EVVISORISOR - coming together in music that got

Page created by Jamie Edwards

     archbishop hoban high school - issue no. 1 - 11 september 2020

                   coming together in
remembering           quarantine                        music that got
  chadwick           centerspread                         us through
   page 2                                                   page 8
two                                                                                                                         editorial
Remembering the legacy
of Chadwick Boseman

          On Aug. 28, 2020, beloved actor Chadwick Boseman died at
age 43 after a strenuous battle with colon cancer. His death was felt
                                                                                                archbishop hoban high school
around the country. Not only were people saddened but they were
also shocked. Although Boseman fought a four-year battle with can-
cer, his illness remained unknown to the public until his death.                            mailing address: one holy cross blvd.
          Boseman was seen as an idol by everyone, however, especial-                                akron, ohio 44306
ly by people of color. Throughout his career, he played many ground-
breaking roles, most notably Jackie Robinson in “42” and T’Chal-                                  website: hobanvisor.news
la, a member of the Avengers and king of Wakanda, in “Black Panther.”
“Black Panther” was released in 2017 and immediately became a cultur-                              email: visor@hoban.org
al sensation. It was the first major superhero movie to house a predomi-
nantly black cast and feature a black protagonist. Boseman’s role as T’Chal-                                 awards
la was a true inspiration, especially for those in the black community.
Although the Civil Rights Movement technically ended in 1968, the fight                              CSPA gold medalist
for racial equality is still to this day, far from over. This is prevalent in all
                                                                                                        NSPA first class
aspects of modern society, however, it is especially seen in Hollywood.
                                                                                                       ASPA first place
          Throughout cinematic history the protagonist is al-
most universally white and black characters are normal-                                         Quill and Scroll Int’l first place
ly portrayed as having a lower socioeconomic status.                                                   OSMA first place
After many years of this racist and stereotypical casting, people have
finally had enough. Earlier this year, “Riverdale” star, Vannessa Mor-                   signed letters for publication are welcome.
gan, took to Twitter to call out her own show for falling into this trend.               our mailbox can be found in the main of-
“Tired of how black people are portrayed in Media, tired of us being portrayed           fice. unsigned editorials represent the con-
as thugs, dangerous or angry scary people,” Morgan tweeted. “Tired of us also            sensus of the editorial board. signed opin-
being used as sidekick non dimensional characters to our white leads. Or only            ions represent the views of the writer only.
used in the ads for diversity but not actually in the show. It starts with the media.”
          After her tweets accusing “Riverdale,” many other ac-                                                staff
tors and actresses responded with similar feelings towards their
own shows and movies. Hollywood is so used to their cooker-cut-
ter characters and everyone is afraid to step away in fear of a neg-
ative reaction from the media. Marvel, however, did take this step.                                      sara cassady
“Black Panther” was a groundbreaking movie for a myriad of reasons. One                                   alex dillon
being, it finally broke away from the stereotypical idea of a superhero. Al-                               josh fenn
most always, when someone thinks of a superhero their mind immediate-
ly goes to a Captain America type person, strong but not too big, proba-                                      adviser
bly blonde and, most importantly, white. This idea has been engraved in                                     t.k. griffith
so many people’s heads for so long. T’Challa finally gave kids who don’t
look like Captain America someone they can relate with and look up to.                                  staff reporters
It also truly embraced and celebrated African culture. Many sourc-                                         maia ferry
es have revealed that Boseman was adamant on protecting the culture                                      dylan feltovich
in the creation process of the film. He advocated for all the Wakan-
                                                                                                         mia gallagher
dan people to speak in authentic South African accents and held many
discussions with the cast throughout the filming process about Af-
                                                                                                        victoria jackson
rican symbolism and spirituality so the movie could feel authentic.                                    luke monteleone
          Boseman was an advocate for the black community on and                                        grace wyszynski
off the screen especially in the recent rise of the Black Lives Mat-
ter movement and up until his final days he remained extreme-                                            on the cover
ly outspoken about the racial injustice occurring in our society.                              Hoban students return to school
“You want to choose a difficult way sometimes,” Boseman said. “Some                             for the first time in 5 months
days it should be simple, but sometimes you’ve got to take chances.”                              photos via Vicki Zingale
Boseman used his platform for good and inspired so
many people. He was a real asset to society, specifical-
ly the cinematic universe, and will be greatly missed by all.
opinion                                                                                                                                   three
Senior         year already getting you down? Me too.
   It’s official: a new record. School port the homeless or those in need, who are
hasn’t even officially begun and I’m already        arguably the most in need of therapy. As
burnt out. Just thinking about the copious          high schoolers, most of us who are still de-
amount of work I will be assigned this year,        pendent on parents or guardians, it can be
on top of the several essays I will have to write   difficult to get the help and support we need
if I want to attend college or receive schol-       when it comes to our mental health. There is
arships, has me internally panicking. I pic-        a stigma surrounding those who suffer from
ture the sleepless nights spent pounding on         anxiety or depression and they are treat-
a keyboard and the coffee fueled day afters.        ed as second class citizens in comparison to
           All I really want to do is curl up       those who suffer from physical maladies.
in a ball and possibly never get out of bed.                   Another large component of our        idea of what career I want to pursue, but I’m
Barely motivating myself to study for the           senior year that leaves teens feeling reason-    only 18 years old. How I am truly expected
ACT, a test which will have a large impact          ably anxious is the topic of the future loom-    to know if what I believe will make me hap-
on my future, does not bode well for com-           ing on the ever present horizon. In a matter     py will actually become a fulfilling career?
pleting assignments worth a small por-              of months, the adults in our lives transition    Spending the last several years of my life per-
tion of my grade. I assume that many of             from treating us like children who must          forming actions for other people, I have no
my fellow seniors are in the same boat.             be monitored at all times to mature grown        idea who I am or what I actually want in life
           This phenomenon has a label. Burn-       men and women who have the world fig-            and don’t think I truly will until I am given the
out is a very serious mental health condition       ured out. This quick 180 from kid to some-       space at college to discover my own hopes and
that is often disregarded and treated as la-        one who is expected to determine their entire    dreams, not those that others have pushed
ziness among teens and young adults. It is          future right now is understandably jarring.      onto me. Who knows if I am just succumbing
not that students don’t care, or want to earn                  The pressure to make major de-        to societal pressure or am actually motivated
disappointing grades, it is simply that twelve      cisions that will impact the rest of our lives   to become a functional member of society?
years of arduous busywork with little payoff        will be compounded in the next couple            My advice to all seniors who feel the same
has left us feeling disgruntled and unfulfilled.    months for those in the senior class. We         way is to not be afraid. Choose the school
           We live in a society where mental        will be expected to choose a college, pos-       far away, break out of your comfort zone.
health is not made a priority unless you can        sibly without seeing the campus in person,       Don’t be afraid to go in as an undecided ma-
afford it. You have to be able to afford a ther-    and choose a major. I have been asked what       jor, and don’t feel pressured by those who
apist and able to take days off from school         my top choice university is almost everyday      seem like they have everything figured out.
or work. The system does very little to sup-        by well meaning spectators. I have a slight      I’m going to let you in on a secret; they don’t.

Waiting         and waiting on Governor Mike DeWine
   March 16, a day that no student will soon. Little did I know we would wait near-
ever forget. I was in my honors religion soc-       ly three months for DeWine’s final decision.
ratic seminar when I received an alert on my                   During these three months, DeW-
phone that stated Governor Mike DeWine was          ine mentioned sports and school sever-
ordering school to shut down through at least       al times, but he always backed away from
April third. As time passed, it became increas-     making a firm decision. It was terrible to
ingly obvious that the rest of the year would       see so many other states cancel or post-
take place online. However, while we waited         pone school and its activities while our
for the official announcement from DeWine,          governor waited to make his decision.
a pattern began to emerge. Every Tuesday                       The news conferences themselves
and Thursday, a weekly news conference was          also presented a pessimistic outlook on the      this was only the start of his announcements,
held and students all over Ohio would tune in       reopening of schools and sports. Coronavi-       as he continued to wait on his fall sports order.
to find out whether they’d return to school.        rus cases, hospitalizations and deaths con-      When asked by reporters about the topic, he
When he finally stated that schools would re-       tinued to rise in Ohio and DeWine had sev-       continued saying he would talk about it next
main closed for the remainder of the year, I        eral doctors speak about the numerous risks      week. Finally, he announced that Aug.18 would
certainly hoped that would be the last depress-     associated with returning to normalcy. It        be the day we were all waiting for. When the
ing news conference I had to listen to. Howev-      felt like he was just making Ohio students       long-awaited day came around, the months
er, I quickly learned that tuning into DeWine       suffer until he announced the cancellation.      of waiting finally paid off, as he gave schools
would become a common occurrence for me.                       However, about halfway through the    the right to choose when to resume athletics.
           After school was called off for the      summer, the situation started looking up. Cas-              Luckily for Hoban students, the
year and I adjusted to online learning, my          es appeared to plateau and the percentage of     school made the choice to go back to school
mind shifted to my upcoming senior year.            positive tests decreased from ~6% to ~4%. The    in part with the hybrid model and to let
I wondered if I would be able to have my            Lieutenant Governor, John Husted, opened up      their athletes play. However, if guidelines
last soccer season, if we’d be back in school       about his view that sports and school should     aren’t followed by even a few people, every-
in the fall and if I’d be able to experience        be allowed to restart in some capacity and       thing could be shut down again. Remem-
many senior traditions like the mum day             the doctors tasked with speaking at the con-     ber to wear your mask and remain socially
lock-in. So, I continued to watch DeW-              ferences also took a more optimistic stance.     distanced when possible, or else students
ine in hopes of receiving an update about                      Finally, after months of waiting,     could be thrown back into the cycle of wait-
the future, namely fall sports. At the time, I      DeWine announced that it was up to schools       ing for our lives to resume. I don’t want
thought we would hear the news relatively           to decide whether they would open. However,      to have to keep waiting on the Governor.
centerspread                                                                                                                                                                             four
                              Coming together as a commu
                       by sara cassady
                                  One of my most vivid memories                           Twitter what they had missed because of the                                  way to Laura’s Home, still wearing their wed-
                       is sitting in the passenger seat of my Dad’s                       Covid-19 pandemic and tried to give them                                     ding clothes. The shelter, one for local women
                       Chevy truck as he drove me across the coun-                        some form of that experience. One young girl                                 and children, was thrilled to receive their do-
                       ty, trees and cornfields passing by the win-                       who wasn’t able to see the Broadway hit-mu-                                  nation and the couple’s budget was able to pro-
                       dows. Before I got my license, sitting next to                     sical “Hamilton” on stage was surprised with                                 vide food for those in need for several days.

                                                                                                                                                Photo via Good News Network
                       him as the radio played was my favorite thing                      the entire original cast of the show on Zoom
                       in the world. On these early morning drives                        and serenaded with “Alexander Hamilton.”
                       to school or work, a tradition was born. We                        Kransinski also reunited the cast of “The Of-
                       would listen to “The Bobby Bones Show,” a                          fice” one episode for a table read, which was
                       country radio talk show. My favorite segment                       a big hit with fans. He also recounts tales of
                       was always “tell me something good,” a short                       a 70 year old man highlighting his wife’s hair
                       segment where the host described a random                          or a dad recreating his child’s favorite Dis-
                       act of kindness performed by a stranger. It                        ney ride. These narrations express that there
                       served as an uplifting reminder that was                           is an inherent good in humankind, and that                                 Couple passes out food in wedding clothes
                       still hope for humanity. These stories were a                      while stuck inside, we got pretty creative.                                             Number Five: A college education is
                       great way to improve my day, and I thought                                                                                                      often not in the cards for many adults, wheth-
                       I would share some of my favorites in an ef-                                                                                                    er it be for monetary or other factors. With
                                                                          Photo via Youtube

                       fort to start your year off on a positive note.                                                                                                 the unemployment rate as high as it has ever
                                  Number One: With many immune                                                                                                         been in the US in current times, many are
                       systems around the world suffering from                                                                                                         struggling to find work, especially without a
                       Coronavirus, the hospitals are overrun and                                                                                                      college degree. However, one school is trying
                       healthcare workers are struggling to survive                                                                                                    to help. According to Fox.com, Columbus
                       a frenzied and often impractical workload.                                                                                                      State, a community college in Ohio’s capital,
                       There are often not enough beds for all the                        John Krasinksi on the set of Some Good News
                                                                                                                                                                       is offering scholarships to mature individuals
                       hospitalized, and one doctorate student had                                   Number           Three:        Chris-                             looking to go back to school. The college be-
                       enough. According to National Public Radio,                        sy      Teigen,      host      of     “Lip      S                            lieves that this is an opportunity for those who
                       when India native Rhea Shah found herself                          inc Battle” and “Chrissy’s Court,” is using her                              might not otherwise have it to explore what
                       stuck in her hometown of Vapi, a city located                      wealth for good. Reaching out to her extensive                               could be possible. This program will allow
                       in the western state of Gujarat, she was frus-                     Twitter following, she asked them to share                                   many who may not have been able to afford
                       trated. Instead of attending doctoral studies                      links to school teacher’s Amazon Wishlists                                   it previously the ability to pursue new avenues
                       in the Netherlands, she was twiddling her                          and stated that “if you are a teacher in need of                             of interest or gain new and beneficial skills.
                       thumbs in her childhood bedroom. How-                              supplies for the upcoming school year, please
                       ever, as the virus ran rampant across the                          drop your amazon wishlist here, I will do as
                       country, she found her calling. Makeshift                          many as I can!” This was exceedingly gener-
                                                                                                                                              Photo via cscc.edu

                       hospital wards were being created to house                         ous, especially as most teachers buy their own
                       the increasing number of ill, which meant                          supplies and are often not reimbursed by the
                       that hospital beds were becoming rarer and                         school districts. With the budgets of most insti-
                       rarer. In order to remedy this unprecedented                       tutions depleted due to Covid, it becomes very
                       shortage, she developed a cardboard, recycla-                      likely that these educators would have been ex-
                       ble version which the family, owners of a pa-                      pected to pay for these supplies out of pocket.
                       per company, then sold at cost for no profit.
Photo via Good News Netw0rk

                                                                                                                                                                       Columbus State has started offering scholarships
                                                                             Photo via CNN.com

                                                                                                                                                                       to mature students
                                                                                                                                                                                  Number Six: I want to end this art
                                                                                                                                                                       icle of uplifting stories with a sincere thank
                                                                                                                                                                       you to the Hoban administration, staff, and
                                                                                                                                                                       Student Council. These people have been
                                                                                                                                                                       working tirelessly in order to ensure that we
                                                                                          Chrissy Teigen has been buying school supplies                               have a smooth start to the school year. With
                       Cardbord beds give ill in India a place to sleep                   Number Four: Many weddings were can-                                         creating new protocols, updating the “Knights
                                 Number Two: “The Office” alum                            celled or postponed due to the pandemic,                                     Reunite” plan as new information became
                       John Krasinki, known to many high school-                          but some couples had already paid their de-                                  available, and answering an influx of emails
                       ers as our favorite prankster Jim Halpert,                         posits. According to Good News Network,                                      from anxious students and parents, many
                       took to Youtube during quarantine and re-                          one such couple, Tyler and Melanie Tapajna                                   teachers and members of administration sac-
                       leased his own short form show “Some Good                          of Parma, Ohio, didn’t ask the caterer for a                                 rificed a typical summer vacation in order to
                       News,” where he takes it upon himself to                           refund. Instead, they asked if it was possible                               prepare for our imminent arrival. I would also
                       share heart-warming news stories. If you need                      to produce kid-friendly meals that they could                                like to acknowledge those members of Stu-
                       cheering up, segments of this webcast will                         serve at a homeless shelter on their big day. On                             Co who filmed and published videos during
                       definitely put a smile on your face. My per-                       August 15, after an intimate ceremony where                                  their summer vacation to demonstrate the
                       sonal favorite was when he asked followers on                      they exchanged vows, the couple made their                                   new procedures put in place this school year.
five                                                                                                                            centerspread
unity amid A Covid pandemic
  Hoban implements new saftey precautions
  by alex dillon
             After months of seperation, Ho-             Backpacks/ No lockers
  ban, a school that prides itself on its fam-                    Pros: I don’t have to worry about           Hybrid School
  ily atmosphere, has finally reunited. Var-             carrying piles of books from class to class.         		                 Pros:       On     virtu-
  ious sports teams reconnected starting as              Everything        is       all       togeth-         al days we can sleep in a little bit longer.
  early as Aug. 1st and finally on Sept. 1st,            er so it’s a lot harder to lose things.              We don’t have to drive to Hoban ev-
  Hoban students were back in the building.              Inolongerhavetogooutofmywaytogotomylocker.           eryday which saves money on gas.
             As I anticipated our long-awaited           Just      overall     more      convenient.                   Cons:The schedule is very con-
  first day of school I assumed everything would                  Cons:            Can            get         fusing. Seriously, every day is different.
  go back to normal, pre-COVID. Well, obvi-              heavy     with     books    and     binders.         It’s    harder     to    learn     virtually.
  ously that was not the case. To ensure Hoban           The excuse “I left it in my lock-
  had a safe return, many new protocols were             er” will probably not work anymore.                  Split Alphabet
  put in place. Some I wouldn’t mind sticking                                                                 Pros: There’s fewer people at school which
  around after COVID blows over, however                 Enrichment			                                        makes the hallways increasingly less crowded.
  others I am not the biggest fan of. To tell you                  P r o s : B a s i c a l -                  Lunch          lines        are        shorter.
  all of my in-depth thoughts on the many new            ly just an extra long study hall.                    We actually have room to spread out in class-
  “rules” at Hoban, I’ve made a pros and cons list.      This time can be used for club meetings so we        es. This gives us more space for our stuff and
                                                         no longer have to come early or stay after school.   lessens the probability of a COVID outbreak.
  The One-Way Hallway:		                                 On virtual days we are done early.                             Cons:      You    don’t    get    to
             Pros: I’m getting a lot more exercise                 Cons: Can feel like a waste of time.       see most of your friends at school.
  walking to my classes. Maybe by the end of this        I’m         sure         in-person            stu-   Feels more lonely because less than
  year I won’t get winded after going up one set         dents would rather just go home.                     half the school is actually present.
  of stairs because I am doing it so much more.                                                               Carpooling becomes increasingly difficult.
  It makes me actually think about where                 Student IDs
  I’m going. School was too mindless before.                      Pros: You no longer have to                           As you can see, there are a lot of
                                                         worry about forgetting someone’s name.               pros and cons throughout this whole process
             Cons:      It    takes     way      lon-    Adds some flare to our usually boring uniforms.      but the best we can do is to look on the bright
  ger      to      get      to      every       class.            Cons:      Not    the     most     flat-    side and enjoy what we do have. Please wear
  Can be very frustrating when your classes are          tering picture (thank god it’s small).               your masks and attempt to social distance. We
  right next to each other but getting there involves    They     are     very     easy      to     lose.     want to stay in school, and everyone is try-
  walking down two hallways and a lot of stairs.                                                              ing their best to have a normal school year.

  High school athletes begin fall sports
  by josh fenn
             This summer has been filled with            and fans. Most notably, there will be no student     vide live streams of several sports through-
  anxiety for thousands of student-athletes over         sections during games this year, as only limit-      out the season, namely football. Two weeks
  the status of 2020 fall sports. They’ve had to         ed family members of players are allowed to at-      ago, I was able to tune into the football
  wait all summer to find out if they would be           tend. While it’s unfortunate that students won’t     team’s 49-0 beatdown over Reigning Sports
  permitted to play in athletic competitions this        be able to experience student sections during        Thunder. Although it isn’t nearly as special
  upcoming season. This was especially nerve             football games, what’s most important is that        as being a part of a student section, it’s still
  racking for seniors, who had no clue if they           the players are able to play the sport they love.    nice to be able to watch our classmates play.
  would ever play their sport competitively again.                  On the other hand, there are also                   While it’s great that these sports are
  All of their hard work over the past three years       several coronavirus-related restrictions that        allowed to resume, it’s essential that students
  could have potentially resulted in nothing.            affect the players, trainers and coaches. All        remember that they could be taken away at any
             At first, non-contact sports, such          players and coaches must conduct daily               moment. Just a few people being careless could
  as golf and tennis, were given the heads               symptom tests and have their temperature             ruin the seasons of many. It’s essential that ev-
  up for games. However, it took sever-                  taken before every competition and prac-             eryone continues to follow the coronavirus
  al months for contact sports, like football            tice. Additionally, players on the bench must        guidelines so that your classmates can see their
  and soccer, to receive their final decisions.          wear masks and maintain social distance for          hard work pay off. They have been practicing
             Luckily, Ohio Governor Mike                 the duration of the game. Finally, after the         for years, and this could be the last time they
  DeWine announced on Aug. 14 that all fall              game all players must leave immediately and          get to play the sport they are passionate about.
  sports, including contact sports, would be             remain six feet away from other teammates.                     To end on a happier note, it’s tru-
  allowed to play this season. For high school                      Despite these new guidelines, Ho-         ly amazing that student-athletes across
  athletes, especially seniors, this news was            ban student-athletes are overjoyed to return to      the country have found a way to play safe-
  a source of great happiness and excite-                their sports. Each team has exciting goals, great    ly during this pandemic. We have truly
  ment. Many students rely on sports as an               potential for the season and the likely possibil-    all come together and made the most of a
  escape from the stress of life and there’s             ity of going as far as the state championships.      bad situation. As a senior athlete myself,
  no time better than now to escape reality.             Although it is not in-person, students are           just remember to not take this season for
             However, sports won’t look the same         still able to watch sporting events. The Ohio        granted and enjoy it as much as you can, as
  as they have in the past for both competitors          High School Athletic Association will pro-           you’ll remember it for the rest of your life.
news                                                                                                                                                     six
Wildfires and heat wave rage through California
by josh fenn
           Over the last few weeks, wildfires                    A study commissioned by the Uni-            from the day. This sudden change doesn’t
have raged through the state of California,            versity of California, Los Angeles stated that        give mammals enough time to adjust to
destroying towns, wildlife habitats and for-           “climate change has doubled the number of             temperatures, leading to extreme discom-
ests. 22 wildfires burned throughout the state         extreme-risk days for California wildfires            fort and an increased chance of illness.
and forced over 12,400 citizens to evacuate.           since 1980.” This number will continue to                       Overall, this incoming heat wave
These wildfires included three of the four             multiply over the coming years due to rapid-          followed by cold nights will be especially
largest in state history, and together they were       ly increasing temperatures. In fact, the same         dangerous for the elderly population. Heat
named the LNU Lightning Complex cluster.               UCLA source claimed that the statistic “will          kills more people every year than every oth-
           The wildfires burned more than              at least double over just the next ten years.”        er natural disaster in the United States, so
375,000 acres, destroyed nearly 1,500 build-                     These wildfires won’t only affect           people of all ages should be careful when
ings and damaged 232 more. While the build-            temperatures long-term, but will also affect          going outside over the next few weeks.
ings can be rebuilt with insurance money,              them over the coming weeks. Temperatures                        The last major repercussion of the
the destroyed ecosystems may never recover.            over the next two weeks are expected to be            wildfire is widespread power outages due
California is home to many different plant             between 110 and 120 in the Los Angeles area.          to burning of power lines and lack of main-
and animal species that will be displaced or           This will be a record high for the area and           tenance in areas affected by the fires. If this
killed by these fires. Wildfires like the LNU          will make it nearly impossible to go outside.         happens, air conditioning will go out and the
Lightning Complex could even cause ex-                           In addition to Los Angeles, many            effects of high temperatures will be further
tinction in the future, as several endangered          other areas will be affected by high tempera-         worsened. Most likely, people without pow-
species inhabit the forests of California.             tures, and the repercussions of the fires will        er will be forced to evacuate until it is fixed.
           Thanks to the dedication of fire-           be noticeable outside of California. In Phoe-                   The aftermath of the LNU Light-
fighters from across the country, the fires            nix, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada tempera-           ning Complex wildfire cluster is a worri-
have begun to stop spreading. More than                tures are expected to reach nearly 110 degrees        some look at what the future of California
12,800 firefighters responded to the fires in          fahrenheit, also a record high for these areas.       could look like. Wildfires like these won’t
hopes to contain their spread. Luckily, they                     Heat won’t be the only tempera-             only occur again, but actually worsen as
reached a 81% containment rate over the                ture-related issue for the southwest, as cold         time passes, which could change the land-
weekend and the evacuation orders have                 temperatures at night will harm both hu-              scape and ecosystem of California forever.
been lifted. However, the wildfires con-               mans and wildlife. The temperature is ex-                       This problem cannot continue to
tinue to rage and state officials warn that            pected to drop below 70 during the night,             be ignored. Earth is hurting, and we need
there will be many more in coming years.               which is around a 50 degree difference                to understand how to make a difference.

Kamala Harris: How she is making her mark
by sara cassady
           November 3rd, 2020. The United              University, a school historically known for its       bringing attention to the Black Lives Matter
States general election is less than two months        mostly African-American student body . After          protests that have been going on in the United
away and there is controversy on both sides of         graduating, she went back to California and           States for months now.
the aisle. With the candidates for both parties        earned a law degree from The University of Cal-                   Unfortunately, despite her work
chosen at the National Conventions this past           ifornia, Hastings. Harris passed the bar exam,        towards inclusivity and tolerance, she has faced
summer, attacks have become personal. Re-              launching her career in the Alameda County            backlash for her gender.. “Concerned” citizens
publicans selected the sitting president Donald        District Attorney’s office.                           wonder if a woman will be able to step up and
Trump while Democrats went with former                             She was elected the District Attorney     take charge if Biden is incapacitated. If we
vice president Joe Biden. Biden, who has been          of the City and County of San Francisco, and          learned anything from Hilary Clinton’s presi-
campaigning for a spot on the ticket for several       went on to complete two terms. Harris then            dential bid in 2016, women in such a position
months, announced his running mate as former           became the first African American and first           are often scrutinized and judged. Clinton even
competitor Kamala Harris, a U.S. senator from          woman to serve as the Attorney General for the        released a statement about Harris, indicating
California on Aug. 11.                                 state of California. After such a long and illus-     that Clinton understands what she is facing and
           Harris, a historically significant selec-   trious career, it is no surprise that she continues   she wishes her the best of luck.
tion for a potential Vice President, was sworn         to walk confidently toward her future.                            Harris is in a unique position of
in as a member of the Senate in 2017. Accord-                      While Harris originally campaigned        power, as she has the potential to become the
ing to her official website, she was the second        for the presidential nomination herself, she          first ever female president of the United States.
African-American woman and first South                 graciously accepted the vice presidential bid         Giving a speech during the 2020 Democratic
Asian-American senator in history. Born to an          when Biden offered it to her. Her nomination          National Convention, she stated that “service to
Indian-American immigrant, Harris has always           comes at a tumultuous period in time for Af-          others gives life meaning.”
been a passionate individual and spent her             rican-Americans and the unwavering support                        This attitude is the reason Harris has
career as a lawyer and senator fighting against        Harris has received shows that representation         been a public official for so many years. She
injustice.                                             is vital. She has been vocal about issues of race     has dedicated her life to serving the American
           Born and raised in Oakland, CA, she         in her speeches, telling American citizens that       people. No one chooses to be such a prominent
had a front row seat to the Civil Rights move-         “there is no vaccine for racism,” and furthering      figure in the spotlight unless they feel like they
ment. Inspired by the example of prominent             her point by naming recent victims of police          can be a force for good, and Harris’ reforms
leaders like Thurgood Marshall, Harris chose           brutality, notably Breonna Taylor and George          have certainly made a difference in the lives of
to pursue a bachelor’s degree from Howard              Floyd. She didn’t stop with names however,            many.
seven                                                                                                                                         sports
How Major League Baseball is keeping spirits up
by alex dillon
          Six months ago everything shut            of fans filling the stadium and record-               dium or simply the fact that players get to go
down. Even though there were probably more          ed cheers from previous games. The Indi-              home after. It is most likely a combination of
pressing issues at the time, a rising question      ans even played recorded versions of the              all of these factors which is why many were
among Americans everywhere was, “When               famous drumbeat that accompanied ev-                  wondering what effect COVID-19 would
will major league sports return and in what         ery game. Of course nothing could be the              have on the phenomenon. Would home field
manner?” And honestly who can blame                 same but this still was better than nothing.          advantage still exist if there were no fans?
them? Sports are our form of entertainment.                   Like everything, these new rules                      Players are human beings. They
They bring people from all over the country,        raised a multitude of questions. How                  naturally get more hyped up when fans start
and I guess the world, together. Everyone just      much of an effect do fans have on play-               going crazy. The adrenaline starts rushing
wanted a sense of normalcy and for Ameri-           ers? Is home field advantage still a fac-             and they typically play better. Because it is
cans that meant sitting in plastic chairs, eating   tor in games? Will players play better or             different for anyone, no one really knows
a hotdog and cheering on players under the          worse without the distraction of fans?                the answer; however the subtraction of fans
July sun. Everyone just wanted baseball back.                 The answers vary player to player.          certainly has had an effect on the concept.
          Luckily, baseball did make a return;      Some are thriving in this new climate and                       This year has been far from nor-
however, it was not in the way everyone was         some have shown no difference at all. How-            mal for everyone, baseball players included.
hoping. To ensure the safest and best season        ever many seem to dislike the new atmo-               But here’s hoping by the next MLB season
under these circumstances, no fans were per-        sphere. The energy fans bring to games has            actual fans can replace the cardboard cut-
mitted in the stadium during an MLB game            more of an effect than most people realize.           outs and real cheers can fill the stadium.
The only way to watch a game was through a TV.                This theory is found most among
Of course people were devastated. Attending         pitchers. “I know that when the crowd
baseball games was an American staple for the       gets going with runners on, my adrenaline
summer and just like everything that was get-       gets going, and I tend to have better stuff,”
ting taken away. This new rule also affected the    said Reds starting pitcher Trevor Bauer.
players who are used to playing in stadiums                   The other question focused on
with thousands of people and no shortage of         home field advantage, a concept that has
noise. For the first time in their profession-      been around forever. Hundreds of statistics
al careers they were playing in a complete-         have proven that teams have a better chance
ly empty stadium. It was new and weird.             of winning when they are playing in their             The Clevaland Indians have filled the empty seat of
          Teams everywhere tried to fill the        home stadium. Many believe it is because of           Progressive Field with cardboard cutouts of fans
                                                                                                          Photo via larrybrownsports.com
void with           cardboard            cutouts    fans, the comfort of playing in their own sta-

Pro athletes using their platforms to speak out
dylan feltovich
          Athletes everywhere were faced            the MLS all protested their games sched-                        Throughout the Black Lives Matter
with much adversity throughout this year.           uled to be played that day. Tennis player             movement, sports have shown their support by
Some had their season interrupted or delayed        Naomi Osaka also did not participate in               allowing NBA players to adorn phrases on the
due to COVID-19 while others were cancelled         the Western & Southern Open semifinal.                back of the jerseys, such as “Black Lives Mat-
altogether. Once everything seemed to be                    In     2016,    Colin    Kaeper-              ter” or simply “Equality”. “Black Lives Matter”
going back to the “new normal”, the issue of        nick kneeled during the national an-                  or “BLM” can be found just about anywhere in
social injustice began gaining popularity. On       them as a peaceful protest to seek chang              a stadium on scoreboards, the courts, behind
August 23, Jacob Blake became another vic-                                                                the mound, in addition to the players’ jerseys.
tim of police brutality in America and players                                                                      Players have also been using their
from all sports decided they have had enough.                                                             platforms to spread awareness. Wheth-
          The first team to take action was                                                               er it’s through social media, or a post
the Milwaukee Bucks. The team boycotted                                                                   game conference, they have been express-
a crucial game 5 against the Orlando Mag-                                                                 ing their opinions on the current situa-
ic, choosing instead to remain in the lock-                                                               tion to try to inspire others to help make
er room. Instead of playing, they made the                                                                a difference and end social inequality.
courageous decision to protest their game                                                                           In every sport and on every team
for the Black Lives Matter movement. This                                                                 there is a unity between many different cul-
was a shocking move, as a game has nev-             National Basketball Association Players using their   tures. This has been evident throughout his-
er been protested in modern sports history.         platform to spread awarness of the Black Lives        tory; however, it is now more apparent than
                                                    Matter protest
          More teams followed suit and              Photo via NBC News                                    ever. Everyone is fighting for one common
on August 26 all NBA playoff games                  es in society for the black community.                goal, to end injustice. Players from every team
were cancelled although they later de-              At the time, this was unheard of and he               have shown their support by either kneeling
cided to continue the playoffs and make             received an ample amount of backlash.                 or putting an arm on a player who was kneel-
up the games that were not played.                            Now, in 2020, almost every NBA              ing and using their platforms to speak out.
          Other sports followed the lead of         player, and most athletes across all sports kneel     Sports are the one true equalizer. Together
the NBA. Teams in the MLB, WNBA and                 during the national anthem for the same cause.        they will continue to help fight for equality.
eight                                                                                                                                feature
The music that helped us survive quarantine
by visor staff
Alex Dillon                                                                                        and closing. For fans of classic rock, this is
                                                                                                   one of the greatest albums ever produced.

                                                                                                   Sara Cassady

                                                  Late Registration - Kanye West
Fine Line by Harry Styles                         I’ve listened to this classic album countless
Yes, I had tickets for Love On Tour (also         times over quarantine. It starts with the
known as the Fine Line tour) and yes I cried      smoothest transition of all time from “Wake
when the concert got cancelled. Harry Styles’     up Mr. West” to “Heard ‘Em Say.” Then the
second album Fine Line is nothing but             rest of the album consists of tracks for every   Kid Krow by Conan Gray
immaculate. It has a song for every possible      possible mood. “Roses,” which is about the       This album has been my saving grace during
mood and I will never get tired of listening      death of Kanye’s grandmother, is extremely       quarantine. Gray’s melodic voice and mel-
to it. “Watermelon Sugar” is a great sum-         sad. While songs like “Celebration” are happy    ancholy array of titles serve as the perfect
mertime bop, “Falling” is perfect for a good      and you guessed it, celebratory. Also, there     soundtrack to any minor high school con-
cry and “Fine Line” just hits different. Harry    hilarious skits about a college fraternity       cerns. From”Little League,” which captures
Styles is right, even though this is not at all   named “broke phi broke.” This is truly the       the pain of outgrowing friendships, to “Wish
what we were expecting for 2020 “we’ll be         perfect mid 2000s rap album and I’d highly       You Were Sober,” a tale of an undefined rela-
alright.” And just remember to always “treat      recommend it to fans of any genre.               tionship, his songs are relatable and honest. It
people with kindness.”                                                                             helps reassure listeners that their experiences
                                                                                                   aren’t unique, but adventures embarked on by
                                                                                                   the whole of humanity.

                                                  Man on the Moon: The End of the Day - Kid
Hozier by Hozier                                  Cudi
Although this album is a bit of a throwback       Kid Cudi’s first album still remains his best
it still deserves recognition. “Take me to        11 years later. The first two tracks, “In My
Church” gives me serious 2014 vibes and           Dreams” and “Soundtrack 2 My Life” set           Folklore by Taylor Swift
honestly I would rather be in 2014 right now.     the stage for the rest of the album, which       Swift’s eighth studio album, written during
“Someone New” just makes me feel like the         is a dramatized retelling of Kid Cudi’s life.    quarantine itself, is truly one of her best yet.
main character of my own coming of age            This album takes a different approach to the     I have been a fan of her work for years and
movie and that’s the only attitude we want for    hip-hop genre, as it moves away from the         while I normally prefer her early coun-
2020. The last, but certainly not least, song     rap-filled music of the early 2000s and forms    try-centric albums, this one has quickly
I’m going to mention is my personal favorite      a combination of pop, rap, hip-hop, and rock.    become one of my favorites. “mad women”
“Cherry Wine.” Something about this song          “Man on the Moon” is further enhanced by         perfectly encapsulate the struggle to be taken
just instantly brings peace and I can’t explain   great narration from Common and features         seriously in a male dominated society, as
why.                                              by Kanye West and Ratatat. No one has been       there is truly “nothing like a mad women.”
                                                  able to replicate Cudi’s style to this day and   Others, like “the 1” and “exile,” give off a bit-
                                                  this album has something for everyone.           tersweet vibe perfect for the end of summer
                                                                                                   and beginning of the school year.

Free Time by Ruel
I have a special connection with this album
because I can honestly relate to it so much.      The Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd
“Hard Sometimes” perfectly describes the          Pink Floyd is well known as one of the great-    Minor by Gracie Abrams
past six months and that’s all I have to say      est rock bands of all time and this album is     I first listened to this collection of songs a
about that. “Face to Face” is also an accurate    their masterpiece. Their trademark progres-      month ago and while it isn’t uplifting, it is
description of my time during quarantine.         sive-rock sound works perfectly and the band     fitting for this time in history. She reflects on
“I’m in my bed sitting, talking to screens all    doesn’t miss a beat. “Breathe,” “Time” and       first love, heartbreak, and aspects of a break-
day.” Yeah, seems accurate. Lastly, “Don’t        “Us and Them” are extremely calming songs        up often not considered, like missing an ex’s
Cry” is my reaction to every time someone         that set the tone of the album. Pink Floyd       birthday or cleaning their stuff out of your
tells me yet another thing I was looking for-     also goes beyond their normal sounds in this     room. Tracks like “I miss you, I’m sorry” and
ward to is getting cancelled. Well said Ruel.     album, as they innovate throughout. This is      “21” are by far the most memorable but her
                                                  most evident in “Money,” where the beat of       vocals on each individual song are so good it
Josh Fenn                                         the song is based on a cash register opening     makes it difficult to pick a favorite.
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