Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart - Salon du Livre rare

Page created by Allan Bennett
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart - Salon du Livre rare
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart

             PARIS BOOK FAIR 2020
        April 23rd-26th, 2020

                BOOTH G 5
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart s.a.s. di Bado R. e C.
           via dei Soncin 25 - 35122 Padova – Italia
                P. IVA e C.F. 00773300280
    tel. e fax 0039 049 8755317 cell. 0039 335 6107667
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart - Salon du Livre rare
1. AUGUSTINE, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. De Civitate Dei.
Illuminated manuscript on vellum, Italy, Florence: ca. 1460.

347 leaves complete. 22 large (6 lines high) illuminated initials, painted on burnished gold panel
grounds infield with gold and colors with fine tracery in white and yellow and with scrolling colored “leafy”
marginal extensions with clusters of gold bezants within pen-flourishes. One large (7 lines high, 25 x
28 mm.) historiated initial and two-sided border (fol. 17r) enclosing the head and shoulders of
St. Augustine.

1. Florence, ca. 1460, however, the coat of arms of the original patron is lost.
2. Lucca, Biblioteca Minutoli Tegrini (dissolved in 1871). Its stamp “Di casa Minutoli Tegrimi” erased
but earlier deciphered and identified by comparison with Alexander & De la Mare 1969, pl. XXII and p.
53; a list of other Minutoli-Tegrimi manuscripts in England on p. 55, no. 2. The collection of Conte
Eugenio Minutoli-Tegrimi of Lucca was sold in 1871.
3. School of Jewish Studies (Sotheby’s, June 20, 1995, lot 71, School of Jewish Studies.
Euro 180.000
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart - Salon du Livre rare
2. ALDROVANDI, Ulisse. Opera Omnia.
Bologna 1599-1668; Frankfurt, 1610
13 volumes.

Very rare complete illustrated work. This set of Aldrovandi's published works comprises first
editions of all but the second volume of Ornithologia.
Euro 65.000
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart - Salon du Livre rare
3. BAYER, Johann. Uranometria.
Augsburg, Christoph Mang, 1603.
Pictorial title page, 3 text leaves, 51 copper plates on double page, Very rare first edition. It is
the first pictorial representation of the celestial sphere in its totality, where are depicted the
constellations, masterfully engraved by Alexander Mair on the drawings of Jacob de Gheyn. Over two
thousand stars are placed using the data that Tycho Brahe had calculated in its Danish Observatory and
named for the first time, beginning a system of classification in ascending order of magnitude, from greek
alphabet to Latin letters, a tradition that continues today.
Euro 48.000

4. BESLER, Basilius. Hortus Eystettensis.
1713 [Eichstätt, Strauss, 1713-1750 ca]
Title-page and a total of 367 watercolored plates.
The botanical descriptions are, at least in part, by Besler himself. The text has been recomposed and the
signatures are different, but the engravings are the same as the 1613 edition.
Very rare third edition. One of the most impressive and magnificent flower books, with over 1,000
illustrations reproducing flowers of almost 700 species.
Euro 280.000
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart - Salon du Livre rare
5. BIBLIA ARABICA. Evangelium Sanctum Domini nostri.
[Colophon:] Romae, in Typographia Medicea, 1591
Rare first edition of the Gospels in Arabic, with Latin interlinear version. Beautiful illustrated
work. The 149 very fine woodcuts, many of which with the monogram, which may indicate Luca Pennis
or Leonardo Parasole, are taken from the refined drawings of Antonio Tempesta. It is the first book
printed by the Tipografia Medicea Orientale, or Medici Oriental Press, established by Gregorius XIII in
1584, and financially supported by Cardinal and future Granduke of Tuscany Ferdinando de’ Medici. The
Arabic text, based on the Alexandrian Vulgate, is printed in Robert Granjon's famous large fount,
generally considered the first satisfactory Arabic printing type. The Latin version is by Leonardo Sionita.
The text was edited by the renowned mathematician and Arabist Giovanni Battista Raimondi. This first
edition begins with page 9, without a title page or any preliminary matter at all: these first eight pages
were not supplied until the 1619 re-issue
Euro 8.500
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart - Salon du Livre rare
6. Binding. TERENTIUS AFER, Publius. Comoediae, ex vetustissimis libris et versuum ratione a
Gabriele Faerno emendatae; opera & studio P. Victorii editae. Eiusdem Faerni emendationum libri sex
seorsim excusi sunt. Heidelberg [H. Commelin] 1587
Terence's comedies edited by G. Faerno (1510-1561), Italian scholar and poet. Coat of arms of the
Electorate of Palatinate on title.
Euro 2.000

7. BUONMATTEI, Benedetto. Descrizion delle feste fatte in Firenze per la canonizzazione di Andrea
Firenze, Zanobi Pignoni, 1632
Engraved pictorial title page and 20 etchings by Stefano della Bella.
Rare first edition, beautifully illustrated.
Euro 5.800
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart - Salon du Livre rare
8. CASOTTI, Giovambattista. Memorie istoriche della miracolosa immagine di Maria Vergine
Florence, Giuseppe Manni, 1714
10 copper plates out text, of which 2 on double page.
First edition dedicated to Cosimo III de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany. The work includes a
historical part and one with the description of the procession of 1711
Euro 2.800
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart - Salon du Livre rare
9. Incunabulum. CARACCIOLUS, Robertus, O.F.M. Sermones de timore divinorum iudiciorum [and:
Sermo de morte].
Colophon: Venice, J. de Colonia and J. Manthen, 1475
Rare and important second collective edition of the works of the famous Italian Franciscan Roberto
Caracciolo, 1425-1495. Book published during the author's life, probably the most famous preacher of
the second half of the fifteenth century.
Euro 8.000

10. FERRARI, Giuseppe. Gli elogi del porco capitoli berneschi di Tigrinto Bistonio
Modena, Eredi di B. Soliani, 1761
Curious and rare first edition of these bernesque chapters in which the author, originally from
Castelvetro di Modena, set forth a series of paradoxical praises aimed at the social redemption of the
pork and, of course, a praise of fresh produce and sausages resulting from its slaughter. Vicaire, 835.
Westbury, 31. Palear Henssler.
Euro 1.000

11. DALLA TORRE, Giovanni.Dialogo della giostra fatta in Trivigi.
Treviso, Evangelista Deuchino, 1598.
Prima edizione rara. In questa fastosa giostra per il Carnevale vennero messi in scena quadri allegorici
legati alle simbologie presenti sui diversi stemmi delle più illustri famiglie trevigiane. Visentini 432. Praz,
p. 312. Choix 10408.
Euro 2.800
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart - Salon du Livre rare
12. Dante. Opere del Divino Poeta Danthe con suoi comenti recorrecti et con ogne diligentia novamente
in littera cursiva impresse.
Venice, Bernardino Stagnino, 1520
At the end: Impressa in Venetia per Miser Bernardino Stagnino da Trino de Monferra, del M.D.CCCCC.XX
Title page in red and black with vignette depicting S. Bernardino, a plate outside the text at
the beginning of the first Canto, 98 vignettes in the text, printer’s divice to the colophon,
decorated initials, italic type.
Rare and sought after edition.
Euro 6.800

13. DE WIT, Frederick. Atlas Maior.
Amsterdam, about 1688
All colored in a contemporary hand. The two Word maps are depicted with allegorical
characters and mythological scenes. Very rare edition of the complete work, in a beautiful
contemporary colouring. The work includes the celebrated allegorical title page, with the Earth and
Atlas, the World and the Sea Atlas bound together.
The 150 maps are in the order indicated by the printed index in the verso of the engraved
Euro 58.000
Antiquariato Librario Bado e Mart - Salon du Livre rare
14. DU HALDE, Jean Baptiste. Description geographique historique, chronologique, politique, et
physique de l'empire de la Chine
Paris, P. G. Le Mercier, 1735
4 vols. In total 65 Plates out of text s engraved in copper.
Rare first edition. Monumental work accompanied by an imposing iconographic apparatus. Based on
surveys conducted by French Jesuits at the behest of the Emperor Kang Hsiand, the work constitutes the
first scientific mapping of China and forms the most important cartographic record of the region from the
eighteenth century. The work also contains the first separate printed map of Korea and the first detailed
survey of Tibet.
Euro 20.000

15. DUFORT Giambattista. Trattato del ballo nobile.
Napoli, Mosca, 1728.
First edition of this rare dance treatise. One of the very few works of the time that explains the various
dances with the relative steps, of which takes into consideration all aspects: the position of the feet, the
posture of the body, the different possible cadences of the same step in relation to the rhythm, the
figures of ornament.
Euro 1.800
16. Fontana, Carlo. Il Tempio Vaticano e sua origine. Templum Vaticanum et ipsius origo.
Roma, Stamperia di Gio. Francesco Buagni, 1694.
79 magnifiche tavole incise in rame, di cui 10 ripiegate.
Prima e unica edizione del più importante trattato di architettura sulla costruzione della
Basilica di San Pietro e del Vaticano. Superbo esemplare di presentazione donato da
Innocenzo XII Pignatelli al Principe Pignatelli Aragona Cortes. La legatura, riccamente decorata
con le armi del Pontefice, è stata creata nell’atelier di Giovanni Andreoli nel 1694.
Euro 38.000
17. FORESTI, Giacomo Filippo. Supplementum supplementi chronicarum.
Venezia, Giorgio Rusconi, 1513
Beautiful and interesting illustrated edition, one of the most famous books of the Italian
Renaissance. with 94 engravings in the text, including 1 full page illustration and 89 city views. Of great
value are the woods depicting the four biblical scenes and the views of Rome, Florence, Venice,
Damascus, Rhodes, Genoa, Milan, Lisbon, Constantinople and many others.
Euro 3.800
18. A masterpiece of the Venetian eighteenth century. FOSSATI, Giorgio. Raccolta di varie favole,
delineate ed incise in rame da Giorgio Fossati architetto...
Venice, Carlo Pecora, 1744
6 Vols complate a total of 216 engravings in color, black, sanguine, sepia, bistro, blue, green,
with various shades: First printing on large thick paper, splendid illustrated work of the
Venetian eighteenth century, of great rarity bound in 6 volumes
Euro 38.000

19. RICCI, Marco – FOSSATI, Davide Antonio. XXIV Tabulas Olim a Marco Ricci Bellunensi Colorib.
Expressas. Raccolta di 24 incisioni da Marco Ricci
Venice 1743
24 etchings. Magnificent and very rare collection of twenty-four prints derived from works by
Marco Ricci, with landscapes and ruins. The works were part of the collections of Joseph Smith and
Anton Maria Zanetti. In the title page, outlined with a light and cursive phrasing, the work is dedicated to
Count Francesco Algarotti.
Euro 8.000

20.GALILEI, Galileo. Discorso al Serenissimo Don Cosimo II Gran Duca di Toscana.
Firenze, Cosimo Giunti, 1612.
Important edition, extensively revised and increase, with additional woodcuts, of Galileo's
treatise on hydrostatics, constituting his first direct attack on Aristotelian science.
Bound with:
DELLE COLOMBE, Ludovico. Discorso apologetico … d’intorno al Discorso di Galileo Galilei, circa le cose,
che stanno su l’Acqua, ò che in quella si muouono.
Firenze, Zanobi Pignoni, 1612.
First edition.
Bound with:
GRAZIA, VINCENZO di. Considerazioni … sopra il Discorso di Galileo Galilei intorno alle cose che stanno
su l’acqua, e che in quella si muouono.
Firenze, Zanobi Pignoni, 1613.
First edition. An anti-Galilean work.
A remarkable conjunction of three very rare works: the second edition, extensively revised, and
with additional woodcuts, of Galileo's important treatise on hydrostatics, constituting his first direct attack
on Aristotelian science and the first editions of the attacks on his theory by two Aristotelian philosophers.
Euro 38.000
21. GALILEI, Galileo. Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari.Roma, Giacomo Mascardi 1613
Portrait of Galileo at full page (first published portrait engraved by Villamena) and 43 full page
engraving within text, Illustrated initials, woodcut diagrams within text. Bound with: SCHEINER,
Christoph. De Maculis Solaribus Tres Epistolae, De Iisdem Et Stellis Circa Iovem Errantibus. Disquisitio
Ad Marcum Velserum …
Roma, Giacomo Mascardi 1613
pp. 55, 1 nn. A double page copper plate, 3 engravings, many woodcut within text.
First edition in first issue. with the the addition of the disquisition and the three letters sent by
Ch. Scheiner to Marco Velseri.
A fundamental work in the history of modern science: from this moment on, Copernicanism is no longer a
mere mathematical theory, but a physical theory based on experience.
DSB: “In this book Galilei spoke out decisively for the Copernican system for the first time in print. In the
same book he found a place for his first published mention of the concept of conservation of angular
momentum and an associated inertial concept”.
Euro 38.000

22. GRAZIANI, Antonio Maria. De bello Cyprio libri quinque.
Roma, Alessandro Zanetti, 1624
Edizione originale. Opera sulla storia di Cipro, dal dominio veneziano e alla conquista turca, nel 1571.
Cipro rimase sotto il dominio ottomano fino al 1878, quando fu ceduta alla Gran Bretagna come
Euro 1.800
23. GREGORIUS IX. Decretales cum glossa edition with a gloss by Hieronymus Clarius.
Venice, Baptista de Tortis, 10 Oct. 1496
Beautiful incunabula edition of this compilation of papal decrees, by pope Gregory IX (1170-1241),
concerning canon law.
Euro 9.000
24. HAMILTON, William - HANCARVILLE, Pierre d’. Antiquités etrusques, grecques et romaines.
Florence, s. t., 1801-1808

4 vol. In total, 18 Head-pieces, 31 Initials, 4 End-pieces, 436 plates out text, all engraved on
copper. 180 hand colored, 63 hand colored plates at double pages. Very nice specimen, with wide
Extremely rare beautifully illustrated edition. Especially impressive the plates in hand coloring which
reproduces mainly vascular images, which in this specimen are 180, 63 of which are printed on two
pages. The plates, the initials and vignettes are signed by Cardon, Pignatari, Noll, De Grado, Arms,
Beaulieu, Lamberti.
Euro 45.000

25. KEPLER, Johannes. Harmonices mundi libri V.
Linz, Johann Planck for Gottfried Tampach, 1619
Woodcut vignette on title page, many woodcut illustrations and music notes within text, 6
engravings printed on 5 plates out text. Signature of ancient ownership on title page, inside cover
stamp of private collection.
Bound with:
Pro suo Opere Harmonices Mundi Apologia adversus ... Roberti de Fluctibus Medici Oxoniensis
Frankfurt, Tambach, 1622.
Pp. 50 including Title page, 2 blanks. Printer’s mark on title page, Globe with snake and motto” ‘Gloria
immortalis labore parta’, Round and Italic type.
Very rare first edition in first issue.
First Edition
Euro 140.000
26. KIRCHER, Athanasius. Mundus subterraneus in 12. libros digestus
Amsterdam, Joannes Jansson and Elizeus Weyerstraet, 1665
FIRST EDITION. 2 volumes in one, large folio; split board binding, leather spine and corners with
marbled paper sides. Vol. I: Engraved Frontispiece, 25 unnumbered pages including Title-page, 346, 6
nn., with 14 engraved plates out of text, of which 2 Portraits and 10 on double page, 2 tables printed out
of text. Vol. II: Engraved illustrated Title-page, Pages 10 not numbered, 487, 14 not numbered, with 9
Plates engraved out of text, 5 printed tables out of text. The leaf chi1 contains Privilegium Caesareae; the
second Title-page bears the date 1664. Numerous woodcut illustrations and 64 copper engraved in the
text, one full page. In total 25 engraved plates, 10 of which on double page, 7 tables, of which 6 on
double page.
Euro 10.000

27. KIRCHER, Athanasius. Magneticum Naturae Regnum.
Amstelodami: Johannis Janssonii à Waesberge & Elizei Weyerstraet, 1667.
4to, an illustrated frontispiece. First edition published in the same year as the Roman one.
Euro 1.500

28. KIRCHER, Athanasius. Phonurgia nova, Sive Conjugium mechanico-physicum artis & naturae paranympha
phonosophia concinnatum
Campidonae [Kempten], per Rudolphum Dreherr, 1673
17 engravings in the text, 2 plates out of text on pages 114 and 132, all engraved in copper.
First edition of Kircher's exceptional work on acoustics and music.
Euro 5.800

29. LICHTENBERGER, Johannes. Pronosticatio in latino. Rara et prius non audita: quae exponit et
declarat nonnullos coeli influxus: et inclinationem certarum constellationum.
Venezia, 23 agosto 1511.
44 woodcuts within text.
Rare edition of this famous book of predictions. The work, containing a series of prophecies, had
several editions, starting from 1492.
Euro 9.500
30. LINSCHOTEN, Jan Huygen van. Histoire de la navigation.
Amsterdam, Jean Evertsz Cloppenburch, 1619
A total of 3 Title pages, two entirely engraved with elaborate exotic depictions, the third with a large
engraved vignette, portrait at full-page of the author on the verso of the last index leaf, 42 copper plates
out text, of which 31 on double page and 11 folded: among these 6 important maps.
Rare and important second French edition, magnificently illustrated.
Euro 48.000

31. (Chess) LOLLI, Giambattista. Osservazioni Teorico –
In Bologna, nella Stamperia di S. Tommaso d’ Aquino, 1763.
Prima edizione di quest’importante ed apprezzato trattato sugli scacchi.
Euro 1.800
32. MAFFEI, Giovanni Pietro. Historiarum Indicarum libri XVI. Omnia ab auctore recognita.
Köln, Birckmann per Arnold Mylius, 1589
Wonderful edition, the first printed in Cologne. This specimen contains the large world map
that is not normally found in this edition.
Important work on the oldest missions in America, India and Japan, composed in Lisbon using the
original Jesuit sources.
Euro 8.000

33. MARTIALIS, Marcus Valerius. Epigrammata.
Venezia, eredi di Aldo Manuzio e Andrea Torresano, 1517
Rara seconda edizione aldina che segue la prima del 1501. Esemplare con iniziali colorate da mano
Euro 1.500

34. ARIAS MONTANUS, Benedictus. Antiquitatum Iudaicarum Libri IX.
Leiden: Officina Plantiniana, Franciscus Raphelengius, 1593
15 folding engraved maps and illustrations including the large world map by Christopher Plantin in
First rare edition of this voyage account by Montanus with the addition of the world map from “Biblia
polyglotta” by Christopher Plantin in Antwerp. (Second state of 3).
Euro 7.800
35. MONIGLIA, Giovanni Andrea. Il Mondo Festeggiante. Balletto a cavallo fatto nel teatro congiunto al
Palazzo del sereniss. Gran Duca, per le reali nozze de' serenissimi principi Cosimo terzo di Toscana, e
Margherita Luisa d'Orleans.
In Firenze, nella stamperia di S.A.S., 1661.
in-4;mm.205x150; pp. 2, 7-66 , 2 bianche, Anche questa, come tutte le copie note, ha l'errore di
numerazione: non sono infatti mai state stampate le pp. 3 a 6; Legatura in piena pelle . Con 3 grandi
stampe f.t. incise da Stefano della Bella controfondate. Qualche piccola gora e macchiette lungo il
margine esterno. Buon esemplare marginato.

Raro libro di feste Medicee con incisioni di Stefano della Bella in prima edizione.
Euro 4.000

36. MORISOT, Claude Barthélémy. Orbis maritimi sive rerum in mari et littoribus gestarum generalis
Dijon, Pierre. Palliot, 1643
Illustrated Frontispiece signed ‘Sprinx scul’, 1 full page and 43 engravings in the text, 1 folding plate out
the text.
First and only edition, in its first issue with the dedication to Louis XIII, dated January 1643.
This is the first great story extensive naval and maritime history, divided into two parts of fifty chapters
Euro 4.500

37. Glass manufacturing. NERI, Antonio. L'arte vetraria distinta in libri sette.
Firenze, Giunta, 1612.
4to, mm. 203x140. Legatura p. pergamena, titoli in oro su tass. al dorso. pp. 8, 114, 6. Bell’esemplare.
Prima edizione del primo libro dedicato al vetro, alla sua fabbricazione e coloritura.
Euro 5.800
38. ORTELIUS, Abraham. Theatre de l'Univers, contenant les cartes de tout le monde, avec une
declaration d'icelles. … M.D.L.XXXI.
Antwerp, 1581
[Colophon:] Anvers, Christofle Plantin pour Abraham Ortel, autheur mesme de ce livre
Titlepage and full-page portrait on the verso of the sixth leaf, 93 double-page maps, 6
unnumbered leaves, Colophon on the recto of the last leaf, verso blank. The maps are
consecutively numbered 1-93 on recto.
Rare and sought after third edition in French, greatly enhanced.
Euro 38.000
39. PACIAUDI, Paolo Maria. Descrizione delle feste celebrate in Parma l'anno 1769.
Parma: Giambattista Bodoni, [1769].
37. carte di tavola. Uno dei più straordinari libri pubblicati da Bodoni e realizzato agli albori
della sua carriera in collaborazione con Ennemond Alexandre Petitot (1727-1801), primo
architetto della corte di Parma dal 1753. Questa grandiosa e celebre opera descrive attraverso uno
spettacolare corredo iconografico gli spettacoli allestiti in occasione delle nozze tra Ferdinando I di
Borbone e Maria Amalia d'Asburgo-Lorena nel 1769.
Euro 7.500

40. PALLADIO, Andrea. I quattro libri dell'architettura di Andrea Palladio.
Venice, [al segno della Regina]: appresso Bartolomeo Carampello, 1581
Four woodcuts architectural titlepages. A lot of woodcut illustrations of different sizes, which of 156 are
on double page. Have been added a view of S. Giorgio Maggiore in Venice on verso of the endpapers and
two plates, engraved on copper, folded at the end of the volume with just as many views of Olympic
Theater of Vicenza.
Beautiful second edition.
Euro 10.000

41. PIRANESI, Giambattista. Campus Martius Antiquae urbis Romae.
Roma, in aedibus comitis Thomati 1762
Imperial folio, mm. 562x420; half calf and marbled boards, corners, gilt titles and ornaments on the
spine, marbled edges. 2 title pages, pp. 8 with dedication, 70, XII, VIII, 48 numbered engaved
plates of
wihich 3 folded. Watermark double circle with lily, Hind 3. Very nice specimen.
Euro 28.000
42. PIRANESI, Giovanni Battista. Lapides Capitolini – Antichità di Cora – Le rovine del Castello
dell’Acqua Giulia- Alcune vedute di archi trionfali.
The volume includes 4 complete illustrated works. In total 73 engraving Plates.
- Lapides Capitolini sive fasti consulares triomphalesque romanorum ab urbe condita usque ad
Tiberium Cesarem.
Roma, Apud auctorem in aedibus comitis Thomati via Felici, 1762
7 Plates:
- Antichità di Cora descritte e incise da Giovambat. Piranesi.
Roma, 176414 Plates
- Le Rovine del Castello dell’Acqua Giulia situato in Roma presso S. Eusebio e falsamente detto
dell’Acqua Marcia ,21 Plates:
- Alcune vedute di archi trionfali ed altri monumenti inalzati da Romani …
Roma, 1748, 31 Plates:
Precious and very rare collection with the first edition of four works by Giovan Battista
Excellent copy printed with full and bright inking on paper with watermarks "Lily within double circle
surmounted by letter B".
Euro 28.000
43. PIRANESI, Giambattista. Della magnificenza ed architettura de' Romani.
Rom2, 1761
Two engraved titles in Latin and Italian, engraved portrait of Pope Clement XIII by D. Cunego after
Piranesi, three initials, two engraved tail-pieces. 38 numbered plates, of which 8 on double page and 4
folded. Double parallel text in Italian and Latin.
Bound with:
Osservazioni di Gio. Battista Piranesi sopra la Lettre de M. Mariette
Rome 1765
Engraved title leaf, 23 pp., including six engraved head- and tail-pieces, 3 engraved numbered plates and
six additional unnumbered plates on double page. Double parallel text in Italian and Latin, on two
Rare first editions. Splendid copy of Piranesi's most important theoretical work, with the plates in early,
sharp and vigorous imprints.
Euro 16.000

43 B. PIRANESI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. Carceri d’invenzione
Roma, Bouchard, circa 1745
14 Etchings. Loose leaves etchings, within black slipcase with gilt titles on front cover.
Extremely rare first edition, with the complete set of 14 engravings. Robison 29 and 35.
Euro 280.000
44. POMPONAZZI, Pietro. Opera
Basel, Henricpetri, 1567.
A rare collective edition. It contains the second edition of the De incantationibus (pp. 1 - 325; first edition
Basel 1556), in which Pomponazzi, the leading representative of Renaissance Aristotelianism, very
daringly applied naturalistic explanations to seemingly miraculous events, including Christian miracles,
and the first edition of the De fato
Euro 6.500
45. The first scientific atlas of the Americas
TOLOMEO, Claudio. La Geografia Claudio Ptolemeo alessandrino, con alcuni comenti & aggiunte fatteui
da Sebastiano Munstero alamanno, con le tauole non solamente antiche & moderne solite di stamparsi,
ma altre nuoue aggiunteui di messer Iacopo Gastaldo piamontese cosmographo.Venezia, Giovanni
Battista Pederzano, 1548

2 parti in un volume in 8vo. Carte [8], 214, [64]. 60 carte geografiche incise in rame su doppia
pagina. Segn.: ✝⁸A-2D⁸a-h⁸. Colophon a c. 2D7r; c. 2D8 bianca. Marca di Pederzano a c. 2D7r. e in
fine. Carattere italico e tondo. Le Carte recano il testo esplicativo sul verso. Ottimo stato di
Prima e sola edizione di Giacomo Gastaldi
Euro 22.000

46. QUAD, Matthias. Europae Totius Orbis Terrarum Partis Praestantissimae, Generalis Ac Particularis
Cologne, Lambert Andreas, 1596
67 double-page maps Very rare edition. This 1596 edition contains seventeen maps not found
in earlier editions. The beautiful maps, many incorporating portrait vignettes, are engraved by Johann
Bussemacher, Heinrich Nagel or by the same Quad. Including World map, Europe, Germany and
European countries with Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Crete, Greece and Iceland.
Euro 12.800
47. QUAD, Matthias. Fasciculus geographicus
Cologne, Johann Bussemecher, 1608.
86 graographical plates engraved on double page, Final version of Matthias Quadt's printed
atlas, containing 6 maps related to the Americas. Printed title within architectural engraved border,
engraved arms of Herman Kran above printed dedication, maps engraved by Johann Bussemecher,
Heinrich Nagel or Quadt, many incorporating portrait vignettes.
Euro 15.000
48. RAMUSIO, Giovanni Battista. Delle navigationi et viaggi.
Venice, Giunti,1588,1583,1565
3 volumes complete with overall 62 xylographic illustrations, including 10 geographical maps on
double-page, of which 3 are outside the text and 10 full page. The maps are engraved by
Giacomo Gastaldi.
Rare magnificently illustrated work, with maps engraved by Giacomo Gastaldi. Including
editions by Marco Polo, Cartier and Verrazzano.
The First Volume contains the Report of the discovery of Japan.
Euro 28.000

49. RUINI, Carlo. Anatomia del cavallo, infermita et suoi remedii. Opera nuova, degna di qualsivoglia
prencipe e cavaliere e molto necessaria a filosofi, medici, cavallerizzi & marescalchi. Del Signor Carlo
Ruini Divisa in due volumi.
Venetia, appresso Fiorauante Prati, 1618
64 woodcut illustrations within text. On first end paper beautifull watercolored drawing with
name "Adriano Zabarelli".
Third rare edition of one of the greatest rarities in the history of medicine and zoology. It is
the first book dedicated exclusively to the anatomy of an animal. Very copious the
iconographic setting with 64 full-page woodcuts in the text on the horse
Euro 6.000

50. RUTA, Clemente. Macchine per festa di Fuochi, Fatte erigere sulla Piazza di Parma per la gloriosa
esaltazione al pontificato di sua Santità Innocenzo Decimoterzo dall' Altezza Serenissima di Francesco
duca di Parma.
In Parma nella Stamperia di S.A.S., 1721
Three large plates engraved in copper by I. G. Pini on drawings by Clemente Ruta, folded
several times, illustrating monumental constructions.
Rare first edition. Lozzi, II, 3370: Raro. Lottici-Sitti, Bibliografia parmense, 4775. Manca al Ruggieri e
al Philip, Bibliography of firework books.
EUR 2.800
51. SANQUIRICO, Alessandro. Raccolta di varie decorazioni sceniche inventate ed eseguite per il R.
Teatro alla Scala.
Milano, verso il 1832

Oblong Folio. 375x470 mm. Contemporary binding, created for the customer, long-grain red morocco, on
covers wide borders imprinted with gold patterned and phytomorphic motives, at the center initials "BF"
in metal beaded, later red calf spine, gilt edges. Calligraphic title leaf with royal coat of arms, 72 hand-
colored etchings protected by tissue paper, engraved by Sanquirico and others, all from the original
drawings by the author. On end paper dedication by the author: "All 'Eggregio Mr Bartolo Facchi / her
friend Alessandro Sanquirico / Milan / DDD". Excellent condition.

Magnificent suite. Beautiful Dedication copy with the signature of Sanquirico. These refined
aquatints depict scenes of operas and ballets representing the Teatro La Scala in Milan between 1820 and
the beginning of 1830.
Euro 78.000

52. SANMICHELI, Michele. Li cinque ordini dell'architettura civile di Michel Sanmicheli.
In Verona, per Jacopo Vallarsi, 1735
Ritratti: a carta π2r Sanmicheli; a carta C1r Alberti; a carta C2v Palladio; a carta D1v Barozzi.
Bell’esemplare, in barbe.
Prima edizione di questa rara opera di architettura. Il volume illustra l’architettura di edifici civili
realizzati e progettati da Michele Sanmicheli, uno degli architetti più importanti e rilevanti attivi tra il XV e
il XVI secolo.
Euro 2.800
53. SARTORIO, Bernardo. I numi a diporto su l’Adriatico. Descrizione della regatta solenne disposta in
Venezia… Unita la narratiua d’altri trattenimenti ordinati a divertimento della medesima altezza del
carnouale del MDCLXXXVIII.
In Venezia, appresso Andrea Poletti, all’Italia, 1688
Very rare first edition. This splendid baroque book, one of the most prestigious and rare figurative of
seventeenth century festivals, describes the magnificent regatta organized in Venice for the visit of
Ferdinando de Medici in 1688. The theme of the regatta was a parade of classical gods to the symbolic
confluence of the Arno and the Adriatic. The first folded plate shows "una gran macchina la reggia
ornatissima di Nettuno", a floating palace of Neptune. It was 12 plates on double page, each depicted a
baroque "bissona" adorned with a divinity in the bow or stern, while the last magnificent plate, is a bird's
eye view of the entire regatta near San Marco, in front of the Salute church.
Euro 58.000
54. SCHOTT, Gaspar. Mechanica Hydraulico-Pneumatica.
Francoforte sul Meno, Johann Gottfried Schönwetter e Heinrich Pigrin, 1657 (1658).
First edition published by the Jesuit Gaspar Schott 1608-1666, pupil of Athanasius Kircher who devoted
much of his career to the spread of scientific knowledge.
Euro 2.800

55. SCHOTT, Caspar. Technica curiosa, sive mirabilia artis, libris XII.
[Nuremberg], Wolfgang Mauritz Endter etJobus Hertz, 1687.
61 Figure incise fuori testo, molte ripiegate, la tavola 36 è a pagina 97.
Rare and important work magnificently illustrated.
Euro 3.800

56. SCHLOMO BEN JITZCHAQ HA-LEVI. Dialogus qui vocatur Scrutinium Scripturarum...
Mantua, Johannes Schallus Germanus, 1475.
Very rare incunabulum, one of the first books printed in Mantua and the first edition of the
Euro 8.500

57. SOWERBY, James. Coloured figures of English fungi or mushrooms.
London, printed by J. Davis and sold by the Author, 1797-1803, (1809)
3 volumes The 440 engravings are all hand-coloured, almost all pulled on cardboard, in first
issue. First edition. The most attractive illustrated English work on mycology ever published, and a
famous classic in its field.
Euro 15.000
58. STOFFLER, Johannes. Calendarium Romanum Magnum.
Oppenheim, Jacobum Koebel, 24 marzo 1518
24 small topographic illustrations in the Abaco, 12 depictions of the months and 12 of the zodiac in the
calendar, 63 with lunar eclipses and solar, 4 full page of astronomical instruments in red and black,
numerous initials, all engraved in woodcut.
Rare first edition. Work printed in the first Oppenheim printing house, active from 1503 to 1532. Euro

59. STELLUTI, Francesco. Persio tradotto in verso sciolto.
Roma, Giacomo Mascardi, 1630
Rara prima edizione figurata. Si tratta della prima opera che contiene immagini di organismi visti
attraversi il microscopio. Di notevole rilievo le rappresentazioni incise da Stelluti dell’anatomia dell’ape e
del tonchio. Garrison-Morton: “First book to contain illustrations of natural objects as seen through the
microscope, specifically an engraving of the exterior surface of bees.”
Euro 5.800

60. TASSO, Torquato. Il Goffredo, ovvero Gerusalemme Liberata.
Venezia, Antonio Groppo, 1760-61
2 Voll. Antip. inc. con figure allegoriche; Front. al I vol. in rosso e nero con vign., Ritratto dell’A. a
p.p. tratto dal dipinto di A. Caracci; 95 gr. inc. in rame n.t., anche a m. pag., Capil. inc. in rame
all’inizio di ogni canto, Fregi e Final. inc., 20 splendide tavole f.t. finemente incise in rame; in totale 2
grandi vignette ai Front. e 117 incisioni in rame, 22 delle quali a p. pagina f.t. Buon esemplare
Rara e splendida opera figurata. Bellissima e stimata edizione, considerata una delle migliori per la
ricchezza e bellezza dei rami. Il ritratto in ovale del Poeta è tratto dal celebre dipinto di Annibale Carracci
ed è disegnato da P. Antonio Novelli.
Euro 4.800
61. TELESIO, Bernardino. De Rerum Natura iuxta propria principia, Liber Primus, & Secundus, denuò
Neapoli, Cum Licentia Superiorum, apud Iosephum Cacchium, (Napoli, Giuseppe Cacchi), 1570
Rare and important first edition.
Bound with: TELESIO, Bernardino. De his, quæ in Aëre fiunt; & de Terræmotibus, Liber Unicus.Napoli,
Giuseppe Cacchi, 1570. 13 leaves, misnumber 14, 1 blank; large woodcut on titlepage, Telesio’s emblem.
Several nice woodcut initials. Printer’s mark on verso of leave 13, with Sanson which supports two
crossed columns on the shoulders. Nice copy.
Very rare first edition.
Bound with: TELESIO, Bernardino. De colorum generatione opusculum.Napoli, Giuseppe Cacchi, 1570.
7 leaves, 1 blank, 2 with Hieronymo Aquevivio’s dedication; large woodcut on titlepage, Telesio’s
emblem. Several nice woodcut initials. Nice copy.
Rare and important first edition.
Bound with: TELESIO, Bernardino. De mari, liber vnicus.Napoli, Giuseppe Cacchi, 1570. 12 leaves, 1;
large woodcut on titlepage, Telesio’s emblem. Several nice woodcut initials. Dedication on titlepage: Ad
illustriss. Ferdinandum Carrafam, Soriani comitem; italyc and roman type. Nice copy.
Rare and important first edition.
Euro 12.000

62. TERTULLIANUS. Apologeticus adversus gentes.
Venice, Aldo Manuzio, 1515
Very rare first Aldine edition, by Giovanni Battista Egnazio.
Euro 1.800

63. Juan, JORGE - ULLOA, Antonio; de. Observaciones astronomicas, y phisicas hechas de orden de S.
Mag. en los reynos del Peru… y magnitud de la tierra y se aplica a la navegación.
En Madrid, por Juan de Zuniga, 1748
Prima edizione.
Euro 2.500

64. VICO, Giambattista Principj di scienza nuova.
Napoli, nella Stamperia Muziana, a spese di Gaetano e Stefano Elia, 1744
Terza e definitiva edizione del capolavoro di Vico, nella quale per la prima volta, fanno la loro prima
apparizione nelle pagine della Scienza nuova.
Euro 3.000
65. VITRUVIUS, MARCUS POLLIO. De architectura libri dece traducti de latina lingua in vulgare.
Como, Gottardo da Ponte, 1521
Very rare first Italian edition of Vitruvius, magnificently illustrated. Cesariano, editor and
translator, has also produced many woodcuts: one on the folio X6r, is signed with his monogram and
dated 1519. The beautiful illustrations clearly show the influence of Leonardo da Vinci, and Kristeller
believed that they were the work of one of his students.
Euro 28.000

66. VITRUVIO. Architettura dal vero esemplare latino nella volgar lingua tradotto... MDXXXV
Venezia, Zoppino, 1535
[Colophon:] In Vinegia per Nicolo de Aristotele detto Zoppino … 1535 del mese di marzo
136 woodcuts within text.
Beautiful magnificently illustrated edition.
Euro 3.500

67. VIVIANI, Vincenzo. De maximis, et minimis geometrica divinatio.
Firenze, Ioseph Cocchini, 1659
Rara prima edizione. Pietra miliare della storia della matematica.
Euro 4.500

68. VANDERMAELEN, Philippe. Atlas universel de géographie physique, politique, statistique et
Bruxelles: [P. Vandermaelen], 1827

7 vols: With 7 litho index maps, 1 chart of altitudes of mountains & 382 double-page litho
maps lithographed maps, hand-colored in outline or in part.
Work as follows:
- Statistique de l’Europe, D’après Hassel, 1 leaf with title-page, pages 43, including dedication, [1];
- Vol 1 Europe: 1 leaf, 1 litho index map, one map of comparative altitudes of mountains, 29 maps
numbered 1-27, including 1bis and 1ter;
- Vol 2 Asia: 1 leaf, 1 litho index map, 111 maps numbered 1-110, including 103bis;
- Vol 3 Africa: 1 leaf, 1 litho index map, 60 maps numbered 1-57, including 1bis, 5bis and 18bis;
- Vol 4 North America: 1 leaf, 2 litho index maps, 77 maps numbered 1-76, including 57bis;
- Vol 5 South America: 1 leaf, 1 litho index map, 44 maps numbered 1-43, including 4bis;
- Vol 6 Oceania: 1 leaf, 1 litho index map, 60 maps numbered 1-60.
Some foxing and brownings on title-pages, to text leaves, somewhat soiled, minor marginal foxing, good
THE FIRST LITHOGRAPHED ATLAS IN FIRST EDITION. This monumental work was the first atlas of
the world with all maps on the same scale
Euro 23.000

69. VOLTA, Alessandro. Lettere…sull'Aria Infiammabile Nativa delle Paludi.
Milano: Marelli, 1777.
First edition.
Euro 2.800

70. WRIGHT, John Michael. Ragguaglio della solenne comparsa.
Roma, nella Stamperia di Domenico Antonio Ercole, \1687

15 numbered and signed engraved plates, one of which was folded several times. Handwritten signature
on the endpaper dated 1829, another signature not legible on the Frontispiece.

Rare original edition, magnificently illustrated. Sumptuous book of festivals related to the reception
at the Vatican of the British ambassador Castelmaine, accompanied by the painter J.M. Wright, author of
this work. The purpose of the mission was the reconciliation between James II and the church of Rome.
Euro 6.500
71. ZOCCHI, GIUSEPPE. Scelta di XXIV vedute delle principali contrade, piazze, chiese, e palazzi della
citta di Firenzi.
Florence, appresso Giuseppe Allegrini, no date but 1744.
Double-page engraved figurative title 24 engraved double-page views of Florence
Together With:
ZOCCHI, GIUSEPPE. Vedute delle ville, e d'altri luoghi della Toscana.
Florence (Giuseppe Allegrini) 1744.
Engraved pictorial title J. G. Seuter after Zocchi and 50 engraved
First editions
Euro 38.000
72. Jushi kei zu - [In kanji: 十四 経 圖 - Scheme of the 14 meridians)
Manuscript, Nara 17th century
In 4to. 255x200 mm. Original hardback binding, kanji title on the covere. 20 double sheets, with text and
30 full-page drawings with the traces of the energy channels. Kanji text, black ink, meridian lines
indicated with red and blue ink. Signs of wear, wormholes and some small losses that do not affect the
Important acupuncture treatise, composed in Japan in the 17th century.
Euro 6.000

73. HIROSHIGE, Utagawa Ando. Pesci.
Periodo Edo, metà XIX secolo.
6 colored woodcuts on double leaf.
Euro 2.500

74. JAPAN. Traditional Japan. Ceremonial and Etiquette for the Japanese nobility, Daimyo and
Manuscript, Edo / Mejii period, mid-19th century.
[On the front cover is written, in Japanese characters, the date 1873]
40 colored drawings in different sizes, almost at full page, some smaller drawings in black and
white. Are depicted: kimono, hakama, haori, fans, faces with ritual make-up, hairstyles, belts and knots,
utensils for the tea ceremony, ikebana.
Euro 3.500
75. KUSAKABE, KIMBEI. An album containing 50 handcolored photographs of Jap
Yokohama, 1880-90 ca.
Oblong folio album, 320x340 mm. Wonderful original black lacquer binding with gold decoration, on the
front cover view with Mount Fuji in the background, in the foreground a lady riding a rickshaw, the two
characters with ivory faces and body parts, on the back cover flowers, plants and a flying bird, all in gold.
50 photographs printed in albumen, all with coeval hand coloring. The photographs are mounted recto-
verso on the original cardboard, with tissue guards
Rare and splendid album with large format photographs, all in original hand coloring.
Euro 5.000
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