How African Primate Sanctuaries Have Fared During the 2020 Global Pandemic - Tiffany James, PASA Volunteer Keeper I Zoo Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee

Page created by Janet Campos
How African Primate Sanctuaries Have Fared During the 2020 Global Pandemic - Tiffany James, PASA Volunteer Keeper I Zoo Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee

         How African Primate Sanctuaries
         Have Fared During the 2020 Global
         Tiffany James, PASA Volunteer
         Keeper I
         Zoo Knoxville
         Knoxville, Tennessee

74 │ ANIMAL KEEPERS’ FORUM               American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc.
How African Primate Sanctuaries Have Fared During the 2020 Global Pandemic - Tiffany James, PASA Volunteer Keeper I Zoo Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee
The Role of PASA                            contracting and possibly spreading               protect their bonobo inhabitants. This
    The Pan African Sanctuary Alliance          the COVID-19 virus with both their               significant drop in income paired with
    (PASA) was founded in 2000 to               human caretakers and other sanctuary             the increased hours employees needed
    help connect sanctuaries caring for         residents. Though the risk of spreading          to be paid has made for an incredibly
    primates across Africa. A key role          illness from international travelers             tight budget (Tworoski, 2020). Limbe
    that PASA plays is facilitating and         has been a manageable concern in the             Wildlife Center created promotional
    enhancing communication between             past (Muehlenbein et al., 2010), the             videos thanking their donors and asking
    primate sanctuaries, something that         highly contagious novel coronavirus              for more help (Kang, 2020). The Vervet
    is extremely important during times         has changed precautionary methods                Monkey Foundation noted that the loss
    of crisis. Communication has allowed        required to reduce the outbreak                  of their international volunteers is one
    for advancements in care, sharing of        (Mohapatra et al., 2020). Sanctuaries            of the things that has impacted them
    resources, identification of trends, and    have had to create strict quarantine             the hardest. Volunteers help to monitor
    professional networking for sanctuaries     protocols for animal care staff and for          food and water intake, behavior of
    in 13 countries across Africa. Similar      incoming primates (Colin, 2020). With            their new and longer resident orphans,
    to AZA Accreditation for zoos, PASA         roughly 3,000 monkeys and apes being             and even help bottle feed new infants
    accreditation requires sanctuaries to       cared for at PASA member sanctuaries,            when they first come in. The loss of this
    have a clearly organized and ethical        the increased cost of personal protective        volunteer lifeline has put extra strain on
    management plan and a budget to be          equipment required to keep everyone              staff caretakers that are now covering
    defined and documented to reduce            safe has been extreme (Tully, 2020). All         the work that once belonged to several
    corruption and ensure that funds are        PASA member sanctuary staff members              different people (Du Toit, 2020). Kenya
    being directed toward caring for their      are required to wear protective gear             went a step further and fully locked
    primates. PASA has several different        like masks and gloves, all food gets             down borders and cancelled all travel
    accreditations and acknowledgements         disinfected, and many staff members              visas to slow the spread of COVID-19.
    earned by being a reputable and ethical     have been rotating on and off in multi-          This dramatically impacted Kenyan
    non-profit organization (Guidestar          week shifts where they stay 24 hours             PASA member sanctuaries, Sweetwaters
    by Candid, 2003; Great NonProfits,          per day at their sanctuary (Colin, 2020).        Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Colobus
    2019) . PASA Director Gregg Tully is                                                         Conservation. Dr. Stephen Ngulu noted
    a familiar figure within the zoological     Hardships and Triumphs at PASA                   that the problem is threefold: revenue
    community and has been a speaker            Member Sanctuaries                               has decreased, food prices have
    at many different primate and animal        At Lola Ya Bonobo, doors were closed             increased, and biosecurity measures
    care conferences across the world. His      to visitors at the same time that                have increased in cost (Tworoski,
    contributions to AAZK Conferences           staff began living at the sanctuary to           2020). Lwiro Primate Sanctuary has
    each year has inspired many keepers
    and volunteers to get involved with
    conservation initiatives impacting the
    animals they know and love at zoos. For
    the first time in PASA’s 20 year history,                              Chimpanzee rescue with increased PPE at Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage.
                                                                                          (PASA Primates, & Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage. 2020)
    every single member sanctuary has
    experienced a loss of profits and an
    increased need for support all at the
    same time (Tully, 2020). Sanctuaries
    rely heavily on ecotourism to make
    ends meet (Eshun and Tonto, 2014),
    and like many other organizations
    and businesses, they were forced to
    close their doors to combat the global
    COVID-19 pandemic for nearly an
    entire year.

    Increased Precautions at PASA
    Member Sanctuaries
    In addition to decreasing the human-
    to-human spread of this deadly virus,
    PASA member sanctuaries have had to
    deal with another major concern for
    their primates. Primates are susceptible
    to the same illnesses as humans,
    which means they are also at risk for

AAZK.ORG                                                                                                                    March 2021 │ Vol. 48 No.3 │ 75
How African Primate Sanctuaries Have Fared During the 2020 Global Pandemic - Tiffany James, PASA Volunteer Keeper I Zoo Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee
stood out as a leader for positive and
         effective social media communication
         during these trying times. Their video
         of chimpanzee keepers coming together
         wearing their masks and dancing it out
         in what they called “The Jerusalema
         Challenge” received over 20,000
         reactions on Facebook and put a smile
         on everyone’s face (Lwiro Primate
         Sanctuary, 2020). They branded one of
         their orphan chimpanzees as “Grape
         Girl” based on her love for grapes and
         asked their social media followers
         if they would be willing to purchase
         a package of grapes for this sweet
         young chimpanzee. The response was
         outstanding and led to a Giving Day
         for Grapes campaign on Giving Day
         for Apes, during which they raised a
         significant amount to help feed and care
         for their troop of chimpanzees (Lwiro
         Primates, 2020). They took it a step
         further by sharing what they learned
         with other sanctuaries and conservation
         organizations- that sharing personal
         stories and asking for smaller donations
         to cover the cost of tangible items
         is extremely effective. Though they
         have suffered along with every other         The author, training gorilla Bantu. Modified gorilla training at Zoo Knoxville complies with COVID-19
         sanctuary, their positive outtake has        precautions, allowing keepers to safely continue keeper chats to promote primate conservation
         inspired many.                               during the pandemic.

         The Zoo Community and PASA
         As zoos were forced to close their           Fundraisers that were already planned                art auctions, sell different crafts, host
         gates to reduce the spread of COVID-19       had to be cancelled due to the pandemic              virtual game nights, and even virtual
         and protect their staff and animals, a       and with businesses everywhere                       5K races. There are many Chapters out
         major financial crisis arose. While most     struggling to make ends meet, outside                there that are in a sort of limbo, waiting
         facilities were able to raise the funds      donations dropped almost entirely.                   for their chance to host events and
         needed to maintain their high quality                                                             raise money once again. It is critical to
         of animal care, many staff positions         This information is not meant to                     remember that AAZK is a family and
         were furloughed, hours were reduced,         be a grim reminder of the dangers                    was literally founded to help connect
         and pay cuts were issued. Facilities         sanctuaries have been struggling to face,            keepers across the country (American
         had to prioritize maintaining the care       but as a call to action. As zookeepers               Association of Zoo Keepers, n.d.). The
         of the animals on their grounds over         and zoo enthusiasts, everyone has a                  AAZK provides a solid support system
         supporting their wild counterparts           common goal of promoting conservation                to help us reach new goals and achieve
         which meant financial support for            of the species that we care for. It is easy          a higher level of professionalism,
         conservation organizations like PASA         to get stuck in the day-to-day routine               animal care, and create a greater
         drastically decreased (Pasic and             of being a keeper, but thinking of the               positive impact as keepers. Connecting
         Jovanovich, 2020). In addition to facility   bigger picture of conservation is an                 with other Chapters that have hosted
         support, AAZK Chapters around the            important and impactful part of the                  successful and quarantine-friendly
         country have played a major role in          job as well. 2020 brought upon an era                fundraisers is as easy as reaching out
         supporting PASA’s work. However,             of digital events which helped us step               on different social media platforms
         to promote social distancing, most           up and think of new creative ways to                 or through e-mail asking for advice or
         Chapters hosted virtual meetings or          come together without physically being               ideas. By supporting one another we can
         chose to postpone meetings all together.     together. Organizing fundraisers like                bring on a new wave of support for our
         Fundraising efforts turned toward            Bingo for Bonobos events that support                struggling conservation organizations.
         supporting their institution, which          PASA and our member sanctuaries make
         again meant supporting conservation          a huge difference- even just a couple                The PASA-bilities are Endless
         organizations had to be put on hold.         hundred dollars goes a long way. Some                2020 showed us now more than ever
                                                      Chapters have been able to host online               that PASA is a family, and AAZK is part of

76 │ ANIMAL KEEPERS’ FORUM                                                                                             American Association of Zoo Keepers, Inc.
How African Primate Sanctuaries Have Fared During the 2020 Global Pandemic - Tiffany James, PASA Volunteer Keeper I Zoo Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee

    that family. We have had some incredible        References                                              Lwiro Primates. 2020. Lwiro Primates on
    donors that have pledged to match               American Association of Zoo Keepers. n.d.                 Facebook Watch. Retrieved from https://
                                                      About Us. Retrieved from https://aazk.        
    donations and have donated significant
                                                      org/about-us/                                         Mohapatra, R.K., Pintilie, L., Kandi, V., Sarangi,
    funds to aid in the efforts of supporting       Colin, C. 2020. Wildlife rescue centers                   A.K., Das, D., Sahu, R., and Perekhoda, L.
    these sanctuaries (Tully, 2020). Our              protect chimpanzees from coronavirus.                   2020. The recent challenges of highly
    sanctuaries have banded together                  Chimpanzee Conservation Center.                         contagious COVID-19, causing respiratory
    and supported one another through                 Retrieved from                     infections: Symptoms, diagnosis,
                                                      com/watch?v=-jebofvUy60                                 transmission, possible vaccines, animal
    joint fundraisers, sharing social media         Du Toit, J. 2020. URGENT - Monkeys Need                   models, and immunotherapy. Chemical
    techniques to raise awareness and                 Food During COVID-19. Vervet Monkey                     biology & drug design, 96(5):1187–1208.
    connect with donors, and by offering              Foundation. Retrieved from https://www.       
    words of encouragement when times                              Muehlenbein, M.P., Martinez, L.A., Lemke,
                                                    Eshun, G., and Tonto, J.N.P. 2014. Community-             A.A., Ambu, L., Nathan, S., Alsisto, S., and
    are particularly grim. With the support
                                                      based ecotourism: Its socio-economic                    Sakong, R. 2010. Unhealthy travelers
    of many volunteers, PASA has been able            impacts at Boabeng-Fiema Monkey                         present challenges to sustainable primate
    to increase our presence on social media          Sanctuary, Ghana, Bulletin of Geography.                ecotourism. Travel Medicine and Infectious
    which has cultivated more connections             Socio-economic Series, 26(26):67-81. doi:               Disease, 8(3):169-175. doi:10.1016/j.
    with potential supporters. Individual                      tmaid.2010.03.004
                                                    Great NonProfits. 2020. PASA (Pan African               Pasic, A., and Jovanovich, M. 2020. The Current
    AAZK members have offered a helping               Sanctuary Alliance) Reviews and Ratings:                and Potential Impact of COVID-19 on
    hand, and have started taking on bigger           Portland, OR: Donate, Volunteer, Review.                Nonprofits. Stanford SOCIAL INNOVATION
    volunteer roles with PASA and our                 Retrieved from https://greatnonprofits.                 Review. [Audio blog interview by M. Voss].
    member sanctuaries. One person can                org/org/pasa-pan-african-sanctuary-                     Retrieved from
                                                      alliance/?badge=1                                       entry/the_current_and_potential_impact_of_
    make a difference, one Chapter can save
                                                    GuideStar by Candid. 2003. PAN AFRICAN                    covid_19_on_nonprofits
    a sanctuary, and one organized group of           SANCTUARY ALLIANCE. Retrieved                         Tully, G. 2020. COVID-19 threatens to shut-
    dedicated and passionate animal lovers            from                         down wildlife centers. The Pan African
    like AAZK can make the world a safer              profile/22-3878683                                      Sanctuary Alliance. Retrieved from https://
    place for primates and all other species        Kang, J. 2020. Wildlife Sanctuary Bracing       
                                                      for COVID-19. Limbe Wildlife Center.                  Tworoski, N. 2020. 2020- A Year Like No
    we share this planet with.                        Retrieved from                     Other [Web blog post]. The Pan African
                                                      com/watch?v=4TASVIkPN0A                                 Sanctuary Alliance. Retrieved from
                                                    Lwiro Primate Sanctuary. 2020. Jerusalema       
                                                      challenge. Retrieved from https://www.                  like-no-other/

                                                                                      Thanks to the support of many dedicated volunteers, PASA has been able to
                                                increase their presence across social media platforms to connect with more people during the current pandemic.

AAZK.ORG                                                                                                                                 March 2021 │ Vol. 48 No.3 │ 77
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