Heritage Matters ... more! - Meeting 09-2021 ...

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Heritage Matters ... more! - Meeting 09-2021 ...
From: Ontario Heritage Trust | Fiducie du patrimoine ontarien 
Sent: June 15, 2021 10:41 AM
To: Bolognone,John 
Subject: Heritage Matters ... more! June edition | Questions de patrimoine… toujours plus! Numéro de

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                                                                                                                      June 2021

                              Heritage Matters ... more!

                         Plaque unveiling in October 2017 to commemorate the Anishinaabeg at Lake of Bays

Heritage Matters ... more! - Meeting 09-2021 ...
Up front | Beth Hanna, CEO of the Ontario Heritage Trust

National Indigenous History Month

June is National Indigenous History Month, a time for all Canadians – Indigenous and
non-Indigenous – to reflect on and expand on our knowledge and understanding of the
history, languages, traditions, spirituality, cultures and contributions of First Nations, Inuit
and Métis people. This year, as Indigenous communities again mourn the loss of their
children at residential schools, as we are reminded once more of the systemic attempts to
rob children of their culture, their ties to their communities and to their families, it is a time
to show honour and respect to Canada’s Indigenous peoples.

This is an opportunity for each of us to educate ourselves on the history and heritage of
Canada’s Indigenous peoples, recognizing the diversity among the Nations. With the
spotlight on images of children’s shoes placed lovingly in front of our modern institutions,
let’s take the time to learn about the advanced civilizations, the structures of law and
democracy, the complex economic and social systems, the ways of knowing and ways of
life that existed for millennia before Europeans ever saw the shores of North America.

As we pause and reconsider whose contributions we commemorate in our communities
and classrooms, let’s look at who we’ve missed along the way. We will need to uncover
the gaps in the historical record, to listen to the Elders and Knowledge Keepers to
understand the contributions of Indigenous leaders and Indigenous communities across
what is now Ontario to the fields of science and medicine, land use and the environment,
art and architecture, music and literature, and law and civics.

Today, we strive to find ways to support Indigenous communities in continuing to preserve
the very things that the residential school system sought to diminish – such as language
and traditional ways of life. We question our understanding, as a country and people, of
history and identity. We seek to protect those places that are sacred to Indigenous

As we look towards Canada Day, we can also consider how best to realize the potential of
Canada – one that respects the diversity of cultures and traditions, that is honest in our
telling of history, and is a safe place in which each voice is heard.

Opportunities to learn more

Heritage Matters ... more! - Meeting 09-2021 ...
Watch this video from the CBC on residential schools.

• Review the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s final report,
    as well as the 94 Calls to Action.
• The Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre, based out of Algoma
    University, was recently awarded the 2020 Cornerstone Award by the
    National Trust for Canada. The project, Reclaiming Shingwauk Hall,
    transformed the main halls into a space that showcases the history of the
    residential school system, and the stories of survivors and the children who
    never made it home.
•   Learn about the former Mohawk Institute Residential School with a virtual
    guided tour of the property and its history, produced by the Woodland
    Cultural Centre. You can also virtually tour the school as part of the Centre’s
    Save the Evidence campaign.
•   From Historica Canada, watch a video on the timeline of residential
•   Also from Historica Canada, watch this Heritage Minute on Chanie
•   In 2020, the legacy of the Residential School System was designated as
    nationally significant. In addition, two former school sites were designated

Heritage Matters ... more! - Meeting 09-2021 ...
as national historic sites: Shubenacadie Residential School in Nova
            Scotia and Portage La Prairie Residential School in Manitoba.

          • Anishinabek Nation has lots of resources to help you expand your treaty
          • You can also hear Indigenous leaders speak about treaties and treaty
            relationships here.
          • Learn more about treaty lands and traditional territories.
          • Check out the Secret Life of Canada’s episode on the Indian Film Crew
            who helped make some of the National Film Board’s most groundbreaking
            documentaries, including You Are on Indian Land and Canada’s first
            music video, the Ballad of Crowfoot.
          • The National Film Board has an extensive library of Indigenous films that
            you can watch for free. CBC Gem is also sharing a selection of films and
            documentaries for Indigenous History Month.
          • Get outside and explore Indigenous culture and history along the
            TransCanada Trail.

Videos with the Honourable Murray Sinclair

Heritage Matters ... more! - Meeting 09-2021 ...
• What is reconciliation?
        • Interview with Steve Paikin on TVOntario’s The Agenda (April 13, 2011)
        • Interview with Peter Mansbridge on CBC’s The National (June 1, 2015),
          shown above

There is still more to learn

• Residential Schools: With
           Words and Images of
           Survivors (2014) by Larry
           Loyie, Wayne K. Spear and
           Constance Brissenden
       •   They Came for the
           Children: Canada,
           Aboriginal Peoples, and
           Residential Schools (2012),
           published by The Truth and
           Reconciliation Commission
           of Canada
       •   They Called Me Number
           One: Secrets and Survival
           at an Indian Residential
           School (2012) by Bev
       •   The Education of Augie
           Merasty: A residential
           school memoir (2015) by
           Joseph Auguste Merasty
       •   Up Ghost River: A chief's
           journey through the
           turbulent waters of native
           history (2014) by Edmund
           Metatawabin and Alexandra
       •   A Knock on the Door: The
           Essential History of
           Residential Schools from
           the Truth and
           Commission of Canada
           (2015) by Phil Fontaine,
           Aimee Craft and The Truth
           and Reconciliation
           Commission of Canada

Did you know?

Chief Francis Pegahmagabow is Canada's most
                                    decorated Indigenous soldier. Did you know that he
                                    also played a significant role in Indigenous leadership
                                    after the war, being elected Chief and serving from
                                    1921 to 1925 and from 1942 to 1945, and as a
                                    councillor from 1933 to 1936, demonstrating
                                    peacefully in Ottawa for Aboriginal rights and self-
                                    government and helping to found the Brotherhood of
                                    Canadian Indians, the first national Aboriginal
                                    organization. In 1949 and 1950, he was elected the
                                    supreme Chief of the National Indian Government.
                                    Learn more ...

                                    Photo: Photographed in June 1945 while in Ottawa. Canadian
                                    Museum of History, 95293

                      Share Heritage Matters ... more!
                      with your friends and colleagues

Your support allows the Trust to continue the important work of
conserving the province’s cultural and natural heritage for the
people of Ontario. We invite you to join us.

                                       Give today

The Ontario Heritage Trust envisions an Ontario where
we conserve, value and share the places and landscapes,
histories, traditions and stories that embody our heritage,
now and for future generations.

COVID-19 update: The Trust's sites will be reopening in line with Ontario's Roadmap to
Reopen, the three-step plan to lift public health measures safely and gradually across the
province. For more information, visit www.ontario.ca/reopening. Some of our natural
areas and trails are already open. Doors Open Ontario has gone digital, and we look
forward to seeing you back in communities once it is safe to do so. The Trust continues to
protect and conserve Ontario’s heritage and share our stories. Please check our websites
and follow our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to enjoy exhibits, share stories and
explore the province with us.

                                                                                     Juin 2021

       Questions de patrimoine… toujours plus!

         Dévoilement d’une plaque pour commémorer les Anichinabés à Lake of Bays en octobre 2017

D’entrée de jeu | Beth Hanna, directrice générale de la Fiducie du
patrimoine ontarien

Mois national de l’histoire autochtone

En juin, nous célébrons le Mois national de l’histoire autochtone. Il s’agit d’une occasion
pour tous les Canadiens, autochtones et non-autochtones, de réfléchir et d’approfondir
leurs connaissances sur l’histoire, les langues, les traditions, la spiritualité, les cultures et
les contributions des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis. Cette année, alors que
les communautés autochtones pleurent encore la perte de leurs enfants aux pensionnats
indiens, nous nous rappelons une fois de plus les tentatives systémiques de démunir les
enfants de leur culture, de leurs liens avec leur communauté et leur famille. Il s’agit d’une
occasion de faire honneur et de montrer notre respect aux peuples autochtones du

C’est l’occasion pour chacun d’entre nous de nous éduquer sur l’histoire et le patrimoine
des peuples autochtones du Canada, et de reconnaître la diversité parmi les Nations.
Alors que les projecteurs sont placés sur des images de souliers d’enfants soigneusement
placés devant nos institutions modernes, prenons le temps de nous renseigner sur les
civilisations avancées, les structures du droit et de la démocratie, les systèmes
économiques et sociaux complexes, les modes de connaissances et de vie qui ont existé
pendant des milliers d’années avant que les Européens repèrent les rivages de
l’Amérique du Nord.

Alors que nous nous arrêtons pour réfléchir aux contributions que nous commémorons
dans nos communautés et nos salles de classe, regardons qui nous avons manqué en
chemin. Nous devrons repérer les lacunes dans les écrits historiques, écouter les aînés et
les gardiens du savoir pour comprendre les contributions des leaders autochtones et des
communautés autochtones partout en Ontario dans les domaines de la science et de la
médecine, de l’aménagement du territoire et de l’environnement, de l’art et de
l’architecture, de la musique et de la littérature, et du droit et de l’éducation civique.

Aujourd’hui, nous cherchons à trouver des moyens de soutenir les communautés
autochtones en continuant de préserver exactement ce que le système des pensionnats
indiens a tenté d’abolir, comme les langues et les modes de vie traditionnels. Nous
remettons en question nos connaissances, en tant que pays et peuple, sur notre histoire
et notre identité. Nous cherchons à protéger les endroits sacrés des communautés

À l’approche de la fête du Canada, nous pouvons aussi réfléchir à la meilleure façon de
réaliser le potentiel du Canada; un pays qui respecte la diversité des cultures et des
traditions, qui raconte sa vraie histoire et qui est un endroit sûr où chaque voix se fait

Occasion d’en apprendre davantage

Regardez cette vidéo de la CBC sur les pensionnats indiens.

• Consultez le rapport final de la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation
  du Canada, et les 94 appels à l’action.
• Le Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre à l’Université d’Algoma a
  récemment reçu le prix Cornerstone 2020 de la Fiducie nationale du
  Canada. Dans le cadre du projet, Reclaiming Shingwauk Hall, les couloirs
  principaux ont été transformés en un espace qui présente l’histoire des
  pensionnats indiens et les histoires des survivants et des enfants qui n’en
  sont jamais ressortis.
• Apprenez-en davantage sur le Mohawk Institute Residential School grâce à
  la visite guidée virtuelle de la propriété et de son histoire produite par le
  Centre culturel de Woodland. Vous pouvez aussi faire une visite virtuelle de
  l’école dans le cadre de la campagne Save the Evidence présentée par le
• Visionnez une vidéo d’Historica Canada sur la chronologie des
  pensionnats indiens.

• Visionnez une autre vidéo d’Historica Canada, Minutes du patrimoine, sur
              Chanie Wenjack.
          • En 2020, l’héritage du système de pensionnats indiens a été désigné un
              événement d’importance historique national. De plus, deux anciens sites de
              pensionnats ont été désignés des sites historiques nationaux : le
              pensionnat indien de Shubenacadie en Nouvelle-Écosse et le
              pensionnat indien de Portage La Prairie au Manitoba.


          • La nation des Anichinabés possède un large éventail de ressources pour
              vous aider à améliorer vos connaissances en matière de traités.
          • Vous pouvez également écouter des leaders autochtones parler des traités
              et des droits découlant des traités ici.
          • Apprenez-en davantage sur les terres cédées en vertu d’un traité et les
              territoires traditionnels.
          • Découvrez l’épisode de Secret Life of Canada consacré au Indian Film
            Crew qui a participé à la production de certains documentaires les plus
            révolutionnaires, y compris You Are on Indian Land et le premier vidéoclip
            canadien, Ballad of Crowfoot.
          • L’Office national du film du Canada possède une grande collection de
            films sur les peuples autochtones que vous pouvez visionner
            gratuitement. CBC Gem partage également une sélection de films et de
            documentaires pour souligner le Mois national de l’histoire autochtone.
          • Sortez et découvrez la culture et l’histoire autochtone le long du sentier

Vidéos avec l’honorable Murray Sinclair

• Qu’est-ce que la réconciliation? Disponible en anglais seulement.
        • Entrevue avec Steve Paikin de TVOntario dans le cadre de l’émission The
          Agenda (13 avril 2011). Disponible en anglais seulement.
        • Entrevue avec Peter Mansbridge de la CBC dans le cadre du bulletin de
          nouvelles, The National (1 juin 2015). Disponible en anglais seulement.

Il y a encore beaucoup à apprendre

• Residential Schools: With
           Words and Images of
           Survivors (2014) par Larry
           Loyie, Wayne K. Spear et
           Constance Brissenden
       •   They Came for the
           Children: Canada,
           Aboriginal Peoples, and
           Residential Schools (2012),
           publié par la Commission de
           vérité et réconciliation du
       •   They Called Me Number
           One: Secrets and Survival
           at an Indian Residential
           School (2012) par Bev
       •   The Education of Augie
           Merasty: A residential
           school memoir (2015) par
           Joseph Auguste Merasty
       •   Up Ghost River: A chief's
           journey through the
           turbulent waters of native
           history (2014) par Edmund
           Metatawabin et Alexandra
       •   A Knock on the Door: The
           Essential History of
           Residential Schools from
           the Truth and
           Commission of Canada
           (2015) par Phil Fontaine,
           Aimee Craft et la
           Commission de vérité et
           réconciliation du Canada

Le saviez-vous?

Le chef Francis Pegahmagabow est le soldat
                                       autochtone canadien ayant reçu le plus grand nombre
                                       de médailles. Le saviez-vous? Il a également joué un
                                       rôle important dans le leadership autochtone après la
                                       guerre. Il fut élu chef de la bande de 1921 à 1925 et de
                                       1942 à 1945, et conseiller de 1933 à 1936. Il a
                                       manifesté pacifiquement à Ottawa pour les droits des
                                       Autochtones et l’autonomie gouvernementale. Il a aussi
                                       contribué à former la première organisation autochtone
                                       nationale, la Brotherhood of Canadian Indians. En
                                       1949 et en 1950, il a été élu le chef suprême du
                                       gouvernement national indien. Cliquez ici pour en
                                       savoir plus.

                                       Photo : Photographié en juin 1945 à Ottawa. Musée canadien
                                       de l’histoire, 95293

     Faites découvrir Questions de patrimoine… toujours plus!
                  à vos amis et à vos collègues

Votre soutien permet à la Fiducie de poursuivre son importante
mission de conservation du patrimoine culturel et naturel de la
province dans l’intérêt de la population de l’Ontario. Nous vous
invitons à vous joindre à nous.

                                  Faites un don aujourd'hui

La Fiducie du patrimoine ontarien envisage un Ontario où nous
préservons, valorisons et mettons en commun les lieux, les
paysages, les histoires et les traditions qui incarnent notre
patrimoine, aujourd’hui et pour les générations futures.

Mise à jour au sujet de la COVID-19 : Alors que nous travaillons à leur réouverture, les
   sites culturels de la Fiducie demeurent fermés au public afin de protéger la santé et la
   sécurité des membres du public, du personnel et des partenaires. Certaines de nos aires
   naturelles et certains de nos sentiers sont maintenant ouverts. Portes ouvertes
   Ontario est devenu numérique et nous avons hâte de vous revoir dans les collectivités
   une fois qu’il sera sécuritaire de le faire. La Fiducie continue de protéger et de conserver
   le patrimoine de l’Ontario et de raconter les histoires de notre collectivité. Veuillez visiter
   notre site Web et nous suivre sur notre page Facebook, sur Twitter et sur Instagram pour
   profiter des expositions, présenter des récits et explorer la province avec nous.

Ontario Heritage Trust | Fiducie du patrimoine ontarien | 10 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario
                                          M5C 1J3 Canada

                             Unsubscribe jbolognone@cityofkingston.ca
                           Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
                              Sent by marketing@heritagetrust.on.ca

From: Shirley Bailey
Sent: July 15, 2021 12:36 PM
To: Mayor of Kingston ; Boehme, Ryan N. ;
Doherty,Bridget ; Chapelle,Simon ;
Holland,Mary Rita ; Hutchison,Rob ;
Kiley,Robert ; McLaren,Jeff ; Neill,Jim
; Oosterhof,Gary ; Osanic,Lisa
; Stroud,Peter ; Hill,Wayne
; Fawcett,Elizabeth 
Subject: 1403 Hwy.15 - OHA approval July 13, 2021

Dear Mayor and Councillors

On behalf of the Foundation's board, I am writing with respect to the Hwy. 15 heritage
application which Council approved on Tuesday night, excluding the 8th recommendation of
the Heritage Kingston Committee. We have several concerns relating to the process and the
mistaken assumptions brought forward to Council.

As you know, Heritage Kingston is a group of volunteers (along with two councillors) who put in
a tremendous amount of time and energy reviewing heritage applications each month. For a
committee where there are concerns about turnover in recent years, it sends a negative
message when council overrides a committee recommendation based on inadequate and
misleading information at the request of a constituent's councillor.

Council Doherty, to her credit, spoke about the issue, and acknowledged that there had been
considerable discussion at the HK Committee meeting, at which both the applicant and his wife
spoke to the matter. (As an aside, why on Planning matters are delegations not allowed at
Council, but on heritage matters, such delegations are permitted?)

The information provided by the applicant was that vinyl board and batten will cost about $2
per sq. ft. and for wooden board and batten, this would be much greater. There is a range of
prices for various 'heritage appropriate' cladding materials and these should be considered in
an objective manner when reaching a decision. In any case, a suggestion at the HK committee
was that if budget was a concern, instead of building a 28' by 28' garage, that perhaps the
applicant consider building a 24' by 24' two-car garage. A very large garage is not the typical
outbuilding on a heritage designated property.

An important point here is that when a designation by-law is passed under the OHA, it applies
to the entire property, not just to a specific building. For new additions, it is extremely
important that in scale, location and materials, new additions should not detract from the
heritage character of the property.

The issue of vinyl siding was pivotal in considering this application. Somehow Commissioner
Hugenbos spoke to the matter via Commissioner Agnew, when it appeared that the phone
connection to Director Campbell was unsatisfactory. Ms. Campbell had been in attendance at

the HK meeting and should have been allowed to speak. Commissioner Hugenbos said,
presumably by phone to his colleague, that there are no rules about vinyl siding. I would like to
remind the Council that there are three heritage districts in the City, and in each case, vinyl
siding is not recommended: see Barriefield HCD Plan S. 4.4.h and 4.5.2j; see Sydenham HCD
Plan, S. 5.3.3, and for Market Square, see S. 5.2 and 5.3.

Furthermore, the City's 2015 Urban Design Guidelines for Residential Lots, now referenced in S.
8.3 of the updated Official Plan, specifically recommend the following for Finish Materials (S.
6.9) to "Use quality materials and detailed design on all sides of the building." and "Consider
simulated materials only if they are durable and authentic." These Urban Design Guidelines
apply to the entire city, not only to heritage properties, and encourage high quality finishing

When the vote was taken on Recommendation No. 8, four councillors supported the
recommendation put forward by the HK Committee, and we thank Councillors Doherty,
Holland, McLaren and Neill for their support. To the five others on Council who voted against
this recommendation, we understand the desire to support a constituent, but a decision like
this makes it much more difficult to ensure quality construction for other developments across
the city, heritage or not.

I am also copying Elizabeth Fawcett with a request to provide a copy of this message to the HK

Thank you for your time, Shirley

Shirley Bailey, President
Frontenac Heritage Foundation
PO Box 27
Kingston, ON K7L 4V6
343 363 1901

Check out our website at: www.frontenacheritage.ca

FHF is a registered charity: 11923 4250 RR0001

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