Hearse Number Seven - AW Lymn

Page created by June Rivera
Hearse Number Seven - AW Lymn
April 2019

Hearse Number Seven
from Matthew Lymn Rose
When the Rolls-Royce Silver Mist fleet began to get a little long in the tooth,
we decided to look for a suitable replacement, and as such spoke to all well-
known coachbuilders about what they had in their own product lines, and
what they could potentially do as a bespoke piece of work for A.W.Lymn.
Unfortunately, we were pretty disappointed in what was on offer, but in
November 2012, a chance meeting between Nigel and I, and Biemme Special
Cars at the Paris Funeral Exhibition gave us new hope.
Biemme had built a one off Rolls-Royce Phantom VII hearse for a funeral
company in Northern Italy, hand crafted in aluminium, (and finished in
Silver), this was a working, driving example of what we had wished for. No
limousines had been built, or planned, but the hearse was very real so Nigel
and I booked the next available flight to Italy to go and see the car. When we
arrived, we were very impressed, so much so that an order for six was placed,
an order that the Italians thought (I am sure) would never be completed.
                                                                                      In this issue
The first car was delivered, and very quickly stripped of all of its trim, many
of its body panels and doors, to reveal the aluminium skeleton. The car was
then cut in front of the rear axle and bulkhead, stretched 1m on a jig, and
re-joined. The chassis then went to another factory where one man, Vittorio,
worked alone for hours on end to hand craft the beautiful body and attach it to
a new, larger, skeleton that would accommodate the coffin compartment.

The vehicle then returned to the main factory for painting, mechanical work,
electrics and trim, before three visits by Rolls-Royce Milan to update the
software and check the operating systems. The first car took nearly a year,
and although the latest car, number six, was a little quicker, the process has
                                                                                     Kerry and her team create some
certainly become more streamlined. The design has changed very slightly
                                                                                     interesting floral tributes, including
over the production run, and each car is slightly better than the last.
                                                                                     this scuba mask.
Sir Henry Royce was well known for his quotes, one of his most famous                More on page 7
is “Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and
make it better. If it doesn’t exist, create it”. I like to think that we have done
just that, looking for the perfect vehicle to carry out our sombre duty, and
somehow improving on the Rolls-Royce car to build something that is unique
to us.
Hearse number seven is due in December 2019, and it remains to be seen if
number eight will be next, or if indeed that might have to wait for a Phantom

                                                                               Brian Miles retires after serving our
                                                                               family company for over 23 years.
                                                                               During this time he has risen through
                                                                               the ranks from Driver, to Conductor at
                                                                               Radcliffe on Trent, Funeral Director
                                                                               and most recently Senior Funeral
Hearse number six during                  A completed hearse six with the what More on page 8
production.                               will be hearse number seven.
April 2019

The Needs of the Dying and Bereaved Families                                      Newstead Abby
from   Jackie Lymn Rose                                                           from   Wayne Lambord
For many years we have delivered         all of which are readily accepted.
presentations, on request, to care       I also have Services Brochures with
homes, nursing homes, residential        me (normally spare ones from the
homes, church groups etc. to explain     previous year) to show pictures of
the role of the funeral director,        vehicles, coffins and other products.
raise the awareness of A W Lymn          I always include a “guess the price
The Family Funeral Service and           of a coffin” of the Westminster and
foster a good relationship with local    of the Promethean which adds both
communities.                             humour and surprise and is a great
At the end of 2015 we decided a          opportunity to explain pricing and
                                                                                  Wayne managed to get this photograph
more pro-active approach was needed      disbursements and to spread the
                                                                                  during the February heatwave.
and so, when we distributed the          message that the “best” funeral is the
Christmas and New Year opening           funeral that reflects the needs and
hours brochures to the 300 + care        means of both the individual and the     Billboards
homes in our trading area, we            family needs and does not have to be
included a personal letter, explaining   the most costly.                         from   Emma Percival
that we were launching a free service    So far this year I have given 10
to present to staff to care homes        presentations and have a further
etc. and included a reply slip and a     eight booked for the next few weeks.
Freepost envelope. The presentation      All attendees receive a personalised
is to outline the procedure that         Certificate of Attendance which is
follows from the moment we are           beneficial for CPD or NVQ purpose
informed of the death of a resident      and a feedback form which helps me
until the funeral takes place. The aim   to gauge if content and duration is
of this is to dispel myths about death   appropriate and, most importantly,
and advise of custom, practice and       if each attendee considers they have
faith issues thus giving care home       benefitted from the session and
staff confidence to answer questions     broadened their knowledge on the
raised by residents and by family in     subject. Feedback has been very          Rainworth
anticipation of death occurring.         positive.
The response received, from the letter   If anyone is approached by a home in     from   Pete Clarson
was very good and I have continued       their area, for such guidance, please
the programme year on year. The          pass the contact name and number on
presentation is entitled “The Needs      to me.
of the Dying and Bereaved Families”      The wide range of establishments I
and takes place on site at each care     have visited, without exception, are
home and lasts about one hour plus       managed and staffed by people that
question time. I take handouts with      really care for the residents and I
me including Funeral Wishes flyers,      have been able to demonstrate that
the new First Steps Following a          the care, dignity and respect afforded
Death flow chart and A W Lymn pens       in life are continued in death.          The refurbishment at Rainworth is
                                                                                  well underway!

                                         Firstly Blidworth Welfare Band           Championships the week before with
Brass Band news                          competed in the Midlands Regional        Grimethorpe Colliery Band (as seen
                                         Brass Band Contest and were              in the film Brassed Off). We came
from   Colum J. O’Shea                   awarded 5th place. Equalling their       second and so qualify for the National
                                         highest ever placing.                    Finals to be held in October in the
                                                                                  Royal Albert Hall London.
                                         I competed in the Yorkshire Regional
Arnold                                      professional and kind.
                                           It felt like a family in our treatment at
                                           the branch. JF/RK                           Beeston
                                           We were always made to feel                 Very personal contact throughout.
                                           comfortable and at ease at all times,       Walking in front of funeral car was
                                           before, during and after the funeral.       very impressive and appreciated.
    Client                                 EC/RK
                                           It was all done so lovely. Rachel
                                                                                       They made a very difficult day

                                           would have been so proud, the coffin        bearable; for our family. TAR/NLR
                                           & flowers so beautiful. Speaker very
                                           good. RK/RK                                 Bingham
   collected                               The fact you put a nail in the end of
                                           the coffin to put a plaque on – a really
                                                                                       Calm & dignified. DTL/DTL
                                                                                       Did as we asked, Perfect. DTL/DTL

    during                                 nice touch. EC/AA
                                           Very helpful explaining everything to
                                                                                       Handled everything perfectly. DTL/
                                           us, also contacted coroner’s office on      Great service. DTL/DTL
February 2019                              our behalf. EC/RK
                                           It was all done very professionally
                                                                                       Very knowledgeable, provided all
                                                                                       aspects of arrangements from flowers
    After each funeral we send a           but with compassion as you would            to press notices. DTL/DTL
 questionnaire out with our invoice.       expect. EC/JLR
  There is a section ‘Were there any       That he was driving us on the day of        Bulwell
   aspects of the funeral directors’       the funeral. Thank you for providing        They made us feel very comfortable
service that you particularly liked?’,     a very good service at a difficult time.    at this sad time, made things easier
The comments from the most recent          RK/RK                                       for us. CM/JRC
 are here, in regular font. The initials   Very caring, kind, considerate,             Loved the horses they put a lovely
at the end of each comment relate to       nothing was too much trouble. Beryl         touch to the day. They looked
the funeral arranger and the funeral       & Ellie were brilliant at all times. EC/    amazing so glad we had them. TC/
 director, for example EC/JLR was          NLR                                         RJM
arranged by Ellie and conducted by         Ellie was very helpful and caring she
                Jackie.                    did everything she could to help me         Hello Tina, Would just like to say,
                                           and my sister. EC/RK                        thank you so much for all your
 Any comments in italics are from          The time and care taken at each part        kindness and help, in making my
        letters received.                  of the process, also, being able to talk    late husbands funeral a really
                                           to the celebrant at Lymns. EC/RK            special time for family and friends.
Online reviews are also available at       Very professional, completed to high        Everything was absolutely perfect.
 https://www.funeralzone.co.uk/            standard, friendly but caring attitude,     Thank you too for your wonderful
         funeral- directors                and very polite. EC/RK                      support towards myself and all you
               and                         The respect shown to the deceased           did to make me feel so comfortable.
  https://www.facebook.com/pg/             and those who attended the service.         Words really cannot convey how
         awlymn/ reviews/                  EC/RJM                                      much this was appreciated.
                                           Dignity & respect shown throughout
                                           the funeral. RK/RK                          Carlton
          Excellent – 106                  Personal service- delivering wishes.        Personal representation by company,
            Good – 10                      EC/NLR                                      at all time available. JF/NMR
          Satisfactory – 1                 Ellie was brilliant and always very         All directors were very friendly, we
                                           helpful. EC/RK                              had Joyce. She was very helpful. JF/
            City Flowers                                                               TK
                                           Aspley                                      Very personal attentive approach.
           Excellent – 63                  Keeping the family up to date with          Unobtrusive smooth team work by all
              Good – 7                     every aspect. Communication was             concerned. RK/NMR
           Satisfactory - 1                fantastic. Felt our family was a
                                           priority to Laura ☺ LF/TK                   Dear Mark, I hope you are well.
                                                                                       Before our paths cross again I
                                           Words cannot express how pleased            would once more like to thank you,
                                           we were with all the funeral                and everyone at A. W. Lymn for the
                                           arrangements for our beloved dad.           outstanding professionalism shown
                                           Your services, staff and all were very      throughout your handling of my
beloved son’s funeral arrangements.      at Lymns have been in this very sad
My sincere thanks Mark, also to          time for my family, I wish you all     Littleover
Joyce and Lesley for your tender and     a prosperous 2019 and hopefully        We had excellent service from start to
loving care of my beloved son whilst     your business goes from strength to    finish. Thank you for your care and
in your tender care and safe keeping.    strength.                              understanding. AB/AB
Everything was perfect from start to                                            Spoken to as a human being and not
finish, so comforting and uplifting at   Cotmanhay                              pressured into buying more services
such a tragic and sad time.              Professionalism, respect, work         that I could not afford. AB/AB
                                         completed behind the scenes            Very efficient and caring. My father’s
Hi Lesley, Just wanted to let you        – reducing family stress. Very         wishes carried out to perfection. AB/
know that yesterday went very well       accommodating. MS/MS                   AB
particularly the order of service we     Personal service & excellent advice.
had so many great comments all the       MS/MS                                  Long Eaton
Lymns staff were very efficient. Dad     Nothing was too much trouble, they     They were very respectful and helpful
had a great send off thanks to all       was absolutely brilliant. MS/MS        without pushing for extras. LJC/LJC
involved .                                                                      Seemed more personal. LJC/LJC
                                        Derby                                   Lesley is wonderful, she was
The funeral director, Joyce, Lesley     Dan Barnes has been so helpful and      professional but friendly and took the
and all the staff. Thank you so very    made all of this so much easier to      time to talk about John rather than
much for all that you did regarding     cope with. Thank you. DB/KH             being clinical.. Louise was also very
the funeral arrangements. From the                                              good on the day. LDE/LJC
initial phone call and throughout.      Hucknall                                Friendly, makes you feel at ease. LJC/
Words can not express our gratitude. Professional service and polite            KH
Thank you for enabling us to mark his manner – very smartly dressed.            Lesley Eaton went truly above &
left, his death and his transition with CM/??                                   beyond what we expected; to make
inestimable dignity and worth. We                                               a truly hard situation that little more
will remember the day as being very     Dearest Catherine, The words I can      bearable. LDE/LJC
special for a long time to come.        find are totally inadequate to thank    Very friendly, understanding and
                                        you for all you have done over the      helpful. Lesley Eaton is wonderful.
To everyone at Lymns especially         recent years. I know it is always a sad LDE/LJC
Mark and Lesley. Thank you for          time when we dial your number but
making a sad and difficult situation    we will be looked after with such love Mansfield
more bearable. We felt that nothing     and compassion throughout. You are      Staff were able to answer any
was too much trouble and appreciate a truly remarkable lady. Please also        enquiries we had as a family. DC/DC
your kindness.                          pass on my thanks to all the members Advice, friendliness, compassion.
                                        of your team                            DC/DC
To all the staff at Lymns, Thank you
so much for looking after us, we will   Caroline and everyone, A huge thank Mansfield Woodhouse
never forget the amazing service you you for looking after my husband, you From start to finish, the funeral &
provide.                                have all been amazing. The service      arrangements were conducted in a
                                        and everything was so beautiful, he     professional & respectful way. Thank
Clifton                                 would have loved it. You all have       you. SEJ/JWB
Their care and kindness. JMW/MLR been brill.                                    Contact with Jonathan, very
Attention to detail, prompt and                                                 professional. JWB/JWB
personal attention and contact before Would just like to say a big thank        Nothing was too much trouble. I was
funeral. JMW/BM                         you for everything you did for us at    really happy with the presentation of
                                        dad’s funeral. You made it a whole      my Dad. He looked very peaceful.
We would like to thank A W Lymn for lot better than we thought it would be SEJ/JWB
all the help, support and a wonderful and made us all feel welcome from         The staff were very helpful. JWB/
funeral service for our mother.         the first step through the door.        JWB
                                                                                Everything – A really brilliant team
I would like to take this opportunity   Ilkeston                                – wouldn’t have any other – great
to thank everyone at Lymns for their    Made personal to our family. SF/SF      thanks to Jonathan, Andy, Elaine &
excellent work regarding my fathers     Val the celebrant was very good, clear Stacey, also a huge thanks to those
funeral, on behalf of all of my family, voice, kind and organise. SF/SF         that prepared & dressed Paul JR.
we all would like to say how very       Very friendly staff who made us feel    JWB/AA
professional and helpful everyone       at ease. MS/MS                          All satisfactory. SB/JWB
Courteous; supportive; friendly            respect and I thank you for that. The    Shirebrook
without being familiar. A “correct         coffin and spray flowers were lovely     The service was performed by Adam
compassion” JWB/JWB                        and the pedestal flowers brightened      Humphries who showed compassion
                                           the West Chapel.                         and respect when delivering mums
Nottingham                                                                          memories. JP/AA
Very friendly and helpful at a difficult   Rainworth
time for the family. TK/TK                 They were very helpful with us to        Spondon
Everyone was so helpful but                arrange everything. DCC/DCC              Everything was perfect. FH/KH
especially Barbara was brilliant in        Care & understanding, comfort by
communicating and following our            being looked after. WW/DCC               Stapleford
requirements. DD/NLR                       All of it the family & I were really     Keeping me in touch throughout.
                                           pleased. Thank you. DCC/DCC              TSR/KH
Ollerton                                                                            Friendly, efficient, caring and
Speed and efficiency organising,           Ruddington                               supportive staff (Tracey) excellent
given tight timescale. CJO/CJO             Very smooth running and a discrete       service for funeral. TSR/NLR
Friendly & efficient. CJO/CJO              presence, not intrusive. TLS/JLR         The delicate way everything was
                                           The whole service was excellent.         handled. TSR/LJC
Osmaston                                   GLC/BM
Mark Chapman was fantastic from            I thought it was good the director had   Sutton
the day we went into the premises,         me check all doors were locked and       Everything was well organised and
nothing was too much trouble. MC/          we were all ok before we left. GLC/      clearly explained and we felt well
MC                                         TLS                                      supported and informed. KLH/AA
                                           The formality and the efficiency. Also   Karen Horton was very professional
Radcliffe                                  the kindness shown to myself and my      in her manner and made me feel at
Friendly staff very helpful and            family- on the day and patience and      ease with the whole process, before
knowledgeable. JK/JK                       guidance when planning the funeral.      & after. Would certainly recommend.
All excellent. DTL/DTL                     TLS/NLR                                  KLH/AA
Friendliness and not pushy with                                                     Listened to exactly what the family
regards to spending unnecessary        Dear Jackie, I am sorry that I did not       wanted. KLH/AA
amounts of money. Good advice and      have more time to speak to you last          The home visit service and the
choice given. JK/JK                    Thursday at Wilford Hill, but as you         ongoing updating on progress of all
Very respectful & calming staff. BM/   may imagine on that day my thoughts          aspects of funeral & after care. KLH/
RK                                     were going in all sorts of directions,       AA
The walking in front of the hearse     and my emotional state was
when leaving our home, and on          somewhat unpredictable. I wanted to          West Bridgford
arrival at the crematorium. JK/RK      do everything possible to make dad
                                       proud. Dad was such a meticulous             Dear Andrew, I wanted to thank
Jane, A short note to thank you from   man, who paid great care concerning          you and your team for making the
the bottom of our hearts for the       punctuality, and all details, no matter      arrangements so stress free. It was a
superb service you and the A.W. Lymn how small. I am sure he would                  lovely service and everything was as
team provided for us. It was flawless  have been impressed by the way in            it should be on the day - thank you.
and dealt with impeccably. Thank       which you personally ensured that
you so much, you made a traumatic      everything went smoothly - I know I          Dear Sarah, Thank you so much for
and very sad occasion so much easier was. Whilst your staff at Ruddington           your kind patience and support over
to deal with. It goes without saying,  were excellent in every respect, when        the past year. We really appreciate
we couldn’t have achieved it without   I learned that you would be taking           how you have helped us through this
you, but the manner in which it was    charge on the day, I was entirely            difficult time.
handled, was truly exemplary. We       confident that everything would be
were so pleased with the service from done to an excellent standard, and            Wollaton
your team, and especially you.         so it proved. Please accept my very          The personal attention by
                                       sincere thanks to you, and to all your       Mr N. Lymn Rose. NAA/NLR
To Jane, On behalf of my family I      staff who helped to make the day             Understanding of feelings. NAA/JRC
would like to thank you and your       everything that I had hoped it would
colleagues at A. W. Lymn for your      be.                                          Could Do Better
kindness and patience with organising
and conducting my father’s funeral.                                                 No make-up was applied, very
You treated my father with dignity and                                              distressing when viewing.
The A. W. Lymn Centenary Foundation was formed and is continually financed by the Company to
 mark its first 100 years of service. Its aim is to help those in the communities the Company serves.
                 Here are some letters of thanks, received over the past two months.

Anyone wishing to make an application for funding can do so in writing giving a brief description of what is required, who is
to be helped and why it is thought that the Foundation should assist. Applications should be sent to The A. W. Lymn Centenary
Foundation, Robin Hood House, Robin Hood Street, Nottingham, NG3 1GF or centenaryfoundation@lymn.co.uk .
Staff Newsletter

Welcome                                   Welcome                               Wedding Gifts
to   Richard Hunt                         to Andy   Eaton

Richard joined the driving staff at
                                          Andy has joined the Derby office as
RHH at the end of February. He has
                                          a casual driver/bearer. He also works
been retired for around 20 years
                                          as an Emergency Medical Technician
having previously worked in the
                                          for East Midlands Ambulance Service
Police Force as a Section Sergeant and
                                          which he has done for the last four
the Merchant Navy as a Radio Officer.
                                          years. Andy is married to Lesley
Richard lives on a farm in Car Colston
                                          from Long Eaton and they have a
with his two dogs
                                          son, Alex who is 15 years old. Andy Nigel was pleased to present gifts to
                                          enjoys spending time walking their     Sharon and Keira to celebrate their
                                          three dogs and skiing (when the wife weddings, which took place last year.
Welcome back                              lets him)! Andy says ‘I’m glad to join
                                          the team and help out when my shifts
to   Mark Collishaw                       allow’.                                Sundial thanks

                                          Floral tributes
                                          from   Kerry Bishop

As a qualified FD, and someone
experienced in our systems, Mark                                                ‘Jackie, I am so very pleased with
should fit in quickly to the routine at                                         the Gothic Sundial. It looks just right
RHH. Welcome back.                                                              in the garden. My husband loved his
                                                                                garden and so I think it’s so right to
                                                                                have his ashes in a place he loved
Congratulations                                                                 to spend time. A big ‘thank you’ to
                                                                                Pete who brought and positioned the
                                                                                sundial for me, what a lovely man.’

Courtney passed her driving test on
Tuesday 12th March.
April 2019

Best Practice of the Month
        Nigel, Jackie and Matthew Lymn Rose
chosen by
Congratulations to Malcom
Barham, Joe Parton-
Buckeridge and David Hills
who have won this months
Best Practice award.

They were nominated by
Richard Marshall,
‘I’d like to nominate Malc, Hills and    While the family went to the              Sharon has been on long term sick,
Joe for piling in and helping to dress   reception Malc helped the grave           she has coped very well on her own.’
a grave when the wrong one had been      digger dig the plot so that the family
dug.’                                    could get back to inter their loved
                                         one. This obviously helped in the
                                                                                   Joe Parton-Buckeridge by
A nominated this month...                time it took to dig the plot. Malc is     Ben Percival ‘Joe helped out in
                                         such a trooper and is always willing      the masons at the last minute, freeing
                                         to help in any way shape or form that     me up to complete office work in the
Malcolm Barham by Jane                                                             absence of Sharon’.
                                         he can’
Keetley - ‘Can I please put
Malcolm’s name forward for best                                                    Jo Lee by Kerry Bishop ‘Jo
practice? On a burial for Ruddington     Mary Haynes by Ben
                                                                                   made a Friday afternoon dash to try
office the grave that was dug for the    Percival ‘I really appreciate the         and repair a floral tribute at the side
funeral was the wrong one.               hard work Mary has put in whilst
                                                                                   of the road’

Brian Miles                                                                       British Legion
from Matthew      Lymn Rose                                                       from Laura      Fletcher
As you are maybe aware Brian has been away from work for a few weeks due
to ill health, and during this time has been speaking with my fellow Directors
and I about his future.

Having served our family company for over 23
years, Brian has seen a lot of change within the
business, and most importantly helped numerous
families through their own grief in the many
roles he has fulfilled.

Brian has already passed the state pension age,
and has taken the decision that the time is now
right for him to retire, to enable him to spend
more time with his wife Sue and their family,
and to enjoy the fruits of retirement. I have no
                                                                                  I was really pleased to receive the
doubt that you will all join me in wishing Brian a long, happy and healthy
                                                                                  above thank you from the British
retirement, and in the usual fashion we hope to mark it formally at the next
official staff do.
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