Page created by Keith Stephens
             SUMMER 2023
    Always remember to take time for FUN!

Contents 					                                                           Page
               Registration .........................................................    2
               Summer Camp .....................................................         3
               Special Events .....................................................      4-5
               Sponsorship ........................................................      5                            Village Board
               Aquatic Center .....................................................      6-11
                                                                                                                    Mayor Dominick DiMaggio
               Parks Rentals .....................................................       12                           ddimaggio@vhw.org
                                                                                                                        (847) 847-3550
               Conveni en t Wa y s t o R e g i s t e r
                                                                                                                      Trustee Cathy Bayer
               Online: 		         apm.activecommunities.com/vhw                                                         cbayer@vhw.org
                                  (non-refundable processing fee required)                                               (847) 847-3552
               Mail/Drop-Off: 2 Lagoon Drive, Hawthorn Woods, IL 60047
                                                                                                                      Trustee Michael David
               Fax: 		        (847) 438-1459                                                                            mdavid@vhw.org
                                                                                                                         (847) 847-3549
               Regi str ati o n I n f o r m a t i o n
                                                                                                                       Trustee Anne Hurst
               Residency                                                                                                ahurst@vhw.org
               Specific fees are based on resident/non-resident status. A resident is a household                        (847) 847-3554
               which pays property taxes to the Village of Hawthorn Woods. This does not include all                Trustee James W. Kaiser
               addresses listing Hawthorn Woods as the town. Please review your property tax bill to                    jkaiser@vhw.org
               verify if you are a property taxpayer/resident of the Village of Hawthorn Woods. Proof of                 (847) 847-3553

               residency is required to receive this discounted rate. Faxed and online registrations may             Trustee Jodi McCarthy
               be asked to provide proof of residency.                                                                jmccarthy@vhw.org
                                                                                                                        (847) 847-3547
               Cancellations, Withdraws, and Refunds
                                                                                                                    Trustee Thomas A. Rychlik
               The Village of Hawthorn Woods strives to offer affordable and quality recreation programs.                trychlik@vhw.org
               In order to ensure programs are cost-effective, the Village reserves the right to cancel a                 (847) 847-3551
               class due to low enrollment. A 100% refund of program fees will be issued in the event
               a class is canceled by the Village (*). Participants may choose to withdraw from a class
               prior to the start date of the class. A 15% cancellation fee will be applied to any request
               for a refund to withdraw from a class or program prior to the start of the first class (*).
               No refunds are allowed after the start of a class or program. *Processing fees assessed
               through online registration are non-refundable.
               NSF Checks
               A $30 service fee will be assessed on all checks returned due to insufficient funds.
               Americans with Disabilities
               The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 (Public Law 101-336) was adopted by Congress for the purpose of eliminating
               discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The Act directed the Department of Justice to prepare and publish
               rules of implementation. The final rule was published on July 26, 1991 (28 C.F.R. Part 45) which sets standards for
               implementing the Act. The Act prohibits exclusion of qualified individuals with a disability from services, programs or
               activities of any state or local government which includes park districts, as of January 26, 1992. Individuals with concerns
               or questions should contact Village Hall at (847) 438-5500. The Village of Hawthorn Woods is a cooperative member
               agency of the Special Recreation Association of Central Lake County (SRACLC).
               Statement of Non-Discrimination
               The Village of Hawthorn Woods prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color,
               national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, military status, sexual orientation, marital or family status.

               Staff Cont a c t s
               Brian J. Sullivan, Director of Parks and Recreation			                           bsullivan@vhw.org      (847)   847-3531
               Amy Mason, Director of Community Engagement			                                   amason@vhw.org         (847)   847-3533
               Teagan Johnson, Aquatic Center Manager/Recreation Specialist                     tjohnson@vhw.org       (847)   847-3505
               Pamela Newton, Village Chief Operating Officer				                               pnewton@vhw.org        (847)   847-3535

    2                               Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department                  |   Summer 2023
Woo dc hucks S u m m e r C a m p
Let’s take an adventure this summer... a Woodchuck adventure!

                                                                                                                           SUMMER CAMP
Campers explore and discover with friends through various crafts, activities, and games. Each week a theme will guide
us on our adventures of music, art, sports, and more! Our variety camps are designed to encourage socialization,
exploration, and discovery in a structured and fun environment. Campers will visit the Hawthorn Woods Aquatic Center
once per week for one hour of swimming, weather permitting. Please register by May 15, 2023. Registration is limited.
*Session 2: no camp 7/4, make-up day is 7/7.

Woo dc hucks P r e s c h o o l C a m p                           Wo o d c h u c k s
A ge s 3-6 					                                                 Co u n s e lo r- In - Tra in in g
Mon - Thurs, 9:00 a.m. - Noon                                    Ag e s 1 3 - 1 5
Heritage Oaks Park - Baseball Pavilion                           Our Counselor in Training (CIT) program allows the
Fees per session: $300/Res; $345/Non-Res                         opportunity for your future counselor to work alongside
Session 1                                                        our counselors learning leadership and teamwork skills,
June 5 - June 29                                                 all while enjoying the fun of the camper experience.
Code: 3608                                                       Mon - Thurs, 9:00 a.m. - Noon
Session 2*                                                       Heritage Oaks Park
July 3 - July 27                                                 Fees per session: $225/Res; $260/Non-Res
Code: 3609                                                       Preschool Camp Session 1
                                                                 June 5 - June 29
Woo dc hucks A d v e n t u r e C a m p                           Code: 3604
A ge s 6-11                                                      Preschool Camp Session 2*
Mon - Thurs, 9:00 a.m. - Noon                                    July 3 - July 27
Heritage Oaks Park - Gazebo                                      Code: 3605
Fees per session: $285/Res; $328/Non-Res
                                                                 Adventure Camp Session 1
Session 1                                                        June 5 - June 29
June 5 - June 29                                                 Code: 3602
Code: 3600
                                                                 Adventure Camp Session 2*
Session 2*                                                       July 3 - July 27
July 3 - July 27                                                 Code: 3603
Code: 3601
                                                                 Sports & More Camp Session 1
                                                                 June 5 - June 29
Woo dc hucks Sp o r t s & M o r e C amp
                                                                 Code: 3606
A ge s 9-12
                                                                 Sports & More Camp Session 2*
Mon - Thurs, 9:00 a.m. - Noon
                                                                 July 3 - July 27
Heritage Oaks Park - Soccer Pavilion
                                                                 Code: 3607
Fees per session: $285/Res; $328/Non-Res
Session 1
June 5 - June 29
Code: 3610
Session 2*
July 3 - July 27
Code: 3611

                                  (847) 438-5500      |   v h w. o r g / P a r k s A n d R e c r e a t i o n                   3
Concerts in the Park
                 The sweet sound of summer is in the air! Our Concerts in the Park are a fun and festive gathering opportunity
                 for family, friends, and neighbors to enjoy good company and live music. Our schedule consists of local talent
                 playing a variety of different genres for all ages to enjoy. Concerts are held at the gazebo at Community Park
                 and are free to all attendees. Check out our 2023 schedule:

                         June 2		         6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.		          Bossydog (Rock, Pop, & Country)
                         June 9		         6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.		          Saturday June Band (Easy Rock)
                         June 16          6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 		         Second Time Around (Classic Rock)
                         June 23		        6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.		          Save the Clocktower (Original Alternative & Pop)
                         June 30		        6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.		          Ken Kuhn & Split Hook (60’s-90’s Easy Listening)
                         July 7		         6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.		          John Lambert (Classic Rock/Bluegrass)
                         July 14		        6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.		          Comstock Lode (Country Rock)
                         July 21		        6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.		          FunkTonic (Funk/Funkified Classic Rock)
                         July 28		        6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.		          Out of Storage Band (70’s & 80’s Classic Rock)
                         August 4         6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.		          Chicago Funk Band (Funk/Rhythm & Blues)
                         August 11        6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.		          Face N Time (Pop, Rock & Country)
                         August 18        6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 		         Deja Vu (Variety/Pop)
                         Thank you to our 2023 Concert in the Park series sponsor!
                         The Blackshaw-Messel Group of Compass Real Estate
                         11 S Evergreen Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL 60005
                         (847) 485-0016 | theblackshawmesselgroup.com

                 Movies in the Park
                 Catch a fun family flick now playing in a neighborhood near you! Movies in the Park feature family favorite movies on our
                 inflatable big screen at Community Park. Movies are suitable for all ages to enjoy. Check out our 2023 features:

                     Minions: The Rise of Gru                          Lightyear                            Lyle, Lyle Crocodile
                          Friday, June 16                            Friday, July 21                         Friday, August 18
                  8:30 p.m. (Movie begins at dusk)          8:30 p.m. (Movie begins at dusk)          8:00 p.m. (Movie begins at dusk)
                          Community Park                            Community Park                            Community Park

     4                               Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department              |   Summer 2023
4 th of Jul y Cel e b r a t i o n s
Since 1776, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence.

                                                                                                                                 SPECIAL EVENTS
Hawthorn Woods is proud to gather our community for a fireworks display and
celebratory parade to honor the occasion.
Visit us at vhw.org/SpecialEvents for complete event details.

F i rew or ks
Monday, July 3
Relax and watch as we light up the sky honoring our country and celebrating our
freedom. This event is complete with live music featuring The Centaurs, food
vendors, and a beer tent for those over 21 years of age. Bring your blanket and
chairs for a fun-filled night celebrating our country! Admission and standard parking
are free. Registration and fee required for premium parking.
Premium Paid Parking (registration required)
Premium paid parking is available for Hawthorn Woods residents on July 3, 2023, at Community Park, located at the
corner of Old McHenry and Quentin roads. Registration is required for premium parking; the fee is $25 per vehicle.
Registrations are non-refundable, but are transferrable. Registration is available online only (processing fee required),
starting on May 1, 2023. To register, please visit our online portal at: https://apm.activecommunities.com/vhw/Home
   • Premium Parking 			                  #3598
   • Premium Disability Parking 		        #3599

Par ade
Tuesday, July 4, 10:00 a.m.
Celebrate America with a march through town! We end our celebration with a a flag-
raising ceremony at Village Hall, which includes a rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner
performed by Kimberly Albrect, Hawthorn Woods resident.

Be come a S po n s o r !
The Village of Hawthorn Woods offers a variety of
sponsorship opportunities available to local businesses,
organizations, and groups. Sponsorship is a valuable
opportunity to gain exposure for your group and be part of
the community. We have a variety of opportunities available
in various price ranges to meet the financial and exposure
needs of your organization or business. Packages include
exposure in our weekly e-blast, on our social media
platforms, in printed newsletters, and more!

Fo r Mor e I nfor m a t i o n                                                                   Sa v e t h e Da t e !
Visit vhw.org/sponsorship                                                                      Pa rt y in t h e Pa rk
Contact: Amy Mason                                                                                Saturday, September 16
amason@vhw.org or (847) 847-3533                                       The Village of Hawthorn Woods is excitedly planning our 2nd
                                                                       annual Party in the Park event! This community event will be
                                                                       held at Community Park on Saturday, September 16 from
                                                                       4:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. This hometown celebration will consist
                                                                       of live music, food trucks, and activities and games for all
                                                                       ages. As the sun sets, the Party will feature adult libations,
                                                                       late-night music, and dancing. More details to come.

                                    (847) 438-5500      |   v h w. o r g / P a r k s A n d R e c r e a t i o n                        5

                    94 Midlothian Road
                 Hawthorn Woods, IL 60047
                      (847) 847-3504

                       O pe n i n g D a y
                    S atur d a y, M a y 2 7
                          Am e n i t i e s
                      6-lane, 25-yard Lap Pool
                       Zero-depth Activity Pool
                           2 Diving Boards
                            2 Water Slides
                      Spray & Activity Features
                          Climbing Feature
                   Group and Private Swim Lessons
                           Lap Swimming

                  Aquati c C e n t e r S t a f f
                    Teagan Johnson, Manager
                          (847) 847-3505

                 Danette Russell, Deputy Manager
                          (847) 847-3503

     6                       Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department   |   Summer 2023
Mem ber shi p & F e e s
                                                                                                                   Save 10%!

                                                                                                                                  AQUATIC CENTER
Membership passes to the Hawthorn Woods Aquatic Center for the 2023 season are
currently on sale. Purchase your pass before March 31 and save 10% with early bird                          Early Bird
rates! (Prices listed below are the standard rates and do not include any discounts).                      available t
2 02 3 S eason P a s s e s                                                                                    March 31!
			                  Res    Non-Res
Individual / Nanny		 $ 83		   $109
Family of 2			$167		$218
Family of 3			$249		$328
Family of 4			$293		$383
Family of 5			$336		$437
Additional Person		  $ 44		   $ 55
Senior (65+)			      $ 81		   $106

D aily Fees
			                      Res      Non-Res
Individual Daily			$12.00		$15.00
Youth /Senior			         $ 9.00		   $12.00
Ages 3 & under			        FREE		     FREE
Individual Twilight		    $ 6.00		   $ 7.50
Youth /Senior Twilight		 $ 4.50		   $ 6.00

F e e D escr i pti o n s
 •    Children age 3 and under are free.
 •    Youth is an individual ages 4–15.
 •    Senior is an individual 65 years of age or older.
 •    Twilight rates are available starting at 4:00 p.m. daily;
      Twilight rates are not available on holidays (Memorial Day and 4th of July).

2 02 3 Hour s

                                                                                                            Now Hiring!
Mon - Thurs		             Noon - 5:30 p.m.
			                       6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Fri			                    Noon - 7:00 p.m.
Sat & Sun		               11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                                          re you 16 y
                                                                                                                      ears of age
2 02 3 S chedul e                                                                                      or older an
                                                                                                                   d looking f
Opening Weekend: Saturday, May 27          11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.                                                              or a
                                                                                                             summer jo
Opening Weekend: Sunday, May 28            11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.                                                       b?
Memorial Day: Monday, May 29		             11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
May 30 - June 2				                        CLOSED
                                                                                                         Visit us onli
Starting June 3				                        Normal Hours                                                                ne for
4th of July: Tuesday, July 4		             11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.                                                t opportunit
Last Day of 2023: Sunday, August 13        11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.                                      and to dow             ies
                                                                                                                    nload an

     Visit vhw.org/HWAC for more information & updates.                                                            vhw.org/Jo

                                     (847) 438-5500       |   v h w. o r g / P a r k s A n d R e c r e a t i o n                       7
G r oup S w im L e s s o n s                                                         Priv a t e Swim Lessons
               Parent/Tot (Ages 6 months - 3 years)                                                 Private swim lesson requests may be

               The purpose of parent/tot aquatics is to teach safe behaviors around the             submitted starting March 1.
               water. Parents and tots will develop swimming readiness as we lead them              Advance your child’s swim skills with
               in water exploration activities with the objective of becoming comfortable           private swim lessons at the Hawthorn
               in and around water, all while having fun together. Classes are 30 minutes.          Woods Aquatic Center! Private (max:
               Water temperature is maintained at 84 degrees.                                       1 participant) and semi-private lessons
                                                                                                    (min/max: 2/4 participants) provide the
               Preschool (Ages 3 - 5 years old)
                                                                                                    opportunity for quality individual attention.
               This class aims to promote fundamental water safety and aquatic skills to
                                                                                                    We will match your child with the best
               young children. It teaches aquatic and safety skills in a logical progression
                                                                                                    instructor to acommodate their skill level
               through play. This class is for children who are not quite ready for the
                                                                                                    and needs. Children in semi-private
               larger pool. It is all about water adjustment. Classes are 30 minutes.
                                                                                                    lessons must be at the same swim level.
               Level 1 – Introduction to Water Skills (Ages 4 years & up)
               This class is for children who are ready to learn how to swim. After passing         Fees:
               this level, your child will be able to float on their front and back, kick and       30-Min Private Lessons:
               move their arms while swimming, and be able to swim in the large pool.               $30/Res; $40/Non-Res
               Classes are 45 minutes.                                                              30-Min Semi-Private Lessons:
               Level 2 – Fundamental Aquatic Skills (Ages 5 years & up)                             $20/Res; $30/Non-Res
               Swimmers will continue to develop skills learned in Level 1. In addition,
                                                                                                    Register for Private Swim Lessons:
               swimmers will learn how to breathe in coordination with arm movements,
                                                                                                    Please call or stop by the Aquatic Center
               while swimming on their front and back. Classes are 45 minutes.
                                                                                                    during operating hours to complete a
               Level 3 – Stroke Development (Ages 5 years & up)                                     Private Swim Lesson request form. Once
               In order to succeed in Level 3, swimmers must be comfortable in deep                 your request is placed with the appropriate
               water above their head, and have knowledge of front crawl and back crawl             instructor, your instructor will contact you
               with proper kick and arm movements. Swimmers will learn elementary                   to schedule your first lesson.
               backstroke, whip kick, dolphin kick, and scissors kick. Diving is introduced
               at this level. Classes are 45 minutes.
               Level 4 – Stroke Improvement (Ages 6 years & up)
               Level 4 will continue perfecting front and back crawl, along with learning breast stroke, side stroke, and butterfly. Students
               will learn aspects of competitive swimming by learning starts and turns. After completing this level, swimmers will be able
               to perform all of the swimming strokes. Classes are 45 minutes.
               Level 5 – Stoke Refinement (Ages 7 years & up)
               When a swimmer passes this level, they will have perfected each of the five strokes learned in Level 4, have knowledge
               of diving and flip turns, and will be ready for junior lifeguarding and swim team. Classes are 45 minutes.

    8                             Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department                  |    Summer 2023
G r ou p S w i m L e s s o n s
Swim lesson registration will open on March 1

                                                                                                                                      SWIM LESSONS
The Hawthorn Woods Aquatic Center Swim Lesson Program is structured using American Red Cross guidelines. Levels
are designed to build a foundation of basic swim skills that develop into mastering the different swim strokes. New
participants will be tested to assist you in placing them in the appropriate level.

Mornin g Lesso n s ( M o n d a y - T h u rs d a y )
                                    Session 1      Session 2             Session 3             Session 4           Fees
Level         Time                                                                                                          Min/Max
                                     Jun 5-15       Jun 19-29             Jul 10-20           Jul 24-Aug 3        (R/NR)
Preschool     9:30 - 10:00 a.m.        3574           3578                   3582                   3585         $68/$84     4/12
Preschool     10:05 - 10:35 a.m.       3575           3579                   3583                   3586         $68/$84     4/12
Level 1       9:10 - 9:55 a.m.         3492           3496                   3500                   3503         $84/$102    4/12
Level 1       10:00 - 10:45 a.m.       3493           3497                   3501                   3504         $84/$102    4/12
Level 2       9:10 - 9:55 a.m.         3507           3511                   3515                   3518         $84/$102    4/12
Level 2       10:00 - 10:45 a.m.       3508           3512                   3516                   3519         $84/$102    4/12
Level 3       9:10 - 9:55 a.m.         3522           3526                   3530                   3533         $84/$102    4/12
Level 3       10:00 - 10:45 a.m.       3523           3527                   3531                   3534         $84/$102    4/12
Level 4       9:10 - 9:55 a.m.         3537           3541                   3545                   3548         $84/$102     4/8
Level 4       10:00 - 10:45 a.m.       3538           3542                   3546                   3549         $84/$102     4/8
Level 5       9:10 - 9:55 a.m.         3552           3555                   3558                   3561         $84/$102     4/8
Level 5       10:00 - 10:45 a.m.       3553           3556                   3559                   3562         $84/$102     4/8

N igh t Lessons ( M o n d a y, Tu e s d a y & T h u rs d a y )
                                    Session 1      Session 2             Session 3             Session 4           Fees
 Level        Time                                                                                                          Min/Max
                                     Jun 5-15       Jun 19-29             Jul 10-20           Jul 24-Aug 3        (R/NR)
 Parent/Tot   5:35 - 6:05 p.m.           3566 (Tues Only)                       3570 (Tues Only)                 $34/$42     4/12
 Parent/Tot   5:35 - 6:05 p.m.          3565 (Thurs Only)                      3569 (Thurs Only)                 $34/$42     4/12
 Preschool    5:35 - 6:05 p.m.         3576           3580                   3584                   3587         $51/$63     4/12
 Level 1      5:35 - 6:20 p.m.         3494           3498                   3502                   3505         $63/$77     4/12
 Level 2      5:35 - 6:20 p.m.         3509           3513                   3517                   3520         $63/$77     4/12
 Level 3      5:35 - 6:20 p.m.         3524           3528                   3532                   3535         $63/$77     4/12
 Level 4      5:35 - 6:20 p.m.         3539           3543                   3547                   3550         $63/$77      4/8
 Level 5      5:35 - 6:20 p.m.         3554           3557                   3560                   3563         $63/$77      4/8

Saturday M or n i n g L e s s o n s
                                    Session 1      Session 2               Fees
 Level        Time                                                                         Min/Max
                                    Jun 10-Jul 1   Jul 15-Aug 5           (R/NR)
 Parent/Tot   9:45 - 10:15 a.m.        3567           3571               $34/$42               4/12
 Parent/Tot   10:20 - 10:50 a.m.       3568           3572               $34/$42               4/12
 Preschool    10:00 - 10:30 a.m.       3577           3581               $34/$42               4/12
 Level 1      10:00 - 10:45 a.m.       3495           3499               $42/$51               4/12
 Level 2      10:00 - 10:45 a.m.       3510           3514               $42/$51               4/12
 Level 3      10:00 - 10:45 a.m.       3525           3529               $42/$51               4/12
 Level 4      10:00 - 10:45 a.m.       3540           3544               $42/$51                4/8

                                   (847) 438-5500     |     v h w. o r g / P a r k s A n d R e c r e a t i o n                            9
AQUATIC PROGRAMS   Di ve Cam p ( A g e s 6 - 1 8 )
                   Learn the art of diving with proper form and technique. Dives
                   will take place from the side of the pool and on a 1-meter
                   board. Each child can progress at their own rate, beginning
                   with essential techniques, and improving strength, flexibility,
                   and mechanics. Advanced students will work on each of the
                   five dive categories: forward, back, reverse, inward, and
                   twist. Participants must be able to swim 25 yards and tread
                   water for 1 minute.
                   Fees per class: $126/Res; $153/Non-Res
                   Session 1: Mon - Thurs, June 5 - June 15
                   8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.		         9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
                   Code: 3481			                   Code: 3485
                   Session 2: Mon - Thurs, June 19 - June 29
                   8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.		        9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
                   Code: 3482			                  Code: 3486
                   Session 3: Mon - Thurs, July 10 - July 20
                   8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.		         9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
                   Code: 3483			                   Code: 3487
                                                                                         Wa t e r Dra g o n s Swim Team
                   Session 4: Mon - Thurs, July 24 - August 3
                                                                                         ( Ag e s 6 - 1 8 )
                   8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.		         9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.                First Practice: 		        June 5
                   Code: 3484			                   Code: 3488                            Meets: 			                Select Wednesdays
                                                                                         			                       June 21 - July 19
                   Ear l y M or n i n g L a p S w i m                                    Conference Meet:          July 26
                   Mon - Fri, June 5 - July 28, 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.                    The Water Dragons Swim Team will continue to
                   Whether you are training for a triathlon or looking for a leisurely   swim for the Northern Illinois Swim Conference
                   workout swim, the Aquatic Center welcomes you to join like-           for the 2023 season. Our coaches will challenge
                   minded swimmers during our designated early morning lap               your swimmer to develop their form, increase their
                   swim. The Aquatic Center has six lanes available during this          speed, and build their endurance. Meets will be held
                   time. All levels are welcome; circle swimming is encouraged.          select Wednesdays, in the evening, between June
                   (Weather depending)                                                   21 - July 19. A detailed schedule will be provided.
                   Fees:                                                                 Registration information:
                   Members           Included in membership                              Please register by May 31, 2023. Include your
                   Ind. Daily        $6/Res; $8/Non-Res                                  swimmer’s shirt size on your registration form. All
                                                                                         swimmers must pass a skills test at the first practice.
                                                                                         Practice Schedule: Mon - Fri, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
                                                                                         Fee: $265/Res; $316/Non-Res
                                                                                         Ages 6 – 10 | Code: 3589
                                                                                         Ages 6-10 must be able to swim all of the following:
                                                                                         25 yards freestyle; 25 yards backstroke; 25 yards
                                                                                         breaststroke; basic butterfly stroke or passes Level
                                                                                         4 swim class.
                                                                                         Ages 11 – 18 | Code: 3588
                                                                                         Ages 11-18 must be able to swim all of the
                                                                                         following: 50 yards freestyle with open turns; 50
                                                                                         yards backstroke; 50 yards breaststroke; 50 yards

      10                              Hawthorn Woods Parks & Recreation Department                 |   Summer 2023
     Call us
    4 7) 847-3504
       to book                                                       Af t e r- Ho u rs
       starting                                                      Priv a t e Po o l Pa rt y Re n t a ls
        April 1!                                                     Reservations available Friday - Sunday,
                                                                     6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
                                                                     The first ½ hour takes place during open swim hours;
                                                                     the last 1½ hours are private. An additional hour may be
D ay ti m e P ool P a r t y R e n t a l s                            added to beginning of the rental, if available. Lifeguards
Admission is not included in daytime rental fees.                    and staff included in rental. No after-hours rentals
Admission will be charged at the group rate and will                 available after August 13, 2023.
include all-day pool access for guests.
                                                                     Ac t iv it y /Slid e Po o l Re n t a l
O ut do or Tabl e R e n t a l s                                      $345/Res; $390/Non-Res
Reservations available during normal operating hours at              Includes 2 hours of use of the outdoor party deck and the
specified 2-hour time blocks.                                        activity pool with 2 slides, zero-depth entry, and spray
$60/Res; $70/Non-Res                                                 features, for up to 125 guests.
Includes a reserved area with seating under our large
umbrella for up to 40 guests for 2 hours. Reservation                M a in /Div in g Po o l Re n t a l
time must be during normal pool operating hours.                     $385/Res; $435/Non-Res
                                                                     Includes 2 hours of use of the outdoor party deck and our
Pr i vate Acti vi t y / S l i d e                                    main pool with 6 lap lanes, diving well with two 1-meter
Poo l Rental                                                         boards, for up to 125 guests.
Reservations available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and
Friday, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.                                      Aq u a t ic F u ll F a c ilit y Re n t a l
$125/Res; $150/Non-Res                                               $530/Res; $580/Non-Res
Includes a reserved area with seating for up to 40 guests            Includes use of all outdoor pool facilities (main pool,
for 90 minutes. Includes 60 minutes of private use of the            activity pool, diving well, slides) for up to 250 guests.
activity pool and slides, and 30 minutes of open swim.

Flick & Float
Friday, July 28
6:30 p.m. (Movie begins at dusk)
Hawthorn Woods Aquatic Center
Free for Members and children under 3
Fees: $5 for kids (ages 4-15) and seniors (ages 65+); $7 for adults (ages 16-64)
Lights. Camera. Action! Spend an evening at the Hawthorn Woods Aquatic Center with
family and friends watching the popular movie, Luca, while enjoying a dip in the pool!
Bring your favorite individual inflatables for this one night event (please no giant rafts,
only smaller individual floatation devices; these devices will not be allowed during regular
open swim hours, only during this event).

                                     (847) 438-5500       |   v h w. o r g / P a r k s A n d R e c r e a t i o n                  11
                                                                                                                 U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                                                                  Permit No. 68
                                                                                                                  Lake Zurich, IL
         2 Lagoon Drive
   Hawthorn Woods, IL 60047
 (847) 438-5500 | www.vhw.org

2 02 3 P l ans an d P r o j e c t s
The Village of Hawthorn Woods proudly owns and maintains 24 parks and preserves totaling over 180 acres. Our
parks serve as gathering spaces, keep us in touch with nature, and are home to many sporting events. In 2023, we will
continue to invest in our park system, including these upcoming significant projects:
   • The refurbishment of the tennis practice wall at Bridlewoods Park.

   • Buckthorn remediation will be conducted at Woodland Park, and new trees will be planted.
   • We will continue with Phase 2 of the development of Indian Creek Preserve. This includes continued buckthorn
      remediation, tree canopy expansion, implementation of a ½-mile walking trail and a ½-acre pollinator meadow,
      as well as the installation of a “Little Library.”
   • The basketball court at Heritage Oaks Park will be restored/resurfaced.
   • The baseball infields at Heritage Oaks Park and Community Park will be upgraded.
In addition, we are continuing to pursue grant opportunities, and if successful, we hope to complete additional projects
and enhancements in 2023.

Vol un teer
Invest your time into your community! We are seeking volunteers to assist us with park beautification projects. Join us
on one or both of our upcoming volunteer work days this summer.
Saturday, June 10, 9:00 a.m. - Noon at Community Park
We will be planting trees around the Hawthorn Heritage Museum Trail.
Saturday, July 8, 9:00 a.m. - Noon at Meadowlark Park and Arboretum
We will be performing teasel eradication to ensure a healthy habitat.
To register to volunteer, please visit vhw.org/parks and click on the appropriate “sign up” link. Please wear a loose
long-sleeve top, appropriate footwear, and work/gardening gloves when attending a volunteer work day. For questions,
please contact Brian Sullivan at bsullivan@vhw.org or (847) 847-3531.

                                         P a r k P a v ilio n & Ga ze b o Re n t a ls
                                         The Village of Hawthorn Woods offers outdoor shelters available for rental
                                         at Heritage Oaks Park and Community Park. The shelters are perfect family-
                                         friendly areas to host a reunion, birthday party, or your next special event. For
                                         more information, please visit us online at vhw.org/rentals or contact Teagan
                                         at tjohnson@vhw.org or (847) 847-3505.

v h w. o r g / P a r k s A n d R e c r e a t i o n
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