HONOR OF DUTY - Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment WORKSITE

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HONOR OF DUTY - Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment WORKSITE
Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment              SPRING / 2020


                                                         OF DUTY
                                                          PAGE 4
HONOR OF DUTY - Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment WORKSITE

        ONLINE NOW:
                                                       GOING “ALL IN”
                                                       TRADE SHOWS
   Learn how Josh Shumate balances
                                            Every three years, over 130,000 attendees                                                              great chance for customers to network with
   life between being a full-time           converge on the Las Vegas Convention Center for                                                        peers, learn from industry experts, explore
   firefighter and a landscaper.            CONEXPO-CON/AGG®, the largest construction                                                             new technology, and shop for new products.
                                            trade show in North America. Even by Vegas                                                             We displayed some of our compact machines
                                            standards, the show is quite the spectacle. And                                                        that are popular with independent rental
   GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY                       as in past years, the 2020 show, which was held                                                        companies and offered exclusive Show-Only
   See how a John Deere 333G                March 10–14, did not disappoint. This massive                                                          Specials, including special pricing and financing on
                                            event featured over 2.6 million square feet — or                                                       compact equipment. The ARA Show is the largest
   Compact Track Loader (CTL) helps
                                            50 football fields — of indoor and outdoor exhibits.                                                   equipment and event rental convention and trade
   land developer Alvin Furr clear lots     It was truly a must-see.                                                                               show in the world, and John Deere is proud to be
   and prep yards.                                                                                                                                 a platinum sponsor. A longtime supporter of the
                                            CONEXPO is always a great place to find out                                                            American Rental Association (ARA) and the rental
                                            about the latest advances and technology in                                                            industry, we’ve exhibited every year since 1978.
   BROTHERS’ KEEPERS                        the construction industry, including compact
   With the help of Deere CTLs,             equipment. At this year’s event, we showcased                                                          As always, both shows were great opportunities to
                                            nearly 40 of our construction machines, including                                                      show our customers how our products, technology,
   brothers Wade and Dustin Vugteveen       G-Series Skid Steers, Compact Track Loaders                                                            and support empower them to achieve their goals
   have grown a successful landscaping      (CTLs), and Compact Excavators, and L-Series                                                           on their terms.
   business.                                Compact Wheel Loaders. And, to commemorate
                                            the 50th anniversary of Deere skid steers, our
                                            38,000-square-foot Construction & Forestry booth
                                            featured a fully restored Model 24 Skid Steer as
                                            well as captivating videos, educational sessions,
                                            simulators, and our John Deere Store.                                                                  Juan Raya
                                            CONEXPO came on the heels of the annual ARA                                                            Global Compact Construction Sales
                                            Show®, held at the Orange County Convention
                                            Center in Orlando, Florida, February 9–12. It was a

                                                REPAIR YOUR EQUIPMENT.
                                                RETAIN YOUR CASH.
                                                See your John Deere dealer for special financing
                                                on repower work, undercarriage replacement,
                                                and other major services.

                                                  4.25% APR/ACR FOR
                                                   UP TO 12 MONTHS¹
                                                                 ON PARTS AND SERVICE
                                                ¹Offer valid at participating dealers until 30 June 2020 and is subject to John Deere Financial approval. Purchase
                                                financing for up to 12 months on John Deere parts and service. For commercial use only. Down payment may be
                                                required. Minimum purchase amount of $5,000 is required with at least $2,000 of the purchase in parts. Minimum
                                                finance amount may be required. The charge for amounts past due is 24% per annum. Taxes, setup, delivery, freight,
                                                insurance and preparation charges, documentation fees, and additional dealer fees may apply. Some restrictions
                                                apply. Repairs must be made to equipment using John Deere OEM parts. Governmental accounts do not qualify.
                                                Dealers free to set individual prices. See dealer for details and other financing options. May not be combined with
                                                other offers. Offer subject to change, without notice, at any time.
                                                CR3410497                                                                                                                      JohnDeereFinancial.ca

WSJ / Spring
HONOR OF DUTY - Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment WORKSITE
                 IN THIS ISSUE

Firefighter and landscaper Josh Shumate
was born to serve others.

Thirty years after Alvin Furr first
approached his future business partner,
his land-development business is still
going strong.                                                                   8        12
TECH TIPS                                 16
Minimizing wear helps keep skid steer     BEDROCK VALUES
tires rolling as long as possible while   A steady stream of loaded trucks leaves
reducing costs.                           Bedrock Resources’ quarries each day
                                          with the help of Deere machines and
12                                        dealer support.
Michigan landscapers Wade and Dustin      19
Vugteveen put their trust in their        GET CONNECTED
employees, John Deere equipment,          Our new rotary cutters handle
and each other.                           everything from medium and
                                          heavy brush to hardwoods.

HONOR OF DUTY - Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment WORKSITE
HONOR OF DUTY - Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment WORKSITE


When Hurricane Michael made landfall
on October 7, 2018, it was only the fourth
Category 5 hurricane to hit the contiguous
United States — and the first to strike
the Florida Panhandle. In Mexico Beach,
Florida, entire neighborhoods were swept
away, leaving only bare foundation slabs.
Violent, 160-mph winds caused widespread
                                                          Josh Shumate, owner of TurfMasters in
                                                          Madison, Alabama, was asked to help
                                                          the people of Panama City, he answered
                                                          the call. “Our pastor, Spencer Beach of
                                                          Building Church, had a home there and
                                                          knew families affected by the disaster.
                                                          I told him that I had a John Deere 323D
                                                          CTL (Compact Track Loader) and that
destruction throughout Panama City,                       my friend Zach Tate and I could bring
damaging or destroying homes, apartments,                 the machine down there.”
restaurants, gas stations, hotels, retail stores,
and office buildings. Tyndall Air Force                   Shumate needed a grapple to help clear
Base was devastated, with every structure                 out debris, so he approached his local
sustaining wind damage and some                           John Deere dealer, TriGreen Equipment
completely destroyed.*                                    in Huntsville, Alabama. “My dealer
                                                          contact, Doug Swaim, told me to swing
Firefighters are trained to rush toward                   by and pick one up. When I showed up,
emergencies instead of away from them.                    I was looking around for a used grapple,
So it’s no surprise that when firefighter                 and he said, ‘No, just grab a new one.


* Sources: wikipedia.org, cnn.com and wunderground.com.
HONOR OF DUTY - Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment WORKSITE
That’s the least we can do for those people
down there. And let us know anything else
                                               AT YOUR SERVICE                                     By the age of 17, Shumate was doing most
                                                                                                   of the work himself, with his dad helping
                                               Shumate’s devotion to serving other
we can do to help.’ That’s just the way they   people runs deep. “My parents have always           him on weekends. After graduating college
are. TriGreen always steps up.”                instilled service and giving back, so I’ve          in 2008, he began building his lawncare
                                               always been passionate about helping                business full time. “I still have some of the
When he arrived in Panama City, Shumate        others.” Since 2009, he’s worked as a               same customers we had when I was 15. If
couldn’t believe the devastation. “I had       full-time fireman for a fire department             you do a good job and treat people fairly,
never seen destruction like that. I was        in North Alabama. “I had a roommate                 you’ll hold onto customers and attract new
overwhelmed. There were houses leveled         in college who was a volunteer fireman,             ones. I’ve never really done any marketing.
and trees down as far as the eye could         so I gave it a try. I loved it and couldn’t         It’s all been through word of mouth.”
see. We pulled up to a house and couldn’t      get enough. When I had the opportunity
even get in the driveway. FEMA was there       to take a job as a full-time fireman,               Since he joined the fire department in
instructing people to pile up debris next      I jumped at it.”                                    2009, Shumate has worked 24 hours at
to the right-of-way, so that’s what we did                                                         the fire station, then has 48 hours off for
for three straight days. My 323D just          Shumate’s parents also instilled his strong         lawncare work. “It was a challenge to find
never let up.”                                 work ethic. At age 15 he started cutting            good help who could understand my
                                               grass for his father’s company, Classic             schedule. So I decided to hire firefighters.
Shumate wishes they could have spent           Cut Lawncare. “All I wanted to do was               They understand the lifestyle, and it has
more time there, but with small children at    ride our John Deere lawn mower.                     worked out great.”
home that wasn’t possible. “We’re grateful     Looking back, Dad did all the hard
to our wives for allowing us to go. It was     work of trimming and edging — the
a humbling experience to see what those        things that really make a job look
people were going through. I’m blessed         good. But he never complained.”
to have my business and this equipment,
and I’m glad we were able to make an
impact in the time we were there.”

                                                                                             — Josh Shumate, owner, TurfMasters

WSJ / Spring
HONOR OF DUTY - Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment WORKSITE
Today TurfMasters serves 60 regular
lawncare customers. The company also
                                          DOUBLE DOWN                                     His Deere machines have been
                                                                                          phenomenal, according to Shumate.
                                          Family comes first for Shumate, so on
offers brush-cutting and land-clearing    weekends he tries to take a day off if he’s     But service and support is “where it’s at.”
services, and in the past two years has   not on duty at the fire station. That means     “Our dealer support from TriGreen is
gotten into dirt work. “The economy in    he has to make the most of his time when        exceptional. That’s what you need to stay
Huntsville is booming right now, with a   he’s wearing his TurfMasters hat instead of     in business and a big reason I’ve continued
lot of new construction, so my partner,   his fireman’s helmet. Compact equipment         to run John Deere.”
Brandon Gibbs, and I thought it would     helps him maximize efficiency.
be a good idea to expand. Brandon has                                                     Like their dealer, Shumate and Gibbs are
done a great job attracting work from     The company currently runs a John Deere         always glad to be of service. “Brandon is
homeowners and a few larger builders.     331G CTL and a 50G Compact Excavator            also a firefighter, so we like to help people,
We rough in yards and driveways, the      with buckets, brush cutter, and power           whether it’s clearing brush from a lot or
sort of jobs larger contractors tend to   rake attachments. “We’ve doubled down           doing fire and rescue work. I’m just happy
ignore. Now we’re able to work year-      by putting both of these machines on            to be able to serve the community. And
round, including from December through    worksites, and production has been              call me crazy, but I love cutting grass,
March when we’re not doing lawncare.”     fantastic. They are just absolute work-         and I can run a trimmer all day long.
                                          horses. By opening up more avenues to get       It’s awesome to find a profession that
                                          business, they’ve taken us to another level.”   you really enjoy doing.”
                                                                                          TurfMasters is serviced by TriGreen Equipment,
                                                                                          Huntsville, Alabama.

                                                                                                 Check out the video at:

HONOR OF DUTY - Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment WORKSITE
A Deere compact track loader (CTL)
                                                                                                helps Alvin Furr continue to succeed
                                                                                            three decades after getting his big break

                    Alvin Furr grew up in a rural area near Charlotte,
                    North Carolina. At night during high school, he worked
                    second shift at the local cotton mill, operating the
                    spinning machine while dreaming of bigger things.

After moving to Winston-Salem in              LEAP OF FAITH
the early 1980s, Furr began working           The first two projects Furr and his partner
as an interior finish carpenter for a         completed were four and 30 lots. The
contractor. “I found a small tract of land,   third: 300 lots. “By the third development,
so I approached him about developing          my investor had faith in what I was
it together. I guess he liked my work         doing so he stuck his neck out a bit.
because he became the investor. We            We jumped in headfirst.”
became friends and wound up business
partners. Thirty years later here I am.”

WSJ / Spring
HONOR OF DUTY - Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment WORKSITE
When scouting new areas for

                                                          I’VE ALWAYS BEEN A FAN
development these days, Furr adheres
to the old adage “location, location,
location.” “I look for places that are
growing. I like to see new businesses in                  OF JOHN DEERE MACHINES.
the area, along with plenty of restaurants
and places to shop, that sort of thing.”                  I’VE HAD NOTHING BUT GOOD
After completing the 300-home
                                                          SERVICE OUT OF THEM.
development in Thomasville, Furr and                      — Alvin Furr, owner, T.A.F. Building & Development
his partner built a 165-home development
in Winston-Salem. Then in 2008, the U.S.
housing bubble burst and the economy
went south. “We were just getting ready
to start building houses on a 31-home
                                               455D Crawler Loader and 550B Dozer            branches, and a Level II FOPS plate helps
development, but I held off.”
                                               so he could do his own landscaping.           safeguard against falling debris and limbs.
                                               “I’ve always been a fan of John Deere         A rear bumper guards the back of the
Furr bided his time, making ends meet
                                               machines. I’ve had nothing but good           machine from trees and other objects.
through rental properties and a few other
                                               service out of them.”                         Additional guarding protects the lift-
sound investments. Eight years later, T.A.F.
                                                                                             cylinder hoses and hydraulic coupler.
(which stands for Thomas Alvin Furr)
Building & Development got back into the       DAILY GRIND
                                                                                             Furr’s local John Deere dealer, James River
game. Furr now builds four or five houses      An important part of Furr’s equipment
                                                                                             Equipment, also helps keep the machine
a year. He tries to do much of the work        arsenal is a John Deere 333G Compact
                                                                                             up and running. “I can usually get the
himself, subcontracting out the rest.          Track Loader (CTL) with a mulching
                                                                                             parts I need, when I need them. And if the
                                               head, which he uses to clear lots. The
                                                                                             dealer doesn’t have them in stock, they can
With experience digging and pouring            combination allows him to grind up brush
                                                                                             get them for me right away.
footings, framing, siding, interior            and small trees, so he can get the land in
finishing, and landscaping, Furr says,         shape to pass local inspections for erosion
                                                                                             “John Deere and James River have
“I enjoy running machinery more than           control and obtain a building permit. He
                                                                                             been a big part of my success,” he adds.
anything else. You can get in, shut the        also uses a grapple and bucket to clean up,
                                                                                             “The machines are easy to service and
world out, and focus on what you’re doing.     and a tiller to prepare yards for seed.
                                                                                             very reliable. The value and quality you
You can accomplish a lot sitting by yourself
                                                                                             get in a Deere machine can’t be beat.
in a machine.”                                 “The 333G gives me the power I need to
                                                                                             And the guys at James River, including
                                               clear the land. It can do the work of much
                                                                                             my salesman David Smitherman, are
Furr started running construction              larger machines, yet it’s maneuverable
                                                                                             tremendous to work with. They always
equipment out of necessity. “I couldn’t find   so it won’t disturb bigger trees, which
                                                                                             try to meet all my needs.”
anyone to dig footings — I’d have to get       I want to preserve for the lot. I like the
on a three- or four-week waiting list. So      speed, smooth control, and the way it         T.A.F. Building & Development Inc. is serviced by
I bought a backhoe and started digging         handles. It’s just an all-around good         James River Equipment, Pfafftown, North Carolina.
my own footings.”                              machine. I enjoy operating it a lot.”
                                                                                                    Check out the video at:
Furr has run John Deere machines since         The 333G came equipped from the dealer               JohnDeere.ca/worksitejournal
the beginning. In addition to buying           with a forestry package. Side and rear
the backhoe, he also acquired a Deere          screens shield the operator against

HONOR OF DUTY - Provided by John Deere Compact Construction Equipment WORKSITE
WSJ / Spring
TECH                                       TIPS

Skid steers can be tough on tires. Spinning wheels, sharp turns, and
tough working conditions can reduce tire life. Tire costs can represent
a significant portion of operating expenses for a skid steer. Avoiding
wear helps you keep tires rolling as long as possible — and holds
costs down. Here are a few tips.

CHOOSE WISELY                               sharp objects and rocks. If wear is       that means it’s about 85-percent
No tire can cover every application.        uneven, rotate the tires. Also check      worn out and can be considered
For most general-purpose work,              that tire pressure is at manufacturer-    fully expired. At this point the tire
standard pneumatic air-filled tires are     recommended levels before running         is at a high risk for a flat and doesn’t
a good choice. Pneumatic tires are          your machine.                             provide traction anymore. Consult
typically available in standard duty                                                  your operator’s manual or dealer
for low-use operations such as land-        STOP SPINNING YOUR WHEELS                 to learn how to accurately measure
scaping; heavy duty for farming, snow       Operators can significantly reduce tire   tread depth.
removal, and general construction;          wear by limiting tire counterrotation
and severe duty for demolition,             during sharp turns and the amount         DON’T FEEL PRESSURED
scrapyards, and industrial applications.    of spin while excavating or loading       Proper tire pressure and alignment is
                                            material. Train operators to use wider    critical to minimizing wear, so make
For debris-filled environments,             turns in general and to make turns        sure your maintenance person is
consider adding a foam or gel to            prior to getting on a hard surface.       properly trained to mount a new tire,
minimize the possibility of flats. Solid    Sprinkling dirt or sand on a hard         or have your dealer service depart-
rubber tires are a good option in           surface can help minimize tire wear,      ment do it. The wheels should also be
applications such as recycling where        and try to keep work areas free of        closely inspected for rust or cracking.
a pneumatic tire might get punctured.       debris that can damage tires. You         Always rely on a professional to install
Consult with your dealer to learn what      should also teach operators to avoid      foam-filled or solid tires, which require
tire type, size, rating, and tread design   extremely heavy loads and pushing         even more expertise.
is right for your application.              the machine too hard or too fast. See
                                            your operator’s manual for load and       Choosing the right tire and careful
INSPECT AND PROTECT                         speed recommendations.                    inspection and maintenance will help
Each day check the tires’ appearance                                                  keep your tires in working condition
for damage, including cuts, scrapes,        TREADING A FINE LINE                      as long as possible. Consult your local
cracks, embedded material, and              When a tire approaches 15 percent         dealer to learn more.
uneven wear. Clean tires and remove         of its original tread depth (OTD),

                                                                                                                                   P / 11
     togetHEr is
     a beginning,
     staying togetHEr
     is progress, and
     working togetHEr
     is success.

           Ðhenry ford

WSJ / Spring
Dustin and Wade Vugteveen have
                                                                                       built a successful landscaping
                                                                                     business by trusting one another

        ive years after going into the           families that we hardly ever saw. We asked
        landscaping business together in         ourselves how long we could keep doing this.”
        2007, Wade and Dustin Vugteveen
        reached a crossroad. The brothers        It was at this juncture that the brothers agreed
        were working 80-hour weeks, planting     on two things. First, if they didn’t hit their
trees out of wheelbarrows, and doing other       revenue goal the following year, they were
backbreaking manual work. “Times were            going to hang it up. Second, they desperately
pretty tough,” says Wade. “We weren’t bringing   needed to buy a skid steer, or the grueling
home much money, and we had young                workload would take a toll on their bodies.


                                                                                                                 P / 13
The-jack-of-all-trades 317G can quickly switch
                                                                           from forks to buckets to mulching head and
                                                                           more to tackle whatever task is at hand.

At the time it was just the two of them,       “The best part of each day is watching the       Customer satisfaction is also a top priority.
along with an employee they had hired          guys drive out with the equipment every          “I love doing a walk-through at the
to cover the phone at their office in          morning,” says Wade. “It’s a daily reminder      end of a job,” adds Dustin. “The grass
Grandville, Michigan. They knew if they        that we couldn’t do what we’re doing             is growing, the trees are beautiful, the
couldn’t make it work, their dream of          without our great employees.”                    flowers are blooming, and the customer
growing a company that would impact                                                             is happy. That’s something I’m very
their community would be dead. With the        The housing market in West Michigan near         passionate about.”
help of a John Deere compact track loader      Grand Rapids has been growing steadily in
(CTL) and a few great people, DeHamer          recent years. “All signs point to continued      FIELDS AND DREAMS
Landscaping made its revenue goal that         growth, with many new businesses moving          Dustin and Wade grew up in Grandville
year and hasn’t stopped growing since.         in,” says Wade. “We found our niche              not far from their office. “Childhood
                                               installing new landscapes for some larger        was great,” recalls Dustin. “Baseball was
PUTTING PEOPLE FIRST                           residential home builders.”                      our family sport. On a typical Saturday
Flash forward to today. DeHamer                                                                 afternoon during the summer, we’d be at
Landscaping now employs over 30                Wade oversees operations while Dustin            the local field taking batting practice and
people, including multiple irrigation and      focuses on sales. “We have an excellent          fielding balls.”
lawn-maintenance crews. The bulk of            team,” says Wade. “It’s an honor to manage
the company consists of eight landscape-       the great people who show up every day.          As teenagers, Dustin and Wade
installation crews that focus on residential   As our company grows, we have the                daydreamed about going into business
landscaping in the West Michigan area.         privilege of helping more and more               together. “Our dad was a business owner,
                                               families thrive. That’s why we’re in             which certainly inspired us,” says Wade.
                                               business.”                                       “Growing up we were able to see every
                                                                                                day that with a lot of hard work, and
WSJ / Spring
a commitment to doing right by your             Initially, their main business was delivering     “The 317G is the perfect machine for us,”
customers and employees, you can grow a         and spreading bark. “Our dad was helping          adds Dustin. “Its lift height allows us to
great business.” It took the brothers a while   us out at the time,” remembers Dustin.            load trucks with landscaping materials
to figure out what would be the right fit.      “Wade and I were arguing over the amount          and place pallets on trailers. The versatility
“We had a lot of different ideas: opening a     of bark to deliver or some trivial thing, and     is amazing. We run trencher, auger, and
restaurant, a dry cleaner, or a community       Dad said, ‘If you two can’t get along just        mulching head attachments in addition to
basketball court. We actually ran a             doing this, you’re never going to make it.’       the usual buckets and forks. There’s really
baseball school for five years and started      That was a big moment for me. No matter           nothing we can’t do.”
a wakeboard-training school, but none           how hard times are, we need to get along.
of those panned out.”                           The little things can’t be a big deal.”           GreenMark Equipment helps keep
                                                                                                  the machines operating day after day.
After Wade graduated college with a             PAYBACK                                           “They’ve been a great partner for us,” says
history degree in 2007, he didn’t want          After their first five years in business, the     Wade. “Downtime is our enemy, and they
to go into teaching. He and his wife            brothers bought a used skid steer, which          understand we’ve got to be up and running
were recently engaged when he learned           as fate would have it, would get stuck            to continue to grow.”
his future father-in-law wanted to sell         on a muddy jobsite two months later.
his landscaping business. “Dustin just          Another contractor tried to pull it out           DeHamer Landscaping is sold on the
finished his professional baseball career       with two skid steers, and they both got           John Deere image, too. “Deere is such an
and was eager to take on a new challenge,”      stuck. The salesman at the local John Deere       iconic brand,” says Wade. “And branding
says Wade. “We had no experience in             dealership, Greg Adams of GreenMark™              is important to us. We want our company
landscaping, but we both loved being            Equipment, brought out a Deere CTL and            to be recognized as a great company doing
outside. We literally drew up a business        pulled out all three machines. He then let        great things. When we show up at a jobsite
plan on a cocktail napkin and jumped            the brothers demo the machine for a week,         with John Deere equipment, it brings
in headfirst.”                                  and they were completely sold. “It was just       credibility. These machines fit right in
                                                an awesome machine,” says Wade. “We’ve            with the brand we’re building.”
The timing was less than perfect. In 2008,      purchased one or two Deere CTLs a year
the financial crisis triggered the Great                                                          “I remember our father saying that we
                                                ever since.”                                      should buy the best equipment we can
Recession. “It was pretty tough in the
beginning,” says Dustin. “We didn’t have        Today the company owns four John Deere            afford because it always pays you back,”
a lot of leads. We were new to this and         317G CTLs in addition to several older-           says Dustin. “Deere machines have been
didn’t know the economic environment            model Deere skid steers and CTLs.                 doing that for us for 13 years. They have
was as bad as it could get.”                    “We love the 317G,” says Wade. “It’s very         been well worth the investment.”
                                                nimble in tight spaces and light enough           DeHamer Landscaping is serviced by GreenMark
                                                to be friendly on existing lawns. But it          Equipment, Inc., Holland, Michigan.
                                                still lifts pallets of block and large stones.”
                                                                                                         Check out the video at:

        The 317G is the                                             When we show up
        perfect machine
        for us. ... The                                             at a jobsite with
        versatility is
        amazing. There’s
                                                               John Deere equipment,
        really nothing
        we can’t do.
                                                                it brings credibility.
                                                                — Wade Vugteveen, co-owner, DeHamer Landscaping
        — Dustin Vugteveen,
         co-owner, DeHamer Landscaping
                                                                                                                                             P / 15
IT’S 5 AM AT BEDROCK RESOURCES’   Two large John Deere 870G LC
                 DIXIE LIME AND STONE QUARRIES NEAR     Excavators and two 944K Wheel
                                                        Loaders begin 12-hour shifts, digging
               ORLANDO, FLORIDA, AND THE TRUCKS ARE     into towering mountains of processed
                         ALREADY STARTING TO ROLL IN.   aggregate and loading truck after
                                                        truck. By the end of the day, a nonstop
                                                        stream of loaded trucks will have left
                                                        the quarry, providing road-base material
                                                        for projects around central Florida.

WSJ / Spring
                                                                                                                   HARD WORK,
                                                                                                                   AND TEAMWORK
                                                                                                                   ARE THIS

If there is an ultimate proving ground          our Deere machines through their paces,        AS ONE
for construction equipment, it might be a       and they hold up well. We come to work         The intense production rate makes Bedrock
quarry. By midday, temperatures approach        and they’re ready to go.”                      Resources one of the largest producers
100-degree heat with no shade in sight.                                                        of construction aggregates by volume in
To paraphrase an old song, if a machine         While the excavators and loaders handle        Florida. “It takes a team effort to load all
can make it here, it can make it anywhere.      the heavy lifting, a small but capable         these trucks day after day,” says Curtis
“It’s like a different planet out here,” says   John Deere 333E Compact Track Loader           Peters, Operations Manager. “Everyone
Will Moore, Director of Sales. “It’s hot        cleans up in tight areas the larger machines   works as one to meet our customers’
and dusty, and we’re working in rock. It’s      can’t reach. This helps production continue    needs. That’s what keeps customers
a pretty tough environment. We really put       without interruption.                          coming back.”                        –continued

                                                                                                                                         P / 17
What’s truly impressive is that the large             makes the rounds for anyone who would            It’s not unusual to find Taylor at the quarry.
aggregate producer is a small, family-                like counseling, and paid Bible study is         Using John Deere’s JDLink™ telematics
owned company. On a given shift, 10 to                offered after work on Thursday evenings.         system, he and Peters can both monitor the
12 people are basically running the whole             The company also has an in-house ministry        health of Bedrock Resources’ fleet 24 hours
show. Despite the enormous workload, the              fund it can use to assist employees or others    a day. But Taylor often likes to come by to
company has experienced very low turnover.            in dire financial need, for example, to help     check on the machines in person. He also
“People are our most valuable asset,” says            cover catastrophic health-care costs. The        spends a lot of time with Peters trying to
Moore. “We empower our employees to                   company gives back to the community as           learn the quarry business. “He takes a lot of
make decisions. If they have suggestions that         well, occasionally organizing fundraisers        pride in learning to understand our unique
can help us be more efficient, we encourage           for various nonprofits, contributing to          and complex business,” says Peters.
them to speak up and incorporate their ideas          the Sumter County school system, and
into what we do. And we put our operators             actively supporting other Christian mission      “Richard does everything he can to address
in well-maintained, new equipment so they             organizations.                                   issues before they become major problems,”
can perform at the highest levels.”                                                                    adds Moore. “If I need something, he’s
                                                      RELATIONSHIP BUILDING                            always there. I can call him at four in the
Caring for employees is a key component of            Bedrock Resources’ culture puts a high           morning. I try not to do that, but he’ll
the company’s mission statement. “It’s hard           value on relationships, not only among           answer, and that’s important to me.”
to find good, qualified operators, but the            employees but with vendors as well. “I can
crew we have are like family,” says Peters.           buy a product anywhere,” says Moore. “But        Moore says people are the lifeblood of his
“And we care for them like family.”                   relationships are a big factor in our decision   operation, and that includes John Deere:
                                                      making. Our machines need to be working,         “I’m grateful to work for a small company
Faith is important to company owners                  and we know that Deere stands behind its         that really appreciates its employees, its
Darryl Lanker, Scott Lanker, and Matt                 machines and that the service is going to        suppliers, and its community. I love what I
Girden, and it provides an avenue to reach            be there.”                                       do, and I enjoy coming to work every day.
out to employees in need. A chaplain                                                                   To me that’s worth more than any amount
                                                      “Without good service and support, we            of money.”
                                                      couldn’t do what we do,” adds Peters. “Our
                                                                                                       Bedrock Resources is serviced by Dobbs Equipment,
                                                      local John Deere dealer, Dobbs Equipment,
                                                                                                       Orlando, Florida.
                                                      takes very good care of us.”

                                                      The company’s main dealer contact, Richard              Check out the video at:
                                                      Taylor, has worked with Bedrock Resources
                                                      for over 10 years. “He is like a family member
                                                      to us,” says Peters.

Dobbs Equipment salesman Richard Taylor
(right) spends hours on-site with Director of Sales
Will Moore (left) and other Bedrock Resources
personnel to better learn their complex business
and help maximize uptime.

WSJ / Spring
GET                                      CONNECTED

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DKMAG67WSJ Litho in U.S.A. (20-03)
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