Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022 - National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing

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Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022 - National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing
 National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022 - National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

     The Louth Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) is delighted to publish its
     Healthy Ireland Plan for Louth 2018-2022. The Plan reflects a significant body of work
     produced in a short time frame, exemplifying the co-operation and support of the partners
     within the LCDC and beyond. Healthy Ireland is based on the premise that health and well
     being is affected by all aspects of a persons life including education, housing, financial
     status and physical environment.

     This Plan will increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all stages of life, reduce
     health inequalities, protect the public from threats to health and wellbeing and create an
     environment where every individual and sector of society can play their part in achieving
     a healthy Louth.

     The Plan is designed to reflect various national and local strategies/plans and in particular
     the Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) and reports on the performance under 3
     areas – shared spaces, shared knowledge and shared well-being.

     Louth LCDC is focused on operating within existing structures by exploring how resources
     can be aligned and used with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. The LCDC is confident
     that by listening to the people of County Louth and incorporating the learning from the
     delivery and process of the LECP to date the monitoring of the delivery of the HI plan for
     Louth will not prove a burden for our partners as updates will be sought through the LECP

                Liam Reilly

                Cathaoirleach of Louth County Council
                and Chairman of Louth LCDC

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022 - National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

1. Introduction to Healthy Ireland Framework

Vision: A Healthy Ireland, where everyone can enjoy physical and mental health and
wellbeing to their full potential, where wellbeing is valued and supported, at every level
of society and is everyone’s responsibility.

Healthy Ireland Goals:

The Healthy Ireland framework describes four high-level goals and details 64 actions that
will work together to help achieve goals:

Goal 1: Create an environment where every individual and sector of society can play
        their part in achieving a healthy Louth

Goal 2: Reduce health inequalities

Goal 3: Protect the public from threats to health and wellbeing, and

Goal 4: Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all stages of life

Healthy Ireland, whilst guided by a clear vision, is very much outcomes driven, with targeted
actions grouped under six broad themes:

•   Governance and Policy

•   Partnerships and Cross Sectoral Work

•   Empowering People and Communities

•   Health and Health Reform

•   Research and Evidence

•   Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022 - National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

     2. Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan

     Louth Local Economic and Community Plan 2018 - 2022 (LECP) was designed from the
     outset to specifically support the key priorities of Healthy Ireland. Consequently, the
     Louth LECP incorporates the four Healthy Ireland goals that are to be delivered at local
     level throughout the plan.

     The LECP Goals include:

       Louth LECP Community Goal           Community Goal Summary Objective

       Goal 1: Strong, safe and            Enable wellbeing and quality of life to support safe, resilient,
       flourishing communities             independent and engaged communities

       Goal 2: Access to Education         Ensure that everyone can access and participate in education,
                                           skills development, and life-long learning

       Goal 3: Prosperous, inclusive       Create equality of opportunity for those experiencing poverty,
       communities and places              isolation and social exclusion

       Goal 4: Health and Wellbeing        Provide environments and conditions that support healthy,
                                           self-directed fulfilled and purposeful lives

       Goal 5: Nurturing children and      Nurture and develop our children and young people from early
       Young People                        childhood to young adulthood

       Goal 6: An Age-Friendly Society     Embrace and foster the rich contribution older people make
                                           to our communities

       Goal 7: Entrepreneurship,           Empower community innovation, entrepreneurship and enter-
       Innovation and Enterprise           prise to support urban and rural development

       Goal 8: A Valued Environment        Value and protect our built heritage and natural environment
                                           to enhance the lives of those who live, work and visit the
                                                                               Table 1 - Louth LECP Community Goals

   The Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan is designed to integrate fully with the Louth LECP. This
   supports the overall vision which is ‘Louth will be a prosperous, proud, safe and inclusive
   county where people want to live, work, visit and invest, and where there is equal opportunity
   for all’.

   Following the development of a discussion document a targeted consultation session
   identified key areas of action - refer to appendix B.

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022 - National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

    Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan

"A county where everyone can enjoy
     physical and mental health and
    wellbeing to their full potential"

                                                HI for Louth Plan

   Priority Theme 1:                            Priority Theme 2:                               Priority Theme 3:
     Shared Space                              Shared Knowledge                                 Shared Wellbeing

    HI Goal 1: Create an                                                                     HI Goal 4: Increase the
 environment where every         HI Goal 2: Reduce           HI Goal 3: Protect the
                                                                                              proportion of people
  individual and sector of             health                public from threats to
society can play their part in                                                               who are healthy at all
                                    inequalities             health and wellbeing
 achieving a healthy Louth                                                                       stages of life

   Vision for Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan

   County Louth is a county where everyone can enjoy physical and mental health and
   wellbeing to their full potential, where wellbeing is valued and supported at every level of
   society and is everyone’s responsibility.

   The Healthy Ireland Plan for Louth encompasses the Recreation Plan for Louth (identified
   and recorded beside the relevant actions).

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022 - National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

3. Developing this Plan

     Healthy Ireland

     Healthy Ireland is a collective response to the risks that threaten Ireland’s future health
     and wellbeing, as well as its economic recovery. It is a new national Framework for action to
     improve the health and wellbeing of the population of Ireland over the coming generation.
     It sets out four central goals for improved health and wellbeing, and outlines clear routes
     and strategies to achieve these goals, in which all people and all parts of society can

     The Healthy Ireland Framework draws on existing policies but proposes new arrangements
     to ensure effective co-operation and collaboration and to implement evidence-based
     policies at government, sectoral, community and local levels. It is about each individual
     sector helping to improve health and wellbeing, multiplying all efforts and delivering
     better results.

     National Plans linked to Healthy Ireland

     Over the past number of years significant work has been undertaken, in consultation with
     the public, in developing national policies and plans. These include, but are not limited
     to Tobacco Free Ireland (2013), National Sexual Health Strategy (2015), National Physical
     Activity Plan (2016), A Healthy Weight for Ireland Obesity Policy (2016), Reducing Harm,
     Supporting Recovery - a health lead response to drug and alcohol use in Ireland (2017), the
     National Get Ireland Walking Strategy (2017), National Connecting for Life (2015-2022)
     and National Positive Ageing Strategy (2013).

     With a focus on the implementation of these Plans, there is recognition that these policies
     and plans have to be integrated and implemented at local level. The Louth Local Community
     Development Committee is ideally placed to understand local needs and issues, and also
     the assets and networks unique to Louth to promote and improve the health and wellbeing
     of people living in County Louth.

     The Local Government Reform Act 2014 provides a stronger and clearer role for local
     government in economic development and community development which is a key
     element to achieving the vision set out in the Action Plan for Effective Local Government
     “that local government will be the main vehicle of governance and public service at local
     level, leading economic, social and community development”.

     The purpose of the LECP, as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014, is to
     set out, for a six year period, the objectives and actions needed to promote and support
     the economic development and the local and community development of the relevant
     local authority area, both by itself directly and in partnership with other economic and
     community development stakeholders.

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022 - National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

Linking the Plans

The LECP provides the economic and community framework for all economic and
community development in Co. Louth. In its preparation the Louth LCDC ensured Healthy
Ireland and its associated plans were firmly embedded in the local LECP as guided by the
then Dept. of Environment, Community and Local Government. Louth LCDC employed the
Healthy Ireland triangulation process to identify the key priority areas to be included in
the Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan.


                         demographic                Consultation
                           Profiling                 Outcomes

   This process ensured that the priority themes are fully coherent with Healthy
   Ireland, Louth LECP, and the full range of relevant national strategies. They are
   also informed by the socio-demographic profile and the targeted consultation
   held. This ensures that Healthy Ireland for Louth will achieve Healthy Ireland
   actions at local level.

   Therefore, when preparing the Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan the following
   methodology was used:

   •   Identify all actions in Healthy Ireland which had local government assigned as
       key partners in their delivery

   •   Map similar actions across the suites of seven associated plans

   •   Align these actions to corresponding actions in the Louth LECP

   •   Identified key priority areas from this process as “Shared Space, “Shared
       Knowledge” and “Shared Wellbeing”

   •   Received approval from LCDC to draft the Healthy Ireland Plan for Louth under
       these priority areas

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022 - National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

4. Implementation


     The LCDC is the ultimate governance structure in the monitoring and review of the
     Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan. There will be a subgroup, composition to be agreed by the
     LCDC, which will provide operational oversight to the delivery of the plan. Updates will be
     obtained through the current LCDC process using the traffic light monitoring system once
     a year.

     The LCDC will work in partnership within its own partner delivery structure and partners
     outside the LCDC membership. LCC as a lead partner in the LCDC will support and facilitate
     community groups to deliver the Healthy Ireland Plan for Louth through building capacity
     and support through the Healthy Ireland Fund and other funds.

     Resourcing the Plan

     The plan has the potential to be resourced through the Healthy Ireland Fund and other
     community funds such as the Community Enhancement Programme, Town and Village
     Renewal Scheme and Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme. The commitment of the
     various stakeholders will see actions being implemented through individual corporate
     plans and existing programmes.

     Communicating the Plan

     •    In the Healthy Ireland Fund 2017 DkIT developed a reporting ICT tool which will be used
          on a pilot basis to monitor and report on the delivery of the Healthy Ireland for Louth

     •    The LCDC will rely on the HSE CHO 8 area to provide data on the state of health of the
          population in Louth and comparable CHO 8 counties

     •    Louth County Council and the Public Participation Network will continue to communicate
          and promote updates through the Friday Communiqué

     •    Louth LCDC will continue to work in partnership and with other partners to communicate
          and influence individual corporate plans to embrace the Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022 - National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                 Create an environment where every individual and sector
Goal 1:
                 of society can play their part in achieving a healthy Louth

                                                      Shared Space

                                                                  HI Outcome: In creating ‘active friendly’
                                                                  environments, cycle lanes, playgrounds, well-lit
Objective 1 (LECP / 148): Create ‘Active Friendly’
                                                                  paths etc., local authorities will engage with local
environments – using a participatory planning
                                                                  communities, schools and other stakeholders to
approach and the principles of Universal Design
                                                                  plan facilities that are appropriate to the needs of
                                                                  the community

No.          Action                                     Responsibility          Timeline              Measure/
1.           NPAP: Develop guidelines and               LCC                     2018-2022             • Guidelines
Recreation   support materials for those working                                                        incorporated into
Action       in developing the built environment to                                                     CDP
             promote the importance of physical

2            NHWI: Develop guidelines and               LCC                     2018-2022             • Guidelines
             support materials for those working                                                        incorporated into
             in developing the built environment                                                        CDP
             for urban development and planning
             in relation to reducing the obesogenic

3.           NPAP & Consultation: Ensure that           LCC                     2018-2022             • CDP incorporated
Recreation   the planning, development, and                                                             principles to
Action       design of towns / cities promotes                                                          encourage physical
             the development of local parks and                                                         activity for all
             recreational spaces that encourage                                                         abilities
             physical activity of all ages. Consult
             with children, young people, people
             with disabilities and older people

4.           Consultation: Ensure that planning,        LCC                     2018-2022             • CDP incorporated
Recreation   development, and design of towns                                                           principles to
Action       and cities promotes the development                                                        encourage passive
             of local parks and recreational spaces                                                     recreation for all
             that encourage passive recreation,                                                         abilities
             non-sport activity, disability friendly,
             age friendly, and family friendly
             pleasant environments

5            LECP 275: Encourage participatory          LCC supported by DkIT   2016 - Ongoing        • Increased
             design and development of public                                                           awareness
             spaces, housing and transport in our                                                       requirements
             towns and villages that anticipate the                                                     through lifecourse
             needs of older age                                                                         facilitated by
                                                                                                        service delivery

                                                                                                      • Degrees of
                                                                                                        inclusiveness and

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022 - National Government Framework to Improve Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

  No.               Action                                  Responsibility           Timeline         Measure/
  6. Recreation     Consultation: Maximise the use of       LCC                      2018-2022        • Mapping of all green
  Action            existing green space in urban areas                                                 spaces adjacent
                    providing recreational and leisure                                                  to schools, youth
                    spaces for enjoyment of all ages and                                                centres, nursing
                    abilities, e.g. matching green space                                                homes and day care
                    to schools and youth centres, nursing                                               centres complete
                    homes and day care centres
                                                                                                      • Funding
                                                                                                        opportunities aligned
                                                                                                        to the mapping piece

  7. Recreation     NPAP: Prioritise the planning and       LCC                      2018-2022        • No. of walking and
  Action            development of walking and cycling                                                  cycling infrastructure
                    and general recreational/physical                                                   projects planned and
                    activity infrastructure. Use a long-                                                developed
                    term vision when making short-term

  8. Recreation     LECP 251: Provide play spaces and       LCC: Supported by LSP    2016 - Ongoing   • Increased access
  Action            programmes to increase children         / HSE / LMETB /LLP                          for young people to
                    and young people’s access and           / Local Sports Clubs                        play physical activity
                    engagement with the physical            / Youth Services /                          programmes in a
                    environment to encourage healthy        Scouting Organisations                      community setting
                    lifestyles                              and Environmental
                                                                                                      • No. of walking trails
                                                                                                        and campsites

                                                                                                      • No. of environmental
                                                                                                        projects for young

  9                 LECP 328: Develop a Louth County        LCC Supported by SEAI    Q4 2016          • Draft SMART action
                    Council SMART Action Plan to                                                        plan developed as
                    complement the white paper -                                                        part of ISO 50001
                    Ireland’s Transition to a Low Carbon                                                and a “Register of
                    Energy                                                                              Opportunities” for
                                                                                                        energy savings, large
                                                                                                        and small, across LCC
                                                                                                        in place

  10                LECP 272: Increase the take-up and      AFA: Supported by LCC    2016-18          • No. of towns or parts
                    impact of the number of age friendly    / HSE / CES                                 of towns considered
                    towns and further initiatives in                                                    ‘age-friendly’
                    existing age friendly towns
                                                                                                      • No. of age-
                                                                                                        friendly initiatives

                                                                                                      • No. of initiatives held
                                                                                                        in local libraries

  11                NPAP: Deliver a programme of CPD        LCC: Supported by LSP    2018 - Ongoing   • CPD programme
                    on the role of physical and passive     & DkIT                                      sourced and
                    activity for those working in the                                                   delivered
                    development of the built environment

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                Create an environment where every individual and sector
Goal 1:
                of society can play their part in achieving a healthy Louth

                                                     Shared Space

                                                                   HI Outcome: In creating ‘active friendly’
Objective 2 (LECP / 149): Provide safe,                            environments, cycle lanes, playgrounds, well-lit
recreational facilities/shared spaces where                        paths etc., local authorities will engage with local
children and young people can gather in an                         communities, schools and other stakeholders to
inclusive confident way                                            plan facilities that are appropriate to the needs of
                                                                   the community

No.          Action                                    Responsibility            Timeline           Measure/
12           RHSR: Facilitate increased use of         LMETB                     2018-2022          • Where feasible an
             school buildings, where feasible, for                                                    increased usage of
             afterschool care and out of hours, to                                                    school buildings for
             support local communities                                                                afterschool care

13           TFI & RHSR: Promote tobacco               LCDC                      2018-2022          • No. of tobacco free
             free campuses for all healthcare,                                                        campuses among LCDC
             governmental and sporting facilities                                                     membership
             in consultation with stakeholders

14           TFI & RHSR: Promote tobacco free          LCC: Supported by Pre-    2018-2022          • Signs erected at parks
             environments, in particular, at parks     school Inspectorate                            and beaches
             and beaches and further develop the
             tobacco free playgrounds initiative                                                    • Tobacco free
             by voluntary measures or by the                                                          playgrounds initiative
             introduction of bye-laws                                                                 progressed

15.          LECP 314: Promote recreational            LCC                       2016-2022          • Improved public health
Recreation   benefits and raise awareness about                                                       and wellbeing
Action       the Great Eastern Greenway, Louth’s
             cycle ways, walkways and mountain                                                      • Increased number of
             trails                                                                                   visitors to rural Louth

16.          Consultation: Facilitate the provision    LCDC: Supported by        2018-2022          • No. of grant aided
Recreation   and refurbishment of community            LLP / PPN                                      community spaces
Action       centres to be used as shared space for                                                   through the CEP, HI,
             young and older people                                                                   T&V

17           Consultation: Develop a new DkIT          DkIT                      2018-2022          • New DkIT Healthy
             Healthy Campus Plan                                                                      Campus Plan

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                      Create an environment where every individual and sector
  Goal 1:
                      of society can play their part in achieving a healthy Louth

                                                        Shared Space

                                                                     HI Outcome: In creating ‘active friendly’
  Objective 3 (LECP / 151): Facilitate the
                                                                     environments, cycle lanes, playgrounds, well-lit
  development of community hubs/centres of
                                                                     paths etc., local authorities will engage with local
  shared learning in Drogheda, Dundalk and Ardee
                                                                     communities, schools and other stakeholders to
  to support community groups and organisations
                                                                     plan facilities that are appropriate to the needs of
  that involve volunteers in their work
                                                                     the community

 No.              Action                                   Responsibility          Timeline         Measure/
 18               LECP 214: Increase the provision of      LCC: Supported by       2016-2022        • No. of shared spaces
                  shared spaces and services and work      Louth LEADER /                             available
                  to decrease the physical barriers        Community Groups /
                  between communities                      PEACE 4                                  • Increased community

 19.              LECP 261: Provide safe places for        LCC: Supported by       2016-2018        • No. of youth cafes/
 Recreation       young people where they can socialise    LMETB / CYPSC /                            hangouts for young
 Action           and interact in a positive manner        Community & Youth                          people across the
                                                           Groups / CNN / DYC /                       county
                                                           Boomerang / ODD /
                                                           YWI / Louth Foróige                      • No. of young people

 20               LECP 280: Ensure that older people       Flexibus / LCDC         2016-2022        • No. of rural transport
                  “get out and about” through                                                         schemes and routes
                  the provision of safe, accessible,
                  affordable and flexible transport
                  systems with seamless connectivity
                  between these systems in both rural
                  and urban areas

                  LECP 198: Extend availability of rural
                  transport scheme to facilitate people
                  living with disabilities in isolated
                  areas access employment

 21               Consultation: Expand the RTP to          Flexibus / LCDC         2018 - Ongoing   • Pilot evening service
                  cover evening services through its                                                  delivered
                  various schemes facilitating transport
                  to leisure, recreational and social                                               • Learnings applied to
                  activity for all ages                                                               Louth RTP service

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                 Reduce Health Inequalities - Communications and
Goal 2:
                 Knowledge Sharing

                                              Shared Knowledge

                                                                    HI Outcome: Link communications expertise and
Objective 1 (LECP / 144): Expand the existing                       capacity across sectors to ensure consistent,
community directory to ensure that it is                            complementary, cutting edge, accessible and
accessible, accurate and used widely by the                         persuasive health and wellbeing communication
public                                                              strategies are developed and implemented in

No.          Action                                     Responsibility          Timeline               Measure/
22           Consultation: Expand and increase          LCC / PPN               2018 - Ongoing         • Increase in
             the distribution of the Friday                                                              recipients for
             Communiqué                                                                                  weekly Friday

                                                                                                       • Increase in usage
                                                                                                         by membership of

23.          NPAP: Develop a local sports               LSP                     2018 - Ongoing         • Sports club directory
Recreation   directory                                                                                   maintained
                                                                                                       • Sports, physical
                                                                                                         activities & facilities
                                                                                                         directory developed

                                                                                                       • Sports and physical
                                                                                                         activity programme
                                                                                                         directory developed

24           NCFLP: Provide accessible                  HSE                     2018-2022              • Local service
             information at local level on mental                                                        directory delivered
             health service and access referral

25           LECP 279 & NPAS: Create and                LAFA                    Ongoing                • Age friendly website
             manage a central repository                                                                 updated with a
             supported by a comprehensive                                                                communication plan
             communications plan to ensure that                                                          in place
             all older people in the county can
             access user-friendly, up-to-date and                                                      • No. of older
             coordinated information and advice                                                          people accessing
             to entitlements, services and activities                                                    information

                                                                                                       • Links available
                                                                                                         from other service
                                                                                                         providers to this site

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

 No.             Action                                     Responsibility             Timeline        Measure/
 26              Consultation: Maximise the                 PPN: Supported by                          •
                 distribution of the online directory       CYPSC / Genesis                              distributed through the
        through the          Programme                                    Friday Communiqué on a
                 Friday Communiqué                                                                       weekly basis

 27              Consultation: Provide local                Flexibus / Local Link                      • New methods of RTP
                 transport information programme                                                         service information
                 availability & cost of trip with                                                        available
                 regards to classes, talks, workshops,
                 nights/weekend activity

 28.             LECP 229 & NPAP: Promote,                  LSP: Supported by LLP /                    • Communications
 Recreation      educate and communicate the                HSE / LLS                                    strategy developed
 Action          benefits of physical activity
                 throughout the county                                                                 • No. of promotions per
                                                                                                         annum across the life of
                                                                                                         the HI for Louth Plan

 29              NCFLP: Develop mental health               HSE: Supported by          2018-2022       • No. of health projects
                 promotion programmes with priority         relevant PPN Groups /                        completed
                 groups including the youth sector          CYPSC

                      Reduce Health Inequalities - Communications and
  Goal 2:
                      Knowledge Sharing

                                                    Shared Knowledge

                                                                        HI Outcome: Link communications expertise and
  Objective 2 (LECP / 246): Improve
                                                                        capacity across sectors to ensure consistent,
  understanding of mental illness and behavioural
                                                                        complementary, cutting edge, accessible and
  issues, mental health literacy and information
                                                                        persuasive health and wellbeing communication
  on availability of services to support and
                                                                        strategies are developed and implemented in
  respond to individuals, carers and families

                                                                                                       Local Measure/
 No.        Action                                      Responsibility                Timeline
 30         Consultation & LECP 237:                    LCDC: Supported by CYPSC      2016 - Ongoing   • No. of sports
            Promote cross sectoral role models          / LCC / LSP / HSE / LLP                          Ambassadors
            in communities and schools to
            encourage healthy lifestyles (healthy                                                      • No. of local medical
            eating, alcohol consumption, drug                                                            professionals as
            abuse and mental health)                                                                     advocates

                                                                                                       • Reduction in alcohol
                                                                                                         consumption in sports

                                                                                                       • No. of social media

 31         NCFLP: Build the link between               HSE: Supported by CFL /       2018-2022        • All communications
            alcohol and drug misuse and suicidal        LDAF                                             strategies proofed by
            behaviour into communication                                                                 CFL Group

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                 Reduce Health Inequalities - Communications and
Goal 2:
                 Knowledge Sharing

                                                 Shared Knowledge

Objective 3 (LECP / 143): Support programmes                      HI Outcome: Develop collaborative strategies to
that involve knowledge sharing and                                enhance social connections across the life course
collaboration amongst community groups and                        and to connect people most in need of resources,
service providers                                                 services, education and healthcare

No.          Action                                Responsibility             Timeline
32           LECP 211: Ensure library and arts     LCC (Library/Arts          2016-2022           • Increased involvement and
             services provide opportunities        Services): Supported by                          engagement with arts and
             for marginalised communities          LLP                                              library services
             and people with disabilities to
             have access to and participate
             in mainstream arts and cultural

33           LECP 188: Work in partnership         LMETB: Supported by        Qtr 2 2017          • No. of programmes offered
             to support and promote literacy       LLS / LLP / The Mill /                           by local libraries
             development, e-learning               Creative Spark
             opportunities, independent                                                           • No. attending local library
             lifelong learning and preparation                                                      training modules
             for employment
                                                                                                  • Community based adult
                                                                                                    education programme
                                                                                                    delivered in collaboration
                                                                                                    with LLP and NUIM

34           LECP 225: Ensure that Libraries       LCC: Supported by          2016 - 2022         • Library facilities upgraded
             support social and cultural           LMETB / LLP / AFA                                to include large scale
             cohesion and inclusion where          / Local Schools /                                multi-functional buildings
             people can exercise their             Community Groups                                 with interconnecting
             democratic right to information,                                                       supports
             ideas and knowledge
                                                                                                  • No. of volunteers and
                                                                                                    volunteer hours in arts and
                                                                                                    culture organisations

35.          LECP 253: Increase young              LCC: supported by          2016-2022           • Increased opportunities for
Recreation   people’s access to informal           LMETB / CNN / Louth’s                            young people to engage
Action       educational, recreational and         3 Youth Theatres: DYC,                           in the arts, music and a
             cultural activities and resources     Drogheda Boomerang                               variety of sport including
                                                   Café / Sports Clubs /                            technology and associated
                                                   Comhaltas Ceoltóirí                              media
                                                   Éireann / DkIT / Schools
                                                                                                  • No. of young people
                                                   / Community Groups
                                                                                                    accessing services, No. of
                                                   / LLS / LVC / ODD /
                                                                                                    services by MD
                                                   Foróige / YWI (Louth)
                                                                                                  • No. of volunteers
                                                                                                    supporting youth activity
                                                                                                  • No. of young people
                                                                                                    accessing libraries as
                                                                                                    study/recreational spaces
                                                                                                  • No. of visits by library
                                                                                                    service to primary schools

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                                                                                                 Local Measure/
  No.            Action                                    Responsibility            Timeline
  36             LECP 273: Improve access to               AFA: Supported by HSE /   2016-2022   • Plan conceived
                 resources, services, lifelong learning    LLP / AGS / SVP / LMETB
                 and healthcare                            / LLS / CES                           • No. of programmes
                                                                                                   run by local libraries
                                                                                                   supporting age-friendly
                                                                                                   initiatives e.g. computer
                                                                                                   skills development

  37             NSHP: Ensure that all young people        Youth Services - Louth:   2018-2022   • No. of sexual health
                 have access and knowledge of              Supported by CYPSC /                    awareness projects
                 age-appropriate, trustworthy and          HSE / PPN & Youthreach                  complete
                 accurate information and support on       (Louth)
                 relationships and sexual health

  38             NPAP: Include children and young          LCDC: Supported by PPN    2018 -      • Implementation of
                 people in the development and             / CYPSC / CNN             Ongoing       National Participation
                 implementation of programmes in                                                   Strategy for Young
                 which they are involved                                                           People

  39             RHSR & LECP 153: Support and              LCC: Supported by PPN     2016        • Continued PPN
                 promote community participation                                                   engagement at
                 and facilitate cross-community                                                    community level
                 representation on local structures                                                and supported PPN
                 e.g. LCDC JPS, SPCs etc                                                           engagement as a
                                                                                                   representative structure
                                                                                                   on decision making

  40             RHSR: Promote the participation           LCDC & PPN: Supported     2018-2022   • Representation on Drugs
                 of service users and their families       by LDAF / NERDTF                        and Alcohol Fora
                 in local drug and alcohol decision
                 making structures

  41             RHSR: Improve the capacity of LCDC        HSE: Supported by LCDC    2018-2022   • Training delivered to
                 service providers to accommodate                                                  LCDC partners
                 people with drug and alcohol
                 addictions including; Travellers, LGBT,                                         • Utilisation of Street
                 new communities, sex workers and                                                  Reach in training
                 homeless people                                                                   services

  42             NCFLP & LECP 242 & 243: Support           HSE Mental Health         Ongoing     • Local Connect for Life
                 local cross-sectoral implementation       Services: Supported by                  Plan developed and
                 to develop and implement a local          LCDC / CYPSC                            implemented
                 multi-agency suicide prevention
                 action plan

  43.            LECP 228: Develop a collaborative         HSE: Supported by         2016 -      • Sports Strategy
  Recreation     plan to promote increased physical        LSP / LCDC / LMETB /      Ongoing       developed
  Action         activity levels across the lifecourse     GAA / Schools / Local
                                                                                                 • Sports Ireland
                                                                                                 • No. of water safety
                                                                                                 • Access to cycle paths,
                                                                                                   public green spaces,
                                                                                                   playgrounds, age
                                                                                                   friendly exercise
                                                                                                   equipment, safe
                                                                                                   footpaths and
                                                                                                   pedestrian connectivity

  44.            LECP 231: Develop and promote             LCC: Supported by LSP /   Ongoing     • Walking and cycling
  Recreation     walking and cycling strategies            DECLG / GIW                             strategies implemented
  Action                                                                                           in local communities

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

               Protect the public from threats to health and wellbeing -
Goal 3:
               research and education

                                               Shared Knowledge

Objective 1 (LECP / 181): Promote the                          HI Outcome: Implement SPHE in primary, post
implementation of SPHE, PE programme and                       primary and youthreach settings, including the
Active Schools Flag initiative in primary, post                implementation of the PE programmes and the
primary schools and youthreach settings                        Active Schools Flag initiative

                                                                                               Local Measure/
No.        Action                                    Responsibility           Timeline
45         NHWI: Use an "all county approach"         HSE: Supported by DES   2018 - Ongoing   • No. of schools
           to link agencies and professionals to     / LMETB / LSP                               implementing the
           provide evidence based programmes to                                                  healthy lifestyles
           schools to implement healthy lifestyles                                               programme
           programme. Healthy Ireland education
           in schools

46         TFI: Introduce smoke free school          LMETB / DES / TUSLA /    2018-2022        • No. of participating
           campuses and childcare facilities         Preschool Inspectorate                      schools and childcare

47         NHWI & LECP 233: Implement                HSE: Supported by        2016-2022        • No. of Schools
           healthy food policies through SPHE        Schools / LCC / LSP /                       implementing healthy
           Programme in post primary and             CYPSC and Schools                           food policies through
           Youthreach settings                       Principals Network                          SPHE

48         NCFLP: Deliver a range of mental          Youth Services &         2018-2022        • No. of programmes
           health and sexual health promoting        Schools: Supported by                       delivered
           programmes in education settings          CYPSC / DES / HSE
           aimed at improving the mental and                                                   • Delivery of Lets Talk
           sexual health of the students                                                         Sex Programme

                                                                                               • Delivery of Wrapping
                                                                                                 up you Wellbeing

49         Consultation: Develop school based        NERDTF                   2018-2022        • No. of Peer Ed
           Peer Ed training programmes to                                                        programmes delivered
           compliment SPHE drug syllabus
                                                                                               • No. of schools taking

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                      Protect the public from threats to health and wellbeing -
  Goal 3:
                      research and education

                                                  Shared Knowledge

  Objective 2 (LECP / 292): Promote and evaluate                   HI Outcome: Support actions to standardise,
  culture to continually assess and improve the                    expand and mainstream existing work
  impact of actions in ageing (*ageing across the                  programmes designed to deliver health and
  life course)                                                     social community profiling data at local level

 No.             Action                                  Responsibility           Timeline              Measure/
 50              LECP 277: Strengthen the ‘living lab’   AFA: Supported by DkIT   Ongoing               • Further innovation
                 technology research partnership with    / LCC                                            achieved via
                 DkIT, industry, care givers and older                                                    Netwell/CASALA
                 people                                                                                   in particular
                                                                                                          with a focus on
                                                                                                          user awareness,
                                                                                                          and smarter

 51              LECP 220: Provide a service delivery,   LCDC: Supported by       As directed by Dept   • Monitoring and
                 monitoring and review framework for     DkIT / LCC / LLP / HSE                           review protocol
                 the LECP                                                                                 agreed

 52              Support Research and analysis on        DkIT - Netwell/CASALA    Ongoing               • No. and range of
                 health and social wellbeing of older                                                     research projects
                 people                                                                                   delivered

 53              Share examples of evidence based        HSE: Supported by        2018-2022             • No. of healthy
                 programmes to address exercise,         LCDC                                             eating, smoking
                 healthy eating, smoking cessation and                                                    cessation and
                 mental health                                                                            mental health

 54              Consultation: Tap into the expertise    LMETB: Supported by      2018-2022             • Engagement with
                 of youth organisations working with     DkIT /Youth Service /                            PPN Youth Social
                 young people to improve healthy         LCDC / HSE / TUSLA                               Inclusion group
                 lifestyles                                                                               as a reference
                                                                                                          group for all
                                                                                                          youth health

                                                                                                        • Completion of
                                                                                                          Louth Youth Needs
                                                                                                          Analysis Report

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

              Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
Goal 4:
              stages of life

                                           Shared Wellbeing

Objective 1 (LECP / 154): Develop a
                                                            HI Outcome: Analyse existing community
volunteering strategy for Louth to address the
                                                            support infrastructure to promote and enable
barriers to volunteering, whilst promoting and
                                                            active citizenship and volunteering across the
supporting the value to the individual and its
positive impacts on local community

                                                                                             Local Measure/
No.       Action                                 Responsibility          Timeline
55        LECP 154: Develop a volunteering       LVC                     2017                • Volunteering Strategy
          strategy for Louth                                                                   developed

56        LECP 157: Develop a Quality Standard   LVC                     2017                • Quality Standard
          for effectively managing volunteers                                                  developed
          within community organisations
                                                                                             • No. of organisations

                                                                                             • No. of organisations
                                                                                               with QS

57        LECP 282: Encourage older people       AFA: Supported by LCC   2016 -              • No. of older people
          to engage in their communities by      SVP / TT / ICA / LVC    Ongoing               involved in TT, ICA,
          promoting active citizenship and the                                                 Arts, sporting activities
          value of volunteering                                                                and intergenerational

58        LECP 239: Initiate community           HSE: Supported by LCC   2016 -              • No. of programmes
          programmes to encourage and support    / LCDC                  Ongoing               introduced
          smokers to quit by promoting a
                                                                                             • No. of smokers quitting
          tobacco free society
                                                                                             • Reduction in numbers
                                                                                               of smoking related
                                                                                             • Tobacco free campuses
                                                                                               for all public facilities,
                                                                                               all playgrounds and
                                                                                               family recreational
                                                                                             • No. of tobacco free
                                                                                               public parks and

59        RHSR & LECP 240: Support the           HSE: Supported by       2016 -              • Community
          Community Action on Alcohol Pilot      NERDTF / JPC / LDAF     Ongoing               mobilisation on alcohol
          Project (CAAPP) being led by the                                                     initiatives in selected
          Alcohol Forum                                                                        local drug and alcohol
                                                                                               task force areas
                                                                                             • Community Alcohol
                                                                                               Strategy devised

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                                                                                                      Local Measure/
 No.       Action                                             Responsibility          Timeline
 60        NCFLP: Deliver a range of mental health            PPN: Supported by       2018-2022       • No. of programmes
           promoting programmes in communities aimed          CYPSC / HSE - Drug                        delivered
           at improving the mental health of priority         Addiction Services /
           groups                                             LDAF

 61        Consultation: Educate communities on how           Dunleer BEC / PPN       2018 -          • Annual community
           to reduce their energy/home heating/ lighting                              Ongoing           applications submitted
           costs by taking simple steps in their day to day                                             to SEAI
           life and what equipment or insulation they
           need to install to make their home warmer

 62        NHWI: Scale up community-based                     PPN: Supported by HSE   Ongoing         • No. of Healthy Ireland
           programmes to enhance knowledge and skills         / CYPSC                                   applications made by
           with regard to healthy eating and active living                                              community groups

 63        CAWT Project: Engage with the PPN                  HSE (CAWT)/ PPN /       2018-2022       • No. of opportunities
           Community Groups to further explore the            LVC                                       to include social
           concept of social prescription in Co. Louth                                                  prescription in
                                                                                                        workshops, dialogue
                                                                                                        events and public

                      Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
  Goal 4:
                      stages of life

                                                   Shared Wellbeing

  Objective 2 (LECP / 226): Improve wellbeing                         HI Outcome: Implement evidence-based
  and development outcomes for children aged                          prevention and early intervention initiatives
  pre-birth to 6 years, by continuing to implement                    aimed at children and families, initially
  the Genesis Programme and other programmes                          focussing on areas of disadvantage, drawing
  as appropriate, in the targeted areas of Dundalk                    evidence emerging from the Prevention and
  and Drogheda                                                        Early Intervention Programme

                                                                                         Local Measure/
 No.       Action                             Responsibility              Timeline
 64        Consultation: Support and          The Genesis Programme       2018-2020      • Deliver Information & Awareness
           promote The Changing Lives                                                      Sessions to 184 Early Years
           Initiative in which the Genesis                                                 Professionals & Teachers
           Programme is a partner
                                                                                         • Deliver Information & Awareness
           supporting families with
                                                                                           Sessions to 750 Parents/Families
           children at risk of ADHD
                                                                                         • Carry out screening for 550 referred
                                                                                         • Deliver Incredible Years ADHD
                                                                                           Programme to 210 Parents/Families

 65        Consultation: Support              The Genesis Programme       2018           • No. of transition programmes
           the Genesis Programme                                                           delivered
           to implement a Transition
           programme in three stages:
           Transition to Parenthood,
           Transition to Pre-School,
           Transition to Primary School

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
Goal 4:
                stages of life

                                                Shared Wellbeing

                                                                HI Outcome: Implement evidence-based
Objective 3 (LECP / 248): Provide parenting                     prevention and early intervention initiatives
programmes to ensure young people have                          aimed at children and families, initially
continued support at home, at school and in free                focussing on areas of disadvantage, drawing
time                                                            evidence emerging from the Prevention and
                                                                Early Intervention Programme

                                                                                                Local Measure/
No.    Action                                    Responsibility              Timeline
66     NHWI: Expand parenting                    Louth Meath                 2018-2022          • Subject to DCYA funding
       programmes that incorporate healthy       Strengthening Families
       lifestyle and behavioural change                                                         • 48 families will participate
                                                                                                  with an average of 184
                                                                                                  beneficiaries (parents/
                                                                                                  carers/young people)

                                                                                                • 1 Co-ordinator will be
                                                                                                  recruited & will work in
                                                                                                  Louth in 2018 (should this
                                                                                                  innovative programme
                                                                                                  continue in 2019 staffing
                                                                                                  requirements may need
                                                                                                  to be reviewed). Each site
                                                                                                  will continue to have a
                                                                                                  steering committee with
                                                                                                  one overall consortium to
                                                                                                  oversee the programme

                                                                                                • Development of a more
                                                                                                  strategic coordinated area
                                                                                                  based approach

                                                                                                • Delivery of 2 day training
                                                                                                  to increase pool of
                                                                                                  facilitators from key

                                                                                                • External evaluation

67     NHWI: Develop programmes to               HSE: Supported by Genesis   2018-2022          • No. of Healthy Eating
       improve healthy eating for mothers        Programme / TUSLA                                Programmes delivered
       "to be " preconception and for infants                                                     to mother "to be"
       and children up to 2 years                                                                 preconception and
                                                                                                  children up to 2

                                                                                                • No. of teen parent
                                                                                                  programmes delivered

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                      Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
  Goal 4:
                      stages of life

                                                   Shared Wellbeing

  Objective 4 (LECP / 228): Develop collaborative                  HI Outcome: Develop a Plan to promote increase
  plans at local level to promote increased                        physical activity levels across the population, as
  physical activity levels across the life course                  an example of how HI will work

                                                                                                   Local Measure/
  No.       Action                                      Responsibility            Timeline
  68        NPAP: Conduct an annual physical activity   LSP                       2018 - Ongoing   • Annual SIDO
            promotion campaign                                                                       and Operation
                                                                                                     campaign delivered

  69        LECP 234: Develop programmes to             LSP: Supported by LCDC    2017             • Increased no. of
            address transitions and drop out for        / LCC / CYPSC                                participants returning
            physical activity and sport                                                              to some form of
                                                                                                     physical activity and/
                                                                                                     or sport

  70        NPAP & LECP 241: Extend existing and        LSP: Supported by LCC /   2016 - Ongoing   • No. of programmes
            developing programmes for physical          SI / HSE / NGB                               developed
            activity for people with disabilities and
            their families to enhance and deliver a                                                • No. of participants
            comprehensive health and wellbeing                                                       engaging

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                 Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
Goal 4:
                 stages of life

                                              Shared Wellbeing

Objective 5 (LECP / 235): Support, link
                                                                 HI Outcome: Support, link and further improve
and further improve existing partnerships,
                                                                 existing partnerships, strategies and initiatives
strategies and initiatives that aim to improve
                                                                 that aim to improve the capacity of parents,
the capacity of parents, carers and families to
                                                                 carers and families to support healthier choices
support healthier choices for their children and
                                                                 for their children and themselves

                                                                                       Local Measure/
No.    Action                                 Responsibility            Timeline
71     RHSR: Further strengthen services      NERDTF / FASN             2018-2022      • Opportunities under HI funding
       to support families affected by                                                   explored, developed and
       substance misuse                                                                  delivered where possible

72     RHSR: Provide addiction services       HSE - Drug Addiction      2018-2022      • Appointment of CNM to
       for pregnant and postnatal             Services / NERDTF                          addiction services. Monitor
       women                                                                             closely with doctor in HSE

                                                                                       • Prioritise harm prevention and

73     RHSR: Mitigate the risk and            HSE - Drug Addiction      2018-2022      • Monitor closely with Doctors in
       reduce the impact of parental          Services / NERDTF                          HSE
       substance misuse on babies and
       young children                                                                  • Prioritise harm prevention and

74     Consultation: Develop                  HSE: Supported by LDAF    2018-2022      • Initiate the Needle Exchange
       programmes aimed at early              / NERDTF                                   programme, and expand service
       intervention of alcohol and drug                                                  through new national funding
       misuse with HSE Primary Care                                                      scheme

                                                                                       • Recruit a CNM

                                                                                       • Provide a needle exchange harm
                                                                                         reduction post

                                                                                       • Provide RGM social care
                                                                                         homeless worker

                                                                                       • Provide a full time addiction

75     Consultation: Facilitate new           HSE: Supported by LCDC    2018-2022      • No. of healthy eating
       methods of healthy eating              / PPN                                      programmes supported by
       programmes using parents                                                          Health Promotion HSE through
       associations, intergenerational                                                   PPN
       programmes, community
       supported programmes and
       special disability service providers
       to provide healthy eating choices
       for all ages and abilities

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                      Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
  Goal 4:
                      stages of life

                                                  Shared Wellbeing

                                                                   HI Outcome: All public sector organisations and
                                                                   workplaces will be required by Government to
  Objective 6 (LECP / 236): Work collaboratively                   promote and protect the health and wellbeing of
  to create healthier workplace environments                       their workforce, their clients and the community
                                                                   they serve. These commitments will be detailed
                                                                   in corporate and strategic/business plans

                                                                                          Local Measure/
  No.       Action                                Responsibility            Timeline
  76        NPAP: Develop a framework for         HSE                       2018-2022     • Framework for workplace
            workplace health and wellbeing                                                  health and wellbeing
            including physical activity                                                     developed

  77        NHWI: Develop a corporate social      HSE Supported by LCDC                   • Protocol for obesity
            responsibility protocol relating                                                prevention, promoting health
            to obesity prevention promoting                                                 and wellbeing developed
            overall health and wellbeing in the

  78        NPAP: Develop a toolkit for           LEF Supported by LCDC /   2018-2022     • Toolkit developed
            employers to provide practical        HSE / DkIT
            guidance on promoting physical                                                • No. of employers using the
            activity at work                                                                toolkit

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
Goal 4:
                stages of life

                                              Shared Wellbeing

                                                                HI Outcome: Combine mental health promotion
                                                                programmes with interventions that address
Objective 7 (LECP / 243): Support the
                                                                broader determinants and social problems as
implementation of community-based suicide
                                                                part of a multi-agency approach, particularly in
prevention programmes and training
                                                                areas with levels of socio-economic deprivation
                                                                and fragmentation

                                                                                                Local Measure/
No.   Action                                       Responsibility               Timeline
79    NPAP: Develop guidelines, support            HSE: Supported by LCDC /     2018-2022       • Guidelines developed
      materials and referral pathways              PPN
      to promote physical activity for
      organisations providing mental health
      services and disability services

80    RHSR: Improve outcomes for people            HSE: Supported by NERDTF     2018-2022       • Appointment of HE
      with co-morbid, severe mental illness        / LDAF                                         doctor 2 days/week in
      and substance misuse problems                                                               Louth

81    RHSR & LECP 249: Provide counselling         HSE: Supported by relevant   2016 -          • Decrease in the no. of
      for mental health problems at both           PPN members                  Ongoing           mental health issues
      primary and secondary levels
                                                                                                • No. of counselling

82    RHSR & Consultation: Support the             LMETB / DES / DkIT / TUSLA   2018-2022       • No. of interventions
      development of Student Support Teams                                                        and teams supported
      for the management of critical incidents

83    RHSR: Continue to target a reduction         HSE - Drug Addiction         2018-2022       • Appointment of HE
      in drug related deaths and non-fatal         Services                                       doctor 2 days/week in
      overdoses                                                                                   Louth

84    Consultation: Deliver campaigns that         PPN: Supported by HSE        2018-2022       • No. of campaigns
      reduce stigma to those with mental           Mental Health Services                         delivered
      health difficulties and suicidal behaviour
      in the whole population and self-stigma
      among priority groups

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                      Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
  Goal 4:
                      stages of life

                                                     Shared Wellbeing

                                                                       HI Outcome: Combine mental health promotion
  Objective 8 (LECP / 245): Improve the quality                        programmes with interventions that address
  and effectiveness of services and supports for                       broader determinants and social problems as
  children with mental health needs, intellectual                      part of a multi-agency approach, particularly in
  and physical disabilities and their families                         areas with levels of socio-economic deprivation
                                                                       and fragmentation

                                                                                               Local Measure/
  No.       Action                                    Responsibility            Timeline
  85        LECP 244: Provide accessible user         HSE & TUSLA: Supported    2016           • Memorandum of
            friendly coordinated mental health        by CYPSC / CAMHS                           understanding adopting a
            services emphasising children at risk,                                               multi-disciplinary approach
            specific to the needs of adolescents                                                 addressing children and
            13-18 and other young people                                                         adolescent Mental Health
                                                                                                 Services developed between
                                                                                                 HSE and TUSLA

                                                                                               • ‘Headstrong’ early
                                                                                                 intervention service in
                                                                                                 operation across the county

  86        NCFLP: Promote suicide prevention         Youth Services &          2018 - 2022    • No. of programmes complete
            programmes across primary and             Schools: Supported
            post primary schools and centres of       by HSE Mental Health
            education                                 Services

  87        Consultation: Support Social              LLP / PPN / CYPSC / IFA   2018 - 2022    • No. of programmes delivered
            Farming Programmes and Animal
            Therapy Programmes

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                 Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
Goal 4:
                 stages of life

                                               Shared Wellbeing
Objective 9 (LECP / 247): Adopt a cross-agency
                                                                 HI Outcome: Agree a method and timeline
approach to ensure that universal services and
                                                                 to explore the potential contribution of
supports are in place for all children and young
                                                                 interagency, CYPSC to improve the health and
people, particularly engaging with those who
                                                                 wellbeing of families and communities
are most excluded or at risk

                                                                                     Local Measure/
No.          Action                            Responsibility            Timeline
88.          NPAP: Include physical            CYPSC                     2018-2022   • CYPSC plan developed,
Recreation   activity in the development of                                            encompassing physical activity
Action       CYPSC plans

89           NCFLP: Support anti-bullying      Youth Services and        2018-2022   • No. of programmes delivered
             programmes including online       Genesis Programme:
             homophobic bullying               Supported by HIF                      • Implementation of KiVa

90           RHSR: Expand the range,           Youth Services:           2018-2022   • Targeted engagement with
             availability and geographic       Supported by HSE Drug                   those under the age of 18
             spread of problem drug and        Addiction Services /                    through drug addiction services
             alcohol services for those        LDAF
             under the age of 18

91           NSHP & LECP 267: Promote          HSE & TUSLA:              Ongoing     • Decrease in mental health issues
             and support young people's        Supported by CNN /                      among young people
             right to self-determination       Schools / Dundalk
             and self-expression in relation   Outcomers / Youth                     • No. of LGBT awareness sessions
             to their sexual orientation       Services                                conducted
             and/or gender identity
                                                                                     • No. of young people accessing
                                                                                       LGBT services

92           RHSR: Strengthen the life-        CYPSC: Supported by       2018-2022   • No. of HI funded programmes
             skills of young people leaving    PPN
             care to reduce their risk of
             developing substance use

93           LECP 249: Provide counselling     CYPSC: Supported          2018-2022   • Decrease in no. of mental health
             and therapeutic supports to       by Youthreach / Local                   issues
             young people in non- formal       Schools / TUSLA / Youth
             settings                          Services                              • No. of counselling sessions

94           LECP 250: Provide healthy         DES: Supported by HSE,    2016 -      • Breakfast clubs initiative
             eating programmes in schools,     CYSPC / LMETB / All       Ongoing       extended to all schools in county
             youth facilities and sports       Education Institutions
             organisations                     / Sports Clubs / Youth                • Extended school meal scheme to
                                               Services                                all schools in county in particular
                                                                                       DEIS schools

                                                                                     • Increased no. of children and
                                                                                       young with healthy weight

95           NCFLP: Develop a care             HSE Drug Addiction        2018-2022   • National working group
             pathway for addiction and         Services: Supported                     established covering social
             mental health service users       by HSE Mental Health                    inclusion, homelessness,
                                               Services                                pathways, referrals and clients
                                                                                       with dual diagnosis

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                      Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
  Goal 4:
                      stages of life

                                                   Shared Wellbeing

  Objective 10 (LECP / 274): Build on the                              HI Outcome: Support, link and further improve
  Genio-supported ‘Flourishing with Dementia’                          existing partnerships and initiatives that aim to
  collaborative programme to foster a ‘dementia                        support older people to maintain, improve or
  friendly’ supportive environment                                     manage their physical and mental wellbeing.
                                                                       Support, link and further improve existing
                                                                       partnerships, strategies and initiatives that
                                                                       aim to remove barriers to participation and to
                                                                       provide more opportunities for the involvement
  Objective 10 (LECP / 278): Increase the impact                       of older people in all aspects of cultural,
  and effectiveness of informal and formal                             economic and social life in their communities
  community care services for older people
  including home care packages

                                                                                                   Local Measure/
 No.       Action                                          Responsibility            Timeline
 96        Consultation: Develop a dementia                LOPF: Supported by the    2018          • Awareness programme
           awareness programme for families and            Birches / HSE                             developed and
           carers of people with dementia to support                                                 evaluated
           their client/loved one through the health

 97        RHSR: Implement the IPS Prisoner Release        AFA: Supported by         2018-2022     • Pilot project developed
           Policy to ensure care, treatment and            Community Mental                          and delivered
           information is provided for older people        Health Services
           leaving prison. This will include links with                                            • Learnings taken from
           the community mental health services                                                      the pilot applied

 98        RHSR: Improve the response to the needs of      AFA: Supported by         2018-2022     • No. of projects delivered
           older people with long-term substance use       LDAF                                      through the various
           issues                                                                                    possible grant schemes
                                                                                                     and the HI fund

 99        Consultation: Support mental health and         AFA / LOPF                2018-2022     • No. of projects delivered
           wellbeing actions for older people living in                                              through the various
           isolated rural areas including pre-retirement                                             possible grant schemes
           planning connecting individuals to their                                                  and the HI fund
           communities and the business community

 100       Consultation: Support informal family           AFA: Supported by HSE     2018-2022     • No. of programmes
           carers through formal & informal supports       / LOPF                                    supported

 101       Consultation: Create training programmes        LLP / DSP                 2018-2022     • Training programmes
           for early school leavers to become home                                                   complete
           helps for older people. Similar to the Ogra

 102       LECP 288: Extend "The Parlour" and "Men's       LCDC supported by AFA     2016          • Increased flexible
           Sheds" initiatives across the county to         / HSE / DkIT                              employment
           enhance social connectedness                                                              opportunities for older

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

                Increase the proportion of people who are healthy at all
Goal 4:
                stages of life

                                             Shared Wellbeing

Objective 11 (LECP / 288): Work with the DSP                     HI Outcome: Support, link and further improve
to develop and promote employment options                        existing partnerships, strategies and initiatives
(including options for gradual retirement) for                   that aim to remove barriers to participation
people as they age and identify any barriers                     and to provide more opportunities for the
(legislative, attitudinal, custom and practice)                  involvement of older people in all aspects
to continued employment and training                             of cultural, economic and social life in their
opportunities                                                    communities

No.    Action                                        Responsibility             Timeline          Measure/
103    LECP 283: Develop and deliver 50+ Start       LCDC supported by AFA      2016 - Ongoing    • LEO and Regional
       Your Own Business programmes                  / HSE / DkIT                                   Development Centre
                                                                                                    in DKIT

                                                                                                  • Social Enterprise

104    LECP 283: Facilitate and support social       LEO, AFA, Business         2016 - Ongoing    • LEO and Regional
       enterprise programmes for older people        Forum / PPN                                    Development Centre
                                                                                                    in DKIT

                                                                                                  • Social Enterprise

105    LECP 284: Facilitate businesses to become     AFA Business Group         2016 - Ongoing    • No. of businesses
       ‘Age Friendly' champions                                                                     involved

106    LECP 290: Engage with local Chambers of       AFA: Supported by LCC /    2016 - Ongoing    • Panels established
       Commerce to develop a panel of suitably       CoC / LEF
       experienced older people that are in a
       position to offer business set up and
       development advice and support

107    LOPF Action Plan 2017 - 2019: Promote         LOPF                       2017 - Ongoing    • No. of projects
       and facilitate the use of technology                                                         completed
       to support tele-care and tele-health
       programmes for older people

108    LOPF Action Plan 2017 - 2019: Support the     LOPF                       2017 - Ongoing    • Project complete
       parents of adult children with disabilities
       through carrying out research on the scale
       and scope of the supports needed

Healthy Ireland for Louth Plan 2018-2022

 AFA                   Age Friendly Alliance

 AGS                   An Garda Síochána

 CAMHS                 Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services

 CAWT                  Co-operation & Working Together

 CDP                   County Development Plan

 CEP                   Community Enhancement Programme

 CES                   Community Employment Scheme

 CIC                   Citizens Information Centre

 CNN                   Comhairle na nÓg

 CoC                   Chambers of Commerce

 Consultation          Feedback from workshop undertaken at Bellingham Castle

 CPD                   Continued Professional Development

 CYPSC                 Children and Young People's Services Committees
                       Department of Environment, Community & Local Government
                       (currently dept. of Housing, Planning & Local Government)
 DES                   Department of Education & Skills

 DkIT                  Dundalk Institute of Technology
                       Department Social Protection
                       (currently dept. of Employment Affairs & Social Protection)
 Dunleer BEC           Dunleer Better Energies Community

 DYC                   Dundalk Youth Centre

 FASN                  Family Addiction Support Network

 GIW                   Get Ireland Walking

 HI                    Healthy Ireland

 HIF                   Healthy Ireland Fund

 HSE                   Health Service Executive

 ICA                   Irish Countrywomen’s Association

 IFA                   Irish Farmers Association

 JPC                   Joint Policing Committee

 LAFA                  Louth Age Friendly Alliance

 LCC                   Louth County Council

 LCDC                  Local Community Development Committee
 LDAF                  Louth Drugs & Alcohol Forum

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