Page created by Sean Graham
How do financial
decisions shape an

                                               Beyond rankings and accolades,
                                               McGill Desautels provides a warm,
Think beyond the                               close-knit community that embraces
                                               the diversity of its members' strengths
bottom line                                    and perspectives.

                                               You will join a vibrant group of students who      While the Faculty has undergone dramatic
                                               come to Canada from more than 70 countries         growth and change over the decades, one
                                               around the world in pursuit of an education that   thing has remained constant: McGill Desautels
                                               combines research, practice, and teaching in       prepares students to think beyond the bottom
                                               a highly collaborative environment. A growing      line. You will acquire tools and experience in the
                                               team of world-class faculty members ensures        right combination to make a lasting impact in
                                               that our programs at the undergraduate,            the constantly evolving world of finance.
                                               masters, executive, and PhD levels bridge the
                                               gap between theory and practice at every stage
                                               of the academic journey. The calibre of their
                                               teaching is matched only by the calibre of their
                                               research, which extends across disciplines to
                                               tackle the greatest challenges of our time.

                                                                                                  “McGill Desautels
                                                                                                    prepares students
                                                                                                    to think beyond the
Yolande E. Chan                                                                                     bottom line.”
Dean, McGill Desautels Faculty of Management

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                                               Canada is home to a number of
                                               excellent graduate programs in finance,
Set yourself                                   but there is a reason that QS World
apart in the world                             University Rankings places the McGill
                                               MMF program 1st in Canada and 17th
of finance                                     internationally out of 166 programs.
                                               Our MMF program offers an unparalleled             Our program attracts exceptional students
                                               opportunity to apply theory in a real-world        from around the globe. While some have an
                                               context through our student-run investment         undergraduate degree in finance, we welcome
                                               firm. Between high-quality classroom instruction   students from diverse academic backgrounds.
                                               and constant real-world application, you will be   Whether your background is in math or
                                               fully equipped to take on the challenges of the    engineering, economics or the social sciences,
                                               financial sector within a short period of time.    you will join a like-minded group of peers who will
                                                                                                  become close friends and professional contacts
                                                                                                  throughout your lifetime. If you want a degree
                                                                                                  that will set you apart in the exciting, competitive
                                                                                                  world of finance, the MMF is for you.

                                               " Between high-quality
                                                  classroom instruction
                                                  and constant real-
              Jan Ericsson
                                                  world application..."
              Academic Director, MMF Program

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Tailor the MMF    the Master of
curriculum to     Management in
                  Finance (MMF)
meet your needs   program in 12 or
                  16 months.
                  The program consists of 12 courses (spread
                  over 36 credits) delivered over 6 modules. You
                  will complete a 9-credit Applied Finance Project
                  during the final semester.

                    JUNE 2022 >   JULY 2022 >                                                                                MAY 2023 >   OCTOBER 2023

                    Bootcamp &
                                   Module 1     Module 2           Module 3           Module 4             Module 5           Module 6

                                                           Analyst at Desautels Capital Management, Inc.

                                                                                                   Applied Finance Project

6                                                                                                                                                  7
                                                                                                                                                       International Study Trip

                                                                                                                                                       Thanks to McGill’s extensive alumni
                                                                                                                                                       network, you will have a valuable
                                                                                                                                                       opportunity to learn and make
                                                                                                                                                       connections in the world’s leading
                                                                                                                                                       financial centres. Over two days, you
                                                                                                                                                       will meet with top executives from 12
                                                                                                                                                       distinct financial organizations that
                                                                                                                                                       operate in asset management, real
                                                                                                                                                       estate, risk management, private equity,
                                                                                                                                                       and other key areas of finance.

Get a head start
in your career

Applied Finance Project

This core, 9-credit sequence forms a critical link between theory and practice in three
overlapping stages:

Desautels Capital Management                      Professional Seminar Series                        Applied Finance Project
(June-April)                                      (August-March)                                     (January-April)

From your first day in the MMF program, you       Build your network and gain continuous             Harness your creative and analytical skills by
will work at Canada’s first university-owned,     exposure to relevant issues and practices in       working on a finance topic of your choice under
student-run registered investment firm for 15     financial markets through this seminar series      the supervision of a faculty member. You will
to 20 hours per week. Since 2009, every MMF       delivered by leaders in a variety of industries.   graduate with a final product that showcases
student has played a meaningful, practical role                                                      your skillset for employers in your field of
in managing two separate funds for Desautels                                                         interest.
Capital Management which now has an AUM of
$9 million in real assets.

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              Lily Ouyang, MMF’21
              "After only several months in the MMF
               program, I feel like a different person.
              Through my classes and job in Desautels
               Capital Management, I’m developing a deep
               understanding of the technical mechanisms
               of finance and a stronger set of analytical
               tools. I’m learning the nitty gritty of different
               industries and sectors. I’ve even watched my
               presentation skills improve dramatically. I came
               into the program thinking that I would focus on
               portfolio management or active investment, but
               through interacting with industry contacts that
               I’ve made through career services, I’ve realized
               that I’m better suited for consulting. As I
               prepare to launch my career, I’m confident that
               the MMF will equip me with everything I need
               to become an effective practitioner."

10                                                                 11
Katerina Paraschis, MMF’21                            Esteban Fernandez, MMF’21                           Alyona Pereslavtseva, MMF’21
"While working in corporate law, I realized that      "When I realized that sales was not the right fit   "I was never interested in following a defined
 I wanted to fill the role of strategic advisor for    for me, I was searching for a way to pivot to       career path where you do the same thing every
 clients, helping them succeed in the most             finance. The MMF program offered the highly         day. I knew that a career in finance would
 critical moments of their business. The MMF           specialized financial training that I needed to     provide the challenge I needed to stay engaged.
 program provided a unique opportunity to              take my career in a new direction. While the        I had never worked in a finance environment,
 bridge the gap between law and finance in a           program is demanding, it’s rewarding to work        but I trusted the MMF program to set me up
 realistic, fast-paced environment. I faced a          with students who are equally motivated to          for success. The practical and theoretical
 steep learning curve at first, but it has been a      succeed, and professors and administrators          components of the program are designed in a
 satisfying experience to build a foundation of        who are deeply invested in our success. For         way that prepares students for the realities of
 financial skills and knowledge in a very short        every new analytical tool we learn to use, for      the workplace. As a risk management analyst
 period of time. I have especially appreciated         example, we receive multiple training sessions.     for DCM, I started working on real problems on
 the ways in which MMF faculty members and             I remember one time when MMF program staff          Day One. Now I can demonstrate to a future
 advisors are committed to creating a collegial        were awake at four in the morning to deliver a      employer that I have learned by doing."
 environment for students to learn and gain            training for students like me who were joining
 practical experience. We have all the support         from different time zones. That’s the level of
 we need to reach our full potential."                 commitment they demonstrate."

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From the
to the

Aïcha                                                                                                 Nicolas
Traoré                                             The fast pace of the one-year program              Genest
                                                   challenged me, but it took me where I wanted                                                              Overall, my time in the MMF program was
MMF’20                                                                                                MMF’18
                                                   to go. I had the opportunity to work as the Head                                                          very similar to my current role in investment
"I’ve always had a strong interest in pursuing a   of Risk Management for a DCM fund, which           "I was on track to become an accountant when           banking: intense yet highly rewarding, with a
 career in finance because I’ve witnessed the      provided incredible hands-on experience in          I took my first finance class. I was immediately      strong sense of camaraderie. I met some of my
 potential for impact firsthand. I was born and    calculating market risk metrics and practicing      drawn in by the idea of not just helping              best friends at McGill. Whenever one of us hit
 raised in Côte d’Ivoire, where my father served   risk management. Most of the questions I            companies analyze what happened in the past           a wall, the others helped them to keep going.
 as a financial manager for our government. His    answered during my job interviews were              but helping them use that information to create       Now, as an investment banking analyst at TD
 influence gave birth to my passion for finance.   related to the work I completed at DCM. Now         a strategy for the future. As a native of Montreal,   Securities, I can look back and see all the ways
 After high school, I moved to Canada to build     I'm a senior analyst of market risk at the          I always dreamed of going to McGill. Once I           the MMF program prepared for success, from
 a foundation for the future. Between the          National Bank of Canada. I have dreams of           decided to take my career in the direction of         the investing experience at DCM to the heavy
 practical training and coursework and McGill’s    returning to my country someday to contribute       finance, I chose the MMF program to access            emphasis on collaboration. In my experience,
 strong alumni network, I was confident that       to its economic development, but I would like       more opportunities within the industry. The           you don’t realize how much you grow until
 the MMF would be the right stepping-stone         to get more experience in the meantime. With        program covers everything that’s possible within      you’ve completed the program. Your knowledge
 to a managerial position in a leading financial   the help of the MMF program, I’m right where I      the world of finance. Everything I learned either     expands, and your conversation becomes more
 institution.                                      want to be."                                        applies directly to my current role or provides       intelligent. You become a valuable member of a
                                                                                                       helpful context.                                      team."

14                                                                                                                                                                                                         15
                                                                                                                                                        for going out of their way to help me feel
                                                                                                                                                        settled in Canada. Because the program is so
Mitch                                                                                              Pratyaksha                                           international, I felt like I was on the same journey
McEwen                                            In a short period of time, my professors and     Yadav                                                as my fellow students.
                                                  advisors in the MMF program helped me
MMF’20                                                                                             MMF’18
                                                  reach the level of expertise that companies                                                           While I had an interest in social impact, I didn’t
"There’s never been a more exciting time          are looking for. My experience as the Chief      "I was working at Ernst & Young in New Delhi         know how to apply my passion until I connected
 to be in the field of finance. Thanks to the     Sustainability Officer for DCM’s Socially         when I was first introduced to the world of         with the Consulting Preparation Program (CPP)
 MMF program, I discovered my true passion        Responsible Investing Equity Fund gave            finance. I was part of a project that helped an     at Desautels. CPP was highly instrumental
 for sustainable finance and environmental,       me the ability to think holistically about the    international nonprofit maximize their social       in presenting the opportunity to work on real
 social and governance (ESG). I have always       impact of investments through a social and        return on investment. Something about the           consulting cases in workshop sessions, connect
 been intrigued by the idea of corporate social   environmental lens while building my network      combination of social impact and finance spoke      with MMF alumni in consulting, and prepare
 responsibility and, through exploring the        in Montreal, Toronto, and New York. The blend     to me. When I started looking for graduate          for interviews. With the help of the program,
 interface between finance and ESG in class       of theory and experiential learning set me up     opportunities, I found that the MMF program         I landed a summer internship with Boston
 and at Desautels Capital Management (DCM),       perfectly to launch my career. I’m grateful to    was perfectly tailored for someone with my          Consulting Group that turned into a full-time
 the MMF program challenged me to think           the MMF program for opening the door to this      background who had a cursory view of finance        associate position. In my current role, I help
 beyond the bottom line.                          exciting, evolving field."                        but wanted to learn more. The opportunity to        clients solve problems that shape the future of
                                                                                                    manage real money in a real setting through         their organizations and make a lasting impact.
                                                                                                    DCM sealed the deal. I give a lot of credit to my   I’m grateful to the MMF program for opening the
                                                                                                    cohort and professors                               door to where I wanted to go."

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            There’s a reason Montreal claims
            the title of best student city in North
            America year after year.

Make your
            A thriving arts and cultural scene, low cost       Montreal has long enjoyed the reputation
            of living, low level of crime, and plentiful job   of being a artistic and culinary hotspot, but
            opportunities attract students from all over       it has more recently evolved into a hub for

mark in
            the world. No matter what their background or      technology, artificial intelligence (AI), and
            creed, newcomers encounter the welcoming,          entrepreneurship as well. As the island pulses
            tolerant vibe of a city that embodies joie         with the energy of constant growth and
            de vivre and prioritizes a high quality of life.   change, students have a unique opportunity to

            They join a young, diverse population of 1.7       change and grow with it.
            million people who shape the city into a more
            appealing destination each year.

            Mont Royal                         Iconic Restaurants                Montreal Canadiens

            Montreal’s largest public          Montreal’s culinary scene         Also referred to as the "Habs,"
            park provides nearly 500           lives up to the hype. Head to     Montreal’s professional ice
            acres of green space to            St. Viateur Bagel for some        hockey team packs large,
            exercise, picnic, and enjoy free   of the world’s best bagels,       passionate crowds into the
            entertainment. Walk, cycle,        Schwartz’s Deli for traditional   downtown Bell Centre for
            blade, or ski to the summit for    Montreal smoked meat, and La      home games.
            a skyline view of the city.        Banquise for a heaping plate of
                                               poutine.                          Lachine Canal
                                               Old Port                          Once a major industrial hub,
            Every January, tens of                                               the Canal is now a haven for
            thousands of Montrealers           Old-world charm meets             recreational boaters, runners,
            bundle up for an outdoor           new-world culture in the          and cyclists along 14.5
            electronic music festival over     streets of the Old Port. Head     kilometres of waterways and
            four consecutive weekends.         down to the river to grab a       trails.
                                               drink at a rooftop bar, ride
            Underground City                   the Ferris wheel, or catch a      Place des Arts
                                               performance of Cirque du
            The largest underground city       Soleil.                           Canada’s largest cultural and
            network in the world features                                        artistic complex is a mecca for
            32 kilometres of restaurants,                                        fans of music, theatre, dance,
            shops, metro stations, and                                           and contemporary art.
            entertainment venues to

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                  Class profile
                  As an MMF
Launch a career   student, you will
                  gain exposure
that matters      to a wide variety
                  of perspectives
                  through the                          Selected from a highly competitive pool of
                  diversity of your                    applicants, your classmates will hold degrees in
                                                       business, economics, law, science, technology,

                  cohort.                              engineering, mathematics, and other related
                                                       disciplines from universities around the world.

                                                        SOCIAL SCIENCE

                                             SCIENCE                                   4%
                                                                                       BUSINESS & COMMERCE
                                                LAW                                    9%

                  41         59

                         %            %                                                24%

                  Domestic   International
                                             FINANCE                                   ENGINEERING
                  students   students            43%                                   11%

20                                                                                                      21
Employment statistics                                                                           Employment
by function                                                                                     by industry

                                            FINANCE                     FINANCE
                       FINANCE         FIXED INCOME                     INVESTMENT BANKING
              CORPORATE FINANCE                  3%                     6%

                       FINANCE                                          FINANCE
               CORPORATE CREDIT                                         INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT
                            6%                                          30%

                         NICHE                                                                          9%                        CONSULTING
                                                                                                        76%                       FINANCIAL SERVICES
              FINANCIAL ADVISORY                                                                        6%                        MEDIA / ENTERTAINMENT / SPORTS
                                                                                                        3%                        PETROLEUM / ENERGY
                TECHNOLOGY 3%
                                                                                                        6%                        REAL ESTATE
                  MARKETING /
        BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT                                             FINANCE
                          3%                                             RISK MANAGEMENT               0%     20%   40%   60%   80%
                  LEADERSHIP                                             11%
                                             FINANCE    FINANCE          FINANCE
                                   WEALTH MANAGEMENT    SALES TRADING    ROTATIONAL PROGRAM
                                                  11%   3%               6%

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Admission requirements                                          Scholarships
If you have a bachelor’s degree and proven                      A generous community of alumni and
quantitative skills, you are eligible to apply.                 friends of Desautels funds entrance
The MMF is a pre-experience program, so no                      scholarships every year. All MMF
prior work experience is required. If you are an                students are considered for these
international student, we will determine the                    scholarships, upon acceptance, without
equivalency of your bachelor’s degree.                          any action required on their part.

Required components                                             If applicable
→ Undergraduate degree                                          → GMAT or GRE (not required for
                                                                  students receiving a graduate
→ Curriculum Vitae (CV)                                           or undergraduate degree from a
                                                                  recognized Canadian university)
→ Two letters of reference
                                                                → TOEFL or IELTS
→ Essay questions

Take the next step > Apply online                                      			          

 1ST deadline          November 15

 2ND deadline          January 15        Final deadline for international students

 3RD deadline          March 1           Final deadline for Canadian citizens and permanent residents

McGill Desautels Faculty of Management
Donald E. Armstrong Bldg.
3420 McTavish                                                   for change
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 3L1

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