Homes for Heroes Safe, secure and genuinely affordable homes to rent and buy, starting to repay society's debt to heroic essential workers ...

Page created by Katie Olson
Homes for Heroes Safe, secure and genuinely affordable homes to rent and buy, starting to repay society's debt to heroic essential workers ...
Homes for Heroes
Safe, secure and genuinely affordable homes
to rent and buy, starting to repay society’s
debt to heroic essential workers

                                               G15 - Homes for Heroes   1
Homes for Heroes Safe, secure and genuinely affordable homes to rent and buy, starting to repay society's debt to heroic essential workers ...
Executive summary

                             One hundred years ago                being developed by the National       idea could be applied nationally.
                                                                  Housing Federation setting out        To effectively show our thanks,
                             there was a ‘Homes Fit for
                                                                  how housing associations can          heroes will need more than homes
                             Heroes’ programme that               support the country’s economic        and we are ready to see what a
                             welcomed soldiers back               and social recovery. The National     wider package of measures could
                             from the Western Front.              Housing Federation is working         look like. With an initial burst of
                                                                  with its members and partners         government support and funding,
                             This paper proposes a way            across the country to make sure       matched by housing associations,
                             to recapture that spirit             the people and communities most       thousands of homes could be
                             with a Homes for Heroes              affected by the crisis have the       ready for heroes within months.
                                                                  homes and support they deserve.
                             programme for our times.                                                   A longer-term and more ambitious
                             For our heroes.                      Our essential workers deserve         programme should follow closely
                                                                  homes which are energy efficient,     behind, to properly thank heroes
                             The coronavirus crisis has made      beautifully designed, and digitally   with tens of thousands of homes.
                             clear who we depend on as a          connected. Homes with private         It should have a lower cost to the
                             society and who the essential        outside areas and access to high      public purse, supported through
                             workers truly are. Clapping them     quality green spaces. And they        innovative use of public land,
                             on our doorsteps is a sign of        need to be affordable to people       easing the planning system and
                             appreciation. But we need to do      on a range of incomes, from the       the development of precision
                             much more to address the debt        lowest paid to those on median        manufactured homes in factories.
                             society owes to them. They have      NHS incomes. None of these            Such support would have the
                             risked their lives to keep the       workers should struggle to afford     added bonus of moving housing
                             country safe and functioning.        a home in their community.            manufacturing to factories where
                                                                                                        new jobs are needed most.
                             The G15 wants to use our             The G15 already provide homes
                             resources, skills and experiences    to many thousands of these            1. Centre for Economics and Business
                                                                                                        Research, (Centre for Economics and
                             to thank these heroes properly.      essential workers. Social housing     Business Research, Peabody, CBI, 2016).
                             We will be able to do so much more   is home to one third of London’s
                             working in partnership across        police officers and ambulance
                             the public, private and charitable   staff, and one third of workers in
                             sectors. This paper sets out the     care-related jobs.1
                             broad outline of how 100,000         As we are predominantly London-
                             really affordable homes for          based housing associations, the
                             these heroes could be delivered      ideas in this paper are rooted
                             in the next five years. These        in London. Any programme
                             proposals are a contribution to      would need to work differently in
                             a national programme of work         different places but we believe the

2   G15 - Homes for Heroes                                                                     G15 - Homes for Heroes                     3
Homes for Heroes Safe, secure and genuinely affordable homes to rent and buy, starting to repay society's debt to heroic essential workers ...
Building blocks to delivery...

1                                       Create a national programme of
                                        100,000 low-cost homes prioritised
                                        for the heroes who have put
                                        themselves at risk to keep us alive
                                        and healthy throughout this crisis.

                                                                                  Homes for Heroes

Deliver an initial burst of thousands
of homes within months, by              2                                     At the eleventh hour of
                                                                              the eleventh day of the
                                                                                                                     Although it may be too soon to
                                                                                                                     foresee when our present crisis
                                                                                                                                                           across the United Kingdom come
                                                                                                                                                           together every week to applaud
matching government funding with                                                                                     will subside, we too have heroes to   the NHS for their service, but none
housing association resources to                                              eleventh month of 1918,                whom we owe an immeasurable           of those clapping their hands or
make completed homes and those                                                the    Armistice    signed             debt of gratitude. In many cases,     banging their pots and pans will
                                                                              by Allied Forces and                   heroes to whom we owe our lives.      want that recognition to be the
under consvtruction available on a                                                                                                                         end of our appreciation.
low-cost basis for essential workers.                                         Germany brought an end
                                                                              to the horrors of the First                                                  Identifying our heroes
                                                                              World War. Humanity was                   Heroes to                          Using the new government
                                                                              to emerge from one of                     whom we                            definition of key workers,2
                                                                                                                                                           there are 1.05m such heroes
                                                                              the darkest periods in our
                                                                                                                        owe our
                                                                                                                                                           in London – 18% of its working
                                        Support a high-tech manufacturing     history.                                                                     age population.3 While many of
                                        base to create jobs across the
                                        country - powering a long-term
                                                                              A day later, then Prime Minister          lives.                             these will already have a suitable
                                                                                                                                                           home, this huge section of our
                                                                              David Lloyd George gave a speech
                                        ambitious programme to deliver the    promising homes “fit for the                                                 population shows the scale of the
                                                                                                                                                           debt of gratitude we owe.
                                        low-cost homes our heroes need,       heroes who have won the war.”
                                                                                                                     National and local government,
                                        starting to repay society’s debt.     Slums would be cleared, homes                                                2.
                                                                                                                     businesses around the country,        publications/coronavirus-covid-19-
                                                                              would be rebuilt, and people from
                                                                                                                     and the general public will not       maintaining-educational-provision/
                                                                              all walks of life, returning to work                                         guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-
                                                                                                                     want to wait until the eleventh
                                                                              in all kinds of jobs, would be given                                         authorities-on-maintaining-educational-
                                                                                                                     hour to express their appreciation    provision.
                                                                              decent housing they could afford,
                                                                                                                     for the essential workers who         3. Farquharson et al, 2020.
                                                                              providing a stable and secure base
                                                                                                                     brought us through these
                                                                              from which they could rebuild our
                                                                                                                     unprecedented times. The public

Spread the costs across society
by    part-funding    the    homes
through public giving, public land,
government funding and housing
associations’ resources, to lever in
private funding.

4         G15 - Homes for Heroes                                                                                                                  G15 - Homes for Heroes                      5
Homes for Heroes Safe, secure and genuinely affordable homes to rent and buy, starting to repay society's debt to heroic essential workers ...
Because our essential                 Social homes would be affordable
                                                                         to essential workers on the lowest
A range of tenures and sizes       workers have a broad
                                   range of circumstances
                                                                         incomes. The homes could be             3 - Part buy,
                                                                         maintained to a high standard
                                   and incomes, a housing                with excellent customer service         part low rent
Building the homes                 offer to meet their needs
                                   should be made available
                                                                         offered by housing associations.
they need                          at a range of rents and
                                   prices. We believe that
                                                                           2-                                  For essential workers who earn
                                   three types of affordable               Discounted                          a higher wage, or where they
                                                                                                               are on a moderate wage and
                                   homes are needed.
                                                                           rent homes                          their partner also works, shared
                                                                                                               ownership (part buy, part low
                                                                                                               rent) would be an affordable
                                     1 - Social rent                     For essential workers who earn
                                                                                                               option. This is true even in places
                                                                                                               where buying a market value
                                                                         a little more, there needs to be
                                     homes                               a new discounted rent option,
                                                                                                               home would be a long way out of
                                                                         significantly below market rents.
                                                                         Many essential workers on             For essential workers with a
                                   For essential workers who earn        middle-incomes in London would        household income of around
                                   low wages, we need to build           never qualify for social housing,     £40,000 a year, shared ownership
                                   homes available at the lowest         but would still find renting a flat   offers a chance to buy an initial
                                   levels of rent. Many essential        for themselves very unaffordable      25 per cent share – with a deposit
                                   workers already live in social        – especially if they have children.   from as little as 5 per cent of that.
                                   rented homes, but many more are                                             Essential workers would be able
                                   trapped in an unaffordable and        For an essential worker earning
                                                                                                               to buy a greater share of their
                                   insecure private rented sector,       a median London NHS salary, a
                                                                                                               home over time, if they wanted
                                   often in shared or overcrowded        discounted rent would be around
                                                                                                               and could afford to do so.
                                   homes. They may not be on             40% of their take home pay.
                                   councils’ housing lists or, if they   As part of a Homes for Heroes
                                   are, they may be unlikely to be       programme it could come with
                                   allocated social housing in areas     the option to own, outright or on
                                   of high demand.                       a part buy, part low rent basis.

6         G15 - Homes for Heroes                                                                      G15 - Homes for Heroes                  7
Homes for Heroes Safe, secure and genuinely affordable homes to rent and buy, starting to repay society's debt to heroic essential workers ...
The initial burst of Homes          300,000 homes a year that the
                                                                      country needs.
Paying for these homes            for Heroes, converted
                                  from homes intended to              Construction activity has a strong
                                                                      positive effect on the wider
                                  be sold at market prices,
Supporting social and             would likely require higher
                                                                      economy, with every pound
                                                                      spent having a multiplier effect.
                                  levels of government                This may be especially important
economic recovery                 investment     to    match          in recovering from the potential
                                                                      economic crisis caused by the
                                  housing         association         current pandemic.
                                  borrowing.                          Precision-manufacturing    these
                                  A     longer-term     programme     homes would reduce waste,
                                  would come with lower costs to      increase quality and create jobs
                                  the public purse but even with      where they are needed most.
                                  substantial contributions from      These low-cost homes need
                                  housing association borrowing,      to be built in the areas that
                                  additional investment, public       essential workers need them
                                  giving and sales receipts – there   but      precision-manufacturing
                                  would be a need for significant     offers an opportunity to create
                                  levels of government investment.    most of the economic activity of
                                                                      home-building in other areas.
                                  The costs of a longer-term          Through a targeted industrial
                                  programme could be reduced          policy   government,    perhaps
                                  through innovative use of land      supported by the Advanced
                                  and precision manufacturing of      Research Projects Agency, could
                                  high-quality homes.                 create hubs for manufacturing
                                                                      of homes to expand the capacity
                                  Bringing about a boost              for housing supply and stimulate
                                  Building homes for our heroes       economic activity – both in the
                                  in this way will not just benefit   areas that need them most.
                                  heroes and their families. A
                                  significant programme could help
                                  to stimulate wider construction
                                  activity to help towards the

8        G15 - Homes for Heroes                                                                   G15 - Homes for Heroes   9
Homes for Heroes Safe, secure and genuinely affordable homes to rent and buy, starting to repay society's debt to heroic essential workers ...
Homes for key workers                many of these could be left unsold    The crisis has impacted people
Short term and long term                                               and empty for some time. Instead,     in different ways. Affluent white
                                  shouldn’t come at the
                                                                       if government and housing             collar workers who have endured
                                  expense of the affordable            associations provide funding to       this crisis with the benefit of

Delivery                          homes       that
                                  already been planned.
                                                       have            convert these into affordable
                                                                       Homes for Heroes, they could
                                                                       be immediately occupied and
                                                                                                             spacious homes and gardens and
                                                                                                             reduced expenditure and time
                                                                                                             on commuting will want to give
                                  Ensuring that, in a time             homebuilders would be able to         something back to benefit the
                                  of economic uncertainty,             use the proceeds to keep building     workers earning less money and
                                  will require a great deal            the homes we need.                    living in less adequate housing,
                                                                                                             who have put their lives on the
                                  of support through the                                                     line.
                                  government’s Affordable
                                  Homes         Programme                2 - Scale-up a                      Similarly, businesses that have
                                                                                                             survived this crisis due to
                                  and potentially other                  partnership                         government’s      unprecedented
                                  measures.                                                                  economic      intervention     will
                                                                         to deliver                          doubtless want to step up and
                                  We propose three key actions                                               donate as soon as they are able to
                                  necessary to deliver 100,000           a five-year                         do so. We are optimistic that many
                                  Homes for Heroes over the next                                             hundreds of millions of pounds in
                                  five years.                            programme                           additional funding could be found
                                                                                                             this way.
                                                                         of Homes for
                                    1 - Make                             Heroes
                                                                                                             We believe there is a strong case
                                                                                                             to take this opportunity to invest in
                                    available                                                                precision manufactured homes on
                                                                                                             a scale not seen since the original
                                    additional                         While the initial phases of this
                                                                                                             Homes Fit for Heroes programme.
                                                                                                             A commitment to manufacturing
                                                                       proposal could be funded through
                                    funding to                         government matching housing
                                                                                                             many tens of thousands of new
                                                                                                             homes nationally would ensure
                                                                       association funding, there are a
                                    immediately                        range of options that should be
                                                                                                             the highest quality in design and
                                                                                                             manufacturing, and reduce the
                                                                       used to reduce the burden on the
                                    create                             public purse, which has already
                                                                                                             construction costs significantly.
                                                                                                             These higher quality homes would
                                                                       committed an unprecedented
                                    Homes for                          level of funding combatting the
                                                                                                             come with reduced maintenance
                                                                                                             costs, which could increase
                                                                       coronavirus crisis.
                                    Heroes                             Firstly,   we    anticipate    that
                                                                                                             the contribution that housing
                                                                                                             associations could make.
                                                                       businesses and people around          A longer-term programme would
                                                                       the country will want to say thank    align with the ethos of housing
                                  It will take time to scale-up to
                                                                       you to our essential workers          associations      as    long-term
                                  deliver the number of homes
                                                                       directly. The incredible efforts of   investors in place. This would
                                  that will be needed but there are
                                                                       Colonel Tom Moore6 show the           support high quality buildings,
                                  many essential workers who need
                                                                       depth of society’s commitment         environments and services –
                                  an affordable home now. There
                                                                       to supporting our heroes. Homes       supporting the success of the
                                  should be an immediate response
                                                                       for Heroes should be supported        heroes living in the homes.
                                  to make available completed or
                                                                       by a major fund-raising effort.
                                  nearly completed homes.
                                                                       The fund should be open to            4. Molior London, 2020.
                                                                                                             5. ibid.
                                  There    are   currently     3,800   donations from corporate and          6.
                                  completed      unsold       homes    public sponsors. Civil society        tomswalkforthenhs, 2020.
                                  in    London4     and      another   should lead a national campaign
                                  28,700 unsold homes under            for donations, offering us all the
                                  construction,5 some of which         chance to directly contribute to
                                  will be nearly completed. The        this collective effort to house
                                  economic uncertainty caused by       our heroes in safe, secure and
                                  the coronavirus is likely to mean    affordable homes.

10       G15 - Homes for Heroes                                                                     G15 - Homes for Heroes                     11
would hopefully incentivise other    forever available for heroes, and
                                                                     Trusts to bring forward their own    this in turn would reduce the cost
                                 3 - Take                            surplus car parks or surrounding     of the land.
                                                                     land at similar pace. This could
                                 radical steps                       allow for many thousands of          There is not enough publicly
                                                                                                          owned land to deliver all of the
                                                                     additional homes near to existing
                                 to make                             NHS hospitals and other places of    homes that heroes need. The
                                                                                                          release of additional land will
                                 sufficient                          Public land in London has
                                                                                                          require flexibility in the planning
                                 land                                been estimated to have the
                                                                     capacity to build 130,000 new        Using land near transport links in
                                 available for                       homes.7 Currently, councils and
                                                                     government departments need
                                                                                                          London will be of enormous help
                                                                                                          to emergency services workers
                                 the delivery                        to get “best value” when disposing
                                                                     of assets, but best value should
                                                                                                          and healthcare workers who
                                                                                                          might currently be priced out of
                                 of Homes for                        not mean best price. If this value
                                                                     recognised the importance of
                                                                                                          owning or renting a suitable home
                                                                                                          in London. The current crisis has
                                 Heroes in the                       building homes for our heroes
                                                                     then it could be made available to
                                                                                                          shown the importance of key
                                                                                                          workers being able to live near
                                 long-run                            support a large-scale programme,
                                                                     delivered by housing associations.
                                                                                                          their place of work.
                                                                                                          7. Mayor of London, 2016.

                                                                     If the Treasury removed the
                                                                     restriction on public bodies to
                              Adequate funding makes homes           get best market value on land
                              theoretically deliverable but to       sold, and government went even
                              actually build them there will also    further by giving guidelines to
                              need to be sufficient land, in the     public bodies to prioritise land
                              right places at the right prices.      for sale to housing associations
                                                                     planning to build Homes for
                              More homes could be delivered          Heroes, we could unleash huge
                              faster if public landowners played a   untapped capacity to give our key
                              significant part in the programme.     workers the homes they deserved.
                              London North West University           In particular, there will be huge
                              Healthcare NHS Trust has taken a       benefits to NHS Trusts, TfL, and
                              proactive approach to identifying      government departments who
                              surplus land for development           release land in this way, because
                              which has unlocked land for            their own staff could benefit.
                              almost 1,800 new homes in the
                              London Borough of Brent over           When selling land in this way, it
                              the last few years. The prospect       could be sold with a covenant
                              of delivering Homes for Heroes         to ensure that the homes are

12   G15 - Homes for Heroes                                                                      G15 - Homes for Heroes               13

                                         Centre for Economics and
                                         Business Research, Peabody, &
                                         CBI (2016); The Business Case
                                         for Affordable Housing; Centre
                                         for Economics and Business
                                         Department of Education, UK
                                         Government (2020); Guidance
                                         or schools, childcare providers,
                                         colleges and local authorities
                                         in England on maintaining
   Conclusion                            educational provision;
                                         Department of Education.
                                         Farquharson, Cristine et al
                                         (2020); Key workers – key facts
                                         and questions; Institute for Fiscal
We believe the time is
                                         GLA & G15 (2019); The 2022-
right to have a national                 2032 Affordable Housing Funding
conversation on how to                   Requirement for London; Greater
repay the debt society                   London Authority.
owes our heroes. As well                 JustGiving (2020); Captain Tom
as standing ready to play                Moore’s 100th Birthday Walk for
                                         the NHS; JustGiving.
our part in delivering
these homes, the G15 are                 Mayor of London (2016); City Hall
                                         produces first register of public
also keen to engage with                 land in London; Greater London
other organisations with                 Authority.
proposals to repay that                  Molior London (2020); Build to
debt in other ways.                      Rent and Build to Sell.

The National Housing Federation          Office for National Statistics
is exploring with its members and        (2019); Annual net additional
national partners – including the        dwellings and components; ONS.
relevant parts of government –           Urwin, Peter et al (2016);
how we harness the power of              Estimating the Value
the original Homes for Heroes            of Discounted Rental
campaign for a new era.                  Accommodation for London’s
A hundred years ago we promised          ‘Squeezed’ Key Workers; Dolphin
returning heroes the homes               Square Foundation.
they deserve. Safe, secure and
affordable homes as a base from
which our society could begin
to rebuild, and eventually again
thrive. Today’s heroes deserve
this too.

   14           G15 - Homes for Heroes                                         G15 - Homes for Heroes   15
Social rent
                                 In London, social rented homes are likely to be the only housing option affordable on incomes up
                                 to £31,600 per annum (an average London nurse’s salary). People earning more than that should
Affordability modelling          be able to comfortably afford the below discounted rent option. The monthly rent levels and how
                                 this would be affordable to people on lower incomes are set out below.
                                    Bedrooms                       Monthly rent                        Proportion of net income for employee on the
                                                                                                       London Living Wage10

                                    1                              £634                                42%

                                    2                              £671                                45%

                                    3                              £709                                47%

                                 Discounted rent
                                 The proposed discounted rent option has been calculated on the basis of 40% of the post-tax
                                 income of an average London nurse. For one-bedroom homes this has been reduced by 10%
                                 and for three-bedroom homes increased by 10%. Although we’ve used nurses’ take-home pay to
                                 calculate affordable rents, these homes should be available to any key worker who earns a similar
                                 professional wage. The monthly rent levels and how this would be affordable to people on median
                                 incomes are set out below.
                                    Bedrooms                       Monthly rent                        Proportion of net income for employee on the mean
                                                                                                       Outer London nurse’s salary

                                    1                              £743                                36%

                                    2                              £826                                40%

                                    3                              £908                                43%

                                 Part buy, part low rent
                                 As is normal for shared ownership, the household would decide what share of the home to buy
                                 initially and pay a deposit and mortgage on that amount, and would pay a subsidised rent of 2.75%
                                 per year of the unsold equity. This option would be affordable to heroes with a household income
                                 of around £40,000 a year but in London heroes with household incomes of up to £80,000 a year
                                 (equivalent to two Band 6 Nurses) could struggle to own a home of their own and therefore need
                                 the shared ownership option.
                                 Having this type of home in the Homes for Heroes programme would help to meet even more
                                 housing need in the long run, because when households staircase (buy additional shares in their
                                 home), the receipts could be reinvested to build even more homes for heroes. The monthly costs
                                 and how this would be affordable to people on dual median NHS incomes are set out below.
                                    Bedrooms          Assumed            Deposit              Monthly rent         Proportion of net income for household
                                                      house price   11
                                                                         requirement     12
                                                                                              plus mortgage   13
                                                                                                                   on two Outer London nurses’ salaries

                                    1                 £328,000           £8,200               £932                 22%

                                    2                 £409,000           £10,225              £1,162               28%

                                    3                 £475,000           £11,875              £1,349               32%
                                 10. Assuming 37.5 hours a week. NB -             11. Assumed sales values are taken from    13. Assuming a 25% initial share, a 25
                                 depending on the household, workers              GLA & G15, 2019.                           year mortgage, and an interest rate of
                                 may receieve other benefits which would          12. Taken from the GLA’s shared            2.5%.
                                 make these proportions fall significantly.       ownership affordability calculator.

16      G15 - Homes for Heroes                                                                                       G15 - Homes for Heroes                    17
About the G15

                              The G15 is the group of            the capital. We build a quarter of   we make is reinvested in building
                                                                 all London’s new homes and own       more affordable homes and
                              London’s largest housing
                                                                 or manage more than 600,000          delivering services for our
                              associations. We’re the            homes.                               residents.
                              collective voice of some of        Housing associations were set        Each G15 member is different,
                              the leading organisations          up to support people in housing      but we’re all striving towards the
                              in the housing sector.             need and this remains at the         same goal – to solve the capital’s
                                                                 heart of everything we do today.     housing crisis and improve the
                              Our members house one in ten                                            lives of Londoners.
                              Londoners and are the largest      We’re independent, charitable
                              providers of affordable homes in   organisations and all the money

18   G15 - Homes for Heroes                                                                   G15 - Homes for Heroes              19
Reuben Young,
                    Rosa Payne and
                       Antrim Ross
                        Designed by
            Charlotte Blackburn and
              Justin Pearce Neudorf
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