Heide Wealth Management Group - Professional Athlete Services (MLB) - Working together to achieve your goals - Find an advisor

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Heide Wealth Management Group - Professional Athlete Services (MLB) - Working together to achieve your goals - Find an advisor
Heide Wealth Management Group
Professional Athlete Services (MLB)

Working together to achieve your goals

                                         Heide Wealth Management Group
Heide Wealth Management Group - Professional Athlete Services (MLB) - Working together to achieve your goals - Find an advisor
1 RBC Wealth Management

                                           The unique challenges                         Tax planning — Filing a tax return in
   Pursuit of the “work                    of baseball professionals                     multiple states, and at times multiple
   optional” lifestyle                                                                   countries, is often cumbersome.
                                           •	Career unpredictability — Although
   Baseball professionals invest              many baseball professionals perform        Managing real estate — Owning real
   hard work, dedication and                  at a high level over many years,           estate in multiple locations requires
   perseverance into building                 the average MLB playing career             proper management and planning.
   successful careers. They                   is between 5–6 years. As such, it          Asset protection — High-income and
   are members of an elite                    is critical to plan accordingly and        high-net-worth individuals are more
   group who have achieved                    consider the risks of a shortened          likely to be subject to lawsuits.
   what many aspire to—a                      playing career.
                                                                                         Legacy and charitable endeavors —
   professional athletic career.             Spending management —
                                           •	                                           Athletes need professional guidance
   However, many fail to realize             Implementing a sound budget is              to structure their giving in the most
   the vast financial challenges             critical when receiving irregular,          advantageous way.
   and responsibilities that                 large amounts of income.
                                                                                         Risk protection — Understanding
   accompany this success.                   Retirement planning — An athlete’s
                                           •	                                           how to manage appropriate
                                             core earning years are typically            insurance coverages.
   Simply put, making the right              condensed into a shorter than normal
   financial decisions can help                                                          Managing target risk — Athletes with
                                             period. However, retirement funding
   professional baseball players                                                         high profiles and plenty of personal
                                             may need to last more than 50 years.
   and their families achieve                                                            information readily available are
   a “work optional” lifestyle                                                           easy targets for unwanted solicitation
                                                                                         from unscrupulous businesses, fans
   following their baseball
                                                                                         and media.
   career. This lifestyle allows
   individuals to pursue careers,                                                        Proper utilization of debt — Making
   hobbies and charitable causes                                                         prudent decisions when using
   driven by their passions.                                                             mortgages, lines of credit and other
                                                                                         alternative financing techniques.

Investment and insurance products offered through RBC Wealth Management are not insured by the FDIC or any other federal
government agency, are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, a bank or any bank affiliate, and are subject to
investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested.
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Heide Wealth Management Group

Our approach                                                 Personalized comprehensive
Heide Wealth Management Group                                wealth planning                                                    Heide Wealth Management
is committed to assisting baseball                           Investments                                                        Group, an RBC Private
professionals by taking care of the                          •	Heide Wealth Management Group’s                                 Wealth practice, is a
stressful burden of their financial affairs                     100+ years of combined investment                               highly specialized team
so they can simplify their lives and focus                      experience                                                      of professionals dedicated
on their careers.                                                                                                               to providing wealth
                                                             •	Customized asset allocation
                                                                                                                                management advice to
As a Heide Wealth Management Group                              recommendations and
                                                                                                                                professional baseball players.
client, you have access to the following                        implementation
                                                                                                                                Working closely with, yet
suite of services:                                           •	Guidance in understanding your                                  independent from agents,
                                                                pension/retirement options                                      accountants and other
Banking and lending                                                                                                             trusted advisors, we act
                                                             Wealth and estate
City National Bank cash management                                                                                              on behalf of our baseball
and credit solutions1                                        planning services                                                  professional clients to
• Checking and savings accounts                              • Asset protection strategies                                      prudently manage all aspects
• Cash flow management1                                      •	Independent insurance reviews,                                  of their financial picture.
                                                                strategy and recommendations on
• Credit and debit cards1                                       athlete-specific policies such as loss-                         Our team is dedicated to
•	Online banking, bill-pay and                                 of-value and disability, as well                                providing exceptional service,
   other capabilities to fit uniquely                           as standard policies                                            regular communication and
   mobile lifestyles                                         •	Tax strategies, including                                       a sophisticated wealth-
• Mortgage1                                                     cross-border consultation                                       planning process.
• Personal loans and lines of credit1                        •	Estate and legacy planning
                                                                coordination, which includes trust
RBC Wealth Management                                           services and philanthropic planning
offerings:                                                   • Health care advisory services
• Cash flow management
• Debit cards
• Online account access and
  other capabilities to fit uniquely
  mobile lifestyles
• Securities-based lending
• Personal loans and lines of credit

Investment and insurance products offered through RBC Wealth Management are not insured by the FDIC or any other federal
government agency, are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, a bank or any bank affiliate, and are subject
to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested.
1. All loans, lines of credit, credit cards, and other types of financing subject to credit approval. Not all applicants will qualify. Home equity products not available in all
states. Other terms and conditions apply.
NMLSR #536994/Equal Housing Lender
Heide Wealth Management Group - Professional Athlete Services (MLB) - Working together to achieve your goals - Find an advisor
3 RBC Wealth Management

The client experience

                          Our client experience is based on the      2. Early career
                          very unique and diverse backgrounds           •	Introduce advanced wealth
                          of our team members. This experience             planning concepts as needs
                          includes actual work experience in the           become more complex
                          area of professional sports, experience
                                                                        •	Collaborate with trust attorneys,
                          as college athletes and many years as
                                                                           insurance specialists and
                          financial advisors working on behalf of
                                                                           retirement planning specialists
                          professional athletes. This combination
                                                                           to develop an advanced wealth
                          of experience gives the Heide Wealth
                                                                           management plan
                          Management Group exceptional
                          perspective into the career path of           •	Plan for income uncertainties in
                          our clients. It also allows us to have a         the event a career is cut short
                          deep understanding of the challenges,
                                                                     3. Mid/late career
                          lifestyle and needs of professional
                          baseball players.                             •	Explore asset protection, income
                                                                           stabilization techniques and
                          Heide Wealth Management Group has                estate planning
                          substantial experience in addressing          •	Evaluate financial implications
                          the complex financial needs of baseball          of post-career opportunities
                          professionals throughout their career.
                          As such, we have identified four career    4. Post-career
                          stages that serve as a game plan for our      •	Continue our advisory relationship
                          relationship:                                    to help make sure accumulated
                                                                           wealth allows for the flexibility to
                          1. Pre- and post-draft                           explore other life interests
                             •	Provide a fundamental
                                understanding of basic financial
                                concepts such as saving, credit,
                                cash management, budgeting
                                and investing
                             •	Evaluate insurance policies
                                and options
Heide Wealth Management Group - Professional Athlete Services (MLB) - Working together to achieve your goals - Find an advisor
Heide Wealth Management Group 4

Our commitment
Heide Wealth Management Group               As our client, you receive:
distinguishes itself from others            •	Our commitment that your best
by providing a superior level of               interests will always come first
service. How do we do that? Our team
                                            •	Open dialogue with our team of
is national and highly mobile. We travel
                                               financial professionals on your time
to visit our clients multiple times each
year for face-to-face meetings. Our         • Personal, face-to-face meetings
team travels to help clients with real      •	Direct email and phone access before,
estate needs, meetings with other              during and after business hours
professionals, visits with family and       •	Customized advice and non-
charity events. We are available any time      proprietary, best-in-class investment
there is a client need or a request. Our       solutions
advisors are accessible through various
means at all reasonable hours and days
of the week.
Heide Wealth Management Group - Professional Athlete Services (MLB) - Working together to achieve your goals - Find an advisor
5 RBC Wealth Management

Among the world’s best

                          About RBC                                               About RBC Wealth Management
                          •	Top 15 bank globally based on market                 •	Top 5 global wealth manager
                             capitalization, with operations in 36                   by assets2
                             countries (as of January 31, 2020)                   •	One of the World’s Most Admired
                          •	One of North America’s leading                          Companies (Megabanks category) —
                             diversified financial services                          Fortune Magazine 2019
                                                                                  •	Among the top 10 full-service
                          •	Named “Best Private Bank in Canada”                     brokerage firms in the U.S. based on
                             for the sixth consecutive year in the                   assets and number of advisors —
                             Global Private Banking Awards 2017                      Quarterly earnings release (10-Q)
                          •	Global strength in wealth                               from peer firms
                             management and capital markets                       •	Approximately 4,800 financial
                                                                                     consultants, advisors, private bankers
                          Stable, safe and sustainable                               and trust officers
                          •	Consistently high credit ratings —
                             Moody’s Aa2, Standard & Poor’s AA-
                             and Fitch Ratings AA1
                          •	Named to the 2018 Dow Jones
                             Sustainability North America Index,
                             an annual review that recognizes
                             financial, social and environmental
                             corporate leaders

                          1. RBC Capital Markets, LLC, is a wholly owned subsidiary of, and separate legal entity from, Royal Bank of
                          Canada. Royal Bank of Canada does not guarantee any debts or obligations of RBC Capital Markets, LLC.
                          Credit ratings are not recommendations to purchase, sell or hold a financial position in as much as they
                          do not comment on market price or suitability for a particular investor. Ratings are subject to revision or
                          withdrawal at any time by a rating agency.
                          Ratings (as at April 3, 2020) for legacy senior long-term debt issued prior to September 23, 2018 and
                          senior long-term debt issued on or after September 23, 2018, which is excluded from the Canadian Bank
                          Recapitalization (Bail-in) regime.
                          2. Scorpio Partnership Global Private Banking KPI Benchmark 2018. This measurement includes all global
                          RBC Wealth Management affiliates including the U.S. division
Heide Wealth Management Group - Professional Athlete Services (MLB) - Working together to achieve your goals - Find an advisor
Heide Wealth Management Group 6
Heide Wealth Management Group - Professional Athlete Services (MLB) - Working together to achieve your goals - Find an advisor
7 RBC Wealth Management

Our team
Sports and entertainment team                                          Joseph Palumbo
Jeff Neumann                                                           Senior Vice President – Financial Advisor
Senior Vice President – Financial Advisor                                                         Joe has spent his entire 20-plus year
                                                                                                  career working with, and catering to,
                           Jeff is the conceptual architect
                                                                                                  the distinct needs of professional
                           of the “sports and entertainment
                                                                                                  athletes and those in the sports
                           division” of the Heide Wealth
                                                                                                  business. He has a unique,
                           Management Group. Since 2003,
                                                                                                  exceptional background and his
                           his years of experience serving
                                                                                                  knowledge stems from his prior
                           professional athletes and
                                                                                                  experiences in professional sports as
                           entertainers in various capacities
                                                                                                  a contract advisor and attorney
                           brings a deep understanding and
                                                                                                  (non-practicing), as well as the
                           vantage point of the lifestyle of an
                                                                       financial services industry with a focus on professional
                           athlete and entertainer. Jeff’s
                                                                       athletes and sports professionals.
investment model puts an emphasis on the day-to-day unique
financial life cycle management that athletes and entertainers         Joe earned a Bachelor of Science degree in politics from
require, making that the focal point of his relationships. In          Ithaca College, where he also played for the NCAA Division
addition to working with a selective group of clients, he oversees     III Football National Championship team in 1991 and was
the daily operations and growth of the sports and entertainment        recognized as an NCAA Division III Football All American in
division as new team members and clients are acquired.                 1993. Joe also went on to earn his J.D. from Thomas Jefferson
                                                                       School of Law in 2002 and his securities and insurance
Jeff was a flourishing baseball pitcher in high school and college
                                                                       licenses after joining the Heide Wealth Management Group.
and had a promising career ahead of him until a flexor tendon
injury took him out of the sport. His continued passion for            Although many of Joe’s clients are in professional sports, he
professional athletes and entertainers can be seen in his client       says it all boils down to helping families and shaping their
interactions and the care he takes to understand the unique            future, no matter what their profession or business may be.
wealth and careers of these professionals. When meeting with
Jeff, you will see that he is genuine and passionate about his         Joe and his family enjoy outdoor activities like hiking,
work. He prides himself on being trustworthy and has the               kayaking and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. In 2017, along with his
ability to help clients manage their assets and liabilities. As Jeff   sister and wife, Joe co-founded “Kristin’s Fund,” a nonprofit
says, “I enjoy helping my clients maintain their wealth for this       organization aimed at preventing domestic abuse.
life and helping them transfer their wealth to future generations
in order to assure the sacrifices on the field, ice, court or studio   Caleb Hanie
away from their family ultimately pay dividends.”                      Financial Advisor
                                                                                                 Caleb provides holistic financial
Jeff attended South Suburban College in the suburbs of
                                                                                                 solutions for high-net-worth
Chicago. He and his wife, Stephanie, reside in Lemont, Illinois.
                                                                                                 individuals with a focus on
They have three children: Lily, Conner and Greyson. Jeff takes
                                                                                                 professional athletes and
pleasure in spending time with family and enjoys all kinds of
                                                                                                 entertainers. As a former
sports. He is an avid follower of his clients’ careers and openly
                                                                                                 professional quarterback in the
welcomes their families to be a part of his. Jeff particularly
                                                                                                 NFL, he has a unique advantage
enjoys golfing and fishing in his free time.
                                                                                                 of experiencing similar life events
                                                                                                 and struggles to his clients.
                                                                                                 Working with Caleb, you also get
                                                                       the advantage of having the collective power of the Heide
                                                                       Wealth Management team, with more than 30 years of
                                                                       experience in the financial industry.
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Heide Wealth Management Group 8

Caleb began his career at RBC Wealth Management in 2019            Core team
as the newest member of the sports and entertainment
professionals at Heide Wealth Management, a team that has          David C. Heide, CFP®
worked with athletes and entertainers for more than a decade.      Managing Director – Financial Advisor
Caleb previously had a seven-year NFL career, as well as a stint                         Dave’s career in the financial
as an entrepreneur.                                                                      services industry started in 1990. A
                                                                                         graduate of Northern Illinois
He graduated from Colorado State University with a Bachelor
                                                                                         University with a major in business
of Arts degree in liberal arts. Caleb volunteers his time at his
                                                                                         marketing, he also received the
local church and organized many community projects.
                                                                                         CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™
He was born in Dallas, Texas, and grew up in Forney, Texas.
                                                                                         certification in 2007. Dave
Caleb moved to Palos Park, Illinois, in December 2019 with
                                                                                         thoroughly enjoys working with
his wife, Andrea, three children and their two dogs. In his free
                                                                                         every client and is proud of
time, he enjoys traveling with his family and watching and
                                                                                         managing the extremely talented
playing sports.
                                                                   members on the Heide Wealth Management Group.
Adam Fein, AAMS®                                                   Dave is very active in his local community. He served as
Senior Financial Associate                                         president of the chamber of commerce, the local Sertoma club
                           Adam is a senior financial associate    and the Moraine Valley Community College Foundation board
                           with Heide Wealth Management            and is currently a board member at The Bridge Teen Center
                           Group. He started in the financial      and at the Northern Illinois University foundation. He is also
                           services industry in 2005, helping      very active in his church, serving on various committees,
                           professional athletes and their         including the finance committee. Dave has been happily
                           families achieve financial stability    married to his wife, Karen, since 1986 and they are proud
                           and success.                            parents of twins. His son, Trevor, is a financial advisor with the
                                                                   Heide Wealth Management Group. His daughter, Jenna, is a
                           Adam graduated from The                 first-grade teacher in River Grove, Illinois.
                           University of California,
                           Berkeley, in 2003 with a degree         Dave is a huge sports fan and played college football for
in interdisciplinary studies. He earned his Accredited Asset       Northern Illinois University, including the California Bowl—
Management SpecialistSM designation from the College for           the school’s first Division I bowl game ever—during his junior
Financial Planning and works every day with his clients on         year in 1983. Dave is an avid golfer and loves to travel and read
their unique needs and how everything in their financial           nonfiction books.
lives relates to one another. With a strong focus on expense
management and investment planning, Adam works with his            Daniel Jakuta, ChFC®
team to help make sure his clients always know where they          Senior Vice President – Financial Advisor
stand financially.                                                 Senior Portfolio Manager – Portfolio Focus
                                                                                              When asked what he enjoys most
Adam, his wife, Azi, and daughter, Layla, along with dogs, Desi
                                                                                              about his work, Dan says it’s the
and Emmie, recently moved from Los Angeles to Portland,
                                                                                              satisfaction of helping clients work at
Oregon. Away from the office, Adam enjoys hiking, yoga and
                                                                                              their company and then retire after
watching hockey.
                                                                                              putting their children through
                                                                                              school. He views this as a success for
                                                                                              both his clients and himself, by
                                                                                              assisting them in achieving the goals
                                                                                              they set out to accomplish. Dan
                                                                                              wants his clients to know that he
                                                                   listens. On the team, Dan’s role is to focus on annuities,
                                                                   insurancin addition to their other investments. He is passionate
                                                                   about helping his clients understand the investment world so
                                                                   that they can easily understand their own finances.
Heide Wealth Management Group - Professional Athlete Services (MLB) - Working together to achieve your goals - Find an advisor
9 RBC Wealth Management

Dan began working in the financial services industry in 1985,        Trevor Heide
right out of college. His professional accolades include: Life
                                                                     Financial Advisor
Underwriter Training Council FellowSM, acquired in 1988, and
his designation as Chartered Financial Consultant® in 2009. Dan                                  s a second-generation financial
is excited about his professional future, and continuing to help                                advisor, Trevor has seen what it
people fulfill their financial goals.                                                           takes to build a successful business,
                                                                                                based on trust and hard work.
In his free time, Dan loves to golf and play tennis, as well as                                 Always passionate about helping
enjoy the outdoors. Dan and his wife reside in the area with                                    people, his enjoyment is working
their dog.                                                                                      with clients to establish an
                                                                                                investment plan that will meet
Vanessa Poppie                                                                                  their long-term goals while letting
Financial Advisor                                                                               them focus on their own careers
                                                                                                and passions.
                            Vanessa joined the Heide Wealth
                            Management Group in 2015. She            Prior to joining the Heide Wealth Management Group, Trevor
                            works with our existing core clients,    worked for asset management firm Cedar Capital, and later,
                            bringing her personal touch and          BMO Global Asset Management, both in Chicago. Trevor
                            high level of service to her practice.   graduated from the University of Iowa in 2014 with a degree
                            She describes learning more about        in finance. He has passed the Series 7, 6 , 63 and 66 securities
                            others’ families, goals and passions     exams, and holds his insurance license. Currently he has
                            as fulfilling. Expanding the             begun the studies to earn the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL
                            relationships within our core base to    PLANNERTM certification.
                            include college planning for
children or investing for aging parents is especially meaningful     Trevor lives in the Lakeview East neighborhood of Chicago
to her. She also takes pride in utilizing insurance products to      with his wife, Lauren, and their dog, Chelsea. Away from the
protect against financial losses due to long-term illness,           office, Trevor enjoys both watching and playing soccer, golfing
disability or death.                                                 and reading history books.

Prior to focusing her efforts in the financial services industry,    Heide Wealth Management Group staff
Vanessa’s roots lie in insurance, marketing and banking.
Detail-oriented and personable, finding common ground                Kristin Cappel, AAMS®, CIMA®
and having a conversation is an easy undertaking with her.           Senior Business Associate
At work, Vanessa wears many hats ranging from advisor to                                        When meeting with Kristin, it is
analyst, coach to confidant. She uses these different roles to                                  obvious that she values what she
facilitate clients looking into their bigger picture. Together,                                 does. It is not just a job for her—it is
she and clients are able to uncover various avenues to create                                   a legacy. Prior to the move to RBC
financial roadmaps and strategize for the future.                                               Wealth Management, Kristin
                                                                                                worked at Wells Fargo Advisors
Living in Palos Heights, she and her son enjoy spending
                                                                                                starting in 2002.
time outdoors and exploring in nature. On weekends, you
might find her rehabbing her older home or breathing life                                       Kristin graduated from the
into a long-neglected yard, spectating at baseball games or                                     University of Illinois in 2006 with
participating in community events account for summertime                                        a major in international resource
leisure. As a board member of the Palos Area Chamber of              and consumer economics. In 2015, she completed the
Commerce, Vanessa gets involved in various volunteer efforts         Certified Investment Management Analyst® designation,
around town. Traveling and practicing yoga or taekwondo are          which entailed both a qualification and certification exam, as
also among their favorite pastimes.                                  well as completion of an educational program from a top-
                                                                     25 business school. The rigorous coursework provides the
                                                                     designees knowledge to systematically and ethically assist
                                                                     clients in making prudent investment decisions. Kristin also
                                                                     assists the advisors on the team with their research.
Heide Wealth Management Group 10

Kristin and her husband, Brian, are the proud parents of three    Tina Wilson
sons: Becker, Brecken and Bodie. They enjoy wine tasting
                                                                  Senior Investment Associate
and traveling to the beach. She is also a Certified Integrative
Nutrition Health Coach and enjoys helping women find their                                     Always up to tackling the challenges
happiest healthy through a holistic approach. Kristin and her                                  that come with her role as team
family currently reside in New Lenox, Illinois.                                                manager for the Heide Wealth
                                                                                               Management Group, Tina draws on
Heather Ashmore                                                                                nearly 30 years of experience in the
                                                                                               financial services industry to help
Senior Registered Client Associate
                                                                                               the team provide the solutions and
                            Heather began her work in the                                      quality service our clients have
                            financial services industry in 2009                                come to expect. Her conscientious
                            and joined the Heide Wealth                                        attitude in serving others led Tina
                            Management Group as a registered      to a life career in financial services that began at age 17,
                            client associate in 2013. Through     working in the margin department for A.G. Edwards & Sons
                            diligence and dedication, she works   (a predecessor firm of Wells Fargo Advisors) at their home
                            to confirm that clients receive       office in St. Louis, Missouri.
                            superior customer service and that
                            they have a positive experience       Tina’s eight years in St. Louis allowed her to learn about the
                            when resolving issues for them. “I    needs of clients from a unique perspective that can only come
enjoy communicating and working with our clients,” she            from being in the home office of a major financial firm. Through
relates. “It’s rewarding working with financial advisors, and     this experience, she joined Dave Heide as an assistant in 1999 to
other team members, who share the same work values and            help him with the rapid growth of the branch in Palos Heights.
always put our clients first.”                                    When Dave stepped down as branch manager after the Wells
                                                                  Fargo Advisors merger, he asked her to join the Heide team.
Heather can assist clients with a variety of needs, having        He recognized the value Tina had provided in the growth of
passed the Series 7, 9, 10 and 66 securities exams. She finds     the branch was now needed for the expanding team. During
it rewarding to be able to understand their short- and long-      this time, she passed the Series 7 and 66 securities exams, and
term goals by listening and learning during their interactions.   became one of the first registered assistants in the branch.
Her friendly and outgoing personality is contagious and
elevates each day for the entire team and the clients she is      Manteno, Illinois, is home to Tina and her husband, Chad. Their
communicating with.                                               blended family includes four teenagers and two rescue dogs.
                                                                  They enjoy travel and motorcycle rides, when life allows.
Heather and her husband, Dave, have two children, Alyssa
and Amanda. In addition to spending time with her family,
Heather likes crafts and enjoys taking trips to the dog beach
with her dogs, Lola, Jager and Tilly. She also volunteers and
fosters for a local animal shelter.
Heide Wealth Management Group

7420 West College Drive
Suite 200
Palos Heights, IL 60463
Phone: (708) 364-2025
Fax: (708) 364-2022

                                                                                                                            Heide Wealth Management Group

RBC Wealth Management does not provide tax or legal advice. All decisions regarding the tax or legal implications of your investments should be made in consultation
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Banking products and services are offered or issued by City National Bank, an affiliate of RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, Member
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RBC Wealth Management is a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC. Professional Trustee services are offered to RBC Wealth Management clients by different
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© 2020 RBC Wealth Management, a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC. All rights reserved.                             20-PJ-02248 (06/20)
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