Home Learning Curriculum Guide 2021 - Year 10 Spring

Page created by Brett Roberts
Home Learning Curriculum Guide 2021 - Year 10 Spring
Year 10
    Home Learning
Curriculum Guide 2021
       Spring 1
This Home Learning Curriculum Guide has been produced to give students (and
families) an outline of the learning they will be covering during the period of lockdown.
The guide has subject specific curriculum informa on so that students can work
independently as well as access the daily live lessons.

At the end of this guide, you will find the metable which indicates lessons where
learning is posted in Google Classroom as well as live lessons.

We have included a list of websites for students to visit to support their learning. We
hope this will encourage them to explore subjects beyond what is outlined in the Home
Learning Curriculum Guide.

h ps://allinonehomeschool.com/thinking/
h ps://senecalearning.com/en-GB/
h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/secondary/zkqp47h
h ps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsooa4yRKGN_zEE8iknghZA
h ps://www.topmarks.co.uk/
h ps://www.stem.org.uk/home-learning
h ps://www.thena onal.academy/
h ps://quizlet.com/en-gb
h ps://www.memrise.com/
h ps://library.thena onal.academy/
h ps://mysteryscience.com/
h ps://www.mathsgenie.co.uk/
h ps://corbe maths.com/
h ps://www.tate.org.uk/art/student-resource/exam-help
h ps://www.brainpop.com/artsandmusic/
h ps://www.tutor2u.net/
h ps://www.shakespearesglobe.com/discover/blogs-and-features/2020/04/03/how-to-watch-our-free-globe-
h ps://thekidshouldseethis.com/
h ps://thebrilliantclub.org/the-scholars-programme/for-schools/pupil-resources/
h ps://www.firstcareers.co.uk/


Year Group: Y10 Ongoing Art GCSE Por olio based work, which includes developing star ng points begun during
Autumn Term; tonal drawing, colour blending, researching, discussing and analysing the work of ar sts that
support the ongoing scheme of work; producing a series of prac cal and wri en responses as a result

Week                Topics Covered                Google Classroom Resources              Assessment

  1     Developing Pages 1-5 star ng points in Google Presenta on - Y10            Google Presenta on
        coursebook - TO REVIEW PROGRESS,       Pages Guide (1-5)                   Interac ve Par cipa on
        STANDARD OF IDEAS & WORK AND FINAL                                         Group & Targeted
        PRESENTATION OF WORK IN GCSE                                               Ques oning
        SKETCHBOOKS                                                                Student Self Analysis
                                                                                   One-to-One Feedback
                                                                                   Independent Prac cal
                                                                                   Work (Homework)
                                                                                   ‘Hands-up’ Polls
                                                                                   Targeted ques oning

  2     The work of Chuck Close; understanding    Google Presenta on - Y10 Ar st   Google Presenta on
        the work of the ar st and his methods -   Analysis ‘Guide Pack’            Interac ve Par cipa on
        TO WORK THROUGH ‘HOW TO                                                    Group & Targeted
        UNDERTAKE AN ARTIST ANALYSIS’ AND                                          Ques oning
        SUBSEQUENTLY PRODUCE A/A ON THE                                            Student Self Analysis
        WORKS OF CHUCK CLOSE                                                       One-to-One Feedback
                                                                                   Independent Prac cal
                                                                                   Work (Homework)
                                                                                   ‘Hands-up’ Polls
                                                                                   Targeted ques oning

  3     The work of Mark Powell;                  Google Presenta on - Y10 Mark    Google Presenta on
        understanding the work of the ar st and   Powell A/A & A3 Biro Drawing     Interac ve Par cipa on
        his methods - TO UNDERTAKE AN A3                                           Group & Targeted
        ‘BIRO’ PORTRAIT (IN THE STYLE OF                                           Ques oning
        POWELL’S WORK); THIS PORTRAIT MUST                                         Student Self Analysis
        BE PERSONAL AND RELATED TO                                                 One-to-One Feedback
        ONGOING WORK IN SKETCHBOOK                                                 Independent Prac cal
                                                                                   Work (Homework)
                                                                                   ‘Hands-up’ Polls
                                                                                   Targeted ques oning

  4     One-to-one catchup sessions with                 Google Classroom          Google Presenta on
        individual students - TO INDIVIDUALLY                                      Interac ve Par cipa on
        DISCUSS WITH STUDENTS PROGRESS &                                           Group & Targeted
        WORK AND SET FUTURE TARGETS TO                                             Ques oning
        HELP DEVELOP AND IMPROVE WORK                                              Student Self Analysis
                                                                                   One-to-One Feedback
                                                                                   Independent Prac cal

Work (Homework)
                                                                                ‘Hands-up’ Polls
                                                                                Targeted ques oning

 5     Developing A3 ‘Biro@ Portrait (ongoing   Google Presenta on - Y10 Mark   Google Presenta on
       work) - TO REVIEW PROGRESS,              Powell A/A & A3 Biro Drawing    Interac ve Par cipa on
       STANDARD OF WORK; TO SUPPORT AND                                         Group & Targeted
       GIVE FEEDBACK WHERE NECESSARY                                            Ques oning
                                                                                Student Self Analysis
                                                                                One-to-One Feedback
                                                                                Independent Prac cal
                                                                                Work (Homework)
                                                                                ‘Hands-up’ Polls
                                                                                Targeted ques oning

 6     Developing A3 ‘Biro@ Portrait (ongoing   Google Presenta on - Y10 Mark   Google Presenta on
       work) - TO REVIEW PROGRESS,              Powell A/A & A3 Biro Drawing    Interac ve Par cipa on
       STANDARD OF WORK; TO SUPPORT AND                                         Group & Targeted
       GIVE FEEDBACK WHERE NECESSARY                                            Ques oning
                                                                                Student Self Analysis
                                                                                One-to-One Feedback
                                                                                Independent Prac cal
                                                                                Work (Homework)
                                                                                ‘Hands-up’ Polls
                                                                                Targeted ques oning


Week               Topics Covered               Google Classroom Resources             Assessment

  1    BTEC Business-Compare the purpose,       www.edexcel.co.uk               Q&A , presenta on and
       ac vi es and aims of two contras ng      www.tutor2u.co.uk               peer assessment.
       local enterprises.                       www.hodder educa on
       GCSE Business- The dynamic nature of     www.zigzageduca on.co.uk,
       business.                                www.cgpbooks.co.uk

  2    Btec Business- Compare the purpose,      www.edexcel.co.uk               Mini class test and
       ac vi es and aims of two contras ng      www.tutor2u.co.uk               presenta on
       local enterprises.                       www.hodder educa on
       GCSE Business- The dynamic nature of     www.zigzageduca on.co.uk,
       business                                 www.cgpbooks.co.uk


  3     Btec Business- Describe the                 www.edexcel.co.uk                 marked feedbacks and
        entrepreneurial characteris cs and skills   www.tutor2u.co.uk                 Q&A
        demonstrated in each selected local         www.hodder educa on
        enterprise.                                 www.bitesize.co.uk
                                                    www.zigzageduca on.co.uk,
        GCSE Business-Risk and reward               www.cgpbooks.co.uk

  4     Btec Business- Explain how two selected     www.edexcel.co.uk                 Think-Pair-Share and
        enterprises use market research to meet     www.tutor2u.co.uk                 Por olio of students work
        customer needs and understand               www.hodder educa on               assessed.
        compe tor behaviour.                        www.bitesize.co.uk
                                                    www.zigzageduca on.co.uk,
        GCSE Business- Risk and reward              www.cgpbooks.co.uk

  5     Btec Business- Explain ways in which        www.edexcel.co.uk                 Quiz Show, presenta on
        internal factors are important for          www.tutor2u.co.uk                 and Q&A
        business success.                           www.hodder educa on
        GCSE Business- Long Term and Short          www.zigzageduca on.co.uk,
        term sources of finance                      www.cgpbooks.co.uk

  6     Btec Business- Iden fy some ways in         www.edexcel.co.uk                 Presenta on, marked
        which external factors are important for    www.tutor2u.co.uk                 feedbacks and 5 mins class
        business success.                           www.hodder educa on               tests
        GCSE Business-The role of business          www.zigzageduca on.co.uk,
        enterprise                                  www.cgpbooks.co.uk


 Week                Topics Covered                  Google Classroom Resources              Assessment

  1     Lesson 2 - Numbers                          h ps://classroom.google.com/c/M   Worksheets, Homework,
                                                    TU5NTIzMTMzMDA5/a/MTk2MDQ         Google Quizzes,
                                                    1NjkwMzc5/details                 Green-penning, Google Docs

h ps://classroom.google.com/c/M

  2     Lesson 2 - Numbers                    h ps://classroom.google.com/c/M   Worksheets, Homework,
                                              TU5NTIzMTMzMDA5/a/MTk2OTU5        Google Quizzes,
                                              ODgyMDIz/details                  Green-penning, Google Docs

  3     Lesson 2 - Number Assessment          ***Lessons not taught and         Timed Google Quiz -
                                              therefore not posted to Google    completed during lesson me
                                              Classroom, as of yet
  4     Lesson 3 - Characters                                                   Worksheets, Homework,
                                                                                Google Quizzes,
                                                                                Green-penning, Google Docs

  5     Lesson 3 - Characters                                                   Worksheets, Homework,
                                                                                Google Quizzes,
                                                                                Green-penning, Google Docs

  6     Lesson 3 - Characters Assessment                                        Timed Google Quiz -
                                                                                completed during lesson me


Week              Topics Covered              Google Classroom Resources              Assessment

 1     Language reading and wri ng skills

 2     ● Recap on ‘ Macbeth’ - Presenta on   Department booklet                 ●   Worksheet
         of Macbeth in the play so far.                                         ●   Short answers
                                                                                ●   Q&A

 3     Exploring Lady Macbeth’s character    h ps://www.youtube.com/watch       ●   Quizzes
       ● Act 1 Scene 6                              ?v=yp4cRArP21U              ●   Mul ple choice
       ● Act 1 Scene 7                       h ps://www.youtube.com/watch           ques ons
       ● Consolidate knowledge of Act 1

 4     Act 2 Scene 1:                        h ps://www.youtube.com/watc        ●   Worksheet
       ● Dagger scene                        h?v=pusU90ov8pQ                    ●   Short answers
       ● A deed without a name (Regicide)                                       ●   Q&A

 5     Act 3 Scene 3&4                       Google Slides                      ●   Quizzes
       ● A New Dawn - Banquet scene                                             ●   Mul ple choice
       ● Banquo’s death                                                             ques ons

 6     ● Exploring the supernatural -        h ps://www.youtube.com/watch       ●   Short answer quizzes.
       Hecate                                ?v=-fRMtlB_d2A


Paper 1: Hazardous Earth

Week                Topics Covered               Google Classroom Resources          Assessment

  1     Global Atmospheric Circula on          Oak Na onal Academy: Global     Memory Pla orm
                                               Atmospheric Circula on          True or False Quiz
        Natural Climate Change                 Oak Na onal Academy: Global     ‘Hands Up’ Polling
                                               Atmospheric Circula on 2        Google Forms
                                               Oak Na onal Academy: Climate    Kahoot
                                               Change                          Targeted Ques oning

  2     Global Warming                         Oak Na onal Academy: Climate    Memory Pla orm
                                               Change                          True or False Quiz
        Impacts of Global Warming                                              ‘Hands Up’ Polling
                                                                               Google Forms
                                                                               Targeted Ques oning

  3     Impacts of Global Warming ESQ          Oak Na onal Academy: Climate    Memory Pla orm
                                               Change                          True or False Quiz
        Distribu on and Forma on of Tropical                                   ‘Hands Up’ Polling
        Storms                                 Oak Na onal Academy: Tropical   Google Forms
                                               Storms                          Kahoot
                                                                               Targeted Ques oning

  4     Impacts of Tropical Storms             Oak Na onal Academy: Tropical   Memory Pla orm
                                               Storms                          True or False Quiz
        Typhoon Haiyan                                                         ‘Hands Up’ Polling
                                                                               Google Forms
        Hurricane Katrina                                                      Kahoot
                                                                               Targeted Ques oning

  5     Earth Structure                        Oak Na onal Academy: Tectonic   Memory Pla orm
                                               Hazards                         True or False Quiz
        Plate Boundaries                                                       ‘Hands Up’ Polling
                                                                               Google Forms
        Earthquakes                                                            Kahoot
                                                                               Targeted Ques oning

  6     Volcanoes                              Oak Na onal Academy: Tectonic   Memory Pla orm
                                               Hazards                         True or False Quiz
        HIC Case Study: Kilauea, Hawaii                                        ‘Hands Up’ Polling
                                                                               Google Forms
        LIC Case Study: Mt Pinatubo                                            Kahoot
                                                                               Targeted Ques oning


Crime and Punishment through me, 1250-present

Week               Topics Covered               Google Classroom Resources              Assessment

  1    Prison reformers, 1750-1900          h ps://www.paigntononline.com        True or False Quiz
       Elizabeth Fry and John Howard        /gcse-history-the-work-of-elizabet   Memory Pla orms
                                            h-fry-and-robert-peel-in-prison-re   Exam style ques ons
                                            form/                                Hands up polls
                                                                                 Targeted ques oning
                                                                                 Google forms

  2    Prison changes, 1750-1900            h ps://www.youtube.com/watch True or False Quiz
       The Silent and Separate System       ?v=uVJ3nK4KTlc&feature=emb_ t Memory Pla orms
                                            le                            Exam style ques ons
                                                                          Hands up polls
                                                                          Targeted ques oning
                                                                          Google forms

  3    Modern Period, 1900-present          h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/g      True or False Quiz
       Overview                             uides/zt93tyc/revision/1             Memory Pla orms
                                                                                 Exam style ques ons
                                                                                 Hands up polls
                                                                                 Targeted ques oning
                                                                                 Google forms

  4    New crimes, 1900-present             h ps://www.youtube.com/watch         True or False Quiz
       Policing, 1900-present               ?v=pHRi32ezrPs                       Memory Pla orms
                                                                                 Exam style ques ons
                                                                                 Hands up polls
                                                                                 Targeted ques oning
                                                                                 Google forms

  5    Capital Punishment, 1900-present     h ps://www.youtube.com/watch         True or False Quiz
       Aboli on of the Death Penalty        ?v=HKCU_uSNgDs                       Memory Pla orms
                                                                                 Exam style ques ons
                                                                                 Hands up polls
                                                                                 Targeted ques oning
                                                                                 Google forms

  6    Prison changes, 1900-present         h ps://www.youtube.com/watch         True or False Quiz
       Young offenders and alterna ve        ?v=IRf-tkRItLc                       Memory Pla orms

punishments                                                     Exam style ques ons
                                                                       Hands up polls
                                                                       Targeted ques oning
                                                                       Google forms


Year 10 Higher

Week               Topics Covered         Google Classroom Resources         Assessment

  1     Standard form to ordinary         10ma1 qutngfq                Self assessment, teacher
                                          10ma2 bvxmvsb                feedback and hegarty
                                          10ma3 wjxms4d                maths

  2     Adding numbers in standard form   10ma1 qutngfq                Self assessment, teacher
                                          10ma2 bvxmvsb                feedback and hegarty
                                          10ma3 wjxms4d                maths

  3     Calcula ng percentage change      10ma1 qutngfq                Self assessment, teacher
                                          10ma2 bvxmvsb                feedback and hegarty
                                          10ma3 wjxms4d                maths
                                                                       Memri Assessment

  4     Scale diagrams                    10ma1 qutngfq                Self assessment, teacher
                                          10ma2 bvxmvsb                feedback and hegarty
                                          10ma3 wjxms4d                maths

  5     Loci on a scale diagram           10ma1 qutngfq                Self assessment, teacher
                                          10ma2 bvxmvsb                feedback and hegarty
                                          10ma3 wjxms4d                maths

  6     Interpre ng sca er diagrams       10ma1 qutngfq                Self assessment, teacher
                                          10ma2 bvxmvsb                feedback and hegarty
                                          10ma3 wjxms4d                maths
                                                                       Memri Assessment

Year 10 Higher Founda on

Week               Topics Covered         Google Classroom Resources         Assessment

  1      Conver ng between frac ons,      10ma1 qutngfq                Self assessment, teacher
         decimals and percentages         10ma2 bvxmvsb                feedback and hegarty
                                          10ma3 wjxms4d                maths

  2      Convert from a percentage to a   10ma1 qutngfq                Self assessment, teacher

frac on                                  10ma2 bvxmvsb                    feedback and hegarty
                                                 10ma3 wjxms4d                    maths

  3     Wri ng ra os as frac ons                 10ma1 qutngfq                    Self assessment, teacher
                                                 10ma2 bvxmvsb                    feedback and hegarty
                                                 10ma3 wjxms4d                    maths

                                                                                  Memri Assessment

  4     Simple interest                          10ma1 qutngfq                    Self assessment, teacher
                                                 10ma2 bvxmvsb                    feedback and hegarty
                                                 10ma3 wjxms4d                    maths

  5     Index form                               10ma1 qutngfq                    Self assessment, teacher
                                                 10ma2 bvxmvsb                    feedback and hegarty
                                                 10ma3 wjxms4d                    maths

  6     Square numbers, square roots             10ma1 qutngfq                    Self assessment, teacher
                                                 10ma2 bvxmvsb                    feedback and hegarty
                                                 10ma3 wjxms4d                    maths

                                                                                  Memri Assessment


 Week                Topics Covered              Google Classroom Resources              Assessment

  1     Current and future study and             10A/FR1 mez7wea                  Homework sheet
        employment                               L'année prochaine-Week 1         h ps://drive
        Educa on post-16                                                          h ps://drive.google.
        -ce qui/ce que… c’est… sentence          Educa on-post16-gcse-founda o
        pa ern                                   n-french-knowledge-organiser-W
                                                 eek 1.pdf

                                                 Educa on-post16-gcse-french-hi
                                                 gher- er-knowledge-organiser-
                                                 Week 1.pdf

                                                 Grammar 1. Ce que v. Ce
                                                 qui...Week 1

  2     Educa on post-16                         10A/FR1 mez7wea                  Worksheet
        -future tense introduced for eg future                                    h ps://docs.google
                                                 h ps://docs.google
        study plans
                                                 h ps://docs.google
                                                 h ps://docs.google.

  3     Educa on post-16                         10A/FR1 mez7wea                  Quizlet test

-building on si clauses with present
                                                h ps://docs.google.
        and future
                                                h ps://drive.google
                                                h ps://drive.google

                                                h ps://drive.google
                                                h ps://docs.google
                                                h ps://docs.google

  4     Educa on post-16                        10A/FR1 mez7wea                    Worksheet
        -more complex two verb structures
                                                h ps://docs.google.
        (avoir l’inten on de/avoir envie
        de/avoir le droit de)

  5     Educa on post-16                                                           Extended wri ng
                                                h ps://docs.google.
        -using idioma c expressions to
        improve wri ng and speaking             Using French idioms 12.1H Week

  6     Educa on post-16                        10A/FR1 mez7wea                    End of unit test yourself
        -Transla on skills                      GCSE-Gap-Fill-Transla on.Week
                                                6 (Transla ons 10,11,12 + As)


 Week               Topics Covered              Google Classroom Resources                Assessment

  1     Education post-16                                                          Verbal feedback
        G ¿Qué voy a hacer?                                                        Google Docs
        (Talking about options at 16)
                                                                                   Self assessment
        Revising si clauses
        Learning infinitives with voy a                                            Kerboodle Founda on
                                                                                   pp 158-159
                                                                                   Kerboodle worksheets

  2     F ¿Trabajar o estudiar?                                                    Verbal feedback
        (Discussing choices at 18: work or                                         Google Docs
                                                                                   Self assessment
        Using lo que and lo + adjective
        Learning common suffixes                                                   Kerboodle Founda on
                                                                                   pp 160-161
                                                                                   Kerboodle worksheets

  3     H ¿Vale la pena ir a la universidad?    11.1h_ws01 The present             Verbal feedback
        (Talking about the benefits of higher   subjunctive after expressions of   Google Docs
        education)                              time                               Self assessment
        Using the present subjunctive after     11.1h_ws02 Making deduc ons
        expressions of time                                                        Kerboodle Higher
                                                in reading and listening           pp 160-161
        Making deductions in reading and
                                                11.1h_ws03 Listening               Kerboodle worksheets


    4      Foundation Grammar practice                                                 Verbal feedback
           Using cuánto/a/os/as                                                        Google Docs
           Using expressions with tener                                                Self assessment
           Verbs of wanting and planning
           Revising adjectives                                                         Kerboodle Founda on
                                                                                       pp 166–167
                                                                                       Kerboodle worksheets

5          Higher Grammar practice                                                     Verbal feedback
           Using expressions with tener                                                Google Docs
           Using the infinitives of reflexive verbs
                                                                                       Self assessment
           Revising adjectives
           Forming and using the past continuous                                       Kerboodle Higher
           tense                                                                       pp 166–167
                                                                                       Kerboodle worksheets

6          Educa on post-16                                                            Homework: End of unit
           Topic Revision                                                              test yourself
           Transla on                                                                  Set on Kerboodle


    Week                Topics Covered                 Google Classroom Resources             Assessment

     1      Exploring S muli                          h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/   S muli brainstorm -
            Cri cally analysing s muli and            guides/zk6gscw/revision/1        whole-class collabora on
            selec ng those with the most                                               Discussion
            drama c poten al.

     2      Drama c structure                         h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/   Google Quiz
            Presen ng plot and narra ve               guides/zvph2sg/revision/1
            Theatre Prac oners
            Explora on of a range of performance
            theories and prac ce.

     3      Form, style and genre                     h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/   Genre Wars prac cal
            Deepening understanding of the            guides/zdp4vk7/revision/1        exercise
            characteris cs of drama c work

     4      Language                                  h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/   Mini-script submissions
            Focus on crea ng dialogue that            guides/zj2vhbk/revision/4
            communicates drama c inten on and
            implies subtext

     5      Developing an idea                        h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/   Peer assessment of script
            Using a range of techniques and           guides/zn4xwty/revision/1        sample
            conven ons to develop drama c

6     Staging and stage posi oning           h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/     300-400 word plan
                                                      guides/zv8h7nb/revision/1          submission
               Explora on of how the performance
               is arranged and presented to an        h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/
               audience.                              guides/zbwnmfr/revision/1
               The use of space and spa al
               rela onships on stage


Week            Topics Covered             Google classroom link                       Assessment

     1       Health, fitness and         h ps://www.youtube.com/wat   Forma ve assessment:
             well-being                 ch?v=-lxg-35Xo_o             Google quiz. Nearpod, Extended wri ng and
                                        h ps://www.youtube.com/wat   Presenta on
             Lifestyle choices          ch?v=-kG41p8vSOU
     2                                                                Forma ve assessment:
                                        h ps://www.youtube.com/wat
                                                                     Google quiz. Nearpod, Extended wri ng and
                                                                     Presenta on

     3       Health, fitness and         h ps://www.youtube.com/wat   Forma ve assessment:
             well-being Diet            ch?v=LCA4EEyCBCE             Google quiz. Nearpod, Extended wri ng and
                                        h ps://www.youtube.com/wat   Presenta on

     4       Health, fitness and                                      Forma ve assessment:
             well-being- Fitness        h ps://www.youtube.com/wat   Google quiz. Nearpod, Extended wri ng and
                                        ch?v=djcuGZBOCoY             Presenta on
                                        h ps://www.youtube.com/wat

     5       Assessment                                              Summa ve assessment
                                                                     End of unit test with presenta on


 Week                  Topics Covered                  Google classroom link                  Assessment

     1        The origin of the universe         h ps://www.truetube.co.uk/film/ev      True or False Quiz
                                                 olu on-god-science                    Memory Pla orms
                                                                                       Exam style ques ons
                                                                                       Hands up polls
                                                                                       Targeted ques oning
                                                                                       Google forms

2      The value of the world               h ps://www.truetube.co.uk/film/ev   True or False Quiz
                                              olu on-god-science                 Memory Pla orms
                                                                                 Exam style ques ons
                                                                                 Hands up polls
                                                                                 Targeted ques oning
                                                                                 Google forms

  3      The use and abuse of the             h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guid True or False Quiz
         environment                          es/zr3c7ty/revision/3              Memory Pla orms
                                                                                 Exam style ques ons
                                                                                 Hands up polls
                                                                                 Targeted ques oning
                                                                                 Google forms

  4      Animal rights                        h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/relig True or False Quiz
                                              ions/chris anity/chris anethics/ani Memory Pla orms
                                              mals_1.shtml                        Exam style ques ons
                                                                                  Hands up polls
                                                                                  Targeted ques oning
                                                                                  Google forms

  5      The origin of human life             h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guid True or False Quiz
                                              es/z227cj6/test                    Memory Pla orms
                                                                                 Exam style ques ons
                                                                                 Hands up polls
                                                                                 Targeted ques oning
                                                                                 Google forms

  6      Euthanasia                           h ps://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/relig True or False Quiz
                                              ions/chris anity/chris anethics/eut Memory Pla orms
                                              hanasia_1.shtml                     Exam style ques ons
                                                                                  Hands up polls
                                                                                  Targeted ques oning
                                                                                  Google forms


Year Group: 10S1

 Week              Topics Covered                Google Classroom Resources               Assessment

   1     B5 - Communicable Diseases           Kerboodle pages - 74 - 75            Google form quiz
         B5.1 - B5.2 Health and disease and

Pathogens                                                           Kerboodle quiz

   2     B5 - Communicable Diseases          Kerboodle pages - 78 - 81       Google form quiz
         B5.3 & B5.4 - Growing Bacteria in                                   Kerboodle quiz
         the Lab and Preven ng Bacterial                                     EOT

   3     B5 - Communicable Diseases          Kerboodle pages - 84 - 89       Google form quiz
         B5.5 - B5.8- Viral, Bacterial and                                   Kerboodle quiz
         fungi and pro sts diseases                                          EOT

   4     B5 - Communicable Diseases          Kerboodle pages - 90 - 95       Google form quiz
         B5.9 - B5.11 - Human defense                                        Kerboodle quiz
         response, plant disease and                                         EOT
         response reac ons

   5     B5 - Communicable Diseases End of                                   Google form quiz
         topic test                                                          Kerboodle quiz

   6     End of half term 3 assessment

Year Group: 10S2

Week               Topics Covered               Google Classroom Resources         Assessment

   1     Topic C4 Chemical calcula ons       Kerboodle resources - 72 - 73   Quiz
         C4.6 Expressing concentra ons                                       Exam ques ons

   2     Topic P5 Electricity in the home    Kerboodle resources 64 - 65     Quiz
         P5.1 Alterna ng current                                             Exam ques ons

   3     Topic P5 Electricity in the home    Kerboodle resources - 66 - 67   Quiz
         P5.2 Cables and plugs                                               Exam ques ons

   4     Topic P5 Electricity in the home    Kerboodle resources - 68 - 69   Quiz
         P5.3 Electrical power and                                           Exam ques ons
         poten al difference                                                  Worksheet

   5     Topic P5 Electricity in the home    Kerboodle resources - 70 - 71   Quiz
         P5.4 Electrical currents and                                        Exam ques ons
         energy transfer                                                     Worksheet

   6     Topic P5 Electricity in the home    Kerboodle resources - 72 - 73   Quiz
         P5.5 Appliances and efficiency                                        Exam ques ons

Year Group: 10S2

 Week              Topics Covered                     Google classroom link             Assessment
   1     B4 - Organising animals and plants    Kerboodle resources - 62 - 65     Google form quiz
         B4.6 - B5.7 - Tissues and Transport                                     Kerboodle quiz
         Systems in plants                                                       EOT

   2     B4 - Organising animals and plants    Kerboodle resources - 68 - 69     Google form quiz
         B4.8 - B4.9 Factors affec ng                                             Kerboodle quiz
         transpira on                                                            EOT

   3     B4 - Organising animals and plants                                      Google form quiz
         B4 End of topic test                                                    Kerboodle quiz

   4     B5 - Communicable Diseases            Kerboodle resources - - 74 - 77   Google form quiz
         B5.1 - B5.2 Health and disease and                                      Kerboodle quiz
         Pathogens                                                               EOT

   5     B5 - Communicable Diseases            Kerboodle resources - 90 - 91     Google form quiz
         B5.3 & B5.47- Preven ng Disease                                         Kerboodle quiz
         and Human Defense Responses                                             EOT

   6     End of half term 3 assessment

Year Group: 10S3 - PHYSICS

 Week              Topics Covered                     Google classroom link             Assessment

   1     lockdown                                                                Lockdown

   2     Topic P5 Electricity in the home      Kerboodle resources 64 - 65       Quiz
         P5.1 Alterna ng current                                                 Exam ques ons

   3     Topic P5 Electricity in the home      Kerboodle resources - 66 - 67     Quiz
         P5.2 Cables and plugs                                                   Exam ques ons

   4     Topic P5 Electricity in the home      Kerboodle resources - 68 - 69     Quiz
         P5.3 Electrical power and                                               Exam ques ons
         poten al difference                                                      Worksheet

   5     Topic P5 Electricity in the home      Kerboodle resources - 70 - 71     Quiz
         P5.4 Electrical currents and                                            Exam ques ons
         energy transfer                                                         Worksheet

   6     Topic P5 Electricity in the home      Kerboodle resources - 72 - 73     Quiz

P5.5 Appliances and efficiency                                                Exam ques ons

Year Group: 10S3

 Week                Topics Covered                        Google classroom link             Assessment

   1       B4 - Organising animals and plants        Kerboodle resources - 62 - 65     Google form quiz
           B4.6 - B5.7 - Tissues and Transport                                         Kerboodle quiz
           Systems in plants                                                           EOT

   2       B4 - Organising animals and plants        Kerboodle resources - 68 - 69     Google form quiz
           B4.8 - B4.9 Factors affec ng                                                 Kerboodle quiz
           transpira on                                                                EOT

   3       B4 - Organising animals and plants                                          Google form quiz
           B4 End of topic test                                                        Kerboodle quiz

   4       C5 - Chemical Reac ons and Energy         Kerboodle resources - 84 - 89     Google form quiz
           Changes                                                                     Kerboodle quiz
           C5.1 -C5.2 - The Reac vity Series and                                       EOT
           Displacement Reac ons
           C5.3 - Extrac ng Metals

   5       C5 - Chemical Reac ons and Energy         Kerboodle resources - 90 - 93     Google form quiz
           Changes                                                                     Kerboodle quiz
           C5.4 & C5.5 - Salts from metals & salts                                     EOT
           from insoluble bases

   6       End of half term 3 assessment

Year Group: 10T1

  Week                  Topics Covered                         Google classroom link           Assessment

       4    C4 – Balancing equa ons using              Kerboodle pages - 66 - 67         Exam
            moles                                                                        ques ons/Google
            C4 – Reac ng Masses                                                          Form Quizzes/
                                                                                         Kerboodle Quizzes/
                                                                                         Work submission/
                                                                                         Starter quiz feedback

5      C4 – Reac ng masses and yield   Kerboodle pages - 68 - 69, 70 - 71     Exam
           C4 – Atom Economy                                                      ques ons/Google
                                                                                  Form Quizzes/
                                                                                  Kerboodle Quizzes/
                                                                                  Work submission/
                                                                                  Starter quiz feedback

    6      C4 - Concentra on               Kerboodle pages - 74 - 77              Exam
           C4 – Titra ons and Titra on                                            ques ons/Google
           Calcula ons                                                            Form Quizzes/
                                                                                  Kerboodle Quizzes/
                                                                                  Work submission/
                                                                                  Starter quiz feedback


Week               Topics Covered           Google Classroom Resources                Assessment

1       Health Care Services               h ps://health-services-defini on      Forma ve and summa ve
                                           -types-providers.html                Coursework

2       Types of healthcare services       h ps://www.cqc.org.uk/guidance Forma ve and summa ve
                                           -providers/regula ons-enforcem Coursework task

3       Types of barriers in accessing     h ps://www.tes.com/teaching-re       Forma ve and summa ve
        healthcare                         source/health-and-social-care-ba     Coursework task

4       Barriers to accessing healthcare   h ps://www.barriers+to+accessi       Forma ve and summa ve
                                           ng+healthcare+uk&h                   Coursework task

5       Ways of overcoming barriers        h ps://www.barriers+to+accessi       Forma ve and summa ve
                                           ng+healthcare+uk&h                   Coursework task

6       Jus fica on of sugges ons           h ps://www.barriers+to+accessi       Forma ve and summa ve
                                           ng+healthcare+uk&h                   Coursework task

  Year 10          P1         P2          P3          P4          P5         P6
             10A/Rs1    10E1/En     10C/Ar1     10C/Ar1     10B/Gg1    10B/Gg1
             LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        GOOGLE      LIVE       GOOGLE
                                                CLASSROOM              CLASSROOM
             10A/Sp2    10E2/En     10C/Cp1     10C/Cp1     10B/Hi1    10B/Hi1
  Monday     LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        LIVE        LIVE       GOOGLE
             10A/Wb2    10E3/En     10C/Dr1     10C/Dr1     10B/Hs1    10B/Hs1
             LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        GOOGLE      LIVE       GOOGLE
                                                CLASSROOM              CLASSROOM

             10M1/Pe    10M1/Pe     10C/Ar1     10B/Gg1     10M1/Ts    10M1/Ts
             LIVE       GOOGLE      LIVE        LIVE        LIVE       LIVE
             10M2/Sc    10M2/Sc     10C/Cp1     10B/Hi1     10M2/Ma    10M2/Ma
             LIVE       LIVE        GOOGLE      LIVE        LIVE       LIVE
             10M3/Sc    10M3/Sc     10C/Dr1     10B/Hs1     10M3/Ma    10M3/Ma
             LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        LIVE        LIVE       LIVE

             10M1/Ma    10M1/Ma     10A/Fr1     10A/Fr1     10E1/En    10E1/En
             LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        GOOGLE      LIVE       LIVE
             10M2/Ma    10M2/Ma     10A/Rs3     10A/Rs3     10E2/En    10E2/En
 Wednesday   LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        GOOGLE      LIVE       LIVE
             10M3/Ma    10M3/Ma     10A/Sp1     10A/Sp1     10E3/En    10E3/En
             LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        GOOGLE      LIVE       LIVE

             10E1/En    10A/Rs1     10M1/Ma     10M1/Ma     10M1/Ts    10M1/Ts
             LIVE       GOOGLE      LIVE        LIVE        LIVE       LIVE
             10E2/En    10A/Sp1     10M2/Pe     10M2/Pe     10M2/Sc    10M2/Sc
  Thursday   LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        GOOGLE      LIVE       LIVE
             10E3/En    10A/Wb3     10M3/Pe     10M3/Pe     10M3/Sc    10M3/Sc
             LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        GOOGLE      LIVE       LIVE

             10E1/En    10E1/En     10A/Rs2     10A/Fr1     10M1/Ts    10M1/Ma
             LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        GOOGLE      LIVE       LIVE
             10E2/En    10E2/En     10A/Sp2     10A/Rs2     10M2/Ma    10M2/Sc
   Friday    LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        GOOGLE      LIVE       LIVE
             10E3/En    10E3/En     10A/Wb1     10A/Sp2     10M3/Sc    10M3/Ma
             LIVE       LIVE        LIVE        GOOGLE      LIVE       LIVE

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