Page created by Eduardo Carter
              Friday 20th November 2020                            Newsletter Number 11
                    TOGETHER WE CAN ACHIEVE MORE
                 Respect Effort Achieve Care Honesty
Dear Parents and Carers

It was lovely to see all of the children’s Christmas Cards this week ordered from IQ
cards. We have some talented artists. Congratulations to Harry Collins, Harper
Hemmings, Joshua Hastie and Bella Cousins whose designs have been chosen this year
for our school Christmas Card.
This week we have taken part in national anti-bullying week. Every week is anti-
bullying - as we focus on our school REACH values – but this week it has been lovely
hearing the children re-inforce the message that it is ok to be different but we are
united in making sure that we care for each other. We stand up against unkind actions
which can lead to bullying and we support one other. Children have expressed this
message through a range of ways. Please see below. We will continue to re-inforce this
message throughout the year.
We were able to allow the immunisation team into school in a covid secure way to carry
out flu immunisations this week.
Thank you to everyone who took part in our parent survey. The results are on the
website – see link below. Thank you for all your positive comments and for your
feedback. We do value all feedback we receive so that we ensure that Holly Lodge
continues to be the school of choice in the community. I feel very privileged to be head
of such a wonderful community of children, parents and staff.


Have a great weekend – keep smiling and keep enjoying the positives. We will get
through these strange times together. Mrs Dancer Academy Head

Mrs Dancer
Academy Head

                 New Inset Day Confirmed – Monday 4th January 2021

                 School office opening times 8.30am – 3.30pm Monday to Friday 01252 548390
"United Against Bullying" at Holly Lodge!
   This week has been anti-bullying week and our theme has been "united against bullying". Thank you to
 everyone who took part in odd socks day to start the week - it helped us to think about our differences and
 celebrate how we are all unique! We have had an action-packed week writing poems, doing drama, making
posters and creating artwork to re-enforce our anti bullying message. Please have a look at the anti-bullying
page and policy on our website if you would like more information about how we prevent and tackle bullying
                                               at Holly Lodge.

            #safeguardingmatters                                                         HLSA Christmas goodie
  At Holly Lodge, we know that showing kindness can                                      bags are now on sale!
  mean so much to someone else. Small gestures can
have a large impact and often one act of kindness can                                        We have put together a
 lead to more. This is can be especially the case when                                    selection of items we would
        we are interacting with others on-line.                                           usually sell at the Christmas
   The attached guide suggests a few simple ‘acts of          Fair for a bit of fun at home instead - reindeer food,
   kindness online’ that can benefit people’s mental             craft activity, puzzle, a treat and hot chocolate
health, support their wellbeing and encourage a more          reindeer. We are raising money to improve the year
         positive approach to engaging online.               3/4 playground and really appreciate your help. Bags
  In the guide, you'll find tips such as offering to help    can be purchased from www.hlsahub.co.uk and cost
  others, share positive posts and thinking before you          £3.50 - they will be delivered to your child's class
                         comment.                              during the last week of term (or at home if you're
                HLSA Coinathon
                  Many congratulations to Robins who         If you would like to spread a little festive cheer, there
                     had to call in the HLSA for an              is now the option to "donate a Christmas bag".
                  emergency counting session their jar        Donated bags will be distributed to a couple of local
                   was full! Many thanks to everyone           groups operating from the chapel at Ash Vale who
                    who contributed there was over              provide food parcels for local people. Christmas is
                   £190!! Please keep sending in your        often a difficult time, but this year will be particularly
                      spare coins with your child.                    hard for many, but every little helps.

                      Elf Run – Friday 4th December 2020
                      Your child will have brought home a sponsorship form this week. The children will be running in
                      their bubbles on Friday 4th December to raise funds for the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice. The charity
                      request a minimum sponsorship of £2 per child to cover the cost of the Elf hat which each child
                      will receive.
                      Last year we raised a fantastic amount of money for the charity with our Reindeer run so it would
                      be wonderful to be able to support them again this year.
                      Every Friday in December children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper if they would like to
                      and especially for this event.

                       School office opening times 8.30am – 3.30pm Monday to Friday 01252 548390
Year 5 Parliament Workshop
       On the 16th November 20202, Giraffes and Zebras took part in a parliament workshop on teams. It started at 2
          o'clock and ended at 3 o'clock. Steff and Julie, who worked for parliament, were on there to teach us and
       answer all our questions about parliament. We all sat down in our classroom and they were on the board ready
       to talk to us. It was very fun and I feel that we all have a better understanding of parliament and how it works.
                                                         – by Ruby Graves

       On Monday 16th November 2020, we had some people talk to us about the Houses of Parliament. They told us
       that there are two houses inside. The first one they talked about was the House of Commons which is where they
       talk about the new laws. Boris Johnson is allowed in there. Then they talked about the House of Lords, which
       Boris Johnson isn't allowed in - by Jemima Staines
                     Access to the School Building                                Scholastic Book Club

       Parents should not enter any part of the school building,
       unless by prior arrangement. Should you wish to meet with
                                                                      Thank you to everyone
       your child’s class teacher, please contact the office to       who ordered from our
       arrange an appointment.                                        Scholastic Book Club. We
                                                                      are delighted to let you
       There is currently no access to the office unless by prior
       appointment, so please contact the office by phone or          know that thanks to your
       email for any queries.                                         support we earned £95 to spend on books for
                                                                      the school!
       If you have anything to hand in (e.g. forms or other
       paperwork) please send them in with your child to hand to
       the class teacher, who will then be able to pass onto the      Please look out for our next Book Club to order
       appropriate person on your behalf. You can also use the        great books at great prices and earn loads of
       post box by the main front gates for dropping off any forms.   free books for our school while you do.
       Thank you for helping to keep our school safe.

       This week Year 6 have been learning about Divali, here are some of their lovely Rangoon designs.

                               School office opening times 8.30am – 3.30pm Monday to Friday 01252 548390
Dates for the Year 2020 - 2021
   November 2020
   23rd – 27th Relationships and Sex Education Week
   26th Y5 Tudor Day (pupils may come to school in Tudor costume)

   December 2020
   4th Elf Run for Phyllis Tuckwell (details to follow)
   9th Pupil Christmas Lunch (details to follow)
   15th Class Christmas parties (details to follow)
   18th Last day of term – School finishes at the end of lunchtime (“The Lodge” after school club open until

   INSET Days
   4th January 2021
   21st July 2021

   Further INSET days to be announced. Please note INSET days may be subject to change.
   More dates for the Autumn term will follow in due course. Due to the Covid-19 crisis, all dates and events may be subject to change. New
   dates added in red.

       Bronze Award Ava Fitzpatrick, Ami-Lee Sheffield, Emilie Bland, Jack Whelligan, Kayla-Mae Smart, Max Bland, Ava
       Wallace, Marni Clowes, Imogen Hoy, Alfie Carpenter-Boyle, Jake Thain, Joshua Hastie, Ella Chick, Anastasia Jones, Polly
       Suffield, Annabelle Murphy, Layla Rose Cacciatore, Evie Michaels, Isla Eighteen, Aiden Jackson, James Mason, Frederick
Shubrook, April Wheeler, Tamim Adi, Sophie Barnes, Emily Thompson, Natalia Janiaczyk-Grosvenor, Sebastian Steadman, Harley
Chick, Sanya Singh, Jack Thoday, Freyja Wilson, Theo Benger, Olivier Jedrysiak, Ruby Barlow, Samuel Lawrence, Isabelle Brown,
Henry Chaplin, Yvie Gregory, Rehaf Shehada, Molly Burke, Jemima Staines, James Thornhill, Charlie Lang, Alfie Cooney

                                               Star of the week
 Date           Class          Name                Teacher Comments
                                                              Todd is always helpful, but this week he has been a superstar! He is
                                                              always looking around to see how he can be kind to others by helping
 20/11/2020         Giraffes             Todd Wallace
                                                              them with their learning, tidying up or making sure they are ok. What a
                                                              wonderful example of care and respect for others.

                                                              Vinnie is star of the week for taking ownership of his learning. He is
 20/11/2020         Tigers                                    working with increased effort and has been asking to work in a different
                                                              place to help him focus. Well done Vinnie. Keep up the excellent effort!

                                                              Laura has been an excellent role model this week to the rest of the
                                                              class. She has been so kind, and so helpful to everybody which has
 20/11/2020         Zebras               Laura Giedziun       been so lovely to see. She has also been contributing a lot in lessons
                                                              and putting a lot of effort in to her work. Well done Laura, keep up the
                                                              great work!
                                                              Adam is a very keen reader. He reads A LOT of times at home each
                                         Adam                 week! His fluency and comprehension skills are improving and he has
 20/11/2020         Sharks
                                         Trawczynski          recently moved up another reading level. Well done Adam - keep up
                                                              the hard work.
                                                              Scott has shown great enthusiasm for learning this week. He has been
 20/11/2020         Penguins                                  making lots of sensible contributions to class discussions and worked
                                                              really hard to ensure he has completed all his work.
                                                              Sophie has been a super independent learner. Despite her partner
                                                              being away for much of the week and having to work on her own, she
 20/11/2020         Chipmunks            Sophie Clark         has continued to be enthusiastic during tasks and worked hard to
                                                              complete things to a high standard, such as her antibullying poster.
                                                              Well done Sophie!

                         School office opening times 8.30am – 3.30pm Monday to Friday 01252 548390
Congratulations for being our Star this week Gracie. Gracie is a real
                                                role model in class and is really starting to gain more confidence and
                              Gracie Mae
20/11/2020   Rabbits                            pushing herself to do the best she possibly can. Well done Gracie you
                                                have really worked hard and it's lovely to see you really focused in all
                                                aspects of your learning :)
                                                George is our star of the week, because he always shows our Holly
                                                Lodge values and is an excellent role model for his peers. George has
20/11/2020   Puffins          George Mcnally
                                                an excellent attitude to learning and enjoys giving new things a go! Well
                                                done, George!
                                                Well done for working really hard on your home-learning project about
20/11/2020   Robins                             shops, Alex! We loved watching your interview with your grandad and
                                                looking at the photos of his greengrocers shop. Fantastic effort.

                                                This week, Anastasia has challenged herself in her learning. She has
                                                used her reasoning skills in numeracy to solve complex problems and
20/11/2020   Koalas           Anastasia Jones   explained her thinking clearly to adults. Anastasia is always willing to
                                                contribute in class and aspires to create the best learning that she can.
                                                Anastasia is a great role model for her peers. Well done.

                                                This week Jack has been a Busy Beaver designing a house for the
20/11/2020   Butterflies      Jack Whelligan    three little pigs and making a fantastic model out of the junk modelling.
                                                Great learning Jack!
                                                Well done for being a Rocky Rhino in your phonics and writing this
20/11/2020   Ladybirds        James Charlton
                                                Oliver only joined us two weeks ago, he has settled in well to the class
                                                and school. He has made many contributions to class life and shows
20/11/2020   Lions            Oliver Bridge
                                                great understanding of the Holly Lodge values. I am sure he will have a
                                                great year.
                                                Emily encompasses all of the Holly Lodge values and this week she
                                                has been working really hard in all areas of learning. She has shown
20/11/2020   Crocodiles       Emily Whelligan   effort in writing instructions, solving multiplication problems in Maths
                                                and even line dancing in PE. It's lovely to have someone who works so
                                                hard in our class. Keep it up, Emily!

                  School office opening times 8.30am – 3.30pm Monday to Friday 01252 548390
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