Harvia Sauna Saunas Bathroom saunas Infrared cabins Products for steam rooms

Page created by Albert Harvey
Harvia Sauna Saunas Bathroom saunas Infrared cabins Products for steam rooms
Harvia Sauna
Saunas • Bathroom saunas • Infrared cabins • Products for steam rooms

                                                                        Natural well-being.
Harvia Sauna Saunas Bathroom saunas Infrared cabins Products for steam rooms
Table of Contents

                 3      The relaxing elements of nature

                 5      Your sauna – an oasis of good feeling

                 7      Variant sauna

                 9      Rondium sauna

                11      Claro sauna

                13      Rubic sauna

                15      Bathroom saunas

                18      Infrared cabins

               21       Special saunas and infrared cabins,
              		        products for steam rooms

               22       Outdoor sauna

                24      Sauna interiors

               26       Doors and windows                                        Novelty!
               27       Colour lights, decorative stone wall
              		        and sauna products                                       Harvia Claro sauna
                                                                                 Glass, light and beautiful contrast – read more
               28       Sauna heaters
                                                                                 about the new Harvia Claro sauna on page 11.
               28       Harvia sauna expertise, panelling
              		        alternatives, details in saunas

                29      Floor plans                                              The instructions for installation and use of all
                                                                                 the products can be found on website at

    Harvia products are designed and manufactured with the envi-     The material of this brochure has also been selected with respect
    ronment in mind. Sustainable choices are not only good for the   for nature. It has been pressed on Maxi Satin paper in which
    environment, they are also good for people. The Harvia Cares     manufacture has been used wood from PEFC Certified forests.
    symbol demonstrates that Harvia is committed to sustainable
Harvia Sauna Saunas Bathroom saunas Infrared cabins Products for steam rooms
The relaxing elements of nature.
Harvia is more than just a sauna. With more than 60     you from Harvia’s extensive range. Harvia sauna will
years of experience in developing the best Finnish      exceed your every expectation.
sauna products, Harvia knows what makes a truly
enjoyable sauna bath. Harvia sauna combines the         In addition to the traditional sauna, Harvia’s product
relaxing elements of nature – wood, stone and water     range includes relaxing infrared cabins and high-
– to bring you to an oasis of good feeling. The sauna   quality steam room products. The soft warmth
is a beauty treatment, a moment to pamper yourself,     of Harvia products offers you health benefits:
to relax after a run or a hard day. A Harvia sauna is   improved blood circulation and immunity, relief from
an aesthetic pleasure, an experience for your senses.   muscle pain, stress relief, and physical and mental
You can easily find the perfect sauna products for      relaxation.

                             Natural well-being.
Harvia Sauna Saunas Bathroom saunas Infrared cabins Products for steam rooms
Harvia Sauna Saunas Bathroom saunas Infrared cabins Products for steam rooms
Your sauna – an oasis of good feeling.
Harvia saunas are comprehensive solutions. You          windows, benches, panels, decorative stone walls
get Harvia’s high-quality products, aesthetic design    and other Harvia products. Harvia provides you with
and easy assembly – all in the same package, from       the freedom and high-quality products to make your
the same supplier. Create your own unique sauna         sauna a unique and beautiful oasis of good feeling.
experience with Harvia.
                                                        A modern bathroom sauna is an ideal solution for
Harvia – everything you need for your sauna.            small bathroom. A wide variety of materials and
Harvia’s comprehensive collection comprises             equipment allows you to create your own special
everything from high-quality standard products          style, just the way you want it.
to exquisite special products. Harvia design takes
modern human needs as well as the demands of heat       If you want to enjoy a genuine Finnish sauna in its
and moisture in a sauna into careful consideration.     more traditional form, you should choose a Harvia
You can choose from Variant, Rondium, Claro and         Outdoor sauna. Experience the enjoyment of a sauna
Rubic indoor saunas and one of our five alternative     in your garden or next to your swimming pool. Many
sauna interiors. Furnish your sauna exactly as          unforgettable moments are guaranteed.
you like it, with sauna heaters, lights, glass doors,

Harvia Sauna Saunas Bathroom saunas Infrared cabins Products for steam rooms
Harvia Sauna Saunas Bathroom saunas Infrared cabins Products for steam rooms
S2222R                                                            S2522M

         Variant sauna                     Create your own oasis.

         The basic layout of the Harvia Variant   You can choose the interior design        The benches, as well as the sauna
         sauna is ample and provides you          of your Variant sauna from Harvia’s       interior, are designed ergonomically
         with the opportunity for a variety of    five stylish alternatives (p. 22–23). A   and following original Finnish sauna
         different arrangements. The Variant      Variant sauna is completely insulated     traditions.
         sauna is also the most flexible of       and, therefore, very energy efficient.
         Harvia’s sauna designs: you have five    Metallic corner pieces on the corners     The benches, headrests and backrests
         options (spruce, pine, aspen, alder      of the fascia board give your sauna a     are made from easy-care abachi wood
         and heat-treated aspen) for wall and     distinctive look.                         as standard. High-quality bench de-
         ceiling panelling, and you can choose                                              sign and soft sauna lighting guarantee
         the windows and the tone of the doors    The Harvia Variant sauna represents       your enjoyment.
         that best match your personal taste.     the modern Finnish sauna at its best.

Harvia Sauna Saunas Bathroom saunas Infrared cabins Products for steam rooms
Harvia Sauna Saunas Bathroom saunas Infrared cabins Products for steam rooms

Rondium sauna                       One of a kind.

Harvia’s Rondium sauna is the perfect     close to the floor. Heat-treated aspen,      who enjoy a soft, humid sauna bath
choice for bathers who want to pamper     aspen or alder is used for the exterior      with an aromatic atmosphere. The
themselves. A rounded double door         panelling. Aspen is used on the interior     heater is controlled by a digital Griffin
and decorative external stainless         walls and ceiling.                           Combi control unit, which allows you
steel soffit with LED lights completes                                                 to control the temperature, humidity,
this stylish sauna model. Decorative      The tasteful Exclusive sauna interior,       and lighting of your sauna.
stainless steel elements in the outside   with detachable benches, is made of
walls create a modern look. Even the      abachi and heat-treated aspen. The           Harvia colour light brings the
base frame is steel-covered. This         decorative stone wall gives this sauna       magnificence of colours into your
gives a stylish, modern appearance        a stylish contrast. The Topclass Combi       sauna. It is controlled by Griffin Colour
and provides protection from moisture     is a versatile heater especially for those   Light control unit.

Harvia Sauna Saunas Bathroom saunas Infrared cabins Products for steam rooms

Claro sauna                     Clarify your thoughts.

The large transparent glass front of       terior a solid rhythm. The unique Har-    Harvia Kivi heater is well suited to the
the Harvia Claro gives the sauna a spa-    via Ventura benches make use of the       nature of the sauna – the heater pro-
cious feeling. The outer wall surface is   same design language, adding a bench      duces a traditional soft sauna bath
black painted wood board, which cre-       that is very pleasant to sit on.          in a modern way. The triangular steel
ates a beautiful contrast against the                                                frame with nearly 100 kg of sauna
light wooden corners.                      Light is one of the key concepts in the   stones looks impressive through the
                                           Claro sauna. Light comes in through       glass front. Also the stylish Harvia
On the inside, the well-thought bal-       the glass front – and when needed,        sauna accessories set of stainless
ance between light and dark contin-        the corner lamps and a LED strip in the   steel is included in the delivery.
ues in unison with the outer surface.      upper bench give their warm-toned
Black spacing between the rectangu-        support.
lar panel sheets gives the sauna in-

S2121RC                                                                      S2123RC

Rubic sauna                      A message from the future.

The Harvia Rubic sauna unites metal,         the adjustable legs protect the walls     A Topclass Combi heater in your Harvia
wood and glass creating a harmonious         and structures of the sauna from the      Rubic sauna provides a steamy and
whole. The sturdy metal profiles in          humidity on the floor.                    moist sauna bathing experience. The
the corners give the cubical sauna                                                     heater is controlled by a digital Griffin
integrity. There are rectangular panel       The alliance of the materials is          Combi control unit, which allows you
sheets above the black wood board of         continued on the interior as well.        to control the temperature, humidity,
the side and back walls. Choose the          The stainless steel strips have been      and lighting of your sauna. The control
material of the panel sheets and the         embedded into the edges of the            unit is stylishly embedded in the metal
interior panelling from aspen, alder, or     Harvia Futura benches. The same line      corner profile. A Harvia decorative
heat-treated aspen.                          is continued on the light fittings and    stone wall has been mounted behind
                                             heater guard. The interior features       the heater. Also the stylish Harvia
Glass is used in the front wall. Grates      modern slim battening. Select the         sauna accessories set of stainless
that express the style of the interior       material for your Futura sauna interior   steel is included in the delivery.
have been installed in front of the glass.   from aspen, abachi, alder or heat-
The steel-covered base frame and             treated aspen.

Bathroom saunas                           An ideal solution for a small space.

        Harvia offers a complete new range of   Bathroom sauna can be installed al-       Select your favourite from Sirius, Capel-
        high quality saunas. Harvia bathroom    most anywhere, in apartments, hotels,     la or CapellaDual models and pick the
        saunas are designed especially for      ships etc. Bathroom sauna is well-suit-   size which suits your purposes best. It
        bathroom’s scarce space and humid       ed as a renovation product but it fits    is also possible to manufacture a tai-
        conditions. The wall elements are of    in new constructions as well. Assem-      lor-made bathroom sauna according to
        water, humidity and thermal insulated   bly of a bathroom sauna is a matter of    your needs and wishes. Please contact
        material. The waterproof sidewall       hours.                                    your local dealer.
        of the sauna can also be used as a
        shower wall.


CapellaDual (SC1409D)                                 Sirius (SC1111K)
SC1412                                                    SC1111K

     Sirius bathroom sauna

     Harvia Sirius is a stylish and modern      alder. The Formula sauna interior is      The stylish Harvia sauna accessories
     bathroom sauna model with plenty of        available also in aspen. Also Futura      set of stainless steel is included in
     glass surface at front. The width of the   sauna interior model can be selected,     the delivery. Tall, modern door handle
     bench is over 100 cm in each model,        the wood material options are aspen,      gives the finishing touch for Sirius
     so there is room for two persons to re-    alder, heat-treated aspen and otie. In-   model.
     lax and enjoy the sauna bath of Harvia     stead of the standard alder panelling,
     Vega Compact heater.                       you can select aspen or heat-treated      Options available: fibre optic lights, up-
                                                aspen.                                    per covering ribs and side cover.
     In the standard delivery the Formula
     sauna interior and panelling are of

SC1409                                             SC1409D

Capella and CapellaDual bathroom sauna

The Harvia Capella bathroom sauna          shower: the sauna can be converted        a modern appearance and bringing a
for two is an ideal solution for a small   into a spacious modern shower simply      feeling of space to the bathroom. The
bathroom, adding a touch of luxury         by folding up the bench. CapellaDual’s    stylish Harvia sauna accessories set
while taking up no more space than a       bench, stool and panelling are of heat-   of stainless steel is included in the
standard bathtub. It can be built even     treated aspen with paraffin oil treat-    delivery.
in a space no bigger than 145 x 90 cm.     ment. Shower set and installation hose
                                           kit are included in the delivery.         Options available: floor basin (for mod-
Capella bathroom sauna’s benches,                                                    els SC1409 and SC1409D), fibre optic
stool and panelling are of alder. Capel-   Both models are equipped with space       lights, upper covering ribs and side
laDual model is a combined sauna and       saving sliding doors, giving the sauna    cover.

Rondium SG1515KL                                    Radiant SGC0909BR                          Radiant SGC1210BR

           Infrared cabins                     Relax whenever it suits you.

           An infrared cabin lets you relax in        detail. The different wood materials,        Radiant infrared cabin
           warmth whenever it best suits you.         combined with metal, give the cabin a        The Radiant infrared cabins have a
           The warmth of the infrared cabin           unique and distinguished look. The dec-      modern design and plenty of glass
           comes from heat radiator elements          orative external stainless steel soffit is   surfaces. The large heating elements
           which produce dry, long-wave heat.         equipped with three LED lights. Even         are positioned so that the long-wave
           The healthy warmth is similar to that      the base frame is steel-covered, which       heat can reach all parts of your body.
           produced by the sun. The infrared radi-    gives a stylish, modern appearance.
           ation provides you with an all-encom-                                                   You can set the operating time and
           passing feeling of relaxation.             Light-coloured aspen is used on the          temperature of the Radiant infrared
                                                      interior walls and ceiling. The benches      cabin with the easy-to-use control
           Infrared warmth also offers you sev-       are made from aspen and heat-treated         panel. You can even listen to your fa-
           eral health benefits: improved blood       aspen. Heat-treated aspen, aspen or          vourite music on the cabin’s built-in
           circulation and immunity, relief from      alder is used for the exterior panelling.    radio/CD player.
           muscle pain, stress relief, and physi-
           cal and mental relaxation. An infra-       The rounded glass corner with double         Radiant infrared cabin’s interior is
           red cabin can be installed in any dry      door is made without a threshold, so it’s    made of hemlock wood, a pleasant-
           space, for example in your bedroom.        easily accessible even by wheelchair.        scented, light-coloured wood related
                                                      There are three sizes of Rondium in-         to pine. The outer surface is dark wal-
           Rondium infrared cabin                     frared cabin to choose from. The Harvia      nut veneer. Choose from two different-
           The Rondium infrared cabin is in a class   Griffin Infra control unit is used to con-   sized models.
           of its own when it comes to finish and     trol the Rondium infrared cabin.

Special saunas and infrared cabins,
products for steam rooms         Wellness tailor-made for your space and your wishes.

Harvia’s standard range of saunas and     cabin from Harvia’s standard range.       reliability, trouble-free operation and
infrared cabins is one of the widest on   For saunas built into low attic spaces    the relaxing steam bath experience
the market. However, it is always pos-    or under stairs, 45-degree corners can    have been the main design principles.
sible that the planned location cannot    be used and the ceiling can be slanted.   A fragrance pump, Harvia Eucalyp-
accommodate a standard model. Har-        For commercial saunas, Harvia offers      tus fragrance for steam room, and an
via’s special product department pro-     extra-firm bench structures and wall      automatic discharge valve are avail-
duces tailor-made saunas and infrared     frames.                                   able as accessories. They’ll make your
cabins according to your exact needs                                                pampering steam room experience
and wishes. All designs are based on      Products for steam rooms                  better than ever.
traditional Harvia expertise and sauna    Harvia also offers products for a high-
technology. Special saunas and infra-     quality and easy-to-use steam room        The Harvia aluminium frame door is a
red cabins can be built according to      solution. Harvia HGX is a compact, yet    perfect steam room door because of
measurements provided by the cus-         efficient steam generator intended for    its tight fit and excellent resistance to
tomer.                                    private and spa use. Harvia HGP is a      humidity.
                                          steam generator designed for high
You can choose the door and windows       output demanding spa use. Both share
for your special sauna or infrared        the same basic construction, in which

                                                   Harvia HGP steam generator   Harvia HGX steam generator   Aluminium frame door

Kuikka                                                Keitele

     Outdoor sauna                      Enjoy nature.

     Harvia sauna – genuine Finnish sauna     electric sauna heater, you will find the    Whether next to your swimming pool,
     enjoyment. The feeling of the open air   same distinguished Harvia sauna spir-      in your green garden or in the middle
     on your skin. A combination you have     it in your Outdoor sauna.                  of a humming forest, a Harvia Outdoor
     to experience! For centuries in Fin-                                                sauna offers you authentic, peaceful
     land, the sauna was a separate build-    The Harvia Outdoor sauna package de-       moments of enjoyment.
     ing with its own unique features.        livery is much more than just the sau-
                                              na building itself! The delivery pack-
     Now you can experience the same at-      age includes all the necessary wood,
     mosphere with Harvia Outdoor sauna       roof and fastening materials and, ac-
     models: Kuikka and Keitele.              cording to your choice, a woodburning
                                              sauna stove with steel chimney or an
     Whether you choose a traditional         electric sauna heater.
     woodburning sauna stove or an easier


Ventura   Sauna interiors
          Furnish your sauna according to your own taste.

          When you buy a Harvia Variant sauna, you select the wood
          material for the walls and ceiling and the sauna interior
          of your choice. Harvia’s sauna interior packages include
          benches, backrests and other elements to complete your
          sauna. You can also furnish your sauna with separately-
          selected Harvia glass doors and colour lights to enhance the
          atmosphere. You can choose from six interior alternatives:
          Ventura, Scala, Futura, Solar, Exclusive and Formula.

< The Futura benches in the
                                                                                                                     picture have been treated
                                                                                                                     with paraffin oil to beautifully
                                                                                                                     accentuate      the     shades
                                                                                                                     of the wooden surfaces.
                                                                                                                     By protecting the wooden
                                                                                                                     surfaces with paraffin oil,
                                                                                                                     you can decrease the amount
                                                                                                                     of moisture and dirt that is
                                                                                                                     absorbed into the wood.

                                                                                                                     The Harvia Sauna Care Set is
                                                                                                                     an easy way to clean and treat
                                                                                                                     the wooden surfaces in your
                                                                                                                     sauna. The package includes
                                                                                                                     everything for cleaning and
                                                                                                                     freshening up your sauna.
Solar                                                           Futura

            Ventura                                      of materials brings a message of          with Exclusive. The benches, backrests
            Something completely new for your            the future saunas. The steel strip        and bench surrounds are made of
            sauna! Ventura’s benches, backrests          embedded in the front of the bench and    abachi, aspen or alder according to
            and bench surrounds are made of              the slim battening used on the benches    your taste. The Exclusive style can be
            form-pressed veneer glued in layers.         give the Futura sauna interior a modern   enhanced with alder or heat-treated
            Thanks to the rounded bench finishing        look. Choose the material of the          aspen decoration that frames the
            it is very pleasant to sit on the benches.   benches from abachi, aspen, alder or      benches, backrests and the curved
            Lamps are integrated in the backrests.       heat-treated aspen. The backrests and     corner module.
                                                         bench surrounds are made of the same
            Scala                                        material with the benches. Lamps are      Formula
            Harvia Scala is a different and straight-    integrated in the backrests.              Simple lines, fresh forms. Formula is the
            forward bench solution for middle-                                                     right interior for you if you appreciate
            sized or large saunas. The lower bench       Solar                                     linear design. The basic Variant sauna
            spanning from wall to wall and the stre-     A new type of design. An interesting      package includes the Formula interior
            amlined upper bench give the sauna           rhythm of colour and lines. If you want   made of abachi unless you specifically
            a modern look. Instead of fixed upper        your sauna to be really memorable,        select another wood material or interior
            benches, Scala is also available with        Solar is for you. You can choose from     design. Formula uses abachi, aspen,
            separate benches which can be placed         abachi, aspen, alder or heat-treated      alder or heat-treated aspen as the
            freely on the wide lower bench. The ma-      aspen for the bench material, backrests   material for the benches, backrests and
            terial options are heat-treated aspen        and bench surrounds in Solar.             bench surrounds.
            and heat-treated pine.
                                                         Exclusive                                  ! The Ventura, Futura, Solar and Exclusive
            Futura                                       Bright wood surfaces. Soft, tasteful      interior’s benches are detachable and
            Wood and metal – a bold combination          lines. Furnish your sauna elegantly       therefore make cleaning an easy task.

Exclusive                                                                           Formula
Harvia sauna doors                            A glass door allows soft light to enter your sauna.

     Harvia all-glass sauna doors have been     Harvia double door
     specifically designed for sauna use.       The Harvia double door is specially
     The glass used in the doors is tempered    designed for larger Variant and special
     8 mm safety glass. Seals keep the heat     saunas. It brings a feeling of space to
     in the sauna room and make sure that       the bathroom and sauna facilities and
     the door closes smoothly. Choose from      combines the two spaces into one
     warm bronze, smoky grey, modern            stylish whole. The glass can be bronze
     clear or stylish satin glass.              or clear.

     Glass doors increase brightness and        Harvia aluminium frame door
     impression of space. They are also safer   Because of its excellent moisture
     and make it easier for you to keep an      resistance, the stylish Harvia aluminium
                                                                                                  Knob door handle   Vertical door handle
     eye on children from inside the sauna.     frame door is an excellent choice for any         as a standard.     as an option.
     Glass doors are also maintenance-          steam room or sauna. This sealed door
     free decade after decade. The doors        is made from 8 mm tempered safety
     shown in the photos are available for      glass. The Harvia aluminium frame
     Variant and special saunas. The door       door is available as both a single and a
     frame material matches the sauna           double all-glass door. The glass colour
     wall panels. The knob door handle is a     options are bronze, smoky grey, clear
     standard and the vertical door handle      and satin.
     is an option. The hinges are adjustable.

     S-door                G-door                G-door                  Aluminium frame door     Double door
     Satin                 Clear                 Bronze                  Smoky grey               Clear

     Harvia sauna windows                                  Soft light filters through the glass and touches the surface of the wood.

     One or more windows can be added
     to Variant saunas. All Harvia windows
     are made of 8 mm tempered safety
     glass. Choose from warm bronze,
     modern clear or stylish satin glass.
     Like all Harvia sauna structures, the
     windows also meet the strictest safety

                                                               Window 4 x 8              Window 4 x 15
                                                               Glass 400 x 850 mm,       Glass 400 x 1500 mm,
                                                               bronze. Available also    bronze. Available also
                                                               in clear and satin.       in clear and satin.

Colour light

Harvia colour lights
The magnificence of colours.
With Harvia colour light, the atmosphere you
desire is in your hands. Colours have a significant
effect on the overall health of human beings.
Harvia’s colour light system consists of a colour
light device and a Griffin Colour Light control
unit. The system can be installed in medium-
                                                                                      Futura colour light
sized and large saunas. The colour light device
contains four different coloured halogen lamps
(green, red, blue and yellow). With the colour
light control unit you can set the desired colour
light, adjust brightness and speed of the colour
light alteration. Colour light is for interior models
Exclusive and Solar. Futura colour light matches
nicely to Formula and Futura interior models.

Harvia decorative stone wall
Innovative sauna decoration.
Harvia decorative stone wall helps you to easily
create a stylish sauna. It can easily be attached
directly onto the sauna panelling. Decorative stone
wall is made of quality ceramic stone imitation.
The size of the wall element, which is designed for
Harvia’s ready-made-saunas, is 534 x 1870 mm.
The lower part of the decorative stone wall element
is made of stylish brushed steel, on which you
can mount a heater. Harvia also offers decorative
stone wall for higher saunas. The size of this
model is 534 x 2040 mm.

                                                        534 x 1870 mm 534 x 2040 mm

Sauna products to
complement your enjoyment
Harvia’s broad range of products offers you
everything from high-quality, clean sauna stones
to buckets, thermo-hygrometers and sauna

Sauna heaters
     Pioneers in technology and design.

     A stylish and high-quality Harvia heater is the heart
     of your sauna. Harvia’s popular heaters have always
     been pioneers in their product group: elegant, durable
     and economic. The versatile product range and the
     heaters’ ease of use are proof of high-quality design.

     Some Harvia heaters are controlled by a separate
     control unit. More detailed information about Harvia
     sauna heaters is available in the brochures for Harvia
     electric heaters and woodburning products and also at

Heaters for private saunas

    Compact                   Vega Compact              Delta, Delta EE               Delta Combi          Topclass                 Moderna                 Sound
    Output: 2,0–3,0 kW        Output: 2,3–3,5 kW        Output: 2,3–3,6 kW            Output: 2,9 kW       Output: 3,0–8,0 kW       Output: 4,5–8,0 kW      Output: 4,5–9,0 kW
    Sauna room: 1,2–4 m3      Sauna room: 1,3–4,5 m3    Sauna room: 1,3–4,5 m3        Sauna room: 1,5–4 m3 Sauna room: 2–12 m3      Sauna room: 3–12 m3     Sauna room: 3–14 m3

    Vega                Classic Electro          Fuga                    Figaro                      Kivi                        Cilindro, Cilindro H & F   Classic Quatro
    Output: 4,5–9,0 kW  Output: 6,0–8,0 kW       Output: 6,0–9,0 kW      Output: 6,8–9,0 kW          Output: 6,9–9,0 kW          Output: 6,8–9,0 kW         Output: 6,8–9,0 kW
    Sauna room: 3–14 m3 Sauna room: 5–12 m3      Sauna room: 5–14 m3     Sauna room: 6–14 m3         Sauna room: 6–14 m3         Sauna room: 6–14 m3        Sauna room: 6–14 m3

                                                                                                    Heaters for large private and commercial saunas

Globe                      Forte                       Topclass Combi            Steamer             Senator, Senator Combi          Hidden Heater          Elegance
Output: 6,9–10,5 kW        Output: 4,0–9,0 kW          Output: 5,0–9,0 kW        Extra equipment     Output: 7,0–10,5 kW             Output: 6,0–12,0 kW    Output: 10,5–18,0 kW
Sauna room: 6–15 m3        Sauna room: 5–15 m3         Sauna room: 3–14 m3       Output: 2,0 kW      Sauna room: 6–15 m3             Sauna room: 6–17 m3    Sauna room: 9–35 m3

                                                                                         Control units              Woodburning sauna stoves

                                                                                                                    For steam rooms

                                                                                                                                                             Harvia HGX/HGP
   Club, Club Combi           Legend                      Profi                                                                                              steam generators
   Output: 11,0–15,0 kW       Output: 11,0–16,5 kW        Output: 20,0–33,0 kW                                                                               Power: 4,5–30,0 kW
   Sauna room: 9–24 m3        Sauna room: 9–35 m3         Sauna room: 18–66 m3                                                                               Steam output capacity:
                                                                                                                                                             5,5–40,2 kg/h

Superior sauna expertise based on years of tradition.
        In Finland, we really know how to handle wood and build                  A Harvia sauna can be installed anywhere: in indoor spaces,
        saunas. This expertise has developed over the years, but the             bathrooms, basements or attics. Every Harvia sauna comes
        basis for everything is still the tradition of sauna expertise           with clear instructions for assembly, so you can assemble
        and the skill of handling wood that is embedded in the Finnish           the sauna yourself or you can use one of the trained,
        genes. Many functional and innovative solutions are born from            professional assemblers employed by many Harvia dealers.
        these traditions. All Harvia saunas are manufactured from                Ask your local dealer for further information.
        tough, slowly-grown wood. The trees are felled in accordance
        with strict EU environmental standards.

        Panelling alternatives
        Spruce panelling is slowly grown, healthy and tough Finnish              Aspen is a traditional sauna material because of its character-
        softwood with sound knots that enliven the surface. Spruce               istics. Aspen’s light and even colour is long-lasting and cre-
        secretes very little resin, and the wood retains its light colour        ates a fresh atmosphere inside your sauna.
        for many years.                                                          Alder has a refined shade of red which deepens with age. It is
        Pine panelling is made of pure pine board that has a slightly            slightly variegated and easy to care.
        red tinge. Its looks improve with age, and it darkens beautiful-         Heat-treated aspen preserves its shape well as the years
        ly as the years pass. Its faint fragrance of pine resin reminds          pass. It is the darkest in colour of Harvia panelling material
        you of fresh pine forests.                                               and also has a pleasant scent. You can accentuate the shade
                                                                                 of the wood with paraffin oil.

            Spruce                       Pine                        Aspen                       Alder                        Heat-treated aspen

     Details in saunas

     Door handle                           Adjustable legs                       Benches                               Safe floorboard
     Harvia uses a knob door handle        Harvia saunas are delivered with      The carpentry skills at Harvia are    Harvia saunas are delivered
     and a magnetic latch in its sauna     adjustable legs fitted into the       top quality, and this is especially   with safe and hygienic plastic
     doors. The magnet keeps the door      base frame of the sauna. They         evident in the bench finishing.       floorboards. Special plastic on the
     closed, even if throwing water        prevent moisture from the floor       The Exclusive, Solar, Futura and      underside prevents the floorboards
     on the heater causes a pressure       from moving into the lower edges      Ventura interior’s benches are        from sliding on the floor surface.
     wave. The magnetic latch is also      of the sauna walls. Adjustable legs   detachable and therefore make         The upper surface has a pleasant
     designed to be completely safe.       also make it easier to assemble       cleaning an easy task.                graining that prevents slipping. The
                                           the sauna horizontally if the floor                                         light boards are easy to clean on
                                           is not even.                                                                both sides and are long lasting. As
                                                                                                                       an alternative, you can also order
                                                                                                                       traditional wooden floorboards
                                                                                                                       made from spruce.
Floor plans

 Variant sauna
 (p. 6–7)

 S1010                           S1212                                             S1215R                             S1215L                                       S1515                                               S1515R
               1000                                  1150                                      1150                                   1150                                       1505                                                     1505










                                                                                       465                                                    465                                                                                  820

       S2015                                                               S2015R                                                    S2015L                                                                    S2020
                        1945                                                                      1945                                                       1945                                                                         1945





                                                                                        1260                                                                              1260

   S2020R                                                            S2220                                                                  S2220R                                                             S2220L
                        1945                                                                     2195                                                              2195                                                                    2195








                 1260                                                                                                                                       1510                                                                                   1510

  S2220H                                                    S3020H                                                                    S2222                                                                    S2222R
                          2195                                                                    2820                                                             2195                                                                     2195




S2520                                              S2520R                                                              S2520L                                                             S2522
                       2380                                                     2380                                                                    2380                                             2380





                                                                         1695                                                                                  1695

S2522R                                                   S2522L                                                               S2522M
                       2380                                                       2380                                                                    2195






                1695                                                                      1695                                                            627

Variant saunas with
double door option

                                                                                                             Double doors are available for the
                                                                                                             models S2020, S2220, S2222,
                                                                                                             S2520 and S2522.

   Rondium sauna
   (p. 8–9)

              S2015KLL                                           S2015KL                                                S2020KL                                                S2222KL
              180             1945                                                 1945                180                                       1945                 180                         2195      180






Claro sauna
(p. 10–11)

                                                                                   S2116LS                                                           S2121LS
                                                                                 S2116LS                                                           S2121LS
                                                                                                    1592                                                                  2066


 Rubic sauna
 (p. 12–13)                                                               S2118RC
                                                                          S2118RC                                                                     S2121RC
                                                                                                                                                        S2121RC                                                          S2123RC

                                                                                                   2080                                                                          2080                                                               2080


                                                                               425 x 1790                       425 x 1790
                                                                                                                                                             425 x 1790                 425 x 1790
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 425 x 1790                  425 x 1790

 Bathroom saunas
 (p. 14–17)

           SC1111                                                                                  SC1212                                                                                        SC1412
                   1100                                   1100                                                  1200                                        1200                                            1400                                           1400





            375           620                       620            375
                                                                                                     475               620                            620           475                              675           620                              620             675

          SC1111K                                                                                  SC1212K                                                                                       SC1412K
                   1140                                   1140                                                  1240                                        1240                                            1440                                           1440













             666                                                 666
                                                                                                          766                                                      766                                966                                                         966

          Capella                                                                                         CapellaDual
          SC1409                                SC1410                                                    SC1409D                                         SC1410D
                      1400                                             1400                                              1400                                             1400


Infrared cabins
(p. 18–19)

  Rondium infrared cabin                                                                                           Radiant infrared cabin
  SG1515KL                 SG2015KL                                    SG2020KL                                    SGC0909BR                SGC1210BR
             1505   180                         1945           180                        1945      180
                                                                                                                            900                         1200





Special saunas
and infrared cabins
(p. 20–21)

                                           Special sauna                                            Special infrared cabin



                                                       4x8   4 x 15

Outdoor sauna
(p. 22–23)

                                    SO2200                                         SO4000
                                                   2172                                                     3972
                                                   2000                                          1900                1900




without prior notice.
                                                                                                                     We reserve the right to make modifications
             Harvia – The many stories of sauna.
             The warmth of the sauna attracts us for different reasons. Sauna helps us to relax, to have a good
             time in good company, or simply to take a moment to ourselves. The comforting warmth of the
             sauna comes in many forms – in the traditional Finnish wood-heated sauna, the urban city home
             bathroom sauna, or the modern infrared cabin. We can enjoy sauna in summer as well as winter, in
             everyday life, or to celebrate special occasions. Sauna can tell many stories.

             The Harvia story is unique as well. The company founded in 1950 by Tapani Harvia (1920–
             1998) has expanded over the decades from a small artist’s forge into world’s leading sauna
             heater manufacturer and a forerunner in the sauna business. Behind the success story stands
             a determined and skillful inventor who forged his business idea and expertise into the shape of
             a sauna stove. Harvia has remained a Finnish family enterprise and the Harvia companies now
             employ 300 people. Products are exported globally.

             Harvia has developed an extensive range of sauna products for the needs of different bathers.
             Harvia can provide everything you need in your sauna. Besides sauna heaters, Harvia
             manufactures saunas, sauna interiors, bathroom saunas, infrared cabins, steam generators, and
             sauna accessories. The company is firmly focused on product development and the challenges of
             the future. Harvia wishes to offer the relaxing warmth of the sauna to everyone – just the way they
             want it.

                                                                                                     Local dealer:
                             Contact information:

                             Harvia Ltd., P.O. Box 12, FI-40951 Muurame, FINLAND
                             Tel. +358 207 464 000, Fax +358 207 464 090
Natural well-being.          harvia@harvia.fi, www.harviasauna.com
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