Horse Review - VOL. 32 NO.6 FEBRUARY 2022 - FREE

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Horse Review - VOL. 32 NO.6 FEBRUARY 2022 - FREE
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Horse Review

VOL. 32 • NO. 6   The Mid-South Equine Newsmagazine Since 1992   FEBRUARY 2022
Horse Review - VOL. 32 NO.6 FEBRUARY 2022 - FREE
2. February, 2022 • ©Mid-South Horse Review •

              F             2022
                                                                                                                    ON THE COVER:
 Horse Review CONTENTS • VOL. 32 • NO. 6
                                                                                                                      Eli Wood, son of Hunter and Sam Wood of Wynne,
                                                                                                                    Arkansas, on pony Spanky at the Three Trees Cowboy
                                                                                                                    Church Rodeo. (photo by Gary Cox)
         Equus Charta, LLC
           Copyright 2022                            For the LOVE of Horses

         6220 greenlee #4
           P.o. Box 594
    Arlington, tN 38002-0594
 Tom & Dr. Nancy Brannon
                STAFF :
         Andrea Winfrey
                                                    P. 20                                       P. 16                                  P. 10
                                                     Pole bending was a new class added           Kitty Walters, pictured with her       Dr. Stephanie Golm is the new equine
                                                  to this year’s Battle in the Saddle. (photo   horse, won the Arnie Pittman Junior   intern veterinarian at Tennessee Equine
                                                  by Gary Cox)                                  Sportsmanship Award from WTHJA.       Hospital West.
   We welcome contributions
from writers and horse people,
     but cannot guarantee
    publication or return of
    manuscripts or photos.
   reproduction of editorial
    content, photographs or
     advertising is strictly
  prohibited without written
  permission of the publisher.

     EDITORIAL POLICY:                                                                                                                  departments:
the opinions expressed in articles                                                                                                      Book & Art Nook         4
  do not necessarily reflect the                                                                                                        Horse HeAltH/WelfAre 8
     opinions or policy of the
    Mid-South Horse Review.                                                                                                             field triAls           12
                                                  P. 23
expressions of differing opinions
                                                   Cute young cowboy Eli Wood at the Three Trees Cowboy Church Rodeo,
                                                                                                                                        foxHuNtiNg             15
  through letters or manuscript                                                                                                         HuNter/JumPer          16
                                                  Wynne, Ark. (photo by Gary Cox)
    submissions are welcome.
                                                                                                                                        eveNtiNg               19
     DEADLINE for                                                                                                                       CoWBoys & CoWgirls     20
   MARCH issue: FEB. 22
                                                                                                                                        oN tHe trAil           24
     MSHR ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                                                                 greeNer PAstures       26
   the Mid-South Horse Review strives to                                                                                                BulletiN BoArd      28-29
lighten our environmental footprint. We reuse,                                                                                          ClAssifieds            30
recycle, compost, and seek the most environ-
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       SUBSCRIPTIONS to the                         P. 12                                                                             the Mid-South Horse Review.
   Mid-South Horse Review are                       Colt Spencer, son of Bubba and Amy Spencer, rides at the Ames Amateur Field          Thank you to all CONTRIBUTORS
    available by first class mail                 Trial, Ames Plantation, Grand Junction, TN. (photo by Vera Courtney)                to this month’s articles and photos!
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                                                      THE MID-SOUTH HORSE REVIEW
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Horse Review - VOL. 32 NO.6 FEBRUARY 2022 - FREE • ©Mid-South Horse Review • February, 2022 3.

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                                                                                         photo by Chris Mathan
Horse Review - VOL. 32 NO.6 FEBRUARY 2022 - FREE
4. February, 2022 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview. com

                                                                 book & art nook
Life with Horses is Never                                                                       trated by “the top 5 most Annoying mo-
                                                                                                ments when Cleaning stalls.” of course,
                                                                                                the most annoying is when you accidently
                                                                                                                                                 pare for a horse show. Braiding? Another
                                                                                                                                                 exercise in futility.
                                                                                                                                                    other funny ones are the “dressage Pit
Orderly                                                                                         slam the pitchfork into the stall door or
                                                                                                wall, which flings the carefully collected
                                                                                                                                                 Crew” and “today’s spook is brought to
                                                                                                                                                 you by – the letter A.” then there’s deci-
Review by Nancy Brannon                                                                         manure everywhere. my favorite in this           phering your dressage test, where most of
                                                                                                chapter is “if your Horse had a Planner.”        the squiggles in the “remarks” section
    robert Burns’ poem “to A mouse”                                                             every day’s routine includes a “catered          make no sense.
might as well have been intended for a                                                          breakfast, maid service, ‘noonsies,’                in ‘Tis the Season, check out “A Pony’s
horse, when he wrote “the best laid                                                             catered dinner, and night snack, with var-       Christmas list,” which begins with
schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft                                                                ious special events throughout the week.         “Horse treats.” valentine’s date Night
agley…” which we often translate to “oft                                                        monday is body work; tuesday is                  tip#12 says: “No matter how cute he says
go awry.” that’s pretty much the theme in                                                       acupuncture; Wednesday is pedicure with          you look in breeches and boots and no
morgane schmidt’s book Life with Horses                                                         the farrier; thursday is spa day; friday is      matter how unnatural it is for you, you
is Never Orderly: Cartoons for Riders                                                           chiropractor and massage.                        should leave enough time to shower and
Who Are In on the Joke.                                                                            Puddles 101 illustrates how horses leap       change into normal people clothes before
    if there are two things that equestrians                                                    over mud puddles on the way to turnout,          going out on a date.”
and horse owners have learned over time                                                         but then roll in the mud puddle after being         in the chapter If Horses Are From
it’s, one, that horses will often upset our                                                     turned out. this goes well with “where           Heaven, you’ve probably seen “the many
“best laid plans” with plans of their own      money in, manure out, a novel, and
                                               Broke, Broken and Bedraggled. the illus-         would your horse choose to roll?”                faces of mare,” all nine of which are the
and, two, to laugh at these situations.                                                            in Seasons are Fun, my favorite cartoon       same irritated, ears back look regardless of
schmidt certainly understands the crazy        tration of the horse trailer looking like a
                                               giant beast’s open mouth with tongue as a        is “when your horse has a sense of humor”        whether she’s happy, bored, playful, hun-
times of life with horses, having owned                                                         that depicts a tiny “snow man” made of           gry, stressed, or whatever. “time for Pony
and competed horses in eventing and dres-      ramp is right on target from a horse’s point
                                               of view for not wanting to load. And fa-         manure balls. “snow” compares how non-           Camp” shows a horse talking to a pony
sage for years. And she certainly knows                                                         horse people see it and how horse people         covered with paintings of hearts, rain-
how to bring humor to the most madden-         mous last words: “this horse is
                                               bombproof! Beginners ride this horse. my         see it. And there’s “reason #17 why eques-       bows, flowers, and hand prints. Pony says,
ing and frustrating situations.                                                                 trians winter in florida.”                       “the next person that touches me is losing
    she has been a lifelong fan of thelwell    grandma rides this horse!” is illustrated
                                               with a pony bucking and a child flying              Challenge Accepted explains why train-        a finger.”
cartoons and began her own comic series                                                         ing isn’t for the faint of heart. “if my horse      in Never Seen Before, “horses can be
in 2011, illustrating her funny reflections    through the air.
                                                  How to Read Horse Sale Ads begins             was aware that social distancing was a           summed up simply as: it as all going so
on life with horses. ten years later, she                                                       thing” is illustrated by the horse avoiding      well – until it wasn’t” as that plastic bag
turned her witty observations into a book-     with the usual sale text and translates that
                                               into what it really means. “is sensitive to      being haltered.                                  flies by. solving rubik’s Cube? Child’s
length collection of cartoon characters that                                                       Different Perspectives contrasts “what        play compared to reassembling your bri-
every horse owner will find something to       his surroundings” translates to “he spooks
                                               at everything.” “Always in the ribbons”          you see” with “what your horse sees.”            dle after cleaning it. untangling polo
laugh about. so, bring more humor into                                                          read this to understand why horses spook.        wraps from the wash is something we’ve
your life as you peruse the topics herein:     translates to “mostly pink and green in
                                               shows with no more than 5 or 6 in the            Another funny illustration is using the          all tried to do and requires the skill level of
Horse ownership, good Barn-keeping,                                                             tractor and front-end loader to push the         an expert problem solver. finally, “my
seasons Are fun, Challenge Accepted, on        class.” “free horse” is illustrated as a “bot-
                                               tomless money pit.” there’s also an              horse into the horse trailer. “i thought you     Horse’s motto: there’s never a bad time
the road, ‘tis the season, if Horses Are                                                        were into Natural Horsemanship,” the             for snacks” as the horse eats the greenery
from Heaven, riders vs. Normal society,        equine vocabulary, as defined by horses
                                               themselves. throughout the book, people          horse thinks. equine yoga provides proof         in the box by dressage letter C.
and Never seen Before.                                                                          that your horse can bend when he wants to           No doubt, you’ll find more than one
    the book begins with “Horses: the ulti-    are characterized as “small predators, aka
                                               staff.” And, of course, social media fol-        (imagine fergus reaching under the fence         thing you’ve experienced with your horse
mate in character building,” taking you                                                         for a juicy blade of grass).                     illustrated here. it’s always good to bring
through a variety of humorous situations       lowers will want to read “if equestrians
                                               were Honest with their facebook Posts.”             On the Road explores traveling with           humor into your life with horses; helps
that horse owners face every day. there’s                                                       horses. did you know that horses who ride        you cope with the frustrating and unex-
a list of “things i have worried about            Good Barn-keeping takes you through
                                               daily routines at the barn, where shoveling      together in the trailer for 15 minutes are       pected. find out more about the book, at:
today as a horse owner” and “Books i                                                            married for life? don’t miss the “check-
could write as an equestrian,” such as         manure is a major part of the day, illus-
                                                                                                lists: horse show edition” for how to pre-       with-horses-is-never-orderly.html

  Check out Fergus the Horse books at:
Horse Review - VOL. 32 NO.6 FEBRUARY 2022 - FREE • ©Mid-South Horse Review • February, 2022 5.

   middleburg, vA, 1/18/2022 - the Na-
tional sporting library & museum is
thrilled to present the flagstone exhibition,
2020 Hindsight: 40 Years of the American
Academy of Equine Art, which opened No-
vember 12, 2021 and runs through march
20, 2022. this exhibition explores the rich                                                                                                  Kathleen Friedenberg (American, b.
history of the American Academy of                                                                                                         1942) Opening Meet, 2006, Bronze
equine Art (AAeA) with a dynamic se-
lection of works selected to highlight the
varied talents fostered by this influential

                                                   Booth Malone, (American, b. 1950), Burrland Road, Orange County Hounds,
                                                2018, oil on linen
                                                a non-profit organization “dedicated to organization still inspires generations of
                                                promoting and sharing representational art equine artists in all manner of media, tech-
                                                that celebrates the horse in sport and life. niques, and artistic influences. 2020 Hind-     Marilyn Newmark (American, 1928–
                                                it also offers hands-on instruction from sight features works by founders,                 2013) Man o’ War, 1977
  Booth Malone (American, b. 1950)              practicing equine artists with a goal of fos- celebrating their accomplishments and
Walk Up I, 2020, oil on canvas                                                                                                             shoeing or grooming.
                                                tering artistic excellence in the genre.”     commitment to equine art. sculptures,
                                                                                                                                              find more information at the National
                                                   the AAeA’s founding members were paintings, etchings, and drawings feature
  Begun in middleburg, vA, in 1980 and                                                                                                     sporting library and museum at:
                                                some of the top sporting painters and horses jumping, sorting cattle, playing
now based in lexington, ky, the AAeA is                                                                                          
                                                sculptors of the day. forty years later, the polo, and in daily barn activities such as

  Richard Stone Reeves (American, 1919–2005) Mill                Linda Volrath, Alfred Hunt Steeplethon, Glenwood              Learnihan, Meryl (American, b. 1952) Just Taking
Reef and Geoff Lewis, 1977, oil on canvas                      Park, 2021, oil, linen on board                              It In, 2021

Dala Horse:                                                                                                                                oil painting, is a simplified form of kur-
                                                                                                                                           bits painting. this colorful painting distin-
                                                                                                                                           guishes itself through exaggerated
Symbol of                                                                                                                                  richness of detail and was painted on
                                                                                                                                           walls, cupboards, chests and mora clocks

                                                                                                                                           in the areas around siljan. the painting
                                                                                                                                           started in leksand and rättvik around
                                                                                                                                           1780 and during the 19th century it was
   the dalahast, or dala horse, is the most                                                                                                even practiced in mora.
recognized swedish folk art internation-                                                                                                      on the dala horses, kurbits painting is
ally. once a by-product of local furniture-                                                                                                usually shown in the flower-patterned sad-
making business, it was sold as a                                                                                                          dle. traditionally these horses were
children’s toy and later as a barter item.                                                                                                 painted in red or left as is without paints.
these carved wooden figurines have been                                                                                                    But in the 1830s swedish artist, stikå erik
part of swedish culture for centuries. it be-      DALAHÄST. Attributed to Stikå                                                           Hansson became known for painting his
came a permanent symbol of sweden in            Erik Hansson, Risa, Mora dated 1880.                                                       own unique dala horses with a two-color
1939 in the New york World’s fair.                                                                                                         simplified form of kurbits decoration.
                                                considered as a status symbol and highly
   there are many stories that accompa-                                                                                                    Hansson’s dala horse pattern has since be-
                                                valued property in the swedish household.
nied the dala horse, from Paganism and                                                                                                     come the tradition for dala horse making
                                                   the dala horse’s colorful design, fancy
witchcraft to vikings. the horse itself was                                                                                                in sweden.
Horse Review - VOL. 32 NO.6 FEBRUARY 2022 - FREE
6. February, 2022 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview. com

                                                              Winner of
                                                                                                  Legendary Hearts of Horses
                                                                                                     Horse lovers sometimes describe their        this marvelous trait, but then diverges
                                                2021 EQUUS Film and Arts Festival                 equine partners as having a “lot of heart,”     from that trodden path.
                                                 Equestrian Overall Literary Award                referring to their ability to go farther, do        she boldly jumps into the vast pool of
                                                                                                  more, and perform long after we expect          equine evolution and human ambition in
                                                                                                  exhaustion has set in. Champion thor-           order to discover more outstanding exam-
                                                                                                  oughbred racehorse secretariat was the          ples of stamina and loyalty. Neary clearly
                                                                                                  epitome of a horse with a lot of heart. He      connects the large heart trait to ‘old
                                              Readers’ Favorite five-star reviews recipient       was one of the most beautiful, anatomi-         World’ horses, even suggesting that horses
                                                                                                  cally correct horses there ever was, with       in the wild had been very creative and
                                                                                                  ideal biomechanics that produced a 24-          proactive about their own survival.
                                                                                                  foot, 11-inch stride.                               this is a fascinating journey into the
                                                                                                     And when thomas swerczek, dvm,               history of horses possessing larger than
                                               Get to the Heart of the Matter                     Ph.d. performed the necropsy on secre-          normal hearts, intertwining all the aspects
                                            Author Adrienne Neary weaves the tangible and         tariat, shortly after his death on october 4,   of horse heart regardless of its physical
                                            intangible qualities of the equine heart into an      1989, he made one of the most incredible        size. the narrative deftly unravels how in-
                                            inspiring tribute to our equine partners, featuring   discoveries of his career. secretariat’s        separable the tangible and intangible qual-
                                            famous racehorses, famous horses in history, and      heart was at least 2.5 times larger than the    ities of heart really are. from thrilling feats
                                            a fascinating perspective of how horses have          average horse’s heart. it weighed approx-       of speed and endurance, to the tenderness
                                            helped and continue to help all of humankind.         imately 21-22 pounds, compared to the av-       and forgiveness freely given, you will feel
                                                                                                  erage thoroughbred’s heart at 8-9 pounds.       the spirit of Heart that resides not only
                                                                                                  dr. swerczek was amazed. “there were            within horses, but within all of us.
                                                     You’ll             this book!                no pathological abnormalities of the heart;         “While my research spanned well over
                                                                                                  all chambers were normal; there were no         ten years, it’s an ongoing passion. Pedi-
                                                                                                  lesions. it was a perfect heart, everything     grees tell amazing stories. in my opinion,
                                                                                                  was just bigger,” he found.                     the real reason extra large hearts show up
                                          Beech Tree Arts                                            the revelation of secretariat’s super        in horses is closely tied to the mysteries
                                                                                                  heart set the horse industry afire, reveal-     that govern life, not just to the chemistry
                                      supports horse lovers everywhere                            ing empirical evidence to support the an-       involved,” Neary writes in the book’s in-
                                        with empowering information.                              ecdotal. Legendary Hearts of Horses             troduction.
                                              Find this book at:                                  follows the equine large heart trail insti-         Adrienne N. Neary is an internationally
                              gated by this famous American thorough-         recognized equine digital artist and pro-
                                                                                                  bred. Neary delves into the equine              ducer of equine anatomy charts, equine re-
                           Also available on Amazon and other online booksellers                  pedigree history that other researchers         searcher, equine energy facilitator, and
                                                                                                  identified as being the fountain spring of      classical dressage rider.

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Horse Review - VOL. 32 NO.6 FEBRUARY 2022 - FREE
8. February, 2022 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview. com

                                                   Horse Health & Welfare
Dunlap Equine Services

                                                                                              The complex was designed with plenty of room for a farrier station.
                                                                                           needs. this area was also designed to
                                                                                           allow for plenty of client education semi-
   Inpatients, outpatients, and isolation patients are housed separately within the        nars.
clinic complex.                                                                               Client education seminars have been
   dunlap equine services, owned by Jen- being iCu stalls with special fluid pumps,        planned for every other month for 2022.
nifer dunlap, dvm, has expanded opera- and there are two extra large stalls for draft      they will vary from hands-on workshops,
tions to a new equine veterinary clinic at horses and mares and foals. there are in-       such as a leg bandaging workshop held on
22495 Highway 194, somerville, tN. Am- door and outdoor arenas for lameness                January 21, 2022, to large scale seminars,
bulatory service for farm calls continues workups and an in-house and online phar-         such as A sports medicine Approach to
to be available in the west tennessee, east macy and an advanced in-house lab.             lameness from both the veterinarian and
Arkansas and north mississippi area, but        the site for the clinic was chosen for     farrier perspectives being held march 21,
this new facility allows dunlap equine to ease of access off of i-40 (at exit 35) and      2022 by dr. Jennifer dunlap and farrier
expand its offerings.                        because even the largest 18-wheeler can       daniel Bishop.
   With the design of the clinic, outpa- easily circle within the complex, allowing           the clinic is open for regular haul in ap-
tients, aka haul in appointments, inpa- for over-the-road horse haulers to be able         pointments and 24/7 for emergencies. find          The ability to host client education
tients, and isolation patients can be housed to unload safely.                             more information at: https://www.dun-           seminars, such as this bandaging clinic,
separately to keep all patients safer. the      A dedicated farrier area was placed in and on facebook.         played a big role in the design of the fa-
clinic includes 26 stalls with four of those the outpatient barn for therapeutic farrier                                                   cility.
Horse Review - VOL. 32 NO.6 FEBRUARY 2022 - FREE • ©Mid-South Horse Review • February, 2022 9.

Wintertime Equine                                                                                ambient temperature.                          and secondly, doing so may not be enough
                                                                                                    “When traveling, be mindful if you're to help a horse maintain their warmth
                                                                                                 going a long distance or to a region that when they need it most.
Nutrition: 3 Facts                                                                               has a very different temperature range than      “increasing the amount of hay is the
                                                                                                 what you’re coming from – your horse best way to increase heat production and
   Help horses weather the winter with           80 degrees, which means horses near the         may struggle a little bit more to retain heat keep a horse warm during winter,” dr.
insight from equine nutritionists and a          low end of their thermoneutral zone will        or try to get rid of it – depending whether Nichols said. “Horses will naturally in-
veterinarian                                     have to use extra energy (thus calories) to     you’re going to a colder climate or a hot- crease the amount of hay that they eat,
From Aimee Robinson, Valley Vet Supply           maintain heat.                                  ter climate,” said dr. Nichols.               based on the temperatures dropping.”
                                                    to identify whether your horse is out-          Fact 2: A Horse’s feed sources Will           regarding how much more hay to pro-
   While impressively stout yet entirely         side of their thermoneutral zone, “you          Help them maintain Warmth, in Addition vide, remember that the average ther-
fragile, horses require a great level of care,   want to pay attention to whether or not         to Weight.                                    moneutral zone for horses in the u.s. is
especially as it relates to their nutrition      they’re using any natural defenses to that         it’s important to understand “metabolic between 40 and 80 degrees. dr. Nichols
over the winter.                                 cold weather,” explained Brittany rahm,         heat production” as it relates to increasing said, as a general rule of thumb, for every
   “many horse owners may not realize            nutrition consultant at stride Animal           a horse’s feed during cold temperatures.      one-degree fahrenheit below the lower
they actually need to feed horses differ-        Health.                                            dr. Nichols explained, “think of a range of 40 degrees, horses will need an
ently in the wintertime than they do in the         these natural defenses can include:          horse’s digestive system, or their hind gut, extra 200 calories.
summertime,” Jyme Nichols, Phd, direc-              • shivering                                  as a furnace. the more the microbes in the       “so, to put that in perspective, your av-
tor of nutrition at stride Animal Health,           • standing with tail to the wind, head       horse’s hind gut are able to digest and fer- erage hay is going to have between 800 to
shared in an interview with valley vet           lowered                                         ment – especially fibers – the more heat 1,000 calories per pound. let's say you've
supply.                                             • seeking shelter                            that can be generated for that horse. that’s got a 10-degree drop – you're going to
   Here are three main facts to consider.           dr. Nichols followed up, “Anytime you        part of what goes into keeping them need an extra 2,000 calories. All i did there
   Fact 1: A Horse’s “thermoneutral              combine cold temperatures on top of             warm.”                                        was just take that 10 degrees times 200
Zone” directly impacts their Nutritional         moisture – wind, ice and snow – a horse            Fact 3: As Weather Changes, so should calories, and that gets me to 2,000 calo-
Needs.                                           will have to increase their heat production     a Horse’s diet, But Not in the Way some ries, which is roughly 2 to 3 lbs. extra hay
   “the first thing that i think is important    and will need to consume more calories.         may think.                                    per day. so, if you're feeding small square
for everybody to understand is a term that       Additionally, young horses or underweight          “A lot of times, people can get hung up bales of grass hay, that’s probably going to
sounds a little bit intimidating — ther-         horses are going to hit that lower, critical    thinking, ‘i need to change my horse’s be an extra flake, maybe an extra two
moneutral zone,” dr. Nichols said. “this         temperature and get colder faster than a        grain, or i need to change how much grain flakes.”
is basically the temperature outside in          mature horse or a horse that’s going into       i feed,’” dr. Nichols said. However, is ei-      Horse owners will need to increase their
which a horse can maintain their own core        wintertime with really good body condi-         ther necessary? Not exactly, but there are horse’s hay intake, but what about their
body temperature without having to exert         tion.”                                          some other aspects for horse owners to grain? When the temperatures drop, up-
any extra effort to regulate either their heat      An especially important detail for those     consider.                                     ping feed is a common practice, but not
loss or heat gain.”                              traveling for competitions or pleasure with        While a well-meaning sentiment, in- recommended. dr. Nichols gave two spe-
   Horses in the united states have an av-       their horses is that it takes two weeks to a    creasing grain can be harmful to a horse’s cific horse health examples: should horses
erage thermoneutral zone between 40 and          full month for horses to readapt to a new       health – heightening colic risk and more – be fed either a        (Continued on p. 10)                                                                                                                                 325-388-2727
Horse Review - VOL. 32 NO.6 FEBRUARY 2022 - FREE
10. February 2022 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview. com
Wintertime Nutrition (Cont.
from p. 9) fortified feed or ce-
real grains, such as whole corn
                                                                                                         New Vet at TEH West
and oats?                                                                                              dr. stephanie golm joined tennessee
    example 1, fortified feed in-                                                                   equine    Hospital West as an equine intern
crease – if horsemen are feed-                                                                      in June   2021 before moving to the mem-
ing a fortified grain at a                                                                          phis  location     at the beginning of the year.
recommended level of 4 lbs.                                                                         she  graduated      from the university of Wis-
per day, then increase by 1 lb.                                                                     consin   school      of veterinary medicine in
per day.                                                                                            may     2021     with   an emphasis in equine
    that feed is designed to meet                                                                   medicine.
all vitamin, mineral require-                                                                          she was born and raised in the mid-
ments, amino acid require-                                                                          west,   and moved to tennessee just before
ments, etc., at 4 lbs. per day. While that    the   hay  and   consider     a  supplement      that starting  with teH. she said, “i've wanted
extra pound may not be more harmful, it       will  keep  them    drinking,”    rahm    said.       to be  a veterinarian      since i was about three
will provide some extra calories, but the        for  senior    horses    or  horses  with    poor  years   old.  i  have  a passion    for all animals,
calories will be more quickly digested.       dental   conditions,       both   rahm     and    dr. but developed       a love   for horses   at a young
this means the increased grain does not       Nichols    recommend         feeding   forage    pel- age.   i grew     up   both    riding   for  fun and
provide horses with long-term heat pro-       lets, such  as timothy      or alfalfa hay   pellets, showing       in   the    hunter/jumper        circuit
duction, like hay does.                       or even   beet   pulp   shreds,    which   all  have  through     college.     i  enjoy    all aspects   of      Dr. Stephanie Golm
    example 2, cereal grain increase – say    similar  benefits    as  long-stem    hay  forage.    equine   medicine,      but   sports  medicine    and
horsemen are feeding a whole corn/oat            “for horses who are underweight, it is dentistry are my biggest passions. my hus-                           selves. it was humbling to learn about
mix at 4 lbs. per day and decide to double    important    to try to improve their body con- band, luke, has been in the military for the                    their history and lifestyle. these people
it. Corn and oats are really high in starches dition,   which      will support their ther- past three and a half years, so when i'm not                     are amazing horsemen and women, and it
and sugars, which puts a really heavy load    moregulation         and    overall health. in working i enjoy spending time with him                          was an experience i will always cherish.”
of sugar on the digestive tract that the      addition   to  increasing      their total hay in- and our cat, ember.”                                           Her other experiences include kennel
small intestine can't digest very well or     take,  we recommend        adding   a high-quality       in August 2019, golm worked with the                  assistant at indian Prairie Animal Hospi-
very quickly. you can then have an over-      protein   and    energy     supplement      to  help  horses   owned by the lakota People at Pine              tal, vet tech at south trail Animal Hospi-
spill of starch into the hind gut of the      support   healthy     weight     gain,” said   tony   ridge    reservation. she wrote: “it was a               tal, and large animal vet student at uW
horse, impacting the balance of the good      Hawkins,     dvm,      technical   service   veteri-  privilege    to be able to provide veterinary            veterinary Care.
bacteria in that gut and presenting colic is- narian  at  valley   vet   supply.                    service    to   the horses that belong to the               she reminds animal owners: “remem-
sues; it can also cause founder or laminitis     Bundle     up,  stay  safe,  and  keep  in  mind   lakota    People.    it was amazing to see both          ber to be kind to your veterinarians. in the
issues in some horses.                        these   three     facts   to    help  your     horse  the need    and   how   much they care for these         end, all we want is what’s best for you and
    “you want to keep your grain level the    weather   the   winter.                               animals.    Not   only  did i learn a lot from the       the animals whom we’ve dedicated our
same. if you're going to increase anything,                                                         amazing     doctors    and   students on this trip,      lives to helping.”
the most important thing to do is increase                                                          i learned    so   much    from   the people them- • ©Mid-South Horse Review • February, 2022 11.

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12. February, 2022 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview. com

                                                                            Field trials
Ames Amateur Field Trial
    Dialed In Wins Prestigious Ames             were less than favorable as she was turned
            Amateur All Age                     loose on the afternoon course on thursday.
By Kent Walker; photos by Vera Court-           Nonetheless, Claire responded with the
ney                                             toughness that has brought her to the win-
                                                ners’ circle on so many other occasions
   What has for many years been arguably        throughout her career.
one of the most prestigious and competi-           taking second place honors was
tive All Age events in the country, the         small’s White Charger for owner and han-
Ames Amateur once again lived up to its         dler mike small of evansville, indiana.
storied past. drawing a field of 46 All Age     Charger was credited with one find well to
contestants and 16 derby entries, the trial     the front and a forward and searching
ran from monday december 27 to friday           ground race.
december 31, 2021 at the Ames Planta-              third place laurels went to game rebel
tion, grand Junction, tenn.                     for dr. fred Corder. rebel had one find
   early morning and afternoon tempera-         during his hour near the old agronomy
tures remained near 70 degrees with over-       shed, where he was discovered by the
cast skies throughout the entire trial. only    scout after a brief absence, as the course
one half day’s running was delayed due to                                                       All Age winners: Front Row: Matt Pendergest with Dialed In, Mike Small with
                                                turned back south on the third afternoon.
thunderstorms and heavy rain.                                                                 Smalls White Charger. Back Row: Kent Walker, Korry Rinehart (judge), Megan
                                                After a long ride back to the call of
   Judging this year’s renewal were elton                                                     Henry, Scott Little, Elton Bray (judge) and Mason Ashburn.
                                                “point,” the handsome pointer was stand-
Bray and korry rinehart. Neither are            ing with style for wing and shot. He fin-     Cocklebur Breaking Bad for Bubba, Amy          and others throughout the midsouth and
strangers to the judicial saddle. Both are      ished his hour well to the front at pickup.   and Colt spencer. the second and third         region 6, stepped up again this year do-
excellent horsemen and ride with a keen            in the companion derby event, matt         place dogs showed all age potential in         nating dog food to all the winners. Club
eye on each bird dog.                           Pendergest was back in the winner’s cir-      their ground races.                            director Chris Weatherly of the Ames
   veteran eight-year old-performer di-         cle once again – this time with Awakened.        As with most trials there are many peo-     Plantation rode every brace and marshaled
aled in, “Claire,” was absolutely ‘dialed       for first place honors, Awakened ran a        ple to thank. this trial in particular has a   the trial. ken Blackman did yeoman’s
in’ to the birds, as she carded three stellar   good forward race, carding a stylish find     great supporting cast, beginning with the      work of driving the dog wagon, providing
finds while laying down a strong forward        near the end of her brace. taking second      Ames Plantation staff and the use of these     snacks between braces, assisting at road
and responsive ground race under the            was Phillips linebacker for mike small.       historic grounds. the ongoing, much ap-        crossings, and collecting entry fees. south-
whistle of matt Pendergest. With temper-        third place was awarded to a consistent       preciated support of sportsman’s Pride         ern eatery and linda stewart provided
atures reaching 72 degrees, conditions          winner on the derby circuit this season,      dog food, who has represented this trial       tasty lunches throughout the trial. And

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  Derby winners: Front Row: Mike Small with Phillips Linebacker, Amy Spencer
with Cocklebur Breaking Bad, Colt and Bubba Spencer. Back Row: Kent Walker,
Korry Rinehart (judge), Lowry Strickland, Elton Bray (judge), John Chandler
Strickland, John Taylor, and Chris Weatherly.
                                                                                        Jonathan Burch                        Guy Hendrix
special thanks to vera Courtney for all the     All Age winners:
wonderful photography during this years’        First: dialed in, matt Pendergest,
Ames Amateur. mrs. vera has been cap-         owner/handler                           owner/handler                           Second: Phillips linebacker, mike
turing photos of the Ames Amateur for           Second: small’s White Charger, mike     Derby winners:                      small, owner/handler
seventeen years. What a great crew!           small, owner/handler                      First: Awakened, matt Pendergest,     Third: Cocklebur Breaking Bad, Bubba
   Hope to see everyone again next year.        Third: game rebel, dr. fred Corder,   owner/handler                         and Amy spencer, owners/handlers

  Bubba Spencer                                                                         Matt Pendergest

  Matt Cochran                                                                          Youth riders
14. February, 2022 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview. com

                                                                                                                                     Belle Meade
                                                                                                                                     From Epp Wilson, MFH, Fred Berry,
                                                                                                                                     MFH, and Tom Brannon, MFH
                                                                                                                                        the masters of fox Hounds Associa-
                                                                                                                                     tion (mfHA) is sponsoring a series of
                                                                                                                                     foxhound Performance trials. each of
                                                                                                                                     these events is a great opportunity to ex-
                                                                                                                                     perience the very best foxhunting behind
  Whippoorwill Forever Wild (shown on left of photo) works the course ahead of handler Matt Cochran                                  an exceptional pack of hounds, and in
                                                                                                                                     some of the best hunt country in North

Hobart Ames                                                                                                                          America.
                                                                                                                                        Performance trials offer a way for fox-
                                                                                                                                     hunters to gather, measure hound per-
Memorial                                                                                                                             formance, enhance breeding programs,
                                                                                                                                     and exchange ideas. every three years, the

Classic                                                                                                                              mfHA sponsors the Performance trial
                                                                                                                                     Championships. during the 2021-2022
                                                                                                                                     season, multiple exciting qualifying events
By Nancy Brannon; photos by Vera
                                                                                                                                     culminate with the Performance trials
                                                                                                                                     grand Championship on march 26-27,
   the 69th renewal of the Hobart Ames                                                                                               2022 in Hoffman, North Carolina.
memorial Classic, open All-Age and                                                                                                      Hunts participate by invitation only and
derby, started monday, January 10, 2022.                                                                                             they bring only their very best hounds.
Judges for this National Championship                                                                                                Hounds are numbered to allow mounted
qualifying stake were mike Jackson of                                                                                                judges to record their observations, which
Battle ground, iN and virgil moore of                                                                                                are then loaded into a scoring program to
Canyon, tx; reporter, Jim Atchison of                                                                                                determine the awards.
Caruthersville, mo. Braces were run on           (above) Riders in the gallery on a very cold first day of the Hobart Ames Me-          All fox hunting is fun, and Perform-
the National Championship courses at           morial Classic All-Age field trial. (below) Brothers Shannon and Keith St. John       ance trials are like “fox hunting on
Ames Plantation, grand Junction, ten-          rode in Friday’s Derby. (all photos by Vera Courtney)                                 steroids.” you will find many of the best
nessee.                                        National Amateur All-Age in-                                                          hounds and the most avid foxhunters at
   there were 48 dogs running in the All-      vitational (december 6, 2021),                                                        these Performance trials. this level of
Age stake. on the first day a “cold morn-      there were eleven finds on                                                            foxhunting is definitely an adrenalin sport.
ing with ‘bluebird skies’ greeted this         monday, ten finds on tuesday,                                                            Belle meade Hunt in thomson, geor-
morning’s riders in the 2022 Hobart Ames       and four finds in the call-back.                                                      gia hosted their 21st qualifying perform-
memorial All-Age,” vera Courtney wrote.        “We have seen an influx of                                                            ance trial on January 22-23, 2022. the
day two was a “brisk 27 degrees” with an       hawks in the area lately, so the                                                      Pack Championship winner was ten-
“almost cloudless sky,” she reported.          birds are staying close in                                                            nessee valley Hunt (tvH) of New mar-
   day three of the Hobart Ames memo-          cover,” dr. Carlisle said. “you                                                       ket, tenn.
rial All-Age was a “cool, 35 degrees with      fly, you die.”                                                                           Competition was stiff! seven of the
thin clouds for this morning’s breakaway,”        All-Age Results:                                                                   best packs of hounds from illinois to ken-
Courtney reported. on January 13, it was          First: game Wardon, han-                                                           tucky to georgia competed, and they had
another “cool 35 degrees for the kick off of   dled by dr. fred Corder, owner                                                        outstanding hunting both days. A team of
the last day of All-Age dogs.”                    Second: Papa Joe, handled                                                          twelve judges scored hounds in the cate-
   there was, indeed, cold weather for the     by mike Hester for owner                                                              gories of Hunting, trailing, and full Cry.
All-Age braces, but most days were             tremel Hester (his grandson)                                                              ryan Johnsey, mfH and Huntsman for
mostly sunny and temperatures reached al-         third: Hendrix’s Copperline,                                                       tennessee valley Hunt, was asked to com-
most 50 degrees by friday afternoon. in-       handled by Burke Hendrix, owner           January 14, 2022 with 24 dogs contending    ment on the weekend’s Performance trial.
clement weather held off until saturday           the Hobart Ames memorial derby         for the honors (25 entered, but one with-   ryan was very complimentary about how
afternoon for the last braces of the derby,    began on a “beautiful morning,” friday,   drew). mike Jackson also judged the         well organized and well run this trial was,
when rain poured and temperatures                                                        derby, along with Joey mcAlexander,         by epp Wilson, mfH and the Belle meade
dropped to the 30s. snow came in the area                                                who is the new President of the Hobart      hunt. He said that placing well at a per-
later saturday night.                                                                    Ames memorial field trial Club. the         formance trial can be a matter of a hound
   dr. rick Carlisle of Ames Plantation                                                  derby was completed on saturday Janu-       being at the right place at the right time,
said that “birds were at a premium during                                                ary 15, 2022 with the following winners.    and the stars seemed to be aligned for
this trial.” in the All-Age Classic, there                                                  Derby Results:                           tvH’s hounds that weekend. “We were
were 12 finds from 11 dogs. in the derby                                                    First: Haney’s storm Warming, handler    asked to choose five of our best hounds for
Classic, there were eight finds from seven                                               ike todd, owner Chris Cagle                 the competition and, when asked which
dogs in one and one-half days. this was in                                                  Second: knight’s little John, handler    one i would root for the most, it was tvH
contrast to the Ames Amateur (dec. 27,                                                   ike todd, owner scott griffin               Headboard. this hound lived up to my ex-
2021), which saw 24 finds by the All-Age                                                    Third: seek N in, handler/owner Will     pectations. i’ve been watching him per-
dogs and eight finds by the derby dogs in                                                dunn                                        form well all season. He shines! He is pure
eight 30-minute braces. At the AftCA                                                                                                 Penn-marydel, bred and whelped at tvH,
                                                 Game Wardon, All-Age Winner                                                         with lineage from both longreen fox- • ©Mid-South Horse Review • February, 2022 15.


hounds and ‘doc’ Addis. His dame was           all hounds performed very well and no
tvH Heartless, who was one the last            hound got picked up for running deer.”
drafts that we got from todd ‘doc’ Addis,         tvH and shawnee Hounds both had
mfH before he died in 2019.”(Editor’s          two hounds place in the top ten both days.      Ryan Johnsey, MFH and Huntsman of Tennessee Valley Hunt, with Penn-Mary-
note: “doc” Addis, dvm was the first           three hunts, tvH, shawnee, and host          del foxhound TVH Headboard. (courtesy of Mark Jump Photography)
Huntsman for tvH, 1989-1991, and es-           hunt Belle meade, had two hounds each in        Results from day one: tvH’s Head- hawk was second. tvH’s Wallet was
tablished tvH’s foundation pack. doc           the top ten on the second day. Belle meade   board ranked number three, with tvH’s fourth, Headboard was sixth, and Hudson
was instrumental in promoting the Penn-        Bullet was the overall first place winner    Willow number five. Portia, from Bridle- was ninth. shawnee’s foghorn was fifth,
marydel breed of foxhound, generously          and tvH Headboard placed second. tvH         spur Hunt, was in the number one position, gandalf was seventh, and gipper was
drafting hounds to hunts throughout the        was the winning hunt with three hounds in    followed by Ziggy from thornton Hill in tenth. Bridlespur Hunt’s Bond was eighth.
u.s.) ryan added, “scoring of a particu-       the top ten. these top ten hounds quali-     second. Bell meade’s hounds: saber was       Overall Total: Belle mead’s Bullet
lar hunt and hound at a performance trails     fied for the National Performance trial      fourth and Bullet was sixth. shawnee’s placed first and Bismarck third. tvH’s
is the culmination of placement in various     Championship scheduled for march 25-         hounds: Cuda was seventh and Jamie was Headboard was second, Wallet sixth, and
categories both days, such as hunting and      27, 2022 in Hoffman NC.                      ninth.                                     Hudson eighth. thornton Hill’s fishhawk
endurance. there is a reason there is a sec-      find more information about foxhound         Results from day two: Belle meade’s was fourth and Ziggy was fifth. shawnee’s
ond day. A particular hound may not per-       Performance trials at:      Bullet moved to number one and Bismark foghorn was seventh and gandalf was
form as well two days in a row. that said,     mance-trials/                                was number three. thornton Hill’s fish- tenth. Bridlespur’s Portia was ninth.

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The Arnie Pittman Out-
standing Service Award

                                                                                                Mary Grayson Fauser on Captivate (photo by Nancy Brannon)
                                                                                                “Congratulations Barney! We will miss        this year’s recipient, kitty Walters, has all
                                                                                              you in germantown, tenn., but we know          of these qualities.
                                                                                              you will enjoy your time in sunny                 kitty is kind and polite to everyone.
  Barney Mallace riding Keepsake (2008)                                                       florida,” davidoff concluded.                  she is helpful to others without being
                                                                                                                                             asked and often is one of the first ones to
From Susan Davidoff                                                                                                                          arrive at the show and one of the last to
                                                                                                                                             leave. she genuinely cares for the well-
    this year, West tennessee Hunter
                                                                                                                                             being of her horses.
Jumper Association (WtHJA) had to can-
                                                                                                                                                kitty cheers on everyone, often offer-
cel its in-person awards banquet because
                                                                                                                                             ing to video rounds for her friends and
of the rapidly riding cases of Covid-19
                                                                                                                                             barn mates. she is the epitome of a good
in the community. However, WtHJA an-
                                                                                                                                             sport, regardless of what kind of a day she
nounced winners of awards on their face-
                                                                                                                                             is having, and she is an excellent example
book page and on instagram. the first
                                                                                                                                             for all.
award presented was the 2021 Arnold
                                                                                                                                                Congratulations to kitty Walters for
Pittman outstanding service award. susan
                                                                                                                                             being selected to receive the Arnie Pittman
davidoff wrote about the award:
                                                                                                                                             Junior sportsmanship Award for 2021.
    “West tennessee Hunter Jumper Asso-
                                                                                                                                                The Double Stuff Award
ciation has a long history of volunteer
                                                                                                                                                the double stuff Perpetual trophy is
help, and is run by many different people
                                                                                                                                             presented each year to the high point
who are integral to our success. the great-
                                                                                                                                             short/ long stirrup horse and rider. the
est volunteers are the ones who step up to
                                                                                                                                             winner for 2021 is lamborghini and Han-
the plate when they see things that need       eight obstacles at 3’6” in height, con-           Barney is definitely enjoying his new       nah roark.
doing and are always there to help without     ducted under table ii.1, fastest clear         home on Hutchison island, florida. Bar-           for those who were lucky enough to
needing to be asked.                           round. the winner of the keepsake trophy       ney moved to memphis from south                have known double stuff, or oreo as he
    “Arnie Pittman volunteered for many        is equally successful in both rounds.          florida 40 years ago and now, in retire-       was known around the barn, remember
years and served this association with en-        keepsake was a 1990 dutch Warm-             ment, comes full circle in moving back to      that he was a pony rider’s best friend and
thusiasm and success. this year’s winner       blood who began her show career winning        florida. He only has to look outside his       a trainer’s dream. Anything asked of oreo
is no different. the Arnie Pittman out-        big in the regular Working Hunters. she        window to have a great view of the beach       was done obediently and patiently until his
standing service Award for 2021 goes to        moved into the Jumper ring, also winning       and Atlantic ocean. “i can’t believe i get     young rider got the exercise right. the
our past show manager and show coordi-         many classes, while simultaneously carry-      this beautiful view every day!” he re-         word no was not in his vocabulary, and his
nator, Barney mallace.                         ing her amateur rider around the Hunter        marked. He just has to go down the eleva-      longevity allowed many generations to
    “Barney has been a fixture in the ger-     ring. it was quite a sight to see her win a    tor and the beach is right outside his door.   learn their skills on him.
mantown area since the early 1980s. He         3’6” jumper class while the same day tak-      His plans are to get back to riding once          oreo’s competition results span from
has served our area and association as a       ing good care of her other rider in the Pre-   he’s settled in and to explore working on      minnesota to Palm Beach, florida and
trainer, rider, board member, show com-        Adult division.                                ceramics again.                                from North Carolina westward to Col-
mittee member, show secretary, judge,             Barney was most recently the show              Barney has not severed all ties with the    orado. His usef results show 14 different
mentor, and has helped WtHJA and the           manager and show coordinator for the           mid-south. He’ll be back for this year’s       riders competing over 24 years! He earned
memphis horse community in many more           WtHJA shows for about 11 years.                germantown Charity Horse show, for             notable championships at: metamora Hunt
capacities.                                    “WtHJA is a successful local horse show        seven weeks in franklin, tN for the            Club, Horseshows by the Bay, trader’s
    “Barney was an amateur owner rider         association largely because of Barney’s        Brownland shows, and in katy, tx at the        Point, ledges, gulfport, Atlanta, and the
with the amazing keepsake, successful in       commitment to making the shows great.          great southwest equestrian Center.             germantown Charity Horse show.
both the hunter and jumper rings.” each        He has identified and foreseen problems           WtHJA had more awards to give to its           oreo’s time in germantown spanned
year at the germantown Charity Horse           and offered up solutions or ideas to move      2021 stars.                                    from 2009 through 2016, with an estab-
show, Barney donates the keepsake Per-         us in a better direction. Barney was de-          The Arnie Pittman Junior Sports-            lished fan base at Aintree stables. A spe-
petual trophy for the winner of the versa-     voted to WtHJA and worked tirelessly be-       manship Award                                  cial thanks to Carson Cash, who owned
tility Challenge class. this class consists    hind the scenes on all the small details it       the Arnie Pittman Junior sportsman-         oreo for 16 years and always made sure
of two rounds: first, a classic hunter style   takes to make our shows run smoothly.          ship Award is given to a rider who exhibits    he had everything that he needed. oreo
round over fences 3’3” to 3’6” in height.      Although he is receiving the outstanding       the following qualities: a desire to learn     was respectfully retired in 2016 and spent
second is the jumper speed round open to       service Award for 2021, he deserves to be      and grow in the sport, the ability to rise     two years blissfully grazing in green pas-
the top twelve horses from round one. this     recognized for the years and decades he        from adversity, and good sportsmanship.        tures until he passed away in 2018.
jumper course consists of a minimum of         has put into WtHJA and our community. • ©Mid-South Horse Review • February, 2022 17.

                                                                                            Women Dominate Again in
                                                                                            $75,000 Battle of the Sexes

  Keebler, ridden by Abigail Arnold
   The Linda Brzoza Perpetual Trophy
   the engraving on the linda Brzoza Per-
petual trophy says: “No matter if you win                                                     Caelinn Leahy for the women’s team. (photo courtesy of Sportfot)
or lose, the most important thing in life is
to enjoy what you have.” linda’s dedica-                                                    From Jennifer Wood Media, Inc.                 riders go to head-to-head over the same
tion and will to win can be a light to oth-                                                                                                course, and the one with the fastest time
ers and motivation for riders to strive for                                                    Wellington, fl – January 8, 2022 – the      gains a point for their team. following the
the same successes that she had.                                                            first “saturday Night lights” event of the     first phase, the score was tied with five
   the linda Brzoza memorial Perpetual                                                      2022 Winter equestrian festival kicked         points for each team. the standout was
trophy honors an amateur rider whose ef-                                                    off on January 8 with the $75,000 Battle       Caelinn leahy who had a scorching fast
forts through each competition year shine                                                   of the sexes, presented by Wellington re-      round.
and reflect the spirit and hard work that                                                   gional medical Center. the event was a            in the second phase, each team had
linda lived every day. the winner of the                                                    highlight of the Premiere week of the 2022     three relay groups, wherein the three riders
2021 linda Brzoza High score Amateur                                                        Winter equestrian festival (Wef), which        in the relay each did a section of the
rider award is rachel sutton.                                                               runs for 13 weeks through April 3. the         course. the women’s team gained 10 more
   The Overseas Award                                                                       women’s team won for the 11th time in the      points with two wins out of the three
   the overseas Perpetual trophy is                                                         13-year history, and the class made its re-    groups, leading 15 to 10.
awarded each year to the highest scoring                                                    turn after a hiatus in 2021.                      the final phase was a match race in
Adult Amateur Hunter for the year. Con-                                                        the women’s team for Battle of the          which riders competed over a course that
                                                 Rachel Sutton                              sexes consisted of team captain kelly
formation, movement, soundness, person-                                                                                                    mirrored itself in the ring, and they com-
ality, and intelligence, along with a                                                       soleau-millar, Hayley iannotti, taylor         pleted it at the same time. When the
                                               many people, having had a long and suc-
winning form over fences, are among the                                                     land, Caelinn leahy, samantha macken-          women won five of the first six rounds at
                                               cessful career, most notably as a Junior
criteria with which we gauge a horse’s                                                      zie, mia mannis, Abigail mcArdle,              three points each, they secured their vic-
                                               Hunter for Nicole Harris in germantown,
greatness. But, there is also the horse’s                                                   Jacqueline steffens, Anna Wilks, and           tory, and the last four match races did not
                                               tenn. He began doing the 3’6” Juniors as
winning record and longevity in the sport                                                   Heather Caristo-Williams.                      have to finish. leahy sealed the deal for
                                               a four-year-old and, even though he was
that contribute to its reputation of being                                                     the men’s team, led by captain Charlie      her team by taking the decisive victory
                                               quite small, he handled the big jumps with
“great.” mindy Wurzburg’s horse over-                                                       Jayne, also included david Blake, Chris-       over michael tokaruk, and the women
                                               ease. the grand Champion Junior Hunter
seas had all of these qualities, and we are                                                 tian Coyle, daniel Coyle, Jordan Coyle,        won by a score of 30 to 13.
                                               award and the Why Not farley trophy
pleased to award this trophy in his mem-                                                    luis larrazabal, simon mcCarthy,                  Watch the video of the match race be-
                                               goes each year to the horse that wins the
ory. the winner of the overseas Perpetual                                                   samuel Parot Jr., michael tokaruk, and         tween michael tokaruk and Caelinn
                                               most points in the 3’6” Junior Hunter di-
trophy for 2021 is Captivate, ridden by                                                     Hardin towell.                                 leahy at:
                                               vision, regardless of size. this year’s
mary grayson fauser.                                                                           the Battle of the sexes consists of three   dominate-again-in-75000-battle-of-the-
                                               award goes to keebler, ridden by Abigail
   The Why Not Farley Award                                                                 phases, with the first being a table C         sexes-presented-by-wellington-regional-m
   Why Not farley was a dream horse for                                                     faults-converted speed course where the        edical-center-at-2022-wef

  Lamborghini, ridden by Hannah Roark                                                         Captain of the women’s team Kelly Soleau-Millar. (photo courtesy of Sportfot)
18. February, 2022 • ©Mid-South Horse Review • www.midsouthhorsereview. com

2021 Equestrians of the Year 2021 Horses of the Year
                                                                                                                                                        medal finish at the event
                                                                                                                                                        since 2005 in the mercedes
                                                                                                                                                        Benz Aachen Nations Cup
                                                                                                                                                        with their double-clear effort.
                                                                                                                                                        to conclude their remarkable
                                                                                                                                                        year, the pair capped the
                                                                                                                                                        weekend with a thrilling sec-
                                                                                                                                                        ond-place finish in the rolex
                                                                                                                                                        grand Prix of Aachen, one of
                                                                                                                                                        the most difficult classes in
                                                                                                                                                        the world. in total, the pair
                                                                                                                                                        were clear in five consecu-
                                                                                                                                                        tive 5* grand Prix classes in
                                                                                                                                                           National Horse of the
                                                                                                                                                        Year: Big Shot
                                                                                              Balou du Reventon, 2021 International Horse of the Year if Big shot, a 2011 Hol-
                                                                                                                        (Shannon Brinkman Photo)        steiner gelding, could write
                                                                                                                                                        his autobiography, it would
                                                                                              Balou Du Reventon and Big Shot be a compelling read. He has been profiled
  Laura Kraut riding Baloutinue at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. (Shannon Brinkman photo)       Win 2021 Horse of the Year Titles              several times and his 2021 competition
                                                                                              us equestrian is pleased to announce record is all the evidence anyone would
   us equestrian is pleased to congratu-    since 1904 with the team silver medal.
                                                                                           that Balou du reventon, Ann thompson’s need to say that the horse, affectionately
late 2021 international equestrian of the   kraut and Baloutinue then helped the u.s.
                                                                                           2006 oldenburg stallion, was voted the known as “dude,” can back the claim of
year laura kraut (royal Palm Beach,         team capture the win in the mercedes-
                                                                                           2021 international Horse of the year and being a Big shot. He returned to the show
fla.) and National equestrian of the year   Benz Nations Cup Csio5*, the first u.s.
                                                                                           Big shot, dulcie lou morris’s 2011 Hol- ring in 2021 after a serious metabolic dis-
Hunt tosh (Alpharetta, ga.). kraut and      win since 2005, and finished fifth in the
                                                                                           steiner gelding, was voted the 2021 Na- order kept him out of competition in 2020.
tosh were recognized along with other       rolex grand Prix of Aachen.
                                                                                           tional Horse of the year by the usef the partnership between “dude,” rider
award winners at the 2022 Pegasus               National Equestrian of the Year –
                                                                                           membership. Balou du reventon and Big Jenny karazissis and owner dulcie lou
Awards dinner Celebration at the usef       Hunt Tosh
                                                                                           shot were honored during the smart- morris has helped position him for recog-
Annual meeting in Naples, fla., on thurs-       in 2021, tosh claimed victory at several
                                                                                           Pak/usef Horse of the year Awards din- nition.
day, Jan. 13, 2022.                         of the most prestigious hunter competi-
                                                                                           ner Celebration on saturday, January 15,          With karazissis in the irons, Big shot
   International Equestrian of the Year     tions in the country with a relatively new
                                                                                           2022.                                          earned the title of champion or reserve
– Laura Kraut                               horse, Cannon Creek, owned by the
                                                                                              International Horse of the Year: champion in six out of the seven perform-
   laura kraut’s 2021 season was high-      Wheeler family. their first big victory of
                                                                                           Balou du Reventon                              ance and high-performance hunter com-
lighted by a team silver medal at the       the year came at the usHJA international
                                                                                              Balou du reventon, the 2006 olden- petitions they entered in 2021. karazissis
tokyo 2020 olympic games aboard             Hunter derby Championship where they
                                                                                           burg stallion ridden by Brian moggre and and Big shot had several notable wins last
Baloutinue. kraut took over the ride on     dominated the field of 103 entries. tosh
                                                                                           owned by Ann thompson, had one of the year, including the $100,000 World Cham-
Baloutinue in early 2021, and they cap-     also won the 2021 Pennsylvania National
                                                                                           most successful years of his jumping ca- pionship Hunter rider West Coast spec-
tured their first win together in the       Horse show grand Hunter Championship
                                                                                           reer in 2021, representing the united tacular and four usHJA international
$137,000 Bainbridge Companies grand         with Cannon Creek, as well as earning the
                                                                                           states in multiple international competi- Hunter derby qualifiers.
Prix Csi3*. the pair then helped the Net-   title of 2021 leading Hunter rider.
                                                                                           tions and being short listed to the u.s.          Big shot was the leading horse of the
Jets® u.s. Jumping team take fifth place        tosh had standout showings in the 2021
                                                                                           Jumping team for the tokyo 2020 2021 usHJA international Hunter derby
at the Nations Cup of rome Csio5*, fol-     usHJA green Hunter incentive Champi-
                                                                                           olympic games. the oldenburg stallion Qualifying series and is currently listed in
lowed by second place in the rolex grand    onships, winning the 3’ to 3’3” champi-
                                                                                           has had successful results with several in- the top 50 for the usHJA international
Prix of rome Csio5*.                        onship and the first round of the 3’6”-3’9”
                                                                                           ternational riders, but no success has come Hunter derby – Horse money Won life-
   kraut was selected for the u.s. Jump-    championship on Chorus. tosh was
                                                                                           faster than with moggre in the irons.          time standings.
ing team for the tokyo olympics—her         awarded the 2021 kenneth Wheeler style
                                                                                              following moggre taking over the ride          Big shot also competed with his ama-
third olympic team—and became the old-      of riding Award for his classic riding
                                                                                           in 2020, the duo was selected to represent teur owner, dulcie lou morris, while
est u.s. female athlete to win a medal      style.
                                                                                           the u.s. Jumping team at the Wellington karazissis competed him in the bigger di-
                                                                                           Csio4*, where the team took their first visions and derbies.
                                                                                           win of the 2021 season. the pair then rep-
                                                                                           resented the u.s. in fei
                                                                                           Jumping Nations Cup Poland
                                                                                           Csio5*, where the team fin-
                                                                                           ished seventh, before secur-
                                                                                           ing an impressive victory in
                                                                                           the longines 1.60m grand
                                                                                           Prix Csio5*. the pair fin-
                                                                                           ished in ninth at the rolex
                                                                                           1.60m grand Prix at the
                                                                                           royal Windsor Csi5* before
                                                                                           being named as a reserve to
                                                                                           the tokyo 2020 olympic
                                                                                           games team. moggre and
                                                                                           Balou du reventon were
                                                                                           then selected to represent the
                                                                                  the prestigious CHio
                                                                                           Aachen in september, where
                                                                                           they lifted the u.s. Jumping       Big Shot, 2021 National Horse of the Year
  Hunt Tosh riding Cannon Creek at the USHJA International Hunter Derby Champi-                                                                        (photo: Terisé Cole/USHJA)
                                                                                           team to their first gold-
onship. (Photo: Terisé Cole/USHJA)
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