Healer - Spring 2021 - The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

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Healer - Spring 2021 - The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary

                            Spring 2021
Healer - Spring 2021 - The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
Board of Trustees                             HARRY EDWARDS

                                                                           SPRING 2021                         ISSUE 674

                                                                           Deadline for letters, articles and other
                                                                           contributions for the next issue: 01/04/2021
                                       Healing by
         Martin Thomas
                                   Telephone, Skype
                                    and Zoom plus                                  In this issue
                                       Chat Time                           Sanctuary update                                4
                                                                           The Bygraves Bench                              5
                                                                           Coaching and Counselling                        5
  Stella Bell     Teresa Leyman      Healing by telephone, skype or
                                    zoom allows a direct connection        My Journey to the Sanctuary                     6
                                      between healer and recipient,
                                    following a similar experience to      Memories of my Father                           8
                                     the healing we provide to those
                                                                           The Sancturian Challenge                       10
                                         who visit the Sanctuary.
 Alan Moore        Agnes Skelly                                            The Healer - ‘Our Aims’                        12
                                     There is time for talking at the
                                    beginning and relaxation before        Memorial Benches                               13
                                    the healer attunes to the healing
                                     energies and commences the            The Sanctuary Shop                             14
                                             formal healing.
                                                                           Healing Testimonials                           20
                                        Sometimes healing is simply        Bee-Experience Workshop                        21
       Alison McWhinnie            listening. With this in mind we have
       Operations Director           introduced Chat Times. If you are     The Harry Edwards’ College                     22
                                       struggling to cope and need to
                                   hear a friendly voice, or simply have   The Rose Garden Pond                           24
                                         a chat, please get in touch.
                                                                           HEHS Ambassador Programme                      26
                                                                           Poetry Competition Results                     27
         Phil Burnett
   Deputy Operations Director                                              How You Can Help                               28
                                    Telephone 01483 202054 or email
                                   healingreception@burrowslea.org.uk      Stay in Touch with the Sanctuary               29
  Registered Charity No: 1098712
                                         to make an appointment.
                                                                           Retreats at the Sanctuary                      30

Healer - Spring 2021 - The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
Dear Reader,

Welcome to our first edition of the Healer magazine for 2021. The 1st of March heralds        Join us now - become a friend!
the start of Spring, when nature wakes up and we marvel at the panoply of flowers
that start blooming throughout the country.
                                                                                            In return for your £25 annual subscription you
                                                                                            will receive the following:
This year in particular they will be more than welcome as it will be twelve months since
we heard words like lockdown, pandemic, social distancing, mutated, unprecedented,
                                                                                            - Membership Card
and the dreaded Covid-19, become the norm in our everyday lives.                            - Quarterly The Healer Magazine
                                                                                            - £5 reduction on the price of one day retreats
But now, new words are coming to the fore, Oxford/AstraZeneca, roll out, Vaccine,           - £15 reduction on the price of four day and five
Pfizer/BioNTech mass vaccination, normality and hope. Like the spring flora and fauna,        day retreats
a sense of a brighter future is engendered, as snowdrops, crocus and daffodils poke         - 10% reduction in the cost of items purchased
through the gradually warming earth bringing colour and expectation to jaded eyes             from our shop
and dulled minds.                                                                           - Substantial reductions on corporate room hire
                                                                                              at the Sanctuary until 30 September 2021
Words can generate mental pictures, remembered experiences, tastes along with               - Electronic update newsletters
other reactions and emotions. They are the flowers that bloom from the screen
or sheet of paper, that can bring sad or good news. In these days of the visual             Your Friends Membership runs for 12 months
experiences whether that is a TV programme, a film, or a Zoom connection, words             and we will send you a reminder shortly before
are sometimes underrated. However, over the last year people have listened to radios,       renewal. You can also give the gift of Sanctuary
read books, written poems and short stories. They have used their minds to create,          Friendship to your friends!
and to form in their imagination a personal version of what has been written.
Here at the Sanctuary, words are so very important, as they form, as they have for 75
years, the core of our healing endeavour. Distant healing intercessions. The letters that   ADDRESS
Harry Edwards wrote were that important point of contact with those who write for
healing help, and so it is today.

There are many healers who feel that distant healing is not as fulfilling as contact        EMAIL
healing for the client, or indeed for themselves. I find both have the same experience
of fulfilment for both parties. During 2020 we had very little contact healing, and so      SIGNED
as in days gone by ‘absent healing’ as it was then known, came to the fore, and the
written word meant so much to people. Our letters to our clients come from some of
the original texts that Mr Edwards created. Why? Because they are as relevant today              I enclose a cheque, payable to HEHS Ltd.
as they were then.
                                                                                                 Charge my credit / debit card.
There were many bereavements, family members were no longer there. Loneliness
became more prevalent, but that letter or email was a tangible reminder that here at        CARD NO
the Sanctuary, through our prayerful thoughts, now the written word, we were there for
them. They were not alone, as the words were re-read again and again.                       EXPIRY DATE

So as you look out from your window and see a flower blooming, that with others will        SECURITY CODE
make a bunch of colour and hope, think of words being created and a distant healing
                                                                                            Send to:
letter arriving in your home like a bunch of spring flowers to brighten your day. We are    Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary, Burrows Lea,
here for you.                                                                               Hook Lane, Shere, Guildford, Surrey. GU5 9QG.

Vincent                                                                                     Join online:
Healer - Spring 2021 - The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
Sanctuary update
The Harry Edwards Trustees

Hello everybody,                            We can choose to be optimistic instead           do now. We trust this will improve the
                                            of living in fear, especially fear of illness.   quality of our service to you.
Well here we are again - in a new year      We can recall the spiritual laws and
but how much further forward!               spiritual truths: the continuity of life,        The restoration of the rose-garden pond
                                            communication across the divide, the             is a continuing slowly but surely through
Do you remember George Harrison’s           power of thought, and of course, the             the winter months. Our co-sponsored
famous studio album and song ‘All           reality of spiritual healing.                    healer at Barnstaple NHS Hospital is
things must pass’?, echoing the words                                                        managing to continue to provide healing,
of Harry Edwards, ‘All things will pass’.   So let’s project those thoughts outwards         although not on the wards.
How true that is, and worth reminding       and send healing to all those who
ourselves of, especially if we start to     have been directly affected, and for             More of our staff have been furloughed
get weighed down by the negativity          us to commit to living more balanced,            through the lockdown. We have had to
of the daily news. We can choose to         sustainable and grounded lives in the            reschedule all of our activities, including
distance ourselves from it, and to take     future.                                          our College courses, and defer the
a broader perspective on our lives. How                                                      resumption of contact healing once
fortunate are we compared to previous                                                        again. However, well done to everybody
                                               Let’s learn what this experience
generations? For them, epidemics of                                                          for continuing to do your respective jobs
                                               is trying to teach us - we are
untreatable and often fatal illnesses was      empowered in this respect.                    in these difficult and stressful times.
the norm rather than the exception, yet                                                      Finally, let’s remember that the six best
somehow they managed to carry on,                                                            doctors in the world are all free; Doctors,
and feed and educate their families and     Meanwhile back at the Sanctuary, we’re           Sunlight, Rest, Exercise, Diet, Self-
live rewarding lives.                       doing our best to maintain our core              confidence and Friend, and that God
                                            activities; distant healing, our social          loves you!
Let’s also remember that Nature doesn’t     media presence, and answering the
know we’re in a lockdown, and the warm      phones. Talking of which, we are starting        Stay bright everyone, and all the best
weather will be here in no time at all.     a new service which will ensure that all         until next time.
Already there are signs of Spring in our    our incoming calls are answered by a
gardens and woodlands with the bulbs        receptionist, rather than them having to         Martin,
starting to show.                           go to answerphone, as they sometimes             on behalf of the trustees.

Healer - Spring 2021 - The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
New Coaching
The Bygraves Bench                                                                    and Counselling
We wanna tell you a story...
                                             Max was great all round entertainer
                                                                                      Currently we are living in challenging
                                             comedian, singer, actor, variety
                                                                                      and unprecedented times with many
                                             performer and sometime quiz show
                                                                                      needing various types of support.
                                             host. He made twenty Royal Variety
                                             Performance appearances and was
                                                                                      HEHS would like to announce a further
                                             awarded an OBE. Max made many
                                                                                      way in which we are endeavouring
                                             recordings and was renowned for his
                                                                                      to support those who need it by
                                             “Singalong a Max” Albums, as well as
  Max and Blossom Bygraves                                                            facilitating a range of counselling and
                                             singles such as “You Need Hands”,
                                                                                      coaching services through professional
                                             “You’re a Pink Tooth Brush” and
                                                                                      friends of the Sanctuary.
In the autumn of last year the               probably his most well-known release
Sanctuary was approached by Maxine           “Tulips from Amsterdam”. He was also
                                                                                      This small group of professionals are
and Anthony Bygraves two of Max              well known for the famous catchphrase
                                                                                      fully qualified and accredited in their
and Blossom Bygraves children to             “I Wanna Tell You A Story”.
                                                                                      discipline. All run their own practice
place a commemorative Lutyens style
                                                                                      and are aware of spiritual healing so
wooden bench on Cherry Tree Walk,            Here you can see the bench in situ
                                                                                      clients can feel at ease discussing
which was readily agreed to.                 with it accompanying table. There will
                                                                                      such things if relevant. Kindly our
                                             be flowers planted around it with, yes
                                                                                      professional friends are offering their
The introduction came through one            you’ve guessed it, tulips!
                                                                                      services and time for a donation which
of our Sanctuary healers Sue Murphy,
                                                                                      will go to the Sanctuary to help support
who had a conversations with one
                                                                                      all the work we do.
of our trustees, Teresa Leyman,
which then lead to a whole raft of
                                                                                      As from February 1st we have been
exchanges between the four, resulting
                                                                                      able to offer counselling, bereavement
in the installation of the bench on the
                                                                                      counselling and coaching for a
refurbished Cherry Tree Walk. A true
                                                                                      donation to the Sanctuary per session
Blossoming of an idea!
                                                                                      and for a limited time. To find out more
                                                                                      and book please contact our reception
  Watch a wonderful video on YouTube of Max and Blossom’s 67th wedding anniversary:   team on 01483 202054 or email:-

Healer - Spring 2021 - The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
My Journey to the Sanctuary
By Alison McWhinnie, Operations Director

I have been asked to write about             their own and indeed she never needed       surrounding me. Invariably I could later
my introduction to healing and my            dialysis! She remained in the High          track this back to the same time distant
subsequent journey to the Sanctuary.         Dependency Unit for a week and was          healing was being sent to me as the
                                             then moved to a Cardiac Unit for two        carer. Time and time again, different
In 2005 my Mother was rushed to              weeks before being fit enough to go         consultants would look at test results
hospital unexpectedly after routine blood    home.                                       and say that the results were more
tests had picked up that her level of                                                    stable than expected and not possible
potassium was dangerously high and                                                       with just the treatment they were giving.
                                               This was our first experience of
likely to cause her heart to stop. She was                                               What else were we doing? When I told
                                               healing and led us to becoming
in Resus when I arrived at the hospital        visitors to the Sanctuary.                them, their reply was to continue doing
and stayed there for ten hours until the                                                 what we were doing because it was
early hours of the morning while the                                                     clinically proven to be working from the
medical team worked hard to achieve a        My Mother passed over in 2018 and with      test results.
stable heartbeat.                            mature age had developed a number
                                             of chronic conditions. When I took a        I know first- hand the difference healing
She was then transferred to the High         break from working in 2014 to become        can make, even with conditions that
Dependency Unit. The next morning            her carer, she had accumulated 12           can’t be cured but can be made more
I bumped into Anthony, one of my             consultants over 4 hospitals. Our weeks     stable.
neighbours. Both Anthony and his             became full of medical tests and hospital
wife Sue are healers, having trained at      appointments intermingled with spates       My career experience has included
the Sanctuary. Anthony offered distant       of 999 calls and emergency hospital         commercial, facilities and HR across
healing which we readily accepted. My        admissions. Throughout this time I would    several sectors including retail, small
Mother had suffered acute renal failure      ask for healing.                            business set up, charity, venue and
and I was told she would need dialysis.                                                  event management. Whilst I was a carer
However, to the medical team’s surprise      There were times as I sat by the hospital   I took on several board appointments
her kidneys started to work again on         bed where I could feel supportive energy    in areas I am interested in. By and large

Healer - Spring 2021 - The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
This was my first experience of
                                          witnessing agonal breathing and hypoxic
                                          jerks. Sitting in the back of an ambulance
                                          hearing a paramedic radioing in asking
                                          colleagues to make a priority call to the
                                          hospital with an estimated time of arrival
                                          on behalf of your loved one – is just

                                                                                           Bluebells is a friendly,
                                             This is my story. But so many
                                                                                         sharing group for anyone
                                             thousands of Carers will have
                                             similar stories to tell.                          with cancer.

                                                                                         We offer caring support,
                                          My heart just goes out to them. So how        meditation and visualisation,
                                          we can help and support carers more at         healing, complementary
                                          the Sanctuary?                                 therapies - and laughter!

                                          I know from my time as a carer that it        Do come and join us at the
board meetings could be fitted around     is not always easy to be free to attend       Sanctuary on the first and
the hospital diary. I became a Trustee    meetings in person – sometimes you            third Thursday morning of
of the Sanctuary in 2017 and then a       don’t want to leave the person you             each month and see for
Non-Executive Director of Burrows Lea     are looking after at home alone. There                 yourself.
Country House Ltd in 2018. I started my   are also times when it is important to
current role as Operations Director on    keep the phone line clear when you are           Contact Carolyn Low on
1st May 2019. Later that year I started   expecting a call from a consultant. One          01483 203540 or email:
my training to become a healer.           possibility could include carer and healer    carolyn.graeme@hotmail.co.uk
                                          support meetings via zoom as part of our             for more details.
Caring for carers is just so important.   portfolio of support.
It can be such a stressful role. For me
                                          If you are a carer I would love to hear      Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
personally, dealing with sudden medical
                                                                                       Burrows Lea, Hook Lane, Shere,
emergencies was my stress point, with     from you to help us shape this project.
                                                                                         Guildford, Surrey, GU5 9QG
successfully delivering first aid for a   Please do email me so we can build up               Tel: 01483 202054
cardiac arrest being one of the most      our support for carers:                      www.harryedwardshealingsanctuary.org.uk
                                                                                               Registered Charity No: 1098712
nerve-wracking moments.                   alison.mcwhinnie@burrowslea.org.uk

Healer - Spring 2021 - The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
Memories of my father
By HEHS Patron Felicity Medland

We are delighted to share with you         published the accounts of a healing          After a healing demonstration had come
this original piece from our new           demonstration.                               to an end it was always difficult to get
Patron, Harry Edwards’ daughter                                                         away as so many people tried to stop
Felicity Medland.                          It was always important at a healing         Dad leaving, wanting him to carry on.
                                           demonstration to select from the
She is not only an accomplished artist,    audience people who had disabilities         How could we have foreseen in those
as you can see in the picture with         that could be seen to have physically        early years that one day Dad would walk
her painting that is displayed in the      disappeared. I remember Dad holding          on the stage of the Royal Albert Hall
Sanctuary but is also a wonderful poet     up the folds of a coat that had covered      and face a standing ovation from that
and writer. Written just for the Healer    a curvature of the spine or as famously      large audience and then give a healing
magazine as well as for the new Virtual    published the folds of skin after a goitre   demonstration that surpassed all others.
Healing Circle audience, Felicity shares   had been removed. People who had
her memories of attending healing          been assisted to walk onto a platform        In today’s world living with the pandemic,
demonstrations with her father.            walking off unaided. Witnessing these        I can hear Dad saying as he did so often,
                                           events when the healing flowed with          ‘all things must come to an end and this
                                           such ease it was possible to feel this       too must pass.’
“I have attended so many healing           remarkable power in the air around
demonstrations with my father from         us, which was so much a part of the
the earliest days in south west London     healer himself who used it with so much      More of Felicity’s memories can be read
before and during WWII when he was         confidence and surety.                       in her book “ Life around my father Harry
becoming known as a healer. Those                                                       Edwards” which can be purchased from
were the days when we travelled through                                                 our shop [see page 00]. We are thrilled
London’s ‘ blackout’ to small church         As Dad always said to would be             that Felicity is our patron and excited
                                             healers, ‘if the power is there
halls which were always packed. It was                                                  to share that she will write an article for
                                             just put out your hands and let
during the time he started to become         it flow.’                                  each of our editions of The Healer this
well known, when Sunday papers                                                          year to celebrate our 75th anniversary.

Healer - Spring 2021 - The magazine of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
Felicity with her two sons, Mark and Tim, in
    front of her painting displayed at the Sanctuary.

The double seventy-five
sancturian challenge
March is the start of our Double Seventy-Five Sancturian Challenge as we announced in the Christmas
edition of the Healer. Have you chosen your Sancturian to Sponsor over the 75-mile course?

                                     Julia Poyntz                   Teresa Leyman                       Phil Burnett
                                        Events                           Trustee                      Deputy Operations

                     Sue Smith                        Alan Moore                       Vincent Hill
                    Healing Office                      Trustee                           Editor

If none of these lythe, honed athletes appeal to you, in the            other charity’s funds are not what they were. This is one way
sponsor form where it says “I would like to sponsor” just put           in which we can hopefully add to our income, so that the
ANON and we will allocate your sponsorship to one of our                Sanctuary can continue its healing mission as Harry Edwards
participants. As some of our Sancturians have done, why not             would have wanted.
get you friends and families involved, by clubbing together to
add to the total.
                                                                        Use the sponsorship form to the right or download from
This is a fun event, but it has a serious side, as the Sanctuary        our website (photocopies of the form are also acceptable):
has all but been closed to visitors for the best part of a year.
However, although our healing endeavour has continued via
Zoom, Social Media sites, emails and letters, as with many              www.harryedwardshealingsanctuary.org.uk/sponsored-walk

The double seventy-five sancturian challenge
                        Sponsorship form

Your Information
                                     I wish to pay by:
YOUR NAME:                               Cheque                   Credit / debit card.

ADDRESS:                             CARD NO:

                                     EXPIRY DATE:

                                     SECURITY CODE:

                   POST CODE:        Please make cheques payable to HEHS Ltd.
                                     Donation cheques should be made out to HEHS Ltd.

TELEPHONE:                               Please select this box if you would would like us to claim
                                         Gift Aid on your donation, at no extra cost to you.

EMAIL:                                   I confirm that I am a UK Income or Capital Gains taxpayer. I
                                         have read this statement and want the charity or Community
                                         Amateur Sports Club (CASC) named above to reclaim tax on
Sponsorship Information                  the donation detailed on this page. I understand that if I pay
                                         less Income Tax / or Capital Gains tax in the current tax year
                                         than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all of my donations it is
I WOULD LIKE                             my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand the charity
TO SPONSOR:                              will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given.

                                         Remember: You must provide your full name, home address,
                                         postcode & selected the Gift Aid box above for the charity or
AMOUNT PER MILE:                         CASC to claim tax back on your donation.
OR                                       Registered Charity No: 1098712

The Healer - ‘Our Aims’
By Harry Edwards

The following is an extract from             subject by presenting it internationally.
the first ever edition of the Healer         Spiritual healing is not concerned only
magazine published in 1953.                  with the healing of bodies but with the
                                             removing of disharmonies from the inner-
We are pleased to present this first         self—or soul. These two directives are
number of the Healer to you, and we          definitely connected.                          Harry Edwards
hope you will like it.

                                               Indeed it is acknowledged that             is so much to learn about spiritual
We shall do our best to make The Healer        the healing of the inner self is           healing—there is so little that we know
                                               of greater importance than the
a friendly sort of magazine; one that you                                                 definitely—that we have an immense
                                               healing of the physical body.
will look forward to receiving and to keep                                                field of conjecture and possibility to
for itself. We will try not to be stodgy,                                                 explore.
highfaluting or dull.                        The Healer will therefore devote special
                                             attention to bringing the many aspects of    We shall not assume that any statement
Our policy will be to make known to          spiritual philosophy before its readers to   or opinion is truth unless it can be
as large a public as we can the great        help them to appreciate the implications     demonstrated in all reasonable ways that
benefits which can be achieved through       that arise from and are implicit in the      it is indeed a truth.
spiritual healing. This presentation will    truths that govern spiritual healing.
cover all healing activities irrespective                                                 It will be one of our tasks to seek wider
of sectional interests. We can all learn     Acrimony will be avoided, and while our      recognition of the work of spiritual
from one another. Spiritual healing is now   articles will be frank and outspoken, we     healers by the Government and the
recognized and practised internationally,    shall endeavour to present all points of     medical profession. We are working
and we can only render justice to this       view fairly and without prejudice. There     towards the ideal of co-operation

between orthodox medicine and spiritual

                                                BURROWS LEA MEMORIAL BENCHES

We shall try to influence the Church (all
denominations) to recognize and practise
spiritual healing to a greater extent. We
shall present the full details of our own
work in this ministry, and the testimony of
                                                                                    Keep the memory of your loved one close with one of these beautiful
those patients who have regained health                                               Amburana wood benches, engraved with words of your choice.
and relief through its help.

                                                                               The Harry Edwards Healing                 depending on whether engraving
It will be our aim to be of service to all                                     Sanctuary is pleased to                   is required. You can obtain a leaflet
healers and the general public in every                                        announce the launch of it                 and order form by sending a C5
way we can.                                                                    Burrows Lea Memorial Benches.             stamped self- addressed envelope
                                                                                                                         to Burrows Lea Benches etc. or
                                                                               This initiative stems from the            visit our website.
So far no real effort has been made, in                                        people who have requested
any country, to publish a journal for the                                      benches to be placed in the               If you know someone who is
combined interest of both lay-man and                                          grounds of Burrows Lea, in                thinking of purchasing a bench,
                                                                               memory of a loved one, who has            or that you would like to gift to
healer. Yet we believe there is a real and                                     entered that spiritual heritage that      them, then if so please think of our
urgent need for such a publication, and                                        is accessible to us all. All profits      benches, for we would be happy to
we hope we may receive the inspiration                                         will go to supporting the healing         assist in supplying one of these to
                                                                               endeavour at the Sanctuary.               you or a friend.
and guidance to do it well.
                                                                               These well designed, fine grained,        Our benches are not only for
We want this magazine to be your                                               sustainable wooden bench come in          memorial use, but what better way
magazine. We shall welcome letters,                                            various styles and sizes. Some will       to start a life together. Celebrate
                                                                               be delivered pre-assembled or as a        your wedding day with one of the
opinions, articles, queries, and, of
                                                                               very easily assembled flat pack. In       Sanctuary’s benches with your
course, criticism—and we are human                                             most cases just four bolts and the        names carved on the bench as
enough to enjoy, though not to seek,                                           job is done!                              memory of that special day.
words of praise when they are merited.
                                                                               Initially, we are able to offer five      Returning from your honeymoon,
                                                                               different styles as our standard          to sit in the garden and sip a
These are but some of our motives in                                           range, but other styles will be           celebratory glass of champagne,
producing the Healer and we promise we                                         available, so if there is anything that   sitting side by side recollecting the
                                                                               you would particularly like please        happy day. Alternatively what about
shall do our utmost to carry them out,
                                                                               do mention it, as we may well be          a companion set, with linking table,
faithfully and well, in service to the spirit                                  able to supply it. Delivery will be       or if you really want to push the
and to humanity.                                                               7-14 days from receipt of order           boat out, a luxurious swing seat.

A selection of books by Harry Edwards

                                                                                  wherever you are, we’re here for you
                                                                                                                                                   Cat Stories

                                                                                                                                                   By Gary Waugh

                                                                                                                                                 Gary’s Cat Stories
                                                                                            2021 C A L ENDA R
                                                                                                                                                 A comic cornucopia of
                                                                                                        75th ANNIVERSARY

                                                                                                                                                 cat stories and other
                                                                                2021 Calendar                                                    witticisms from the late
                                                                                UK only - £5.00 incl p&p                                         Gary Waugh, previous
                                                                                                                                                 editor of The Healer.
                                                                                Overseas - £9.50 incl p&p

The Understanding & Practice Of Spiritual Healing                 £11.25
The Healing Intelligence                                          £11.25
                                                                                                                           Harry Edwards
Spirit Healing                                                    £10.25                                                   Ramus Branch
Life In Spirit                                                    £11.25                                                   £10.25
The Power Of Spiritual Healing                                    £10.25                                                   The biography of the man who rose from
The Way of Absent Healing Booklet                                  £2.50                                                   humble origins to become the greatest healer
                                                                                                                           of modern times. It tells of his life, his struggle
The Mediumship of Arnold Clare                                    £11.50
                                                                                                                           with the authorities, the influences on his
The Mediumship of Jack Webber                                      £9.50                                                   views about healing, the demonstrations and
                                                                                                                           his private personality.

                           Harry Edwards Meditation CD
                           £6.25                                                                                           A range of CDs
                           A transcription of a series of recordings                                                       £10.75 each
                           made by the great healer, Harry Edwards,
                           including: My philosophy of life and Harry                                                      Pure Meditation, Animal Healing Volume 2,
                           Edwards speaks. You will find it a truly                                                        Touched by Angels, Protected by Angels,
                           unique experience under his spoken                                                              Music for Healing, Music for Relaxation,
                           guidance.                                                                                       Holistic Healing and Pure Tranquility.

Thirty Paths Collection
                                                                            Susan Johnson
                                                                            £6.50 each
                                                                            £22.00 for all 4
                                                                            Each book contains 30
                                                                            basic, simple visualisations.
                                                                                                            Felicity Medland Art
                                                                            - Thirty Paths to Stillness
                                                                            - Thirty Paths To Peace
                                                                            - Thirty Paths To Silence
                                                                                                            12 luxury notelets
                                                                            - Thirty Paths To Meditate
                                                                                                            featuring the beautiful
                                                                                                            landscape paintings of
                                                                                                            Felicity Medland.

Life Around My Father
Felicity Joan Medland
Felicity chronicles her father’s
life from his early life as a
printer in South London
through to discovering his
healing abilities as an army
                                                                                                            3 Burrows Lea       £1.00
officer in WW1.

                                   Healing in a Hospital                   A Song for Demeter
                                   Sandy Edwards                           Richard Kemble
                                                                                                            Set of 3 Prayer Cards
                                   £11.00                                  £9.95
                                   Despite having no sign of a             A Song for Demeter
                                                                                                            Just the right size for
                                   natural ability, Sandy Edwards          follows Richard on his soul
                                                                                                            your wallet or handbag.
                                   trained to be a spiritual healer        search and reveals mystery
                                   with a non-religious UK                 teachings usually hidden from
Sanctuary Heart Card               charity.                                public view.
UK only - £2.00 incl p&p           PAPERBACK                               PAPERBACK
Overseas - £3.00 incl p&p
125mm x 125mm card
                                       This is just a small selection of what we sell, to view more
Message inside reads                                   please visit our online shop:
‘Sending support and
healing thoughts to you at               https://www.harryedwardshealingsanctuary.org.uk/shop               12 Burrows Lea      £2.00
this time of year ‘                                                                                         Notelets

SALE!                              SPECIAL OFFER!

Hands Around    £5.00
the World Mug

                                                                            The Sanctuary Honey            Pure Beeswax Wraps
                        Tea Time Bargain Bundle                             Runny - £7.50                  £12.50
                        £11.00                                              Cutcomb - £8.00                1 Large (40x30cm)
                        Perfect for all tea lovers (and coffee              A jar of delicious Sanctuary   1 Medium (30x30cm)
                        drinkers too!) this pack contains:                  honey available in a           1 Small (20x20cm)
                                                                            two options of runny or
                        - Hands Around the World Mug                        cutcomb.                       Reusable for up to a year,
                        - Harry Edwards Prayer Mug                                                         Environmentally friendly
Harry Edwards   £5.00   - The Sanctuary Tea Towel                           Jar size: 340g / 12oz          alternative to cling film.
Prayer Mug

                                                                                                               A commemorative jigsaw
                                                                                                               is being commissioned
                                                                                                               to celebrate the 75th
                                                                                                               anniversary of the

                                                                                                               The puzzle will feature four
                                                                                                               scenes from the Sanctuary
                                                                                                               and grounds, with a
The Sanctuary   £4.00                                                                                          portrait of Harry Edwards.
Tea Towel                                                                                                      It will be 1000 pieces in
                                                                                                               colour, measuring 48 x 69
                                                                                                               cm and priced at around
                                                                                                               £18.60 plus p&p. The first
                                                                            Beeswax Candle
                                                                                                               50 produced, will come
                        Harry Edwards Healing Bear                          £4.50                              with a numbered certificate
                                                                                                               of authenticity, which will
                        £12.00                                                                                 be signed by a member of
                        Our healing bear stands 10.5 inches tall.                                              the Board of Trustees.
                        The label reads:
                        ‘Blessed by our healers and sent to you                                                We will be posting the
                        filled with loving prayers and thoughts.’       Calling all Dissectologists            design on our website
The Sanctuary   £1.00                                                                                          shortly. Pre-order to get
Thimble                 Unsuitable for children under 36 months.                                               one of the first certificated
                                                                                                               50 made.
Swarovski Thank          Crystal Angel             Crystal Guardian
You Rainbow              Wing Heart                Angel                     Hanging Crystal Guardian Angel
£14.00                   £8.00                     £12.00                    £5.00
                                                                             Made With Genuine Swarovski Spectra Crystals. Angel measures
                                                                             3 x 3cm approx, Total length including silver thread for hanging is
                                                                             approx 10cm. Available in orange, green, purple, blue or pink

                                                                                           The Sanctuary
                                                                                           Healing Moments
28mm Almond              20mm Crystal              Tree of Life with                       £6.50
Rainbow Maker            Cascade Ball              Chakra Crystals                         Created especially
£9.00                    £21.00                    £24.00                                  for the Sanctuary
                                                                                           and not available
                                                                                           anywhere else, this
                                                                                           candle is 8’’ tall
                                                                                           and scented with           Pewter Inspirational
                                                                                           aromatherapy oils.         Bookmarks
                                                                                           Ideal as a focus for       £6.50
                                                                                                                      Handmade in the UK.
                                                                                                                      - Tree of Life motif
                                                                                                                      - Angel motif

                                                                                                           Large Bamboo
                                                                                                        Floral Windchime
                                                                             Natural Rose
Swarovski Crystal Fantasy Hanging Suncatcher                                 Quartz Tealight                Lovely ethically
                                                                             Holder                       sourced bamboo
£12.00                                                                                                     windchime with
Tree of Life - Barn Owl on Moon - Angel Wing Heart - Guardian Angel -                                       hibiscus flower
Crystal Fantasy Butterfly                                                                                          pattern.

As an exciting addition to 2021 we are thrilled to introduce to you our new range of garden furniture!

On this page you will find just a small selection of what we will be offering, you can view more on our online shop:

142 Roble Planter      £125.00    170 Roble Kent        £425.00        693G Mahogany        £1,299.00   342W 5ft White         £249.00
                                  Rocking Chair                        Swing Seat Green                 Drachmann Bench

150HB Roble Stacking Armchair     £325.00    108 Roble Folding Carver             £199.00    320S Sherwood Recliner            £125.00
172 Roble Extending Table        £1,299.00   145 Bengal Folding Table 1.3m        £549.00    349S Sherwood Folding Table 1.4m £325.00
                                             563OAT Seat Pad Oatmeal               £19.50    562OAT Recliner Cushion Oatmeal    £75.00
                                                                                             UP27E 2.7m Parasol Ecru           £129.00
                                                                                             GB20 Granite Base 20kg             £45.00

Order form

 NAME                                                                         I wish to pay by:

 ADDRESS                                                                           Cheque                  Credit / debit card.

                                                                              CARD NO

                             POST CODE                                        EXPIRY DATE                           SECURITY CODE

 TELEPHONE                                                                    Please make cheques payable to HEHS Ltd.

 EMAIL                                                                        Donation cheques should be made out to HEHS Ltd.

                                                    Item Description (including fragrance, flavour, size etc)                Qty     Price
 Orders costing up to £12 - £2.75 p&p
 Orders costing up to £25 - £4.75 p&p
 Orders costing up to £49.99 - £6.00 p&p
 Orders over £50 - contact us for a quote

 Please contact us for overseas shipping rates or
 order online via our web shop.

 Email: info@burrowslea.org.uk

 Telephone: +44 1483 202054
                                                                                     For shipping costs please see left   Shipping
 Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary, Burrows Lea,
 Hook Lane, Shere, Surrey, GU5 9QG
                                                    2021 CALENDAR                                                            Qty     Price
 Alternatively you may pay by credit card via
 telephone on 01483 202054
                                                    UK only - £5 incl p&p / OVERSEAS - £9.50 incl p&p

                                                    SANCTUARY HEART CARD                                                     Qty     Price
                                                    UK only - £2 incl p&p / OVERSEAS - £3 incl p&p

Healing testimonials
                                                    These are actual letters that the Sanctuary has received, telling
                                                    us off the improvements that have transpired after Distant
                                                    Healing has commenced, or during it. We have edited some
                                                    areas, due to the length of the text.

                                                 Years ago, while I was completely bedridden unable to sit up, write with a pen,
                                                 hold a cup of tea - and never expected to recover (l was 36 and am now 74),
                                                 I received healing from the Sanctuary and made a full recovery from a serious
                                                 spinal injury. I have a grown son (46 years old) who fully recovered at 18 with
                                                 your intervention from Tourette Syndrome. - DA

Setting the standard for healing                 It took a couple of weeks since the surgery to receive the biopsy reports back
   UK Healers was established in 1999 by
                                                 and we were nervously awaiting to hear from the surgeon. So even though the
 healing organisations that shared an interest   Inain tilinour was a sigmoid adenocarcinoma, the 42 lymph glands and other
   in achieving common standards for the
  protection of the public, maintaining high     material from small intestine, including appendix removed, all came back as
        standards of healing practice.
                                                 cancer-free! - LP
    UK Healers is the largest voluntary
professional standards setting accrediting
   body for the training and practice of
 spiritual healing organisations in the UK.
                                                 A quick update on Mrs G she has had all her results back and there is no
UK Healers has established standards for:
    Membership of healer organisations           cancer anywhere thank goodness, some lesions on her kidneys but not
        Training of spiritual healers            unusual for a lady of her age. Great news and she is so grateful to you all for
             Code of conduct
         Compliance with the law                 your help as am I. - SG
  Assessment and accreditation of healing
  Complaints and disciplinary procedures

          www.ukhealers.info                     Hello, I have a good report for you .
 Lupton House, Churston Ferrers, Brixham,
  Devon TQ5 0LD - Tel: 07743 988 962             As you know , I’ve been to consult a doctor last August 22nd.
                                                 My GIST [Gastrointestinal stromal tumours] was disappeared. - HO


The Sanctuary will have been             Bee-Experience Workshop!
at Burrows Lea for 75 years
this September. In Plan A                10am on Sunday 6th June
we had hoped to organise a               Burrows Lea Country House, Hook
monthly event at Burrows Lea             Lane, Shere, Surrey GU5 9QG                        · Life as a honeybee
during 2021 to celebrate this                                                               and showing and describing the
special anniversary.                     Tickets                                            different sections of abeehive (empty).
                                         £30 per person through Eventbrite
Unfortunately, at the time of writing,   (a small processing charge will be incurred)       Then we all put our bee-suits on and
this is not possible during the first                                                       we go and open a beehive with live
quarter due to the pandemic. So, for     https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/                    honeybees.
now, we are holding all our events,      bee-experience-workshop-
covering a range of topics, both paid    registration-134534479249                          We will make our way through the top
and free, online. If you would like to                                                      to the brood chamber, look at worker
be notified of future events, do sign    This fascinating talk lasts                        bees, drones and perhaps even the
up to our monthly newsletter via our     approximately one and a half hours.                queen herself. Participants will be able
webpage.                                                                                    to hold frames with honey and frames
                                         30 to 40 minutes introductory talk                 with honeybees.
In April we are due to receive our own   about:
bees at the Sanctuary and very much
hope to be able to hold the following    · Honeybees                                    Children aged 6 or above are welcome, but
June event.                              · The environment                        need to be accompanied by a paying adult too.

Congratulations to our students!
We are so proud of our Group 14 and 15 college students                           Here you can see them receiving their diplomas
who, despite the difficulties of Covid, were able to continue                     virtually, thanks to Tracy and Alan Moore who
to their final assessment and pass the 2 Year Healer training                     conducted the student panels via Zoom.
course in November 2020.

Top to bottom, left to right: Mark Pillans, Tania Galvani, Philip Martyn,        Top to bottom, left to right: Beverley Lucas, Jennifer Spellar, Jane Mars,
Kamila Gladys, Carole McGilvery, Paul Cronje-Jarvis                              Meurig Tiley, Keiko Koizumi, Olga Sumner

Forthcoming healing
                                                 Harry Edwards Healer Training Course             Harry Edwards Healer Training
Foundation Day                                                                                    Comprehensive Midweek Course
                                                 This is a two year part-taught, part self-
A one-day course that provides an                study programme for those who wish to            For those with further to travel, this
introduction to spiritual healing and gives      become certificated healers.                     is a comprehensive two year course
an understanding of what is involved in                                                           presented on four separate weeks
being a healer.                                  2021 course dates commencing:                    (Monday evening to Friday).
                                                 Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th June
2021 course dates:                               Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th October              2021 course dates commencing:
Saturday 24th April (fully booked)                                                                Monday 12th July
Saturday 8th May                                 Cost: £1,800
Saturday 10th July                               (Non-refundable deposit £400)                    Cost: £2,675
Saturday 11th September                                                                           (Non-refundable deposit £425)
                                                 Includes refreshments and a light
Time: 10am - 4.30pm       Cost: £100             vegetarian lunch on module weekends.             Includes the course, accommodation
                                                                                                  and meals.
Includes refreshments and a light                Completion of the Foundation Course
vegetarian lunch.                                first is mandatory.

Mandatory if you wish to proceed on                Enquire about our lovely onsite accommodation which may be available during your course
to the two-year Healing Course.

Harry Edwards Healer Know Thyself Training Course                         The Harry Edwards Conversion Course

The 1-Year Healer Know Thyself Training Course is designed                This year long course is for those who have qualified in similar
to explore and deepen personal and spiritual understanding                healer training (minimum requirements) and would like to
of self and spiritual journey. To participate on this course, the         train as a Harry Edwards Healer. Please contact the College
student must have completed a 2 year spiritual healing course             Administrator for further details.
recognised by the Harry Edwards Healing College.
                                                                          2021 course dates commencing:
Cost: £795 | COMING SOON                                                  Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd October

                                              SECURE YOUR PLACE TODAY
  Email: college.administrator@burrowslea.org.uk / Telephone: 07706 027141 / Website: www.harryedwardshealingcollege.com

The Rose Garden Pond

The Rose Garden Pond is currently                 awful news that Keith my husband had
being refurbished as leaks had                    bowel cancer. He had the operation to
become quite bad, necessitating                   remove the tumour and over the next
frequent top ups, the fish were                   three years had subsequent courses of
struggling and many of the plants                 chemotherapy, blood transfusions etc. to
have been relocated until the                     help keep him alive. The last six months
works are complete. The pond and                  of his life were not happy ones, as he
fountain play an important role in                suffered various reactions to different
adding peace and tranquillity to the              drugs. During all this time Jean and her         Keith and Stella Bell

Sanctuary grounds.                                Distant Healing Team, and the Special
                                                  Intercession Team, kept both Keith and         along with him for the day trip (to
Unfortunately, rectifying these problems          me in their thoughts. The other Trustees       go shopping!!) but I did go to watch the
is proving to be very costly therefore,           and all the staff helped me too. Each          healing. As we left, Ted took my hand
we are actively fundraising to pay for            time I asked for help, it came with distant    and said, “I know you will look after him”.
the costs. One of our stalwart Trustees,          healing and supportive emails and              At the time we thought this was quite
Stella Bell, was first to offer financial help.   phone calls. Keith suffered very little pain   funny, as we were both married to others
This is her story:                                throughout his illness and passed over         and we were all good friends!
                                                  peacefully in July.
                                                                                                 Shortly after that I read an article about
When the costings for the substantial             As time went by, I had been wondering          the NFSH (now the Healing Trust) and
renovation of the all-important Rose              how I could commemorate my life with           took it back for Keith to read, as he was
Garden Pond came in, I suggested to               my late husband, Keith, as healing             becoming more interested in Spiritual
the other Trustees that a fund-raising            brought us together originally. Forty years    Healing. He then joined the NFSH, I
effort, to help raise money towards the           ago Keith read a book by Ted Fricker           joined the year after, and we started the
many thousands this would cost, was               – a healer who practiced in London’s           Carlisle Healing Centre. We were both
implemented. I said I would be happy to           West End and counted many royals and           regional officers and then Keith was
donate something towards this.                    celebrities amongst his clients. Keith had     made the National Vice-Chair of the
Going back to before Christmas in                 suffered for years with a bad back and         NFSH. I was made National Treasurer
December 2016 we were given the                   booked an appointment with Ted. I went         and then President of NFSH. For many

years, that Charity took over our lives.
Sometime after Keith’s wife had passed
over, he and I moved in together, getting
married in 1999. Our healing continued
for many years being a very large part of
our lives. With Keith’s support, I became
a Trustee at Harry Edwards Healing
Sanctuary, but I still have clients coming
to me for healing.

So, I made the decision to set the ball
rolling by donating a significant sum to
start the Rose Garden Pond Restoration
Fund in Keith’s memory, so we can
restore this pond to its former glory!!

   I’m delighted to be informed that
   a plaque will be placed nearby to
   commemorate Keith.

Please donate if you can – any amount
you can afford, small or large will make a
difference to the fund and help to bring
this important part of the Sanctuary back
to its formal glory! If you would like to
donate you can do so via our website
or by calling us on 01483 202054 if you
wish to pay by credit card. Payments
by cheque can be sent to us at The
Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary,
Burrows Lea, Hook Lane, Shere, Surrey
GU5 9QG. Please indicate that you
would like the funds to go to the pond

HEHS Ambassador

The Sanctuary is pleased to share the          We are delighted to announce that Linda
launch of a new pilot initiative – the         Sewell has accepted to be one our
HEHS Ambassador Programme.                     first ambassadors. Linda is an HEHS
                                                                                             Linda Sewell
                                               healer, having trained at the college and
The trustees have been thinking about          volunteered for over a decade. She is
creating this type of programme to help        also our celebrant at the Sanctuary and     over the years. Currently, Vincent is the
to support the Sanctuary grow further.         officiates many of our weddings, naming     editor of The Healer and a non-executive
There are a few people at the Sanctuary        ceremonies and funerals. In addition,       director of the trading company as well
who are already doing this role to some        Linda has developed and run Cygnus          as a HEHS healer. During lockdown he
extent and there is room to develop the        cafe by herself with great success since    has provided great support to the healing
concept. An HEHS ambassador may                2015.                                       office and continues to do so in replying
help the Sanctuary in various ways by                                                      to requests for healing.
sharing more widely all that we offer or       This year, despite the challenges Linda
by providing a service.                        has worked hard to deliver Cygnus           Vincent created the concept of the
                                               Cafe online and several special events      Special Healing Intercessions. Having
In addition, offering advice to and            and services to ensure our community        grown up at Burrows Lea, Vincent is a
guidance in a particular way depending         is supported and connected. This has        very valuable link to Mr Edwards himself
on the ambassador’s field of expertise.        meant that, at a time when we were          and can sometimes offer guidance us
We thought this month was a good time          physically closing our doors, our virtual   on how Mr Edwards might think about
to start this pilot so to help us shape this   doors were wide open, so that our           things.
up as we approach the Harry Edwards            community actually grew and remained
Healing Sanctuary’s 75th Anniversary.          connected in new ways.
                                                                                             Our thanks go to Linda and
Our hope is that this programme will
                                                                                             Vincent for all that you do for the
evolve in time and that we will have more      Our other recruit is Vincent Hill, has        Sanctuary.
Ambassadors as time evolves.                   supported the Sanctuary in many ways

Poetry competition results
Here are the results of the Sanctuary’s             THERE’S A RIOT IN THE QUIET
Poetry Competition, and to all those who
entered, we send our thanks.                        There’s a riot in the quiet if you step into my yard,
                                                    If you’re near it you can hear it if you listen very hard.
We had three independent judges, who were
given the entries to pursue, and independently      The leaves of the trees softly whisper to the breeze
they came up with their favourites. Amazingly       And the flowers are all humming with the coming of the bees.
two of the judges picked two poems that
were the same, which made the final overall         I hear the sound of love in the cooing of the dove
decision relatively straightforward. We have        As he sings a song of wooing to the one that he does love.
published the winning poem and the others
will appear in the Healer magazine in future        The grass is slowly growing and soon it will need mowing,
issues. We will also be using some of the other     It’s waving and it’s bending in the breezes that are blowing.
entrants’ poems in due course.
                                                    There’s a river of black ants flowing in a wavy line
                                                    Lifting and shifting nestwards all the titbits that they find.
First place (£100)
There is a Riot in the Quiet, by Montgomery Kelly   The caterpillars don’t need sneakers as they inch along the plants.
                                                    If it wasn’t for the holes you wouldn’t see them at a glance.
Second place (£50)
Autumn, by Sylvia Browning                          There’s a splatter and a splash as a bird dips in the bath
                                                    When he fluffs and puffs his feathers out – it’s hard not to laugh.
Third place (£25)
Ode to Aging, by Christine Oakes                    Now the sky has gone to grey and there might be rain they say,
                                                    It will add some drumming as it passes on its way.
Highly commended (£10 M&S voucher)
Sea Friend, by Vivien Steels                        There’s a riot in the quiet if you step into my yard,
                                                    If you’re near it you can hear it if you listen very hard.
Highly commended (£10 M&S voucher)
A Special Place, by Edwina Burton                   Montgomery Kelly

How you can help
                                                                          There’s a variety of ways you can show your support
                                                                                     to The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary.
                                                                                                                     Registered Charity No: 1098712
  Leave a gift In your will

Every gift left to the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
makes a huge difference. You will be helping to ensure that,                       Shop online
long into the future, our charity will be able to continue to
service and to deliver healing to all who request it. Be assured                 If you shop on the internet you could help The Sanctuary to
your legacy will make a difference. Our commitment to you                        raise funds.
in return, is that your most generous gift will be celebrated,
used wisely and sympathetically with the intention of delivering
positive health for all. It only requires a short sentence to
be added to your will to make this possible. For further
information email phil.burnett@burrowslea.org.uk.

                                                                                 Sign up to easyfundraising for free and use the links on the
  Donate by text                                                                 website to take you to the retailer. Then, a percentage of
                                                                                 whatever you spend comes directly to us as no extra cost to
                                                                                 yourself. Some of the donations can be as much as 15% of
Make a £10 donation to the Harry Edwards Healing
                                                                                 your purchase!
Sanctuary by texting HARRYED to 70085.

Your standard text cost will still be charged by your service provider.

  Advertise in The Healer                                                        smile.amazon.co.uk

We are now able to take advertising material, subject to                         You can now raise money for the Sanctuary through
it being suitable for this publication. Please email: alison.                    AmazonSmile every time you shop on Amazon at no cost
mcwhinnie@burrowslea.org.uk for details of advertising rates                     to you! To shop at AmazonSmile go to smile.amazon.co.uk.
and technical specifications. We may be able to produce                          Every eligible purchase you make awill result in a much
artwork at an extra cost.                                                        appreciated donation to the Sanctuary.

Stay in touch with the Sanctuary
Wherever you are, we are here for you!

  Healing                                      Social Media                        Events

Telephone Number                             Twitter                             Telephone Number
01483 202054                                 @HE_Sanctuary / @BurrowsLea         01483 205620

Distant Healing Requests                     Facebook                            Retreats
E: healing@burrowslea.org.uk                 @HarryEdwardsHealingSanctuary       E: events@burrowslea.org.uk
Healing Appointments                                                             Weddings
Skype, Zoom, Telephone or Chat Times         YouTube                             E: weddings@burrowslea.org.uk
E: healingreception@burrowslea.org.uk        www.youtube.com/HealingSanctuary

Group Visits                                 Instagram
E: enquiries@burrowslea.org.uk               @harryedwardshealingsanctuary
Sanctuary Information & Shop
E: info@burrowslea.org.uk                    LinkedIn

  Healing College                            www.linkedin.com/company/

General Enquiries                            TripAdvisor
E: college.administrator@burrowslea.org.uk   @HEHSanctuary

Retreats at the Sanctuary
   Join us for for a one, four or five day healing retreat. You will have plenty of chances to
       relax and unwind in the serenity of the Surrey Hills. Go ahead, pamper yourself!

Single Day Retreats                 Four Day Retreats                          Five Day Retreats

   Dates for 2021                      Dates for 2021                             Dates for 2021

      24th March                        9th - 12th March                             7th - 11th June
       21st April                       13th - 16th April                         25th - 29th October
       19th May                         11th - 14th May
       16th June                          6th - 9th July                                     £525
                                                                                     Single Occupancy
       21st July                     14th - 17th September
      18th August                                                                            £775
                                                                                     Double Occupancy
    22nd September                           £425
                                        Single Occupancy
     13th October
     3rd November                            £625
                                        Double Occupancy
                                                                         Christmas Retreat 2021

   £55 per person                                                                 30th Nov - 3rd Dec

To book please give us a call on 01483 205620 or email enquiries@burrowslea.org.uk

                                                                Do get in touch if you would like to organise your own retreat.
                                                                   For further details and to book, please call 01483 205620
                                                                                             Email: events@burrowslea.org.uk
How to find us                                                      Request distant healing                                                            Subscribe to

                                                                               To request distant healing, please
                                                                                  fill in this form and send to:
                                                                                                                                                                Mr            Mrs             Ms
                                                                               Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
                                                                                   Burrows Lea, Hook Lane                                                    Name

                                                                                 Shere, Surrey, GU5 9QG UK.                                                  Address

                                                                                    Mr                 Mrs                   Ms
                                                                                                                                                             Post Code
Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary
Burrows Lea Hook Lane                                                                                                                                        Suggested donation for the magazine:
                                                                               Post Code
Shere Surrey GU5 9QG                                                                                                                                             £30 (1 year)                £60 (2 years)
Tel: 01483 202054                                                              Email

                                                                               Do you currently have healing from The                                            I enclose a donation to the Healer
Healing Requests                                                               Sanctuary? Yes / No                                                               Magazine of: £ ......................
                                                                               Is the request for you? Yes / No                                                  I also wish to make a donation to
                                                                                                                                                                 the Sanctuary of: £ ......................
General Enquiries                                                              If the request is for someone else, please give
info@burrowslea.org.uk                                                         us their first name(s) only:                                                  Please make cheques payable to HEHS Ltd.

www.harryedwardshealingsanctuary.org.uk                                                                                                                      If you are a UK tax payer, please make your
                                                                                                                                                             donation under the Gift Aid scheme, which
                                                                               Would you like to receive a letter from the
The Sanctuary is open for contact                                                                                                                            allows us to reclaim the tax on your donation
                                                                               healing team? Yes / No
                                                                                                                                                             at no extra cost to you.
healing by appointment every day
(except Bank Holidays)                                                         Condition / Situation
                                                                                                                                                                 I confirm I have paid or will pay an
                                                                                                                                                                 amount of Income Tax and/or Capital
Mailing List                                                                                                                                                     Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5
To hear about upcoming events please                                                                                                                             April) that is at least equal to the amount
join our mailng list either on our website                                                                                                                       of tax that all the charities or Community
or email: info@burrowslea.org.uk                                                                                                                                 Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to
                                                                                                                                                                 will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year.
The Publishers of the Healer make every effort to ensure accuracy of
                                                                               Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary Limited and Burrows Lea Country
                                                                               House Limited together (The Sanctuary) process your Personal Data (as
                                                                                                                                                                 I understand that other taxes such as
information at the time of going to press but can take no responsibility for   defined by the Data Protection Act 1998 (the 1998 Act)) disclosed to it for       VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I
inaccuracies due to changes after that date.                                   the purposes of achieving their charitable objectives, fund-raising and the
                                                                               operation and marketing of a Spiritual Healing Sanctuary. The Sanctuary           understand the charity will reclaim 25p of
The opinions expressed in The Healer are not necessarily the views of the
Editor or Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary, nor do the Editor and HEHS
                                                                               continues to process the Personal Data until notified to stop. If you would
                                                                               prefer The Sanctuary to cease to process the Personal Data disclosed
                                                                                                                                                                 tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6
accept responsibility for claims or statements made by authors or              to it please write to the Information Manager at Harry Edwards Healing            April 2015.
advertisers.                                                                   Sanctuary Limited, Burrows Lea, Hook Lane, Shere, Guildford, Surrey,
                                                                               GU5 9QG. The Sanctuary may process the sensitive personal data (as
The acceptance of advertisements does not mean that HEHS                       defined by the 1998 Act) disclosed to it within the powers granted by the
recommends or endorses any product or service.                                 1998 Act. The Sanctuary undertakes to process your sensitive personal         Signed
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Registered Charity No. 1098712                                                 The Sanctuary will be disclosed to any third-party person or organisation
Registered in England & Wales No. 4731491                                      except as may be required by the law.                                         Date

Your Wedding Day
Your dream wedding with amazing views of quintessentially English countryside is offered at Burrows Lea
Country House. Nestled in some of Surrey’s most idyllic countryside, making it the perfect venue for a
beautiful English country wedding.

Having your wedding at Burrows Lea means you can have both your ceremony and reception in one
location. Our in-house chapel is fully licenced to hold wedding ceremonies, offering couples the chance to
tailor a service that suits them. It is non-denominational, so we can cater for all beliefs and expectations.
Our on-site registrar will work with you to create your perfect ceremony.

A wonderful sweeping driveway leads you up to the entrance of Burrows Lea, an imposing manor house
set on a hillside overlooking the stunning views of the countryside. From the fabulous formal rose garden
to the wooded hollow and tree-lined walkways, the gardens are immaculately kept. During April and May
be enchanted by the spectacular bluebell woodland, which is magical.

Burrows Lea provides everything you would ever need or want for a picture-perfect English country
wedding. Let our passionate and approachable team, who have an abundance of experience in ensuring
that every detail is taken care of, help you make this a most memorable day.

                  For more information call 01483 205620 or email
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