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Spring 2022 FROM THE HEART Newsletter from The Secret to Health, Happiness, and Longevity James H. O’Keefe, MD, with Kathleen C. O’Keefe “The only ones among us who will be truly happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” Albert Schweitzer I ronically, the single best strategy tend to hum along as well as we do— for improving your own health, there are just so many opportunities happiness, and even life expec- for the wheels to come off. Yet each tancy is to stop thinking about living species is a successful experi- yourself and start focusing on improv- ment as a good match for their niche ing the wellbeing of other life. environment. If we are to realize our It’s truly mind-boggling to ponder full potential as a living organism, our the fact that each of us is a biological environment, diet, social milieu, and package of self-organizing chemi- activity patterns need to be similar cals. We take in energy (food), water, to that in which we evolved, so as to and oxygen from the environment; enable all of those self-organizing then our DNA and RNA send instruc- processes to happen just right. tions to the ribosomes—little protein Of the countless species that have factories in our cells—that churn existed since the origin of life, almost out a variety of very specific proteins 4 billion years ago, about 99.9% of which spontaneously fold into just the those species are extinct today. Even Lady, Francis, and Kathleen right shapes and then self-assemble the Homo sapiens species has been into lipid bilayer cell membranes and on the brink of extinction at times. ancestor (LUCA), you would discover innumerable other components that One scientific model estimates that that over the last 3.7 billion years, are used to make up cells, tissues, and about 100,000 years ago the entire each and every one of your direct organs. All these chemical reactions human population on Earth had con- blood relatives—child to parent to are self-orchestrated to interact and tracted down to just 2,000 to 10,000 grandparent to great grandparent, automatically create, maintain, and individuals. Regardless, through it all, etc.—endured long enough to repro- fine-tune you. As advanced as we are your bloodline survived, and here you duce and successfully nurture their in modern science, we are just scratch- are today. offspring. It’s an unimaginably long, ing the surface of understanding how You are not average; you never unbroken, winning streak of survival intelligently designed and exquisitely have been. You come from a very in the face of very long odds. adaptable living organisms are. long line of hardy survivors. If you Toughness, creativity, and resource- When you think about it this way, could trace your lineage all the way fulness are programmed deeply into it’s astonishing that biologically we back to the last universal common continued on page 2 saintlukeskc.org/slcc | 816-931-1883 1
H E AR TFE LT STO R I E S The Secret to Health, Happiness, and Longevity continued from page 1 your genes, but you won’t manifest Our lives should be centered around those virtues by following the path fostering positive relationships, acts of least resistance and dwelling in of service, and preserving our planet. your own comfortable and insular The more we can focus on these world. Tony Robbins says, “The path fundamental pillars of life, the happier of least resistance will never make you and healthier both the world and we proud.” You need a cause bigger than will be. Obviously, nobody is going yourself, with goals beyond your own to solve any of these catastrophic hedonistic pursuits if you want to problems on their own. It’s going to really blossom. take an all-hands-on-deck approach. Depending upon their environ- Theodore Roosevelt famously said, ment, living organisms via epigenetic “Do what you can, where you are, with lives. Emotional ties protected people signaling will switch on or off whole what you have.” Mostly that means from trauma and stress, helped to segments of genes, which can drasti- each of us must help make things bet- delay age-related physical and mental cally alter hormones, appetite, mood, ter in our little corner of the world. decline, and were better predictors immunity, body composition, and Do you want to know the secret to of long and happy lives than genes, ultimately physical and mental health. a long and happy life? In his superb education, income, or IQ. The protec- Through similar epigenetic signaling book, The Courage to be Disliked, Ichiro tive effect of relationships proved true mechanisms, being self-centered and Kishimi writes, “Just like the traveler across the board among both the always taking the easy way predict- who relies on the North Star, in our Harvard men and inner-city males ably leads to lethargy and weakness. lives we need a guiding star. That star born into impoverished families. Dr. When you demand less from your is ‘contribution to others.’ As long as Robert Waldinger, one of the directors mind and body, your strength and we do not lose sight of this compass, of the Harvard study said, “Loneliness mental sharpness will atrophy. In con- and keep on moving in this direction, kills; it’s as powerful as smoking or trast, when you confront meaningful there is happiness. No matter what alcoholism.” In contrast, the partici- challenges and invest your energy in moments you are living, or if there pants who cultivated warm relation- helping other life, epigenetic switches are people who dislike you, as long as ships enjoyed longer and happier are turned on, which alters your you do not lose sight of the guiding lives, whereas the loners often died genes to radically transform you star of ‘I contribute to others,’ you will earlier. The bonds that we forge with into a stronger, more resilient and not lose your way and you will have our family, friends, neighbors, pets, resourceful version of yourself. always companions by your side.” and plants are like lifeboats that will save us when the inevitable storms Some people wonder, “What’s the Fostering Positive Relationships of life ravage our worlds. meaning of life?” Our planet Earth is The quality of our relationships and This means you need to get a cosmic oasis in an otherwise cold, how happy and secure we are with outside your own head and tend largely empty, and lifeless (except for the people we are closest to has a to the wellbeing of other life—and us) universe. It’s a special privilege to profound influence on our health and it doesn’t always have to be other be part of the wonderous spectacle of longevity. Put another way, relation- humans. Adopting and caring for a life on Earth. So, it seems to me, one ships are our most important pos- dog does wonders for your physical important “meaning of life” is to do sessions in life—by far. The Harvard and mental wellbeing, providing de- what we can to help keep the spark Adult Development Study enrolled voted companionship, unconditional of life alive and well here on Earth. 724 Boston men as teenagers in 1938 love, and constant entertainment. For Could helping our neighbor help us and followed them closely ever since. people for who have a canine house- to become better ourselves? Today, This landmark study found that having mate, it’s no mystery why dogs are more than ever, with climate change, close long-term relationships, more man’s (and woman’s) best friend. a global pandemic, and the possibility than money or fame, was the most of another world war threatening our Recently, dog ownership’s effect important predictor of how happy survival, we need to band together. on human survival was assessed in a the people were throughout their 2 Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart
H E AR TFE LT STO R I E S definitive meta-analysis of 10 studies fitness that improved their chances going strong. Even in his 90s, Carter that included about 4 million partici- of surviving future threats in the continues fighting for human rights, pants. People who lived with a dog real world. Importantly, playing also resolving international conflicts, were 24% less likely to die during the helped them forge bonds with their promoting democracy, leading clean 10-year study compared to people pack, reduce stress, and boost mood. water initiatives, assisting hurricane who didn’t have a dog companion. There’s still nothing quite as thera- victims, and personally building Dog ownership conferred an even peutic as play. Peter Schnohr and homes with Habitat for Humanity. greater 31% risk reduction in car- Jacob Marott, my friends/colleagues A recent Harvard study of 13,000 diovascular death. These health and from Copenhagen, Denmark, and I adults reported that people who longevity benefits of sharing one’s recently published studies showing volunteer for even two hours/week home with a dog were especially pro- that the exercises that best improve have a longer life expectancy, fewer nounced for people who lived alone. life expectancy are those that involve physical impairments, and a stronger Life, in its wisdom, channels energy physical interactive play, like tennis, sense of well-being. According to to organisms that are contributing badminton, volleyball, golf, basketball, Dr. Eric Kim, the study’s lead author, to the common good, whereas life softball, and soccer. Play is a collabora- “Humans are social creatures by force tends to be shunted away from tive endeavor—everyone in the game nature. Perhaps this is why our minds isolated organisms that are not being benefits and usually comes away with and bodies are rewarded when we collaborative with other life around warm feelings about their playfel- give to others. Our results show that them. Because life is intricately inter- lows. Play is also a way to engage our volunteerism among older adults connected, to be fully participating competitiveness in a fun and harmless doesn’t just strengthen communi- in the phenomenon of life you need manner. These days I play pickleball ties, but enriches our own lives by to be investing much of your time at least twice a week; we laugh, hoot, strengthening our bonds to others, and energy into the wellbeing of liv- and kiddingly harass each other for 90 ing things around you. I think of my minutes. I have come to believe that grandmothers, Alice and Dorothy, and play is one of life’s essential ingredi- my mother Leatrice, who dedicated ents—let’s call it vitamin P. Doctor’s their lives to their family, friends, and orders, get your vitamin P at least communities. They were happy, active, twice a week. social people who lived into their 90s; Dorothy made it to 103. How many Acts of Service grouchy, anti-social, mean-spirited Even for the most introverted, we hermits do you know who are healthy need to connect to other life to pros- and living with vitality into their 90s? per. We’re like ants that way. Investing My mother’s mantra when I was time and energy into helping our fam- growing up was, “Go outside and play ily and/or colony survive is what we are with your friends.” As a teenager I had genetically programmed to do. We also a long list of phone numbers memo- have a strong inclination for altruism rized and was constantly calling my that not only makes us feel good when buddies to get a game together. Since we help others, it also improves our med school I’ve always continued to health and longevity. do a lot of exercise, but I neglected A study that closely tracked 10,000 my play time. Just in the last couple people in Wisconsin for over 40 years helping us feel a sense of purpose of years I’ve gotten back into play- found that people who volunteered and well-being, and protecting us ing, so I’m up to my old antics of reduced their risk of dying during the from feelings of loneliness, depression, frequently nagging my pals to join in study by over half. and hopelessness. Regular altruistic on a game of pickleball, badminton, activity reduces our risk of death.” Jimmy Carter, at age 97, is the and even pool—it makes me feel like United States’ longest-lived president. The take-home message is the same a kid again. Mammals invented play About 42 years ago he retired from one my wife Joan has been telling me 100 million years ago, to hone physi- his work as “leader of the free world”, and the kids for decades: “It’s not all cal skills while frolicking with their but he’s been passionately involved in about you.” The more we can keep this littermates. Play helped them develop volunteer work ever since and is still in mind, the better our lives will be. saintlukeskc.org/slcc | 816-931-1883 3
H E AR TFE LT STO R I E S Pam and Scout: Who Rescued Who? James H. O’Keefe, MD P am Emerson is a scheduler feels satiated with for us in the Duboc Cardio less food and is not Wellness Center and the so ravenous all the Haverty Cardiometabolic time. Nothing suc- Center. She also sits at our front desk ceeds like success— and checks our patients in when they the more progress arrive for their in-person office visits. she made with her Pam is a smart, friendly, conscientious, weight, the more and helpful person who is a key mem- motivated she was ber of our team. She welcomes people about following her when they come through our front new active lifestyle door, and in so doing, makes our first and healthy eating impression. Indeed, Pam usually has a habits. halo effect on the patient’s perception A turning point of our team, which is one of the many for Pam came when reasons most everybody who knows Scout, Pam, and Tyler her daughter, Tyler, her loves her. had her first child Pam has only been working with us Pam join our work family, and she about 6 months ago. It was a difficult for 15 months; before that she was in a settled right in. Pam said, “It smacked and dangerous delivery, and Tyler re- job that didn’t showcase her strengths, me in the face. It suddenly dawned lied heavily on her mother to support but instead made her feel unappreci- on me that I had been killing myself! her emotionally during the days fol- ated and stressed. And she had gotten I needed to wake up and start paying lowing the birth. Scout, the new baby, into some bad habits. Pam told me, attention to my health.” So she started is a beautiful and healthy little girl, but “All day I used to drink nothing but drinking water instead of pop and ate like all infants she is very needy. Pam Coke or Diet Coke, and sweets were more vegetables, fruits, berries, and and Scout formed a very close bond my comfort food.” As her weight crept nuts instead of junk food and sweets. from the first day, and her new grand- up and her mood slumped down, she Pam understood that as a visible and daughter is the light of Pam’s life now. became increasingly sedentary. Exer- important member of our Cardio “Scout made me realize that my life is cise started becoming uncomfortable, Wellness/Cardiometabolic team she not about me; it’s about making sure so she was spending less time pursu- needed to be setting a good example. that the people in my family are safe ing her passions, like playing with As her diet and lifestyle improved, and loved. I want to be here for my grandchildren, hiking trails with her the fat started to melt away and her grandkids, and they need me. I want friends and/or her dog, and garden- energy surged, which allowed her to help them grow up to be happy ing. Instead, she was spending her free to get more active and reengage and successful, to follow their dreams, time sitting around indoors staring physically with the world again. and to become good citizens too.” at passive entertainment on screens. We also started Pam on semaglu- Ikigai is a concept that comes from Pam felt herself getting pulled into a tide, a game-changing drug for her Okinawa—a Japanese island famous downward spiral that was draining the type 2 diabetes that not only reduces for its long-lived and healthy inhabit- joy and vitality from her life. hunger, blood glucose, and body ants. One of the central features of About 18 months ago, when the weight, it also lowers risk of cardiac traditional Okinawan culture is ikigai, lead scheduler/front desk position catastrophes, like heart attack and which means “one’s reason for being.” opened, Pam was our first-draft pick stroke, and cardiovascular death. Your ikigai is your life’s purpose or because a few of us already knew her Semaglutide reduced Pam’s cravings your bliss. This is what brings you joy and were impressed with her work. for sweets and other junk food. Since and inspires you to get out of bed in We were grateful and elated to have starting semaglutide, Pam eats much the morning and make you enthused smaller serving sizes because she to greet the day. It is generally a cause 4 Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart
that’s above and beyond one’s own Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants self interests. The Okinawans focus Suzanne V. Arnold, MD Jason B. Lindsey, MD on cultivating a strong sense of ikigai Bethany A. Austin, MD Anthony Magalski, MD as an essential trait to help them lead Dmitri V. Baklanov, MD Michael L. Main, MD Charles W. Barth, MD Susan A. Mayer, MD long, healthy, and fulfilling lives. Timothy M. Bateman, MD Justin R. McCrary, MD Pam’s eyes twinkle as she talks Matthew C. Bunte, MD A. Iain McGhie, MD Kevin A. Bybee, MD Michael E. Nassif, MD about how Scout comes and stays Paul S. Chan, MD James H. O’Keefe, MD with Grandma and Grandpa on Adnan Chhatriwalla, MD Nicholas M. Orme, MD weekends. Scout is becoming busier Matthew G. Deedy, MD Shailja Parikh, MD and more interactive by the day, yet Michelle L. Dew, MD John E. Peterson, MD Jonathan R. Enriquez, MD Riaz R. Rabbani, MD Grandma Pam’s newfound energy and Mark P. Everley, MD Valerie J. Rader, MD enthusiasm have made it enjoyable Tim Fendler, MD Brian M. Ramza, MD, PhD to care for the baby. She used to get Adam Fleddermann, MD Carlos Rivas-Gotz, MD Michael J. Giocondo, MD Barry D. Rutherford, MD sore when she would get down on Joseph A. Goeke, MD David M. Safley, MD the floor to play with Scout, but now, Thomas H. Good, MD Mohammed Saghir, MD Pam has no trouble crawling around J. Aaron Grantham, MD Adam C. Salisbury, MD Anna Grodzinsky, MD John T. Saxon, MD with her. Sanjaya K. Gupta, MD Laura M. Schmidt, MD Over the past year, Pam has lost Anthony J. Hart, MD James E. Sear, MD 60 pounds. She wears her ID badge Kenneth C. Huber, MD David G. Skolnick, MD Chetan Huded, MD Brett W. Sperry, MD that has a picture taken the day she Arun Iyer, MD Daniel A. Steinhaus, MD began working with us 15 months Dany Jacob, MD Tracy L. Stevens, MD ago. Patients and visitors are always Andrew C. Kao, MD Robert E. Tanenbaum, MD Taiyeb M. Khumri, MD Randall C. Thompson, MD commenting about how different Mikhail Kosiborod, MD Deepthi Vodnala, MD she looks today. Her numbers have Steven B. Laster, MD Alan P. Wimmer, MD dramatically improved, too. Pam’s Stephanie L. Lawhorn, MD Martin H. “Tony” Zink, III, MD John K. Lee, MD blood pressure, triglycerides, choles- terol, blood glucose, A1c, and markers Emeritus: James E. Crockett, MD, Allen Gutovitz, MD, Warren Johnson, MD, David of inflammation have all come back McConahay, MD, Daniel Scharf, MD, and David M. Steinhaus, MD. In Memoriam: down to normal healthy levels. She Robert D. Conn, MD, Geoffrey O. Hartzler, MD, and Ben McCallister, MD. is sleeping soundly again and is back to hiking the state trails, planting Funds generously donated to Saint Luke’s Foundation by grateful patients enable us to and tending a big garden, and rais- publish From the Heart and send it to more than ing three dozen free-range chickens 260,000 homes and offices. All materials are created whom she refers to as her devoted by our physicians solely for the education of our fan club. “They follow me everywhere patients and referring physicians and should not I go when I am outside,” she says. She be considered a substitute for medical advice. You brings in eggs for us from her pet should always talk to your health care provider for chickens, which taste nutritious and diagnosis and treatment regarding your specific delicious. In the past, Pam’s go-to food medical needs. was generally sweets and highly pro- Dr. O’Keefe cessed foods, but now she eats a lot of James H. O’Keefe, MD fresh vegetables/fruit and enjoys fish, Editor-in-Chief chicken, and beans, but makes a point saintlukeskc.org of eating nothing that comes from an animal with hoofs. © 2021, Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants. All rights reserved. Pam’s health has been radically transformed by awakening to the real- To be added or removed from this newsletter mailing list, email Lori ity that the world needs her, and that Wilson at ljwilson@saintlukeskc.org or call 816-751-8480. she can make a big positive difference for the people in her life. saintlukeskc.org/slcc | 816-931-1883 5
H E AR T H E ALTHY LI FE ST Y LE An Avocado a Day Keeps the Doctor Away James H. O’Keefe, MD, with Joan O’Keefe, RD over 30 years and found that eating half of an avocado twice per week re- duced the risk of developing coronary disease by 21%. These investigators used sophisticated statistical modeling to estimate that replacing a daily serv- ing of margarine, butter, egg, cream, or processed meats such as bacon, with a similar amount of avocado was associated with a 35 to 40% lower risk of heart attack and stroke. Around our household, if we run out of avocados, somebody is mak- ing a trip to the supermarket that day. We usually buy a few that are ripe or B nearly so, and several that will ripen ack in the 19th century, when I’m not hungry for things like sweets over the next few days. Johnny Appleseed was plant- and starchy foods. Heck, at a Mexican Avocados, besides being delectable, ing trees across the American restaurant, I can almost make a meal contain at least 20 essential vitamins wilderness and doctors made out of a large order of guacamole. and minerals. Because of its excep- house calls, an apple was considered a Botanically speaking, the avocado tional nutrient density, avocado, when superfood. In the 21st century, adding is a fruit—a berry to be precise— consumed on a regular basis, can avocado, instead of bacon, to your a strange one that contains only confer a host of health benefits, such daily routine is a smart and scrump- one tiny gram of sugar and a single as improved gut function and reduced tious way to boost your vitality. Joan gigantic seed. The fruits that are best risks of depression, heart disease, and and I are both huge fans of avocado, for your health tend not to be very cancer. Additionally, avocados are though when I titled this article “An sweet, like avocados, tomatoes, and very high in fiber—both soluble and Avocado a Day…” implying that a per- berries, including blueberries (wild insoluble. One avocado provides an son should eat a whole avocado each ones are best), blackberries, strawber- astounding 14 grams of dietary fiber, day, it triggered an argument that ries, or raspberries. These nourishing which is more than half the daily value nearly got me banished to the couch fruits tend to be high in fiber, potassi-for a woman (21 to 25 grams per day) for a night. And Joan has a good um, and antioxidants, yet low in sugar. and over a third of the daily value for point—this is a high-fat food, with A Harvard one average-sized avocado packing a study whopping 320 to 350 calories. Expe- published rienced registered dieticians like Joan Whole in March say the recommended serving size is Avocado 1/2 Avocado 1/3 Avocado 2022 in the anywhere from one-third to one-half Journal of Calories 322 161 106 of an avocado per day. I get away with the Ameri- eating a whole avocado (or two) per Fat 29 g 14.5 g 10 g can Heart day, but I’m very active, getting about Association Protein 4g 2g 1.3 g 15,000 steps per day, and I use celery followed or carrot sticks rather than chips for Carbs 17 g 8.5 g 6g 110,000 dipping guacamole. Personally, I find people for Fiber 14 g 7g 5g that an avocado fills me up so that 6 Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart
men (30 to 38 grams per day). Getting Generous Support for the Haverty lots of daily fiber is essential for keep- ing your bowel habits regular, and the Cardiometabolic Center of Excellence high fiber also keeps levels of blood M sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure ichael and Marlys Haverty in ideal ranges, all of which helps to have recently donated keep your heart youthful and strong. another $1 million grant to sup- One whole avocado has about port the Michael & Marlys Haverty 20 grams of monounsaturated fat. Cardiometabolic Center (CMC) of Many people are confused about Excellence at Saint Luke’s Mid- how avocados can be so high in fat America Heart Institute. About and calories but still be good for you. 4 years ago, Michael and Marlys Avocados are rich in monounsaturated donated $1 million to launch the fat, a heart-healthy fat that raises your Haverty CMC, which is co-directed HDL “good” cholesterol and lowers the by Drs. Mikhail Kosiborod and LDL “bad” cholesterol. Eating healthy James O’Keefe. This is an entirely fats in the form of extra-virgin olive oil, novel care model that has now nuts, seeds, and avocado lowers your been demonstrated to substan- risk of heart disease and metabolic tially improve the quality of syndrome (prediabetes), helps to burn care and outcomes in high-risk off belly fat (especially if you minimize individuals with diabetes or pre- the intake of sugar and starch), and diabetes and heart disease. Using keep you satiated longer after a meal. a comprehensive, team-based, Avocado is also a great source of and coordinated approach to Marlys and Michael Haverty vitamin C, which in combination with prevention and game-changing photo: Ingram’s Magazine the monounsaturated fat and anti- therapies, the CMC model can oxidants in this unique fruit, helps positively impact all the key ally. The non-for-profit organization, to keep your skin soft, supple, and cardiovascular risk factors (blood called the Cardiometabolic Center smooth. Avocado is also a superb glucose and cholesterol levels, Alliance has been growing rapidly since source of vitamins K, E, and B6, in blood pressure, weight, insulin its launch in 2020, and as of today, has addition to riboflavin, niacin, folate, resistance, and others), and most 12 participating healthcare systems pantothenic acid, magnesium, importantly, help our patients feel across the U.S. And work is ongoing to and potassium. Half of an avocado better and live longer. The remark- potentially expand this even to organi- contains 488 mg of potassium, which able success of the Haverty CMC zations outside the United States. is more than a full banana. And a high is the model upon which the team Patients trust us with their health potassium diet is one of the simplest led by Dr. Mikhail Kosiborod and and their lives. Our ability to improve and best strategies to lower your Melissa Magwire is building a na- their future wellbeing and vitality blood pressure without medications. tional movement to transform the through the Michael & Marlys Haverty Joan and I keep our guacamole quality of care in individuals with CMC is a mission that we feel privi- simple: mash up a few ripe avocados, cardiometabolic disease nation- leged to serve every day. add fresh squeezed lemon juice and a pinch of salt, and voila! It’s one of the healthiest and best-tasting dips on the other nutrients, but essentially devoid pit removed. I squeeze a fresh lemon planet. By the way, guacamole is like of sodium. So even when you add a into each of the half-sphere hollows, many of the most nutritious foods out dash of salt to improve taste, these sprinkle in a pinch of sea salt, and then there—you will eat more of it if you naturally delicious foods are still low in eat them with a spoon. On the other feel free to salt to taste. Natural whole sodium, and tend to keep your blood hand, Joan and my kids prefer avo- foods like nuts, vegetables, and fruits pressure nice and low-normal. cado toast—another delicious way to such as avocados and tomatoes are One of my favorite breakfast items enjoy this treasure from nature. loaded with potassium and countless is an avocado sliced in half with the saintlukeskc.org/slcc | 816-931-1883 7
H E AR T H E ALTHY LI FE ST Y LE Are You Getting Enough Magnesium? The Heart-Healthy Mineral James H. O’Keefe, MD, with Joan O’Keefe, RD A re you are having issues magnesium’s evil twin. Excess salt make the cells of the heart more irrita- with sleep, mood, muscle intake increases blood pressure and ble, which can increase risk for cardiac cramps, weakness, high swelling, and also predisposes to rhythm disturbances like ventricular blood pressure, skipped stroke and heart failure. Unfortunately, tachycardia (VT) and even sudden heart beats, or constipation? You most people eat too much sodium cardiac arrest. In fact, for some serious could be low in magnesium. About and not enough magnesium. Oral cardiac rhythm disorders, giving 2 50 percent of Americans don’t magnesium acts as a natural calcium grams of intravenous magnesium can consume adequate amounts of this channel blocker, increases nitric oxide, be a life-saving intervention. beneficial mineral. A diet rich in mag- improves endothelial dysfunction, The daily allowance for magnesium nesium is high in nuts, seeds, legumes and relaxes/dilates arteries and veins. is about 300 to 350 mg for women (like beans and peanuts), spinach, and All these actions of magnesium help and 420 to 480 mg for men. American other leafy green vegetables. But even to make it an effective therapy to women consume an average about among my patients who eat a very lower blood pressure and normalize 230 mg of magnesium per day and healthy diet, many of them seem to left ventricular hypertrophy (abnor- men about 300 mg per day. For com- feel better when I start them on a daily mal thickening of the heart muscle), parison, our hunter-gatherer ancestors magnesium supplement. particularly when done in conjunction consumed about 600 mg of magne- Magnesium is an essential min- with increasing intake of potassium sium daily. For various reasons such as eral and electrolyte that serves over and reducing sodium intake. Magne- depleted soil from corporate farming 300 functions, including catalyzing sium supplementation increases the and food processing that strips mag- enzymatic reactions responsible for effectiveness of blood pressure lower- nesium out of whole foods, it can be everything from creating DNA and ing meds. The dose of magnesium difficult to rely on diet alone for get- generating energy in your mitochon- required to reduce blood pressure is ting enough of this key mineral. Many dria to optimizing function of nerves 500 to 1000 mg/day. factors contribute to magnesium and muscles. It also plays a central A deficiency of magnesium can deficiency, including a diet based on role in hormonal balance; for instance, also cause dysfunction of the lining refined and processed foods, diseases magnesium affects estrogen levels of the blood vessels, predisposing to including kidney disease, gastrointes- and stress hormones and is needed spasm of the arteries and abnormal tinal disorders, cancer, medications to make thyroid hormone. Moreover, blood clotting. Magnesium is essen- (including diuretics, birth control pills, having low levels of magnesium tial for activating the ion pump that proton pump inhibitors), excess alco- increases your risk of weight gain, maintains the gradient across the cell hol, stress, frequent use of sauna and insulin resistance, high blood sugar, membrane, keeping the sodium out of steam baths, strenuous exercise, and type 2 diabetes, chronic inflammation, the cell and the potassium inside the vitamin D deficiency. and heart disease. cell. When magnesium levels are low, People who aren’t getting enough it allows excess sodium and calcium magnesium in their food tend to feel Magnesium and Heart Health to seep into the cells. This is one of the better when they take a supplement. Magnesium is one of the most ways in which low magnesium levels I often prescribe anywhere from 300 heart-friendly minerals. Sodium is 8 Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart
H E AR T H E ALTHY LI FE ST Y LE to 1000 mg of magnesium daily to You should design your diet to with constipation, as it will produce a reduce muscle soreness or cramps, contain plenty of magnesium. The gentle laxative effect by pulling water to facilitate sleep, and treat/prevent foods highest in magnesium—nuts, into the intestines to make your bowel constipation. Magnesium is also being seeds, leafy greens, yogurt, legumes, movements softer and easier to pass. studied for its potential benefits in the and dark chocolate—also tend to be Magnesium glycinate and treatment of mild cognitive impair- among the healthiest foods for many magnesium taurate are my favorite ment, where it may improve memory other reasons. If you are experiencing forms of supplemental magnesium. and overall mental functioning. muscle cramps, increasing intake of These forms are absorbed in the gut Magnesium is one of the safest magnesium and potassium from veg- and pass the blood-brain barrier and most effective sleep therapies. etables, fruits, and legumes is often where they interact with neurotrans- I personally take two capsules of a effective for relieving these and other mitters (chemicals in your brain), magnesium supplement just before muscle-related symptoms. like serotonin and GABA, to boost bedtime on most nights and find that I have become personally enam- mood and induce feelings of calm. it produces a gentle calming effect ored with taking a warm mineral bath Additionally, magnesium glycinate on my mood and helps me sleep with magnesium salts to soothe sore and taurate can be helpful for lower- more deeply. Magnesium comes muscles and joints. For thousands of ing blood sugar levels and reducing in many forms, but the best for years, hot springs and mineral baths overall inflammation in the body improving sleep are magnesium have been a popular way to relax, and brain. These forms of magnesium glycinate, magnesium taurate, or de-stress, and improve overall health. are less likely to produce a laxative magnesium threonate. The Romans built spas by natural hot effect but are often useful for issues Because magnesium citrate and springs and relied upon the mineral like anxiety, insomnia, chronic stress, magnesium oxide are poorly absorbed baths for their restorative and reju- and inflammatory conditions. Some forms of magnesium, they are good venating effects. Magnesium is the supplements provide a combination for improving bowel function in secret behind the healing powers of different forms of magnesium people who deal with constipation. of a hot mineral spa or an Epsom to provide a range of potential Indeed, increasing your intakes of salts bath. The dissolved magnesium benefits for functioning of the brain, water, magnesium, and dietary fiber soaks into and rejuvenates your skin, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, gas- like psyllium (Metamucil), is the best muscles, and joints, and even gets trointestinal, and immune systems. strategy to avoid or treat constipa- absorbed into your bloodstream, Bottom line: magnesium is a tion and improve bowel regularity. helping to boost the levels of this very safe mineral, and many people We generally recommend that people health-giving mineral. would benefit from increasing their take about 200 to 400 mg daily of daily intake of it. Patients with serious Options in Magnesium magnesium, but for more severe cases kidney disease are at risk for high Supplements of constipation, you can use higher levels of magnesium if they take it We encourage a “food first” strategy doses of magnesium, up to 800 or as a supplement. If you’re curious but acknowledge that many of our 1000 mg daily as needed. about this mineral, ask your health patients may need additional magne- Magnesium is important for activat- care provider if magnesium might sium in supplement form to feel and ing vitamin D and has a protective role be right for you. function best. You have many different against oxidative stress. Furthermore, formulations of magnesium to choose Disclosure: Dr. O’Keefe is the inadequate magnesium levels can from. One of the most common is founder and Chief Medical Officer for lead to depressed immune responses, magnesium oxide, which tends CardioTabs, a supplement company. whereas restoring normal magnesium to be less well absorbed, and thus is levels can improve immunity. Consid- effective for relieving constipation. ering that magnesium and vitamin D Too high a dose of magnesium oxide are important for immune function can cause bloating and loose and resilience against infection, a stools or diarrhea. Magne- deficiency in either of these nutrients sium citrate is another may contribute to severe illness with great option for people COVID infection. saintlukeskc.org/slcc | 816-931-1883 9
H E AR T H E ALTHY LI FE ST Y LE The Power of Continuous Glucose Monitoring: When We Know Better, We Do Better Mitchell Fagan, 4th year medical student P eople always ask me what the ated with endothelial dysfunction. odd-looking patch on my arm Your endothelium is the critically is. When I respond that it’s a important lining on the inside of your continuous glucose monitor blood vessels. When the endothelium (CGM), the next statement I usu- becomes dysfunctional, it markedly ally hear is, “I didn’t realize you were increases risks for stroke and heart diabetic.” I don’t have diabetes, so why attack. Further, higher glucose levels would a healthy medical student like after eating promote atherosclerosis— me would want to wear a CGM? Well, inflammation and hardening of your there are more than a few reasons. arteries. These changes compound More than half of Americans have over decades and you may only pre-diabetes or diabetes, and many discover your HbA1c is elevated after more have hyperinsulinemia—defined years of hyperinsulinemia and high as elevated blood levels of insulin. glucose variability. Most people are There is a well-studied connection surprised to discover that the sugar between hyperinsulinemia and the they consume is also transformed into risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, Mitchell Fagan fat called triglycerides and stored as and Alzheimer’s disease. Insulin is the subcutaneous fat and belly fat. This is hormone released from your pancreas insulin levels. Because insulin isn’t why a low-carb diet and/or fasting are that lowers your blood sugar levels. easily measured, the next best thing to sure-fire strategies for lowering blood It also induces lipogenesis, which monitor is glucose. triglyceride levels. is a fancy word for the process of The metric we use to define diabe- When I first inserted my glucose creating and storing fat. Too much tes is the blood glucose level. While monitor into my arm, I found that insulin, whether it’s injected as a glucose levels exist on a spectrum, a after a high-carb meal my glucose was drug or made by the person’s own fasting glucose over 126 mg/dL or a often spiking into the 160s mg/dL and pancreas, causes weight gain, insulin hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) over 6.5% then crashing to the 50s mg/dL. In resistance, and other problems with will land you a diagnosis of diabetes medical jargon, this is hyperglycemia your metabolism. In other words, if mellitus. You’ve probably had your followed by a hypoglycemic episode. we want to achieve optimal health, HbA1c tested at your doctor’s office, Being on this blood glucose roller- we need to avoid chronically elevated which is a three-month average of coaster causes endothelial dysfunc- your glucose levels. However, HbA1c tion and heart disease. I found a few doesn’t necessarily tell you if you have simple tricks to help keep my blood high insulin levels. A more precise glucose stable and prevent large and nuanced way to evaluate your swings. Now, most of the time, I keep metabolic status is to wear a CGM and my glucose within 70 to 100 mg/dL utilize your glucose levels as a proxy with my postprandial (after consum- for insulin. ing a meal) glucose under 140 mg/dL, Research suggests that higher which is ideal. glucose variability and higher peak I quickly discovered that the order glucose levels are associated with in which I consume various foods dur- mortality and earlier onset of chronic ing a meal is critically important. I eat diseases. High peak glucose levels a lot of handmade pasta and I found have also been found to be associ- continued on page 13 10 Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart
H E AR T H E ALTHY LI FE ST Y LE Gratitude is the Antidote to Envy James H. O’Keefe, MD W hen Tom Brady and the Buccaneers were beaten in the NFL play- offs last winter, many people who don’t live in Tampa Bay rejoiced. Schadenfreude is a German word that means “finding joy in an- other’s misfortune or struggle.” In fact, it’s part of the fun of sports, where you can indulge the dark side of these natural human emotions without feeling guilty. For those of us in Kansas City, it’s been especially fun to be on the Chiefs’ bandwagon in recent years. Face it—we humans are instinctively tribal animals, and there’s something tions like one global interconnected and you have a giant-screen TV to that feels deeply gratifying when our being. The secret of the phenomenal watch a vast array of entertainment. tribe vanquishes the competitors and success of the Homo sapiens species is You fly safely around the U.S. and the victory is ours. that we all are like one giant organ- world at near super-sonic speeds and A zero-sum game is the simple ism. When a creative genius comes up have access to life-saving drugs and idea that when one person gains, with a transformative invention, we all procedures that our ancestors could the other person must lose—like in benefit from it. A brilliant anonymous have not even imagined—our life ex- boxing, poker, or war. For sure, there person in the region that is now east- pectancy has doubled in the last cen- are times when we must adopt a dog- ern Poland/western Ukraine dreamed tury. And then there’s that all-knowing eat-dog mentality, say when you’re up the wheel about 5,500 years ago. rectangular electronic device in your trying to win the Superbowl, get into Their oxen-pulled wheeled carts al- pocket. Not one of these astounding a prestigious school, compete for lowed them to expand across Europe technologies for improving the quality a mate, or do almost anything that and displace all the hunter-gatherers and quantity of life that we now take involves a lawyer. who were living there. As a result, to- for granted was available to even the And life in America in the 21st day you get to work on wheels, rather wealthiest person in the world 100 century seems more hypercompeti- than by foot. years ago. Yet, when we look around tive than ever. Even so, most of the Each one of us is analogous to a and see someone who is doing a little time we humans do best when we single cell in the giant complex organ- better than we are, it tends to cause avoid the winner-take-all attitude and ism that is life on Earth, and now the angst. look for ways to make life a win-win internet is like our collective brain. For some strange reason, there proposition. Candice Millard, a widely From that perspective, it’s humbling to is a nefarious emotion called jealousy acclaimed author who lives and works imagine how hard it would be for any deeply imbedded in the Homo sapiens’ in KC, wrote, “My advice (for what it’s one of us to survive on our own—like brain software. Oscar Wilde said, worth) for success and happiness: a single cell removed from the body, a “Anybody can sympathize with the Compete with yourself and root for person left to fend for themself out in sufferings of a friend, but it requires everybody else.” the wild wouldn’t last long. a very fine nature to sympathize with We are the omnipotent masters of Objectively, nearly all of us are way a friend’s success.” Humans are funny the world, and our technological pow- better off today than, say, even the that way—someone we know has er and collective intelligence are rising king of England was in 1500. Your some good luck or does something exponentially. But this is only possible house is comfortably climate con- great, and often this negative because the human race now func- trolled no matter what the weather, continued on page 14 saintlukeskc.org/slcc | 816-931-1883 11
H E AR T H E ALTHY LI FE ST Y LE The Fountain of Youth in a Patch of Dirt: Let Nature Nurture You James H. O’Keefe, MD I have a confession to make. All my mon—good social support networks, A recent study from Holland life I’ve had a penchant to develop a physically active outdoor lifestyle, required participants to do a stress- long-term relationships with and lots of whole natural foods in inducing task that made them feel plants. As a young teen, I began their diet. Yet, they also share an- harassed. Immediately afterwards working summers in a nursery up in other surprising commonality—their they were randomly assigned to either Grafton, North Dakota, and would residents traditionally have gardened read indoors for 30 minutes, or garden plant trees and shrubs around town. throughout life, often into their 80s, outdoors for 30 minutes. The group As I was growing up, my trees were 90s, and beyond. that read reported no improvement in too, and I took pride in seeing them their agitated mood, while those as- thrive. When we moved to KC, a friend Gardening Therapy signed to gardening not only reduced gave us a small ficus tree as a house- A host of studies have reported that their levels of the stress hormone warming gift. Every fall I drag this tree gardening and yardwork confer both cortisol, they also noted improvement in from the patio, and we pick up its physical and mental health benefits. in their mood. leaves off the floor all winter. Then in Tending to a yard and/or garden is an An Australian study of people in spring, I drag it back outside again enjoyable hobby that will naturally get their 60s reported that the men and and nurse it back to health. Now it’s you more outdoor physical activity, women who gardened regularly had 35 years old, 15 feet high, and weighs which has been linked to improved a 36% reduced risk of developing de- north of 250 pounds—it’s like deliver- wellbeing and life expectancy. There is mentia compared to a matched group ing a very large baby twice a year as I abundant scientific evidence that gar- of people who didn’t garden. There pull it through the sliding glass doors. deners on average tend to live longer is no cure-all to prevent aging, but We also have two shamrock plants and be less stressed. for many people, gardening seems to that come in and out with the ficus. Digging in the soil and getting your improve both the quality and quantity These were gifts from two different hands dirty bolsters your microbi- of life as the decades roll by. patients/friends, both of whom have ome—the trillions of friendly mi- been gone for many years. When I crobes that reside on and inside you. May The Forest Be with You water these lush shamrocks—one Sunlight stimulates the exposed skin A feeling of being emotionally with pink flowers and the other to produce vitamin D, which is a key connected to other people is impor- white—I always fondly remember nutrient for strengthening bones and tant for wellbeing, but so too is one’s my beloved friends. Around the yard immune system. Being out in bright connection to nature. A study from we have innumerable hostas that I daylight also helps to synchronize Harvard University found that people transported here after splitting them your body’s internal clock, and that who lived in a house surrounded off from hostas that still grow in the improves the quality of your sleep at by verdant greenery had better life yard of my childhood home, and night. Sunshine boosts your brain’s expectancy and reduced risks for others from hostas that grew in my levels of serotonin—a neurotransmit- grandparents’ yard. ter that brightens mood, gives you Gardening and yardwork is a hobby more energy, and keeps you calm, that cultivates wellbeing in plants and focused, and optimistic. Exposing people. Dan Buettner has studied five skin to sunlight also reduces cultures across the globe where resi- blood pressure and dilates dents are famous for their longevity: arteries by increasing Sardinia, Okinawa, Costa Rica, Icaria, production of nitric oxide in and Loma Linda. These so-called Blue the blood vessels, which in turn Zones share specific factors in com- cuts risks of heart attack and stroke. 12 Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart
developing respiratory illnesses The Power of Continuous Glucose Monitoring and cancer. Doctors in Shetland, Scotland, continued from page 10 routinely prescribe physical activity that when I consume pasta before my sense that fasting would be a simple out in nature to reduce blood pressure protein, vegetables (fiber), and fat, my yet effective strategy to accomplish and anxiety and improve wellbeing glucose could go as high as 160 mg/ this. I also complete a 3-to-5-day for people with conditions such as dL. Yet, when I consume high-quality water-only fast every few months and diabetes, mental illness, stress, heart protein like fish with a salad and then my glucose usually stabilizes at 75 mg/ disease, and high blood pressure. have pasta, my glucose will rarely go dL and stays there consistently until I Planting a garden and trees, even on over 130 mg/dL (a massive improve- break my fast. a small yard in an urban setting, is an ment!). While data suggests that a Using the simple tactics described easy and enjoyable way to integrate pesco-Mediterranean diet is gener- above, I have been able to lower my some outdoor nature time into your ally healthy, there is considerable average glucose, glucose variability, daily life. variability in what the perfect diet is postprandial glucose, and lipid levels. The practice of consuming an abun- for an individual. Using a CGM is the There is no substitute for high-quality dance of fresh vegetables, ideally from best option we have to offer for diet data that can lead to data-driven local gardens and markets, is central personalization. Moreover, everyone behavior change. Because there is no to longevity. Even so, vegetables and has a different carbohydrate tolerance, one-size-fits-all diet plan, a CGM will fruit that you grow yourself will make and monitoring glucose will help you help personalize your diet to your you healthier even if the produce titrate your carb intake for optimal body. Although a CGM requires a phy- never makes it to your own table. The health. I have found the CGM to be the sician’s prescription, it is simple and famously therapeutic Mediterranean best behavior modification tool ever easy to attain. Using a GoodRx coupon diet—the traditional eating style of for customizing one’s diet and improv- helps lower the price as well, to about peasants from the shores of the Medi- ing well-being. $70/month out-of-pocket cost (insur- terranean Sea—is rich in home-grown Exercise also plays an important role ance generally won’t pay for CGM vegetables, fruits, nuts, olives, and in glucose stability. Your muscles are unless you have diabetes). Although grapes, from which they make olive oil the main engine that burns sugar in many feel that the diagnosis of their and red wine. your body. Therefore, the more muscle chronic disease occurred If you are outside for more than 15 mass you have, the more glucose can suddenly or 20 minutes apply sunscreen to your be burned for energy within those exposed skin. However, modest doses muscles. I found that prioritizing of ultraviolet light from the sun may strength training has helped me lower improve some skin conditions like my postprandial glucose. Walking eczema and psoriasis. I personally take before or after a meal also advantage of the mood-brightening helps prevent a glucose effects of fresh air and sunshine spike after eating. Another by getting outside for at least two strategy I rely upon to walks daily. keep my glucose and insulin A balanced life, like a chair, is stabi- levels low is fasting. I follow lized by four legs: social connection, a time-restricted eating program, wholesome diet, physical activity, commonly referred to intermittent and mental engagement. A person fasting, which allows me to eat needs to invest energy into all four of between 4 to 6 hours each day, and and without warning, the factors that these fundamental factors to stay in fast for the other 18 to 20 hours. This predispose to these diseases manifest optimal balance with their health and strategy keeps my glucose and insulin over many decades. Therefore, moni- wellbeing. Gardening is a simple and levels low for most of the day and toring your glucose now may play a enjoyable habit to cultivate that can night. Since the goal is to keep insulin critical role in preventing disease years contribute to all four of these pillars as low as possible, it intuitively makes down the line. of health. saintlukeskc.org/slcc | 816-931-1883 13
Physician Leaders of Gratitude Is the Antidote to Envy Saint Luke’s continued from page 11 Cardiovascular emotion called envy wells up, which yourself of the positive aspects of Surgical Program is a disguised form of hostility based on one’s own insecurity. We each your life, and it turns out to be a very effective strategy to neutralize have only a few dozen people with envy. Practicing gratitude has been Dr. J. whom we are personally connected. shown to increase one’s sense of Russell Davis When something good happens to wellbeing and improve heart health. is a board-cer- someone in our little circle of family/ Laura Redwine at the University of tified general friends/coworkers, it should be a California, San Diego did a simple but and thoracic reason to celebrate their victory. remarkable randomized-controlled surgeon who When I see someone accomplish- trial (our gold-standard way to test specializes in ing their dreams, I remind myself to a therapy) involving 70 individuals cardiothoracic be genuinely happy for them and who had early-stage heart disease. and heart transplant surgery. He is pass along hearty congratulations. Half of them were asked to keep a the Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery My wife Joan says that when she sees daily gratitude journal, whereas the at Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas a person who is succeeding wildly, control group were treated as usual. City. Dr. Davis is especially interested she tells herself, “Don’t be envious, The gratitude journal group were in developing blood conservation be inspired.” Joseph Epstein said, told, “For the next eight weeks you techniques and minimally invasive “Of the seven deadly sins, only envy will be asked to record 3 to 5 things valve procedures. Dr. Davis is proud is no fun at all.” To refresh your mem- for which you are grateful on a daily of the work of SLCC and the service ory, during the 14th century Dante basis. Think back over your day and they provide to the community. “We Alighieri wrote a poem called Inferno, include anything, however small or have a highly functioning group of in which he listed the seven deadly great, that was a source of gratitude surgeons that offer a large scope of sins as lust, gluttony, sloth, greed, cardiac work,” he says. “Patients have wrath, pride, and envy. Harboring no reason to leave Kansas City for jealously is like holding a grudge. cardiothoracic surgery or care.” Buddy Hackett joked, “I don’t carry a grudge. While you carry the grudge, Dr. Karthik the other guy is out dancing.” Vamanan is a Your brain and heart are linked by board-certified a high-bandwidth nerve connection vascular that instantaneously transmits your surgeon who emotions to your heart. Feelings of specializes in grief, anger, fear, and envy are toxic treating a wide to your heart. Of the cardiotoxic range of vascu- emotions, jealousy ought to be the lar disease processes. Dr. Vamanan easiest to avoid. There is no personal that day. Make the list personal, and serves as Surgical Director of the upside to feelings of envy. In con- try to think of different things each Saint Luke’s Vascular Program. Dr. trast, when thankfulness, joy, or love day.” Impressively, the gratitude Vamanan wanted to be a surgeon at registers in your heart, these feelings journaling lowered levels of harmful a very young age. After trying various tend to lower blood pressure and im- inflammation and improved heart fields, he found he loved vascular prove your cardiac health. For many rate variability—a measure of cardiac surgery and the patients he treated. people, social media can stoke feel- health and resilience. “Every time I see a patient in clinic, ings of envy. If that’s the case for you, especially the ones that have been it may be best to limit the time you An old English proverb says, “Envy seeing me for 15 years or more and spend on Facebook, Instagram, etc. shoots at others and wounds itself.” whose lives we have significantly On the other hand, a grateful heart Another great way to neutralize improved, I feel very fortunate and tends to attract blessings and culti- envy is to think grateful thoughts. privileged to do what I do.” vate wellbeing. You choose. Gratitude arises when you remind 14 Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart
You can also read