Heavy Ion Physics at the LHC
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Heavy Ion Physics at the LHC Scottish Universities' Summer School 57 St. Andrews August 18 – 29, 2003 • QCD at high temperature: the quark-gluon plasma • Probes of ultradense matter • Structure of nuclei at small x • Matter formation and breakup • Insights from the first 3 years of RHIC • The LHC heavy ion programme
Part I QCD at high temperature: The quark-gluon plasma (QGP)
Matter under extreme conditions 1. Squeeze slowly Cold, dense matter 2. Squeeze fast Hot, “dense” matter (1) is much more difficult to do than (2): Beyond nuclear matter density (? B > ? 0 = 0.15 fm-3) only in the core of collapsed (neutron) stars. (2) Happened once: t < 20 s after it all began. Can also be achieved by colliding nuclei at high energy. 20 years of history: Bevalac, AGS, SPS, RHIC LHC. Goal: energy density e » MN ? 0 = 0.14 GeV/fm3.
The Big Bang “experiment”
Thermal history of the universe
The “Little Bang” experiment
Au+Au Collision at RHIC
The “Little Bang”
Quantum chromodynamics LQCD 1 4 Ga Ga a g Aa t a f a mf f
Degrees of freedom • At extreme (energy) density, particle masses can be neglected relative to the kinetic energy: d3 p E with E p2 m2 ( 2 )3 e E / T 1 2 4 7 / 8(fermions) aT with a 30 1 (bosons) Quarks: 2 2 NC N F 12 N F Gluons: 2 ( N C2 1) 16
Hadrons or quarks & gluons? If QCD had NF light quark flavors, there would be (NF2-1) nearly massless Goldstone bosons (“pions”): 2 N F 1 For large NF the pions win out over quarks, but for NF=2-3 the quarks and gluons win out: at high T matter is composed of a colored plasma of quarks and gluons, not of hadrons!
From hadrons to QGP 2 4 30 T QGP = quark-gluon plasma 0 QCD equation of state from lattice QCD Hadron gas 0
Is there a phase transition? Most likely: NOT
Crossover of phases Susceptibilities peak at Tc, but do not diverge. Vacuum properties change smoothly, but rapidly “crossover”
A phase transition at high baryon density Tc ( B ) First order phase transition line Controls baryon density
Color screening 2 a a g G ( b) g a Q ( b) Induced color density a a d3 p ( E g bt b ) / T 1 2 a Tr t 3 e 1 (2 ) 2 2 2 NF with G ( gT ) , Q ( gT ) 2 6 a Static color charge (heavy quark) generates potential ta s e r r
Color screening (lattice) Screened potential Perturbative screening r in units of 0.45 fm Linear confining potential disappears above Tc 160 MeV
The perturbative QGP At T > 2Tc the QGP looks perturbative (neglect mq): 15 16 2 4 50 21 2 1 s T 1 s N FT 4 4 30 21 30 2 3 2 2 1 s 2 q ( T2 1 2 2 q ) q Expansion in s does not converge, rather one must include interactions into the particle modes (“quasiparticles”) as basis for the expansion.
Quasiparticles in the QGP Physical excitation modes at high T are not elementary quarks and gluons, but “dressed” quarks and gluons: T Compton scattering on a thermal gluon! (k , ) Propagator of transversely polarized gluons 1 2 1 1 k k D(k , ) k2 ( gT ) 2 1 ln 2 2 k k k 0 1 mG* gT Effective mass of gluon: 3 k 0 1 mG* gT 2
QCD phase diagram initial LHC state RHIC LHC Color super- conducting quark matter
Part II Probes of ultra-dense matter
Signatures of a QCD phase change • Effects of “latent heat” in (E,T) relation • Effects of large CV on thermal fluctuations • Net charge and baryon number fluctuations • Enhancement of s-quark production • Thermal l+l- and radiation • Disappearance of light hadrons (?0) • Dissolution of ? , Y bound states • Large energy loss of fast partons (jet quenching) • Bulk hadronization • Collective vacuum excitations (DCC)
Thermodynamics near Tc 2 4 30 g DOFT T E Additional energy is used up to liberate new degrees of freedom (color!) in transition region
Hadrons at the boiling point ? RHIC SPS AGS Plateau is an indicator of latent heat of phase transformation.
Elliptic Flow Anisotropic or “elliptic” flow is defined for b > 0 collisions. • Reaction plane analysis dN/d 1 + 2v2cos2( lab- plane) Force P • Two-particle correlations More flow in collision plane dN/d( 1- 2) than perpendicular to it. 1 + 2v22cos(2[ 1- 2]) Elliptic flow “measures” the • Four-particle correlations transverse pressure at very exp[i2( 1+ 4 2- 3- 4 )] = -v 2 early times ( < 3 fm/ c).
Strangeness enhancement… …probes chiral symmetry restoration and deconfinement Mass (MeV) 1000000 NA57 data Q CD mass 100000 Higgs mass (sss) 10000 1000 (qss) 100 (qqs) 10 1 u d s c b t Flavor
Charmonium suppression… VQQ(r) is screened at distance scales r > (gT)-1 heavy quark bound states dissolve above some Td: J/ suppression. But: J/ may survive above Td as a narrow resonance, as recent lattice calculations of the spectral function Karsch et al. suggest.
Or charmonium enhancement? If more than one c-quark pair is formed within y 1, and if the c-quarks are thermalized, J/ may be formed by recombination: This could easily result in a large enhancement of J/ production under LHC conditions. Depends critically on the stopping power for c-quarks (less than for light quarks) J/
J/ suppression Energy/Momentum Data are consistent with: Hadronic comover breakup w/o QGP Limiting suppression via surface emission Dissociation + thermal regeneration
Jet Quenching High-energy parton loses energy by q q rescattering in dense, hot medium. Radiative energy loss: dE / dx L kT 2 L Scattering centers = color charges q q g Can be described as medium effect on parton fragmentation: 2 2 z Dp h ( z , Q ) Dp h ( z , Q ) Dp h , Q2 1 E/E
Energy loss in QCD Gluon radiation is suppressed due to multiple scattering by LPM effect. LPM suppression differs from QED due to rescattering of the radiated gluon. Critical frequency: 1 2 2d 2 c 2 ˆ qL with qˆ q dq dq 2 Energy loss spectrum for a fast parton is ( 2 s C2 / ) : 2 2 c c D( ) exp 2 2 Radiative energy loss is suppressed like ( c/E)1/2 overall, and more strongly at small (Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect).
Energy loss in QCD - II Density of scattering centers Scattering “power” 2d 2 qˆ q dq k T2 of QCD medium: dq 2 Property of medium For power law parton spectrum ( pT-v) (range of color force) energy loss leads to an effective momentum shift for fast partons (BDMS): pT s ˆ 2 pT / qL 2 2 2qˆ0 Including expansion: ˆ qL qˆ L 0 eff d (r , ) (r )
Analytical model: Surface emission dN dN (Q RAA ) Quenching factor: Q ( pT ) 2 d 2 pT d pT partons hadrons 2( p0 pT ) Q ( pT ) R ( 1) pT = final dN/dy / volume Volume / R = surface = QCD energy loss parameter: 2 s q 2 dq 2 (d / dq 2 ) 3 2 C2 ( 2 2 s 2 ) ln qmax / 2 D 0.5 ln(…) for gluons; 0.25 ln(…) for quarks
Jet correlations E L Q R/R Quenching provides a Away-side jet mechanism for generating an anisotropy with respect Q ' ( R / R) 2 Q Qasj to the collision plane for hadron production in non- central collisions. The Back-to-back jets (leading hadrons) predicted anisotropy is are quadratically suppressed! less than 10%.
Part III The initial state: Structure of nuclei at small x
Au+Au Collision at RHIC
Space-time picture of a HI collision Hadronization Expansion Equilibration Hard scattering
Initial state: The naïve picture For partons of flavour a in a nucleus the distribution is given by: Nh Fa (r , k ) PaNi (k , P, Q02 ) RaNi (r , R) i 1 with the initial momentum distribution: PaNi (k , P, Q02 ) FaNi ( x, Q02 ) ? aA g (k ) d( Pz P ) d2 ( P ) (Q0: initial resolution scale, ?A optional shadowing, g: opt. primordial kT) and the initial spatial distribution: RaNi (r , R) d( RAB b ) haNi (r ) H Ni ( R) boosted • HN: distribution of nucleons in nucleus (e.g. Fermi-Distribution) • ha: distribution of partons in hadron (based on elastic form factor)
Initial state II: Parton momenta • flavour and x are sampled from PDFs at an initial scale Q0 and low x cut-off xmin • initial kt is sampled from a Gaussian of width Q0 (case of no initial state radiation)
Initial State III: Spatial Distribution rest frame • partons are spatially distributed according to elastic form factor of nucleon: N 1 r/ h (r ) a 3 e with 0.24 fm 8 • Lorentz contraction utilizing y*; on-shell rapidity of partons, or rz~1/pz
Parton saturation at small x DGLAP splitting: ~ 1/Q2 GLRMQ parton fusion: xGA ( x, Q 2 ) s A1/ 3 x parton density area = 1 RA2 Q2 Q2 2 1/ 3 Q sat A x from HERA data
Parton saturation II Saturation suggests a picture of quasiclassical glue fields at small x, where gA k, and the perturbation expansion is in powers of s, but not in powers of gA. In the extreme limit (x 0) the probability distribution of classical color fields is random and completely determined by the saturation scale: P A exp d 2 x g 2 A2 ( x ) / Qs2 This ensemble of fields is called color glass condensate. Qs evolves with x and satisfies a nonlinear RG equation, generalizing the BFKL equation, which is universal in the limit x 0, i.e. independent of the hadron species (meson, baryon, or even nucleus).
Parton saturation III How many of these partons are “liberated” due to interactions when two nuclei collide? In the limiting case (x 0 and s ) all partons are liberated, but PCM calculations suggest that the liberation probability drops for partons at small x at fixed collision energy s.
Baryon “stopping” Net baryon number content 1 of a hadron or nucleus: B( x) 3 [ f q ( x) f q ( x)] q • net baryon contribution in the initial state (valence quark distribution) extends to small x, and accounts for a net baryon density at mid-rapidity dN/dy 5 • parton rescattering in the RHIC PCM then fills up the mid- rapidity region to explain the net baryon density observed in LHC Au+Au collisions at RHIC. • At the LHC, the midrapidity region is almost completely net baryon free.
Part IV Matter formation and breakup
Space-time picture of a HI collision Hadronization Expansion Equilibration Hard scattering
Equilibration and expansion * Hard scattering: Occurs on short time scale t 1/Q < 1/Qs and is described by pQCD. * Equilibration: Can be described by multiple parton scattering in the PCM or by chaotic dynamics of classical color fields. Characteristic time scale: t 1/g2T. * Expansion of the QGP: Described by relativistic fluid dynamics. Simplest case = boost invariant longitudinal flow (Bjorken model) gives cooling like T(t) 1/t1/3. * Hadronization: Slow or fast – that is the question!
Hadron formation q q q q q qq q Recombination Fragmentation Baryon Baryon 1 1 Meson Meson
Sudden recombination model Assumptions: • Quarks and antiquarks recombine into hadrons locally “at an instant”: qq M qqq B • Gluons get absorbed into valence quarks before hadronization • Competition between fragmentation and recombination; fragmentation recombination • Hadron momentum P much larger than internal momentum p2 of the quark wave function of the hadron; • Parton spectrum has thermal part (valence quarks) and a power law tail (quarks and gluons) from pQCD.
Recombination of thermal quarks Relativistic formulation using hadron light-cone frame: w (r , p) Quark distribution function at “freeze-out” dN M P u 2 E d dxw ( R, xP )w ( R, (1 x) P ) M ( x) d 3P (2 )3 , dN P u 2 E 3B d dxdx ' w ( R, xP )w ( R, x ' P ) w ( R, (1 x x ') P ) B ( x, x ') d p (2 )3 , , For a thermal distribution w(r , p ) exp( p u / T ) w ( R, xP ) w ( R, (1 x) P ) exp P u /T Meson w ( R, xP ) w ( R, x ' P ) w ( R, (1 x x ') P ) exp P u /T Baryon
Recombination vs. Fragmentation 1 dN P u dz Fragmentation: E 3h d w (r , 1z P )D h ( z) d P (2 )3 0 z 3 Recombination… w (r , xP ) w (r , (1 x) P ) exp P u /T Meson w (r , xP ) w (r , x ' P ) w (r , (1 x x ') P ) exp P u /T Baryon … always wins over fragmentation for an exponential spectrum: exp( P u / T ) exp( P u / zT ) w P / z … but loses at large pT, where the spectrum is a power law ~ (pT)-b Apparent paradox: At given value of pT … • The average hadron is produced by recombination • The average parton fragments
Model fit to hadron spectrum R.J. Fries, BM, C. Nonaka, S.A. Bass (PRL in print) shifted pQCD spectrum Teff = 350 MeV fitted to spectrum 2.2 GeV
Part V Insights: The first 3 years of RHIC
CM energy RHIC & its detectors 500 GeV for p-p 200 GeV (per N-N) for Au-Au Luminosity Au-Au: 2 x 1026 cm-2 s-1 p-p : 2 x 1032 cm-2 s-1 STAR
The Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC Magnet Time Projection Coils Chamber Silicon TPC Endcap & Vertex MWPC Tracker * FTPCs ZCal ZCal Vertex Endcap Position Calorimeter Detectors Central Barrel EM Trigger Barrel Calorimeter + TOF patch RICH * yr.1 SVT ladder 2000 2001 2003
PHENIX (central part) Not showing the North and South muon arms
Flavour equilibration The statistical (thermal) model for hadron abundances works well with T Tc
Parametrization of transverse flow Blast wave parametrization fit for STAR data works , STAR preliminary well for ,K,P, . Multiply strange baryons , show less, but still substantial flow: These particles with ,K,P, smaller interaction cross section decouple earlier; much flow is generated before the hadronization. tanh
0 spectra in peripheral AuAu and pp Yield Au+Au / N binary Au+Au R= Yield pp Au+Au Nbin =12.3 ±4.0 70-80% Peripheral
Suppression of high-pT hadrons in Au+Au collisions PHENIX Data: Identified 0 Away side jet Same side jet STAR
Charged hadron suppression suppression increases with centrality
Suppression patterns: baryons vs. mesons What makes baryons different from mesons ?
p/ ratio HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS: Wayward Particles Collide With Physicists' Expectations Charles Seife EAST LANSING --At a meeting here last week, resear- chers announced results that, so far, nobody can explain. By slamming gold atoms together Central at nearly the speed of light, the physicists hoped to make gold nuclei melt into a novel phase of matter called a quark-gluon plasma. But al-though the experiment produced encoura- Peripheral ging evidence that they had succeeded, it also left them struggling to account for the behavior of the particles that shoot away from the tremen- dously energetic smashups.
Hadron spectra I
Hadron spectra II
Hadron dependence of high-pt suppression • R+F model describesdifferent RAA behavior of protons and pions • Jet quenching becomes universal in the fragmentation region
Azimuthal anisotropy v2 Mesons and baryons behave differently Semiperipheral collision Coordinate space: Momentum space: initial asymmetry final asymmetry y px x 1 py v2 cos 2 , tan ( ) px Collective flow behavior extends to higher pT for baryons (p, ) than mesons ( ,K)
Does v2 reflect parton flow? Recombination model P. Sorensen (UCLA – STAR) suggests that hadronic flow reflects partonic flow (n = number of valence quarks): v had 2 nv 2part pThad npTpart Provides measurement of partonic v2 !
d+Au compared with Au+Au Proton/deuteron nucleus collision Nucleus- nucleus collision
“Centrality” Dependence Au + Au Experiment d + Au Control Experiment Final Data Preliminary Data • Dramatically different and opposite centrality evolution of Au+Au experiment from d+Au control.
Azimuthal distributions pedestal and flow subtracted No back-side jet in central Au+Au
CONCLUSION The strong suppression of the inclusive yield and back-to-back correlations at high pT previously observed in central Au+Au collisions are due to final-state interactions with the dense medium generated in such collisions.
Part VI The LHC heavy ion programme
What’s different (better) at the LHC ? Much larger “dynamic range” compared to RHIC • Higher energy density 0 at earlier time 0. • Jet physics can be probed to pT > 100 GeV. • b, c quarks are plentiful, good probes. • Increased lifetime of QGP phase (10-15 fm/c) Initial state effects less important. • QGP more dominant over final-state hadron interactions.
ECM dependence of dN/dy, dE/dy NLO pQCD with geometric parton saturation (Eskola et al. - EKRT) Overestimate of growth of dN/dy, dE/dy with ECM ?? LHC LHC RHIC RHIC
Jet quenching at the LHC
Hadron production at the LHC R.J. Fries et al. r = 0.85 Includes estimated parton energy loss = 0,65 r = 0.75 r
Photon tagged jets High-energy photon defines energy of q g the jet, but remains unaffected by the hot medium. Parton energy loss is measured by the suppression of the fragmentation function D(z) near z 1 .
Measuring the density q+g q+ Backscattering probes the plasma density and initial parton spectrum q+q g+ g q 2 d e s q u s dt s2 s u R.J. Fries, BM, D.K. Srivastava, PRL 90 (2003) 132301
One dedicated HI experiment: ALICE One pp experiment with a HI program: CMS One pp experiment considering HI: ATLAS
LHC running conditions for Pb+Pb • CM energy: 5.5 TeV/NN x 200 • Luminosity: Lmax = 1 1027 cm-2s-1 • Charged multiplicity – Estimates dN/dy = 2 – 3000 – Design for dNch/dy|max = 8000 • Event rate: – 8000 minimum bias coll./ s – 109 events/year – 1% recorded
The ALICE Experiment HMPID HMPID PID PID (RICH) (RICH) @ @ high high pptt TOF TOF PID PID TRD TRD Electron Electron ID ID PMD PMD multiplicity multiplicity TPC TPC Tracking, Tracking, dEdx dEdx ITS ITS Low Low pptt tracking tracking Vertexing Vertexing MUONS MUONS PHOS PHOS ,, 00
ALICE central detector acceptance 2 1 ITS tracking TRD TOF 0 PHOS HMPID TPC -1 ITS multiplicity -2 0 1 2 3 20 100 pt Muon arm: 2.4<
ALICE event display for Pb+Pb HMPID HMPID TOF TOF TRD TRD TPC TPC 2 slice of TPC full TPC volume PHOS PHOS
Unstable particles: K*, D Detection of unstable neutral D0 K- + hadrons via “V” decays in TPC. D0 K*0 K+ - K*0 M(K+ -) (GeV/c2)
Quarkonia in ALICE • M =94.5 MeV/ c2 at t he • Separ at ion of , ’, “ • Tot al ef f iciency ~ 75% • Expect ed st at ist ics (kevent s – 1 mont h): central min. bias J/ 310 574 ’ 12 23 39 69 ‘ 19 35 “ 12 22
Quarkonia in CMS J/ f amily Yield/month (kevents, 50% eff) (including barrel and endcaps) Pb+Pb Sn+Sn Kr+Kr Ar+Ar L 1027 1.7 1028 6.6 1028 1030 J/ 28.7 210 470 2200 ' 0.8 5.5 12 57 22.6 150 320 1400 ' 12.4 80 180 770 '' 7 45 100 440 Pb+Pb, 1 month at L=1027
Jet Reconstruction in CMS • Subtract average pileup • Find jets with sliding window Window • Build a cone around ETmax Algorithm • Recalculate pileup outside the cone • Recalculate jet energy Full jet reconstruction in Pb+Pb central collisions (dN/dy~8000) Efficiency Measured jet energy Jet energy resolution
Balancing or Z0 vs Jets: Quark Energy Loss ETjet, >120 GeV in the barrel , Z0 1 month at 1027 cm-2s-1 Pb+Pb =0 GeV =4 GeV =8 GeV Background Isol. 0+jet Jet+ Z0 ET // 0-ETJet (GeV)
Conclusions • ALICE, CMS, (and ATLAS ?) are nicely complementary in their physics capabilities to study hot, ultradense matter created in nuclear collisions. • Hard probes (jets, heavy quarkonia) extend the range of matter probes into regimes that allow for more reliable calculations. • Hadrons containing b- and c-quarks will become abundant components in the final state. • Soft probes are governed by quantitatively so different parameters that conclusions drawn from RHIC data can be put to a serious test.
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