Head-to-head comparison of sirolimus-versus paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty in the femoropopliteal artery: study protocol for the ...

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Teichgräber et al. Trials   (2021) 22:665

 STUDY PROTOCOL                                                                                                                                        Open Access

Head-to-head comparison of sirolimus-
versus paclitaxel-coated balloon
angioplasty in the femoropopliteal artery:
study protocol for the randomized
controlled SIRONA trial
Ulf Teichgräber1* , Maja Ingwersen1, Stephanie Platzer2, Thomas Lehmann2, Thomas Zeller3,
René Aschenbach1 and Dierk Scheinert4

  Background: Endovascular revascularization has established as the first-line therapy of femoropopliteal artery
  disease. Paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty proved to be superior to plain old balloon angioplasty (POBA)
  regarding prevention of restenosis and need for recurrent revascularization. Over the past years, paclitaxel was the
  only active drug to inhibit neointimal proliferation which could be processed to an appropriate balloon coating.
  The purpose of this study is to assess whether efficacy and safety of sirolimus-coated balloon angioplasty is
  noninferior to paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty.
  Methods: This randomized controlled, single-blinded, multicentre, investigator-initiated noninferiority trial aims to
  enrol a total of 478 participants with symptomatic femoropopliteal artery disease of Rutherford category 2 to 4 due
  to de novo stenosis or restenosis. After pre-dilation, participants will be allocated in a 1:1 ratio to either sirolimus- or
  paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty. Post-dilation with the drug-coated balloon (DCB) used or standard balloon is
  mandatory in case ≥ 50%, and optional in case of ≥ 30% residual diameter stenosis. Bailout stenting with bare-
  metal nitinol stents should be conducted in case of flow-limiting dissection. Primary noninferiority endpoints are
  primary patency and the composite of all-cause mortality, major target limb amputation, and clinically driven target
  lesion revascularization at 12 months. Secondary outcomes are clinical and hemodynamic improvement, change in
  health-related quality of life, and safety throughout 60 months.
  Discussion: Although concerns about long-term safety of paclitaxel-coated devices were not confirmed by recent
  patient-level data analyses, conflicting evidence contributed to a loss of confidence among patients and physicians.
  Therefore, sirolimus, known for a broader therapeutic range than paclitaxel, may serve as a welcome alternative.
  This will be justified if noninferiority of sirolimus-coated balloon angioplasty against the current standard of
  paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty can be demonstrated.

* Correspondence: ulf.teichgraeber@med.uni-jena.de
 Department of Radiology, Jena University Hospital,
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Teichgräber et al. Trials         (2021) 22:665                                                                                        Page 2 of 13

  Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04475783. Registered on 17 July 2020
  EUDAMED No. CIV-20-11-035172, DRKS00022452
  Keywords: Balloon angioplasty, Femoral artery, Paclitaxel, Popliteal artery, Peripheral artery disease, Quality of life,
  Sirolimus, Randomized controlled trial

Administrative information                                                        Administrative information (Continued)
Note: the numbers in curly brackets in this protocol                              Role of sponsor {5c}      The study sponsor (Friedrich-Schiller-
refer to SPIRIT checklist item numbers. The order of                                                        University Jena) will have ultimate
the items has been modified to group similar items (see                                                     authority over study design; collection,
                                                                                                            management, analysis, and
http://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/                                                        interpretation of data; writing of the
spirit-2013-statement-defining-standard-protocol-items-                                                     report; and the decision to submit the
for-clinical-trials/).                                                                                      report for publication.

Title {1}                           Head-to-head comparison of sirolimus-
                                    versus paclitaxel-eluting balloon angio-
                                    plasty in the femoropopliteal artery          Introduction
Trial registration {2a and 2b}.     www.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04475783            Background and rationale {6a}
                                    EUDAMED No: CIV-20-11-035172
                                                                                  Lower limb peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a
                                                                                  common syndrome that affects an estimated 27 million
Protocol version {3}                18 November 2020; V02.1
                                                                                  adults in Europe and North America. PAD is associated
Funding {4}                         The study receives funding by the             with significant morbidity and mortality. Prevalence
                                    manufacturer of the investigational
                                    product, Concept Medical Inc., Tampa,         ranges from 3 to 10%, however, increases with age up to
                                    Florida, USA. The manufacturer also           20% in individuals older than 70 [1].
                                    provides the investigational product            Symptomatic PAD initially presents as claudication
                                    (Magic Touch® PTA sirolimus drug-
                                    coated balloon) for index procedures          and may progress into chronic limb-threatening ische-
                                    free of charge.                               mia (CLTI), defined as presence of rest pain in the af-
Author details {5a}                 Prof. Dr. Ulf Teichgräber, Department of      fected limb and/or tissue loss (ulcers, gangrene).
                                    Radiology, Jena University Hospital,          Mortality in CLTI patients is 20% in the first year after
                                    Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena,
                                                                                  presentation. Long-term data suggest an increase of
                                    Dr. Maja Ingwersen, Department of             mortality up to 50% at 5 years [1].
                                    Radiology, Jena University Hospital,            Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty (PTA)
                                    Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena,
                                                                                  has become the standard treatment for PAD. However,
                                    Dr. Stephanie Platzer, Center for Clinical    long-term results after plain old balloon angioplasty
                                    Studies, Jena University Hospital,            (POBA) are hampered by the occurrence of re-
                                    Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena,
                                                                                  obstruction of the treated segment due to intimal hyper-
                                    Dr. Thomas Lehmann, Center for                plasia [2] and stents are associated with a number of po-
                                    Clinical Studies, Jena University Hospital,   tential disadvantages such as occurrence of in-stent
                                    Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena,
                                                                                  restenosis, hindrance of later surgical revascularization,
                                    Prof. Thomas Zeller, Department of            and need for prolonged antiplatelet therapy [3]. Con-
                                    Angiology, Universitäts-Herzzentrum           cerns exist about stent fractures and their clinical impli-
                                    Freiburg-Bad Krozingen, Bad Krozingen,
                                                                                  cations [4]. Based on these limitations, drug-coated
                                    PD Dr. René Aschenbach, Jena                  balloons (DCB) came into focus.
                                    University Hospital, Friedrich-Schiller-        Most of the investigated DCBs are coated with
                                    University Jena, Germany
                                    Prof. Dierk Scheinert, Department of
                                                                                  paclitaxel which disrupts normal microtubule function
                                    Angiology, University Hospital Leipzig,       and prevents neointimal hyperplasia by inhibiting
                                    Leipzig, Germany                              smooth muscle cell migration, proliferation, and
Name and contact                    Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena,          extracellular matrix secretion [5]. Several paclitaxel-
information for the trial           Germany                                       coated balloon types with various excipients and differ-
sponsor {5b}                        Sponsor Representative: Prof. Dr. Ulf
                                    Teichgräber, Jena University Hospital,        ent dose densities of paclitaxel demonstrated superiority
                                    Department of Radiology, Am                   to POBA [6–10]. While these prior studies clearly
                                    Klinikum1, 07747 Jena, Phone: +49 3641        showed efficacy of DCB regarding prevention of resten-
                                    9324831, Fax: +49 3641 9324832 ulf.
                                    teichgraeber@med.uni-jena.de                  osis and target lesion revascularization (TLR), a recent
Teichgräber et al. Trials   (2021) 22:665                                                                     Page 3 of 13

meta-analysis showed an increased 2-year mortality after     Trial design {8}
peripheral DCB angioplasty [11]. However, underlying         The SIRONA study (head-to-head comparison of
assumptions for a dose-response relationship gave rise       SIROlimus versus paclitaxel drug-eluting ballooN Angio-
to controversy [5] and subsequent research based on          plasty in the femoropopliteal artery) is designed as ran-
patient-level data refuted the paclitaxel dose argument      domized controlled, single-blinded, parallel group,
[12, 13]. So far, regulatory agencies including the Ger-     multicentre, investigator-initiated, noninferiority, trial.
man Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices          Allocation ratio of participants is set at 1:1 (Fig. 1). The
(BfArM) recommend a careful discussion of risks and          Friedrich-Schiller-University ethics committee, Jena,
benefits of DCB treatment with all patients and demand       Germany, approved the study (Reg.-Nr. 2020-2012-
safety monitoring of patients who have been treated with     MPG_ff, dated 11 February 2021). In addition, written
paclitaxel-coated balloons. Considering potential risks      permissions from respective local ethics committees
associated with paclitaxel-coated balloons, it seems rea-    have to be obtained by all participating sites. All study
sonable to look for alternative treatment approaches.        devices have a European certificate of conformity (CE
  We initiated the randomized controlled SIRONA              mark). The study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov
study to compare efficacy and safety of a commercially       (NCT04475783) and with the German clinical trials
marketed sirolimus drug-coated balloon with established      register (DRKS00022452).
paclitaxel drug-coated balloons. The rationale of this
study is based on the hypothesis that angioplasty by         Methods: Participants, interventions and
means of the Magic Touch® PTA sirolimus-coated bal-          outcomes
loon catheter (Concept Medical Inc., Tampa, USA) is          Study setting {9}
noninferior to paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty,        About 25 study sites including university hospitals,
which would imply that it could be considered an alter-      community, and outpatient clinics in Germany and
native approach to paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty.    Austria will participate in the SIRONA study. The list of
                                                             study centres can be obtained from continuously
                                                             updated entries on ClinicalTrials.gov.
Objectives {7}
Primary objectives
                                                             Eligibility criteria {10}
  1. Primary efficacy objective of our study is to assess    Inclusion criteria
     whether primary patency at 1-year after Magic           Individuals are eligible for trial participation if the
     Touch® Sirolimus-coated balloon angioplasty of          following criteria apply:
     femoropopliteal lesions is noninferior to that after
     paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty. Noninferiority     1. Age ≥ 18 years
     margin is set to 10%. Primary patency is defined as       2. Clinical symptoms meet Rutherford category 2 to 4
     freedom from restenosis (> 50% diameter stenosis          3. Single de novo or re-stenosed lesion of the superfi-
     evidenced by peak systolic velocity ration [PSVR] >          cial femoral artery (SFA) and/or the proximal seg-
     2.4 by duplex ultrasound [DUS] without the need              ment (P1) of the popliteal artery
     for target lesion revascularization).                     4. Target lesion diameter stenosis of ≥ 70% assessed
  2. Primary safety objective is to assess whether                by angiography
     freedom from the composite of clinically driven           5. Target lesion length of ≥ 2 cm and ≤ 20 cm by
     target lesion revascularization (TLR), major target          visual estimate
     limb amputation, and all-cause mortality at 1 year        6. Multiple lesions with a healthy vessel segment of
     after Magic Touch® Sirolimus-coated balloon angio-           maximum 3 cm in between can be considered
     plasty of femoropopliteal lesions is noninferior to          single lesion at discretion of the operator (total
     that after paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty.            lesion length should not exceed 20 cm)
     Noninferiority margin is set to 10%.
                                                             Reference vessel diameter (RVD) ≥ 4 mm and ≤ 6.5
                                                             mm by visual estimate
Secondary objectives                                          7. Patency of ipsilateral iliac artery (≤ 30% diameter
Secondary objectives are to compare hemodynamic                   stenosis). Iliac artery stenosis > 30% may be treated
improvement,      morphological     outcome,  clinical            during the index procedure to ensure sufficient
improvement, change in health-related quality of life,            inflow
and safety throughout 5 years after paclitaxel- or            8. Patency of P2 and P3 segment of the popliteal
sirolimus-coated balloon angioplasty.                             artery and at least one (1) infrapopliteal artery (<
Teichgräber et al. Trials   (2021) 22:665                                                                                             Page 4 of 13

 Fig. 1 Study flow chart. Asterisk indicates pre-dilation, drug-coated balloon dilation, and post-dilation should last for at least 60 s each.
 Dilation for 180 s each is strongly recommended. DCB, drug-coated balloon; PTA, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; ITT, intention
 to treat

      50% diameter stenosis) ensuring sufficient outflow                   Exclusion criteria
      from the femoropopliteal artery                                      Individuals are excluded from trial participation if any of
  9. Guidewire has successfully crossed the target lesion                  the following criteria apply:
  10. Pre-dilation of the target lesion                                       1. Subintimal or failed guidewire crossing of the target
  11. Participants can only be enroled once with a single                        lesion
      target lesion                                                           2. Flow-limiting dissection after pre-dilation of the tar-
  12. Participant’s declaration of informed consent                              get lesion
Teichgräber et al. Trials   (2021) 22:665                                                                         Page 5 of 13

  3. Angiographic evidence of severe calcification of the        Additional consent provisions for collection and use of
      target vessel (contiguous calcification on both sides      participant data and biological specimens {26b}
      of the vessel)                                             Not applicable.
  4. Presence of fresh thrombus in the target lesion
  5. Presence of aneurysm in the target vessel
  6. In-stent restenosis of the target lesion
                                                                 Explanation for the choice of comparators {6b}
  7. Prior vascular surgery of the target limb
                                                                 Patients allocated to the control group will be treated
  8. History of major amputation in the target limb
                                                                 with a paclitaxel-coated balloon catheter. Only those
  9. Any vascular surgical procedure or intervention
                                                                 commercially available paclitaxel-coated balloon types
      performed in the target limb within 30 days prior to
                                                                 are permitted for use in the study of which 2-year results
      or planned within 30 days post index procedure
                                                                 from randomized controlled trials on obstructive PAD
  10. Any vascular treatment with paclitaxel- or
                                                                 have been published.
      sirolimus-coated devices within 60 days prior to
                                                                   The following DCB types are available for selection
      index procedure
                                                                 upon investigator’s discretion and to be used according
  11. Vascular disease in the opposite leg that requires
                                                                 to manufacturer’s instruction for use:
      treatment at the time of index procedure
  12. Target lesion requires treatment with alternative
                                                                    IN.PACT® Admiral® (Medtronic, Minneapolis, USA)
      therapies such as primary stenting, laser, lithotripsy,
                                                                    Luminor 35® (iVascular, Barcelona, Spain)
      thrombectomy, atherectomy, cryoplasty,
                                                                    Lutonix® (BD BARD Peripheral Vascular, Inc.,
      brachytherapy, and re-entry devices
                                                                      Tempe, USA)
  13. Stroke or heart attack within 3 months prior to
                                                                    Orchid® (Acotec Scientific Co., Ltd. Beijing, China)
                                                                    Ranger® (Boston Scientific, Voisins-le-Bretonneux,
  14. Known allergies or sensitivity to heparin, aspirin,
      other anticoagulant/antiplatelet therapies, sirolimus,
                                                                    SeQuent® Please OTW (B. Braun Melsungen AG,
      paclitaxel, or contrast media that cannot be
                                                                      Melsungen, Germany)
      adequately pre-treated prior to index procedure
                                                                    Stellarex® (Philips, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  15. Significant gastrointestinal bleeding or any
      coagulopathy that would contraindicate antiplatelet
                                                                   Even in the control group, pre-dilation is mandatory
                                                                 and has to be performed with a conventional, under-
  16. Dialysis or immunosuppressant therapy
                                                                 sized, non-drug-coated angioplasty balloon. Nominal
  17. Pregnant or lactating women
                                                                 balloon diameter has to be 1 mm smaller than the distal
  18. Life expectancy of less than 1 year in the opinion of
                                                                 reference vessel diameter (RVD). Pre-dilation should last
      the investigator
                                                                 at least 60 s; however, prolonged pre-dilation for 180 s is
  19. Participant enroled in another investigational drug,
                                                                 strongly recommended.
      device, or biologic study

Eligibility criteria for participating sites and investigators   Intervention description {11a}
Participating sites must be equipped with the                    After angiographic assessment of the lesion and
appropriate resources to meet the study requirements             successful intraluminal guide wire crossing, pre-dilation
and shall have access to emergency units to perform              of the target lesion with non-drug-coated conventional
bypass surgery in case of failed PTA. Investigators who          balloon for at least 60 s is mandatory. Prolonged pre-
will conduct the interventions are eligible if they are          dilation for 180 s is strongly recommended. Pre-dilation
radiologists or angiologists with sufficient experience in       balloon should be 1 mm smaller in diameter than the
the field of peripheral endovascular interventions.              distal RVD. In case of flow-limiting dissection due to
                                                                 pre-dilation, participants will be excluded. Allocation to
Who will take informed consent? {26a}                            study treatment will be done immediately after pre-
Prior to inclusion and in accordance with the                    dilation.
Declaration of Helsinki and national regulations,                  Nominal diameter of DCB should match the distal
patients must undergo the consent process. During the            RVD and length has to exceed each end of the target
consent process, the investigator or his/her designee            lesion by about 1 cm. Balloon inflation pressure should
must fully inform the patient about all relevant study           be at least nominal pressure but must not exceed rated
details including potential risks and benefits of                burst pressure. Inflation should be maintained for a
participation. Written informed consent is prerequisite          minimum of 60 s. Prolonged inflation for 180 s is
for inclusion into the study.                                    strongly recommended. If more than one DCB is
Teichgräber et al. Trials   (2021) 22:665                                                                       Page 6 of 13

necessary for complete lesion coverage, multiple DCBs            index procedure (aspirin 100 mg daily, clopidogrel 75
should overlap by at least 1 cm.                                 mg daily) and single antiplatelet therapy indefinitely
  Post-dilation of at least 60 s with the DCB used or a          thereafter (aspirin 100 mg daily) according to centres’
standard uncoated balloon should be conducted in case            standard of care.
of residual diameter stenosis of ≥ 50% by visual estimate,         No concomitant approach of revascularization using
or > 10 mmHg trans-lesion gradient, or flow-limiting             drug-eluting stents, covered stents, laser atherectomy,
dissection. Prolonged dilation for 180 s is strongly rec-        cryoplasty, re-entry devices, cutting or scoring balloons,
ommended. In case of 30 to 49% residual diameter sten-           brachytherapy, or non-study device DCBs is permitted.
osis, repeated dilation is at investigator’s discretion. It is
recommended to perform focal post-dilation with stand-           Provisions for post-trial care {30}
ard balloons of minimal length, sufficient to just cover         Not applicable.
the residual stenotic segment strictly within the treated
area. Prolonged or repeated post-dilation should aim at
                                                                 Outcomes {12}
< 50% diameter residual diameter stenosis by visual esti-
                                                                 The assessment schedule is presented in Table 1.
mate without stenting (optimal PTA). DUS of the target
lesion and determination of ankle brachial index (ABI)
have to be performed before discharge and within 2               Primary outcomes
working days after index procedure.
                                                                    Primary efficacy outcome is the incidence of primary
Criteria for discontinuing or modifying allocated                    patency at 1 year. Primary patency is defined as
interventions {11b}                                                  absence of target lesion restenosis assessed by
In case of PTA failure after DCB angioplasty and post-               duplex ultrasound (restenosis indicated by peak
dilation, defined as residual diameter stenosis of ≥ 50%             systolic velocity ratio [PSVR] > 2.4 and adjudicated
by visual estimate, or > 10 mmHg trans-lesion gradient,              by core laboratory) without the need for recurrent
or flow-limiting dissection despite the attempt of opti-             target lesion revascularization. If 1-year primary pa-
mal PTA, bailout stenting should be performed. Bailout               tency in the intervention group is no less than 10
stenting should be conducted as spot stenting, which                 percentage points worse than that in the control
means utilization of as few and as short as possible                 group, it will be considered noninferior. Clinical
stents to cover the residual stenosis. Only self-                    relevance of the primary outcome is that loss of pri-
expanding, uncovered, bare nitinol stents are permitted              mary patency often leads to symptoms and necessi-
for bailout stenting. Participants who underwent bailout             tates TLR. In addition, primary patency can be
stenting or emergency bypass surgery will be followed                objectively assessed by investigators with DUS and
up per protocol and included into the intention to treat             independently confirmed by the blinded core
(ITT) analysis. If emergency bypass or other target limb             laboratory.
surgical intervention is required during index procedure,           Primary safety outcome is the composite of freedom
participants will be excluded from study participation.              from all-cause mortality, major target limb amputa-
                                                                     tion, and clinically driven TLR at 1 year. Sirolimus-
Strategies to improve adherence to interventions {11c}               coated balloon angioplasty will demonstrate noninfe-
Not applicable.                                                      riority when 1-year incidence of the primary safety
                                                                     outcome is no worse than that of the control group
Relevant concomitant care permitted or prohibited during             by more than 10 percentage points.
the trial {11d}
Antiplatelet therapy has to be used in both study arms             Primary outcomes will be determined for both the ITT
according to clinical routine. Prior to the index                and the modified ITT (only participants who received
procedure, it is strongly recommended to administer              the assigned treatment) study population (Fig. 1).
dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) as a combination of
aspirin (100 mg daily at least 3 days before procedure or        Secondary outcomes
a loading dose of 500 mg) and clopidogrel (75 mg daily
at least 3 days before procedure or a loading dose of 300           Hemodynamic improvement defined as increase in
mg), or aspirin and rivaroxaban (2.5 mg twice a day) per             resting ankle brachial index (ABI) by ≥ 0.15 or to ≥
hospital standard of care. During index procedure,                   0.9 from pre-procedure without the need for target
participants must receive appropriate anticoagulation by             vessel revascularization (TVR) or amputation
means of heparin according to the institution’s standard            Binary restenosis (PSVR > 2.4 assessed with DUS
of care. DAPT is recommended for at least 4 weeks after              and adjudicated by core laboratory)
Teichgräber et al. Trials          (2021) 22:665                                                                                                Page 7 of 13

Table 1 Schedule of enrolment, interventions, and assessments
Study period
                            Index procedure
                            Enrolment Allocation Angioplasty        Post-     Follow-up
Timepoint                   -t1a    -t2b   0        Immediately     Before     1-month 6-month          12-month 24-month 36-month 48-month 60-month
                                                    after           discharge§ ± 7 days ± 30            ± 45 days ± 60 days ± 60 days ± 60 days ± 60 days
                                                    allocation                 Phone    days            On-site   On-site   Phone     On-site   Phone
                                                                               call     On-site                             call                call
    Eligibility screen      X
    Informed consent        X
    Allocation                             X
    Intraluminal guide             X
    wire crossingc
    Pre-dilatione                  X
    Sirolimus-coated                                X
    balloon angioplasty
    Paclitaxel-coated                               X
    balloon angioplasty
    Demographic data        X
    Physical examination    X                                       X                       X           X           X                       X
    Laboratory              X
    Medical history         X
    Concomitant                                     X               X            X          X           X           X           X           X      X
    Angiography                        X            X
    Duplex ultrasoundg                                              X                       X           X           X                       X
    ABI                     X                                       X                       X           X           X                       X
    Rutherford category     X                                                               X           X           X                       X
    Walking distance        X                                                    X          X           X           X           X           X      X
    (participant self-
    VascuQuol Score         X                                                               X           X           X                       X
    6-min walk test         X                                                               X           X           X                       X
    Treadmill test          X                                                               X           X           X                       X
    EQ5D-3L index           X                                                    X          X           X           X           X           X      X
    AE/SAE                                          X               X            X          X           X           X           X           X      X
   At baseline
   During index procedure
  Successful intraluminal guidewire crossing of the lesion
   Within 2 working days after index procedure and before discharge
   Pre-dilation without flow-limiting dissection
  Including pregnancy test were appropriate
   DUS should also be performed before and after any target vessel revascularization. Adjudication by core laboratory at 6, 12, and 24 months
   Participant self-assessment of maximum walking distance should be performed before walk tests and questionnaires
AE adverse event, SAE severe adverse event

     Primary patency (Kaplan-Meier estimate) at 6, 24,                                Kaplan-Meier estimate of clinically driven target
      and 48 months                                                                       lesion revascularization (TLR) due to symptoms
     Secondary patency (Kaplan-Meier estimate)                                           or ABI drop of ≥ 20% or > 0.15 from post-
     Clinical improvement by at least one Rutherford                                     procedure and restenosis determined by angiog-
      category without the need for target vessel                                         raphy and/or indicated by PSVR > 2.4 assessed
      revascularization (TVR) or amputation
Teichgräber et al. Trials   (2021) 22:665                                                                   Page 8 of 13

      with DUS and adjudicated by core laboratory (not        of 10%, 478 patients (239 per group) should be
      including procedural bailout stenting)                  recruited.
     Maximum walking distance determined by
      participant self-assessment                             Recruitment {15}
     Vascular quality of life score (VascuQoL)               Adequate participant enrolment within 24 months
     Walking distance assessed by 6-min walk test            should be ensured by the high prevalence of peripheral
     Optional: maximum walking distance determined           artery disease of up to 20% depending on age, and the
      with treadmill test                                     substantial number of about 25 participating sites.
     Health-related quality of life (European Quality of
      Life 5 Dimensions 3 Level [EQ-5D-3L] instrument)        Assignment of interventions: allocation
     Secondary safety outcome is the composite of            Sequence generation {16a}
      freedom from all-cause mortality, major target limb     Enroled subjects will be randomized either to Magic
      amputation, and clinically driven TLR at 5 years.       Touch DCB angioplasty (intervention group) or to
                                                              paclitaxel DCB angioplasty (control arm) at a ratio of 1:
  Secondary outcomes will be reported at 1, 6, 12, 24,        1. Randomization will be restricted by randomly varying
36, 48, and 60 months. As follow-up at 1, 36, and 60          block size and stratification by centre. A computer-
months will only be conducted by phone, only partici-         generated randomization list will be prepared by an in-
pant self-assessed walking distance, EQ5D-3L index, and       dependent statistician not involved in enrolment and
secondary composite safety outcome will be assessed at        analyses using the software nQuery Advisor.
these times.
                                                              Concealment mechanism {16b}
Participant timeline {13}                                     For concealment, sealed envelopes containing the
Enrolment is expected to take 24 months and                   treatment assignment will be provided by the Centre for
participants will be followed up through 60 months.           Clinical Studies in Jena.
   After index procedure, follow-up on-site visits will be
performed at 6, 12, 24, and 48 months and follow-up           Implementation {16c}
phone calls at 1, 36, and 60 months. Participant timeline     Allocation sequence will be generated by an
is specified in Table 1.                                      independent statistician who is not involved in
                                                              enrolment and analyses. Investigators will enrol
Sample size {14}                                              participants upon ascertained eligibility and successful
In the randomized controlled pilot COMPARE trial, 1-          intraluminal lesion crossing of the guide wire.
year primary patency after paclitaxel-coated balloon          Subsequently, assignment to interventions will be
angioplasty (IN.PACT DCB) was 89.0% [14]. In addition,        conducted by investigators according to randomization.
the IN.PACT global study revealed 94% freedom from
the primary composite safety endpoint in the long-lesion      Assignment of interventions: blinding
imaging cohort [15].                                          Who will be blinded {17a}
   From this, we calculated that 430 participants (215 in     Participants but not investigators will be blinded to the
each group) need to be analysed regarding the primary         study treatment. Additionally, core laboratory
efficacy outcome, and 280 (140 in each group) regarding       assessment of angiographic und DUS imaging will be
the primary safety outcome to show noninferiority of the      blinded.
Magic Touch sirolimus DCB over paclitaxel-coated bal-
loon angioplasty with a power of 89% for every single         Procedure for unblinding if needed {17b}
test and of 80% for both primary outcomes. Noninferior-       Not applicable.
ity margin is set at 10% for both outcomes.
   As heterogeneity regarding 12-month primary patency        Data collection and management
and need for TLR (the main driver of the primary com-         Plans for assessment and collection of outcomes {18a}
posite safety endpoint in terms of quantity) is substantial
even across different types of paclitaxel-coated balloons       Angiography. Before the index procedure and prior
(65 to 86% [I2 = 54%] and 71 to 93% [I2 = 66%], respect-         to any TVR, angiographic assessment must be
ively [16]); a deviation from the average by 10% with            performed. Angiographic imaging (X-ray and digital
sirolimus-coated balloon angioplasty would still be              subtraction angiography) will be reviewed by a
within the range that can be considered noninferior.             blinded core laboratory.
   One-sided Farrington-Manning test will be applied for        Duplex ultrasound. PSVR > 2.4 indicates diameter
the primary outcomes. Finally, assuming a dropout rate           restenosis of > 50% [17] and loss of primary patency.
Teichgräber et al. Trials   (2021) 22:665                                                                         Page 9 of 13

         DUS will be adjudicated by blinded core laboratory       Data management {19}
         assessment at 6, 12, and 24 months.                      Medical data will be entered by means of an online data
        Rutherford category. Clinical improvement is present     collection system and transmitted directly to the central
         in case of improvement by at least one Rutherford        data management (centre for clinical studies [ZKS]
         category according to current guidelines [18]            Jena). Transfer of patient-related medical data will be
         without the need for TVR.                                carried out pseudonymized. No features will be trans-
        Ankle brachial index. ABI will be determined             ferred that enable immediate identification of specific
         according to current guidelines [18]. Hemodynamic        participants by the data management. Data entry, pro-
         improvement is present in case of ABI increase by at     cessing, and evaluation will comply with the provisions
         least 1.5 or to 0.9 ABI without the need for TVR.        of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and
        Walking distance (participant self-assessment).          the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GPDR).
         Before other walking assessments, participants will      Records and documents related to the clinical trial must
         be asked about their actual self-estimated maximum       be kept for at least 10 years.
         walking distance.
        Vascular quality of life questionnaire (VascuQoL).       Confidentiality {27}
         VascuQoL as PAD-specific quality of life question-       Investigators and study staff will keep all information on
         naire will be used to measure effect of interventions    participants in strict confidence. Data will be protected
         [19].                                                    against unauthorized access. Appropriate local data
        Six-minute walk test. The test measures the              legislation will be applied in full.
         maximum distance walked after 6 min on level
         walkway (hallway of at least 30 m) at a quick self-
                                                                  Plans for collection, laboratory evaluation, and storage of
         paced speed, regardless of whether or not partici-
                                                                  biological specimens for genetic or molecular analysis in
         pant stops to rest [20].
                                                                  this trial/future use {33}
        Treadmill test (optional). Maximum walking
                                                                  Not applicable.
         distance may optionally be assessed with treadmill
         test at 10% slope and constantly increasing speed of
         up to 2 mph (3.2 km/h) over a period of 4 min and        Statistical methods
         maintained maximum speed for up to 16 min.               Statistical methods for primary and secondary outcomes
         During treadmill test, participants will be blinded to   {20a}
         the distance covered.                                    The primary efficacy and the primary safety endpoint
        Health-related quality of life. Health state will be     will be compared by one-sided Farrington-Manning test.
         derived using EQ-5D-3L descriptive system and EQ         Noninferiority margin is set at 10% for both tests. Sig-
         visual analogue scale [21].                              nificance level will be set at 2.5%. Relative risk and
                                                                  Kaplan-Meier estimates after 1 year will be reported
     Timeline of outcome assessment is specified in Table         with 95% confidence interval (CI) for each endpoint.
1.                                                                  Secondary continuous endpoints (ABI, walking
                                                                  distance test, VascuQoL, EQ-5D-3L index) will be com-
Plans to promote participant retention and complete               pared by using two-sided independent samples t-test or
follow-up {18b}                                                   non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test according to the
Participants will only be included if they are aware of           data distribution. Furthermore, the mean and standard
the long-time follow-up and agree to comply with the              deviation for normally distributed data or median and
follow-up visit schedule. Upon discharge, they receive            interquartile range otherwise will be reported for each
the visit schedule. At each follow-up, the site will try          group. Time-to event endpoints (TLR) are compared by
to contact the participant by telephone (up to three              log-rank test and Kaplan-Meier estimates with 95% CI
times) and, if necessary, by letter (one time) before             are reported for each group after the pre-specified time
participant is classified as lost to follow-up. If partici-       points. Significance level is 5% for each test.
pants are unable or unwilling to on-site visits, they               All analyses will be conducted in the ITT population.
will be asked to answer questions by phone. If partici-           The primary endpoints will also be analysed in the
pants decline further phone contact, they will be                 modified ITT population, which includes only those
asked to authorize release of medical information                 randomized patients who received the assigned
concerning safety events by their general practitioner            treatment.
or family members. In case all attempts fail, the site
may ask the participant if he/she is willing to accept            Interim analyses {21b}
a phone call at the end of the study.                             Not applicable.
Teichgräber et al. Trials   (2021) 22:665                                                                      Page 10 of 13

Methods for additional analyses (e.g., subgroup analyses)      participants, users, or other persons in the context of
{20b}                                                          this study, whether or not related to the
A subgroup analysis will be performed for lesion length.       investigational or control device and procedure. For
Cut-off to discriminate subgroups will be defined by the       users and other persons, adverse events are restricted
core laboratory.                                               to related adverse events. All adverse events must be
                                                               specified in the study adverse event case report form.
Methods in analysis to handle protocol non-adherence           Severity and putative relationship to study devices or
and any statistical methods to handle missing data {20c}       procedures should be noted. Investigational sites are
Patients who for any reason fail to continue in the trial      responsible for adverse event reporting to the
until the last visit are considered dropouts. Missing          sponsor. Device complaints have to be reported
values of the primary endpoints are multiply imputed to        directly to the manufacturer. Adverse device effects
confirm the robustness of the main results.                    will be reported to the sponsor (centre for clinical
                                                               studies [ZKS] Jena) quarterly.
Plans to give access to the full protocol, participant level     Serious adverse events are any untoward events that
data, and statistical code {31c}                               occur during this study, which lead or possibly might
Not applicable.                                                lead, directly or indirectly, to death or serious
                                                               deterioration in the state of health, life-threatening ill-
Oversight and monitoring                                       ness, injury, or permanent impairment of a body struc-
Composition of the coordinating centre and trial steering      ture or a body function including chronic diseases,
committee {5d}                                                 prolonged hospitalization, medical or surgical interven-
The coordinating centre consists of the principal              tions to prevent life-threatening illness or injury, or per-
coordinating investigator (UT, sponsor representative,         manent impairment to a body structure or a body
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany), the co-          function of a participant, user, or other person whether
principal coordinating investigator (DS), the trial man-       or not related to the investigational or control device
ager (SP), the statistician (TL), the data management          and procedure. For users and other persons, serious ad-
team (centre for clinical studies, Jena University Hos-        verse events are restricted to related serious adverse
pital, Germany), and the administrative team (Depart-          events. In the event of severe adverse events, investiga-
ment of Radiology, Jena University Hospital, Germany).         tional sites must immediately deliver a report to the
Principal coordinating investigator and co-principal co-       sponsor (centre for clinical studies [ZKS] Jena, via fax
ordinating investigator together with the independent          within 24 h of knowledge). Any required follow-up in-
data and safety monitoring board (DSMB) assume the             formation must be provided as soon as possible. All se-
role of the trial steering committee.                          vere adverse events that are still ongoing at 60 months
                                                               have to be followed up until resolved or until investiga-
Composition of the data monitoring committee, its role,        tor confirms that no further improvement or deterior-
and reporting structure {21a}                                  ation is expected.
The DSMB is established in order to monitor safety of            Incidents of any medical device with CE sign that
participants. The DSMB consists of two independent             have occurred in Germany or Austria, irrespective of
physicians and a statistician with pertinent experience        a clinical study, have to be reported to the
who may review study information during the conduct            respective competent authority by the device user.
of the trial. Major responsibility is to make                  The sponsor will send a quarterly report with the
recommendations on further study conduct. Any                  cumulative severe adverse event assessment to the
premature termination or suspension of the trial must          Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices
be discussed with the DSMB. The DSMB will review a             (BfArM), the Austrian Federal Office for Safety in
safety event dossier, provided by the sponsor for all          Health Care (BASG), and ethical committees
reported cases of severe adverse events and death. In          involved as required.
addition, a clinical events committee (CEC) of three             The trial may be terminated prematurely if the DSMB
medical experts is established to provide an independent       or CEC raise concerns about the safety of sirolimus-
review of data on clinical events based on protocol-           coated balloon angioplasty which outweigh the current
specific definitions                                           safety concerns regarding paclitaxel-coated balloon cath-
                                                               eters. If new evidence concerning safety of paclitaxel-
Adverse event reporting and harms {22}                         coated control devices will be obtained through other
Adverse events are any untoward medical occurrences,           trials while the study is in progress, the study is being
unintended diseases or injuries, or any untoward clinical      continued with the same design but with POBA as
signs including abnormal laboratory findings in                comparator.
Teichgräber et al. Trials   (2021) 22:665                                                                      Page 11 of 13

Frequency and plans for auditing trial conduct {23}              In the last decade, endovascular revascularization has
Inspections of the ongoing or already completed study          become the standard treatment for peripheral artery
can be carried out by the respective competent                 disease and paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty had
authorities in accordance with the applicable legislation.     been shown to be superior to POBA regarding preven-
Audits serve as systematic and independent review of           tion of restenosis in the femoropopliteal segment [22–
activities and documents related to the study to               27]. Therefore, the 2017 ESC guideline recommends that
determine whether they are in accordance with the              DCB angioplasty may be applied as “first choice” revas-
study protocol, good clinical practice (GCP), and              cularization of femoropopliteal lesions < 25 cm [18].
applicable legal provisions. In addition, sponsor’s            Until recently, paclitaxel was the only drug used for per-
representatives can conduct monitoring and audits at           ipheral DCB angioplasty. This was due to easy process-
participating institutions at any time as part of quality      ing of paclitaxel for balloon coatings. High lipophilic
assurance.                                                     properties assure sufficient bioavailability. Paclitaxel de-
   Monitoring includes selection-, initiation-, regular on-    creases neointimal hyperplasia by means of impairment
site-, and close-out visits. Monitoring will be carried out    of cellular mitosis. However, recent data from a meta-
by appropriately trained clinical research associates ac-      analysis [11], confirmed by findings of the nonprofit
cording to the standard operating instructions of the re-      Vascular       InterVentional      Advances       Physicians
sponsible clinical research organization (VascuScience,        organization [28] and the US Food and Drug Adminis-
Leipzig, Germany). Frequency of regular and interim            tration (FDA) [29], gave rise to concerns over long-term
visits will depend on the study monitoring plan, recruit-      risk of mortality due to possible side effects of paclitaxel.
ment rate, study compliance, and findings from previous        However, a causal relationship between cytotoxic prop-
visits. Principal investigators or the institutions involved   erties of paclitaxel and increased long-term mortality
will give the monitor/auditor access to all documents          after treatment with paclitaxel-coated devices had not
necessary for review.                                          been demonstrated. On the other hand, recent large-
                                                               scale studies based on patient-level data found no evi-
Plans for communicating important protocol                     dence for increased long-term mortality related to pacli-
amendments to relevant parties (e.g., trial participants,      taxel [12, 13]. Moreover, an unplanned interim analysis
ethical committees) {25}                                       of a large Swedish randomized registry-based study
All substantial changes in the study protocol or other         (SWEDEPAD trial) revealed no difference between
documents required for approval will be advertised to          paclitaxel-coated and uncoated devices concerning all-
the respective competent authorities and the responsible       cause mortality after endovascular interventions through
ethics committee according to the current valid                an average follow-up of 2.5 years [30].
legislation at the respective time point. Implementation         Against the background of conflicting evidence on
of a substantial amendment can only occur after formal         safety of paclitaxel, the cytostatic drug sirolimus could
approval of the responsible ethics committee and               be an alternative. Recently, coating technologies were
regulatory authority.                                          adapted to the less lipophilic sirolimus by complex
                                                               engineering. The active ingredient sirolimus is intended
Dissemination plans {31a}                                      to prevent restenosis through its immunosuppressive
Progress reports and a final report at study termination       and antiproliferative properties. In the polymer-free
will be prepared under the responsibility of the sponsor       Magic Touch® PTA sirolimus-coated balloon catheter,
and provided to the reviewing ethics committees as             sub-micron sized sirolimus particles are encapsulated
required by local regulations. Publication policy of this      into highly biocompatible phospholipid carriers (excipi-
study has been negotiated and specified in contractual         ent) which improve both bioavailability of sirolimus and
obligations and agreements between involved centres.           adhesion to the balloon surface and thus, prevention of
                                                               drug loss (“wash-off”) into the blood stream and possible
Discussion                                                     adverse downstream effects. Upon balloon inflation drug
This randomized controlled study is initiated to               carrier and sirolimus are transferred into the arterial
compare efficacy and safety of femoropopliteal                 wall. Subsequently, upon pH-change, the phospholipid
angioplasty by means of a novel sirolimus-coated balloon       excipient releases sirolimus which penetrates into deeper
with established paclitaxel-coated balloons. All study de-     vessel layers where it is retained long enough for suffi-
vices are commercially available and will be used within       cient neointimal inhibition. Effective drug transfer allows
their intended use according to manufacturer’s instruc-        a relative low drug dose density of sirolimus-coated bal-
tion. We hypothesize that sirolimus-coated balloon             loons. Additionally, the comparably low tissue retention
angioplasty is noninferior to paclitaxel-coated balloon        and the broad therapeutic range of sirolimus decrease
angioplasty regarding both efficacy and safety.                the risk of local vessel wall toxicity [31].
Teichgräber et al. Trials       (2021) 22:665                                                                                                        Page 12 of 13

  A pilot pre-market study on sirolimus-coated balloon                             Availability of data and materials {29}
angioplasty (XTOSI pilot study on MagicTouch® PTA                                  The coordinating centre will have access to the final trial dataset. The full
                                                                                   study protocol can be made available from the corresponding author upon
sirolimus-coated balloon) revealed promising 6-month                               reasonable request.
results of 88.2% primary patency for femoropopliteal and
74.0% for infrapopliteal lesions. Freedom from major ad-                           Declarations
verse events was 89.5% for participants with femoropo-                             Ethics approval and consent to participate {24}
pliteal and 84.0% for those with infrapopliteal lesions                            This study was approved by the Friedrich-Schiller-University ethics committee
(Chok E, AMP symposium 2020). In addition, first-in-                               (Reg.-Nr. 2020-2012-MPG_ff, dated 11 February 2021). In addition, study
                                                                                   protocol has to be approved by local ethics committees of all participating
human outcomes from a small-scale study were pre-                                  sites. The study will be conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki.
sented from the polymer-based SELUTION sustained-                                  Written, informed consent to participate will be obtained from all
limus-release™ drug-coated balloon for the treatment of                            participants.
intermittent claudication. The primary outcome of late
                                                                                   Consent for publication {32}
lumen loss at six months was significantly lower than                              Not applicable.
the optimal performance outcome value of POBA. Six-
month primary patency was 88.4% [32, 33].                                          Competing interests {28}
                                                                                   The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
  Effect size of DCB angioplasty depends not only on
the type of coating but also on the treatment strategy                             Author details
such as pre-dilation and bailout stenting, as well as on                            Department of Radiology, Jena University Hospital,
                                                                                   Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany. 2Center for Clinical Studies,
lesion complexity [16]. Thus, we opted for a randomized                            Jena University Hospital, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany.
study design with well-balanced lesion- and procedure-                             3
                                                                                    Department of Angiology, Universitäts-Herzzentrum Freiburg-Bad Krozingen,
related preconditions to ensure a fair head-to-head com-                           Bad Krozingen, Germany. 4Department of Angiology, University Hospital
                                                                                   Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.
parison of sirolimus- and paclitaxel-coated balloon
angioplasty.                                                                       Received: 10 March 2021 Accepted: 15 September 2021
  If our study demonstrates noninferiority of the
MagicTouch® PTA sirolimus-coated balloon to
paclitaxel-coated balloons regarding efficacy and safety,                          1. Norgren L, Hiatt WR, Dormandy JA, Nehler MR, Harris KA, Fowkes FG. Inter-
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ultrasound; EQ-5D-3L: European Quality of Life 5 Dimensions 3 Level                4. Scheinert D, Scheinert S, Sax J, Piorkowski C, Bräunlich S, Ulrich M, et al.
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Trial status
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Not yet recruiting
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                                                                                   8. Tepe G, Zeller T, Albrecht T, Heller S, Schwarzwälder U, Beregi JP, et al. Local
Estimated primary completion: December 2027
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