Health and Social Care Skills and Employment Outcomes - Shared Intelligence

Page created by Alma Gomez
Health and Social Care Skills and Employment Outcomes - Shared Intelligence
Health and
Social Care Skills
and Employment

                     Shared Intelligence
Health and Social Care Skills and Employment Outcomes - Shared Intelligence
Health and Social Care Skills and Employment Outcomes - Shared Intelligence
    FOREWORD                                    05

    INTRODUCTION                                06

    CONTEXT                                     08


    AGREED OUTCOMES                             12

    DELIVERING THE OUTCOMES                     14

    DEVELOPING THE AGREEMENT                    20


    WHO WE ARE                                  25
Health and Social Care Skills and Employment Outcomes - Shared Intelligence
Health and Social Care Skills and Employment Outcomes - Shared Intelligence
Central London Forward

Access to high quality health and social                           However, the agreement is just one piece of
care provision when needed is key to                           a puzzle that can only be completed through
ensuring everyone can live a fulfilling life                   national legislative reform. We support the
                                                               comments made by the Care Quality Commission
within their community.                                        that there is a need for a new deal for the health
    The skill and talent of the people who work in             and social care workforce ‘that develops clear
these sectors are at the heart of this. Enabling               career progression, secures the right skills for
successful and rewarding careers in health and                 the sector, better recognises and values staff,
social care must therefore be a priority for both              invests in their training and supports appropriate
national and local government. The challenges                  professionalisation.’ Similarly, the national charity,
the sectors have faced during the course of the                Skills for Care, notes the need to invest in our
pandemic have only increased public awareness                  health and social care workforce.1 We welcome
of the important role health and social care plays             active partnership with government in developing
in society.                                                    a system that works for all our residents – providing
    This employment and skills outcomes                        both high quality health and care support and
agreement demonstrates the collective                          good jobs with a clear progression pathway.
commitment of employers, education and training                    There are limits to what we can achieve until
providers and councils in central London to                    action is taken on the wider reforms called for
improving learning and development in the health               by the CQC and the good practice promoted
and care sector. The agreement will help better                by Skills for Care, but with 430,000 care workers
match skills provisions with employer needs. I hope            leaving their jobs every year and 120,000
that through this we will support more residents               vacancies at any one time, we need to build
to obtain employment in the sector and to                      a sector that works for employers, employees,
progress within it; and that employers will be better          and service users. This is an ambitious agreement
supported to recruit, train and retain a workforce             representing a positive step in that journey
with the necessary skills.                                     towards wider reform and together with our
                                                               partners we are committed to making it work.

                                                               Mayor John Biggs
                                                               Mayor of Tower Hamlets

1 Care Quality Commission (2019/20), The state of health care and adult social care in England                  5
1.5 Skills for Care (21st October 2020), Social care needs to fill more than 100,000 vacancies
Health and Social Care Skills and Employment Outcomes - Shared Intelligence

Health and Social Care Skills and Employment Outcomes - Shared Intelligence
Central London Forward

The employment and skills outcome                                The outcomes commended by the signatories
agreement                                                   to this agreement have been developed to
                                                            address some of the most pressing employment
This is an employment and skills outcomes                   and skills challenges and opportunities in the
agreement for the health and care sectors in                health and care sectors. Action on these issues
central London. It reflects a shared commitment             will first and foremost seek to improve relationships
on the part of employers, education and training            and common goals between health and care
providers and London boroughs in central London             commissioners and employers including local
to work together.                                           authorities, and education and training providers
    It is intended to deliver benefits to the               seeking to improve skills levels amongst local
communities in central London by helping                    communities. It will also benefit the sector itself,
residents to obtain employment in the sector and            enabling better entry and career progression. This
progress within it, to enable employers to access           agreement demonstrates the commitment to this
people with the skills they require and as a result,        collaboration and to securing better outcomes for
to improve the quality of health and care. The              learners, providers, employers and the quality of
focus of the agreement is on entry level posts and          health and care provision.
early progression within the sector as this has been             We have agreed a set of outcomes related
identified as a core priority for councils, employers       to the promotion of the sector, the quality of
and education and training providers.                       work, access to the skills required to obtain jobs
    The health and care sectors in central                  and progress, and the transferability of relevant
London are vital to the health and wellbeing                qualifications between employers. We have
of residents and to the local economy. This is              also agreed to test and develop a set of actions
particularly important in the light of COVID-19             necessary to achieve the agreed outcomes and
and the economic impact. We are confident                   ways of measuring progress. The results of this
that this agreement and further iterations of it will       process will be reflected in future versions of the
contribute to high quality care and employment in           agreement which we will update annually.
health and care in central London.                               This agreement reflects the outcome of a series
    The development of the agreement was                    of discussions that began with five of the CLF
instigated by Central London Forward, reflecting            boroughs including health and care employers,
the fact that health and care is one of the top             education and training providers. The discussions
three sectors in terms of employment in eight of            were then extended to the other CLF boroughs.
the 12 CLF member boroughs.2 The agreement                  It is intended to be a living document and will be
will be key in influencing how skills support is            reviewed annually to capture learning from the
commissioned in London to act as a best practice            application of it by employers, education and
example for this sector and others.                         training providers and councils across central
    Employers have also been involved in the                London and progress in relation to the Care
creation of this framework. These have ranged               Certificate.
from nationally significant hospitals to GP                 This document comprises:
practices and from national care providers to               •	A description of the context in which the
small residential care homes. COVID-19 has                       agreement has been developed;
highlighted the importance of the sector and has            •	A picture of the scale of the health and care
increased the level of interest in careers in the                sector;
sector overall in terms of both the care it provides        •	The outcomes which have been jointly agreed
and its attractiveness as an employer. Education                 by the signatories to the agreement;
and training providers have also contributed                •	A wider outcomes framework including a
to the understanding of the challenges and                       suggested set of activities to deliver the agreed
the identification of solutions. Now is the time                 outcomes and ways of measuring them;
to capitalise on these contributions and drive              •	An explanation of how it is envisaged that the
change.                                                          agreement will be adopted and reviewed.
    The concept of employment and skills
outcomes agreements was promoted in a report
published jointly by the then UK Commission on
Employment and Skills and the Association of
Colleges3. The way in which this agreement has
been developed reflects a core recommendation
in that report; to begin with agreement on
high level outcomes rather than how they are

2 Central London Forward is a sub-regional partnership bringing together the 12 central
   London boroughs: Camden, City of London, Hackney, Haringey, Islington, Kensington and
   Chelsea, Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark, Tower Hamlets, Wandsworth and Westminster.
3 UK Commission for Employment and Skills (2015), Local action, national success: how                     7
   outcome agreements can improve skills delivery
Health and Social Care Skills and Employment Outcomes - Shared Intelligence
Health and Social Care Skills and Employment Outcomes - Shared Intelligence
Central London Forward

The development of this agreement has coincided          Finally, it is important to recognised that this
with a number of other initiatives in London and      agreement was finalised during spring 2021, when
nationally which aim to address current barriers      COVID-19 cases remain significant and stringent
and workforce development challenges within           social distancing requirements are in place. This
the health and care sectors. These include the        has at least three implications for this initiative:
proposed Health and Social Care Academy               •	It has raised the profile of the health and care
being led by the GLA through the London                  sector and its value to society;
Recovery Board, and the Social Care Academy           •	It has reduced the time available to people
in development through the London Directors of           to participate in the development of this
Adult Social Care (ADASS). The aim in developing         agreement;
this agreement has been to ensure that it             •	It has implications for ability of organisations
complements and takes account of these wider             to deliver actions which will help to achieve
initiatives. More information on them can be found       the aspirations in the agreement including, for
on pages 23 and 24.                                      example, work placements.
     The Care Certificate, developed by Skills for       Our approach to implementing the agreement
Care, Health Education England and Skills for         with an annual review provides ways of handling
Health, has a significant contribution to make        these pressures and uncertainties.
to achieving many of the outcomes in this
agreement. We are however aware of issues
relating to variation in the quality of delivery of
the certificate and employer recognition of it.
These are significant barriers to achieving good
employment outcomes, particularly in the care
sector. In order to achieve better employment
outcomes continued work is required to enable
the adoption of the certificate. This agreement is
intended to both enable progress to be made in
the short term and to support action to embed the
certificate in a more consistent way.

Health and Social Care Skills and Employment Outcomes - Shared Intelligence
Central London Forward

The scale of employment within the health and                        However, the context of the health and social
social care sector is significant nationally, in                 care sectors has shifted significantly in more recent
London and in the CLF area. National figures for                 times. Much of the data informing future trends
2018 show that the health and social care sector is              will be influenced in some way by the onset of
the second biggest employment sector, with 12.7                  the pandemic. The health and social care sectors
per cent of employment belonging to the sector.                  have already seen accelerated transformation
In London the health and social care sector is the               in the short-term since responding to COVID-19.
fourth largest by employment, with 10.3 per cent of              Over 700,000 people registered as an NHS
employees working in the sector. Over 50 per cent                volunteer and the voluntary and community sector
of the sector’s employees in London work in the                  saw large numbers of people offering their time
Central London Forward area. These figures also                  and resources for support within the community.
showed that within the Central London Forward                    Councils have played a large part in this by
boroughs, the health and social care sector was in               organising volunteers, offering up car parks and
the top three employment sectors in eight of the                 removing parking charges for NHS staff during the
twelve boroughs, and was the largest employment                  immediate crisis, and supporting the sourcing and
sector in Lambeth, Lewisham and Wandsworth.4                     redistribution of PPE equipment. This quick and
    The data also shows that the health and                      positive response has also begun to address some
sector care sector has grown significantly over                  of the structural workforce challenges anticipated
recent years. Within the CLF boroughs alone,                     in the future. As a result of the collective efforts
employment within the sectors has grown by 8.5                   the country has taken in supporting the sector
per cent from 2015-2018, an increase of around                   to respond to the pandemic, it has been widely
21,000 employees.5 Within the CLF area, the                      recognised that this period is an important time to
health and social care sector has been the fourth                harness opportunities for creating better conditions
fastest growing sector, both proportionately and                 for employees and increasing accessibility of, and
absolutely. Prior to the onset of the pandemic in                progression within careers.
March 2020 this growth was expected to continue.
One of the influencing factors in this growth so
far, and projected growth in the future, is the role
that the ageing population has played. By 2030,
                                                                    WITHIN THE CENTRAL
England is expected to have 12.9 million people                     LONDON FORWARD
aged 65 and over (an estimated 21 per cent
of the population, an increase of 31 per cent                       BOROUGHS THE HEALTH AND
compared to 2016).6 Central London Forward                          SOCIAL CARE SECTOR WAS IN
Boroughs are expected to see growth in this age
group of 48 per cent by 2030 compared with 2016                     THE TOP THREE EMPLOYMENT
figures, increasing from 275,840 to 407,964 people.
With an ageing population comes various health
                                                                    SECTORS IN EIGHT OF THE
and social care requirements, which means that                      TWELVE BOROUGHS
the sector is only likely to become more important.
The total demand on the health and care sector is
expected to grow by 34 per cent by 2030.

4 Office for National Statistics (ONS) (2018), Business Register and Employment Survey,
   Employees in the UK: 2018
5 ONS (2018), Business Register and Employment Survey, Employees in the UK: 2018                             11
6 Skills for Care (2017), The state of the adult social care sector and workforce in England

Central London Forward

The signatories to this agreement share a               employment in the sector.
commitment to the delivery of the outcomes
set out below and encourage health and care          »	Outcome area 4a: People have access to skills
employers, education and training providers             required to work in the health and care sector
and councils in the CLF area to agree how best       »	Outcome area 4b: New entrants have the
to collaborate to achieve these outcomes and            necessary core skills including digital literacy
to hold each other to account for doing so. This        and “fusion skills” and an appetite to progress
agreement is designed to mobilise the contribution      within the health and care sector
of councils, employers and education and training    Specific outcomes:
providers to secure high quality employment in       •	Entry level health and care qualifications are
the health and care sectors in a collaborative          available which meet the needs of employers
and mutually accountable way. It is inevitably          and prospective employees.
the case, however, that some outcomes relate         •	People have access to short bespoke provision
primarily to one group of organisations than            that aligns to specific skills needs of employers.
another.                                             •	Learners benefit from good quality and relevant
   This section provides further detail around          work experience placements.
these outcomes and who is best placed to take
                                                     »	Outcome area 5: More opportunities for
responsibility to achieving them.
                                                        progression and career development within the
                                                        health and care sector
A summary of the agreed outcomes                     Specific outcomes:
                                                     •	Learners and employees are able to identify
»	Outcome area 1a: More people are interested          clear routes into and through the health and
   in pursuing a career in the health and care          care sector.
   sector                                            •	Employees are able to move roles and take up
»	Outcome area 1b: People enrolling for                new opportunities for employment within the
   education and training are genuinely interested      sector, enabling further skills development and
   in a career in the sector                            career progression.
Specific outcomes:
•	A higher level of awareness of employment         »	Outcome area 6: Establishing health and care
   and progression opportunities in the health and      as a “good work” sector
   care sector and the training and development      Specific outcomes:
   available.                                        •	An increase in the number of employers in the
•	The production of outputs and guidance for           health and care sector offering London Living
   careers advisors.                                    Wage and meeting high quality workplace
                                                        practices, including those set out in the Mayor’s
»	Outcome area 2: More people who are facing           Good Work Standard.
   barriers to employment achieve secure jobs in     •	Increased use of apprenticeships.
   the health and care sector
Specific outcomes:                                   »	Outcome area 7: Establishing health and care
•	A reduction in the impact of social factors          as a safe sector for all communities
   including exclusion, family circumstances and     Specific outcomes:
   personal confidence.                              •	The sector provides a safe working environment
•	An increase in the numbers of people from            for all communities.
   priority groups gaining employment in the         •	New entrants are fully aware of their role in
   health and care sector (priority group are           ensuring a safe workplace.
   determined by individual employers, providers
   and boroughs).                                    »	Outcome area 8: Improved quality of care
•	A reduction in employees leaving the health          provision
   and care sector.                                  Specific outcome:
•	Increased access to employment for those with     •	Improved entry-level recruitment and career
   qualifications and employment experience             progression contributes to improved health and
   from other countries.                                care provision.

»	Outcome area 3: More people who have
   become unemployed due to the pandemic
   can access good employment in the health
   and care sector
Specific outcome:
•	People who are unemployed but are mid
   and high-level skilled are able to access
   opportunities to retrain/reskill to access good

Central London Forward

The table below sets out a suggested set of actions to deliver each of the outcomes and ways in which
progress can be measured. The table also identifies a lead for each action.
    This table is the product of work with five of the CLF boroughs and discussion with employers and
education and training providers in the CLF area. It is work in progress and is intended to provide a
starting point for discussions at a local level. It is envisaged that, where they are in place, existing local
structures such as the Islington Health and Social Care Academy will be used to discuss how best to
adopt the agreement locally. Elsewhere CLF will encourage member boroughs to initiate conversations
locally, but employers and education and training providers are also encouraged to take the initiative.

     Outcome            Specific           What activity needs to take                 What are the possible metrics?
     area               outcome            place to deliver the outcome?               How can it be measured and who
                                                                                       can measure it?

1a   More people        A higher level     All partners – employers, training          Consider measuring:
     are interested     of awareness       providers and councils:                     • Drop out rate – The number of learners
     in pursuing a      of employment      Promotion of careers advice,                   not completing courses and moving
     career in the      and progression    information and guidance:                      to unrelated training.
     health and care    opportunities      • Working closely to develop and           • Conversion – Those who attain a
     sector(s)          in the health         promote careers advice, information         qualification relevant for the sector.
                        and care sector       and guidance on the opportunities        • Progression – The proportion of those
                        (s) and the           that are available and how these            who qualify and go on to work in the
1b   People enrolling   training and          opportunities can be accessed.              sector.
     for education      development        •	Ensure that we reduce
     and training       available.            misconceptions and misinformation        Request from employers/ training
     are genuinely                            around achieving employment in the       providers/ commissioners data and
     interested in a    Careers               sector.                                  numbers on health and social care
     career in the      advisors have      • Develop and maintain                     courses, drop out, conversion and
     sector             access to a           comprehensive resources for career       progression rates within the CLF area.
                        wide variety of       advisors on career pathways and
                        resources which                                                Consider data trends by NHS Trust and
                                              options for roles in the health and      CCG as a possible metric, based on the
                        inform and            care sectors.
                        guide them                                                     quarterly and monthly published data.9
                                           • Work more closely with primary and
                        on careers in         secondary schools to improve young       In the longer term, measure increases
                        the health and        people’s awareness of careers within     in BRES figures at a borough and
                        care sectors,         the health and care sectors. E.g.        more local level for the number of
                        so they are           through careers talks and including      people in the health and social care
                        better informed       health and social care in the            standard industrial classification (SIC)
                        to guide              curriculum.                              and in health and social care standard
                        prospective                                                    occupational classifications (SOC)
                        learners and       Enabling access to, and progression         from the annual population survey at a
                        employees.         within, career pathways in the health       borough level compared to the number
                                           and care sectors:                           going through courses.10
                        Education          • Partners work more closely together
                        and training          to support access to opportunities       Building on the work of Skills for Care,
                        providers use a       and progression in skills development    vacancy rates should be monitored to
                        values-based          and employment opportunities.            understand sector growth as well as
                        approach in        • Partners work together to develop a      replacement demand.11
                        the recruitment       values-based recruitment approach        Consider using similar measurements
                        of students onto      which seeks to select candidates         that have been used during the
                        health and            for courses based on attitudes and       pandemic to measure ‘interest’ – often
                        care courses.         values required to work in the sector,   these included metrics such as numbers
                                              in addition to education and skills      of applications received for job roles
                                              requirements.7                           and visits to specific careers-related
                                           Work experience                             web pages.12
                                           • Identify employers who may be best
                                              placed to provide work experience
                                              opportunities and within these,
                                              encourage more work experience
                                              in social care through non-monetary
                                           • Institute exchange options for nurses
                                              so they can experience working in
                                              social care.
                                           Training providers:
                                           Raising awareness with learners of
                                           careers in the health and care sectors
                                           • Take a central role in provision of
                                              comprehensive careers advice,
                                              information and guidance.
                                           • Harness the opportunities in ESOL
                                              and other classes to raise awareness
                                              of the opportunities in health and                                        15
                                              care sector(s).
Central London Forward

     Outcome           Specific             What activity needs to take                    What are the possible metrics?
     area              outcome              place to deliver the outcome?                  How can it be measured and who
                                                                                           can measure it?

2    More people       A reduction in       Employers, training providers and              Measure the same data as above in
     who are facing    the impact of        sector bodies:                                 addition to data on:
     barriers to       social factors       Creation of more suitable pathways             • Profile of learners;
     employment        including            • The development of new pathways             • Profile of new employees;
     achieve secure    exclusion, family       to meet the needs of priority groups        • The resilience of the health and care
     jobs in the       circumstances           (including adjusted apprenticeships            sector compared to other sectors.
     health and care   and personal            and flexible learning).
     sector(s)         confidence.          • Adoption of a more standardised             In addition to course drop out,
                                               care certificate to assist with those       conversion and progression rate, track
                       An increase in          who are reskilling to go into the           the previous education level of their
                       the numbers             health and social care sector.              adult learners and age for the adult
                       of people                                                           learning cohort to determine whether
                       from priority        Training providers:                            they are likely to be retraining to go into
                       groups gaining       Wrap-around support                            the sector. Continue to track changes,
                       employment           • Develop more wrap-around support            as there is likely to be more increases
                       in the health           for learners from priority groups who       in unemployment over the Winter
                       and care sector         come to the end of a course to              2021/2022.
                       (priority group         support them with the next step in
                       are determined          their career pathways (for example,         Track new business start up rate within
                       by individual           follow-on courses, work experience,         the sector to understand how the
                       employers,              and securing employment).                   market is developing. The increase or
                       providers and                                                       decrease of new enterprises trading and
                       boroughs).           Councils                                       registering for CQC inspections will also
                                            Supporting access to targeted                  help to measure demand in the sector.14
                       A reduction          employment opportunities
                       in employees         • Where learners are identified who
                       leaving the             may have ESOL needs councils
                       health and              should offer support which is
                       care sector.            specifically targeted at securing
                                               employment which provides better
                       Increased               opportunities for learning English.13
                       access to
                       for those with
                       from other

3    More people       People who are       Councils:                                      Review literature on those moving from
     who have          unemployed           Identifying and supporting those               other sectors to care.
     become            but are mid          negatively impacted by the pandemic
     unemployed        and high-level       • Work with local authority adult             Collect data on users of organisations
     due to the        skilled are             education services to map the offer         (such as Me Passport) and their
     pandemic can      able to access          available to those who have been            employment outcomes.
     access good       opportunities to        made unemployed as a result of the
     employment in     retrain/reskill to      pandemic
     the health and    access good          • Identify residents in this priority group
     care sector(s)    employment in           and link them into Adult Education
                       the sector.             Services to offer reskilling/retraining
                                            Training providers and employers:
                                            Specific courses to aid transition
                                            between sectors
                                            • Work together to adapt and develop
                                               transition and fast-track transition
                                            Increasing awareness of health and
                                            care roles and transferable skills
                                            • Employers should showcase the
                                               diversity of roles within the sector
                                               (e.g. IT, management and project
                                               management), highlighting where
                                               skills are transferable.

Central London Forward

     Outcome            Specific            What activity needs to take                  What are the possible metrics?
     area               outcome             place to deliver the outcome?                How can it be measured and who
                                                                                         can measure it?

4a   People have        Entry level         Employers and training providers:            At a high level, draw on the Employer
     access to          health and care     Development of an accredited entry-          Skills survey data on in-work progression.17
     skills required    qualifications      level qualification and short courses to
     to work in the     are available       develop specific skills                      Analysis of data provided by
     health and care    which meet          • Employers and training providers          educational institutions to determine
     sector(s)          the needs of           should work together to develop           the availability of and participation in
                        employers and          an entry level course which suits         relevant health and social care courses
                        prospective            the needs of, and is recognised           and progression from these courses into
                        employees.             amongst, employers.                       roles in the sector – this will provide an
                                            • Employers and training providers          assessment of whether the courses are
                        People have            should collaborate to develop             teaching the right skills.
                        access to              courses that address specific skills
                        short bespoke                                                    Undertake a survey of employers and
                                               needs, for example digital literacy
                        provision                                                        learners, measuring whether learners
                                               and “fusion skills”.
                        that aligns                                                      faced barriers, or whether employers
                                            Training providers:                          feel learners are work ready.
                        to specific
                                            Raising awareness of health and care
                        skills needs of                                                  Track apprenticeships at different levels
                                            career pathways to aid access and
                        employers.                                                       DfE Apprenticeships and traineeships
                        Learners benefit    •	Build on the work of Health               data.18
                        from good              Education England in the mapping          Analysis of EMSI/Burning Glass data
                        quality and            of career pathways, broadening out        on vacancies and skills of those in the
                        relevant work          to include care career pathways
                        experience             and education provision.15
                        placements.         • Provide up to date careers advice         Analysis of Higher Education Statistics
                                               information and guidance on               Agency (HESA) data, which provide
                                               careers pathways.                         statistics support around higher
4b   New entrants       Learners and        • Support access to relevant skills and     education.
     have the           employees are          employment opportunities through
     necessary core     able to identify       links with other training providers and   Request data from the GLA or ONS
     skills including   clear routes into      employers.                                to track the state of digital skills and
     digital literacy   and through                                                      literacy. This could be done at a
     and “fusion        the health and      Employers, training providers and            borough level, or by comparing the
     skills” and an     care sector(s).     accredited bodies:                           rate of digital literacy by (for example)
     appetite to                            Work experience                              age or ethnicity to the makeup of new
     progress within                        • Development of good quality               entrants to the sector to determine
                                               and relevant work experience
     the health and                                                                      digital literacy.
                                               opportunities with suitable
     care sector(s)
                                               employers and embedding these             An additional point could be to check
                                               early on in education and training        with educational institutions and
5    More               Employees are          opportunities.16                          employers whether there are these and
     opportunities      able to move        Digital learning                             other fusion skills lacking in the sector.20
     for progression    around and          • Develop methods of digital learning,
     and career         take up new            including the potential to create a
     development        opportunities          group which can look specifically
     within the         for employment         at how digital learning can best be
     health and care    within the             adopted.
     sector(s)          sector, enabling    Accredited bodies, employers and
                        further skills      STPs:
                        development         • Build on current efforts to develop
                                               a skills passport for the health and
                        and career
                                               care sector(s) and other portable
                                               qualifications and skills.
                                            • Build on work by Health Education
                                               England to identify and develop
                                               clear routes for career progression
                                               through the health and care sectors
                                               (as above).
                                            • Explore use of council commissioning
                                               and procurement to support
                                               adoption of the skills passport
                                               and recognition of qualifications -
                                               Encourage other areas of the sector
                                               to develop and embed this.
                                            Flexibility to allow upskilling
                                            • Identify ways that would allow
                                               existing employees to be released
                                               from duties to undertake further skills
                                               training and CPD activities.                                                 17
Central London Forward

     Outcome           Specific           What activity needs to take                What are the possible metrics?
     area              outcome            place to deliver the outcome?              How can it be measured and who
                                                                                     can measure it?

6    Establishing      An increase in     Councils:                                  Track whether there are increasing
     health and care   the number of      Encourage adoption of key standards        numbers of employers who pay London
     as a “good        employers in       • Use councils’ commissioning and         Living Wage, meet the Mayor’s Good
     work” sector(s)   the health and        procurement activities to promote       Work Standard or meet the ethical care
                       care sector(s)        and encourage adoption of the           charter
                       offering London       standards of Good Work, for example
                       Living Wage           relevant standards set out in the       From an employee perspective, review
                       and meeting           Mayor’s Good Work Standard and          employee satisfaction levels such as
                       high quality          the Ethical Care Charter. Examples of   through the NHS Staff survey.22
                       workplace             standards include:                      Analysis of CQC ratings for NHS Trusts
                       practices,            • Commitments to fair pay and          and care providers.23
                       including                limiting/avoiding zero-hours
                       relevant                 contracts,                           Analysis of DfE Apprenticeships and
                       standards             • Commitments to skills and            Traineeships data to identify whether
                       set out in the           progression through provision        there is an increase in the number
                       Mayor’s Good             of accredited and recognised         of apprenticeships in the sector,
                       Work Standard            training,                            particularly compared proportionally to
                       and the Unison        • Commitments to ensuring care         other sectors.
                       Ethical Care             provision is client focussed.        Track the number of health and adult
                       Charter.21                                                    social care providers signed up for good
                       Increased          Undertaking action to adopt key            work charter through the GLA and the
                       use of             standards                                  number signing up for the Ethical Care
                       apprenticeships.   • Undertaking action to achieve           Charter.24
                                             standards of ‘Good Work’, such as
                                             those presented in the Mayor’s Good
                                             Work Charter and the Ethical Care
                                          • Undertake action towards becoming
                                             a London Living Wage employer.

                               7    S kills for Care, Values-based recruitment and retention online events, (This work could
                                    build on the current training offered to employers by Skills for Care on values-based
                               8    It is recognised that a significant barrier for many employers in providing work experience
                                    opportunities is the lack of capacity to do so. Yet good quality, relevant work experience
                                    is vital to increasing awareness of the requirements of the sector. Therefore, a middle
                                    ground needs to be found where employers can be supported to provide the
                                    experience needed without over-stretching resource and capacity.
                               9    N    HS Digital (2020), NHS Workforce Statistics – June 2020
                               10   ONS (2018), Business Register and Employment Survey, Employees in the UK: 2018 and
                                     ONS (2019), Annual Population Survey April 2018 - March 2019
                               11    Skills for Care (2020), The state of the adult social care sector and workforce in England
                               12     The Guardian (Andalo, August 2020), “There’s so much respect for the NHS right now’:
                                       interest in healthcare degrees on the rise
                               13      For example, those working across clinician roles may be more exposed to English
                                        language than other non-customer facing roles. Employers may therefore relax English
18                                      requirements if the learner understands the work.
Central London Forward

     Outcome             Specific           What activity needs to take                  What are the possible metrics?
     area                outcome            place to deliver the outcome?                How can it be measured and who
                                                                                         can measure it?

7    Establishing        The sector         Employers and sector bodies (e.g.            Collect data on who occupies which
     health and          provides a         CQC, NHS Employers):                         roles within the sector, such as through
     care as a safe      safe working       • Identify and raise awareness of roles     annual population survey data at a
     sector(s) for all   environment for       deemed to be ‘safe roles’ (e.g. those     high level, as well as surveys of specific
     communities         all communities.      roles that carry a low risk of exposure   employers to gather more granular
                                               to COVID-19).                             detail.
                         New entrants
                         are fully aware    Training providers and accreditation
                         of their role in   bodies:
                         ensuring a safe    • Work with employers to ensure safety
                         workplace             is a key feature of education and
                                               training provision.

8    Improved            Improved           Sector bodies, employers and councils:       Track data on deaths/injuries in care
     quality of care     entry-level        • Encourage a ‘safe employer’ charter       homes due to health and safety issues
                         recruitment           between training providers and            or other preventable causes from data
                         and career            employers.                                gathered from care homes within CLF.
                         contributes                                                     Track improvements in results of CQC
                         to improved                                                     inspections of specific NHS trusts,
                         health and                                                      hospitals, and care homes.
                         care provision.                                                 CQC ratings for NHS Trusts and care

14 ONS (2020), UK business: activity, size and location
15 Health Education England (2019), Health Informatics Career Pathways Project, Report B:
    Full Survey Findings
16 At level three there is a requirement to go into placement – but not at level two as this is
    only advised.
17 Department for Education (DfE) (2018), Employer skills survey 2017: UK findings
18 DfE (2020), Apprenticeships and traineeships data
19 Emsi, Emsi skills and Burning Glass, Burning Glass Technologies United Kingdom
20 ONS (2019), Exploring the UK’s digital divide
21 Mayor of London, What is the Mayor’s Good Work Standard?
22 NHS Staff Survey (2020), NHS Staff Survey 2020
23 Care Quality Commission (2019), Levels of ratings: NHS trusts
24 Unison (2013), Unison’s ethical care charter                                                                            19
25 Care Quality Commission (2019), Levels of ratings: NHS trusts
Central London Forward

As the previous sections to this agreement make         CLF and its partners are committed to
clear, the signatories to it encourage employers,   maintaining the agreement as a live document,
education and training providers and councils       reflecting the outcomes of discussions locally and
in the CLF area to commit to achieving the          progress on other relevant initiatives including the
outcomes and to agreeing the actions required to    care certificate. We will collate the outcome of
do so, drawing on the suggestions above.            local discussions and the results of local monitoring
                                                    of progress in order to inform an annual review of
                                                    the agreement.

Central London Forward

There are a number of initiatives that are                 Skills for Care Learning and Skills Framework
happening in parallel to support the health and
social care sector. It will be essential to capture this   In 2019 Skills for Care convened a workforce
activity and ensure that the overall outcomes can          development forum to explore the potential
complement each other as the work progresses.              for a learning and skills framework. The aim of
These initiatives are listed below.                        this framework would be to support people into
                                                           entry level positions in the sector, and support
                                                           progression through careers in care. There was also
GLA Health and Social Care Academy                         some focus on exploring how to better embed
The Greater London Authority are developing                the care certificate into learning and employment
plans for a Health and Social Care Academy.                practices. This initiative has since been paused until
These plans form part of the Mayor’s London                further clarification is provided by the Department
Recovery Programme, under their ‘Good Work                 for Health and Social Care on the ambitions
for All’ mission. The missions seek to establish a         for the sector. The learning and skills framework
number of sector-specific academies which will be          outlines the workforce development requirements
modelled on the Mayor’s Construction Academy.              to support greater career development and
At the point of writing this agreement, a formal           progression and identifies the metrics by which
proposal of the academy’s vision, activities, and          they can be measured.
development are still in progress. However, the
broader aim of these academies is to support               City and Guilds initiatives
Londoners to gain relevant skills and move into
good work.26 This document seeks to influence this         City and Guilds are developing two initiatives
process by highlighting the particularly challenging       which look to address the challenges of attracting
areas to be addressed through the work of                  more people into careers in the social care sector,
the Academy and provides ideas of how to                   and issues around care career progression. The first
encourage better outcomes for London overall.              of the two initiatives concern the development of
                                                           web-presences to promote the care sector, show
                                                           the skills that are required for jobs within the care
Social Care Academy: London ADASS                          sector, and highlight the relevance of transferable
Building on the success and infrastructure of the          skills. The second initiative to develop is around a
North London Proud to Care initiative, the London          ‘digital credentials’ framework for adult social care
Association of Directors of Adult Social Care              based on a similar tool they have developed for
(ADASS) team are developing a Care Academy.27              the hospitality sector. This framework demonstrates
The purpose of this academy will be to:                    to employers what training an employee has
•	Build on the Proud to Care initiative which has         undertaken previously and would include modules
    been working with people who are interested in         from level two to five. This document seeks to
    a career in social care and passporting them to        encourage change at the level two and three
    their local authorities;                               entry points across these initiatives by setting out
•	Develop career progression for social care              the needs of this resident group.
    workers from level one through to level seven;
•	Accredit or commission courses to meet skills or        NW London Health & Care Partnership
    knowledge shortages across London.
                                                           A collaboration between North West London
    There is also an aim to develop an                     CCG’s, the West London Alliance, Local
understanding of the economic value of Adult               authorities, local training providers and employers.
Social Care employment to the London economy.              Work is taking place across the geography
At the time of developing this agreement the               focused on three workstreams: careers advice,
proposal is still early on in its development, but         the learner journey and using the AEB to work with
London ADASS have already been working closely             employers.
with partner organisations including Skills for Care,
the National Institute of Health and Care Excellent,
Health Education England, and universities. This
will provide the context and framework for the
future focus of the Academy and identify areas of
challenge within the sectors.

26 Mayor of London and London Councils (2020), The London Recovery Programme                             23
27 Proud to Care, Proud to Care North London
Central London Forward

NHS Confederation and the Independent                          Islington Health and Social Care Academy is
Commission on the College of the Future                   in the process of developing a more focussed
                                                          outcomes-based approach to Health and Social
Together, NHS Confederation and the                       Care by working with employers and providers
Independent Commission have been exploring                operating in their borough. Under the banner of
the potential in the role colleges could play to          the Islington Health and Social Care Academy,
support the NHS and social care address their             Islington is bringing together key local anchor
existing and future workforce needs. In September         institutions with a shared vision of creating a strong
2020 their collaboration produced a publication           local offer around employment in the sector.
entitled “Creating the workforce of the future:           Collectively the NHS, Health and Social Care
a new collaborative approach for the NHS and              Providers, and the Local Authority have extensive
colleges in England”.28 This document adds to the         employment and purchasing power. This initiative
body of evidence around the need to collaborate           seeks to address opportunities brought forward by
and forge strong links between education and the          the sector, creating a clear local point of contact
sector.                                                   for residents and employers, to ensure that more
                                                          focus is on the local talent pool, building resilience
Examples of current activity                              in the community and in the Health and Social
                                                          Care Sector.
This section aims to highlight good practice                   Proud to Care North London is a jobs portal
examples of how some of the workforce                     specifically focussed on adult social care. Proud
challenges identified have been addressed.                to Care North London covers the North London
This section will be built on as the agreement is         Partners in Health and Social Care and London
reviewed annually.                                        Boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Haringey
    Tower Hamlets’ women in health and social             and Islington. The service lists a variety of jobs
care programme supports local women into                  and other opportunities, including training, for
the health and social care sector, gives them             people at all levels of experience. In addition, the
opportunities to boost their skills, and offers a         site also offers information for new providers and
wider programme of support. It works with those           new employees in the care sector. This support
facing a range of barriers including childcare            helps to develop the understanding of the sector
responsibilities, low confidence, domestic violence,      and helps those working and operating in the
stigma from the community, mental health                  sector to develop and improve their skills through
issues and disabilities. Participants are screened,       training and career development opportunities.
recruited and employed by Tower Hamlets, and              This includes offering advice to those who have
then seconded out on six-month work placements            never considered taking a job in the social care
within the NHS. Roles are available in business           sector about the requirements and the challenges
administration or as health care assistants, and          of working in it. This ultimately aims to improve the
participants have the option to work 16, 25 or 30         care sector, making it easier for people to find new
hours per week, depending on their circumstances          opportunities in the context of rapidly increasing
and preference. All placements are paid at                demand and an increasingly elderly population.
the London Living Wage, and participants gain
valuable paid work experience as well as an
accredited qualification (Principles of Business
Administration Level 2 or the Care Certificate).

24                         28 N
                               HS Confederation (2020), Creating the workforce of the future: a new collaborative
                              approach for the NHS and colleges in England
Central London Forward

                                                                 Shared Intelligence

Central London Forward (CLF) is the strategic sub-     Shared Intelligence (Si) is an economy,
regional partnership for central London, covering      regeneration and public policy consultancy.
the local authorities of Camden, the City of           We work with a wide range of clients in central,
London, Hackney, Haringey, Islington, Kensington       regional and local government, with business
and Chelsea, Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark,             and sector partnerships and other voluntary and
Tower Hamlets, Wandsworth and Westminster.             community sector agencies. We use data and
   Central London is a critical part of the national   evidence, logical ways of thinking and facilitated
economy. The 12 local authorities host around          conversations to help our clients achieve better
one in 10 of the country’s jobs, and central           outcomes for the places and communities they
London’s net contribution to the UK’s tax base         serve.
helps to pay for vital public services across the           We work with our clients, building their
country. But inequality is pervasive and there         capacity and skills across a broad spectrum
are 2.5 million people living in poverty in the        of issues. We create visions and strategies,
capital. Central London remains one of the most        evaluate programmes and projects, and help
economically impacted parts of the country             organisations to manage change while supporting
affected by COVID-19. The pandemic has, and            improvements in the delivery of services. We also
continues to have, a lasting impact on the health      develop and manage learning networks – best
and wellbeing of our communities and has               practice communities where participants can
exacerbated and created greater inequality in the      share knowledge, solve problems and develop
capital.                                               skills.
   Our goal is to improve the lives of residents by
working together to drive inclusive growth within
central London to ensure people can access
the skills, jobs, homes and support required to
benefit from our dynamic economy. We do this
through our policy research, lobbying activities
and employment programmes – including Central
London Works: Work and Health Programme and
the Job Entry Targeted Support scheme.

Central London Forward
1st Floor
West Wing, Guildhall
London EC2V 7HH
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