How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university and strengthen the brand - EUPRIO

Page created by Edward Castillo
How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university and strengthen the brand - EUPRIO
How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university
and strengthen the brand
How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university and strengthen the brand - EUPRIO
ETH Board


How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university and strengthen the brand - EUPRIO

              Eidgenössische                Ecole
                Technische              polytechnique       Paul Scherrer Institute
             Hochschule Zürich             fédérale
                                         de Lausanne

                         The Swiss Federal       The Swiss Federal       The Swiss Federal
                        Institute for Forest,     Laboratories for       Institute of Aquatic
                             Snow and           Materials Science and    Science and
                       Landscape Research           Technology           Technology

How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university and strengthen the brand - EUPRIO
in 13 cantons
How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university and strengthen the brand - EUPRIO
Facts and figures

                                       3 400
 21 000                            Cooperations with
                    3.6bn CHF       industry and the
                      Budget          public sector

 Employees           Real Estate
                      Portfolio        50 spin-offs      230
                                         per year        patent
       30 000
 Students            7.6bn CHF
How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university and strengthen the brand - EUPRIO
Strategic Focus Areas 2017–2020

Manufacturing                        Data Science

Personalized Health
and Related
Technologies                      Energy Research

How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university and strengthen the brand - EUPRIO
ETH Domain: key role in digitization
                                  Personalized Health

 Advanced Manufacturing

    Energy Research

                                                Data Science
How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university and strengthen the brand - EUPRIO
Spin-offs and Patents
                      60                                                                           25 0
                                                                                                   20 0
                                                                                                   15 0
         Spin -offs

                                                                                                   10 0


                      0                                                                            0
                           2 00 8 2 00 9 2 01 0 2 01 1 2 01 2 2 01 3 2 01 4 2 01 5 2 01 6 2 01 7

                                                                                                       Geschäftsbericht 2017, S. 92

How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university and strengthen the brand - EUPRIO
Institutions and locations

How digital platforms and MOOCs promote a university and strengthen the brand - EUPRIO
ETH Zürich

Founded 1855 for the benefit of the country
 … to provide Switzerland with top
   science and engineering experts

ETH Zurich
                                                              Outstanding quality of
                                                              education and …
                                                               – 18,000 students – of which
                                                                 3,800 doctoral students
                                                               – 482 professors, 4,753
                                                                 scientific staff, 10,242
Internationally renowned profile in research                   – Expenditure CHF 1,5 million
 – Strong research profile in basic science
   (maths, physics, chemistry, life sciences)
 – Close to practitioners in engineering and architecture
 – 21 Nobel Prize winners, incl. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen and
   Albert Einstein                                                       Prof. Lino Guzzella
 – 260 spin-offs since 1996

EPFL Lausanne

Founded 1853 as Ecole spéciale de Lausanne
 • Transformed into a Federal University in 1968
 • 1991: a new and special campus for entrepreneurs marks the
   beginning of a period in which EPFL becomes the economic hot
   spot of western Switzerland

Internationally renowned
  profile in research
 •   Strong research profile
 •   Close to practitioners in
     engineering and architecture
 •   Well-established relations with
     industry; entrepreneurial site on      Outstanding quality of teaching
     the campus                              • 10,200 students – of which 2,041 doctoral
                                             • 300 professors, 3,195 scientific staff
                                             • Expenditure: CHF 800 million

                    Prof. Martin Vetterli

Research Institue PSI

• Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
 – develops, constructs and operates complex
   large-scale research facilities
 – 1,500 staff, expenditure CHF 337 million
 – Main areas of research:
   matter and material,
   energy and environment, health              Prof. Joël Mesot

Research Institut: WSL
                         Swiss Federal Institute for Forest,
                         Snow and Landscape Research WSL
                          •   Long-term monitoring and research on use,
                              development and protection of natural and
                              urban spaces – and putting theory into practice.

                          •   500 staff, expenditure CHF 80 m.

                          •   Main areas of research:
                              Biodiversity, landscape development, management of
                              natural hazards, sustainable use of natural resources,
                              forest ecosystems

       Prof. Konrad
Research Institutes: Empa, Eawag

                       • Empa – materials science & technology                                                                           Prof. Gian-Luca Bona

                              –            Cutting-edge materials and technology research
                              –            1,000 staff, expenditure CHF 155 m.
                              –            M ain areas of research:
                                           nanostructured materials, sustainably built environment, health and performance, natural resources and
                                           pollutants, energy

                       • Eawag – aquatic research
                              –            Natural & social science and engineering
                                           from aquatic ecosystems to fully engineered                                                   Prof. Janet Hering
                                           wastewater management systems.
                              –            450 staff, expenditure CHF 65 m.
                              –            M ain areas of research:
                                           water for human welfare, water for ecosystem
                                           function, strategies for human versus ecosystem water use conflicts.

C a m b rid g e (S a n g e r In s titu te ), 1 8 J u ly 2 0 1 3   F ritz S c h ie s s e r: A n o v e rv ie w o f th e E T H D o m a in
Advanced                  Daten-
Manufacturing     wissenschaften
                                                • ERC Grants
                                                • Road Map Research

Gesundheit               Energie

                                   Enseignement          Tech Transfer
                                   • Moocs en Afrique,   • Spin offs
                                     en Asie, Vidéos     • Patents
                                   • Cours
                                   • Laboratoires
MOOCS in the ETH Domain
                                    Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.

•    Spread education
•    Reach Africa Moocs4Africa
•    French parts in the world
•    Tech-University
•    Digital themes (Scala)
•    Student growth

                                 Teachers from Yaoundé recording in the
                                 EPFL Mooc Studio

MOOC Factory at EPFL
• #1 in Europe #10 in the world   Non è possibile visualizzare

• 93 MOOCs produced
• 2’000’000 registrations
• 120’000 online alumni                                          Non è possibile visualizzare

• 3 studios
• edX + Coursera
• Swiss MOOC Service
EPFL Online Alumni 2012-2017   [ 12 0 ‘0 0 0 p a rtic ip a n ts p a s s e d a M O O C ]

possibile visualizzare l'immagine.
Swiss MOOC Service
•   swissuniversities P5 program
    –   Project started in M arch 2018
                                                       • What is it ?
    –   Duration: 2.5 years
                                                           –   M OOC platform based on Open edX

    –   Budget: 1.4 M CHF (760K CHF funding)
                                                           –   For Swiss Institutions of Higher Education
                                                           –   Shared infrastructure – on SW ITCHengines

•   W ho participates ?
                                                           –   Data hosted in Switzerland

    – Partners                                             –   Dedicated entry portal for each university

        •   EPFL – ETH – USI – SUPSI – HESSO
                                                       •   Planned developments
    –   Beta testing institutions                          – AAI login
        •UNIL – UNIGE – UZH
                                                           –   ID verification and exam proctoring
                                                           –   E-commerce module
                                                           –   Analytics pipe
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Certificate of Open Studies
 Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.            Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.

                                                     Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.

 • Continued education EPFL credits
 • Equivalent to 10-30 ECTS credits                  Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.
 • Open for anyone to participate
 • Requires in situ proctored exam
     (at EPFL or in a testing center of the Agence   Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.
     Universitaire Francophone)

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MOOCs in Continuing Education| 2017               24
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  Non è possibile
  visualizzare l'immagine.

Switzerland’s first collaborative space
dedicated to ambitious entrepreneurs
transforming education and learning
through technology.
> 60 education startups!

                                                                                     EPFL | 2017   25
• (the list of EPFL MOOCs produced by the Center for Digital Education)
• (the EPFL portal of the Swiss MOOC Service, others are coming
  soon ...)
• Certificate of Open Studies (are also offered
  by the Extension School)
• (the site for the Extension School, an initiative of EPFL to bring digital skills
  to the workforce)
• (more than 60 startups active in educational technologies hosted in
  the EPFL innovation park)

ETH Zurich

Only a few moocs
• German as main language (Bachelor)
• Collaborative Learning

TORQUEs (Tiny, Open-with-Restrictions courses focused on QUality and Effectiveness) is the term
used at ETH to describe video-based learning modules which cover aspects of ETH courses and are
closely aligned with their face-to-face course equivalents.

Are you discussing to create MOOCS in your university?

Mixed-Reality in Teaching at ETH
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Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.

   Image Film ETH Zurich

Brand Management

for universities
Customer Centricity
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Touch Points – from cradle to grave

   C h ild re n        F u tu re s tu d e n ts     S tu d e n ts           A lu m n i        O p in io n L e a d e rs
   (P a re n ts ,                                R e s e a rc h e rs                             P o litic ia n s
  P o p u la tio n )                              E m p lo y e e s

   K id s -U n i             S tu d e n t                                F o u n d a tio n
                                                  M a g a z in e s ,                             F o u n d a tio n
 O p e n D o o rs          M a rk e tin g        S o c ia l M e d ia ,                        C o m m u n ic a tio n
                                                     s tu d e n t                               d e p a rtm e n t
                                                  in fo rm a tio n
                                                    F a c u ltie s

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Learn from Steve Jobs                                 Non è possibile visualizzare

§   Create a network
§   Networks ad value
§   Define your target public
§   Every stakeholder should get what he needs
§   Keep it simple for your client
§   Best companies have a great customer experience

Students / Customers

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Who is trying to create a student journey or already has it?

What is a brand?
                         A brand is a promise (W . Lan d o r)

            A good brand representsa a set of unique beliefs and feelings
                in the customer’s mind, driven by a product or service
                      uniqueness that produces word of mouth.

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The end of advertising?

                            Non è possibile visualizzare

 Monologue      Dialogue

 Idea           Ideals

 Top Down       Ecosystem

Adaptation for universities

§ Dialogue with clients: Students, Alumnis
§ Leave ONE-WAY-COMMUNICATION (Newsletter, Magazine, Website etc.)
§ Word of mouth is more important
§ Find Alumnis and communicate constantly

Leading digital and social strategy

Power of the ETH-Domain

                         Members   President
                           ETH       ETH        Politics
                          Board    President    Media
            Alumni                  Board      Economy

Twitter Example

     • Influencer Ranking
     • Profs ETH-Domain
Link to the Press Release of ETH-Board
Statistics Web Press release

              December 2016    152 visitors
                               Duration 2.13 min

              M ärz 2017       246
                               Duration 2.16 min

              M ai 2017        514
                               Duration 4.42

Media Coverage
            M ay 2016        1 Print
                             1 SDA (Swis News Agency)
                             5 Online
            July 2016        8 Print (short articles)

            September 2016   1 Online

            December 2016    1 Print
                             1 Online

            M arch 2017      Swiss News Agency
                             4 online

            M ay 2017        15 Print
                             5 Swiss News Agency (D/F/E)
                             > 20 Online
Twitter as a example

                       Power of the crowd
                            (Everybody has his contacts)

                          Strategic communication
                                  (ETH Board has not manyTwitter-Followers)

                       Online and offline
                        (communication digital, result in print)
Do you work with your professors or influencers?
Twitter Accounts

     • Swiss Tech Science
     • Retweet Machine
     • Editorial group
     • Accounts of the schools, departments, professors etc.
     • Regularly Social Media Trainings
     • Possibility to go further: Swiss Science
Information Plattform

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  Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.
Offline - Events
           Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.
Scientifica 2017 Zurich
                                            Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.
  Non è possibile visualizzare

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Science Festival
    Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.
Science in the park

    Non è possibile visualizzare l'immagine.
Touch Points – from cradle to grave

   C h ild re n        F u tu re s tu d e n ts     S tu d e n ts           A lu m n i        O p in io n L e a d e rs
   (P a re n ts ,                                R e s e a rc h e rs                             P o litic ia n s
  P o p u la tio n )                              E m p lo y e e s

   K id s -U n i             S tu d e n t                                F o u n d a tio n
                                                  M a g a z in e s ,                             F o u n d a tio n
 O p e n D o o rs          M a rk e tin g        S o c ia l M e d ia ,                        C o m m u n ic a tio n
                                                     s tu d e n t                               d e p a rtm e n t
                                                  in fo rm a tio n
                                                    F a c u ltie s

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