are set out in section 2.1 and Table 2-1 of Appendix A. In summary, daytime noise standards are 75 dB LAeq and 90 dB LAFmax. Night-time noise standards are 45 dB LAeq and 75 dB LAFmax. The night-time standards are significantly lower than current ambient noise levels in the area (refer to section of this report), and therefore a relaxation will likely be required for any night works through the process of Schedules (refer to section 3.4 of this report). 3.1.2 Vibration Both the AUP and the Waka Kotahi Guide reference relevant vibration standards for construction works. These criteria are similar insofar as they address two vibration responses: ◼ One set has reference criteria for human amenity which act as trigger levels for consultation and communication. WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 7
◼ The other set of standards are designed to avoid cosmetic building damage. This is achieved by ensuring compliance with the provisions of German Standard DIN 4150-3:1999 "Structural Vibration - Part 3: Effects of Vibration on Structures”. Waka Kotahi’s vibration standards also allow for the application of the British Standard BS 5228-2:2009 “Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites – Part 2: Vibration” at unoccupied buildings. We recommend the application of the standards as referenced in the Waka Kotahi Guide, set out in section 2.2 and Table 2-2 of Appendix A. In general terms, the Category A standards for occupied buildings aim to avoid annoyance of receivers. Because these criteria are conservative, there is a provision in the Waka Kotahi Guide to relax them if they cannot be practicably met, provided a vibration expert is engaged to assess and manage construction vibration to comply with the Category A standards as far as practicable. In addition, affected people should receive communication about the proposed works and anticipated effects, to avoid concern. If Category A vibration standards are not practicably achievable, the focus then shifts to avoiding building damage by applying the Category B standards. If the Category B standards are complied with, then building damage will not occur, as stated in the relevant standards from which the criteria are taken. If Category B standards are predicted to be exceeded, then monitoring of vibration levels should be undertaken during works and, prior to construction commencing, building condition surveys must occur to allow an assessment of and response to any effects. The German Standard, that sets the 5mm/s PPV Category B standard for occupied buildings, is a conservative standard designed to avoid all (including cosmetic) damage to buildings, e.g. superficial damage like cracking in plaster. Significantly higher standards would be applied if damage to structural foundations was the only consideration. 3.2 Assessment of construction noise effects The following sections discuss the potential construction noise impacts of the Project works on receivers adjacent to the Project. Assessment of construction noise effects is based on assumptions of construction activities and equipment. However, we have based this assessment on similar construction projects we have worked on, including the SCI project and Stage 1A of the P2B project. We have used the following assessment methodology for the construction noise and vibration assessment: 3.2.1 Determine works in the two NOR areas We determined which construction activities would be undertaken in the two NOR areas whose applications are supported by this report (refer to section 3 and Table 3-1 of Appendix A). The works on SH1 are relatively minor, and all of the SUP will be constructed within the new NOR area. In addition, a number of bridges will be constructed within the NORs such as SH1 bridges (over SH22/Great South Road and NIMT rail corridor), SH1 Bremner Road Overbridge and Jesmond Bridge (over Ngakoroa Stream). 3.2.2 Ambient noise levels We measured ambient noise levels along the route to determine the existing environment which forms the basis of the effects assessment (refer to section 2 of this report and section 1 of Appendix A). These noise levels assist with the assessment of construction noise effects. Where existing ambient noise levels are elevated, construction noise effects may be less pronounced. In addition, where night-time noise levels are elevated and night-time works are required, higher performance standards may be required through the process of Schedules (refer Section 3.1.1 above). WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 8
3.2.3 Noise emission data We reviewed noise emission data for each construction task/process based on data previously measured by Marshall Day Acoustics (MDA) for similar activities. Data from appropriate noise standards has also been considered, where relevant. We have predicted construction noise levels based on experience with similar projects and in similar circumstances. Large scale roading projects normally use similar equipment in New Zealand. The list of equipment and its respective sound power levels used as the basis of our predictions is set out in section 3.2.1 and Table 3-2 of Appendix A. It is important to keep in mind that this list is a “best estimate” of equipment that is likely to be used. Although the contractor may use different size or type of plant, from experience on other infrastructure construction projects we consider that noise emissions will be similar for each combined activity. We used the noise levels in to predict combined “activity sound power levels” (refer to section 3.2.1 and Table 3-2 of Appendix A). The activity sound power level takes account of the fact that not all items of equipment would operate in the same area and at the same time, that some activities are intermittent and therefore have a time component to them, and that some works move along the alignment while others are stationary. It also takes account of the magnitude of works, i.e. that SUP works require lesser sized equipment than road works, and that remarking of lanes to create additional traffic lanes generates lower noise than resurfacing and remarking where widening is required to create additional traffic lanes. From the activity sound power levels, we then determined the distance at which the 75 dB LAeq day-time noise criterion can be complied with, without noise barrier mitigation. 3.2.4 Envelope of construction noise effects Using the predicted noise levels, we have determined effects envelopes, i.e. distances at which compliance with the daytime and/or night-time noise standards can be achieved. We have not included shielding of temporary noise barriers and intervening buildings in the predictions, which means that the distances are conservative. Where exceedances are indicated, temporary barriers should be installed prior to construction commencing in any one area to achieve the most effective noise mitigation during the construction phase. If that is not practicable, the barriers should be installed as early as practicable during the construction phase. We recommend that the predictions be updated for the CNVMP to reflect the proposed scope of works and buildings that exist at the time of construction. Section 16 of the RMA applies and the Best Practicable Option (BPO) will need to be implemented to manage noise effects on all areas, irrespective of compliance. The following activities have been used to determine the envelope of effects. These are the activities we consider having the greatest impact on construction noise. ◼ Bulk earthworks will generate noise levels of above 75 dB L Aeq within 50m of operations where direct line-of- sight occurs between dwellings and earthworks. With barriers in place, compliance with the daytime noise limit can be achieved within 20m of the works. ◼ Piling and construction of retaining walls is limited to areas surrounding SH1 Bremner Road Overbridge. This activity may generate high noise levels at nearby dwellings due to the proximity of these works to dwellings and the likely direct line-of-sight between dwellings and machinery, which is difficult to mitigate. We have recommended that bored piling be utilised instead of impact piling, to reduce noise and vibration levels. ◼ Bridge construction works, particularly the installation of bridges that require closure of SH1, will likely be undertaken at night-time and therefore may have additional adverse effects on neighbouring residents. Closest dwellings to bridges are at distances of more than 70m, and therefore noise levels can generally be controlled to a reasonable level. Only limited numbers of dwellings are located in the vicinity of any bridges. ◼ Construction of structures and pavements is less noisy than bulk earthworks. These activities have the potential to generate noise levels of above 75 dB LAeq within 25m, and with acoustic screening within 10m of the works. WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 9
We predicted noise levels from construction and determined setback distances where compliance with the Project standards can be achieved (refer to sections 3.2 and 3.3 of Appendix A). Where staging areas or construction yards are located outside the NOR areas, these should be located away from dwellings. We recommend a buffer distance of about 50m to ensure that comfortable compliance can be achieved with the relevant standards. Where construction of the Project works inside the NOR areas is predicted to exceed the noise standards, we recommend management and mitigation. In any event, noise emissions will be managed in accordance with best practice as set out in the Waka Kotahi Guide, for all works irrespective of location or compliance with criteria. There is an overriding requirement to apply the best practicable option management and mitigation. 3.2.5 Noise effects Any works subject to this application are generally distant from sensitive receivers. Only a limited number of dwellings are close to the works outside the designation. Night-time works would generally be required for bridge works and road surfacing works (which are being undertaken as of right at present) as these works would affect the operation of SH1. Other works related to the construction of the SUP may also occur at night at times, These are discussed in section below. The closest dwellings to the works are predicted to receive noise levels up to 60 dB L Aeq with a barrier in place if night-time works are undertaken on the side of SH1 closest to the dwellings, which is similar to the existing traffic noise levels experienced by houses fronting SH1 at present. Such noise levels may cause sleep disturbance and would need to be managed and mitigated. However, any such works would be limited in duration, to individual nights only rather than several consecutive nights. When works occur on the western side of SH1 (e.g. SUP works) external noise levels at dwellings on the eastern side of SH1, with a barrier in place1, is predicted to be between 45 and 55 dB LAeq. These levels would not normally result in sleep disturbance, with internal noise levels below 35 dB LAeq with windows closed. The following Table 3-1 summarises the number and approximate location of buildings that may receive noise levels exceeding the relevant noise criteria (refer to section 3.1.1 of this report, and section 2.1 and Table 2-1 of Appendix A), from earthworks, without noise barriers in place. Most exceedances will be marginal, with noise levels up to 78 dB LAeq; nevertheless, noise levels are predicted to be high and therefore will need to be managed appropriately. 1 A noise barrier will be installed as part of the Stage 1A works commencing construction in 2021 WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 10
Table 3-1 Number of buildings at which works inside the NOR areas may exceed the noise standards without noise barriers Construction Site – Receiving Location Chainage Drawing no. Approx. number of buildings potentially receiving noise levels exceeding the limits Potential Daytime exceedances (75 dB LAeq standard) Park Estate Road 11360 0108 1 SH1 widening/Drury Interchange – Creek St, 13540 – 14140 0115 – 0016 2 Norrie St, Firth St commercial area (varying sensitivity) Bremner Road – 31, 37 Bremner Road (may be 13700 – 13740 0115 2 purchased by the crown and be unoccupied Potential Night-time exceedances at dwellings (45 dB LAeq standard) 33 Bremner Road 13540 – 13560 0115 1 Bremner Road – 31, 37 Bremner Road (may be 13700 – 13740 0115 2 purchased by the Crown and be unoccupied) 108 Flanagan Road 14380 – 14420 0117 1 120 Flanagan Road 14560 – 14600 0117 1 Dwellings along the southbound side of SH1 10240 – 10550 0105 – 0109 63 between Beach Road (Papakura) and Parkhaven Drive Most SUP works are on the northbound side of SH1, where there are currently very few buildings. South of Otūwairoa Creek, the land use has a mostly rural and lifestyle block character, with intermittent dwellings and business areas. Some of the current greenfield sites are earmarked for residential development. Should any additional buildings be completed and occupied when the Project is constructed, then these additional buildings will also need to be included in the assessment. That would best be done through the CNVMP, which will need to be prepared prior to construction. Schedules should also be developed prior to any construction activities proposed to occur at night in the vicinity of dwellings. These Schedules should identify the noise and/or vibration risks and establish the management procedures that will be used in each area. These may involve the use of temporary noise barriers, choice of quieter operating equipment or rescheduling activity to occur during the daytime period. Daytime Noise levels affect people in their place of residence or work. Construction noise is inherently higher than ongoing operational noise, which is reasonable due to its limited duration. Generally, construction noise is assessed in relation to people inside buildings. It is assumed that people will choose to not spend any extended periods in an outdoor area next to high noise construction activities. It is also assumed that people will keep their windows and doors closed to reduce internal noise levels. Generally, New Zealand dwelling WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 11
facades reduce noise levels by 20 to 25 decibels. We have assumed conservatively a noise level reduction of 20 decibels, though any new dwellings would achieve 25 to 30 decibels noise level reduction. How people may react to the noise levels predicted is shown in section 3.2.2 and Table 3-4 of Appendix A. In summary, buildings facing the works are predicted to receive façade noise levels up to 78 dB LAeq for short periods, with noise levels generally between 70 and 75 dB LAeq. Any buildings beyond the first row of buildings are predicted to receive noise levels around 70 dB LAeq during busy periods, and noise levels below 70 dB L Aeq for normal construction works. That means that for buildings facing SH1 there may be some impacts on indoor living or office work environment which can be mitigated by closing doors and windows. In addition, temporary construction noise barriers can be installed where effective, to reduce noise levels by 10 decibels. We also note that existing traffic noise levels are currently already between 65 and 70 dB LAeq at buildings closest to SH1, with those buildings facing SH1 without traffic noise barriers receiving noise levels around 70 dB LAeq, while buildings further removed or shielded by traffic noise barriers receive noise levels around 65 dB LAeq. Night-time The noise level received inside a noise sensitive space (e.g. bedroom) will depend on the external noise level, sound insulation performance of the façade (particularly the glazing) and room constants (such as the room dimensions and surface finishes). These factors can vary widely. The details in section 3.2.3 and Table 3-5 of Appendix A show that consultation may be required if night-time works are proposed in the vicinity of dwellings, where internal noise levels would affect sleep (likely limited to dwellings close to the SH1 Bremner Road Overbridge). The existing ambient noise levels for dwellings facing SH1 is already in the “orange” range for older styles dwellings, which suggests that residents may have already responded to the impacted environment by choosing rooms facing away from SH1 or similar measures for bedrooms. 3.3 Assessment of construction vibration effects 3.3.1 Vibration data of construction equipment Similar to the construction noise assessment, we have determined the likely construction equipment to be used for works in the two NOR areas. We then assessed which of the construction methodologies and plant would cause the highest vibration levels. For that equipment, we have determined relevant vibration level data from previous measurements carried out by MDA, the British Standard BS 5228-2:2009 and the Transport Research Laboratory Report referenced by that standard. Our predictions are based on regression curves of vibration level at various distances for vibratory rollers and vibropiling rigs. We then applied a 100% safety margin to the regression curve derived from the measured data, to take account of ground condition uncertainty, making the predictions conservative. The regression curves (including safety margin) for vibratory rollers and vibropiling are shown in section 3.3.1 and Figure 3-1 of Appendix A. Vibropiling may only be used for retaining walls and bridge structures, both of which are localised and generally at distances of more than 10m from dwellings and more than 5m from industrial buildings. 3.3.2 Envelope of vibration effects The activities that pose the greatest risk of exceeding Stage 1B1 vibration criteria (human annoyance and building damage as set out in the Waka Kotahi guidelines) are vibratory rolling and vibropiling. Therefore, our assessment has focused on these activities. Other construction activities, while also generating vibration, would do so at a much lower level and are predicted to comply with the relevant criteria. WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 12
Only a few residential buildings are in close proximity to the works inside the two NOR areas, which are generally limited to the Bremner Road works. This is reflected in the low number of dwellings where (with the conservative safety margin applied) there may be a risk of the daytime Category A criteria being exceeded. There is a risk that Stage 1B1 amenity criteria may be exceeded at dwellings close to retaining wall construction where vibropiling may be used, and where vibratory rollers are used for the compaction of new or widened traffic lanes. Table 3-6 in section 3.3.2 of Appendix A sets out the different risk zones within which the Category A and/or B vibration criteria may be exceeded. In summary, any dwellings within 7m of vibropiling and 15m of vibratory roller use are at risk of the Category B (building damage) criteria being exceeded (refer to section 2.2 and Table 2-2 of Appendix A). Where dwellings are more than 45m from vibropiling and 55m from vibratory roller use, the Category A (amenity) vibration criteria can be complied with. These distances are lower for commercial buildings. The approximate number of buildings where there is a risk of exceeding Category A or B, is summarised in Table 3- 2 below. Due to the small number of dwellings (and other buildings) in the vicinity of the NOR areas, only a few receivers are predicted to receive vibration levels exceeding the amenity criteria, and no buildings are predicted to receive vibration levels exceeding the building damage criteria. This is shown in Table 3-2. Table 3-2 Number of occupied buildings in each vibration risk category for daytime works inside the NOR areas Location Chainage Drawing no. Approx. number of buildings potentially receiving vibration levels exceeding Category A Category B (excluding Cat. B) Bremner Road 13540 – 13740 0115 6 0 (and Bremner Road retaining wall) The Project standards are significantly more stringent at dwellings during the night and have the potential to be exceeded at distances greater than 200m from the night-time works. On this basis, vibration intensive activities adjacent residential areas should be generally scheduled for the daytime wherever practicable. The only other area where works will occur in close proximity to buildings, is in the vicinity of the Drury Interchange, where only commercial buildings are located close to the proposed road edge. Here, the sensitivity of the buildings needs to be taken into consideration when applying reasonable vibration standards to them. For instance, the concrete batching plant and truck repair services are likely to be significantly less vibration sensitive than other occupied buildings. 3.3.3 Vibration effects Vibration levels can be perceived well below a level at which cosmetic building damage may occur. For structural damage to occur, vibration levels would need to be magnitudes higher than the levels at which vibration can be perceived. People tend to react to low vibration levels, and it is important to inform residents in the vicinity of the works of the potential for construction vibration to be felt. Section 3.3 and Table 3-7 of Appendix A shows how people in residential and office environments may react to various vibration levels. These effects do not consider less sensitive uses such as factories or manual work areas (e.g. the concrete batching plant). For dwellings where the category A (amenity) criteria are predicted to be exceeded, residents may be disturbed by vibration if no prior notification is given. We recommend timely engagement to avoid such situations. It is noted, however, that vibration inducing equipment generally moves along the alignment, i.e. vibration levels will not remain high for any length of time. WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 13
Overall, with appropriate management and mitigation (refer to section 3.4 of this report), we consider that the effects from construction noise and vibration are within a reasonable range, and would not generally cause significant adverse effects. 3.4 Construction Noise and Vibration Mitigation and Management Good noise and vibration management is essential in reducing adverse effects as far as practicable, irrespective of the low number of dwellings potentially affected. The most effective way to control construction noise and vibration is through good on-site management and communication between managers and other staff. Management and mitigation measures are most appropriately set out in a CNVMP, which would be used to manage works on site and sets out how the construction contractor interacts with the neighbouring affected parties. The CNVMP should also follow the approach outlined in the Waka Kotahi Guide. This includes a requirement for high noise and vibration risk construction projects to have an independently peer reviewed CNVMP and include a comprehensive risk-based quality assurance programme to ensure risks are appropriately managed. The CNVMP should also include information set out in NZS6803:1999 such as: ◼ Summary of the Project noise standards contained within this assessment. ◼ Summary of assessments/predictions contained within this assessment. ◼ General construction practices, management and mitigation that will be used for the Project. ◼ Noise management and mitigation measures specific to activities and/or receiving environments, particularly for high noise and/or vibration activities, and all night-time works. ◼ Monitoring and reporting requirements. ◼ Procedures for handling complaints. ◼ Procedures for review of the CNVMP throughout the period of Project works. The CNVMP will be implemented on site for each specific area of work. The CNVMP should be prepared when more detail is available. In addition to the CNVMP, Waka Kotahi standard procedures for the management of noise and vibration should be implemented for all noise and vibration emissions from construction activities, irrespective of the construction occurring inside or outside the designation. These will be relied on to avoid, remedy and mitigate adverse effects where appropriate. In addition, Schedules are a useful tool in determining how the noise and vibration effects from specific activities or in specific areas will be managed and potentially affected parties communicated with. Schedules are prepared where noise or vibration is measured or predicted to exceed the noise and/or vibration standards. The Schedules would contain communication, management and mitigation specific to a certain task or area. They would be attached to the CNVMP, providing additional information that would sit alongside the general management and mitigation options within the CNVMP. WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 14
4 ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS – TRAFFIC NOISE The following sections discuss the traffic noise effects of the Project works. 4.1 Performance Standards Most of the traffic lanes of Stage 1B1 will be located inside the existing designation boundary of Designation 6707. There are no traffic noise conditions attached to this Designation. That means that no noise limits apply to traffic within Designation 6706. We understand that traffic noise effects of any changes inside the existing designation are already authorised and have not in detail assessed the effects of those changes. For any roads outside the designation, the provisions of the AUP would apply, which references NZS6806:2010 Acoustics – Road-traffic noise – New and altered roads (refer to section 1 in Appendix B). Traffic noise generation inside the NOR areas cannot be assessed separately from traffic noise generation inside Designation 6706. Therefore, we have applied the provisions of NZS6806 to all traffic noise generation in the vicinity of the NORs and make separate comment about what the inclusion of the NOR areas would mean for the traffic noise generation overall. The SUP does not generate traffic noise levels, and where noise is generated from passing bikes or pedestrians, this will be magnitudes below the SH1 traffic noise, and of a passing nature. Therefore, the SUP is not discussed in relation to operational noise. 4.1.1 Noise The New Zealand Road Noise Standard NZS 6806:2010 “Acoustics – Road-traffic noise – New and altered roads” (NZS6806) has been adopted by Waka Kotahi and is also the applicable standard for roads in the AUP. In addition to this standard, Waka Kotahi has released its “Guide to assessing road-traffic noise using NZS 6806 for state highway asset improvement projects (Version 1.1, August 2016)” (Waka Kotahi Guide 2016). The Waka Kotahi Guide 2016 describes how NZS 6806 can be implemented. In addition, some Waka Kotahi specific processes are described, such as the use of a Waka Kotahi internal matrix of project discipline feedback when determining the BPO for noise mitigation. Overall, the Waka Kotahi Guide 2016 provides background on how to implement NZS 6806 and is therefore a useful complimentary document to the Standard itself. We consider the intent of NZS6806 is to provide a pragmatic approach to the use of noise mitigation. This approach includes the requirement that a roading project needs to have a noticeable noise effect before mitigation is considered, and that any mitigation should seek to achieve a noticeable reduction in noise level. Further details on the NZS 6806 criteria and methodology of assessment are set out in section 1 of Appendix B. In summary, the works associated with the Project do not trigger the provisions of NZS 6806 as Stage 1B1 does not result in a noise level increase of more than 3 dB for noise levels above 63 dB LAeq(24h), or 1 dB for noise levels above 67 dB LAeq(24h). This means that the Project has no noticeable adverse effect on the receiving environment. 4.1.2 Change in noise level In addition to assessing the Project in accordance with NZS 6806, we have also undertaken an assessment of effects based on the subjective impression of changes in noise levels. These subjective impression of changes in noise can generally be correlated with the numerical change in noise level. While every person reacts differently to noise level changes, research shows a general correlation between noise level changes and subjective responses. In summary, the smallest change that can be heard is around 3 decibels, while a 10 decibel change in noise level would sound as double (or half) as loud. More detail is given in section 1.2 in Table 1-2 of Appendix B. The perception of these noise level changes generally applies to immediate changes in noise level, as would be the case for a new road, unlike for the Project where an existing road is modified in a minor way. Nevertheless, people WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 15
may subjectively have an annoyance reaction to a greater or lesser degree, depending on their perception of the Project. 4.2 Assessment methodology We have identified all PPFs within 100m of the NOR area relating to traffic lanes, and assigned each PPF to an assessment area (refer to section 1.1 in Appendix B). Since the Project is only one part of the P2B project and follows Stage 1A, we have retained the numbering of the assessment areas as for Stage 1A, and added new areas as required. There are six distinct assessment areas affected by the proposed alteration to designation, three each on the southbound and northbound sides of SH1. The locations of the PPFs are shown in the figures in section 3.2 of Appendix B. We have retained the extent and size of the assessment areas as for Stage 1A, even though only the areas within 100m of the alterations would fall under the PPF definition. The outcome of the traffic noise assessment does not change because of this extension of the assessment areas. Figure 4-1 overleaf shows the Project assessment areas, coloured in green. The blue coloured Stage 1A assessment areas are not affected by the Project and have not been included in the detailed assessment. WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 16
Figure 4-1 NZS6806 Assessment Areas Only Assessment Areas 2, 3 and 7 southbound and Areas 3, 4 and 5 northbound are affected by the NOR authorising the alteration of designation related to traffic lanes. We have modelled the traffic noise levels for various scenarios (existing, future without and future with the Project). More detail relating to the computer noise modelling is given in section 2 of Appendix B. We then used the predicted noise levels at each of the PPFs to assess the traffic noise effects on people (both beneficial and adverse) based on: ◼ The noise criteria categories of the Standard (refer to section 1.1 and Table 1-1 in Appendix B). ◼ Determination of noise level changes due to Stage 1B1 (refer to section 1.1 and Table 1-2 in Appendix B). The reason for the two-pronged approach is that in some circumstances, compliance with NZS 6806 does not necessarily mean that the effects of a project would be minor, and vice versa. Potentially, the effects of a noise level increase can be small (e.g. a noise level increase of less than 3 decibels). At the same time, the resulting noise environment can be very high, particularly adjacent to SH1, and cause adverse effects for residential use. The proposed extensive urban development of land south of Auckland (the Future Urban Zones) is predicted to result in traffic volumes more than doubling, thus resulting in a just noticeable noise level increase of 2 to 4 decibels when comparing 2018 and 2038 traffic volumes. These changes in noise level are not due to the Project, but result from the natural traffic growth predicted to occur because of the development in the area. All PPFs within 100m of the NOR relating to the traffic lanes have been assessed against the altered road criteria of NZS 6806 and in relation to the noise level change that would be caused by the Project. 4.3 NZS 6806 Assessment In accordance with NZS 6806, we have assessed different scenarios of the road: WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 18
◼ Existing – existing road, with 2018 traffic volumes, no implementation of Stage 1A yet. ◼ Do-nothing – existing road, with 2038 traffic volumes and all mitigation of Stage 1A implemented. ◼ Do-minimum – future road (i.e. including the changes to the Papakura and Drury Interchanges and SH1 Bremner Road Overbridge), with 2038 traffic volumes and all mitigation of Stage 1A implemented. The Existing scenario is used to verify the computer noise model against measured noise levels and determine the existing noise level at all PPFs. Measurement can only be undertaken at a small number of PPFs, with the model filling in the other PPFs. The Do-nothing scenario showed that noise levels would increase by approximately 2 to 4 decibels along SH1 until the design year 2038 compared with the existing scenario. This is due to the significant increase in traffic volume over time because of the extensive development of the area that is anticipated. For PPFs around the Papakura Interchange this increase would be offset to a significant amount by the barriers that will be implemented through Stage 1A. The Do-minimum scenario shows that only minor, generally unnoticeable, changes in traffic noise level would be caused by the Project. We note that the Do-minimum scenario already allows for PA-10 (Open graded porous asphalt) road surface on the entire alignment (except loop ramps, where AC surface was assumed). This road surface is a low-noise road surface material that is commonly used as a mitigation measure, but is already part of the “base option” for the Project. The Do-minimum scenario also incorporates the barriers that will be implemented through Stage 1A. Irrespective of the low-noise road surface, a number of PPFs currently, and in the future, would receive noise levels in Categories B and C. While this is not generally a desirable outcome, this has already been discussed during, and addressed with BPO mitigation through, Stage 1A of the P2B project. Significant and extensive barriers form part of Stage 1A for most of the alignment and benefit PPFs around the Papakura Interchange. Additional barriers would not be practicable, and result in no noticeable additional noise level reduction. The Project works would not result in any additional adverse noise effects for the PPFs predicted to receive noise levels in Categories B and C. The number of PPFs in each NZS 6806 noise criteria category for the assessment areas affected by the Project works have been summarised in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Number of PPFs in each NZS 6806 noise criteria category Situation Category A Category B Category C Existing (2018) 167 35 53 Do-nothing (2038) 208 39 8 Do-minimum (2038) 212 34 9 The small sections of road that would fall inside the NORs (but outside the existing designation) are not within 100m of any PPFs, and therefore have no effect on this assessment. We have summarised the results for each assessment area in Table 3-1 of Appendix B. 4.4 Assessment of change in noise level Noise effects can be described based on the change in noise level with and without the Project. To remove the “time factor” that affects that traffic volume, from the existing situation (2018) to the design year in 2038, the comparison is made between scenarios in the Design Year only. These assessment scenarios are Do-nothing (existing road with WAKA KOTAHI NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY FILE 506207-0490-REP-NN-0062.DOCX | 10/06/2021 | REVISION 2 | PAGE 19
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